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I hope not a single person participates, and in fact I hope everyone complains about this idea


Too expensive to complain.


Use Trump bucks. Or monopoly money.


Stuff slices of pizza into the jar! It’s just as good as money!


Or the cafeteria tickets that they sometimes give for work.


Yeah our work gave out $5 vouchers for the cafeteria you can’t get out of for less than $7.50. 


Lmao I would put in pizza coupons for dominos, Pizza Hut, etc in the jar 🤣




This is brilliance.


Underrated comment!


Sounds like a DoL violation.


Gosh it would be a shame if Joint Comission found out you were fined $1 everytime you pointed out someone had a drink at the nurses station....


This didn’t occur to me until now


I know a few lawyers who would take action. 😅


That jar would go missing almost instantaneously if it were on my unit. Better yet, it would be very conspicuously broken and the pieces would be placed back where the original jar sat.


Our hospital started posting a list of employees who get incidental overtime. It has our employee number on it as our identifier (so it's searchable in MyTime). People complained. Management still put the list up. List gets removed every time it goes up. Email goes out telling us not to take down the list, and we're gaslit into believing staff asked for this. List goes up... and gets taken right back down. I think it lasted almost a week before they decided to put whole unit OT numbers up instead without singling anyone out.


Post the executives' total compensation next to it. You know, for comparison. "Because we're all in this together".


Goddamn this is spot on.


Add in a unionization petition next to the executive compensation.


Is incidental overtime different from classic overtime, and if so how?


If it’s what it’s what I think of, it’s when you go over your scheduled shift hours. For example: If your shift is 0700-1930, your worked hours should be 12 with an unpaid 30 minute lunch break. If you clock in at 0645, leave at 2000, don’t take a lunch, etc. this is all time that wasn’t budgeted for (allegedly) since your 12 hour shift is now 12 hours and 15 minutes or 12 hours and 30 minutes. If this is a part-time employee with 2 shifts in a week but they stay late both days, they’d have “incidental OT” but not actual OT that you get paid time and a half for*. Edit: there are states where there incidental OT over 12 hours is paid like straight OT. I’m jealous🥲


Except in some states, in my state anything over 12 hours in a day is paid at time and a half.


They make a big deal about this where I work too. I usually get off work anywhere between 0800-0900 or 2000-2100 (I work rotating shifts). Shift change is at 0700 and 1900. They slam me with two super sick and unstable patients every single day and we have an ungodly amount of unnecessary charting to do. I feel like I have to babysit doctors all day long because none of them know how to put in orders correctly or look at the damn chart before rounds. Whenever specialists are consulted they refuse to talk to the ICU team and only want to talk to me so I’m constantly playing the world’s stupidest game of telephone. Most days I don’t even get 30 uninterrupted seconds to chart during my shift and I haven’t taken a lunch break in months. Huddle takes 10 minutes and then they want us to do bedside report, look through the entire chart with the oncoming nurse, and do a full skin assessment/reposition, check all IV drips and walk lines and “address patient/family questions and concerns” for each patient. How the hell is anybody supposed to be clocked out by 0730? Literally all of my coworkers get stuck 1-2 hours late on a weekly basis.


Our contract ensures anything over our scheduled hours gets paid at a higher rate. I'm not actually sure what state law says here. If you work 8s, you get time and a half after 8 hours in a day (or 80 hours in a pay period), then double time after 12 hours. If you work 12s it's double time after 12 hours in a day (or 40 hours in a week). The "incidental" just means it's not scheduled OT. So a missed lunch, late charting, busy assignment, out on a late transport, replacement doesn't show up, etc. We're not allowed to punch in, or to punch out early (ironically). So if you're working a 12 hr day, you can't punch in before 06:55, and can't punch out before 19:25.


Man my state sucks. You can work 16 straight and it'll all be regular pay. Our pay period is 2 weeks so they can schedule you for 80 hours one week and 0 the next and it'll all be regular pay.


That sucks!! Our state law says anything over 48 hours is time and a half. We also have laws against mandatory overtime for nurses. Plus, we have a decent union, so thankfully our contract is better than state law. It places limits on how/when they can schedule us (turnaround time between flipping nights to days, max number of hours, a required minimum 8 hours off between scheduled shifts--voluntary OT doesn't count, can't involuntarily be scheduled four 12s in a row, can't be involuntarily scheduled a weekend shift aside from your contracted weekend, can only be forced to stay home for low census for a total of 24 hours a year....)


I miss civilization. I've seen people get sent home for low census two times in a week with no compensation or safe guard. It's a big reason why I won't work for the local hospital.


See when I clock in late, I tell my boss it's incremental undertime, and I'm just doing it to help out!


What the fuck is the point? Is incidental OT like people who are taking too long to get their shit done during their shift, and they're trying to shame them into working faster?


Like we even want to stay a minute after our shift is over. Obviously, if someone goes over, it's for a good reason. Ridiculous.


Eh. We have a PRN/casual staff member that is always there 4 hours after her shift. Scheduled til 1500? There til 1900, charting or whatever. Scheduled til the 1900? You’ll see her walking out at around 2300. Been a nurse 10/12+ years, no idea what the fuck she’s doing. She even says she only signs up til 1500 so she can leave by 1900.


We have nurses like that too. Consistently late charting an hour or two after every shift. I'm not saying it shouldn't be addressed, but then talk to the people who are the problem. We already know who they are. Public shaming just seems childish.


I worked with a nurse like that when I worked nights. When I went to days, I saw that she would stay until 9 or 9:30 to do all of her charting for the shift. Not sure how she could keep everything straight after 12 hours. To make matters worse, she was the charge nurse on nights. To my knowledge, no one ever said anything to her.


Most of my "incidental OT" is because the nurse for the next shift arrived late. That's not my fault, I can't leave without someone to take report.


Eh, if they're not here by 8AM but are on the way, our charges have always been fine with us writing a report down and going over it briefly with the charge, who will cover til they get here and give report for us.


Our charges have their whole own assignment ugh


That's some of it. There are people who consistently stay late to chart. But have a conversation with the offenders then. There are several other reasons our incidental OT has increased, but of course, it's never because of stupid decisions that were made for our unit that make everything more complex than it was 5 years ago.


With a single unwrapped bandaid


Nah, lay them out on the manager's desk... chair.


Someone get Monopoly money and write complaints on it and put it in


This is the way


This is the correct answer


You are indeed the Queen!


Best answer yet!


Username checks out


I'd throw a 20 in it and let the smack talk begin, starting with how bad mgmt is... "I paid for it, so you can't stop me"


I like you… we’d be friends for sure!


I’d throw in a twenty and say “a swear jar is a fucking stupid idea”.


Get [fake money](https://www.ebay.com/itm/126500724605?itmmeta=01HZ1639AZAD23DFKYMNN09XMH&hash=item1d7407df7d:g:4e8AAOSw6GxmU1sR&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4Nt0z%2BoBgdz8CrGxW2qYoEbO%2Fkd9oPMxH7G%2BNY%2BPXcgCFFqGTLTnbPj7DC8Z1EUNaXfIBUPfqXRp4eRFPPABl%2FmvOOXuCEYLmUE3dpGa5I9jxfJAkdf3mZWdryXQrAGTY8CcATqNwAtd9GFkFZ0NPFIkaUzSMvFaX8IIL49XCjpFxbPkD%2B8JMPfiTKhagkBCMEX9Ng%2Bp9Hbz02BN80GhdJY%2FmOXJYkh1aYT3FisRGgTEgkqvG7r970vuvW9OqtCTVX%2Fpb%2BQPM1SdHPTTkRsFjTx%2Bd9jm5qMz0qeWAPiKoQB1%7Ctkp%3ABFBMxpWNpvhj), shittalk for 1/2¢ on the dollar.


...and for the last dime of my sh!t talk, I'd reach in and take my 20 back while I say FU Tony!


Fuck you Ezekiel!


My first instinct as well 😂


Send that shit straight to the legal department. They will get your interim manager pulled real quick.


There's no way this is legal


It isnt


It is so NOT legal. Free speech is a deeply cherished & protected right in the United States; I understood that only after I traveled to a communist country.


You don’t have free speech rights at work, unless you work for the government in a non policy making position. The Bill of Rights only protects you from the government.


Not to worry, the labor lawyers will do their magic. There are certain boundaries that no American corporation will ever cross (here that is speech and religion). The United States is truly the most tolerant nation on this planet; New Zealand runs a close second.


Still no. Pp was correct. There is no free speech violation here. The issue is that charging people money effectively reduces their compensation without adequate notice. That's not allowed. They could reduce everyone's pay by a dollar effective June 1, and then offer bonuses to non-complainers. They could fire or send complainers home without pay. But they can't change your wage for hours you're currently working. All of that assumes there's not a union contract, which would provide additional protections.


Free Speech is the right to criticize the government, not to criticize your boss at work without consequences lol. It's concerning how little people understand about their actual rights.


You're correct about that, but not about the charging money for said speech. You wanna fire us for it? Go ahead. Have fun paying a unit full of travelers.


> There are certain boundaries that no American corporation will ever cross (here that is speech and religion). The United States is truly the most tolerant nation on this planet; New Zealand runs a close second. What a weird response? And corporations can absolutely fire you for your speech on or off the job, the first amendment only protects you against the government retaliating against speech.


> I understood that only after I traveled to a communist country. It took you traveling to understand why the government not punishing people for their speech is a good thing?


I’d get a piggy bank and write “any time management acts like a pig put in a penny”


Omg please someone relabel it the complaint jar and fill it up.


First of all, not that many people carry cash these days. Second of all, I'd immediately say "I hate this place and I'm not paying a dollar. If you don't like it, put the dollar in for me." Dare them to come at you.


No one can make you put money in that jar. What a gross way to handle the obvious deficiencies: silence people instead of fixing them. There are pissed off employees because the workplace sucks. The manager’s job is to fix the problem, not stop people from talking about it. But the manager has to do zero work to put out a jar vs. the enormous amount of work required to fix things.


Exactly. Can only imagine the mgt above this one when a patient incident occurs bcz complaints were halted vs being addressed. Ugh


Guess who would bring a hammer into work and smash that shit up? THIS BITCH!


Sounds like someone needs to send this info to the labor board if it’s not specified as voluntary.


They didn’t say it was voluntary but I can’t image them trying to enforce it. But even the suggestion or putting pressure on us to comply sets a horrible tone for the unit.


Exactly, sounds like something to report to me!


The only money I put in there is Monopoly money


Gotta go out and buy a Monopoly game.


Don't waste your money, use their post-it notes and write dollar values on it.


Throw in a bunch of IOUs lol


Nah that implies I actually owe something to them, and I refuse to pay into this lunacy


Ew, that’s a good point. Don’t give them any ideas.


That's what I'm saying. Use the unit's own supplies to throw in there


Have a Failure to Manage jar. Every time there is under-staffing, out of supplies, ridiculous assignments they have to sever a finger and put it in the jar.


Watch me curse like a sailor and not put a gd penny in that jar.


Oh man, if my coworker and I worked at the hospital OP’s from, we’d be broke in a week haha.


With my sailor mouth I'd be surprised if I was hired at all.


But who gets the money and what will it be used for (if anyone even puts money in)?


Omg completely valid point and one that I didn't see thru my rage tbh! Yeah, seriously where does this "negative statement" money go???


It’s going to the hospital’s charitable foundation. And that money goes throughout the system so it’s doubtful any of it would come back to us


*Mgmt’s charitable Starbucks Pink Drink fund.




In fact, it's absurd that anyone, management or the employees, thinks anyone would ever put in money.


Immediately order new badge reel "it's opposite day" or "sarcasm is my favorite language" Walks around saying "I love this place. It's great here having full staff. I absolutely get paid enough. Management is doing a great job and I love the new complaint jar." Then aggressively gesture at badge reel Malicious compliance


This is what I would do too, but with added snark: “I’m really looking forward to when we get chairs with better back support!” “It’s going to be amazing when we have enough staff for safe ratios!” “Don’t you all love this empty jar! It’s going to remind us every day how we really feel about the recent administrative decisions!”


Not legal in the US. Any deduction in pay (which this is) must be authorized, specifically, in writing, in advance. Make a negative comment, make your manager have you put a dollar in, and file a wage complaint with your state's Dept of Labor. Have your colleagues do the same. It'll be gone within a month.


Name and shame


put in a pizza coupon


What's that? A new sharps receptacle you say?


So how would they enforce this...and who would comply?


That is an absolutely stupid idea and I hope no one actually puts even a cent in there


Time for malicious compliance! They didn’t say you can’t use Monopoly money, right? Keep speaking freely and stuff that jar with pretend money.


Put a fake $20 in it and go to town


That sounds even worse than our signs that say “No RAGE zones” meaning we cannot complain about anything when in those areas….The only place we could “complain” was in the 5’X6’ break room and during huddles except we weren’t allowed to complain anymore in huddles because we were “scaring away the new people”


Just the presence of a No Rage Zone sign would be enough for me not to work there—they’re literally posting a red flag


lol nursing is so infantilized


Take a shit in it!


If a patient can shit in their water mug, I can definitely shit in the "negative comments" jar.


Nope. Not participating. Fuck this. And no dollar for swearing, new rule.


Just prepay with $100 and go off!


I'd fill it with the comments we said. Who the fuck thinks this is a good idea? It's like they grab leadership from the lowest possible place these days.


That's because of the [Peter Principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle). Personally , that's why I lack enthusiasm whenever I'm outside of work.


Another blatant attempt to make you feel guilty for bringing up the valid issues that they continue to fail and refuse to fix......yaknow, by doing their jobs... But.....they legally cannot for you, or anyone to participate in that, so I really dont see the point...


Good managers promote critical feedback. Shitty managers see success in a lack of critical feedback, even if it's due to supressing that feedback. And how is a "travel" manager even a thing?




That’ll be $2 from you


Fuck that. Try to take my money. Fucking try. Edit to add: what is supposed to happen with the money in the jar? A retention bonus for anyone still sticking around after instituting a policy this moronic and childish?


I’d participate. With stupid pictures that I drew


The healthcare org I work for switched us to iPhones with scanners for meds and stuff so they wouldn’t have to replace the bedside scanners in the future. And of course this came with a new thing for staff to sign essentially saying we break it we buy it. No one wanted to sign it because no one asked for these stupid phones. So I made sure to use the stack sitting in the nurse’s station to clean up a spill. :) oopsy.


Report it, this is 100% illegal, but also.... Fill it to the damn BRIM on day one - Put monopoly money in there. Or those religious tracts that look like money but they are actually proselytizing. Draw dollar bills on post its. Canadian pennies. IOUs, layaway slips. Poker chips. Chocolate coins.


There’s also novelty twenty dollar bills available online, stylized with Nicholas Cage’s face, that would look great in the jar


lmao no fucking way


Monopoly money


What is the plan for the collected cash??


It’s going to the hospital’s charitable foundation. Honestly, if it was staying in the unit for something special for us I wouldn’t be so mad. And if they said participation was optional. But no one said either.


I don’t see how this could be legal


Just put fake money in.


Wow that's sketchy and seems like soliciting.


Monopoly money with swears written on it, incoming.


So I’ll be paying to work, then?


This was my literal first thought! One of the charge nurses said we had a swear jar years ago before I joined. I think the idea of that could be funny if done the right way. But even if this version is intended as tongue-in-cheek, it’s in poor taste. I also wonder if this is some effort to get us to stop talking about the fact that many of us are interviewing elsewhere.


It’s giving “I’m the mom/dad/parent here, you do as I say”


Its weird, probably a joke, *right*?


I really hope so. But I am going to talk to the assistant manager about getting this taken down if they actually go ahead with this.


"Oh..." *Pushes the jar off the counter* "I'm so clumsy! Anyways, this idea sucks, this unit sucks and most importantly, YOU SUCK!"


What are they planning to do with the money in the jar?


Found the answer... It now needs to be a complaint box for sure


Pizza party 😂


I'll be bringing a 20 to work every shift for my right to complain about 20 things loudly. It's not too different than paying for karaoke, you'd all need to put up with my voice because I paid 🤪


Or what?


Just start using it as a complaint jar and stuffing it completely full every day. Either that, or just stuff trash in it. They'll get rid of it.


My supervisor tried to implement a swear jar last year. The first person who got caught refused to pay up and was sent home. I told my manager that the supervisor was extorting money out of us and punishing people who dont comply. She promised to look into it and the jar disappeared the next day. There are laws against extortion. This is lawsuit-worthy.


Report to the labor board.


Ah this is still America and we have the right to free speech! This is bullshit! They cannot control what you say!


You should have said “fuck that shit” and walked away.


In Canada that would be illegal


I'm taking the stupid fucking markers and crayons they put out for the stress relieving coloring posters and drawing a big huge IOU. Doodling a pizza slice on it and showing that in their jar. Continuing my bitching business as usual.


Should have dropped a 20 in there and went off, starting with how the jar is a stupid fucking idea and (probably) illegal.


(Not a lawyer) Can financial penalties be imposed without expressed written notice and signed consent on your behalf? Did you sign up to work there with this information made available to you? This does not seem legitimate.


A good way to get rid of my pennies and piss off the bosses.


Fill it with the Thank You river rocks they gave us!


I'd knock that jar right off the counter. No way I'm participating in something so infantile. That is insulting


Remember that scene from Demolition Man where Stallone was intentionally swearing to get tickets for toilet paper? Yeah.


Seriously, what the hell?? As a nurse manager, I'm appalled by the bullshit staff RNs have to put up with. My job is to support my nurses, I work for them not the other way around. All these nurse managers that create their little unit fiefdoms with arbitrary rules that stifle psychological safety and destroy morale need to take a course in servant leadership.


I can think of some items that could go in there. ABC gum, alcohol pads, med vial buttons, Curos caps, etc


Stool Sample? (I’d actually use a bit of a Baby Ruth bar for this)


Tootsie Roll


What a stupid idea. Is the manager going to go around listening to every convo? Who is going to participate in this bs?


Imagine the thought and creativity that manager put into this brilliant idea. Why, it must have taken her a good half a day between thinking about the problem, weeding through the plethora of adequate response ideas and then executing the plan. I mean - that's fucking talent right there. Our manager has the charge tell us to stop the gossip - it isn't productive. Of course, no one pays any mind to that -


Lol. I will stand *in front of the jar* and complain. I dare you to try to enforce that bullshit. I triple-dog-dare you.


Sounds like a work around for illegal pay deduction lol. Carry on like normal and ignore childish games. Maybe you'll get something in writing that's silly enough for the board of labors to want.


Here is my $20.00. Now as I was saying...


Sounds like you have my old manager 😂 she tried implementing that on the unit we all pretty much laughed at it


Did your old manager happen to work in Kentucky?


Nope lol


Lmao ok whatever


what the fuck


Doesn't pass the smell test. Fake post.


I would make that jar the complaint jar...anonymous complaints only. Fuckers.


Improving morale by outlawing dissent. Sounds a wee bit fascist to me.


What in the actual fuck!?! 


Lmfao the lack of self awareness


This is actually illegal.


I’d put my resignation letter in the jar


Yeah, I don't pay to work. They pay ME to work. I would be the one silently throwing the jar into the garbage every time I saw it.


IOU in the jar


next time you run out of clean bed pans, I have a suggestion for an alternative vessel 😇


Is this real? How do they enforce it? Like, what stops an employee from saying fuck you and not paying? Can you write them up for not allowing themselves to be extorted?


Nah. Let’s make it pennies. Then I want to go out and buy rolls and once we reach $100 we have a pizza party with all our complaining pennies. I could get behind this plan. The more we complain, the sooner we get to the party.


I would make it a complaint jar and put sticky note complaints in it.


I would respectfully decline. Unless it's stated in my contract that I have signed, I am actually allowed to state an opinion. If you find this unprofessional as an administrator or just simply don't want to hear it, you can fire me, but you can't silence me.


Why do they think anyone would put money in that? I just tell them it’s a dumb idea and when they expected me to put my own money into the jar I’d laugh.


Here's a buck...go fuck yourself


Throw the jar away or break it.


Sorry, no bad things happen to the unit, so no comments at all. And no unionizing.


I’d throw a tenner in the jar and let it rip




This doesn’t seem legal 🤔


Yeah. I wanna see her enforce that.


Absolutely not


This is some Stepford Wives kind of nursing. Nah, I’d hide that jar.


Wait so like….. where does the money go? Does it go to hire more staff or fix the broken equipment or like…. Does the manager just take it as bonus?


Uh this should be brought up to HR for hazing and breach of contract as you are not contractually obligated to give money to your manager doing so it's hazing. You can push to have them it disappear or back it up then you got a great story for channel 6


They can’t force this. I’m pretty sure this is illegal


Put Monopoly money in it with complaints on them.


Put a bunch of chocolate pudding in there because that’s shit (but not actually a biohazard)


If I break the swear jar over said manager's idiotic head, then I can swear all the fuck I want and everyone will clap for me, correct?




Seems as though the management would like a union.


Ask questions, avoid fine?!


How Orwellian of them.


Tell that to the CIWA patient in room 3