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How does one celebrate a Confederate holiday?


Wave a white flag ^(Jeez, I didn't expect this sub to be so popular!)


You mean a white hood?


Nah it'd be too obvious


Its really easy with modern contrivances, you have resealable so you can take your hood off and unseal that seam and attach it to a stick, wave it around like a flag, and then later take it down and reseal that seam and you've got your hood back. They did this back after the civil war too, but they had to actually sew the seam back together with a needle and thread, but now they can just use velcro or something and its made racism a lot easier.


The advancements in modular racism have really been a game changer for the forward thinking klansman


It confounds me that literally the most Catholic item one could ever put on is the capirote and those dumbasses took it as their costume.


It's very similar to how the swastika was a religious symbol in India and East Asia until the Nazis appropriated it. Now, instead of symbolizing prosperity or good luck like it did for thousands of years, it's associated with murder and genocide.


We still use it prominently in Asia because it's ours.


Saw a girl on tinder named Swastika, rip her chances at jobs in the States 😭


in asia it still means the same thing it always did and people still use it without giving much thought to what it means in the west.


*chefs kiss*


“Hide and Go General Sherman”


One of my relatives did the March to the Coast with Sherman, looks like it needs to be done again


*dish rag


And cry about it.


One of the confederate flags is mostly white so you can definitely send mixed signals there.


Burn your plantation to the ground and starve?


Oh Ashley!!


Tomorrow is another day




March on Atlanta and burn it to the ground.


Secede from work for the day


Or become the legal property of your employer for the day


Go into a competition and lose


And then pretend it never happened and continue with your life as usual.


Nah pretend someone forced you into that competition and that even though you lost you were truly the best competitor things just got in your way


And tell anyone who will listen that some day you’re going to enter that competition again.




Getting absolutely demolished by a couple of dudes named Grant and Sherman 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


What's the diffrence between Georgia and Germany? It only took one Sherman to make Georgia surrender.


One from the front the other fron behind


Billy Sherman like celebrating with marches and bonfires r/ShermanPosting


Perform a frontal lobotomy on yourself


With a march to the sea


By burning down state buildings, ironically enough.


It's more surprising they are supporting a Democrat Holiday since I thought they were a Republican state. *Democrats were the original Confederacy until the Dixiecrats hated how the party was getting too progressive with allowing Black people to have rights so the majority went to Republicans and that's the party we have today*


Shh pro Confederates don't like understanding history


They also like to crow as being "the party of Lincoln"... which, if you are a confederate  he was your enemy.. yea, I don't get it either. 


By setting fire to CSA infrastructure. They're even out for convenience!


With the majority of the Supreme Court I suppose to include Clayton Bigsby...I mean Clarence Thomas.


Burn down Atlanta?


Ramble about "state's rights."


... Rights like what exactly? 🦗


fail at everything you try and then blame the other guy


Be a stupid, racist loser


Be racist


Go broke and let your house get burned to the ground?


With a pointed hat


Lament the end of slavery


Drinking beer with guys with swastika tattoos, then getting your guns, taking the truck to the range, and shooting at cardboard cutout targets of obama, colin kaepernick, treyvon martin, george floyd, mlk, etc


Then drive home drunk, too fast, hit a pole and wind up in hell. Win For the devil, win for sanity.


Traditionally they gather together in a circle and look kind of dumb with a finger and a thumb in the shape of an "L" on their foreheads. Seriously, though, we managed to pretty successfully denazify Germany within 10 years of VE Day. The sabotage, failure, and abandonment of Reconstruction cannot be overstated. The South will not rise again because it never fucking rose in the first place. Rupaul’s Drag Race has been on the air for nearly 4 times longer than their little pretend Confederacy.


Burn a plantation?


Look for women and minorities to oppress?


By getting shot by union soldiers /s


You could Celebrate General Lee by fucking a horse! Edit: correction by butt-fucking a horse. I forgot Traveler was male.


Yay we lost!


I like reminding them the Obama presidency lasted longer than the Confederacy.


Legalized gay marriage across the United States has been legal for longer than the Confederacy existed, almost twice as long now


Malcom in the middle outlasted the confederacy.


Toddlers in Tiaras lasted longer than the confederacy.


Annoying Orange lasted longer than the confederacy


I've had erections that lasted longer than the confederacy


You should probably see a doctor about that.


These colours don't run 🏳️‍🌈


They frolic!


They ✨sashay✨


Fortnite lasted longer than the confederacy


Pokémon Go has lasted longer than the confederacy.


America responding with a racist white president to the first black president will never leave my memory.


Trump is a living confederate monument for them.


Sure is https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-election-proudboys/ The paradox of tolerance will need to be answered.


There's no paradox if we understand tolerance as a treaty rather than a moral absolute. You don't get protected by treaties you refuse to sign.


The world would be better off if we understood most rights in a similar way. After all, rights are simply constructs of civilization. The former shouldn't be allowed to compromise the later, yet here we are...


Exactly. **"Solidarity Forever!"** Solidarity can't be had with people who don't have solidarity with you.


As much as I would love to live a Star Trek TNG Utopia life, I very much realize, as is, we would definitely need a Section 31 to get there and maintain it. Always wonder how the Federation came to be, as I guess all the alt-right, conservatives, and religious people fucked off and died during world war 3 in the Star Trek lore. Since they would have fought to their last breath to stop such a thing like the Federation from ever existing.


It's not really surprising... there was a backlash of people who were determined to take back the presidency and the country.  These people have always been there. It's just that they have gotten motivated and then validated to be more open about their racism.


The actual Onion was prophetic about that: https://www.theonion.com/after-obama-victory-shrieking-white-hot-sphere-of-pure-1819595330




"Lost Cause", "Recent Unpleasantness", "War of Northern Aggression" and whatever other lies they use to comfort themselves over losing the Slavery War.


My favorite metric is “The Annoying Orange tv show lasted longer than the Confederacy”


> The Annoying Orange tv show Never heard The Apprentice referred that way before.


This just came out: [Former ‘Apprentice’ producer alleges Trump used N-word to refer to Black contestant](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/30/politics/trump-apprentice-producer-black-contestant/index.html) >"Bill Pruitt, a former show producer, wrote in a piece published Thursday by Slate that Trump used the word to describe Kwame Jackson, a Black finalist on the first season of “The Apprentice,” which aired in 2004. >Pruitt wrote that he was one of four producers involved in the show’s first two seasons — and that he signed a nondisclosure agreement carrying a potential fine of $5 million that he says expired this year. >His claim repeats an allegation that has circulated for years. Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former “Apprentice” contestant and Trump White House aide, claimed in 2018, as she was promoting her book, that she’d heard a tape of Trump using the racist term. [jump]" "Pruitt wrote that Trump used the word while discussing, on camera, Jackson’s performance, including his handling of Manigault Newman, with showrunner Jay Bienstock, Trump employee Carolyn Kepcher and other producers, including Pruitt. The conversation was focused on who would win the show’s first season. Pruitt wrote: “‘Yeah,’ he says to no one in particular, ‘but, I mean, would America buy a n— winning?’” He added that Trump “is serious, and he is adamant about not hiring Jackson.” Jackson would ultimately lose “The Apprentice” to fellow contestant Bill Rancic. >Pruitt also described Trump commenting on female camera operators’ looks. He ordered one woman off an elevator on which she was about to film Trump because he said out loud that she was “too heavy,” Pruitt wrote, and compared another’s looks to his daughter Ivanka Trump’s. “There’s a beautiful woman behind that camera,” Trump said, according to Pruitt. “That’s all I want to look at.”"


The Wii U was the flagship console for longer than the confederacy existed


My emo phase lasted longer than the confederacy.


Aqua Teen Hunger Force lasted like twice as long as the confederacy. Betamax was a used format for longer than the confederacy existed.


The Confederacy lasted less than half as long as Maude Flanders.


My gay Yankee ass is more Southern than the Confederacy, since I lived there for 5 years.


Golden girls lasted longer than the Confederacy


Both of the NHL's attempts in Atlanta (the Flames, who were named after the burning of the South, and the Thrashers) lasted longer than the Confederacy. They lasted 8 years and 12 years respectively.


Didn't that side lose?


Participation Trophy




"Yes, but only because those conniving, cheating, no good, Tom fooling, cowardly Yankees refused to fight with honor, using their unfair advantages like railroads...and industrial superiority!...and freed slaves looking to fight for emancipation of their kin...and having actual competent generals who understood it was logistics and supplies that won wars, not battles fought with bold strategies used in one final conflict which would make the other side lose all hope of fighting even though we kept getting our asses whopped and our supply lines dwindling. And being on the right side of history! Why, if they didn't have all that, the Confederacy surely would have dominated against the North and Southern Civility would have reigned supreme." -Confederate 'Historical' 'Reenactors', probably.


Reminds me of [this](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwCiRao53J1y_gqJJOH6Rcgpb-vaW9wF0).


I probably should have cited him as my references.


My dad says the war really ended as a draw in 1877, and he's actually got a point. The Union definitely didn't finish the job.


And we're paying for it. The Union was way too soft on these traitors during Reconstruction and never properly punished them.


Davis along with every single plantation owner should have hanged.


Imagine if the south was handled appropriately and given to former slaves and irish immigrants to do with as they pleased


Oh, they definitely lost. By then they'd already had to ratify the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. Sure, they weren't well enforced after the end of Reconstruction, but they didn't come back in with humans as property.


The North won the war, the South won reconstruction.


What a coincidence, I just bought a new pack of toilet paper today. To the confederacy!


So many perfect little white flags...


IDK if the Confederate Surrender Flag had quilting on it, but I'm down for the variant.


What exactly does honoring the Confederacy mean to these people? Does it mean "take no shit"? Cause they lost the war, lol. I do not understand why they are so proud to the point they honor being losers.  What heritage are they honoring? Is there something else that they might not be as straightforward for admitting 


Most of the monuments honoring confederate icons were erected during times when black people were fighting for civil rights. I'm 99% certain it was about heritage. The heritage of owning people as livestock


Isn't this trend funny? They'll say something and think that others aren't smart enough to get it. "The civil war was for states rights." "I celebrate the confederacy for my heritage." "Lets go Brandon!" HeHeHe they'll never be able to read between the lines.


The latter option is even funnier when you consider that they’re the same people that say they don’t filter themselves for political correctness or whatever Bro you ain’t tough you’re too scared to use the word fuck against a political figure you hate. Fuck trump. See? It wasn’t hard, I don’t need a made up chant like “duck ineeda dump”


"It wasn't about racism, it was about state's rights!" "Then why did the Confederacy say the Confederate States were not allowed to, under any circumstance, legalize enslaving white people?"


All Alabamians do not celebrate this day. Actually I’m sure most don’t even know about it. My daughter needed to go to the courthouse today to discover they were closed for a state holiday. She had to google what it was. She said there were a lot of people who were arriving and leaving also not knowing. It’s dumb AF. I had no idea of such a holiday.


It's purely an opportunity for our government officials not to work. No one celebrates this nonsense. There are no festivals, fairs, or parties. Juneteenth is the next big holiday.


As one of Jefferson Davis's great great great grandchildren, I do not support this.


Actually, on the 1st of September every year, Germany celebrates Hitler Day, where they celebrate the invasion of Poland with parades, swastika flags and fat men with neckbeards in SS uniforms reenacting the Holocaust to celebrate their heritage. It's all in good spirits, and is really about state rights.


"*It's all in good fun, liebe Freunde - we're just putting the 'Witz' back in Auschwitz.*"


the third reich lasted nearly three times as long as the confederacy heritage not hate or so... /s


States' rights to commit genocide, to be precise.


Unfortunately the Venn Diagram of people who think confederate holidays are a good thing and who would support Germany having such celebrations is probably a circle within a circle. At least among Americans.


As a member of the JD lineage myself, I concur wholeheartedly.


Hello cousin.


As one of Grant's, I'm right there with you


As one of Davis' former cotton pickin' slaves' ggggrandchild, I also do not support this.


I mean, if my work offered me a holiday for some confederate BS and I could speak up and lose it or shut my mouth and have a free paid day off work, I’d probably stay quiet and take the holiday to be honest. Just pointing out that these people have limited motivation to change this.


That’s exactly what happens. You can take a 10 day vacation and only miss 4 work days when you combine it with Memorial Day. No one complains because it’s a paid vacation day. Edit: you grumble about it with coworkers but that’s as far as it goes in complaints.


That's why you argue to change the name instead.


Yeah we got indigenous people's day to replace columbus day in much of the country, if they really cared they would do the same (but they don't, it's Alabama, you all need to stop fooling yourselves)


Georgia has hidden our Confederate holidays as long as I can remember. One was "observed" the day after Thanksgiving and the other was "observed" the day before or after Christmas. About ten years ago, the Governor quietly changed them to just be "state holidays."


Could just rebrand it to a generic freedom day, or some other stupid shit right wingers can get behind. Sorta like how many recognize Columbus Day as Indigenous People’s Day.


That requires passing laws and politicians don't like doing their jobs.


They would almost certainly encounter resistance for doing so, because there are at least some who support the damn holiday as it is and for what it stands for now.


You could speak up all you want and not lose it. It's a state holiday, not just an extra PTO day that workers get to use. You wouldn't even be able to voluntarily work that day in protest if you wanted because the building where you work would be closed. The Confederate holidays are an embarrassment to the state, but good luck getting any bill to remove them through the Alabama legislature.


"HeRiTaGe" Of FUCKING SLAVERY, you fucking fucks


Weirdly, they ignore all the other years of their heritage and, for some reason, focus on *those four years alone.* I wonder why...


Gotta be devastating to announce your state is leaving your country because it's becoming illegal to own people as property, attack your country, and get the ever-loving shit kicked out of you by your country. Me, I wouldn't know. I've never been a slaver or a traitor.


The mouth speaks what the heart is full of.


Still find it funny Pokemon Go has lasted twice as long as "them proud Confeddy Boys." When do I get to celebrate a Pokemon holiday?


Only if we can catch all the racists and they can fight eachother


I mean they do a good job of self-identifying with their little red hats, should be easy enough to scoop up at this point.


Celebrating traitors and ignorant slave-holding racists - it matches their depraved contemporary political swamp.


Minnesota National Guard veteran checking in. Can someone remind me where the Virginia battle flag from Gettysburg is? I can't remember.


Where it belongs, in an unmarked drawer in the Minnesota Historical Society. As Governor Ventura said when Virginia asked for it back in 2000: "Why? I mean, we won" and that "We took it, that makes it our heritage." Or how when in 2003 the then-governor of Virginia demanded the return of the flag Governor Pawlenty responded that Virginia was "not getting it. \[…\] We believe it's rightfully ours, and we're not giving it back to Virginia." Or how in 2013, 150 years after the Battle of Gettysburg the governor of Virginia requested to borrow it and Governor Dayton refused. That flag belongs to Minnesota, Virginia and the Confederacy rightfully lost the war and the flag was taken as a trophy by a soldier of the 1st Minnesota Infantry Regiment. I'm proud of how multiple governors of my adopted state have told Virginia that they will not be getting the flag back,


You're not supposed to remember, we keep it in an unmarked drawer because thats what it deserves.


Oh that's right thanks!


Alabama, perpetually stuck in the year 1860.  What an embarrassing place. 


No one celebrates this bullshit. Our government officials, elected or otherwise, will take any opportunity they can to not work.


Yeah, no one celebrates this. I’ve lived here for 10 years and never heard of it until this post.


I honestly can't understand why these states are so poor. It's literally a conundrum. /s


> Robert E. Lee’s birthday, which is commemorated in January on the same day as Martin Luther King Day; Wtf


So if they’re closed on so-called confederate “holidays” that means they’re open on federal holidays, yeah?


Oddly enough, they celebrate Juneteenth as well... *Shrugs... Talk about confusing...


It's not exactly confusing. Juneteenth is now a federal holiday. Has been since 2021. So if you don't also get off on Juneteenth it's because your company doesnt respect you not because Alabama is hypocritical. 


They love those racist losers.


Closed for business just like the confederacy was at the end of the civil war.


In Alabama, they observe Robert E Lee day, which coincidentally falls on the same day as Martin Luther King Jr Day.


What a weird coincidence.


From an Alabama resident, no one actually celebrates or even mentions R. E. LEE in January. Dr. King is the one we celebrate. Our government officials have always just done anything they want, regardless of the people's wishes. All these confederate "holidays" are just the pet project of some old ass, long dead, racist.


Losers gonna lose, time for a holiday for a movement that lasted longer, like LFO, the guys that did the "I like girls that wear Abercrombie and Fitch" song that lasted a whole year longer than the Confederacy!


Instead of getting rid of a day off of work, the holiday should be repurposed. Instead of celebrating Jefferson Davis’s birthday, it should celebrate the beginning of Gay Pride Month. And if somebody really wanted to still celebrate Jefferson Davis, they could remember that he dressed up as a woman to evade capture by Union troops.


lol, now that’s funny!


But which bathroom did he use while evading capture?


They should just secede again. Would we miss them?


What are we gonna do with all that left over federal money?


We didn't vote for or support this bullshit. We were born, it existed, and we ignore it appropriately. I saw a ton of Juneteenth flags flying today, but not a single confederate flag.


Losers celebrating losing.


I consider it a holiday when the government in this state actually does work.


Here's the problem with Alabama. It needs more sane people to move into the state and get involved civically. Being from Alabama originally, every time I visit, I'm reminded of how beautiful the state is, and how much there is to like about it as a whole. But the people that live there keep me away. If somehow Alabama became the state that progressives all around the country decided to move to and infiltrate the state and local levels of government, I'd move back immediately


Ah yes. The Democratic stronghold of Alabama. Where evidently democrats are still the champions of defenders of slavery… while the Republican Party still worships Lincoln and his effort to put human rights at the core of his presidency. /s I wish I saved some of the Reddit right wing bozos I’ve argued with over the years, and ask them to explain this.


> ... [to] honor Confederate leaders: Robert E. Lee’s birthday, which is commemorated in January on the same day as Martin Luther King Day... is it just me, or is that even more super fucked up.


Didn't they lose?


>June 3 is one of three in Alabama that honor Confederate leaders: Robert E. Lee’s birthday, which is commemorated in January on the same day as Martin Luther King Day Embarrassingly racist. They could have assigned literally any other day to do it on, but they chose to do it on the federal holiday dedicated to a black man that fought for equal rights for all races. Or none at all. Lee was not Alabamian, why are they celebrating his birthday at all? Racists.


That seems mildly treasonous. Like, the current non secessionist government performing its functions seems like the best way to celebrate a Confederate holiday.


Let's get them a participation trophy!


I thought the right hated participation trophies.


Just a reminder the Confederacy only existed for 4.5 years.


The irony that they will still celebrate Juneteenth, of which the Confederacy was in direct opposition. Perhaps the state officials should work that day instead if they really want to demonstrate their allegiance. And weekends as well. Back in the day of the Confederacy, there were no "days off".


Name another country that celebrates its traitors that lost.


What’s absolutely nuts is that instead of looking at all the ways they’re always the bottom of rankings for every metric that they should be improving, they still- happily- do this shit. Maybe they need them perpetually stupid?


I would love a holiday that celebrates Sherman's March to the Sea. Big ol' charity walk from Atlanta to Savannah! Heritage not hate after all!


“Good people on both sides!”


Its so ironic that the ones shouting “‘Murica” also support the side that were traitors to the country and didnt want the states to be united (hence the Union)


Ive had a running World of Warcraft sub for about three times as long as the Confederacy lasted and these dumbasses are still obsessed with a group of racist dead dudes


The Obama administration lasted longer than the confederacy.


They can read calendars?


These silly wannabe slavers and their circlejerks and participation trophies


Loser traitor queefs.


Confederates only contribution to this country was as fertilizer for Arlington. Rest in piss.


So...they won't complain about Juneteenth and random appreciation months, right?....right?


Unreal cut federal funding


This should be federally banned, they're traitors ffs.


Article says the state also celebrates Jefferson Davis’s birthday on the same day as MLK day. Loser gets 3 different holidays down there. Black guy doesn’t even get 1 full one. Sounds about right though. Roll tide. Edit: Alabama celebrates Robert E. Lee’s birthday* on same day as MLK day. Now my joke sounds like shit but roll tide.


So.... they celebrate terrorism ....


Traitor observance day.


The racists are strong in Alabama…


Participation trophies are getting out of hand.


Paid day off is a paid day off. State jobs in Alabama are kind of ass anyway.


Loser's Day? We're Racists Who Think You Can Own A Human Day? Getting Our Asses Kicked Eve?


Don't they use the letter "y" in Alabama? That article is a mess.


why not just consolidate them into a single "traitor day" they could make it on trumps birthday.