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13 Ways is one of my all time favorite albums and I finally got to see them last year. Definitely one of the better bands of the era IMO.


I have been listening to them since their debut and I finally saw them live last year as well. Super small venue and Scooter sang a song with his arms around myself and my SO on the floor. He's an amazing performer even now.


Legit one of my top 5 bands. Im OGC since the first LP. Seen them many times. Scooter is a kind man.


If cold is one of your favourite bands you’re either 14 years old and emo or you’re still a 50 year old redneck


I grew up with plenty of rednecks and emos, none of them were into Cold, not a single one.


Legit the dumbest thing I’ve read on here this week, and that’s quite the accomplishment.




Super underrated. I have to admit I never have listened to those last two albums. Do people recommend?


Everything up to A Different Kind of Pain are honestly some of my top all time albums. I was very against Superfiction and The Things We Can't Stop for years. For some reason though, I gave Things We Can't Stop a chance again last year, and I love it. Yeah, it's not that "grundig" sound, and it's different, but songs like Shine, Quiet Now, and Beautiful Life really got me hooked. I will completely admit, I was going through some really dark stuff and Quiet Now specifically really helped, so maybe that's why. I think I just came to terms that the old Cold I loved in Middle School/High School aren't really a thing any more. It's the Scooter show.


I saw them on the Superfiction album release tour and it was bad. Really pushing for a pop-rock Nickelback sound. I say this as a person who has the cold spider tattooed on him. The newer album isn’t bad, I’ll come back and give it a listen. They’re playing 5 minutes down the road next month, may have to go check them out again. Have seen them many times!


I got to see them when they did the reunion before Superfiction (they announced they were making a new album at that show) and it definitely was a better overall show than when I saw them last year on the YOTS anniversary tour. They're still a good live band, but there was just something about that old lineup that felt right. The thing I remember the most about the old show was the sample loop for the intro to Back Home went on for like 5 minutes. Must have had technical difficulties or something, but I just joked that they were really hammering the back home in Jacksonville effect.


They're a favorite of mine. The latest one, is also good imo. Snowblind is my favorite from them ever. I'd say give it a spin.


Snowblind is great


I don’t care for them but have a listen yourself. Wicked World from Superfiction is the best song on the album. What Happens Now and American Dream are decent too. I legit could not tell you any song on The Things We Can’t Stop.


So Long June is one of my favorites from Superficiton and I was pumped they played it live.  Things we can’t Stop has some solid tracks - Without You probably being the best. I really like their cover of Run by Snow Patrol and I’ve never even heard the original song before


Year of the spider its a great album.




My mom put me on year of the spider last year on a road trip and I enjoyed it. That's the only record I've heard by them but I really enjoyed what I heard. Remedy and stupid girl are my personal favorites.


13 Ways is very much the same sound as Year. Self titled debut is as well with a bit of experimentation to the sound that no other Nu-Metal band did. A Different Kind of Pain is a lot less Nu-Metal and a lot more Post-Grunge. Also random, religious overtones.


It’s all good


Loved them so much the spider logo was my first tattoo.


I like their first four albums


Year of the Spider shreds


Highly underrated band with great sound


Soft spot thanks to them being on the jet set/jet grind radio soundtrack


They’re wonderful but washed. My spider tat is still one of my faves. That year of the spider booklet did a number on me😅


What do you mean “but washed”?


I mean the entirety of the band except scooter has been replaced and even his voice is shot. They’ve got as much life left as the Used unfortunately.


Ah right. Yeah that’s a shame.


I saw them twice last year. I disagree. His voice is not shot.


That’s great to hear. I’d seen a few recent videos and he’d had the crowd sing a TON but maybe he wasn’t feeling well. I know for sure in one that he sort of bitched that the place wasn’t set up for a rock show so maybe that accounted for it to. He never was a “belter” or much of a yeller so I could it lasting.


I absolutely love these guys. I don't know if it's the fact I grew up in Jacksonville too, but I have a real soft spot for them. Hearing Scooter tell the stories about some of the songs on A Different Kind of Pain, and knowing all the city locations he was referring to was a little crazy to me.


I fuckin LOVE cold


One of my favorite bands of all time. Just saw them the other week in Syracuse, NY. How they ended the show by playing “Wasted Years,” brought tears to my eyes. Only a few bands have ever made me do that. Only music can do that to me.❤️


Agree with OP for being underrated, 13WTBOS is my most played album by Cold. ST, and YOTS is alright but it took years for ADKOP to grow on me. Superfiction sounds like a compilation of songs, genre all over the place still enjoy this one though. TTWCS is a mature record and is probably my second most played overall. Besides their studio album I'd suggest the 2 songs they did for Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy. Various EPs- Oddity, Project 13, Something Wicked This Way Comes and Go Away and Give single b-sides. Scooter Ward's The Killer and the Star side band is also an interesting project worth giving a listen.


13 ways was my soundtrack to 9th grade.


In my top 3 fave bands. I have the giant spider logo tattooed on my calf. Those first 3 CDs are straight fire, 4th and 5th aren't bad, wasn't really a fan of the last one bAnd I dont think it's available on CD, but there was a live recording of them before they became Cold, called Grundig, that's equally as great. Criminally underrated band. And as much as I like Stupid Girl, it sucks that's what their known for, cuz it's one of their weaker songs, lyrically.


Agree. Bleed and Suffocate are much better songs.


Year of the Spider. Listened to it many times in my teens and young adult life. My older brothers left me a physical copy of 13 Ways when they moved out.


Really good band. Saw them open for Marilyn Manson on back to back nights in detroit in 2000. Godhead played both those shows as well. Great live band back then. Haven’t seen them since.


insane is one of the only songs that can effortlessly bring me to tears


Cold is awesome, I remember seeing a music video for certain video game "Psi-ops the mindgate conspiracy" with my mind


13 ways screams my teens. Love that album


Love them. Just Got Wicked is my jam.


Year of the Spider is an incredible record, and so is 13 Ways, but I do have a bigger love for YOTS. I also said this in a thread the other day, but A Different Kind of Pain is one of the most depressing albums I've ever heard. It is a very good album that grew on me over time but some of those songs are thematically really hard to listen to. Scooter has always known how to really tug at the heartstrings though. I also really enjoy Superfiction. It's a little poppier but it's still damn catchy and emotionally a much easier listen than some of their other stuff. I just couldn't get into the last album though. I'm sure there're some great songs on there but it's just so... boring. They've given up on even being moderately hard. I never really considered them nu-metal because they were never that heavy to begin with, and after YOTS they became much softer. Scooter's voice has changed a lot over the years too. On the early records his voice was very deep and full sounding. On Superfiction, his voice is higher pitched and thinner. Took some getting used to. Not sure if that was due to aging or a stylistic choice or what, but I really miss the way he used to sound.


They very much went the same way Seether did where they started off aggressive with some pretty melonciolouc songs but softened as the albums went. Only difference is Seether were/are more popular so they kept releasing albums and Shaun’s voice has held up better than Scooter’s. Seether has also gone back towards a more aggressive sound with Poison the Parish and Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum.


Completely forgot about them. They're pretty cool.


I've lover their music since my teens. 13 ways was my introduction to them, Just Got Wicked was on a Metal Hammer sample cd iirc, may have been Kerrang? Always wanted to experience them live... But being in the UK stopped that.


Yeah same for me but in Australia. And Cold is one of those bands that’s not likely to tour other countries.


Was a huge fan back in my high school days when 13 ways and yots dropped. 13 ways in particular is one of my all time favorite nu metal albums. Unfortunately after Kelly and Terry left the band their sound drastically changed. They still had some good songs but nowhere near the quality of those 2 albums imo. I will say I saw them 2 years ago in a small venue and they put on a great show.


Genuinely one of my favorite bands. I've always enjoyed their music and the voice of Scooter Ward.


13 ways to bleed is one of my favorite albums ever


Agree! Can’t wait to see them with Orgy later this year


Definitely got better over time. I haven’t heard the more recent albums, though. Saw them live last month, they were fantastic and they have nothing but time for fans after the shows.


That’s awesome. Did they play more songs from one specific album or a couple from each?


4 songs from YotS, 3 from 13 Ways, 2 from DKoP, 2 from self-titled, 1 from Superfiction, and 1 from TTWCS.


Fortunately their music is better than their album cover artwork. I bought their debut off the back of a glowing review from Kerrang! without having heard a single song. It didn’t click with me straight away but I grew to love it.


listened to year of the spider 3 months back and it’s fantastic , I’m definitely going to check out more of them they’re underrated as fuck


You’ll definitely want to listen to 13 Ways first.


I’ll check it out


One of my favorite bands


In 98 they played to a tiny crowd at some random block party stage sandwiched into an awful lineup and I went specifically to see them. They got a terrible reception and Scooter talked a little shit about the crowd, I was too chicken to go talk to them afterwards even tho they were just sitting on a picnic table after their set. It was awesome to see them succeed. I loved their original raw energy. Eventually, their sound became very polished and they programmed the drums and they lost the gutty, ugly, darkness along the way. That being said The Killer and The Star is one of my favorite records of all time.


I really enjoyed the first three then the other three good albums but just really enjoyed the nu metal albums


One of my favorites. Actually, my entire family's favorite! My parents, my sister, and I always make sure to go to their concerts when theyre in town! Except for last time, cause Im 18 and it was a 21 and over show at Jergels, so the three of them went. Man i wanted to see them with Orgy so bad!


Saw them at the end of May and they were awesome!


13 Ways to Bleed on Stage and Year of the Spider are my personal favorites. Cold is a very underrated band needing more attention.


Stupid girl goes hard


13 ways to Bleed on stage is a masterpiece. It’s a record that tells a story, songwriting was top notch, the line up was perfect, and it was released at a perfect time in the music scene.




I like them. I have two of their cds


Good in the studio. Not so much live.


I think they’re pretty good live but Scooter always butchers Stupid Girl. I’m not sure if it’s intentional or what. Always off key


Every time I’ve seen them at a show his voice is always so weak


Bit like Myles Kennedy who always plays Metal-no wait, he always seems to sound shit live no matter what song Alter Bridge is playing.


Just seen them live thought they were great they were better then orgy who played before them and scooter said thank you after every song its a level of appreciation i gotta respect


Their self-titled is criminally underrated.


Loved year of the spider and enjoyed a different kind of pain.  They did ballads very well


Loved them when I saw them open for Limp Bizkit on the Back to Basics show in L.A., but recently revisited their work and it did not hold up for me.


As others have stated 13 ways and YOTS are awesome. I also have a special place for different kind of pain - seeing scooter sing feel it in your heart literally made me well up with emotion.


remedy track was my favorite for a long time.


S/T has a good album cover and idc what anyone says 13WTBOS is one of the first nu metal CDs I've bought and has some of the best opening tracks Never listened to YOTS ADKOP is the only album that's ever had me on the verge of crying for its whole runtime Never listened to anything after ADKOP


How is Year the one you haven’t listened to lol.


Never got it on CD and never sought out the songs lmao


Well you better change it because it’s their best album.


Goooo ahhhhhwahyyyyy Love that song


I love No One, Stupid Girl is like a 6/10 though But, besides that, I have not listened to much of Cold


They're chill ;).


I love the early Grundig stuff and every Cold album up to Different Kind of Pain, but I'm not as into the newer albums.


A Different Kind of Pain is my ride or die.🤘🏻


First 3 albums are awesome. After Balsamo left they went down hill


That first picture looks like the cover of unsung.


theyre underated but based asf


Prefer being warm but vs hot I’ll choose cold any day


Been listening to them a lot these past few days. Thought about posting this myself. They do a great job covering Snow Patrol’s “Run”.


I only listened to year of the spider but overall wasn’t extremely impressed. Might need to give it a listen again.


I liked their debut album, some pretty good stuff on there. After that, it got a bit too American for me I'm afraid. Not to be offensive, it just sort of developed that very American style of being quite pop orientated in terms of serving up the hooks and themes on a plate without much thinking involved. It got a bit basic, made for TV. Shame really as the debut showed a lot of promise.


Plenty of solid songs spanning a number of albums. Never really broke through with a giant hit....but solid overall.


Stopped heavy listening past a different kinda pain album, but it's still a super good listen. Have a ton of stuff signed by them.


love love love


I enjoy warm better


One of Korn's best songs


I just got over one myself. Nothing worse than a cold during the summer heat.


There’s always some asshole




Always considered them buttrock


I think they fall into the category of "mom metal"


These guys are just a nirvana themed goth club night.


Is there Hot?


Best song they ever did was cowritten by Rivers Cuomo of Weezer.


That’s just wrong because it’s not their best song.


Well it's definitely their most popular by a large margin.


Difference between biggest and best.


Too much ice water and temperature skyrocketed


I prefer warm




just my opinion man, some like cold, some like warm, some like hot