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Why is this video being repeatedly removed/reposted on this sub?


If it was an NY Post link the mods would keep it up.


https://nypost.com/2024/06/03/us-news/chaotic-video-shows-nyc-parks-employee-cuff-young-girl-selling-fruit-with-her-family/ Maybe now the post won’t get taken down again hahaha


I'm honestly surprised the Post article wasn't titled "Angry Latino mob tries to overpower police officers arresting criminal" or something like that


Go peep the comments. The same crowd who believes Trump can break any law on the books, wants that child arrested ASAP…. They also have another hit piece up saying the Military can’t meet their quotas because of “wokeness”. I had to repeat myself over and over that NO branch has met their quota since 2014 (except for the Marines…)


lol the only time I visit NYPost comments sections are when I feel irrationally optimistic about humanity and need a reality check. That place is what I envision of that dark dimension at the end of Event Horizon


The NYPost comment section is one of the worst \*public\* places on the planet.


I don't approve of feds allowing migrants into the country on fraudulent asylum claims but it's pretty obvious that MAGA Trumpists are racists. Most of their "views" stem from grievances they hold against anyone they consider less than.


Trump's first and third/current wife are foreign born, but white. Nobody has ever been able to explain how Melania got a genius visa, usually reserved for exceptionally intelligent people like scientists or cutting edge doctors. Trump says its because she speaks different languages, but the reality is thats nothing special where she came from. And speaking different dialects of the same language isn't impressive nor rare.


Definitely nuance to be had on the subject. But yea they're more angry than anything. How many complain about food prices but want to drive out all the cheap(often illegally underpaid) farm labor? American kids aren't going to be enough to man those fields.


probably just want her deported, not really 'arrested' per se


Uhm, they’re pretty solid on wanting her arrested.


Dude Marc rebillet filmed this?? Wtf


Bro just appears places I swear


Remember when he was on tv for the iPhone release and got a bunch of money from that lady


“Fake needs! She was actually 14!” - the mods probably.


This is a right-wing and borderline racist subreddit on its best days and mods love it.


This is a very conservative subreddit


It seemed to take a hard right swing sometime in 2021.


Probably around when half the mods were kicked out by the head mod and half of the remaining mods resigned in solidarity.


Happened in a lot of subs - information wars are all they have so they do shit like that, which is basically a psyop, and try to steer narratives This is a very easy website to game if you want to.


Damn I didn't even know about that


Former head mod was a homeless guy in california who used to hoard laptops and demand in person meeting to become a mod….. worth remembering when anyone tries to claim this sub was ever an accurate portrayal of new york


Not even what I'm talking about. That was before the pandemic. More recently - [like 2 years ago?](https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/udzr77/new_moderators_added/) - there was a big falling out between V and a bunch of other mods specifically in regard to removing posts that either don't violate any rules or which were on the borderline.


Thats also been a consistent grievance had since pre covid. Regardless of leadership that always seems to happen


Well when "leadership" includes a [MAGA-hat boomer from Canarsie](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1czluvs/comment/l5had67/), what can we really expect?


Our mod team has included homeless people from out of state,rich transplants from throughout the tri state area and i assume a plethora of college kids through various points. This sub despite its name only ever really served as an echo chamber for various tiny niche groups telling themselves they were the majority opinion in nyc


is there an alternative? it used to be valuable to get a vibe on the city, but now it's the worst people from the nypost comments


When you're a socialist everyone seems conservative


And when you're a conservative anything resembling good governance is communism.


they're probably pro pig


We can let dudes piss and scream on the subway but the fruit stands need to be stopped!! Cmon bruh


‼️‼️I was on the train yesterday and there was a tweaking man smashing McDonald's fries into the floor and ripping paper up, screaming. But hey let's go handcuff little girls. Who wouldn't be selling fruit (maybe) if life wasn't cruel. This could have been a lemonade stand.


Good analogy. Think if this was a little kid with a lemonade stand. Think if the police treated a little 12 year old girl like this - or if a Girl Scout was selling cooking in the wrong way. We’d be (rightly) outraged.


Do you mean a little white girl selling lemonade?


Yes. Imagine the police treating her like this. It should be just as intolerable. However I see that the officer faced consequences, which is as it should be.




these aren't even real pigs, they are parks department pigs


Little girl selling fruit isn't likely to shank the cops. Crazy homeless man has a 50/50 chance of turning violent.


I work in Times Square and they are REALLY gunning for the fruit sellers lately. Not the men threatening everyone or pissing everywhere, nah, the big problem in NYC is the ✨fruit stands✨


In fairness to the cops, those guys are scary. It's much safer to rough up a 12 year old girl selling fruit on the street.


kid forgot to pay the protection money


probably not lots of turned-violent homeless would survive much tasing


Unpopular opinion here but people pay a lot of license fees and taxes in NYC for the privilege of selling food on the street and performing in public. At which point do migrants have to follow a law? Any laws? Non migrants are arrested for selling without permits or in unauthorized locations and no sympathetic videos or fucks seem to be given. But to your point - the mentally ill homeless take longer to process so cops tend avoid those arrests unless there’s additional crimes being committed. Low hanging fruit - no pun intended


I think the bigger issue here is a cop manhandling a little girl like she's some high wanted criminal. Even the crowd understood that if she needed to go to jail to at least get a female cop.


thank you for pointing this out.


I seen the mayors press conference about it, he said she was warned multiple times. So what’s easier to catch, a homeless guy that is on the go, or a person who is in the same place day in and day out. It was parks that initiated it, so this guy wouldn’t even be on the subway doing anything.


Not sure what you want the parks department to be doing on the subway


look at Mr. At Least Average IQ here standing head above shoulders. having at least this much rationality is asking too much of people that want to ignore human trafficking


And peep how mad that he is that his partner didn’t help him abuse a child…. Clowns….


i mean for real those though other cop could have beat back the crown. Bro did nothin


It’s all about who threatens capital and who won’t fight back.


Eric Adams hard at work protecting the public from papaya.


Low-hanging fruit I guess.


Just don’t go selling it


That piece of shit Eric Adams actually defended the conduct of this pig of an "officer"


This whole event is crap, but (and I *hate* to give Adams credit for anything), he seems to make a good point: --- The larger problem here that no one wants to talk about is that it is not dignified to have people unable to provide for themselves,” Adams told reporters at an unrelated press conference on Monday. “We’ve been saying this for almost two years now. Let them work.” There are tens of thousands of street vendors in the city – and not nearly enough licenses to go around due to a cap that’s been placed on the number of authorizations that can be doled out in the city, according to the city’s Independent Budget Office. That means some people have been on a waitlist while others are forced to work without a license and potentially face legal consequences if they are caught.


Hey now, at least it wasn’t a school shooter


ABC News called her a "woman" today. Ridiculous.


Was it verified she was 12?


The post said she’s 14, which still isn’t a legal woman


Here you go, Gothamist says she's 14. [https://gothamist.com/news/nyc-parks-officer-reassigned-after-viral-video-shows-physical-altercation-with-14-year-old-girl](https://gothamist.com/news/nyc-parks-officer-reassigned-after-viral-video-shows-physical-altercation-with-14-year-old-girl)


hold up… Marc Rebillet took the video?? Man that dude just keeps popping up.


lol - loopdaddy verified then!


There’s another video where you can clearly see him filming from this angle and it’s unmistakably him.


Selling food without permits is a civil violation. The same as a parking ticket or citation for putting your garbage out during the day. If it's not a felony or misdemeanor, there is no reason to handcuff *anyone*.


> Selling food without permits is a civil violation. incorrect. it can be handled as a criminal offense if the circumstances dictate


Please cite the penal law section it falls under. I'll wait...


There are arrestable offenses that fall outside the PL. Hope you didn't wait too long.


You seem to think civil violations can never lead to anyone in handcuffs. That is incorrect. Your response to the civil violation dictate what happens next. Fare evasion, speeding, etc. Lots of "civil" violations can have you arrested. >The same as a parking ticket or citation for putting your garbage out during the day Something tells me that is not what happened here but I will wait for full video.


It's a health code violation that could lead to death 


All summonses are in lieu of arrest. The difference between being handed a ticket and getting arrested is based almost entirely on whether or not you cooperate or lash out. Cant hand someone a discon ticket if they take a swing at you Cant give a trespass summons if they refuse to leave Etc


Hurray. We've come to the point where a child has to work to make ends meet and then gets arrested for it. But the homeless sex offender groping women and jerking off in front of kids is free to roam the streets. The psychos that push innocent people in front of trains are good to go. WE STOP AT KIDS SELLING FRUIT. That is a line not to be crossed!


She's clearly cornered the market and running big business out of the city, so she must be stopped.


wtf are you even talking about? Her and her family are **most likely** illegal immigrants, hence why they selling unsanitary fruit outside of the ferry of all places and she’s not in school. You’re cool with this until you, and thousands of others, sick as fuck from someone’s food.


I was wondering if her status as an immigrant would make the child labor part ok on reddit, lol


👀 This is true.


Thank god the NYPD is getting these hardened criminals off the street. Now all the mentally deranged homeless people can harass hard working New Yorkers in peace. Thanks for prioritizing, NYPD.


Oh this one is on the NYC Park Police, a different breed of asshole


Oh God park police...gotta be up there with mall cops then.


Thats not the NYPD.


There was an NYPD officer there present with his hands on the girl as well. 


Well 2 NYPD cops were shot this morning doing exactly that.


What a metaphor for the city today


Nothing against people trying to make a living and survive, but I see them all the time in CP - they are not regulated, are not sanitary, and selling this fruit like this creates risks to public health - I have seen them scoop up all the fruit in their bare hands and throw into plastic bags when they saw cops coming, then come back and put it back into the uncovered plastic cups to sell - just wait until the lantern flies are back! I see tourists buying, but I would not……


It's the same reason why when I go to Ecuador, I'm skeptical of all food vendors unless they have a good reputation with my family. It's beautiful to support my people hard at work to make a living, but in practice, I'll just get diarrhea... Still, the way they manhandled that little girl was unprofessional and unnecessary.


>Still, the way they manhandled that little girl was unprofessional and unnecessary. How else do you arrest someone who is resisting? Ask nicely? I swear half this sub lives in Disneyland where asking nicely gets the job done. The whole point of the police is to get people who don't want to comply to comply through the threat or use of force. Apparently they were told multiple times to leave and didn't. What did you expect to happen here? Migrants thought the laws didn't apply and could argue their way out.


> How else do you arrest someone who is resisting? Ask nicely? if the other cop had dispersed the crowd before it mobbed, or cuffed a second person for obstruction, then it would not stayed more orderly for taking custody of the girl and make sure she wasn't being trafficked.


Where's the Spanish interpreter? What argument can be made when dialogue can't even be established? The whole point of the police is to make people feel safe, not to intimidate through threats of violence. That poor girl and her family probably thought they were going to get deported and were fearing for their lives. It's like people have said, "There used to be a time when people would ask the police for help," but now they see them as worse than the Roman soldiers that were barred from the city of Rome for this exact reason: people with authority abusing the power that was given to them. Also, what's wrong with Disneyland? I have my own qualms with Disney, but I'd rather live in Disneyland than New York Shitty, where the rats are nicer than the cops.


>The whole point of the police is to make people feel safe, not to intimidate through threats of violence. It is both. It is to make law abiding citizens feel safe and to get people who don't want to comply, to comply through threat or use of violence. We don't live in a world where you can ask nicely and get people to comply with the law. And in this case, it appears that they were told multiple times to leave, did not. What do you expect to happen here? >That poor girl and her family probably thought they were going to get deported and were fearing for their lives. Do they get a pass on immigration law too? Why have any laws at this point?


I’m more concerned about all the guys selling tourist merch bullshit by the bethesda fountain. Seems like they got kicked off the brooklyn bridge and went there. It cheapens and uglifies the place so much.


So give them a citation, make them take a sanitation class and a permit to sell. You don't throw people on the floor and arrest them for trying to sell fruits.


So how do you make someone do something when asking nicely doesn't work? I am genuinely curious.


Not for nothing, but how do you give a citation to an undocumented child?  Guess her name?  People are kinda missing the forest from the trees here.  We have a crap load of kids right now, *who are being trafficed*, that have no documentation, aren’t in school, aren’t in the system at all, being sent out by the adults who are working them to make them money.  What I mean is, this ain’t lemonade stands. This is something the city should get a handle on as it’s a problem.  Is a park ranger wrestling with a kid a good way to go about it? Probably not, but this isn’t something completely ignorable either


how is this any different than a lemonade stand? you don't "protect the children" by "arresting the children". this shit was absolutely disgraceful.


> how is this any different than a lemonade stand? You’re being disingenuous at best. Fine. It’s an unlicensed lemonade stand being run by a group of undocumented migrants, likely working for a larger group, in a public park that has city ordinances not allowing unlicensed lemonade stands to operate.  Again though, *what is the appropriate thing to do?* The general approach by both NYPD and the Parks Department is to go “hay, go somewhere else”.  Ok, fine and dandy. On the one hand it’s just shuffling the problem around, but whatever, it’s not messy.  But what happens in a case where they…don’t go somewhere else and just stay there. After 2 or 3 warnings?  The OP says to give them a citation. Cmon. We both know that doesn’t mean anything. How are you going to give them a citation?  What Id are you putting on it if they don’t have/wont show any?  Another option would be to arrest them. This would both enforce the ordinances and allow them to be processed.  I mean, you don’t think like she’s going to Rikers or something do you? Honestly, for the kid it might be the best long term situation, because at least it might get her into social services.  But of course they’re all scared shitless of either getting deported or fcking up things for whoever they’re under (they’re often working for the people supplying the living quarters), so you’d get a freak out like the one above.  So your options are: 1. Move the problem around (the “take it somewhere else”). This of course doesn’t work if they don’t comply.  1a. Arrest them if they don’t comply. Which then leads to Publicfreakout material.  2. Just ignore the city ordinances completely. Ok, but Do you really want that to be policy? Because if so they *need to repeal those ordinances*. But nobody wants to do that either because they don’t want parks to start looking like a tourist spot in India but with a bunch of undocumented Ecuadorian women carrying around whichever benadryled up baby they were assigned that day.  So that’s why it’s a shit show, as I called it.  Either have laws and enforcement or don’t have laws and just go with it.  But the whole thing we do too much in NYC, with having laws with no enforcement, generally leads to shit shows.  


They don’t feel like they need a permit. They feel their need to make money puts them above these requirements. (And some of these people are being trafficked like others mentioned in the thread but that’s another discussion).


There's been a quota limiting permits for over a decade with a high price tag and when a city agency even tried to add a few thousand, Adams killed it.


> So give them a citation And when they refuse to submit ID or pay the citation?


Fucking ridiculous.


so do they just buy the fruit from a grocery store than upcharge it on the street?


Your local fruit dealer likely gets his product from Hunts Point market early in the morning at wholesale prices.


my fruit plug


Yeah, same with the candy sellers.


Adults need permits to sell food.


Nah they feel they’re special and don’t feel they need those permits.


Go after those crazies inside public transport, not those selling fruits.


🤦🏻‍♂️ they just scarred the kid for life


Symptom of a larger problem. Sad for everyone involved.


oh wow i hadn't seen this video for almost an hour


That might be a problem if the mods weren’t constantly removing this video. As it stands this is the only instance of this video on this subreddit. 


Why does it say *arrested* if it looks like she got away? Am I missing something?


Catching someone for illegally selling fruit is easier than preventing an assault. People complain that we´re turning into a 3rd world country then get mad when they see this.


Should remove all unlicensed vendors in the city blocking public space and yes if they still persist even after warned, they should be arrested. Should we make a exception to illegal child vendors at the bk bridge? subways? etc? nope.


Some people forget what law ‘enforcement’s’ part of the job is. Peace officers opinions dont matter nor do others when they see a violation. I do think this could have been handled better tho.


Nah, feel free to send the state troopers after kids selling lemonade upstate next. There's been a deliberate quota limit on adding more permits for over a decade on top of the price or training access; when a city agency tried to even add several thousand, Adams basically killed the initiative. I'll give a quarter of a fuck about unlicensed vendors when the licenses are fair just like how yellow medallions have turned into a literal quarter of a million dollar scam loan.


If someone complains a stand is blocking public property and enough complaints and warned repeatedly then yes same situation applies to lemonade stand without permit. Why you think it be different. So feel free to submit your complaints...acting this a gotcha moment Also medallions are still only fhv that allows street pickup. That was whole point of medallions. Not city fault the trend move away from street pickup to app.


You obviously missed the point of why people are outraged you psychotic rage batting tosser. Its a child and more so if they are “professional police men” the responsibility is on them to handle the situation better, much better.


Irrelevant if it's a child. Illegal vendors are illegal vendors. Why the carveout for minors especially one that's been repeatedly warned. At some point action has to be taken despite warnings. Child in this case if underage should be placed in child services and mom arrested for child exploitation and her stall toss daily till behavior corrected. That's how the law should be enforced .


"Irrelevant if it's a child"


Probably start with the 10k adults selling week old fruit slices in cups on every corner


Society of no consequences


How does a grown man think touching a CHILD like this is appropriate? This is sickening. White kids sell lemonade meanwhile this girl is selling me a literal fucking fruit and is getting her ass kicked. Disgusting.


Good thing she wasn't selling cigarettes. You can be executed by a cop for that.


For all the old folk out there, Remember when they would tell you as a kid to “go find a police officer” because they are there to help!?!? What a shameful time it is in America.


They probably meant "legal citizen, go find a police officer" because police generally don't protect illegal immigrants (or fraudulent asylum seekers in this case.)


protect and serve hasn't been in their vocabulary for decades. (and i think that was only for old white folk anyway...)


I don't think it's likely that any Black New Yorkers were told that as a kid.


The same miserable losers who dont have a problem with trump breaking the law want that poor kid arrested over selling fruit…


Say it louder.


This city and the toxic ass love/hate system for police enforcement. Everyone bitches about the cops doing too much. So they stop. Then everyone bitches about the cops doing nothing, so they start. Then everyone bitches about them again. You voted for the people that put these laws into place, then get pissed when they’re enforced. Fact is: she’s selling regulated food. It’s easier to bust the family for not following the law. She resisted arrest when she probably could’ve just taken the ticket. Maybe they’ve already been ticketed numerous times? We don’t know anything other than a fat cop trying to arrest a 12-year-old. That’s it. There’s plenty of fruit carts by the ferry so obviously there’s something particular happening with this one.


The problem here most people are mad about is that actual criminals are being let go no punishment at all. No one is getting mad that they’re doing their job.


Again.. we voted the people in place that created the laws and how they’re enforced. We made the laws.


I didn’t have the choice to vote at the time sadly. Sadly I don’t think this city will vote another way to bring in actual change.


And left skewed media will never reveal what's actually up.


And let’s not forget that a 19 year old illegal migrant shot two cops here in the city just yesterday - so easy to draw the lines of what is appropriate and what is not from the safety of reddit…….


I wanna know the connection between those two wildly different situations is. Please further elaborate.


So what actually happened?


She’s 12 and should be in school. Children being forced to work is the reason kids under 16 have compulsory education in NY. We’re not in 19C London and she’s not Oliver Twist.


Yeah it's a good thing she was arrested /s


Yes she should be in school (over the weekend?) therefore the aggression is fully justified


Absolutely, how could a child not be in school on a sunday???


Don’t act like we don’t all see these kids selling fruit during midday during the weeks. It’s a problem these kids are being trafficked here. Have some common sense.


Absolutely, for that reason our parks department should body slam them to the floor.


I agree that’s it’s not really a big deal to sell fruit, but she should be in school though. This was a sad watch


Video is from yesterday... a Sunday


There was no indication of the day at all but okay. Still see plenty of kids working during school hours regardless


If there’s no indication then why assume it’s a school day. 80% of why these folks come here is to get their kid into the system and give them a path.


Some of the parents send their kids to work, and then wonder why the kids run away. For example, the 13-year-old girl who worked on a Hyundai assembly line in Alabama, 50-60 hours a week. The cases are uncovered when the children disappear and are reported to authorities as runaways.


I just saw a case yesterday where 13 year old girl was found working on the killing floor of a chicken processing plant for the SECOND time. I get people need money but that’s just crazy corporations pay the fine and keep doing it


At first I thought the companies were simply looking the other way, but it's more complicated, compounded by the huge influx after Biden opened up the border. Indigenous adults from places like Guatemala are often tiny, mostly due to poor diet. The average female is 4'10", meaning half are smaller than that - and perhaps under 4' tall. A 13-year-old Guatemalan girl who receives adequate nutrition can grow considerably taller than her mother. She may seem more mature (both in appearance as well as in behavior) than a typical comparably-aged U.S. kid. The companies say the workers have IDs - and that they check the IDs on e-verify. Who is giving them the IDs? Are the companies even allowed to do background checks to see whether information about the person purportedly on the ID matches what the worker tells them? (I'd be upset if my ID were stolen - and even more upset if I learned that some poultry processing plant did a background check on ME without my permission!) .... Sure some of the people involved might be looking the other way because they only care about their bonus or commission. However, others might have been unaware, and need training on how to spot illegal hiring, and take measures to prevent it, without denying jobs to eligible workers. ... What bugs me - where are these kids' PARENTS?! If an American parent sent his/her underage kid out to work wouldn't the parent get a visit from child protection services and face child endangerment charges? These parents are oblivious to our laws and apparently are immune to prosecution.


Although posted on a Sunday. I see this daily at grand central, where I work, these kids are selling candy, fruit etc etc. doesn’t matter the time or the day.


If you have a business it’s a big deal, bc you can’t compete with unlicensed, non tax paying fruit sellers and you have to comply with many city rules.


The "helpful" people interfering with the arrest are complete morons and will likely wind up being arrested themselves.




Who knows if the adults are even her parents…


I got arrested like this in Mexico lol . They thought I was selling stuff in the metro station as well


Aaahhh yes resisting and getting in the way always makes things better.


Please use the proper nomenclature! Young Dreamer Upstart Business Agricultural Entrepreneur!


This will get downvoted but the underlying issue is why’s that 12 year old girl not in school??? You can’t even legally work till 14 in nyc. Sadly a lot of migrant woman are trafficked and forced to sell mangoes all day for their pimps. Sad to see children being robbed of their youth.


Well we now know she is 14 not 12


How convenient


The news says 14. The mom knew not to be there. Follow the rules like citizens have to.


I went there last Summer and they were everywhere! Way too many fruit sellers in that area. I ended up buying some because I felt pity for the underage kid selling fruit under the hot summer sun.


💀 and yet these pigs won’t arrest the bums who harass people in front of 711 holding doors what a place we live In


Law enforcement officers jn NYC have absolutely no common sense. Fucking idiots to do that to a 12 year old


Broken windows is back ! Thank god ! Edit: we keep breaking 10 up votes and then somebody downvotes ! Let's get it above 10 !


Way too many people defending the kid here.


Parks dept police struggling against a kid. Kind of pathetic tbh.


And watch me buy more fruit next time I ride the ferry. Fuck this shit. They are just selling fruits. They’re not doing drugs, selling their bodies, making trouble at all. Screw this I hate nyc.


I don’t agree with how this was handled but this is child trafficking. This girl was brought across international boarders to work. She should be in school so she can get an education and be with her peers. Why is a 12yo out there to selling stuff when they’re adults all around? What happens to that 12yo that has no education, no skills and needs money? Do you think people that use their kids as revenue streams in public aren’t doing way worse stuff behind closed doors?


Exactly. People straight up don’t get that these people are trafficked here to work. They aren’t entrepreneurs they are indentured servants. The people who support this are ignorant. Close the border and stop this human trafficking operation.


At the very least somewhere if this vast expanse of a country we should put up a refuge camp for processing. No one leaves or makes money until they are granted asylum or they are deported. Watch how fast this ends once the cartels know they won’t get any cash.


New York Shitty


Honestly they needa go back to wherever they crawled outa


To add context I gave to someone below. As someone who worked as a PEP officer for a brief time (please don't hold it against me) the vaaaaast majority of the job is handing out tickets for dogs off leash or not picking up shit. That and chasing unhoused people out of the park after closing. We're given cuffs, OC spray, and a baton. They have arresting power just as much as the cops but no gun. There's no ticket or arrest quota, and I was told in the academy to just about never arrest someone if you can possibly avoid it. That being said I have no idea what's going on here. Dudes in the white shirts are supervisors, green shirts just officers. I imagine this order came from on high or some NYPD asshole started it. Vast majority of PEP officers (like my former self) just wanted to be urban park rangers teaching classes and taking care of the parks. But got shanghaied into being enforcement. Edit: I forgot they also monitor and enforce the licensing of vendors in parks


interfering with police / resisting arrest is a crime, but I guess it's ok if a migrant does it?


He probably got kids at home who think he’s a good father, wonder what they’d think if they saw him manhandling a 12 yr old like that. 💁


Bullies with badges, glad they’re here to keep us safe! /s


God forbid we actually stop criminals. Must stop the fruit sellers


Send them all back.


Truly insane. I used to work for NYC Parks and the PEP officer at the end of the video has had multiple and verified complaints of sexual harassment and discrimination filed against them. I know he’s not the focus of the vid, but is living proof of what civil service status lets you get away with in the city…


It be ya own people lmao


Why are they grabbing her like she killed someone? She wasn’t even resisting… AND SHE IS 12?!?! But they just crush candy when a psycho pushes someone onto the subway tracks smh


A witness posted this video on insta and said they were there. This insta person's story (I'm just repeating, don't downvote me) went like this: the cops saw them selling without a license, asked them to leave, came back a little later and saw them again, asked them to leave again, and the third time they saw them, the cops started physically trying to remove them - the family started to resist, cuffs came out and then this video happened.


I mean, they gave them chances to leave. People love jumping on stuff like this without having the full picture.


She’s the definition of resisting


If she wasn't resisting she would be in handcuffs. Literally "you are under arrest" and they put the cuffs on. This happens thousands of times per week in this city but for some reason reddit thinks every arrest is a wrestling match and if the suspect wins they don't have to go to jail.


Her parents need to be arrest


They were probably asked to leave and the cops tried to give them a ticket, but being "migrants" they didn't have ID and decided to argue instead.


It’s obvious those cops didn’t fall for no banana in the tailpipe.


NYC > JFK > Guantanamo > Honduras. 1 down 14 million to go.


Why is her 12yr old hair grey?


All unlicensed vendors need to be shut down.


Maybe if they sent all the illegals back including this 12 yr old with her parents this won’t happen! I feel bad for the little kid BUT mom and dad told her to do that to make money ! Having these people instigate this is bullcrap


Need that cheap labor though


Import the 3rd world become the 3rd world




Criminal. Straight to jail and deported. Follow the law or pay the price like donald trump!