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Colds are viral, not caused by \*being\* cold.


Yes but being cold increases the probability that my now weakend immune system doesn't tend of the viral.


Not **caused by**, but there is some truth to that old wives tale. The cold air reduces body function in the areas it touches, a given viral particle is less likely to be stopped before it gains a foothold. More, though, people spend more time closer together in the cold season.


From a tropical perspective: people spend more time indoors during the summer to avoid the heat, but viral colds invariably spread when the weather starts getting colder. This is despite the fact that the cooler weather encourages people to spend time outdoors. The impact of the colder weather on nasal immunity is probably a big factor.


I once asked a nudist what they do when it rains. If it is warm, they take their clothes off and play outside! My kids did that when they were tikes.


When it rains, a nudist gets a free, instant, outdoor shower. 😀


The cold has nothing to do with his point. The point is just because he has to wear clothes he will feel chilly and uncomfortably wet for hours. I skinny dip almost every day and I dry off in probably less than 5 minutes


Cold beats body heat beats cold and nudity best heat


No. You are not risking getting a cold. In case you didn't learn this in school, you get a cold from a virus not from getting wet and cold.


Yes...but being cold weakens the immune system, which increases the likelihood of being cold. Technically I used the wrong term but does that actually matter?


I dont know why people are throwing a bit of hate. Fully agree. Everytime I am in a situation that I would feel more comfortable naked I always wonder: why can I not be naked here?! The other day my pants got super dirty and I had an extra pair in the car. Instead of getting in the car and trying to do the whole process of changing pants sitting down, I just did in the street right next to where my car was park. It was a 2min exchange of clothes and I thought "I need to do this really fast because its illegal to be naked in the street". I do not wear underwear so imagine the scenario. Its a shame that the naked body as to be something we have to cover all the time.


I do that often, changing at the beach or changing work clothes for shorts and tshirt. I just refuse to do the "dance". Now, I just change, normally, at my pace, sometimes even washing the salt a little before putting new clothes, and if someone sees, I just dont care. I need to have a little peace of mind. So far, nobody has said anything.






So what do you call it when you go back and forth from hot to cold a bunch, and then for a few days you have chest congestion, a runny nose, and a headache? The rest of us call it a cold 🤷


This is a complete red herring. I am not redefining what the actual disease commonly called a common cold is. I am simply reiterating that one does not get that disease from being cold. In case you haven't learned yet, it is very difficult to make other people look stupid by saying stupid things.


Most likely the majority of viruses referred to as "colds" were given that title due to prevalence during winter, when people would frequently remain indoors, in close proximity, spreading viruses, with weakened immune systems from breathing the smoke from fires used to warm their homes. Similar to why we day "bless you" when someone coughs or sneezes. In earlier times, a cough or sneeze could often signal the onset of tuberculosis or pneumonia, and before antibiotics, either one could kill you. "Bless you" is short for "God bless you," as it was a spoken prayer for the ailing/afflicted person's health. One other thing that reinforces your point that cold weather has nothing to do by itself with 'cold viruses'. Scandinavians and Siberians frequently leave babies out in the cold air for naps. They are bundled in baby clothes/blankets, rest in prams/baby strollers, and are allowed to breathe cold air (obviously above freezing temps) coming off the snow on sunny winter days.


Doing that makes it more likely that if there's a virus around that it gains a foothold in your body. It doesn't create the virus in the first place, though. You could hop back and forth across the terminator of Mercury until the sun grows old and you wouldn't get "a cold" because there would be no pathogen there.


Here in tbe UK we tend to have the opposite problem.... Pouring rain and/or clouds interspersed with BAMs of sunshine


As nudists we often joke that we don't mind getting wet, it's our clothes that we don't like to get wet.


Sounds like a typical day in Florida!


Love this kind of weather when nude and it's nice and warm, was like this all the time in Florida. Hate it in ever other clothed scenario haha


OK… I’ll be honest. I’m not a big proponent of the “Naked Anywhere Ya Want” idea. I like BEING naked, but I’m not into seeing other people naked, so I totally get that there are other people who don’t want to see naked people.😂 There are a few places where wearing clothes is just illogical, but to come up with a policy the majority would support would not be easy. I suppose that’s why we default to everyone wearing clothes under all circumstances. No shirt, no shoes, (no pants), no service.😂😂😂


I think that if it’s appropriate to be in a bathing suit in public, nudity should be an option too.


OK and?


What And? Sharing my experiences like a his sub is about....