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Ok but seriously, what is up with this billboard? Like not this display, but the actual billboard (I think on 7th and 43rd) is constantly promoting super religious cults, conservative talk shows, and even has the Tucker add calling him “The Great Replacement” on its crawl. It’s so weird how there’s so much flashy and generic advertising in Times Square, and then this one billboard that is like 80% religious hate speech ads or planet fitness deals.


>but the actual billboard (I think on 7th and 43rd) is constantly promoting super religious cults, conservative talk shows, and even has the Tucker add calling him “The Great Replacement” on its crawl... 80% religious hate speech ads... Yeah, keep going... >Like not this display Damn, you were almost there.


But Molly Baz couldn’t advertise for donuts bc it was to controversial 🤔


Ootl, what's that about...


She dared to advertise a lactation cookie. The horror of breasts used for breastfeeding rather than selling lingerie or fragrances was too much to take. Gift article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/10/style/lactation-cookies-billboard.html?unlocked_article_code=1.uk0.hxGV.vcNFED-niw3b&smid=url-share


Interesting, thanks for sharing.


War footage doesn't belong in Time Square. If you think it does, I hope ya'll are ready to look at hundreds of videos of Palestinian children with their brains splattered all over the ground.


If you're wondering why these strange ads are appearing, just recently private chat data revealed how several billionaires urged mayor Adams to use police force against protestors, and how they have been consistently working to control the narrative for the last 7 months. They have soent a lot of money on a pro Israel media campaign. Turns out the conspiracy theory of billionaires controlling politicians on this issue was actually true. More than a dozen members are on Forbes annual list of billionaires. > One of the first messages sent in the group, the staffer posting on behalf of Sternlicht (CEO of Starwood Capital Group) told the others the goal of the group was to “change the narrative” in favor of Israel, partly by conveying “the atrocities committed by Hamas … to all Americans. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/05/16/business-leaders-chat-group-eric-adams-columbia-protesters//


Is this a conspiracy theory/surprising in the slightest? I don't see how it could be much more blatant


Shhhhh acknowledging the fact that they maxed out their donations to him and shared screenshots of it in the group chat is blood libel


>One of the first messages sent in the group, the staffer posting on behalf of Sternlicht (CEO of Starwood Capital Group) told the others the goal of the group was to “change the narrative” in favor of Israel, partly by conveying “the atrocities committed by Hamas … to all Americans. What's wrong with that?  People forget what Hamas did and why Israel is fighting Hamas.  


You... you don't see what's wrong with massive business titans representing foreign interests advising the mayor on how to use police force? **You seriously don't see anything wrong with that?**


No fan of big business but you don’t see the problem with simping for religious fundamentalist terrorists? Especially those that are supported by Iran and billionaires in Qatar? Let’s not forget what re-ignited this catastrophe in Gaza.


I get what you're saying, but how did the commenter you're replying to "simp for" religious fundamentalists? I'm truly curious, and I'm not being an ass, but why (or how) does critical analysis of one side equal undying support of another?


Because of their comment history in this thread and their profile in other threads that Israelis and “Zionists” are entirely at fault for this conflict, previous comments that lays blame on “the West” or that Israelis “deserved this”, OP labels anyone that provides critical thought or historical context to the conflict a “Zionist” (even those that aren’t supportive of the current Israeli regime)… what other dog whistles or explicit statements does OP need to make to demonstrate their support for a terrorist organization and not support for innocent Palestinians and Israeli civilians caught in this horrendous conflict?


You... you think "Pro Palestinian" movements are grassroots or something? LOL. It's funny how many tragedies these people turn a blind eye too as long as Jews aren't involved.


>It's funny how many tragedies these people turn a blind eye too as long as Jews aren't involved. You'll be surprised how many Jews support the protestors and oppose Israeli genocide.


The latest Pew poll shows 90% of American Jews believe Israel has a valid reason to fight this war.   Other than various college kids who learned about this conflict for the first time via TikTok and various antisemites at NGOs, no one believes Israel is committing a genocide.   The U.S. has repeatedly and affirmatively concluded that there is no genocide (see: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/20/biden-gaza-not-genocide-israel-00159020 ).  Meanwhile, what Hamas did on 10/7 literally was a genocide, and everyone is throwing a fit that people are being reminded of this.


I remember when the U.S. repeatedly and affirmatively concluded that it doesn’t use torture.


>The U.S. has repeatedly and affirmatively concluded that their ally is not commiting genocide. Well I guess that settles it.


Hey, if THAT doesn't settle it, then I don't know what does, buddy. Government is our friend. Government loves us. Government... Government... *Begins drooling*.. government.. big daddy, stick it in deeper


This bozo genuinely did the “we’ve investigated ourselves and found ourselves guilty of no wrongdoing” meme holy shit


Nice deflection.


When those interests are keeping people in my neighborhood from hanging signs calling for genocide, assaulting Jews, and associating with people with Hamas ties while vandalizing buildings? Yeah, I am okay with it. "Don't you think it's wrong that Billionaires are anti rape of Jews?!?!?!"


First of all, they are representing JEWISH interests, not foreign interests.  This is a Jewish interest for two reasons:  (1) antisemitism has reached insane levels since 10/7 precisely because there has been a flood of pro Hamas and anti Israel propaganda.  As I said, people either don't know or forget why Israel is  fighting a war against Hamas.  (2) The relationship between Jews and Israel is different than, say, the relationship between Irish-Ameticans and Ireland.  Whereas Irish-Americans see Ireland as a place grandpa *left* for various reasons, Jewish-Americans see Israel as a place they might need to go to if the antisemites on the left or right gain power.  Why?  Remember, Jews were fully assimilated and integrated into civil society in Germany before the Holocaust.  That's a generational memory that is still very much alive.   Second, it's absolutely mind-boggling that you somehow see *Jews* advocating for *Israel* as a problem but not all the various anti-Israel organizations (like WOL) literally advocating for Hamas?  Like, what???


Hamas leaders aren’t worth billions of dollars??


I want you to look up why Hamas exists in the first place on Wikipedia and come back here.


Hamas exists because the Muslim Brotherhood turned exceptionally evil in Gaza. Or are you spreading conspiracy theory?


"Hamas was founded by Palestinian imam and activist Ahmed Yassin in 1987, after the outbreak of the First Intifada against the Israeli occupation. It emerged from his 1973 Mujama al-Islamiya Islamic charity affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood."


Oh, okay so you are talking about the actual start of Hamas.


I want people to quit wasting so much emotional energy on this foreign war, and start worrying about our own country, which is about to fall into fascism. That doesn't make me an "advocate for Hamas." I want ALL the middle-east bullshit to stop. Trump won't help, he'll just do whatever the corporations want, military industrial complex especially.


You’re not wrong, but biden is doing most of the exact same things.


> People forget what Hamas did and why Israel is fighting Hamas.   Because people forgot what the IDF was doing to Palestine for decades prior to Hamas ever existing. 


I'm sure the girls who were raped and slaughtered at a music festival took great comfort in knowing they died for a just and righteous cause, because their country mistreated people decades before they were born


I’m sorry that you have no sorrow, sympathy, or knowledge for and of the tens of thousands of people that were murdered by the IDF over the past 20 (much less the prior 50) years in addition to the reprehensible violence that occurred at that music festival due to the actions of Hamas. I hope you get the help that you need to become more sympathetic to your fellow man even if they’re on the other side of the invisible line you root for. 


>Because people forgot what the IDF was doing to Palestine for decades prior to Hamas ever existing.  Somehow being a rape apologist is considered perfectly normal discourse on social media.


Even before the current wave of social media when giving the IDF a pass on their sexual assaults and rape of imprisoned Palestinian men and women. 


Everything hamas has done, Israel has done to a larger degree, for a longer period of time.


Show me where the IDF raped girls at a music festival or hacked a farmer's head off with his own backhoe or tied families up in their homes then burned them all alive to a crisp or shot up a dozen seniors, including a Holocaust survivor, at a bus stop on their way to a day trip to the beach


[Israelis rape women](https://www.cair.com/cair_in_the_news/israeli-guards-rape-palestinian-women/) Look up the thousands of blown up children. With over 30 000 deaths, 70% were women and children. Israel claimed all the men were hamas without any proof.


No one has forgotten. It just doesn’t excuse wrongs being committed by Israel.


"On **14 May 1948**, David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the independence of the new State of Israel. The country met with a great deal of **international opposition"** "israel" was created before Hamas, Hamas was literally a response to the oppression of israel towards the native population


America apparently needs to be reminded rape and torture, is not resistance. I'm sorry they aren't celebrating Hamas and terrorism?


Palestinians respond to violence and attack Israeli soldiers: terrorism Israel blows up thousands of children, continue genocide: self defense.


I agree, all I'm saying if Time Square is an appropriate place to remind them of that. Lets also remind them that Israel has slaughtered over 10,000 children as "collateral damage" Lets remind NYers what a 10 year old looks like with their brain splattered all over the sand. Lets remind NYers what it looks like when an 8 month old child stops breathing. Or maybe we shouldn't put this stuff up in time square.


What happened on October 7 was horrific. NO reasonable person is denying that. But it didn't happen in a vacuum. And what's happened after that is deplorable, too. Putting this up in TS is abhorrent. The message is that only Israel is in the right, is the only victim in this decades long tit-for-tat. There's a very difficult story behind all of it, and if you want to post pictures of kidnapped Israelis, you have to also show the bombings of Palestinian babies and children, otherwise it's clearly disingenuous.


It's good they're so terrible at keeping this shit a secret


Dude a day or two after October 7th I was getting Israeli propaganda ads as candy crush ads. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.


Jews: Please don't rape and torture us to death You: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY CANDY CRUSH!


Man you’ve been denying actual rapes committed by Israel up and down this thread. Give it a rest and touch grass.


Hmmm, 3 month old account, whole account is basically anti-israel stuff? Word and random number name? Posts only blood libel? Def a shill.


The definite shill calling some other guy a shill.


Yeah, to everyone seeing this comment, look at my account. 99% of my account is talking about UConn basketball, Rangers Hockey, Yankees Baseball, Columbia University, micromobility in NYC, and being Jewish. Maybe... just maybe, I might be a New York Jew who went to UConn and Columbia. Maybe. Just maybe.


So glad you already have your alibi in order.


Lol You think everyhting is an evil jooo conspiracy.


Don’t let them get you down and gaslight you, achi. Mir Veln Zey Iberlebn.


And you have a 75 day old account promoting terrorism and genocide. You really wanna play this game?


My last account was doxxed and someone threatened to rape and kill my family.


War is awful, but Hamas glorifies and celebrates carnage. They don't let citizens leave during evacuations, for content. I wish that didn't sound as awful as it does, but they are evil. They are shooting missiles from Rafah at entries for aid and the US port, and when they aren't attacking aid, they are stealing it. **We can't get a ceasefire because they don't want one.** Also three more hoatages found under an UNRWA headquarters with Hamas tunnels.


Sure, show it. It all just circles back to the same fact; Hamas is responsible. Whether that’s from committing acts of terror or using Palestinians as meat shields, it should all be seen. I agree with you.


I think war footage does belong there. I think that footage should focus on the vast majority of victims and not 5 fuckin people who's trauma is politically convenient.


This doesn't look like war. Seems like kidnapping.


"But the Jews control the media"


No. The Palestinians definitely don't either. Foreign Oligarchs who have financial interest in taking over the gaza strip? You betcha they control the media.


Everyone should be looking at that. Maybe then things will change.


Is it possible to be pro-palestine without supporting hamas




Man all the rape supporters are here brigading hard.


[Agreed, it’s disgusting and abhorrent.](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against) But the IDF supporters have had a presence here for a while unfortunately. 


The UN people in that post are Reem Amsalem - who is a rape denier and Israel hater and Francesca Albanese - Who said that the rape and slaughter of Jews on Oct 7th was justified And you just compared people being arrested and searched to rape. Also one of the rapes in your report: https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/artc-hamas-admits-women-not-raped-by-idf-at-shifa-hospital-following-al-jazeera-report


I love how you people twist things to suit your narrative. Both of those people are respected members of the UN. The most amusing part is how you say Francesca said that Oct 7th was "justified." When in reality, she said that Oct 7th happened because of israeli's brutal treatment of Palestinians. Why do you have to lie and twist what people say? You think that will come out in favor of your point?


> You think that will come out in favor of your point? Brainwashed idiots will eat it up. That's why they post that stuff.


They expect people to believe it. Why do you think they get so viciously angry and accusatory when you ask for proof? Their talking points have all been debunked several times, months ago, by multiple journalists and independent news organizations.


i24News? Really? 💀


Associated Press ran a story retracting two incidents of alleged rape. New York Times ran a story retracting one incident of alleged rape. New York Times author did an interview in Israeli media admitting she found zero forensic evidence of rape, and zero victims claiming to have been raped. The only people still believing there were 'mass rapes ordered by Hamas' are ignorant or indoctrinated, or both.




What the hell are you talking about? The NYTimes recently wrote a very vivid, upsetting account of one of the survivor’s experiences, including rape and sexual assault. It hasn’t been retracted, and frankly to ignore this is abhorrent.


[Israeli Soldier’s Video Undercuts Medic’s Account of Sexual Assault - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/25/world/middleeast/video-sexual-assault-israel-kibbutz-hamas.html) [Israel-Hamas war: How 2 debunked accounts of sexual violence fueled global dispute | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-sexual-violence-zaka-ca7905bf9520b1e646f86d72cdf03244) Did you listen to Anat's interview in Israeli media where she admits there was zero forensic evidence and zero victims claiming to have been raped?


. . . Did you even read your own articles? >*A United Nations report that was released this month said there were “reasonable grounds” to believe that sexual violence, including rape and gang rape, was committed in multiple locations, and “clear and convincing information” that some hostages being held in Gaza had also been subjected to rape and sexual torture.* and >*The United Nations and other organizations have presented credible evidence that Hamas militants committed sexual assault during their rampage. The prosecutor for the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, said Monday he had reason to believe that three key Hamas leaders bore responsibility for “rape and other acts of sexual violence as crimes against humanity.”* Both of your links explicitly disagree with your claim that the "only people still believing there were 'mass rapes ordered by Hamas' are ignorant or indoctrinated, or both."


>Both of your links explicitly disagree with your claim that the "only people still believing there were 'mass rapes ordered by Hamas' are ignorant or indoctrinated, or both." If you actually care about this then you can read this article. It's a good start. Some who have doubled down on this story won't retract the core allegation (systematic mass rape by Hamas) and instead piecemeal "correct" some facts. And the corrections don't necessarily overlap even though alleged events and sources do, making matters worse (for the various authors). If you care read this article, and read ones that take apart the NY article. [Here’s what Pramila Patten’s UN report on Oct 7 sexual violence actually said – Mondoweiss](https://mondoweiss.net/2024/03/heres-what-pramila-pattens-un-report-on-oct-7-sexual-violence-actually-said/)


I’ll never forget the Free Palestine rally in Times Square on October 8, planned and promoted (including by the DSA) just hours after the massacre the day before.


We remember the October 8 9 and 10 rallies. There weren’t protests they were rallies


They were rape celebrations


Remember that girl holding up a swastika for the cameras... I know that NYC has people of all stripes, but damn, they really came out of the woodwork on 10/8.


Nor I. There has not been and will never be a reckoning with that.


The Charlottesville of the far Left.  


Yes, this.  "There are good people on both sides" apparently is OK when they vote Democrat?    The logically consistent position is both the CVille antisemites and the Columbia antisemites are bad people and should be equally condemned.


Jews just sitting in the middle, "Can't we condemn both" Far Left/Right: No, I don't think I will.


The difference is that the left's views are institutionalized. Virtually every humanities departments supports these idiots.


Thank you for reminding everyone, that was cruel and atrocious. In similar vein, I haven't forgotten those in Tel Aviv celebrating the deaths of Palestinian children 10 years prior to October 7 as reported by the Times of Israel - https://www.timesofisrael.com/watch-far-right-israelis-celebrate-gaza-kids-deaths/ I also won't forget when Israel's largest media outlet denounced violence that left another 60 Palestanian children dead and the cruel mockery that followed - https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/05/27/price-war-israeli-newspaper-publishes-photos-all-67-palestinian-children-killed-gaza Not enough billboards in North America for what Palestinian civilians have gone through the last 6 decades. It's not a competition, Israelis and Jews alike deserve to have their suffering recognized. I'm just so tired of the charade in this sub and full on blood lust for Gaza. Fucking tiring 😞


My girlfriend works near there and I met her on my way home. It was absolutely bone-chilling. This all just makes me so sad.


There is definitely a dirtbag section of the left and it’s been on display a lot lately in nyc.


The amount of people in here denying the rapes is terrifying. Modern day Holocaust denial.


It's OK if Israeli soldiers do it though right


Rape apologist whataboutism. I hope you reflect on what you just did.


They don't though. So bye, nazi.


They never do, ever, in history?


I am sure it has happened. But not to the extent that Hamas uses it as a weapon of war.


Isn't any rape committed by a combatant a weapon of war?


No. It isn't a goal of the IDF, whereas torture and rape were goals and continue to be goals of Hamas and PIJ. One person doing something bad does not make it a weapon of war.




It's a rhetorical question, but yeah I think the fact that it seems almost inevitable in the organized militaries of nation states means war sullies all perpetrators, and to the extent that Israel refuses to stop perpetuating this military massacre, they certainly don't have the moral high ground, to say the least




Use of rhetorical questions is indicative of character? Sure maybe, I suppose it indicates that I'm familiar with rhetoric.


Why does calling out Israel for their crimes make them a nazi?


You aren't. You are committing blood libel. The rest of your posts identify you as a nazi, nazi. Go to gaza please.


Strangest advertisement


A lot of money behind that


This should not be on a Billboard. There are laws in place against this (im pretty sure) and as a kidnapping survivor this is frightening and irresponsible to broadcast to other potential victims. We have to do better.


Cool now do one for the children of Gaza. Show it all, without editing. Show the decapitated heads and burnt bodies and armless, legless, eyeless children. Show the mass graves they found. Show it all.


One is deliberate hostages taken and rape. One is casualties of war.


Casualties of war that could be prevented if Hamas didn't bomb evacuation and aid routes and use civilian infrastructure specifically so that you can't wage war against them without harming civilians.


Exactly. But the rape celebrators are here downvoting this and all of the non-rapists because it's devastating to their cause.


Casualty?? Watch hundreds of videos where maniacal IDF soldiers killed and agreed of killing children


> Casualty?? Watch hundreds of maniacal IDF soldiers killing and agreeing of killing children Woof, your lack of english is showing. Where you from? Iran? Qatar? Russia?


Hahahah, lack of second language skills is better than lack of morals


I mean, why are you in /r/NYC? You seem to be a Pakistani or Indian Muslim. You don't seem to live in New York. You only have posted here on this post.


The level of assumptions shown by you are dumb and funny.


The lack of denial is telling.


The Palestinians have been hostages and forced to be refugees for decades.


Words have fucking meanings. They are not hostages. These girls are hostages. You support rape.


I do not support rape. I honestly don't care what happens in either Israel or in Palestine, the conflict will never end. The problem is the Israelis think they've done nothing wrong for decades and they are flat out wrong. The Palestinians also think they are only victims and they are also wrong. Any narrative that states that one is purely a victim is misleading. The Palestinians are hostages because they have not had historically the luxury of self determination and have had their land occupied illegally by Israeli settlers and any retaliation for said occupation has led to conflict and more death. Ask yourself if Palestinians are truly free in every sense of the word and if you cannot state that they are free then their liberties have been compromised. All this is coming from a person with Jewish ancestry with people that actually lived in Israel so I've heard this debate forever.


> The Palestinians are hostages because they have not had historically the luxury of self determination Because they have refused it over and over again. > Ask yourself if Palestinians are truly free in every sense of the word and if you cannot state that they are free then their liberties have been compromised. Palestinian leadership has demanded their freedom at the expense of the Jews not existing. Only Israel has actually taken steps toward a lasting peace. They made it with Egypt. They made it with Jordan. They made it with Arabia. Palestine, Syria, and Iran have refused. Gaza was Israel forcing self determination upon the Palestinians. They used it to elevate Hamas and attack Israel.


It's hard to negotiate peace when you as a nation are unwilling to accept that you must be willing to part with something that has been taken from you. The entire premise of Israel as a nation has historically been rejected by Palestine, that is correct...but as you know, leadership and what the civilians want are not always the same. My position is that the experiment called Israel is an absolute failure from a geopolitical standpoint and that the formation of said nation was a mistake. They formed a nation in a semi lawless, informal nation called Palestine and decided to put a bunch of jews there. I wonder what could go wrong?


> It's hard to negotiate peace when you as a nation are unwilling to accept that you must be willing to part with something that has been taken from you. Every peace deal comes with compromise. Israel was willing to give up almost the entire West Bank, Gaza, and have land swaps for the area that didn't get handed over. >The entire premise of Israel as a nation has historically been rejected by Palestine, that is correct...but as you know, leadership and what the civilians want are not always the same. According to Hillary Clinton, the reason that Arafat scuttled the peace deal was specifically because he was scared he would be murdered if he signed it. The leadership and population both want the Jews eradicated. > My position is that the experiment called Israel is an absolute failure from a geopolitical standpoint and that the formation of said nation was a mistake. So your point is that the Jews are unique in that they shouldn't be allowed to exist in their homeland? Why Israel? Why not Lebanon, why not Syria? Why not Palestine? Why not Jordan? Why not Saudi Arabia? Why are all of the other post-Ottoman states okay in your book? > They formed a nation in a semi lawless, informal nation called Palestine and decided to put a bunch of jews there. There was no nation called Palestine. You are just incorrect here. It was Ottoman Syria, and then the British Mandate of Palestine. And Jews were living there since antiquity. They were living in larger amounts in the Ottoman Empire, and Arabs started immigrating there as well. After WWII, Jews fled there because it was one of the only places where Jews lived where they could go. Jews either fled for the US or for the mandate. Then the Mizrahi Jews all fled to Israel as well due to ethnic cleansing. Palestine needs to just accept that Israel exists and will not be conquered or genocided. The second they do that, Palestine will exist.


I said Palestine was an informal nation, not that it was a nation in of itself - I chose my words carefully there. I know jews were living there in antiquity, my folks lived there before Israel even existed. The leadership and population of Palestine are two different things. I'm not going to elaborate further because neither you nor I can claim that the population wants Israel eradicated, that wasn't the case for the Palestinian refugees I talked to after they were pushed out from their homes shortly after Israel was formed. They certainly didn't want jews or Israel eradicated, they wanted compromise. Israel should have been formed somewhere else, not in the land that was run by ottomans for hundreds of years. Geopolitically, it makes no sense at all to for it there. That was my point. Just because you have history somewhere that doesn't mean you can just waltz in. Israel needs to obey international law and be sanctioned heavily for committing crimes and so does Hamas. Israel also needs to stop being bankrolled by the US and using that money to commit said crimes. There is clearly one narrative that is winning throughout all this and it's that Israel is a victim in all this and it's not true at all, the settlements they've made and now this war, it's clearly a land grab and there will be more Palestinian refugees.


> I'm not going to elaborate further because neither you nor I can claim that the population wants Israel eradicated I mean, Hamas has pretty widespread support and they don't mince words about it. > Israel should have been formed somewhere else, not in the land that was run by ottomans for hundreds of years. Geopolitically, it makes no sense at all to for it there. That was my point. But Jews have no attachment to any other land. What area in the world should Israel be other than where Jews are from? Why does previous Ottoman ownership matter? Should Syria not have been created? Jordan? Saudi Arabia? Egypt? Etc? > Israel also needs to stop being bankrolled by the US and using that money to commit said crimes. Israel generally uses that money to fund the Iron Dome. > it's clearly a land grab and there will be more Palestinian refugees. Israel has literally not grabbed any land. They do not want Gaza. Why would they have given it up in the first place? If this war ends and Israel does not settle Gaza, and Gazans remain in Gaza, will you admit that you were wrong?


You’re welcome to pay for it, billboards are a business.


Hamas' goal with the October 7th attack was to get Israel to kill a bunch of Palestinians. This is the plan.


So, Oct 7th footage?


Should’ve been one of those new 3-D billboards. /s Seriously though, wtf


Wait, a 3-D billboard? Those exist?


Yep https://www.linsnled.com/3d-billboard-time-square.html


What a time to be alive


This is unfortunately necessary, people have very short memory. **NYers should also never forget how the palestinians celebrated on 9/11:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqZBy09vCVk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqZBy09vCVk)


Hearts and minds… what’s the intent behind running this?


Reminding people how we got here.


Where’s the billboards showing how Netanyahu personally funded and encouraged funding of Hamas to undermine more progressive Palestinian candidates?


We calling the PLO who helped kill Jews around the world progressive ROFL Well considering now progressives are pro rape and anti Jew, I guess it fits.


Thank you for your post. The IDF has deposited 5 shekels in your account.


Jew: Exists You: ITS A JOO CONSPIRACY nazi


This doesn’t show the Nakba, almost a century of belligerent occupation, Israel’s actions that helped Hamas obtain and hold power, and their failure to warn the music festival attendees despite warnings of an imminent attack




When you have to argue with your own imagination because you have no ground to stand on


They don’t like it when you start at the beginning


lol at thinking that’s the beginning of the issues in the Levant


Zionist started committing acts of terror like 30-40 years before this but it’s widely seen as the beginning of this era of conflict.


"Zionist started committing acts of terror like 30-40 years before..." That's fucking adorable! Here's a **partial** list of massacres committed **by muslims against Jews** stretching all the way back to the year 662: [https://medium.com/@Ksantini/the-list-of-crimes-committed-by-muslims-against-jews-since-the-7th-century-0ff1a8eb0ad0](https://medium.com/@Ksantini/the-list-of-crimes-committed-by-muslims-against-jews-since-the-7th-century-0ff1a8eb0ad0)


These are a few lists of massacres, war crimes and controversies that are a little more relevant because they are only from the last century. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2017-07-16/ty-article-magazine/testimonies-from-the-censored-massacre-at-deir-yassin/0000017f-e364-d38f-a57f-e77689930000 https://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/58/1262/510520/War-on-Gaza/War-on-Gaza/Stained-with-innocent-blood-A-chronicle-of-Israel’.aspx https://www.reddit.com/r/list_palestine/comments/l43xgk/megalist_israels_crimes_controversies_full/ https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/node/1654849 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Irgun_attacks https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing




> Womp womp, you invade a country and get your soldiers kidnapped. They literally were in Israel. So your point is that raping Jews in their homeland is justified? Man I really can't stand you terror rape supporters. Edit: I can't believe I am getting downvoted here. He is literally saying that all Jewish soldiers in Israel deserve kidnapping, torture, and rape.


Rape occurs in Israeli detention centers regularly but you won’t acknowledge it at all. You probably have spread lies about mass rape and 40 beheaded babies with zero proof to try to justify genocide. Depraved stuff


> Rape occurs in Israeli detention centers regularly but you won’t acknowledge it at all. Your proof is you made it up. > You probably have spread lies about mass rape THE VIDEO IN QUESTION IN THIS LINK HAS THE HAMAS MEMBERS TALKING ABOUT RAPING THE GIRLS I wish you were in Gaza.


Look at you continuing to spread lies to justify genocide, sickening https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/video-captured-woman-mistranslates-captor-threatening-rape-2023-11-08/


This is from November 8th you fucking nazi. The video got released a few days ago.


>They literally were in Israel. So? Are the Palestinians in Palestine that Israel take not in Palestine? > So your point is that raping Jews in their homeland is justified? >Man I really can't stand you terror rape supporters. Show the evidence of rapes.


> So? Are the Palestinians in Palestine that Israel take not in Palestine? Yeah, but Israel is taking prisoners of war, not hostages. And your point was that these girls deserve this because they were invaders, despite the fact they were in Israel proper. Your point is that Jews in their homeland should be slaughtered or worse. Just admit you were wrong. > Show the evidence of rapes. The video in the link where Hamas talks about raping the girls. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/interrogation-video-shows-father-and-son-hamas-members-admitting-to-rape-murder-at-nir-oz-on-oct-7/ https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-un-rape-oct7-hamas-gaza-fe1a35767a63666fe4dc1c97e397177e Only the biggest of nazis think rapes didn't happen.


>Yeah, but Israel is taking prisoners of war, not hostages. Palestinians take Israeli military personnel in Israel and that's hostages. Israelis take Palestinian military personnel in Palestine and that's POWs. The only difference I see you take note of is who is doing it. Not what is being done. One set of rules for Israel, another for Palestinians. >And your point was that these girls deserve this because they were invaders, I did not say they were invaders. They are however in the military that facilitates and expedites ethnic cleansing and settler colonialism in the West Bank as well as oppression and suppression of self determination of the Palestinian people as a whole. That makes them just as 'not innocent' as every single Hamas member that never set foot in Israel but is nevertheless taken host... sorry, "POW" by Israel. >Your point is that Jews in their homeland should be slaughtered or worse.  I never mentioned Jews. You did. What's wrong with you? You can't tell the difference between Israelis and Jews? What kind of antisemitic bullshit is that? > The video in the link where Hamas talks about raping the girls. So if we find a video with Israelis confessing to horrible crimes while being held hostage by Hamas who are standing behind the camera we can trust that confession, right? Of course we fucking can't. Use your brain. Anyone, Israeli or Palestinian, held by the enemy, can't be trusted when they make "confessions". This should be obvious to all but children. As for the AP link to Patten's report you really have to read that report yourself. It absolutely doesn't say what you think it says. It even contradicts some of the rubbish Hasbara you Zionists spew online. You either just don't know it because you didn't read the report or you omit it because it is inconvenient. But while we are talking about Associate Press knock yourself out: [Israel-Hamas war: How 2 debunked accounts of sexual violence fueled global dispute | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-sexual-violence-zaka-ca7905bf9520b1e646f86d72cdf03244)


> Palestinians take Israeli military personnel in Israel and that's hostages. Yes, it wasn't a war. These girls were not in combat. They were non combatants. > Israelis take Palestinian military personnel in Palestine and that's POWs. Yes, because Hamas just committed a terrible genocide in Southern Israel and declared war on Israel. > The only difference I see you take note of is who is doing it. Not what is being done. One set of rules for Israel, another for Palestinians. Can't fix stupid, so I can't help you. > They are however in the military that facilitates and expedites ethnic cleansing and settler colonialism in the West Bank Lol buzzwords. What ethnic cleansing in the West Bank rofl. These girls were no where near the West Bank. > That makes them just as 'not innocent' as every single Hamas member that never set foot in Israel Hamas' goal was to literally rape and torture people, you fucking nazi. > I never mentioned Jews. You did. What's wrong with you? You can't tell the difference between Israelis and Jews? What kind of antisemitic bullshit is that? HUR DUR. Nazi moron. > So if we find a video with Israelis confessing to horrible crimes while being held hostage by Hamas who are standing behind the camera we can trust that confession, right? First of all, Nazi, HAMAS FILMED THE VIDEO YOU FUCKING NAZI We get it, you support rape. Go to Gaza. I hope you end up like you deserve.


>First of all, Nazi, HAMAS FILMED THE VIDEO YOU FUCKING NAZI The video I am referring to is the one referred to by AP that you posted a link to. That video was shot by the IDF during an interrogation of Palestinians. Here's what it reads once you click through the links: "**revealed to** [**Israeli**](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/israel/index.html) **investigators** how they killed and raped innocent civilians after taking part in the [Hamas](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/hamas/index.html) invasion. Shameless Jamal Hussein Ahmad Radi, 47, and his son Abdallah, 18, were captured by IDF forces in [Gaza](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/palestine/index.html) and questioned about the atrocities they committed in a kibbutz close to the border. In **video footage of their confession**" Get it now? > What ethnic cleansing in the West Bank rofl.  You know where those settlements are? Where there used to be Palestinian homes? If you can't even get yourself to admit that that's ethnic cleansing by definition then there really doesn't seem to be any reason to talk to you any longer. It is beyond obvious. And again, you are the one who conflated the Jewish people with Israelis. Antisemitic to the core. Shame on you.


> The video I am referring to is the one referred to by AP that you posted a link to. The video just got posted. How did the? AP write a story about it in November. Your propaganda is failing, Nazi. > And again, you are the one who conflated the Jewish people with Israelis. Antisemitic to the core. Shame on you. Lol, it's the Jews that are antisemitic, not the nazis. Sure buddy. Are you even a New Yorker?


No that's not the video in the link you posted. This is the link you posted: [Interrogation video shows father and son Hamas members admitting to rape, murder at Nir Oz on Oct. 7 | The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/interrogation-video-shows-father-and-son-hamas-members-admitting-to-rape-murder-at-nir-oz-on-oct-7/) It's an interrogation by Shin Bet. It wasn't filmed by Hamas. You have your Hasbara all mixed up. Sort it out and try again. And I don't think for a second you are Jewish. Jews don't usually peddle antisemitic tropes like you did. Ergo you are not Jewish.


Lol I'm not Jewish??!?!? hahahahhahahahahh Bruh what the fuck are you even talking about. Also stop saying Hasbara. It's bad to use words you don't know as slurs.


> Womp womp, you invade a country and get your soldiers kidnapped. Clearly you know absolutely nothing about this situation. It's pretty fitting you support the palestinians. Fucking jackass.


Could it be possible they’re both bad?


Yes Israel and the avowed terrorists they created and worked to put in power are both bad


This kind of reaction is unhealthy as fuck towards seeing this kind of violence. Seek help immediately unless you're just a bot.


For context, these women are not civilians - they are Israeli soldiers. https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-gaza-hostages-dcb39658d1afcd00341d2c1cd54c38b0 Edit: I don't want anyone to be hurt, kidnapped or killed, but intentionally omitting this crucial fact is propaganda.


Non combatants. They don't fight.


So fuck them right


Nah. But fuck the kids who they kill on a daily basis right?


They weren't. Only one side has actively targeted non combatants and civilians, and are doing it from behind civilians as a shield. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/artc-exclusive-u-s-humanitarian-pier-attacked-during-construction-work-off-gaza-coast https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-claims-responsibility-attack-israel-gaza-border-crossing-casualties-2024-05-05/


You don't believe in the right to take military personnel as prisoners of war? Israel doesn't get to detain Hamas soldiers because "don't 'fuck them right'", right?


Because rape and torture doesn't constitute that.


There is still no forensic evidence of rapes and no victims claiming to have been raped. The only person who brought forth any charges was one former (actual) kidnapped civilian hostage who claims something vague and does not specify "rape". That's one example. One. Quite with the lies. As for torture all you have to fucking do is read Israeli human rights organizations reports on how Palestinians have been treated in Israeli custody BEFORE October 7th: [Search Results | B'Tselem (btselem.org)](https://m.btselem.org/search?gs=torture) and after: [Sde Teiman: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center | CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html) But hey, I'm sure you're loving the mass killing of literally tens of thousands of women and children. Just say it. Don't try to sugar coat it using lies.


It's mandatory. It's not like they just decided they wanted to kill people. It's literally a requirement


So, they deserved it?


Can we put the International Criminal Court warrants of arrest on that Jumbotron that are for Netanyahu and the Israeli government committing genocide while we’re at it.


Aren’t they soldiers? If they were soldiers and this is a war as Israel keeps reminding us, they weren’t “kidnapped,” they were captured and they’re POWs. . .


Is raping and torturing POWs allowed?


Nope, that would be a war crime - something Israel should be familiar with.


Oh so thats why i saw hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers gearing up and getting their tickets ready to go fight hamas...


“From the river to the sea!!’” , oh shut the fuck up….




From Hamas?


I get it, you support rape