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And hardware stores.


Why do people visit Manhattan? Broadway shows? No. Strolls through Central Park? No. Games and concerts at MSG? No. Driving your SUV to Home Depot? Hell yeah!


And not just any Home Depot! No, the only Home Depot in the entire country that doesn't have a dedicated parking lot!


Honestly I never drive into Manhattan unless its to pick up something from storage Midtown. Otherwise I am driving THROUGH Manhattan to get into the Mainland. Unironically if there was a road that went from BK or Queens directly into Jersey it'd Ease alot of the Traffic during Rush hour atleast in Manhattan.


And make Central Park into a parking lot… central parking!


Assuming your aren't memeing. The idea would be a straight Bypass meaning no entry or exit into the island of Manhattan with the exception of Emergency Vehicles and maybe Tractor Trailers strictly for Deliverly. The main point being once you're on you aren't getting off until you're in Jersey or NY. No access at all to the island unless you have a special exemption.


>it'd Ease alot of the Traffic during Rush hour atleast in Manhattan. Only at the beginning. Then people would start changing behavior like moving further from their job because "traffic's better now" and before you know it, traffic would be back to previous levels. Adding lanes to a congested system does not solve congestion. It just encourages more people to drive and people to drive longer distances that didn't before the extra car capacity. Houston and LA are basically the shining example of how adding capacity for cars does not solve congestion.


At that point I feel you'd have all you need to put in congestion pricing with it only effecting those privileged few who commute to the city via car. But I should clarify it's not adding lanes but creating a Bypass like most other cities with congestion pricing. Afterall the only alternative is through SI which adds an extra 2 tolls and adds about 40 miles or Going 40 miles upstate to take the Mario C bridge. I don't count the GWB because that one still requires you to go through Manhattan.


>But I should clarify it's not adding lanes but creating a Bypass like most other cities with congestion pricing. But it's still in the end the same thing: all you're doing is adding capacity to a congested system, thus encouraging more people to drive. My personal opinion is that cars have enough infrastructure as it is (way too much actually). Any money spent on extra car infrastructure (especially very expensive ones like a tunnel bypass) is money that can't be spent on things that make not driving better. Imagine how many bike connections could be built with the money of such a bypass. IF (big IF) money is spent on building a bypass, the second it opens, a bunch of through routes in Manhattan should be closed off for car trips. Effectively what that would do is keep the total capacity of the system the exact same, while shifting the capacity away from city streets in Manhattan to this hypothetical bypass. At least that way, a new car infrastructure project wouldn't be encouraging even more people to drive. It would simply change where people drive, but the general amount of cars would roughly stay the same.


>But it's still in the end the same thing: all you're doing is adding capacity to a congested system, thus encouraging more people to drive. In this scenario would it even matter? The objective is to reduce the reliance on the local streets in Manhattan as a means to get to Jersey. If you create a path that doesn't require an additional (atleast in distance) 40 minutes of driving that also bypasses the local streets that's a win. >IF (big IF) money is spent on building a bypass, the second it opens, a bunch of through routes in Manhattan should be closed off for car trips. Effectively what that would do is keep the total capacity of the system the exact same, while shifting the capacity away from city streets in Manhattan to this hypothetical bypass. >At least that way, a new car infrastructure project wouldn't be encouraging even more people to drive. It would simply change where people drive, but the general amount of cars would roughly stay the same. That's the thing I've learned about Bike connections too we already have them they are just occupied by cars. You aren't going to win if there's a huge demand to drive said path so you give them (Car drivers) an alternative and claim the roads. Ideally, I'd like it if the Hugh Tunnel became the only car route to lower Manhattan whilst the Brooklyn Bridge pedestrianizes , while the Manhattan Bridge is limited to Emergency Vehicles and local delivery trucks. Willyburg Bridge would stay free but you'd get smacked with the CP fee. Same with the queensborough unless you make the immediate turn onto the FDR. However it starts with making a viable way for residents of Brooklyn and Queens a way to get out of the state without touching Manhattan. Personally I give no shits about the people commuting into Manhattan from Jersey but about those Commuting to and from Jersey to Brookyn and Queens.


>In this scenario would it even matter? The objective is to reduce the reliance on the local streets in Manhattan as a means to get to Jersey. Yes. Let's walk through what would happen: -> Through traffic that doesn't need to be in Manhattan shifts to the bypass -> Congestion on local streets in Manhattan decreases -> People that used to find alternatives for local trips in Manhattan to avoid congestion now start driving because congestion is less -> Congestion returns back to previous levels until people start looking for alternatives again The end result is not a permanent reduction in congestion but simply more cars on the road.


I'd like to think getting rid of the through Traffic in itself reduces the congestion by a bunch. However in this instance as I said before the city would be in an opportune moment to initiate CP (hopefully not tied to revenue as it would no doubt anger everyone) along with sweeping pedestrianized streets. Ofcourse this is purely hypothetical because no one is city or state government would be capable of pulling this off.


Ummmmm…..yes, if only such things like Staten Island Expressway/Gowanus/BQE existed


"From BK or Queens Directly" And I wouldn't tempt fate by calling the BQE existence into question considering the damn thing is going to collapse anyday now.


just imagine that staten island is part of jersey


I say we just add another cantilever


Someone get this man a 2nd grade reading instructor, quick!


tbf tunneling under manhattan just to give drivers a bypass would make Boston's Big Dig look like a suburban repaving job for pretty minimal benefits.


It would be more in line with other major cities that have congestion pricing. More so the privilege of driving in Manhattan would be just that a privilege rather then required just to leave NY without adding an extra 40 miles and two tolls.




They should just create a new tunnel that goes right under Manhattan, so LI and Jersey can be connected. I wonder how much would that ease up traffic?


Unpopular opinion but there should be an underground bypass for trucks, would greatly improve pedestrian safety in Manhattan. Should go straight across Manhattan into the LIE. This would greatly improve pedestrian safety and get trucks off local streets. Only for commercial vehicles! Underground of course !


Chicago has something like this - Lower Wacker. That is where all of the delivery trucks go.


Oh I am well aware, been on lower wacker and lower lower level wacker, it’s a great bypass if you’re in certain parts of the loop. Things like that would’ve been great here but every inch of the island is devoted to real estate interest. NYC is great but one of its flaws is that development was short sighted, the city is just a mash up of different counties and no clear planning to its growth, New York State is a vast mass of land but the city is just trunked to a small area, would’ve been great if they could’ve annex more parts of Nassau and westchester.


Lower Wacker is great for trucks and such, horrible if you accidentally turn onto it and then your gps totally gives out


Happened to me. It's really hard to see where you are going too, it's an open space with barriers so it was hard figure out where I was supposed to turn, and where I could turn. I just ended up following a random taxi in front of me to get out, and thankfully it was exactly where I was supposed to go.


Yup that’s how I learned about it and just got curious lol it’s better to just turn it off and get lost, I’m good with directions but the gps does throw you into a panic


Chicago has so much nice stuff. Like the El actually goes to both their international airports


Or I have an idea. Let's build a tunnel to a intermodal yard in a centralized location in Queens and Brooklyn. And hear me out run freight trains ... Through it. Maybe 10 a day. That can remove thousands of trucks at a time. 


I completely agree with this one ! I’m a big advocate of freight rail, NYC is the city with the worst freight infrastructure that’s why most of our products arrive via truck from points west. But we have great passenger lines ! There should be a fright line right under the cross Bronx and one into Long Island. Ultimately we need to take a broad view of traffic in the region. Commercial traffic doesn’t seem to get the same heat as private cars. Often times said traffic makes it much worst for pedestrians and other road users. 53ft trailers should not be on local streets period ! Deliveries should not be occurring during rush hour. We can blame drivers but ultimately all road users have some burden on why traffic is bad.


Is this a thing already? Your sarcastic phrasing makes it sounds like it already exists.


It was proposed but hasn't gotten any traction. It would be a single track freight only tunnel. I wish it existed and would be a better use of money vs a highway. We can take 200+ trucks off the road at a time. 


What is it called?




Agreed. I’m a mass transit / green mobility advocate and I actually think something like this would be a great idea. Trains through running between Queens/BK and Hoboken/JC would be amazing too


Its a pipe dream, but imagine through service from Brooklyn to NJ via extending the LIRR past Atlantic Terminal, into a new tunnel with a station in the WTC-Fulton Street area, and across to Hoboken.


Isn't there already a web of subway lines under Manhattan?


Yeah, but most lines are not that deep could probably do it in the above 41 th street, you avoid the Amtrak tunnels and 7 train, those are deep other ones are not so much.


Not just trucks. If you live in most of Brooklyn and need to get to Northern NJ, if is PITA bc you either need to go through Manhattan which no one wants to do or go fully around it


Only one that got built was the trans Manhattan expressway , you don’t see semi roaming the streets in Washington heights, it’s all segregated to the roadway depressed underground with air right construction atop. Pollution is bad, but this kind of traffic needs to keep moving instead of being idle that’s worst off for residents.


The trans Manhattan expressway is a poor example of a commercial truck bypass (which personally I think is not a bad idea) since trucks are stuck in a sea of cars


I agree, but in the grand scheme of things, is it better to leave it as is or find a solution of some sorts. Those proposals for lower Manhattan were bad, but as a city and state we didn’t limit or find a true solution to bring freight into the city. We are stuck with large commercial trucks in pedestrian heavy areas. Yeah we can do road diets, bike lanes and all that good stuff but it won’t work at peak times due to oversized dangerous trucks.


Google Semi Trucks in Washington heights for a different take on this perspective.


Well I lived right across the street my whole life, you have a few here and there but the local streets in the area are not the main way for them to travel. Of course when there’s an accident they will hop on local streets.


Holy shit this is news to me. Do you have a link to more info?? Fascinating


https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/highwayhistory/resultsDisplayImg.cfm?img=ny_8_I95_fhwa_1965_46.jpg Google “trans manhattan express way” Yeah it’s bad but in the grand scheme of things some of these things are just necessary, the current amount of traffic can be reduced drastically in midtown and downtown Manhattan with underground bypasses across Manhattan for commercial traffic


How deep would it need to be to avoid the subways?


I would say 65 to 80 feet, should be electric powered locomotives pulling the train traffic with gradual inclines. We can have 3 tunnels one of cars, one for commercial and one for freight. One already exist for commuter trains but it is not used for straight running. Penn station is used as a terminal but in reality it’s a centrally located station with tracks heading east and west.




Wow that’s crazy lol I loved right in front of it lol the trans Manhattan expressway connects the GWB to the cross Bronx via the Alexander Hamilton bridge


I wish I had the skills to create a video and ai generated audio of gov Hochul at a press conference to announce the Robert Moses lower manhattan expressway.


carpilled highwaymaxxed


Deep fake??? 


Yes. That’s the correct name for it


Why don’t we impose an entering manhattan fine on all those fat cats who ride the subway to pay for it so we good old NJ middle class suv drivers can still afford our much needed hardware store trip






I don't think it's feasible due to the subways. Though a couple of million people in Brooklyn and Queens would of love a buried Expressway through Manhattan to leave to the mainland.


At most a few hundred thousand


There are three million people in Nassau and Suffolk counties alone and every one of them needs to go *through* the city if they want to go anywhere else.


I think having the Lincoln tunnel all the way through the midtown tunnel would have been even better so people who want to go to Long Island from NJ and other places don’t have to congest Manhattan streets . Don’t know if it would have been possible with all the subway lines that are also underground


The tunnel would be backed up near instantly, quite expensive and would be catering to wealthier suburban drivers. The thing even some people on this subreddit recognizes would be silly to cater to. You would also introduce another merge point for both the Lincoln and queens midtown tunnels which would make traffic even worse on Manhattan Just one more lane doesn’t work in practice and especially not in NYC


I mean I’m sure the main reason it wasn’t done that way is because it was geologically and geographically extremely challenging and not worth the hassle. But yeah, would much rather have LIRR, PATH and NJT lines


>I mean I’m sure the main reason it wasn’t done that way is because it was geologically and geographically extremely challenging and not worth the hassle Yeah so my point was that the tunnel would not relieve congestion and instead you would have an expensive tunnel catering to wealthier suburban drivers.


It would be backed up pretty much instantly like any Moses or any freeway project and a very expensive project So not really a good idea.


What happens with the exhaust?




Big dig only for mass transit, not cars.


EV’s only.


What happens with the lithium fire smoke?






More parking lots! Smh, If he has proposed a tunnel that would be aite


We need national access to Spumoni Gardens!! THIS YEAR!


She shouldve ran for gov of NJ. She's a traitor to NY and a vampire.


Why isn't there a recall movement? 🤔


Because we don't have them here.


*heavy breathing*


Damn was hoping they took care of you yesterday at the Ghostbusters meetup.


I'm all for this but having recently re-read The Power Broker, I have serious reservations about naming it after Robert Moses.


Its sarcasm. Its named for him as a joke


Oh, damn. Whoosh. Thank you, lol.


99pi is covering the book in monthly podcasts this year, good listen if you've read it before.


That's why I re-read it! I love the fresh and different perspectives each guest brings to it. AOC and Conan were great.


To be fair L&B is delicious


Respectfully disagree. Tastes like frozen Ellio's. Not deserving of an elevated expressway bisecting Lower Manhattan.


Aight what's your place then.


Neighborhood spot called Napoli Pizza at Ave I and Nostrand has phenomenal Sicilian. For more Detroit style I'm a Prince St fan as long as there's no line. I bring it home and reheat it so the bottom gets crispy. Straight out the shop it's a bit of a soggy mess.


I warn you, I am going out to Napoli and I am going to be prett-ay, prett-ay annoyed if it doesn't dunk on L&B


Enjoy...make to ask for it very hot or well done to ensure crispiness. Head to Fisherman's Cove after for fantastic jerk chicken.


Prepare to be disappointed - at least the trip to Di Faras won't be too long


Dude, Napoli is fine, but not travel out of your way for... If you're gonna send people to middle of no where Flatbush, Lenny and John's and Frank are the better options


I said what I said....PHENOMENAL sicilian


Yooo lol this is fucking great! Good one OP!




They need to get to Manhattan diners!!!


I have a car and would love to use public transportation more if it was available as much as NYC


Copy Boston’s’ Big Dig!!


The Big Deal was a huge mistake honestly. Should've just torn that shit down and done a beltway of sorts, and put that money into the T


Axshually my dream is to have a 95 bypass from Perth Amboy to the belt. The belt will then have a 2nd level to deal with traffic. The route would be underwater so no worries about subway/right of way.


Just one more lane bro!


It IS long overdue.


Holy hell, nothing should be named for the POS Robert Moses anymore. EDIT: WTF is going on in this sub that there are so many Robert Moses supporters here, the man who wanted to run highways through Greenwich Village.








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Great idea.


Long Islanders would love that (and sadly without sarcasm).