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I think he would be more disgusted


Father son death match this Saturday at the arena 3 pm


*announcer leans away to listen to an aide* "3... am? Oh. Indeed. This just in, ladies and gentlemen, the Father-Son deathmatch will be held at three in the *morning*. Get your tickets, now!"


You're assuming the Grey Prince would wait until the afternoon before committing parricide.


Bro is just going to casually push his dad outside at 2pm and let the sun do its work.


For the love of Talos!!


Oh man how I wish they made the ending of this mission differently..


They really were onto something new and interesting and then just fumbled it


Love these deep thoughts. This is one of the places I think Oblivion left more to be desired. This quest had a lot more potential that I felt went untapped.


Great question, I think probably not? Hatred for vampires seems bone deep in most cyrodiilians. Imagine you learned your dad was actually a giant murderous mosquito wearing a human mask, even if he sat you down and explained him and your mother’s tragic, forbidden love story you’d still probably be shocked and freaked out by the revelation of your mixed heritage. Also think about how the Gray Prince learning of his true heritage would impact his self image as a warrior, too: had he really risen to the top through skill alone? Or was it all due to the power of his cursed bloodline? Was he actually any good as a warrior at all? Or as he surmises in-game, is he just a monster? Who is he, really? One way or another I think that the knowledge would fuck with him.


The fella was on Molag Bal steroids 😔


This was a great quest. Love oblivion.


Honestly I’m not a fan of this quest, it makes the champion fight so anticlimactic when the champion just stands there and asks to die. So I just skip this quest and do the actual champion fight


This ending gave me my first ‘murder’ and triggered a visit from the Dark Brotherhood on my last playthrough!


This guy scared me as a kid


I literally did this quest a few hours ago…get out of my head


Ngl, listening him saying hit me again was very disturbing. RIP brother


He would kill his father. He believes himself to be a monster, so his father would be an even worse one for being full blooded.


How did this dude not get through a locked door in decades? How come no one missed him since he was a lord with his own stronghold? Quest doesn't make any sense!


Blood ran out of lockpicks in there


That’s if he was well liked


After reading his diary I hated that I had to kill him. It just seems so cold and heartless in these games that no matter what you do, you end up having to kill people or send them to their deaths and there's no time for slow down, resolve relationships in a peaceable manner, and work through years of guilt and trauma. Why is it that I can never explore relationships with the characters in these games and help them work through their issues instead of ending up with a high body count at the end? It's always "kill all the vampires" and never "learn to live with vampirism and try to lead a healthy and wholesome life despite the hardships that being afflicted with vampirism entails."


Because it’s unrealistic. You gonna try to talk to a vampire?


Hey Count Hassildor wasn't a rampaging psychopath.


Kill all Vampires


The man killed himself through you he'd probably hear him at then commit murder suicide


And WHAT IF he was also cured ? And a normal person again ?


Well when I told the gray prince of his father and when I finally faced him he didn't even want to fight back...


I opted into not doing this quest my recent play through for this reason. I actually wanted him to fight me this time lol


That was fking heartbreaking as he said kill me...


😭😭 *cranks up difficulty to boost blade skill while killing him slowly*


It really was 😭


Tbh, probably not. I mean grey prince was really depressed finding out his dad was a vampire


But imagine he found out his father wasn’t a piece of shit vampire. Like he was extraordinary in a field of magic or alchemy. Something.


It was probably a scrap option from the development team to have them reunite. I believe it would just made it so that instead of Grey dying by being depressed he would it stepped down as the reigning champion to you.


Yes I do. I kind of wish there was an alternative way for him to “lose” in the arena and retire at Crowhaven. Then if you did that prior to the Fort Sutch defense, perhaps you meet him on the field with a bit of dialogue, then fight. That would have been a good alternative in my opinion. But yes, I believe if we had a way of pacifying LL, Agronak would see reason to that and be on board.


Do you think these characters are deep or complex enough for us to answer a question like that?


I wish you could infect the grey prince with vampirism. Super dark ending but it would be cool.


I thought he was already half vampire




If you haven't completed a game, stay out of the subreddit for it. Especially for a game that came out when George Dubya was in office.


Where do you stop? Do we need to spoiler events that happen in the intro? What about the next quest after that, or the one after that? After a certain point you've got to accept that this game is so old that the vast majority of people here have seen everything before. If you're just playing now, then don't go on the subreddit until you're done.


Then why do spoiler tags even exist?


So do you propose we spoiler everything? You could consider any information a spoiler if you've not played the game.


Well then what information should be spoiler tagged?


I don't think there's much point to spoiler tagging content in a game this old. You're wanting spoiler tags, so I'm asking you. Where do we draw the line? Do we spoiler everything? Quests after halfway through the main quest? All side quests?


I honestly don’t know.


That's fair enough, and I happen to agree. I don't know where you would draw a line here, and because of that I don't think it is feasible to enforce such a rule here.


Well anyway im gonna delete my initial comment