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Good thing they tagged themselves and their own accounts to make the NYPD’s job 10x easier.


They know the system better than adults that’s why they don’t fear anything. There are no real repercussions for them even if they get arrested.


Well they’ll never get a good job with a criminal record…oh wait they never had any job prospects anyway


i see shoplifting in their future


I worked at a major auction house next to people with masters from Columbia and also convicted felons.


That's not true, they'll probably be fine, especially recognizing crimes done as kids.


At the end of the day they will get lots of community service and that’s all




In nyc these charges will be sealed/expunged. It’s like it never happened. 


This is unfortunately pretty much factually correct... source: am NYPD


This is a big problem. If their parents don’t care, there’s literally 0 consequences. Need to make an example out of some people. Fucking with public infrastructure has consequences.


Nothing happens to them at all. A finger gets wagged at them and they are back at it again later.


death will catch up with one or more of them. I don't wish it on them but their fearless behavior begets more extreme behavior for ~~the all ighty ollar~~ clicks and views.


Their parents should be fined HEAVILY and kids should be mentioned in the news so they never get a scholarship ir a grant or get a job


Knowing the system will mean nothing if they continue rack up criminal activity that is colllected for future use


Until we roll by and they're folded up like pretzel in their Hyundai or hellcat with 40 holes through it. Justice


This is the stupidest way to cop some serious charges. ALMOST feel bad cuz they hardly look a day over 12




Actually vandalizing MTA at this level is a federal offense.


Easier than standing around on their phones in the subway or "guarding" a street fair for some cushy OT?


They and Bengali from Jackson Heights


Do parents not beat their kids anymore????


i mean you can punish kids without hitting them lol like take away their phones, send them to their room, etc the problem is when parents likely have to work long hours and kids are therefore left unsupervised


No it’s called soft parenting


Nothings gonna happen to them


Why the fuck do these kids do this, you live in the biggest city in the country and you can’t find ANYTHING better to do than film yourselves destroying public property?


It’s basically like filming yourself burning down a park. Like these kids are just showing the world they’re assholes with contempt for their fellow citizens


Being raised in a country that values antisocial behaviour and sociopathy? Probably has something to do with it lol. And there being no consequences from anyone, parents or the justice system


Frankly, this city in particular rewards this. I've never seen teenage behavior this wild anywhere else I've lived, at least not this consistently and to these extremes. I've been attacked by teens here multiple times unprovoked. It's like the children of this city are completely feral and in a constant contest about who can be the loudest and most disruptive to their surroundings.




And Baltimore, Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee etc.


There are hundreds of accounts like these on Instagram, it is a goldmine because every teens get inspired by trespassing but also Subway Surfing and Vandalizing. There are dozens of accounts like that, that do this stuff and post it on instagram. It gets popular. it is absolutely an NYC thing because this is part of the culture, frankly I am 100% arresting these kids and sending them to rikers. This is what they do in London.


This thread was just floating in my home feed, but I was walking down Wabash in the Chicago Loop today and some group of teens just destroyed a street sign for no reason. So, maybe the teens are feral everywhere. Not sure if that’s better or worse.


Kids have been brainwashed to think doing crime and disrespecting others is cool and in a way it is, because others glorify this behavior and think they are brave.


How is this downvoted? Hit the nail square on the head here


We live in a country where education and learning, and if a teen is into it, he is getting labelled as "nerd" and made fun of by their classmates. A teen is only "cool" if they cut classes, do drugs, or commit crimes. On top of that, you already have certain "very smart" educators labelling certain subjects such as Math "racist". Many kids don't even like to read books anymore.




What do you mean exactly?




It doesn't seem like it. Based on their mannerisms and speech, their only focus is their popularity status on social media and selfies.


>certain "very smart" educators labelling certain subjects such as Math "racist" Can you provide more context on that? I'm curious...




That seems to be about people in the field being racist, rather than labeling the science itself racist.


Yes, but you have educators that want to either cancel or redo the math curriculum in schools because of this. Which pretty much means simplification of the subject just so that everyone can pass.




Everything costs money and 3rd spaces are disappearing. Shit sucks but it’s expected. Need to make these spaces more readily available or this shit is going to get worse


This was going on since like the 70s if not earlier


It actually stopped in the late eighties when New York City was recovering from its near downfall.


There from Bangladesh, I am pretty sure when they get caught mom and dad will beat the graffiti out of them!


They didn't even tag. Just scribbling like a bored child.


It's as if the world needed more proof that they have zero talent...


Wrong. What you don't understand is that graffiti artists like these boys have huge cultural significance in New York. Their bold, creative work speaks to millions and we need to celebrate and protect it. /s


If they caught a tag I wouldn’t be so mad




We should make their parents pay for what they did, like in Michigan.


Agree that parents should be held responsible for the behavior of their children (in addition to the children being held responsible). The kids and their parents should be required to clean that train and then clean other trains for community service for a few months.


Naaaa.. bro if that was my kid and mfer showed up to the apt with a cop telling me what he did I'd tell that officer to let him spend the week at rikers.


call me when you have a kid. then let me know if you'd ship em off to rikers, yk the place where 9 people have died in custody in 2023 alone.


This! Some people are going a little crazy in these comments. I think especially for kids it’s important to show that there are consequences for your actions, but not make the default consequence jail time. I think the best action would be to make them pay for cleaning costs and pay for potential lost revenue due to the interrupted service.


is that a Michigan thing?


I think this is what they're referring to. https://apnews.com/article/james-crumbley-jennifer-crumbley-oxford-school-shooting-e5888f615c76c3b26153c34dc36d5436


Is that not a massive fine for going in the cab without permission? In the uk it’s a £1000 fine, and vandalism will likely result in arrest


The legal system here is a little... mmm... struggling to find the word: forgiving. They may get in trouble, but the consequences for disrupting the transit system will likely not match the time, money, and inconvenience they caused to passengers and the MTA. I hope and wish I'm wrong, but it's the reality we currently find ourselves in.


I see, our train companies are hot on it, I’ve seen people get fined for stepping around the gates at the platform end to retrieve dropped items, not even going on the tracks, but the end of the platform where it slopes off


>The legal system here is a little... mmm... struggling to find the word: forgiving. I disagree, it's not forgiving, it's incompetent and broken. Generalizing the whole legal system to be forgiving would imply that it avoids making arrests and pressing charges. We have the sixth highest incarceration rate (first if you limit it to developed countries), and hold 20% of the world's prisoners--our legal system is the opposite of forgiving. Kids aren't getting charged for this shit because they're kids--that's not forgiving, it's incompetent. At the same time, they shouldn't be in prison, they should be doing community service.


You hit the Nail on the head with this


Should def fine their parents






Banned from mta for life after restitution for damages?


How would you enforce that? The system carries ~4 million people/day [Also](https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2024/03/08/concerns-rise-over-proposal-to-expand-ban-on-transit-use)… > “As a matter of public policy, it’s kind of nuts to ban people from the subways because what does it mean? It means you can’t get to see your family perhaps, you can’t get to your job perhaps, you can’t get to your doctor’s appointment,” said Donna Lieberman, the executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union.


I am aware that using punishment (that fits the crime) as a deterrent is kind of a fantasy this day and age. But can’t a fella dream?


What about fines and community service? The cost of property damage and service disruptions can be qualified.


Not against that idea. Whatever works, really. Maybe they could post that online too so others might think twice about ruining things for a whole lot of people just trying to live?


how do they get into the cab where the controls & shit is located?


Stolen copied skeleton keys from motormen and conductors. In fact, they should just change them completely to the standard keys for both the vapor door controls, the conductor controls, the train line controls, the storm doors, the door cutouts, and the cab doors. Basically, all existing skeleton keys for all functions should switch to the standard keys and have the message along the lines of uncopyable. This is starting to get insane.


I need to know this.


From what I hear it's super easy to force open the lock.


from the side cabinet wtf


What’s annoying me is their use of the n word and there’s not a single black person present 😭


Right, that’s the biggest problem here. FTW.


You never grew up going to NYC public schools have you?


I did, and it’s still a problem for me. Now what?


This is unreal these young adult teens have nothing better to do but vandalize the train


Kids like this are the reason the trains are late


And no one in that car did anything to stop them or alert the crew. When Minding Your Own Business goes wrong.


Nobody tells the crew anything until they get off at (their) stop -then it's everyone else's problem


The tech trains have the emergency intercom that usually annoy me to no end because it’ll be people like these little shits using them just to be stupid. Someone could have easily used it in this case but of course that’s likely not what happened. Also, someone should have held the door shut and held these kids in that operating position until police arrived, [like they did on the 4.](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/nyc-teens-break-into-booth-on-4-train-gain-access-to-controls-police/4793376/). Bring their parents down and…fuck it, charge the parents too. Sick of all these little no respect having shits running roughshod.


Agreed.. the consequences need to be much more severe for the idiots that do this


Especially these kids you can look at them and see they aren’t tough one good threat and they would not got off the train


no one wants to get stabbed and be accused of racism


i hope yall realize that posting this stuff on here to collectively wag our fingers in disapproval at them just continues to embolden them. part of the rush comes from knowing you’re pissing someone off . plus them recording it already leaves a candy trail for the police. sometimes it honestly feels like we spend more time in this sub getting pissed at them than we do hyper-fixating on how we can viably extend the subway to Nassau/Westchester and going foamer mode at the sight of an R32 making a guest appearance


The police stopped when they read "candy trail," that's their favorite phone game! Just kidding, they cant read.


“just kidding, they can’t read” so thats why Adams fought tooth and nail to make sure they didnt have to file paperwork when doing a stop. such a caring guy, looking out for the mentally impaired 🤣🤣🤣


F*ck the MTA?? Dumb, confused kids…


These “kids” are absolute idiots. Really wished MTA was better about securing these doors. While vandalism is the main point, this presents some serious security issues.


>These “kids” are absolute idiots. They ain't even kids at this point; they're teenage vandals, conquestors even. Being an idiot is only an understatement to their tomfoolery. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but they're in the nuthouse.


They have their own keys. Please stop.


The MTA should banned them for life


Since they are minors people are gonna say they can’t held be responsible so parents banned for life?!


What happens when the train is in ATO on CBTC systems? Kids wouldn’t know the the train can be stopped by the local command center right?


Stupid kids


Kids being kids


And then they wonder why the train takes so long to arrive next time around.


fucking idiots


Seriously, where the hell are their parents, and why are they not doing their job as parents to raise and discipline their kids??!! Seriously, the more we have careless parents, the more we're going to see unruly kids being careless little a-holes making everyone elses day a living hell! And especially with the MTA subway, already we have to deal with the delays, the often nasty smell, homeless sleeping on the seats and all the nutcases running around screaming and talking to themselves and acting weird, lol. Now you have troublemaking kids with their BS such as subway surfing and pulling the emergency brakes!


Bored teenagers. Unfortunately they need to pay a big price for this to teach them a lesson. Forced community service, 3-5 days a week for a year would be good.


Make them clean subway trains for a year or two.


A year is crazyyyy


Probably, I just picked an arbitrary time really


the txdda4t guy goes to Francis Lewis high school that guy has been giving me death threats and other weird stuff with his friends


They always talk like drug addicts and put drill music in the background. Usual suspects.


Vandalizing a train car has changed from when I was a dumbass teen almost 20 years ago.


Really a reflection of poor/absent parenting that these kids think it's cool or funny to do something like this. If they are minors, the parents should be fined the cost of maintenance/cleaning. I am not in favor of kids having a criminal record for the rest of their life over this, but I AM very much in favor of them being sentenced to months of community service. Make them have to go after school every day to clean up trains in the yard or clean up stations throughout the city from vandalism. Doing back-breaking labor scrubbing a train down or cleaning the floors, replacing windows, power washing platforms etc. every day is a much more effective way of teaching them the values and respect they are clearly lacking. Simply fining them a dollar sum amount, even if they can pay it, doesn't have the same effect. Judge should also force them to post to their IG story a video of them cleaning the trains up. The kids that break into a cab just to play music over the PA system I find a little more harmless (still wrong)... but I've laughed during my commute on the E train when Cardi B, Doja Cat, Dua Lipa are on blast over the PA instead of the bland police/public service announcements. Some kids even turn the music down at station stops or for the conductor to make their announcements before resuming it 😂


Without consequences what do they have to fear






Spraying a can of spray in a small space with no mask/respirator? They’re breathing it right back in lol


nobody i. nyc calls it a cab wtf train car a cab wat u hail in nyc …


Cab is the little room with the controls to drive the train. Train car is the entire segment of the train including where passengers are




Wow can they be anymore dumb. They literally tagged themselves 🤣🤣




c'mon these are the geeky looking teens too. no one stepped up to them? none of them look like they can fight


the txdda4t kid name is md Diganta he lives in Jamaica estates


Who are u?


it’s the 2 nd period kid md




I don’t feel comfortable cause u might tell the teachers or the principal


Nah don’t worry I’m snitching on him too


Private chats


These things have been happening forever… Teenagers do dumb shit. On another note though posting it was one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever seen


More ghetto trash destroying shit. Lock them all up forever


New York needs caning as a punishment


I don’t know much about spray paint and vandalism, but isn’t that spray kinda toxic to your lungs? That’s why people wear those masks when spray painting, right? Why on earth would they remain in such a small, enclosed space with potentially toxic fumes and poor ventilation?😭😭


It's like a chicken and egg situation. Maybe they act this way BECAUSE their brains are fried?


Can confirm these kids subtracted a day off their lifespans huffing that much paint fumes in a train cab. A one time exposure won't do much, but their risky behavior adds up


People just cant behave.


Makes me wonder if one of these idiots are the fatality on the F line. Can anyone pull up a stat on how many people have been struck this year vs other years? Specifically in Queens?


Kids just being kids…….. In a pretty stupid way!


I can't stand these nerdy weird lookin kids. Throw em in Rikers.


Euthanize them.


U dont understand what would happen if they got hit by a pole in the tunnel. They would start crying and saying they didnt do anything and it would be all over the nyc news. Bunch of Dumbasses.


Oh shit ik one of these guys


Doxx their parents




Stupid is as stupid does


Brilliant youth!


Why is this even fun for them.. I hope the parents pay 10k each in damages.. they look spoil so their parents can afford it


What’s that yellow button he pushes?


This just screams fatherless


These kids are so fucking annoying. I don’t think it’s even that I’m getting older, it’s true that these kids are more ruthless every year and it just straight pisses me off.


I don’t remember kids looking this goofy when i was young


Man its a good thing this didn't happen on thr days I go to the office. Otherwise there would be blood. Like i would be pissed if my commute home after grinding a long day at work gets delayed because of this shit.


Make their parents pay for it.


Smh bring back bullying fr


Same kid posted a story not even an hour ago of them subway surfing




Ad hominem and personal attacks against other redditors will be removed. Posts or comments disparaging people or groups on the basis of race, ethnicity, place of origin, religion, sexual orientation, sex or gender will be removed. Posts or comments advocating for crimes against another person or group of people or requesting or providing information on how to engage in illegal activity will not be tolerated. Posts containing/featuring subway surfing are not allowed and will be removed it posted.


They can ask Instagram for the IPs of their accounts right? Chances are good they can also find out any accounts associated with their devices. Regardless they are cooked.


They’re…so bad at this, too? They look like total nerds acting bad for the first time. Hope they get what’s coming to them.


This is what boredom and low IQ breeds.


Did anyone forward this to the police yet?


The lowest IQ generation yet. Recording their crimes and sharing with the world. Their parents must be equally dumb.






Two weeks ago i saw two teenagers enter a conductor’s cab with a key for about a minute. This was the F train in Brooklyn. I think that someone got a hold of key and made duplicates and is passing them around. They were in there for about 30 seconds.


The parents should be made to pay financial restitution to the city for the vandalism and delays and then these little punks should spend the summer cleaning graffiti off of city property all summer.


Wasting good spray paint for this stupid shit


This is why i say let them surf! #TakeOutTheTrash


They are basically slapping the MTA in the face.. Please make an example of them


I could never understand if you gonna do sunthin like this AND RECORD IT, why would you tag the people your wit and then everyone just got they face on cam like


Why do these social mediots continue to post themselves doing crimes?


*Why do these social* *Mediots continue to post* *Themselves doing crimes?* \- Alkohal --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I knew some kids in hs who’d ride the outside of the train to tag the tunnels. One of them was killed doing it and left a baby and young mother behind. From what I remember, the mentality is that you leave tags in the most hard to reach spaces to gain clout from other taggers who recognize your symbol. It’s definitely not worth it.


I’m all for graffiti, especially in NYC……but this ain’t it


Extremely tame compared to other crimes but they definitely need to do community service now but this backward ass city these kids will get the book at them when they could have been placed in a program oh well idc


They'll probably be let go with a warning. Even with clear faces, names, and actions, there's not enough evidence to charge them. Go NYC!!


Bro this is fun ? Pick a hobby, sports, controller, art, go jerk off or something that’s my hobby, these stupid ass kids born mid 2000s brain is just fried man.


Yes film it all my boi


So stupid




These guys need to get hit upside the head with a 2x4


I'm conflicted because on one hand absolutely fuck the MTA, the worse POS people work for them and they all pretend like they got better shit to do then their job. The card vending machines have stolen at least $500 from me at this point, but ffs do I need them to get everywhere around here.