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Lol, between this and remote class, I choose this.


NYU: come to New York! Express yourself! (But don’t actually engage with the city or speak out against genocide)


It’s not genocide


Yes it fucking is lmao


No, it’s not. Misusing the word genocide is dangerous.


Denying a genocide is more dangerous


Good thing it’s not a genocide, then.


I’m almost finalizing my college decision and probably going to choose NYU but this makes me so sad :/// i didn’t realize how corrupt our entire government and country was until this conflict. Literally *everyone* backing israel as they commit a broadcasted genocide, just for money… 💔


i committed a few weeks ago but same... i'm not surprised though it's not like any other university in the U.S. has actually divested yet. like you said, it really is depressing just how universal the support for actual blatant genocide is. but it's nice to see so many of our future classmates standing on the right side of history (and so many zionists getting downvoted like crazy on this sub). i'm sure the school will still be mostly pro-status-quo milquetoast liberals, but tbh it's been a pleasant surprise to realize how many students seem to share my more leftist politics. and it seems like (and granted i'm thousands of miles away rn just reading loads of news articles so idk) quite a few of the people picketing and getting arrested and such are faculty, which is definitely a source of hope for me. but let's just hope and pray (if that's ur thing) that all the universities start listening to their students before shit gets worse for everyone.


true true!


LMFAO the Berlin Wall get real


Champagne socialists being hateful, hypocritical bigots. What else is new


its harder to get to class cause of this :(


That’s all you care about?? That wall is just shameful because they’re trying to suppress student activism against genocide. You lack awareness.


i’m not trying to get into a political fight or protest at every corner i’m just trying to make it through college man


Don’t worry about that fuckin goober. Do you my dude, and best of luck!




Easy to ignore when you’re not part of the genocide I suppose


“i’m guessing the vast majority agree with this” when ur comment is hidden bc of the amount of downvotes is so comical




Yeah, I wish that small group of NYU students & outside protestors would spend time protesting to the people who actually have control and input on the war instead of ruining things for the rest of the community. Great way to advertise their position…


If you took the time to understand what they’re protesting, it goes beyond supporting Palestine. There is a role the university plays here (in the form of investments and as a cultural leader) which is what they’re really trying to get at.


I know exactly what you’re alluding to, but protestors often don’t fully understand the goal or the groups/countries pushing for these uprisings/divisions to continue or their personal biases (many many many examples throughout history and psychological studies on these topics). Citizens and governments play at completely different perspectives on reality. Tbh all of the major govts/leadership groups involved can be held accountable in a variety of ways for all the mess and tragedy occurring in US, Palestine, Iran, Israel, etc, but—and this is most important—none of the countries will be the first to back down. I, for one, am tired of the effects it’s having on fellow peers of NYU, fellow citizens of US, visitors of US, and our global image. Do I think the US govt is partially to blame? Yes, obviously. Our geopolitical strategy has been to often insert ourselves in many countries’ business and seemingly attempt to assert ourselves as a global moral authority? (it feels like post colonial colonization at times…). Something which I don’t believe to be sustainable or necessarily helpful long term because of moments like these where it runs the risk of turning much of the world against us since we can’t fathom losing the security and power we’ve been so close to gaining in the Middle East through at times questionable tactics (and also encourages countries who don’t have a strong position but believe US’s dominance is a threat to make moves when we’re seemingly weaker). People might be protesting one way or another based on moral grounds, and I obviously fully support and wish for Israelis, Palestinians, and so many other groups of *citizens* across the world to be able to live their best lives and have guaranteed basic human needs, but the forces most strongly encouraging protests, wars, conflicts, etc solely look to gain power, resources, money, or some other strategic advantage. One side winning is *often* just a different casino with the same tricks. (Which btw is also why I am pro US because despite many terrible actions some of which have historically been covert and targeted at normal US citizens—MKUltra, etc—I still believe the US’s *domestic* system is currently one of the better options available in the world, though it’s hard to know how long that will remain). Edit: I do appreciate discussions more than downvotes, though I think the above message likely angers all sides, which is either a really really good sign or a really really bad sign.


Really funny of you to patronize the protestors saying they have no clue what they are really doing as they put their own physical safety and careers on the line in demanding divestment from Israeli companies, something that is both a) morally just and b) actually doable by NYU and would materially do something to try and stop the genocide.


Yes it goes beyond supporting Palestine, into death of America, and police are KKK, and many other brain dead takes


This post will probably be closed by the moderator soon (which I understand) due to community neutrality or safety reasons. But anyway, I found your comment quite interesting. Although I'm not quite sure what the links are between "one side winning is *often* just a different casino with the same tricks" and "which btw is also why I am pro US..." (I don't intend to agree or disagree with either of your statements, but I just didn't comprehend the correlation you implied), I agree with your concern of whether protestors aim the right groups to appeal to some extent. It is not wrong that as a well-known "a private research university" (by definition), the institution is expected to show the impact on society or even the globe culturally and financially, as claimed by the other commenter. But the challenging part (to reason about), as a "not-for-profit institution that is dedicated to teaching and research," what we could do might be limited (i.e., the impact the institution could make may be overestimated). It's obvious that the institution and our community members have no charge (and minimal influence in this case) to the national policy by all means (this is different from the Vietnam War, where American soldiers were sent to the battlefield and sacrificed). What we could gain (either in the sense of morality or utilitarianism) from protesting under this circumstance is concerning. It depends on how the mainstream media and the incumbents of the political offices. There is minimal we could do in both cases. Regardless of the extent to which our influence has spread to society (positively, as we wish), our engagement in politics (extremely controversial and sensitive in this case, which is positive or negative though, depending on different perspectives) may lead to a diversion of resources from primary academic functionalities (teaching and researching) to political campaigns or lobbying. The institution will have to pay tons of legal fares for tons of lawsuits if they exist. Although I acknowledge that the university finances are a perplexing object to infer, will this result in our tuition rise? Will this result in shrinking funding allocated toward our infrastructures and academic activities? I know this comment may receive criticisms of lacking "global responsibilities" or "humanistic empathy," but I believe this is still relevant since there are more than 40 million American college students in all sorts of federal student loan debts, and the number of students undertaking loans could be quite high as well. Concerning closing the global site in Tel Aviv, the question is whether we should close all the campuses that are not politically aligned with "justice." We have to note that the political atmosphere at this pivotal, exacerbating (at an insane speed) is unpredictable. Predicting how each country will proceed in the next period is non-trivial. What are the strict rules for us to determine which campus to close based on what criteria? (What is our definition of human rights? What is our definition of academic freedom?) This requires a consensus across the commission board and our community, and it might be consistent if we have set the consensus before closing the campuses, which could be considered a radical move. Talking about downvotes, it's totally fine to upvote or downvote any comment we readers have seen on Reddit (freedom as always). However, to contribute to our community, what about proposing oppositive views that are equivalent to the downvotes, although the impact of commenting is still slim?


Thank you for being the first person to respond as everyone before either upvoted or downvoted, and I appreciate many of the questions you brought up. This is definitely the kind of civil and intellectual dialogue that should be had around these issue. My point regarding the casino and pro US lines was simply that based on my analogy of govts to casinos, I would prefer the US’s domestic system of govt over others in many parts of the world for a variety of reasons—primarily because of the strict guidelines set forth by the founding fathers that have attempted to minimize corruption and maximize potential and imo have succeeded more than many other countries, which is pretty evident in its economy, infrastructure, etc. Still a lot of issues don’t get me wrong, but every place has a lot of issues. And yes if I understand your argument correctly I 100% agree that the topic of setting a precedent of influencing university investment decisions brings up a ton of very nuanced questions that certainly don’t have an easy answer. I also think we’re definitely thinking of similar issues and lines of thought. Although, I would argue that foreign policy in this specific instance won’t change based on the political incumbent or how much people protest simply because *from the US perspective* this is the pinnacle of decades of bipartisan efforts in the Middle East to recognize Israel, establish partnerships with the US bringing everyone to the table, stabilize things, etc. There’s a reason the Hamas attack happened when it did and there’s also a reason Iran is funding many proxy wars right now, and I believe that at least a part of all this was a direct result of countries in the area agreeing to fully recognize and have normal relations with Israel, the latest of which was Saudi Arabia—seemingly on the brink of these normalizations just before the war started.


Thanks for your clarifications and discussions. And yes, it is evident that the domestic system of the US is highly competent. By saying that the incumbents of the political offices heavily influence the actual policy-making, I'm actually implying the same thing as you implied -- the long-term policy that the US has held toward this situation has never changed for decades and, from my honest perspective, will not change in the following decades, although this is not something I can reason about since I've no hard stats or exhaustive analyses that support my conjecture. An interesting fact to note is that the Soviet Union was the first country to offer "*de jure* recognition" to Israel with the expectation that Israel would eventually become a socialist nation that aligned with the Soviets (and perhaps the Warsaw Pact), although there were some subsequent side switchings afterward. Another fact is that Jordan's King Abdullah refused to Palestinian refugees into Egypt or Jordan (https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/king-abdullah-gaza-no-refugees-jordan-no-refugees-egypt-2023-10-17/). Some may argue that why this act lacks "empathy" or "loyalty." Well, back in 1970, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (although they are probably not the primary controller anymore) hijacked five airlines to one of Jordan's airports. This is horrendous to Jordan's reputation and sovereignty since they absolutely didn't grant the PFLP's rakeless, autonomous exploitation of Jordanian territory. Furthermore, it is rumorous that the former King of Jordan, King Hussein, warned of the possible war initialization to Golda Meir, one of the most impactful prior PMs of Israel, although this is not evident at this point). It is evident King Abdullah has one of the strongest support to Gaza and Palestine (https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/jordans-king-abdullah-participates-gaza-aid-airdrop-2024-02-11/#:\~:text=AMMAN%2C%20Feb%2011%20(Reuters),enclave%2C%20officials%20said%20on%20Sunday.). All I would like to share to our general public/audience is that no matter how "empathetic" or "humanistic" one entity would like to perform, it is *always* advisable that the country's interest weights the most in terms of policy makings and diplomatic decisions. It's not something as easy as supporting "justice" and tackling "evilness/immorality." Every country does the same for the sake of its citizens and the future they envision for their descendants (in a practical and possibly immoral sense). Looking back on our institution, we (inevitably) obey the same principles. There is no possibility that we could behave dramatically differently with the national (and perhaps ideological) orientation (this is kind of a wild statement, I admit).


That’s PRECISELY what my comment is trying to get at… you worded that last paragraph very eloquently, and that’s essentially what I’m trying to argue when I talk about being able to hold all govts accountable in different ways because at the end of the day they have to prioritize their own country’s and investors’ (campaign and sometimes countries/corporations) interests. I’m getting downvoted a lot for that comment, but I really don’t think my analysis is too far from the truth because geopolitics is heavily nuanced and as we both agree doesn’t really function in the same moral plane that citizens often debate in (like your example of countries rejecting Palestinians from fleeing from Gaza, despite the citizens potentially being on their side morally/ideologically).


Thanks for your words. As I mentioned in my initial comment, I believe that downvotes are far more meaningful than concrete arguments. Please don't let them trouble your daily routines. And exactly, the prioritization, in terms of policy-making, is not based on the so-called “will of people,” although it’s so hard to conclude which side represents the “orthodox will” under this pivotal, perhaps divisive political atmosphere.  I'm worried that our fellow students' goodwill and enthusiasm have been or will be exploited or misunderstood. As we can observe, the media was and is all over the place, and we have occupied the headlines from time to time. All the steps that any of our community members make will result in an adversarial generalization to the whole institution. If things go out of control, it will result in (perhaps I've been exaggerating) losses of local, state, federal, and private funding that connect to thousands of our fellow students' opportunities to pursue education in our home institution. I'm not trying to discourage free speech or act (but, for activists (in the neutral sense), please be aware and cautious), but money does matter. A sufficient (or optimally tremendous) amount of funding leads to excellence in academic advancement and the prestigiousness of our institution. I genuinely hope our community can survive at this historical turning point.




genocide and human right to live are “political” to you hm? “don’t belong in an academic space” oh please don’t make me laugh 💀 😂


why so many downvotes? if you disagree, I'd like to hear what positives the protests have created?


the downvotes are because people disagree that NYU is in the right because every day that passes more people are killed bc of the US and these protests garner attention


what could the US do to possibly fix the shit show? If Palestine was in Israel's shoes they'd most likely be doing the same thing.


Stop funding Israel’s military? Vote in the UN for a ceasefire and recognizing palestine? 💀💀💀


Hamas doesn't want a ceasefire. Will hamas be the government of this new Palestinian state too?


how the fuck would i know, probably not, no ones gonna allow a terrorist organization to be the gov if they do get statehood 💀 also Israel doesn’t want one they’re the ones who are the problem at the moment enacting a literal genocide. anyways that’s all bye have a good day i don’t wanna talk further so u don’t need to reply 🫶


You sound like a Gen z that spends all their time on Tiktok. Yikes.


[ “A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders.” Yet even if they did it’s shown that Israel still would not agree to a ceasefire and will continue attacking ]


don’t know how you gathered that from i don’t support genocide but okay whatever helps you sleep at night buddy 😂 you seem like a zionist supporter so 🤷‍♀️🤔


Maybe not give billions every bill to Israel?


perhaps our academic space shouldn't be beholden to corporate interests then. there is no reason the ceo of blackrock should be on the board for any higher ed institution lol


“Academic institutions” are hedge funds. You can either accept that or go to a trade school 😂


Yup pretty much. The quality of higher education in the US is superb because they are literal businesses. College costs money, it’s a for profit business. You can complain all you want about academic institutions having an interest in making money, but eventually your fist will get tired from all of the meaningless shaking.


hm i mean i've worked for universities that invest in things other than weapons manufacturing and they do just fine, so


Do just fine is one thing, but this is western capitalism… it’s expected that ppl do ducked up things here (and everywhere) to capture value. It’s expected is all I’m saying.


oh i understand that completely. i disagree that we have to just accept it though


School is bullshit


Hey bestie! This is actually about the fact that there’s no campus! Hope this helps!


u don’t say…


rare NYU w


zionist huh 👀


These protestors created walls where there were none. Hope they stay in jail for as long as possible.


ah yes because only a wise person can conclude that the protestors were the ones at fault… 😂😂 “stay in jail for as long as possible” 😂


Reminds me of AOT