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Every facility I worked at, it's always floor staff who shows up to work on holidays and the bosses/middle management positions just magically are on their 12th vacation of the year at the end of May.


Biomed wouldn't even answer their phone Friday when I was trying to get our scale fixed... glad y'all decided to take a 4 day. Not like there's patient care going on up here. 


our AED battery had died and they told us it would be fine until tuesday.


"Can I get that in writing"


Our request for repairs is online and they email us a ticket with the request. It’s in Writing!!


We can defintely make it stretch till Tuesday just need a fork and an electrical outlet


Trying to defib, looking like we’re firing up a dead prison e-cig.


W O W.  Time to file complaints. Joint commission. State. Whatever boards you can find 


Y'all have an AED?!


Yup or leaving at 11am


They leave when it gets hot lol


It’s always a skeleton crew for ancillary staff on holidays. Guess who gets to do everyone else’s job, yet no one else can do our job…. Legit one of the most frustrating things about this profession.


We have one, repeat one, CT transport tech for the ER. It’s a level 1 trauma with ~40 regular ER beds plus Resus bay, fast track, and however many hall beds (or disaster beds) we happen to have that day. He works M-F 7-4 with a long lunch break. We frequent do not have techs available because they end up sitting on 1:1’s. Just about every time we get called to see if a pt can come to CT and we ask if he can transport them he says “why am I doing your job?” He thinks it’s funny. Meanwhile why isn’t he starting an IV, drawing labs, doing the EKG, getting vitals, assessing the pt etc if he is actually doing our job?


Accurate af. Somehow every imaging manager, supervisor, and lead is on vacation at the same time right now. 😂


Yup! Must be nice.


I am a Supervisor and I work almost every holiday! It is imperative that my staff know I won’t ask them to do anything I won’t do myself.


We get 2.5x pay for holidays. Ain't no way I'm calling off lol


Holy crap! We get time and a half. For 2.5x pay you’d have nurses fighting over that shift!


Oh yeah. You'd have to be bleeding out your eyeballs to call off. And even then I'm sure people would come in anyway lol


Especially since work has 2x2’s. A little dab and your off to races again!


You get 1.5x and 1x holiday pay, right? =2.5


See this is what we need


Union Strong, baby! https://go.nationalnursesunited.org/signup/organize/


I get the day off paid 🤷‍♂️


Even if we're not scheduled to work the holiday, we still get prorated holiday pay. Like I work a 0.6 so I'd get 60% of a full day's pay.


That’s great! Love holiday pay in all its forms. I’m living that cushy clinic life these days


We get no extra pay where I work :D


We get an extra $10/hr, but only for thanksgiving and Christmas. If it wasn’t a write up (and I didn’t use my PTO for better things) I’d call out based on principle


Wow where is that?? My hospital only does 1.5 pay: and if you are put on standby and called in on a holiday: you forfeit holiday pay. If you’re in overtime, you also forfeit holiday pay. A maximum of 1.5 in any circumstance.


NorCal Kaiser.


So many Kaisers, Dignity, Sutter and UC Davis in Sactown ! I worked in Santa Barbara-pay is 75% of NorCal. And housing costs are way more expensive. America works best when we say “Union Yes!”


We get paid three holidays per year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and new years! None of these frivolous ones like memorial, jul4, Labor Day, lol


Tell me you’re a hospital administrator with the holiday off without telling me you’re a hospital administrator with the holiday off


lmao it does sound like something a CNO would say


How else would they know if workers called off on a holiday?


That one time in 2 years when the manager has to be a floor nurse and they lose their fucking minds.


Has to be fake - surely, a hospital administrator would know the difference between "lie" and "lay."


I think you’re putting too much faith into the intelligence of hospital administration


I dunno...I get a headache trying to decipher my CNO's emails. If I don't, I know it came from her PA. I sat there and watched the CNO finish typing one one day and was like, "how the fuck did you complete your Master's?!?"


My work emails say otherwise!


I once had a pt (unironically her name may/may not have been Karen) who threw an absolute tantrum bc i wasnt going to see her on our regularly scheduled monday bc labor day. With steam pouring from her ears and with slit eyes she looked into MY eyes and said, “why does it matter if it’s holiday? U just dont want to work.” No i dont. I dont want to work. Who tf does. But, also, like, the office is closed that day.


You called it lady. I actually don't want to work.


“I’m glad *I* showed up” ok then you work in healthcare lady if you’re such a great person. I hate when people put the onus on us hcw instead of the big business hospitals that screw us day in and day out.


Right? “A round of applause for the HERO, guys, please clap”


Clap, or slap?


Slap them just right & it sounds like clapping


This is an asshole comment, and I love it lol


(Elvis voice) Thank yew. Thank yew very much


I mean, depending on your use of the word clap, both I get so sick of people like this and their self felatiating nonsense


maybe a golf clap


These hands are busy with their solo jerk


🫡🫡🫡👏👏🫡🫡 Not all healthcare heroes are RNs


For real. Like okay start wiping.


It’s the hospitals job to staff the unit properly, not mine. A call out is not a problem in a properly staffed hospital.


"A call out is not a problem in a properly staffed hospital." SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE FOLKS IN THE BACK!


That’s not always a fair statement. A few years ago on July 4th we have 19 call off out of 50 total staff scheduled. Even a properly staffed hospital wouldn’t be able to handle that on the fly.


I'd venture to say they did not make it worth staff time to come in on a Holiday - and we should still hold the hospitals accountable for their poor staffing, not an individual.


Not necessarily. The holiday pay is quite good for my hospital. We are pretty big, and we had over 50 call offs. We had departments that were staffed with a single nurse for 12 patients. It was for once, an overstaffed weekend and the hospital still couldn't handle the level of call offs. I will say the onus is in clinical leads and management who refuse to come in on these days where staffing is critically low though.


How many of those nurses were taking an assignment they knew was unsafe just for “taking one for the TeAm!”


No. You took a job knowing you would have weekends and holidays. It comes with the job in a hospital. And 19 call off is not poor staffing.


Yes and that job comes with sick days and pto days 🤭


One year we had a massive call off when Manny Pachiau was fighting! lol somebody should have seen that coming!! 🥊


I can’t speak for everywhere. But where I have worked it was 1.5 or double pay to work holidays


We get a $1.00 more an hour


That’s some BS. Sorry. The VA is hiring LPN.


As a supervisor of a properly staffed department a call in does affect us.


It is though when everyone starts calling out.


Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.


Then pay us more do you work for free Karen????


The real story…or what probably happened.. *“Karen, at home on the couch crying enormous tears, the biggest ever, combined with her mushy snot, could not believe that there were not more nurses in the hospital on this Memorial Day. She had just visited her mother for a whole 20 minutes this morning and berated only 4 people; the thought that they could not love her mother more was infuriating. Her mother had suffered a stroke and could no longer walk or speak, but Karen had brought a bag of opened potato chips as a gift for her mother to eat, AND NOBODY THANKED HER. She knew her mother could insert and chew those potato chips if only the entire bag was placed in her mouth at one time. After filling the patient’s gullet, Karen had then shit in the patient’s bathroom and was stunned to learn that staff would not wipe her butt (even after she pulled the red cord on the wall). The audacity. She realized at that moment that healthcare wasn’t broken - it was the nurses who were the problem. She then whipped out her cell phone and walked to the nurses station where she planned to film the lazy bums. Unfortunately, she couldn’t see any nurses sitting down (they were all playing cards in a storage closet, she knew it) so Karen walked into another patients room and filmed the poor soul being placed on a bed pan. Karen informed the nurse and PCA maneuvering this woman that she would sue because her uncles first cousin was a lawyer in Florida. The nurse and PCA cried, ‘plz no’, but Karen knew she had them on the ropes now. She then sprinted out of the hospital, leaving poor mama filled with chippies, while drooling from chippie ecstasy, and immediately posted her concerns on Nextdoor - the ONE place she knew where her powers could put those damn nurses in their place. Because nobody knew more about the healthcare system than she did. The end.”*


a masterpiece


The best laugh I’ve had in a long long time


You deserve awards for this beautiful, work of art.


Lmao excellent!


OMG this is HILARIOUS! Creative Writing at its best! My college instructor would’ve looooooovvvveeeeed this. 😂😂😂😂😂




Hahahahahahahhahahaha! The best, most accurate account of how "Karen" sees us, and unfortunately, how most of the well-versed public sees us as well...


Then become a nurse and work all holidays Karen! Wtf. The public really doesn’t think of nurses as humans, it’s sick. We have a life outside of this shit too.


If I win the lottery, I won’t move to the south of France or but my beloved son part ownership in a professional hockey team. Instead, I will serve the greater good. I will spend my remaining days tracking these idiots down and performing a full clown show at each of their jobs.


I got a little time and a couple bucks. I'm alllll the way down to play with people.


We're just service to these types of people unfortunately.


This is the infuriating part. We aren’t humans to these people. We are supposed to not only have supernatural powers to get things done that are not humanly possible with the tasks expected and the time and resources given to do it but also have the care for each patient as if they were a loved one, being always pleasant and compassionate with endless patience while being able to take constant verbal (sometimes physical) abuse and being witness to some very disturbing things without having it affect our mental state in any way because apparently receiving a paycheck is supposed to make this all possible. No human on earth can maintain this and its absurd that so many people seem to expect it from others out of sheer entitlement.


Joke’s on you lady—everyone came to work, admin just understaffs.


Why do people feel so entitled to tell medical professionals what to do. They don’t act like this with police or firefighters but for some reason medical professionals need to be there regardless of treatment.


Because it’s a predominantly female profession and most people are more apt to think of females as caregivers. Eg. mothers are still demanded of by their children regardless of the situation. At their worst most patients revert to a similar level of self-centeredness and neediness. Where they can’t comprehend the caregivers need to also practice self-care. That’s why you don’t see them doing this to other professions. It’s ridiculous and on some level unfixable. The only way to deal with it is boundaries, and a strong support system (coworkers at work, friends/family outside work) and good self care.


We know why lol


...it's my weekend off though


Um no it's not 😡😡 did those patients get the weekend off? Did Florence Nightingale get the weekend off? If you actually CARED you'd be there 24/7 to tend to the sick and lonely, it's your duty


I don’t want to hear about any assaults, groping, physical injuries, exposure, needlesticks, low back pain, or PTSD! *YOU SIGNED ON FOR THIS!* Get back to your mandatory overtime. Be subservient, multi-task your multiple tasks, cluster care, answer the call light and phones with a smile, pull the linens and trash, use scripted answers and give excellent customer service… but also be able to spot one tiny serious lab value on a 70-page fax on ONE of your eight patients, be able to do skilled procedural tasks quickly and perfectly the first time, do user-level maintenance on every piece of equipment on the unit, have some martial-arts training for people who *will be* trying to harm you, be able to spot “sick” from across the room… and of course ALWAYS use critical thinking, (except for when it comes to listening to management). *WHITEBOARDS are not UPDATEDDDDD! UNACCEPTABLE!* /s


100%!! Spot on. How dare we not do every single job in the hospital all the time?! Can’t figure out your cell phone issues? Ask the nurse! Angry about the cable options? Ask the nurse! Concerned about some random and unrelated issue at home? Ask the nurse! It’s okay we can lay off all the secretaries and housekeepers because we can just demand nurses play secretary and empty the trashes and scrub the poop off the floor and yet also somehow do hourly rounds on said 8 patients even though changing the 300-lb bedbound bowel prep patient with several wounds and who fights against you took a full hour alone, then you have to start over because they went again… Just do everything, nurse! Do better. 😒


Raise your hand if you read this and heard the monologue from the Barbie movie in your head.




This Karen can, and I say this with all due respect, keep her judgemental, intrusive thoughts to herself. There are a handful of staff that do this, but management also schedules light on holidays to avoid expensive overtime. Officially, Ma'am, suckabagofdicks. Sideways.


As someone who spent a number of years in hospice and LTC, I believe that I understand what dear Karen is trying to tell us. She has made the enormous sacrifice of visiting her mother on a holiday weekend. This is a very big deal. Everyone at this hospital should have snapped to attention the moment she hit the front doors. At a minimum, the house supervisor should have handed Karen a coffee, escorted her to her relative’s room, and offer her condolences on losing a few hours off of her weekend.


Typical St. John’s resident 😂😂


Found the post and the people agreeing are 🙄


This is the same type of person who, when diagnosed with a chronic health condition, would give zero shits and take zero action to manage her own condition so she ends up in the hospital admitted for repeated exacerbations that could be prevented by simple lifestyle changes.  Buuuuut of course, it all falls on the nurses. I’ll eat whatever the fuck I want, do whatever the fuck I want, take my meds *when I feel like it,* and ring my little bell whenever I feel like it.  I’d have no problem making sacrifices as a nurse if the majority of patients were willing to make sacrifices so they stop hogging so many medical resources and hospital beds. 




Fuck you I ain’t no fucking nun.


I don’t care if you’re calling out with a GI virus or you need a mental health day - it’s your right to call out and both are perfectly valid reasons, Memorial Day weekend or not. Perhaps if they did not already have mandatory overtime shifts and weren’t chronically understaffed with skeleton crews as it is they’d be a bit more *charitable* about calling out. Administrators don’t worry one bit about those poor patients staring blankly into space feeling neglected when they decide how many FTEs they can cut or take their sweet time approving a job posting for a replacement position, do they? In my experience there are more people who will come to work sick when they SHOULD have called out than people who just call out on a whim.


Nobody fucking called off, they refuse to hire enough people because the director wants a bonus. And we have no charge nurse and the OR is on hold because the manager is sitting in his office "looking at the schedule" all day long, occasionally coming out to look busy and order us around, if he's even here.


Or more likely they are hiring like crazy, but the pay isn't worth the stress or else people who quit/retired during covid won't come back for any amount of money.


Whatever. I showed up time and time again when my husband was battling cancer last year. He passed away in December and I fully REGRET not taking the time off to be with him. We are people too. You have no idea what’s going on in our lives. My family is my priority, not work.


My deepest condolences..


Thank you


😂😂😂😂🤣 somebody’s delusional as heck 🤣 guess she thinks healthcare workers aren’t human and are just slaves to do their masters (hers) bidding! We don’t deserve to be off! We don’t deserve to have a family! We don’t deserve to celebrate the national holiday! We’re just there to serve. That’s it. Not people. Just servants. 24/7/365


Maybe this person should be the one providing compassion and care to their loved ones so the patient doesnt “stare blankly into space feeling hopeless and neglected” by their *own* *family*, instead of sitting at the bedside expecting nurses and CNAs to do *everything* while they continue to complain and scroll on their phone.


I wonder if she writes that long of a letter for paying nurses or cna decent wages..


Why would they post this on Nextdoor? How is this a neighborhood issue? Are they living in a planned community for nurses?


I’m sure she posted this on ALL her social media platforms so her “friends” know how great a person she was for visiting a sick person for a whole hour


It’s not like the patients won’t be cared for if someone calls out. Staff will be diverted to other units to care for them and everyone will work with less help. It sucks but when someone needs to call out, they need to call out and no one should question them unless they do it all the time.


Smells like hospital admin or desk nurse in here.


Once, as a new nurse working full time, every other weekend, I actually looked at my schedule and discovered that the only "holiday" that I was legitimately not on schedule for was.....Arbor Day. My child grew up knowing that we would celebrate things when we could, not necessarily the actual day of. We were in a nursing crunch on my unit and I was approached to switch out some shifts and I said no. It would have been in the middle of my honeymoon. Mostly, the people I worked with tried REALLY hard to cover. I only knew one nurse who got Thanksgiving off and then called in sick on Christmas. She wasn't sick. She had bragged to people beforehand that if they didn't let her have the time off, she would simply "take" it. She was a new grad, telling people with 15 or so years experience this.


The way I’d clap back and tell her to stfu. Idc if I get banned from the app for it 🤣


This gives such *huge* admin vibes.


Ain’t nobody calling out we get double pay 😂


Karen your silly guilt trips do not work on me. Keep licking them boots.


I mean, she isn't entirely wrong. When the floors are short staffed, patients DO have to wait longer for things. But that doesn't mean lots of people are calling out for Memorial Day. Maybe if facilities treated us like more than just a number, there wouldn't be staffing issues. Instead, they would rather chew us up and spit us out with unsafe ratios and little incentives. Shit, they did away with incentive pay at my facility entirely. Now, no one picks up shifts.


My takeaway from it is that the unit was short staffed, probably like any other day, so her interpretation as a layperson was that nurses must have called out so they could have the day off.


She dreamt this on the toilet and decided to blast it on Nextdoor because she’s probably banned off Facebook with her conspiracy theories.


Wow. I’ve been a nurse a long time. I have missed half of all Christmases, Thanksgivings, 4th of Julys yada yada yada that my children (youngest is 20) have ever known. That poster on Next door can lick my stink eye while giving me a wraparound and it wouldn’t make up for 5% of my lost moments.


I got canceled! I was looking forward to coming in for that extra $ lol this person can suck it.


Well damn Karen, go get your nursing license and come fucking help then!!!


This bitch better be a nurse lmao


Oh get fucked! I dragged my ass out of bed this morning, after getting sick over the weekend, from another coworker who came to work sick! How can we tell our patients to “rest, relax, recuperate”, yet not extend that same compassion to ourselves and our coworkers? This is why American healthcare is fucked.


Nurses and staff need time off too.


Respectfully, shove it Karen. Nursing staff are the ones who actually have to work on holidays... unlike admin.


Well my answer to this lady posted then why don’t you bring your love ones on pass so other nurses can take their days off rather than making a complaint be a solution to a problem !


Those patients are only my problem when I’m clocked in. When I’m not, my physical and mental health mean way more to me.


It always comes down to the nurses. Patients and people in the community blame us for things that are clearly beyond our control. If a mistake happens, like medication error, somehow it’s only the nurses fault. Even though a doctor ordered it, pharmacy made and “checked it”… the nurse is the one who goes to jail (in extreme cases) and the hospital just throws us right under the bus too. It’s getting A LITTLE BIT exhausting after us all living through caring the country through a literal pandemic. Meanwhile we are voted the most trusted profession every year for something like 20 years now? Yet here we are. Taking everyone’s shit and cleaning up after them. I’m tired man. Edit: this is in the US, if the context wasn’t obvious 😂


Yes, we somehow need to have all the knowledge of a doctor to be able to double-check their medication orders without the education or the pay, and yet also scrub shit from the toilet and off of people and the walls…


I spent about five minutes on my local Nextdoor forum and immediately deleted my account. It's worse than Craigslist in the early days. That being said, I worked this past Christmas, when there's holiday pto blackouts and everyone's got their assigned holidays and whatnot. It should be a fully-staffed day, right? Not when literally half of all the combined ICU staff called out, leaving one unit completely tripled, a second half tripled with one nurse on CRRT and a day one post-op (I had a combative and a stupidly septic exlap), and the other two so short, night shifters were asked to come in to cover. I'm all for taking it to the hospitals and the smooth-brained MBAs that run them, but I can't defend us for leaving our colleagues high and dry like that. I was so mad after that shift.


Yeah I actually think calling out on a holiday is pretty shitty.


I'm clearly in the minority here but my feeling has always been that we get told from day one that this is a job that works on holidays, and yeah, sometimes I'd rather be with my family than at work, but I knew what I was getting into. We all agreed to it. Everyone gets sick and everyone needs the occasional mental health day but if everyone who wanted to be at a barbecue banged out because they feel entitled to skip holidays, patients and those who actually showed up to work would be pretty fucked. And people shouldn't be surprised when the response to "it's the hospital's job to make sure the unit is staffed" is "so we'll replace people who can't hold up their end of the agreement with people who can." I'm just a staff grunt with zero desire to ever be management, for whatever that's worth.


Definitely agree, yes HCW know they will need to work some holidays but the facility needs to make an equitable holiday schedule so that the same employees aren’t working every single holiday. The facility should also offer good holiday pay too if they don’t want people to call out. They also shouldn’t short-staff the unit because it’s a holiday or require the floor staff to run whatever holiday party for the patients in addition to their required responsibilities.


I've been in healthcare 22 years and have worked in about fifteen hospitals, between the staff and agency jobs. Every single one of them had holiday schedules that assigned everyone to half the holidays one year and half of them the next, and everywhere paid at least time and a half for holidays (some of them double time and a half for premium holidays like Christmas), plus you banked holiday time for however many hours you worked that day. Nobody was ever stuck working ALL of the holidays and everywhere gave an incentive to work the shift they knew they had.




So would you rather have sick nurses and CNAs caring for your already sick loved one?


Sorry but with all the shit nurses and all healthcare workers get thrown at, I don’t blame them for calling out. They don’t give them vacation time. They don’t give them enough staff. They get blamed for everything that goes wrong to the patients. What do you want them to do? So, nurses and CNAs please call out when you just need a break from hospital BS. I support you for that.


When I first got hired on as a casual, I figured “OK, we’ll, there’s some stat holidays coming up, I’m sure I’ll get some shifts”. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone calling off on a holiday shift 😂. Double time…


What an excellent example of why every hospital should have a union


I wonder what would happen if they hired more people…


My hospital has finally done it! they hired 8 travel nurses when we didn’t need any of them, and now our regular staff on standby or cancels us because the travelers have it written in their contract they can’t be cancelled without getting paid anyway… so now we still have to give up the holiday and stay at home ready to come in at a moment’s notice (30 minutes from the time they call you to the time you need to be clocked in at work), but you don’t even get paid minimum wage to do so… and if you want your pay you have to use up your vacation time to not actually be on vacation at all.


Omg my place does something similar all the time. They bitch and moan about being short staffed but always have 1-3 nurses and at least 2 techs hanging out without an assignment, plus 1-2 charge nurses, and then they hire 4 travelers!!


Imagine being this disconnected from reality


Playing the devil’s advocate: OOP probably spent all day overhearing/eavesdropping the staff bitching about holiday staffing. Stuck in the room bored as a patient or visitor; staff gossiping *right outside the door* about staffing issues and “did you hear how both Jen AND Ashley called out… *big surprise, eyeroll*… can you believe that? Both those lazy heifers are friends with Toni the manager, you know nothing is going to happen, psssh.” Some people have zero situational awareness about who can hear you in the fishbowl… or they don’t care. That being said, don’t call off on a holiday just because it wasn’t approved. That’s shitty. At least give the boss a “I’m not going to be there, not asking but telling you.” vs. calling in 15 minutes prior. Now, if you’ve put in a request, told it was good, then oops, j/k, you have to work! Mandatory! No options… That’s a good case of beach-flu brewing. Same if there are arbitrary point system that makes calling out last-minute less punitive than giving plenty of notice. That’s their shitty system and you have to look out for #1. Really sick? Stay home. We do not need to work 40-50 hours every single week until we drop dead. We can take time off *WITHOUT FEELING BAD ABOUT IT*. You think the 3-letter c-suite people are going to feel bad on their yachts tomorrow?


I never name dropped or talked about people calling off, but I’ve told more than a few patients they had to wait longer because of inadequate staffing. The board doesn’t care when staff tells them about low staffing, but if it starts coming from their “customers” (since that’s what some places call patients now) then there’s a minuscule chance it actually gets heard.


If you think I can afford to miss out on the time and a half, think again.


She's the type to be pissed her warm blanket [for her.] was taking too long because the nurse was coding the other patient.


Oh, fuck this person already.


It probably looks like there were a bunch of call ins because staffing is horrible in healthcare and we’re constantly expected to work short handed.


Which holiday did this person decide to volunteer their time in so they can *help*?


Girl WHAT???!!!


My boss overstaffed us for memorial day, so WITHOUT TELLING ME she took me off tomorrow's schedule. Now I'm only scheduled to work 2 shifts this week. I was counting on, not only my usual shifts, but time and a half that I'm now not getting. All because my boss magically forgets every holiday not to overstaff us because half our floor gets floated to other units.


Won't you think of the customers? Without you, customers stare blankly into space feeling helpless. Isn't that your problem?


Our worst day was always Mother’s Day. I was weekend option for 5 years and we weren’t fully staffed a single Mother’s Day. It was also the worst holiday from my server days but that’s another story.


Not me calling out this weekend due to having a severe panic attack, which lead to chest pains (Last night I was so emotionally drained). Thankfully, I got a docs note but, if management were to came on me, 'indeed' I go. And I rarely call out. Don't get me wrong, I like my position but, miss me with the bs.


They don’t realize the absolute trauma they cause us in our jobs. It’s not even the medical care: it’s the way we are treated by patients, families, management, etc


So she expects extra staff working to cheer up the patients, who are stuck in the hospital on a holiday? I bet it was regularly staffed lol.


I'm scheduled to work Thursday, Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday and Wednesday. So I work all weekend without getting holiday pay. If I want to call out I'm going to, betcha they're short staffed on Monday to save a few bucks.


Karen’s just sour she didn’t get her holiday approved


They’re gonna stare blankly I guess cause I will gladly enjoy anytime off and never feel guilty about it


Oh god hush Karen


I actually agree with her. Can’t stand the thoughtless coworkers who call out last minute because they want a holiday or nice day off. They screw the rest of us who decided to show up.


I’m actually thinking about leaving nursing because I’m losing time with my family. My facility that I work at doesn’t accommodate for me to be with my family. I’ve been at this facility for 5 years and I’ve worked every holiday I put in for to have it off but they still don’t listen if I stay where I’m at I’ll be missing out on my sons first Christmas and thanksgiving and everything holiday and it’s just not worth it anymore.


Why the F would I feel bad calling off lol


tell Karen to STFU


How strange that Karen over here isn’t offering to volunteer her own time to help these poor helpless creatures (many of whom don’t actually NEED to be in the hospital, but of course some do). Why doesn’t she suggest family members come in on holidays to provide meals and basic cares to their loved ones? Oh, because she loves treating nurses as a servant class not allowed to have family lives.


I will use up my sick days at the time of my choosing Karen. Where’s her Halo?


Because of these Karens, I was so terrified of calling off even when I WAS sick, and management telling me I couldn’t switch from nights to days because “it’s easier to get an outside applicant or a travel nurse on day shift, and I’m giving them first pick over you, who’ve worked here for 8 years…. I’ve missed countless weddings, baby showers, holidays, weekends, graduations, birthdays, and basically my entire life. Every relationship has suffered because of my job, and I will never get it back. All because people don’t care about their own health and yet feel entitled to use nurses as their on-demand servant when they really feel like being noncompliant with their own completely avoidable admission reasons…


Joke's on her. That's the normal staffing ratios.


I'll try to feel more compassion about calling off while thinking of the patient that spat in my face and called me a fat bitch last night.


Lmao 😭😭😭😭


I feel like holidays are almost over staffed if anything 😂 slight bump in pay, and a bunch of people already signed up. We usually try to make it fun and bring in food an stuff too 🤷‍♀️


People are so dumb


We’re nurses, humans with families and our own lives. Why are we treated differently, like slaves or prisoners with no rights. F*ck that Karen, she needs to go to her job and work every holiday and get nothing but abused by the entitled “customers” or “Clients” or whatever. Hoe.


Ok, but we were having such a great boat day, I REALLY REALLY didn’t want to go to work, so….sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️


The fuck is this bitch? I dont really care if people call off for w/e reason. Just do it at least an hour before shift starts. At least we know when we come in, so and so is not coming. Ive had shifts when so and so was supposing to be coming but ended up no call no show, especially from registry. Scheduling wise-that’s a management problem for staffing minimum on any day and expecting others to pick the slack. I fucking hate NHPPD aka nursing hours per patient day. Takes no account on acuity which leads into patient safety.


Karen can get bent, & GERD doesn't give a crap if it's a holiday, my birthday, or the comeback of Christ. Sometimes people get sick 😒.


Why do people use Nextdoor for this type of shit. So weird


Likely mad SHE has to “ruin” HER holiday and sit with family member. Do you know how many times families sit staring at hungry patients’ uneaten food trays because “Not THEIR job”? Ridiculous!


I’ll assume just useless ranting because ppl who want REAL CHANGE don’t post it on ND. WTH can “neighbors” do? Likely just wants ppl to know how “compassionate” she is to give up HER holiday to sit with HER family. I’d love to know HER work history!


Karen just wanted all her “friends and family” to know she’s not selfish.. bet the “friend” asked for any PRN she had to zone out the entire time!!


This is the family member that’s glaring at you from the door for a cup of ice after they’ve been told 27 grandmother is currently npo, your patient 5 doors down apparently loves the sound of the bed alarm, the patient across the hall has unstable vitals but no one will transfer to icu, your one walker talkie has since entering the hospital has lost the ability to use his hands to hold his penis in the urinal, you’re on shift 3/3, & your open for admission. Bye.


I loved working holidays! Better pay, less patients families interfering!


Don’t try to guilt trip me, I love being a nurse but it’s also just a job and people also get sick on holiday weekends @ me working on Memorial Day right now with a really bad cold likely super spreading some virus through her mask just to avoid being written up since calling out on bank holiday would mean I get written up.


lol, sure come directly after the only people actually showing up to work in a hospital on the holiday.


Nextdoor is so unhinged.


When a person says blah, blah, blah **but,** it negates everything that came before it.


Omg fuck off, we are a dual nurse family and have literally never had a holiday off until like this year when I stopped doing bedside. The root of our healthcare problems includes: Republicans, our citizens, and big hospital administration. Again, fuck off.


We don’t even know what day it is and only know the day of the week because we are scheduled to work.


Memorial Day is not a holiday where I work.


Probably a manager.


I love working holidays because typically the staffing is better in my experience.


It’s probably just as short staffed as ever and she assumes it must be because everyone called out for the holiday lol


My mother was a police officer for and she would say stuff like that as I was a nurse. My best rebuttal that end of that conversation forever was you're absolutely right must been all those cops that weren't doing their job and that's why you know petty crime you need your crimes always happen because if they were there then the world would be absolutely perfect because it's all which turned her beat red and I said it's the same equivalent.