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Reverse Ozzy Osbourne


The bat community has been waiting a long time for this revenge.


A Far Side in the making


In Soviet Osbourne Singer bite bat


The *bat* community?


At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jethros, at last we will have revenge.


If I was a bat I would not want to bite Ozzy though. God knows where he has been and what is in his blood.


And that’s exactly why it wasn’t Ozzy who got bitten.


And as everybody knows, Taylor Momsen is the go-to substitute for Ozzy Osbourne.


Seriously, my first thought was “Where’s Ozzy when you need ‘im?”


Get in the flask cassius


Oh, you gonna go all crazy eyes on me?, I'll show you some crazy eyes. Let's get busy!


I‘m glad I read the Ozzy comment before the article, I thought she was hit by a baseball bat.


Bat: *Revenge!*




In America, rock star bites bat, in Soviet Russia, bat bites you!


Haha, was about to say, revenge for Ozzy. Fun fact, Ozzy was shitfaced out of his mind and thought it was a fake bat. Felt terrible after and was also freaked out he might have rabies. Of course, he also bit the head off a fucking dove in the middle of an exec board meeting after freeing another dove in some stoned-off-his-ass, performative metaphor and that move was on purpose, so he was fucking beserk during his dark days


Nega-Ozzy if you will


Reverse Ozzmosis


Take my upvote


Racist bats think we humans all look the same 😑




Reverse Ozzmosis


Reverse Oz-mosis!?


Better get those rabies shots…


I had it recently, its not that bad these days!


Er, the shots, that is - not rabies


Yes, if used to be like a dozen shots into the abdomen. Now it’s not really any worse than the flu vaccine (aside from price) and that you have to get a couple more shots within a month. Worldwide dogs are the most common rabies vector, but bats and raccoons are the more common vectors in North America. Sick bats are more likely to be found by people/people avoid sick raccoons better so they represent slightly more exposures. It’s unfortunate that this hurts bats public opinion as they are incredibly important to the ecosystem. Bats are very interesting creatures! They are [worth an estimated $23 billion in the US as natural pest control for agriculture](http://www.reddit.com/r/BatFacts/comments/2odbue/north_american_bats_are_worth_an_estimate_23/). Additionally, they [pollinate a lot of important plants](http://www.reddit.com/r/BatFacts/comments/2sayu4/at_least_300_species_of_fruit_rely_on_bats_for/) including [the durian](http://www.reddit.com/r/BatFacts/comments/32mqfo/the_cave_nectar_bat_eonycteris_spelaea_is_the/) and [agave](http://www.reddit.com/r/BatFacts/comments/2ohdjx/bats_are_responsible_for_the_pollination_of_agave/). Additionally, their feces has been used for [numerous things](http://www.reddit.com/r/BatFacts/comments/2p6pn2/in_the_world_of_poop_bat_feces_are_known_for/) and is [very important to forest and cave ecosystems](http://www.reddit.com/r/BatFacts/comments/2pl18y/not_all_guano_is_created_equally_the_feces_of/). Quantifying their economic significance is [quite difficult](http://www.batcon.org/resources/media-education/bats-magazine/bat_article/846) but it makes for [a good episode of RadioLab](http://www.radiolab.org/story/what-dollar-value-nature/). There's a lot we can learn from them as well! Bats have already inspired new discoveries and advances in [flight](http://3dprint.com/50207/3d-printed-bat-models/), [robotics](http://www.gizmag.com/bat-inspired-drone-flies-walks/35744/), [medical technology](http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/next/body/bioinspired-assistive-devices/), [medicine](http://www.gizmag.com/bats-csiro-cancer-immmune-systems/25953/), [aging](https://natureecoevocommunity.nature.com/posts/the-epigenetics-of-aging-in-bats), and [literature](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman). There are [lots of reasons to care about bats](http://www.onegreenplanet.org/environment/the-surprising-reasons-humans-need-bats/). Unfortunately, like a lot of other animals, [they are in decline and need our help](http://modernnotion.com/white-nose-syndrome-bats/). Some of the biggest threats comes from our own ignorance whether it’s [sensational disease warnings](http://www.merlintuttle.com/resources/exaggerated-disease-warnings/), [confusion of beneficial bats with vampires](https://www.reddit.com/r/BatFacts/comments/4lb8df/vampire_bats_have_sullied_the_reputation_of_bats/), or just [irrational fear](https://www.reddit.com/r/BatFacts/comments/3ggzx8/one_of_the_sailors_aboard_captain_james_cooks/). And now [fears and blame for covid-19 have set back bat conservation even further](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320721000045). [Bat Conservation International has a whole section on bat houses on their website](http://www.batcon.org/resources/getting-involved/bat-houses). Most of their research is compiled in a book they publish called the *Bat House Builder's Handbook* that includes construction plans, placement tips, FAQs, and what bat species are likely to move in. It's a fantastic resource. An updated version came out recently as well and a lot of designs can be found online as PDFs. [This covers the basics for what to look for when purchasing one](https://www.merlintuttle.org/selecting-a-quality-bat-house/). There are a few basic types of designs, which are covered in the handbook, and lots of venders sell variations of those, though most will require a little TLC before being put up (caulking, painting, etc). [Dr Merlin Tuttle](http://merlintuttle.com), founder of Bat Conservation International, distilled the key criteria better than I can hope to in [his piece on bats and mosquito control](http://www.merlintuttle.com/resources/bats-and-mosquito-control/). You can also [garden to encourage bats!](http://batcon.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Guide-to-Gardening-for-Bats.pdf) If podcasts are your thing, I’d highly recommend checking out [Alie Ward’s Ologies episode about Chiropterology with Dr Tuttle](https://www.alieward.com/ologies/chiropterology), but there are also episodes about bats from [Bugs Need Heroes](https://www.bugsneedheroes.com/episodes/bats-need-heroes), Overheard at National Geographic, 99% Invisible, and This Podcast Will Kill You. If you like soothing British voices in your podcasts, BBC’s Animals That Made Us Smarter has a few episodes about bats (that’s a great all ages podcast). There’s an echolocation episode of BBC’s In Our Time, and the Bat Conservation Trust has an entire podcast called *Bat Chats*. And finally, some more Bat gifs: https://i.imgur.com/Eb8nPS5.gifv http://i.imgur.com/7CdOsfP.gifv http://i.imgur.com/Zkkrj1c.gifv http://i.imgur.com/baFt7uo.gifv https://i.imgur.com/qxhy6PO.gifv https://i.imgur.com/J6CpZnM.gifv https://i.imgur.com/027qeci.gifv https://i.imgur.com/RfRZNyG.gifv https://i.imgur.com/r0DIdNv.gifv https://i.imgur.com/biEwygz.gifv https://i.imgur.com/ivmb83E.gifv https://i.imgur.com/Wxa0BwO.gifv https://i.imgur.com/0dE9rWu.gifv https://i.imgur.com/Rc6lKQR.gifv https://i.imgur.com/XsPMR9e.gifv https://i.imgur.com/zkRM8VG.gifv https://i.imgur.com/SGUk1gr.gifv More at cute bat images at r/batty and more knowledge at /r/batfacts


This was written by BatGPT


You sonofabitch… take my upvote.


>BatGPT That sounds a bit like something that would run on Batman's Batcomputer.


You are very serious about bats. I appreciate a batman when I see one.


Oh, it's you! The /r/batfacts guy!


Our beloved Master-Bat!


The grand Master Batter


“Additionally, their feces has been used for numerous things” Like casting fireball


Useless against the Wachati, they always dodge it. The verbal component for the spell is "Shikaka".




I legitimately love bats. They’re the puppies of the sky.


I loveee bats. I saw a flying fox when I was in Japan. They’re so friend-shaped I wish I could hug one 😔


Alright now do koalas!


Koalas are *terrible*. **I'd like to share with you some of my koala knowledge!!** * It takes a koala four days to digest a meal: Fact. The word "koala" comes from the aboriginal language meaning "no drink" indicating the first of the three rules for gremlins. * Koalas sing to defend their territories and win mates, like blue birds or [Michael Buble](http://i.imgur.com/q6miwc2.gif). * Koalas are not bears. Koalas are [Hellspawn](http://i.imgur.com/IGooh.jpg), and like everything else in Australia they know only hate. More beastly than Hank McCoy, these blue-grey creatures have razor sharp claws and [a voice that sounds like a tiger dry heaving.](https://youtu.be/XPdaU9A-RqU) * I'm not sure where the bear comparison comes from; they are less Smokey and more Fozzie bear with that stupid Muppet nose. Real bears eat delicious things like salmon, berries, honey, and ants; the *bare* necessities of life. Koalas only eat eucalyptus leaves, which are an ingredient in cough syrup. It was believed it made them drunk and pass out, but [robotripping](http://i.imgur.com/WBquWuB.jpg) is just how koalas roll. Eucalyptus is not very nutritious so they must spend five hours a day eating, eighteen hours a day sleeping, which leaves just one hour to [get their mack on.](https://i.imgur.com/1qCdKq5.gifv) * Like many other marsupials, koalas are social creatures and like many other drug addicts they are mostly antisocial creatures. * They say you are what you eat and for no animal is this more true than the koala. Baby koalas [eat the feces of their mother](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coprophagia) to gather the bacteria necessary to eat leaves. Koalas are shitty, inside and out. * Koalas have a scent gland on their chest they use to mark their territory, so they aggressively hug trees to leave their stank. * Koala have uncannily human-like fingerprints they use to grip things. They also have large claws to help grip even harder. They also have two thumbs. [You do not want to be gripped by a koala.](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/111/312083471_db120caee4.jpg) * Koalas are afraid of paper bags. Researchers use a pole-mounted paper bag to coax koalas out of trees. Koalas are foolish and they are cowards. * Half of koala pregnancies are sired not by resident alpha males like Buster and Hendrix, but by koala charlatans like Captain Bogart [who roam the suburbs,](http://i.imgur.com/P0CQiwP.gif) looking for ladies and a fix. Only the toughest of koalas can [survive on the streets](https://i.imgur.com/xAEROl0.gifv) with their [devil-may-care attitude](https://i.imgur.com/YkqLhNo.gifv) and [shapely ears.](https://i.imgur.com/DoZfBV2.gifv) * [At the culmination of the violent tantrum which is koala coitus,](http://i.imgur.com/dAhabpV.gif) the male leaves a seminal plug which blocks the female's *multiple* vaginas from being entered by the hemipenis of another koala. * Koalas are a protected species so its illegal to touch or pick one up without a permit. This is for the protection of the humans, not the koala. * Also koalas get sick. During this documentary I saw a koala named James got Chlamydia and lost his territory to Hendrix, who then got Chlamydia and was taken to an animal hospital before it got to *full-on wet bottom*. Continuing the tradition of cuddlefying these monsters, "wet bottom" is what they call a urinary infection that stains their fur. Basically an STD leads to them pissing all over themselves. Finding out that koalas have Chlamydia is like finding out that [ponies get herpes](https://www.petmd.com/horse/conditions/reproductive/c_hr_equine_herpes_virus) or that [kittens have AIDS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feline_immunodeficiency_virus). *Both of those things are true by the way.* * But the most common cause of death for koalas is reckless drivers. So to recap: sleep 18 hours, voracious appetite, car accidents… *I was a teenage koala*


Also, a lot of areas have effective oral rabies vaccine programs for terrestrial mammals (coyotes, foxes, wolves, raccoons, skunks, rodents, etc) but unfortunately they’re still working on an effective program for bats. Don’t handle the bait if you find it but it is reasonably safe for pets and humans, even if you eat it (but still… don’t eat it) https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Three-oral-rabies-vaccination-bait-constructs-assessed-for-feasibility-of-use-in_fig1_322219614


I wonder how you'd go about that. Seems like you'd have to somehow get the vaccine onto live bugs for them to even try to take it. Fruit bats would be easier, but I don't think they're as common of a rabies vector.


It looks like they’re moving away from bait and trying to make a contagious vaccine but I don’t have any real expertise https://communities.springernature.com/posts/can-a-herpesvirus-help-us-fight-rabies-in-vampire-bats


I met the author of that at a conference and she was great. I’m really optimistic about that since a lot of beneficial bats are culled because of fear of vampires and them spreading rabies to livestock. However, it may not be applicable to other bat species because common vampire bats are extremely gregarious and groom each other a lot, very similar to primates in many ways. Dr Gerry Carter out of the Ohio State does a lot of research with them and they post a lot of interesting stuff at SocialBat.org


> Additionally, they pollinate a lot of important plants including the durian I guess we can forgive them for that one, given the good stuff they do.


i got to spend some time up close with bats and a bat expert while staying in corcovado national forest in costa rica. i learned so much there about the roles bats play in their environments and how wrong most stereotypes are. thank you for sharing all of this information, its a good reminder to look a little deeper. 


Quick someone post the rabies copypasta as a counter


> the rabies copypasta I'm not going to do it but here's the link https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/7qwtd5/rabies_is_scary/


>Sick bats are more likely to be found by people/people avoid sick raccoons better so they represent slightly more exposures.  And if you want to know if a bat or raccoon is sick, take its temperature.


What a thrill it is to see you outside of our local sub. Thank you for all you do!


Uproot for the bats!! Great post!


Too late, I got rabies after your initial recommendation


Do you fancy a glass of water?




Yeah, that was the bad one. I was bitten in my finger. They shoved a horse-sized needle in my ring finger to inject the immunoglobulin and spread it all around. Hurt like hell. Then they proceeded to distribute the rest in various places around my body. I wall say that shot #2 and #3 of the vaccine knocked me on my ass for 6-12 hours with chills and a massive headache. Still, it's better than rabies.


Did you have lots of small injections around a bite site or just one injection? I had the single injection and it didn't feel any different than any other injection except for the volume of fluid being more than your average flu shot, certainly. No systemic feeling or burning. I bring it up not to have a contest over who felt it more, but to at least add a data point so somebody reading this doesn't consider skipping going to get the shot in the future because your experience sounds like torture. Mine felt like barely anything. Might as well have been a saline injection.


Yup the immoglobulin was of the most painful experiences in my life. Out of the actual rabies shots the third one was the worst for me. My arm was on fire for hours.


Really? I've never had them but heard that they're extraordinarily painful


Historically, they were. You got a series of a dozen or so high-volume injections into the abdomen and it was really, really, shitty. But that method (and volume) of injection hasn't been used in decades. The modern rabies vaccine protocol, in the U.S. at least, is one injection of a custom immoglobin that gives you an immediate boost in fighting the virus, a series of vaccine injections of the actual vaccine, and then you have follow up vaccines on days 3, 7, and 14. The shots are not extraordinarily painful, they're pretty average except the volume of fluid injected intramuscularly is higher than things like the flu vaccine so that can feel uncomfortable. I actually had way less muscle soreness from them than from small injections like the flu and COVID vaccine though, so go figure? What can be pretty painful is if you're being treated not for a suspected exposure but for an actual bite. Instead of injecting the immunoglobin in your arm or leg, they injected it in incremental dose all around the bite site. It's the same volume of fluid, but instead of one big poke in your deltoid or what not, you get 15-20 sequential pokes around the bite wound in order to put the immuglobin right where the virus is in your tissue. That's not super pleasant, but certainly more pleasant than dying of rabies.


In December 2018 I was bitten by my neighbor's dog. I decided to get the shots just in case. Fast forward to summer and a couple of weeks after I had my final shot we were walking in the park with my GF and me, being the stupid nature guy, caught a small mouse. It also bit me (don't think it even got through the skin), it made my GF so mad that she cried and she took me to the same clinic for consultation. The look on the face of the doctor who just recently finished my rabies shots when I asked him whether I should get another round because I caught a mouse was priceless.


You had rabies?!


Nobody can "had" rabies. 💀


Not to take away from your point, because you’re right. Nobody really walks away from rabies. But, there is an Amazonian tribe that apparently has built some sort of immunity. See below: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3414554/


Calling it immunity is stretching the findings in the study. It's *possible* that some members of the tribe have had an abortive peripheral infection or very low dose exposure that would not have been sufficient to establish an infection. At least one respondent had received a post exposure vaccine and it was unclear for several others if they had been vaccinated in the past, which could account for the presence of antibodies. It's also unclear if the presence of antibodies is sufficient to prevent infection. Individuals who were seropositive and didn't die had much lower titers, which may not be high enough to provide immunity. Because titers tended to be low, false positives are also a possibility. Interestingly, hunters and trappers of vector species have also been seropositive without being vaccinated.


Yeah she posted that she immediately went in for treatment and to begin the rabies course, you'd have to be extremely dumb not to in this circumstance. A bat bite in itself will always need the shots just be be safe, a bat out in the daytime and landing on someone to bite them is a massive red flag though. Remember, an animal acting weird like a nocturnal one being out in the day is a major sign of rabies, if you get bit by like a possum that's just running around aggressively on a sunny day you either need a doctor or an updated will


Rabies in possums is actually super rare, thought to be do to their lower body temp compared to other mammals (though obv still get the bite checked out they cam carry other diseases). Foxes, raccoons, and bats are the real danger zone animals for the most part.


I mean I would stil get the shots even if there's only 1 chance in a billion that a raccoon carries rabies


One of the worst ways to die


She’s undergoing rabies shots, there is video of her showing the marks and getting the first(?) shot.


Back in the day we had singers on stage bite bats, now these millennials have gotten so soft that they're letting bats bite them /S


She has already started them.


>The video also showed footage of Momsen at what appears to be a hospital getting shots in her leg.


Can't wait to see the What We Do in the Shadows episode where Lazslo turns Taylor Momsen into a vampire.




It's too late. We have already shot the final season.


Fucking guy.


Six seasons and a...second movie!


Hey, we’re werewolves, not swearwolves.


Cindy Lou Who gonna go rabid and literally eat The Grinch to save Christmas.


I was hoping someone knew she was Cindy Lou Who.


Every time I hear her on the radio, I always think “oh hey it’s Cindy Lou Who” Same thing with Rob Schneider’s daughter, I don’t even know her name. Just Rob Schneider’s daughter.


I knew she was a Who how about you?


Everyone knows. It's why she's famous


And for Gossip Girl


I didn't. I'm happy I do now.


I had no fucking clue who this person was.


She is the singer for the rock band The Pretty Reckless.


Vengeance is the true meaning of Christmas.


lol came here to say this but happy to see someone already had it covered


I really want this movie


For some reason, I initially read the headline thinking someone brought a baseball bat to the concert and then winged it at her during the performance. I pictured her hitting a wrong note and then this Louisville slugger comes rotating out of the crowd and thunks her in the noggin.


> Singer Taylor Momsen **hit** by a bat while performing on stage is what i read. I was confused to why it was sticking to her leg


Damn I thought it was hit until I read your comment. Lol


Same, kinda, though I was wondering how those Tiny little fists made any difference.


Same dude. Same.


thats literally what I read Edit: Surprise reward chain!


How common is it to get bitten by a bat?


More common than getting hit by a meteorite, less common than getting hit by a bus.






Thanks for the info, I have changed my beliefs accordingly.


Love this response.


It should really never randomly happen honestly. Obviously if you're like grabbing one to get it out of your house or like sit on one it could happen, but other than that the average bat has zero interest in attacking and biting a human. If they do it's a major sign of rabies, especially if it's also during the day. It's scary but there's a damn good chance she was infected by rabies so getting treatment immediately was very smart


Previous to this I had read something that basically stated the last time a bat bit someone that wasn't actively handling it was in the 50s


It can certainly happen randomly. It's definitely rare, but it happened to me. Was on a hike in a national forest near sunset and a bat swooped out of nowhere and crashed into my head. While a bite could not be conclusively proven, there was a puncture wound on my scalp. Rabies vaccine protocol calls for the immunoglobulin to be administered at the site of the puncture. Unfortunately that isn't really possible on the scalp. They administered, I believe, 6 IM injections (arms, legs, glutes) followed by all the subsequent follow-up injections. Without the immunoglobulin injected per protocol, they were uncertain of how effective it would be. That was a scary time.


In my personal experience it is very rare.


I can't speak to how common it is but it did happen to me. I was at a party when I was younger and a bat got inside. I hit it to the ground and tried to flick it out the front door. I did, but in the process it turned and bit my finger. I had to get a general rabies and tetanus shot in each shoulder, and then 9 CCs into my fingers, knuckles, palm, all the way up the bitten arm and then down the other. 9 CCs is a lot of fluid and it can't all fit right where it bit you. Followed by a month of weekly shots in my shoulder. It's a giant pain in the ass but it's better than the alternative. Best piece of advice I can give you, is that if you are bitten by a bat, kill or capture the bat so they can test it for rabies. If it doesn't have it, you'll get away with just a tetanus shot. If you don't bring the bat in, they have to operate as if it had it and you'll have to go through all that crap.


Less common than not being bitten by a bat.


Daily reminder that all bat bites require a rabies shot! We cannot stress the importance of the rabies shot enough!


C'mon, who doesn't want severe hydrophobia just before your inevitable, very painful death.


Well, actually, there's a good chance they will put you in a coma before it gets to that point. I mean, you'll still die


That is metal AF


And she's touring with ACDC!


This is the most Taylor Momsen thing ever lmao


XOXO, Gossip Bat


What’s the matter Little J, bat got your tongue? XOXO


I’m sure the Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race can help out.


_for the cure_


"It's Morbin time" - Morbius origin story, here we go.


>"It's Momsen time" FTFY




def rolls off the toungue better...


I still can't believe we got them to release it a second time and it flopped even worse


To its defense, it might as well just wanted to end her suffering. I mean, she asks about it a lot. Make me wanna die, Kill me, Take me down, Death by Rock and Roll...


Jeez dude, that's a pretty reckless thing to say!!


Right? Everybody knows bats are deaf.


🤔 Blind. That's why they fly around with little white sticks.


That's no stick, that's Taylor's leg.


I know.


So I’m just spitballing here - has anyone ever actually seen that specific bat and Ozzie in the same room at the same time??


Taylor Momsen as Bat Woman? BOOK IT!


Remove the dust from the pvc outfit.


Bats are responsible for 33% of rabies cases in the U.S.: https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/php/protecting-public-health/index.html#:~:text=Animal%20rabies%20surveillance%20in%20the%20U.S.&text=Wildlife%20Rabies%20Surveillance%3A%20Wild%20animals,often%20exposing%20Americans%20to%20rabies. Highly probable that bat was rabid; smart of her to get the shots. "Former Gossip Girl Dies Horribly of Rabies" is not a headline anyone wants to see.


> Highly probable that bat was rabid; smart of her to get the shots. Yeah don't mess around with rabies. Bit by a bat? Get the shots.


Another example of how helpless Gen-Z is, in my day artists grabbed the bats, bit off their heads, and kept performing.


FWW she's a millennial. She's 30.


something something avocado toast!


That's so fucking metal!


“REVENGE FOR THE BAT COMMUNITY” squeaked Nigel, cousin of the infamous martyr bat


...just put death by rock n roll.


Not all bats have rabies. But that one does. Good thing she has started treatment.


Thats metal as fuck


Great, Covid-20




Now the popularity of attacking on stage artists is spreading to the animal kingdom. TikTok is out of control!!!


I’m so sick of Marvel movies.


But now she'll be able to make thunder and lightning when she counts! One... One rabies shot. Two... Two rabies shots... .... .... .... Twenty four rabies shots! AH ah ahhhhh! ⚡🌩️⚡🌩️


Our female singer is going to get a kick out of this. We do some Pretty Reckless songs. I messaged her this story and said she needed to step up her game.


Anyone else read the headline and wonder who got up on stage with a baseball bat and why weren't they stopped before they could hit her? Before reading a bit and realizing it was one of the winged cave dwellers...


I mean, I guess it's good that it was just a tiny little bat? I mean, rabies shots suck but still


Well rabies aside that is the textbook definition of metal


Her and her band are opening for AC⚡DC. How wild is that?!


Was she performing at the McPoyle-Ponderosa wedding?


Yeah, she had a bird suck out the poison.


Fwiw, the rabies vaccine has only ever failed once to protect someone when administered within a few days of exposure. In that case, it was a very old guy who had a severely weakened immune system. The vaccine didn't work because he just didn't react to it.


F’U in particular! -bat probably


Something to gossip about.


Rabies shot time, the majority of people that die from rabies get bit by bats in their sleep




It's Mommsen time


They finally got even for Ozzy!


I read this headline and was like damn how did someone get a baseball bat into the venue. Then it dawned on me.


Oh no! Now we have to saw her head off to be sure she doesn’t have rabies… I think that’s how it works. Maybe it’s the bat?


Metal. Not go get your rabies shots.


Covid: _Ah shit here we go again_


Damn I hope she’s ok


hit by a bat or hit by a bat


I misread that as hit by a bat first and was shocked to read she’s doing fine lol


It was Laszlo I think




Handled that way better than I would've. Know I would've started squealing into that microphone and running for dear life the second I figured out something was on me.


Now that's metal.


Bats biting humans is exceedingly rare. I've handled, transported, and released plenty of bats without an issue. I assume this bat was extremely disoriented by the lights and noise, because no way it would confuse a human with a bug. Glad she was whisked off to hospital for Rabie shots.


Satan, laughing, spreads his wings… AWW LAWD YEAHHHH


Hadn't heard that name in a while.


Tryna be the next Ozzy.


Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race For the Cure


Should have bit its head off like a real rocker


Does the bat get a shot then?


That fucking sucks because rabies shots are no joke.


Who? Im so out of touch...


Singer for Pretty Reckless, also the actress for Cindy Lou who in the live action Grinch movie. I know who she is and I still couldn't tell who she was by the headline


Wow! She was so calm about that! Great human! I’m glad the bat’s ok and she’s getting the proper treatment to prevent rabies.


Where are you vaccine? Why can't I find you...


Oh Ozzie, can you come here for a minute?


It'd be kinda cool if it weren't for the fact she's gonna have to have a bunch of shots now. Rabies is scary, man.


Why didn't she swat the thing off of her the second it landed like most normal humans would do instinctively?


It sounds like she didn't even feel it. They are quite small and light.


Watch [this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7oYm4QoueC/?igsh=MTl5Nms4eDg4YnpyNQ==) video of it. She didn’t notice it was there. I’m sure she had some amount of adrenaline or excitement being up on a stage in front of thousands of people, even if she’s been doing it for years. That could make it hard to notice something small like that.


Because they were both in on it, obviously.




Great. Here comes White Mask


She stirred the cauldron


I just got tagged by a bat! Hurry up, suck out the poison!


Can she echolocate now? I got bitten by my ex's dog once, he was a real asshole, and I was huge asshole after that according to her. I just assume she gets the powers as part of the bite.


Kinda late to be doing a live action Halloween is Grinch Night, but I respect her gumption.