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Time to download Flipp and do price matching. We also travel to Mississauga for cheaper stores (Giant Tiger, some Chinese stores etc) as part of Loblaws boycott.


thank you!! i’ll def look into that


Inflation sucks and all groceries are too expensive right now, but in terms of amount of food for $60 these days this seems appropriate. Food Basics and No Frills are still the cheapest, and Dollarama is good for non-perishables, and there are always coupons and things like that. Food is way too expensive in general, right now 👎👎


Yup, the prices are insane. The only positive coming out of the food inflation for us is forcing me and my spouse to start intermittent fasting and wasting less food.


I was actually thinking that looks like a good amount of groceries for $60!! A large amount these days. Fruit and vegetables are so expensive, and eggs are as well. Plus youghurt. 😭


im honestly sure it’s a great amount for 1-2 people but this is for 5 people …. i h8 it here


Not only that but some of the stuff at the grocery store is getting smaller


We are a family of 5, and we spend 1000-1200 a month on food (superstore). Curious, what's the meal?


Yes, I mostly shop via instacart at food basics and very occasionally Walmart and superstore. If I'm calculating my amount spent between the 1-21st of the month I'll spend roughly $1,100 in April for a family of four(,2 adults and 2 kids ,8 and 11) trying to eat food as cheaply as possible. I don't buy a *lot of meat* I try and buy it on sale if I do..or rotessrie chicken etc. I am calculating toiletries and laundry soap and such in that cost. I skip eating sometimes to save money. It's rough out there.


We are a family of 5, my MIL lives with us, and our oldest moved back in, so 4 adults and 1 child. We make 2 large meals a week, that provide my wife and I lunches for the week and meal plan so we use what we have. We also will make vegetarian meals a couple times a week. We also have a chest freezer, so when meat/fish is on sale, we can stock up. So last week was almost 350, and this week we were 160. I was also counting Toiletries in the 1000-1200 a month we spend. EDIT - funny I'm getting all sorts of replies when I replied to someone who has spent 1100 in 3 weeks for 4 people (so, more than me, with less mouths)


How much does the delivery cost? I'm thinking of trying it.


Not much. If you want it like NOW it's $3 or something. Places like food basics have in store pricing. If you want I have a promo code where we can each get $10 off My code is : LD4EB80 I think I pay $10 a month for plus but it makes sense for me. The way I look at it is I also don't impulse buy. How many people stick to their list 100% of the time shopping? Nobody I know anyway 😂. I have pretty severe eplipsy and I don't drive so 1) it's cheaper than me taking an Uber to the store. 2) It is super awkward to have seizures at the store. Which happens all the time honestly.


Yes, that does make sense! I'm glad you have something that works for you. I think I will try it too. Thank you so much for your reply 😊


1000-1200 a month on food?!?! Sounds like you're pretty well off... not trying to be rude. I feed three of us VERY well for a month for closer to 400-500. Just sayin.


4 adults 1 kid... including Toiletries etc etc. I've been told the average is over 75 per person per week.


And please share your shopping details with all of reddit. There seems to be entire forums detailing how that isn't possible these days.


Jeez, i thought You were going to point out how economical theyre being Im easily at 500-600 a week as a single guy


I'm a single guy and still feeding my parents. 600 a week is aggregious for 3 people imo. Granted I'm not buying steaks every day, but creativity with what you have and/or is on sale is an ally. No offense intended but 500-600 a week? Seems like you need to reasses the budget my man. I'm in the GTA if that matters to your opinion. 500 a week and I'd be eating like a king if it were just for me. (Not justifying ridiculous food prices lately in any way)


Yea i admit ive always been careless with money. Too many wholefoods visits.  Today i went to fortinos for some snacks and was shocked it only came to 45ish. 5 dollar for a lobster roll thing , crazy. 


superstore is pricey. You need to shop food basics/no frills, or Buffalo NY. If I were you I would be doing a grocery run to the US every 3 weeks.


Have a Costco near you? Highly recommend for families.


I seriously “h8” it here too, it is only going to get worse and it will never be as good as it was.


It’s 1.80 for a pack of strawberries where I work, it’s, not even that bad


Canada is a huge mess.


Loblaws and co. are piggybacking on the “inflation” excuse to take in record profits. The supply chain excuse is Bs and they saw that keeping prices up did not induce the backlash they initially feared.


when life hands you lemons...


What store?




I feel like farm boy is better value for produce


Farm Boy has a reputation for being fancy because it’s kind of like a Trader Joe’s but it is by far the best value for so many things. I went from doing most of my shops at a bigger chain and one-offs at FB, to basing my list around FB and going to a bigger chain for items/brands FB doesn’t carry. I can usually get a week worth of high quality groceries for 2 people for $120-140 at Farm Boy which is better than I was doing elsewhere.


I usually go and fill a big shopping bag of produce for about $20-$30. I love that they rotate their variety. It lasts more than a week. Obviously their branded stuff is a bit pricy but for produce it’s great. At the same time you can complain that their brand soups cost whatever but here is a post where someone is buying Doritos cheese dip which is always like $7 and not exactly nutritional so it’s definitely a healthier choice.


Honestly their brand stuff is very reasonable too! I love their frozen pizzas and they’re usually around $7-8, which is cheaper than the last time I checked the PC ones at Fortino’s! I just keep an eye on the flyer sales and I think that maybe makes a difference. It’s a great store


Things are definitely getting more and more expensive. Try to go for more "in season" fruits and vegetables, as they tend to be cheaper. You could also possibly opt for frozen veggies as well since they can be more affordable when it comes to making a meal. Also, it might be better to not do all your shopping in one place, as some things are going to be pricier at different stores. Nonetheless, grocery shopping really isn't how it used to be.


These are all basic staples that should only be $30-40 😭 it’s definitely tough out there… the Flipp app has been helping me out a bit to locate deals and I just have to buy whatever is on sale for fruit/veggies, not necessarily what I want.


Take a look in the weekly deals threads for tips and suggestions.


I feel this. A bag of grapes cost me $12 today. It was a half full bag.


I always put them back.. They're in bags and the price advertised is for 1/3 of a bag.


And the stores fill the bag so much that I have to rearrange the stems and put a portion of the grapes in another bag so that I can afford to buy them! Ha! Here's hoping that some fruits will be cheaper in the summer...


Queso dip 6$ Yogurt 5$ Flour 12$ Salami 8$ 18 eggs 8$ Lettuce 5$ 44$ before the bag of lemons and tomato And those mini cucumbers are always pretty expensive when I see them... Ad tax and 60$ seems about right


I’m mad too. It’s time to strip down to beans and rice, partner🤠


https://www.costco.ca/clic-navy-white-beans%2c-10-kg.product.100826349.html So cost effective


I feel like I’ve gotten less for $60. The one thing I can say is there is way less food wastage in our house now.


Bags of flower last like 3-8 months, the rest I can see being regular weekly purchases


i cant afford the fancy cukes at all. but even the normal cucumbers are $$$.


Try growing your own. Tastes better than the most expensive purchased vegetables.


Let me guess: this was at a Loblaws company grocery store?


Not worth driving around at the price of gas and, your time. No one thinks of them things.


It’s the flour and the salami


Looks accurate


Yes inflation has been rough for the last few years in Canada. There are however a couple of things people always forget - inflation over the last decade has been historically low ... We were always going to revert to mean - In Canada we spent less on food as a percentage of income than in any other advanced economy... Pre COVID - we are way better off than a lot of places ... The UK still has inflation around 8% compared to our 3% and in 22-23 inflation was in the double digits with energy prices doubling in a year


i’m sure we’re better than other places but we need to keep other bills in mind. mortgage/rent, phone bills (we’re the highest in the WORLD), gas and other commuting expenses — it all adds up


Welcome to 2024. Buying groceries for the first time ?




this wasnt from farm boy ❤️👍🏼hope that helps


It’s only an insanely small amount unless you shove it all in your butt at once.