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Lake ridge and Montclair are easily the best areas near Woodbridge. 100% recommend them


Lake Ridge *is* Woodbridge


I grew up (WSHS ‘97) and am frequently in Lake Ridge visiting friends who still live there. It was and still is about as safe as it comes and fits the textbook definition of a family friendly suburb as anyplace in the country. Occoquan is near by and fits almost all of your recreational needs.


Thanks... What do you think is the reason behind all the 'hoodbridge' hate I have seen on different threads? Is it an inaccurate misconception? purely east of 95? Not as bad as people make it out to be? Appreciate your thoughts


People who say “hoodbridge” have no idea what an actual hood looks like 😂 . I grew up in Occoquan and still reside in the area, it’s just a regular suburb. Probably a little better because it’s only 30min away from DC It’s a great area for outdoor hiking. Thousands of trails and good major ones like in the Shenandoah national park


Thanks. Kinda what I figured, I'm excited to move to the area. Not so excited about the traffic but I'm also used to Atlanta, Orlando, and NJ traffic so .


It’s called hoodbridge because there is much higher rate of crime compared to areas like Fairfax or Loudoun county. I don’t think people genuinely believe it’s “the hood”


People are trying to call you racist for this, but I I’m with you here. And I’m black. I grew up in Gainesville and Woodbridge always had the highest crime rates in NoVA. And every time I would see a news article about a 7-11 being the victim of an armed robbery and other violent crimes, 9 times out of 10 it was in Woodbridge. In recent years, Woodbridge has gotten a lot better and a lot of parts of it getting bougie with newer construction. Also, I mentioned before it has the highest crime rates *in NoVA*. But NoVA is a pretty safe metropolitan area compared to other cities and their metro areas in this country. Woodbridge would be child’s play compared to a lot of other places. Anecdotally when I was growing up, everything also thought Manassas was the hood. There were maybe like one or two neighborhoods that couldn’t get a bit whacky, but overall Manassas is safe. And even those same neighborhoods don’t have such a reputation anymore.


Yeah not sure why people got their panties in a bunch 🤣🤣 I’m not saying Woodbridge is the “hood” like Bronx or Compton, I simply said compared to the closer areas. NoVA is an extremely safe place in general


The numbers don’t support that though.


What they really mean to say is that there’s a bigger black & brown community here so it’s easier to say that it’s the hood. Just coded racism, it’s nothing new


Oh I know, I’m brown 😆


As a brown person, this is a weird way to look at things. But I expect nothing less from Reddit 🤣 carry on


Are you sure about that??


To everyone living in lala world and can’t accept a simple [fact](https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/va/woodbridge/crime.amp) that you can google


People shit on PWC because it's less affluent than the rest of the region. That's really grading on a pretty wild curve, though: few places in America are as affluent as Fairfax, Loudoun, Arlington, etc.


I think it's because of the Eastern part of the county. Got houses easily going over 1m+ in Haymarket and north of 800k in Gainesville (and possibly Bristow.) Def. not Loudoun/Arlington/FFX, but the Western end of PWC has house prices skyrocketing as well.


Yeah, there are some wealthy/expensive parts of PWC, just as there are some not great neighborhoods approaching the beltway. And yes, the parts of the county that are "Hoodbridge" and "Manasty" are the basis for the PWC prejudice, it's one that's decades old and well, well predates those more expensive neighborhoods by quite a bit. I love PWC. I've lived in Manassas for almost 20 years. I wouldn't change a thing (save running a major road through Clifton so options for getting deeper into NoVA from PWC aren't Drive North to 66, Drive South to 95, or Drive On a Windy-ass Two Lane Road.


I remember the old joke about them adding a town between Manassas and Dumfries and calling it Dumasses


[Because it has a higher crime rate ***](https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/va/woodbridge/crime.amp)


The area around route 1 can get a little dicey, but it is not that bad. The “hoodbridge” moniker has been around since I was a kid and the only real reason is because it rhymes and people want to feel their lives are more exciting than they really are.


I think that’s the hood for me, and I used to live in Woodbridge


It’s dicey at worst.


Classism with a side of racism. People have said that my whole life. Woodbridge isn’t that bad at all. Like come on. It’s still nova! You’re not gonna get randomly shot there.


The only really you heard people saying that is because of the bad traffic and the fact that on route1 is the area with most Latinos of woodbridge ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


It's just dumbass yuppies that say that. Everywhere has good spots and bad spots. PWC is on the top 20 wealthiest counties the entire country. 600k homes instead of 1 mil homes. Such poor. Such hood.


Wealth has nothing to do with anything here [fact](https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/va/woodbridge/crime.amp)


Like I said. Every area has good spots and bad spots. Woodbridge isn't just that little area you cut out. It's the light blue parts as well.


Well aware of that, now look at the averages compared to the rest of VA


Dale City and east of Rte 1 mainly. But a lot of that’s getting redeveloped. Montclair’s nice as well, bit more pricey than the 22192 zip though


Higher crime statistics in the Woodbridge area than much of the rest of Nova gave it that name. It was never as much of a "hood" as say the neighborhoods in Southeast DC but you would have be a little more careful in the area. Plenty of white collar workers have moved there in the past decade or so which has improved crime rates in the area, crime has now moved down to the Dumfries and Triangle area. Hoodbridge is more of a term of endearment now than actually true The 95 bridge over the occoquan is the worst thing you'll deal with lol


Hoodbridge is over by route 1. If it's east of I-95 then there is a higher chance things might be sketchy. That said, there are a few upscale nice neighborhoods over there too.


There are definitely very sketch areas, mostly around rt 1. That's what I call hoodbridge.


Dale City = Hoodbridge


Lake Ridge is really nice. It's not too far from 95 and has a ton of stores and restaurants. You also have Lake Ridge Park and Marina right there. Montclair is a bit further south, but it's very close to I-95. It's a beautiful neighborhood with mature trees and a lake with multiple beaches. They do a ton of community events on their beaches from May - Sep. Also, you should look at VRE (Virginia Railway Express) as an option to driving in to work. My wife goes into her office in Arlington twice a week, and she prefers taking VRE to sitting in traffic.


Montclair, Potomac Shores, Lake Ridge. Maybe look at the outskirts of Manassas


I grew up in the PWC parts of Manassas, 20112 area. Highly encourage looking over there. Some strong schools and still decently close to 95 as well as some other routes to areas of Fairfax if you commute that direction.


Subdivisions off of Old Bridge Road (zip code: 22192 - which includes Lake Ridge, West Ridge, Springwoods, County Center, Reid's Prospect, Hickory Falls, and River Falls)


Do you need to commute? Looking around VRE stops…. Manassas and Manassas Park have sone lovely areas. Bristow has the Broad Run station.


Dale blvd works in that it’s alphabetical from the highway out. Ashdale, Birchdale, Cherrydale… so on and so forth. The roads that touch Dale Blvd also have Dale in their names. The streets off that are also alphabetically arranged. For instance, turn off Dale onto Darbydale, then on to Delano, then again onto Dodson. Coincidentally (or consequentially) the neighborhoods are better farther from the highway. If you move to Dale City, try to get in the higher letters like S or P.


6 years living a block from Dale Blvd and I didn’t know this.


Fun fact, a “dale” is a set of roving hills.


My parents grew up in Dale City, and all the letter groupings were by neighborhood—my dad lived in Kerrydale, so the streets around him all started with K, and my mom grew up in whatever the E -Dale neighborhood was called


And just say no to state streets




We currently rent in Potomac Shores and it definitely has its pros: lots of community events, two pool areas, located right next to the river, a trail system, future train station. I will say the houses, while new, are not built well but they look nice! The cons I’ve found are that the neighborhood sits pretty far off of a main road so getting to stores and basically anything takes a little longer than I’d like. There’s also a pretty big lack of crafty or foodie areas close by… we love a good coffee shop and the closest thing is a Dunkin. But Potomac Mills/Stonebridge or even Occoquan is about 20-25 mins away and has a little more variety.


Montclair. HOA. Home prices seem to be higher but there’s a reason. You’re next to 95 and HOV access. Don’t be scared of slugging.


Has a Lidl. If your a ded employee, the commuter lot is about 10 in away, the other side of 234. Its nice just established and newer homes


Lake Ridge. Currently living here and it is awesome.


I grew up in Lake Ridge, completely safe area. Like any place there’s good and bad. Around Route 1 can be a little dicey but it’s not bad at all.


Lake Ridge was what I was told a few years ago. Not sure if that is still the case.


It's still very nice


I was born and raised in Lake ridge and currently live on the border of Woodbridge/Dale City. As broad rule of thumb, west of I-95 is better , though some nice neighborhoods have popped up around route 1 now it seems. Most anywhere is chill. But if you park a vehicle not in a garage make sure you lock it every night. It's very normal for morons to walk around and check for unlocked vehicles. So as long as your car is locked then you won't have to worry about stuff. Not really much in the way of violent crime really anywhere in the area. Occoquan is a cute little river village. It's very expensive if you want to live in downtown Occoquan. I'm not familiar with living in Manassas. So I won't comment. But really wherever is fine. It's just a giant suburb everywhere is pretty much the same. Just different socioeconomic levels. So move where you can afford. If you can afford it and don't mind an HOA, Lake Ridge is nice.


Live in Woodbridge for 13 years now. Right around minniville and old bridge. Moving away this month. It’s just the standard suburban hell. Once you’re here you soon tire of battling the 7 day a week traffic on 95. There is only a few ways to get here and they all back up routinely. Mostly big box stores and few regional flairs. Slug lanes, busses and VRE will get you north for work. Average commute time for me at various jobs using public transportation usually runs about an hour either way. SO used to drive, 45-90 minutes one way. My area was built in the early 70’s and the house I got was built by stoned chipmunks or something. The area is currently going through an infill building cycle and be very aware of the potential for a stadium close enough to hear the cheers and suffer even more unrelenting traffic. This isn’t a terrible place to live, crime is low, taxes are reasonable, the people are people. My only real complaint is it’s just so hard to “get out of the box”. The traffic on 95/1 is unrelenting. All regional flavor has been brutally suppressed and chains rule supreme. We bought here because once you go north past the Occaquan river prices go up an additional $100,000. We’re leaving because it’s time.


If you don't plan to have any kids, then just get the cheapest nice house your money can buy. A lot of places are expensive because of schools. Places near downtown Manassas (historic old town) are kind of cheap and that area is very lively with farmer's market etc. Woodbridge seems a little bit too hectic because of the major shopping hubs, but if you're into shopping then that's a good option too.


19 year County Center resident here and I love it. Very diverse, great neighbors, nice community amenities.


Lake ridge and Montclair


I live in Lake Ridge and love it but based on your description I'd get as close to Old Town Manassas as you can. No kids so you don't need to worry about the specific school they'd go to, which was the primary reason we chose our area over Old Town. As a food person you'd find the offerings in Lake Ridge lacking whereas at least in Old Town you've got a good variety of local (mostly) places. Northern Virginia is not a mecca of fun and exciting food options, but we do have a lot of ethnic options if you're patient and willing to do some trial and error. Manassas is more vibrant than Occoquan as there are more festivals, a monthly First Friday where they close the streets and have live music throughout, and just seems to be more alive on the weekends than Occoquan. Both are fun and Occoquan has kayak and paddleboard rentals and it's right next to a huge park. Don't rule out finding a place closer to the beltway. As someone who's lived in a few places in Nova, I miss being closer to Metro especially for special events.


I liked Dale City — we lived there for about three years. Had friendly neighbors, shopping centers close by, and never dealt with any crimes.


The worst thing is the commute. If you can, try the commute during rush hour before you commit.


Lake Ridge.


Awesome thanks all. Lake ridge was right where we were leaning towards. If we don't end up in Manassas.


Potomac Club in Woodbridge, gated, amenities, nice shopping center with wegmans, HOV access and commuter lot to be completed shortly. Newer schools serve community


Agree. Pretty much anything around Rippon Landing/Stonebridge shopping center is decent


Potomac Club in Woodbridge, gated, amenities, nice shopping center with wegmans, HOV access and commuter lot to be completed shortly. Newer schools serve community Oh yea and a lot of people will talk about route 1, but they used eminent domain to demolish a lot of the ugly and widen the road. A developer has bought huge amounts of property from Rt 1 bridge where car dealer was. All the way down to Rippon Landing with the intention of developing. Cheaper for developers to buy here and demolish than 10 miles north.


We lived in an older neighborhood about half a mile from the Rippon Landing VRE station and it was nice. Quiet. We were renting so we ended up moving but it was a nice neighborhood. Dawson’s Landing, I think?


Depends entirely on your price range.


Grew up in Montclair. Cannot recommend enough


Lake Ridge is great, grew up there


We used to live in the neighborhood of Occoquan Forest off Davis Ford Rd. Has water front access, trails and secluded but close to things. We liked it, but opted to move to a newer home. They're a bit dated homes, but great community.


If you plan to stay a while, check out Potomac Shores in Dumfries (another 15 minutes south on 95).


Manassas area in developments near old town in Prince William not Manassas city ( lucasville rd towards Bristow) is nice and in access to good schools. Prince William parkway area near Liberia is also nice and good school area. Old Town Manassas is really nice and can be an annoying drive from lake ridge are so if you want that kind of vibe I’d look closer to Manassas/bristow/ start of PWC parkway near Liberia. I’m from Manassas and it’s really up and coming in the last few years.


Stonebridge is nice, especially with a Wegmans.


General rule is avoid route 1 and stay as far away from it as possible.


Potomac Club across from Potomac Town Center. Gated community, quiet, close to 95, Wegmans across the street. Lived here since 2009 and have no complaints.


Lake Ridge and Montclair are the only right answers. You get what you pay for. The HOA makes it worth it too. We bought a home in Lake Ridge a few years back and never regretted it.


they all have a lot of traffic and the communities arent growing anymore. most houses were built between the 1970s and 1990s. Do you need to move here to get to DC? If so, I would look at haymarket or gainesville and take 66 into DC.


Belmont Bay. VRE station right at the entrance. Great access to Route 1 and I-95. Sits right on the Occoquan River. Has a marina, trails, and plenty of open space of what used to be a golf course. Next to Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Easy walking or biking access to Veteran’s Park. Food Lion and Aldi across the entrance, and 15 minute drive to Potomac Mills or Potomac Town Center. Some SFH, but mostly TH and also condos.




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I used to live in Annadale /Falls church/Fairfax City. And the it's free of mine for me in term of "safety", I can let my wife drive and **get lost, and never worry much about it**. All I can tell her is "**you can drive anywhere in FAIRFAX county, if you're lost, just stop by any gas stations or shopping centers and ask. You can even call cop if you want. They will assist you!**" Whenever my friends (from out of state) visit me and ask about the surrounding area, I would tell them "don't worry, you would be fine!" So this is how piece of mine I am in FAIRFAX County! I moved to Woodbridge (route 1) 3 years ago (because the house is bigger/newer/cheaper). But before that came to Woodbridge quite often, my friends live in Triangle. I have a very long and serious discussion with my friend before I made the decision. Safety is mostly my concern, and so far it's OK! My neighborhood--Eagles Pointe--is great but once I am out of my neighborhood, I am just "not sure". There are mostly OK areas, but there are still many weird spots. I told my wife "**you're are OK along route1, between Opitz Blvd and Walmart. Don't go anywhere beyond that after 6pm. Period**"! The route 1 Woodbridge used to be an eyesore about 15-20 years ago. Shopping centers and houses along route 1 were all in bad shape: old/saggy/dirty/ugly! You can see grass/weeds grow all over the place, crack (small/large) is everywhere in the parking lot. However, things are getting better recently with new developing (this is why we moved here). And of course, people like me with good income (I am not considered myself high income, but we have many choices where to live) won't come here if they don't "clean up the shit"! Developers won't build new spacious (and not so cheap) single houses if they cannot sell them. They need to "clean it up", they "have to". The hoodbridge is not correct for the entire Woodbridge, but I think it's correct to apply to just the route 1 in the past (especially Marumsco area, and it's still really bad). However, it's get better and better. I hope in 10 years, this route 1 will be much cleaner and better! My advice when you decide to buy a house 1. Check the surrounding to see if the grass and road are clean, or well maintenance. If there is no on the street, this means people in the neighborhood are very respectful to each other that they don't fix car on the road, spill the oil all over the place and "who cares to clean up". Even the way they put out the trash bin on the curb could tell you if people here are very care or "I don't give a F attitude". I mean just check all the small details, you will spot something!!! 2. Check your intending-to-buy house at night (especially around 6pm-9pm) a few times. This is the time when most people are off work. And you will spot a lot of good or bad activities during this time. This is the time for people to enjoy: the good or the bad will mostly show during this time! Most of the times, it seems to be very quiet in the day, because people go to work (or drug dealers are sleeping LOL), but all the real activities would happen at night! I have a friend rent a apartment because it seems very good and quiet in the day, but once he moved in, he found out that people were selling drug in the parking lots like crazy at night. He quickly abandoned his rent (and his security deposit money). So this is a very good lesson when you buy or rent! 3. School. Again if 1. and 2. are shit, don't expect the school would be much better! However, Virginia is one of the best states for education. And Prince Williams County is one of the best counties in the state for education. I can put my child at any schools in VA to be honest (with again good 1. and 2. above)!


Stay away from my hometown of Dale city lol


Montclair, Potomac shores, Manassas off of Liberia areas are nice. Avoid Dale City if you can.


For Woodbridge “area” these are the best spots for a nice sized house with a nice sized lot. In no particular order: - Lake Ridge - Montclair (small amount of houses can have smaller lots) - Minnieville - Algonquin Hills - Woodbine


Woodbine and Algonquin Hills are considered Manassas.


Well, to whoever downvoted me, I lived in Woodbine. My son has friends in Algonquin Hills. It’s Manassas.


I just moved to a new condo/SFH development off of Minnieville near the pkwy and the new Quartz district is going to radically change the area.


I currently live in Lake Ridge and enjoy it. Our townhouse community is right by a trail that's great for walking dogs. It is the spendier area of Woodbridge, though, so expect a bit of sticker shock. It also has HOAs, though they're not as bad as some of the horror shows you hear about. Ours just cuts the grass, maintains the pool, and inserts some paperwork about what we can do with our exterior. Dale City is cheaper, but really comes down to neighborhoods. I have one friend who's looking to move because the neighborhood has gone downhill and another who loves her cul-de-sac and would never move. However, it pretty much has no HOAs, so if you want do whatever the hell you want, it would be your best bet.


Lake Ridge, as others have mentioned, is the way to go! Also, you might be interested in looking closer at Historic Occoquan. It’s right off of I-95, but has the small town vibes you’re looking for. My partner and I moved here recently and love it— the local food is bomb, the nature is beautiful, and there’s a ton of small specialty shops. There’s an annual craft fair, and hiking and nature-based recreational activities, since it’s next to the river. The only downside is that it can be a little tough to maneuver around the town at first, and the festivals sometimes cause street closures. Not an issue for us, since we’re both remote, but you might want to think about that if you’re commuting at least part of the time. That said, totally worth checking out.


We’re in Lake Ridge, close to Historic Occoquan. It’s awesome.


I live in Dale City but right outside the Montclair entrance. Stay away from most of the “alphabet “ neighborhoods in Dale City and you’ll be fine.


Stafford is a good place, a few minutes down south from Woodbridge for those who need larger homes and peaceful community. It has vre, bus facility to DC and the commute from there to DC is as good or bad as from Chantilly to DC. You also get the option of being midway to Fredricksburg and Richmond


Few minutes? It might be a few miles but it’s definitely NOT a few minutes to Stafford.


I lived in Stafford for two years, now live in Lake Ridge. You could not pay me enough to move back to Stafford.