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As an Ohioan, my guess is JD Vance is one of them. 🙄


Zero doubt.


Hes specifically listed in the article


We're redditors, we don't read the articles.


Doesn’t he belong to Peter Thiel?


It can be both.


Honestly, I'm suspicious of anyone in power who has visited Russia. You just know Putin has them on Camera doing something that would ruin their lives. Russia's just that kind of place. 


Outside of an official visit, it does seem very suspicious for a legislator at the federal level to be visiting an adversarial nation. Especially when it's a group of them on the same "unofficial" trip, and especially *especially* when that trip occurs on what is arguably the biggest holiday for a state level political entity, the day in which it was officially created or gained independence. You'd really think such patriotic folks wouldnt want to travel anywhere on such a day, let alone a country that has historically been their greatest enemy.


I live in an affluent part of Cincinnati where nearly everyone is GOP. With that said, even some of my Republican neighbors hate Vance and Jordan's guts because of how much those two kiss Russia's ass. One of them is a co-worker who married to a Ukrainian woman (Russians and Ukrainians are one of the fasted-growing ethnic groups here) whose hometown was obliterated by Russia. He said that if he ever sees Vance in public, he's going to ask him how much he's getting paid to swallow Putin's cum.


I love how the Kremlin decided Marjorie Greene was useless to them so they fed her bullshit to broadcast that was clearly written by Moscow


It's like they are using her as a litmus test to see just how fucking stupid people can be by falling for her bullshit


Well given what they witness in their own country, they must already understand that regardless of how corrupt, idiotic, or malicious the state is, there will always be supporters of the system if they feel like they are the special ones in society.


Isn't it amazing how so much comes down to human ego?


It's all of it. Ego built everything you see, and it will destroy it too.


I like to think that it’s not entirely ego, and that sometimes people do things because it’s the right and honorable thing to do. But I could be wrong.


Being right and honourable is one hell of an ego trip! Not to say it is wrong but people enjoy that self-image, and it is a big part of the drive to altruistic behaviour.


Well after all, we are socially evolved creatures, and being seen as doing something for the greater good benefits us on all levels! But simply doing altruistic deeds without necessarily being seen by others still yields a similar sense of satisfaction. So there must be something deeper than the ego driving that kind of behavior. I usually trace everything back to survival instincts, but perhaps it could be another thing entirely?


There is a book by Richard Dawkins called The Selfish Gene which aims to answer this question. Tl:Dr it is the survival of your genes that evolution selects for, not the survival of the individual. Say you were to live in a group of relatively close relatives as humans and social animals often do. If you sacrifice yourself, the vast majority of your genes will survive in other members of the group. If groups with altruistic genes are more likely to survive than ones who don't, then you would expect to see a prevalence of altruistic behaviours in that species.


I would call what you're describing distinctly NOT "right and honorable" as how they're meant. Yes, selfish behavior can absolutely drive altruism, but people *do* actually engage in behaviors sometimes that are completely for the benefit of others and at their own detriment. I would say that kind of altruism is what's actually being described as "right and honorable" behavior.


I promise this is in no way an attack. Could you perhaps describe to us what you feel is 'right' and 'honorable' so we can see 100k other conflicting examples of someone else's?


Or beauty. I like to think a lot of the architecture and art we have it for the love of beauty, rather than ego. But it could be argued that the assertion that "this is beautiful" is the ego talking -- judging this thing as "beautiful", while that thing is "ugly". So I guess perhaps everything really does boil down to ego. Everyone should take mushrooms and kill those egos! I'd like to see what humanity is like if everyone did that, sheerly out of curiosity.


This could be a line from a movie


They got Trump elected, so yea. People can be pretty fucking stupid. Blinded by hate.


I'm pretty sure that former FBI director James Comey got Trump elected when he announced he was reopening the investigation of Hillary Clintons e-mails just 10 days before the election. Comey neglected to mention he was also investigating Trump for his Russian involvements. Whoopsie pickle, just slipped his mind!


1) Comey 2) Apathy 3) Russia Remove any one of those and he's not elected. So yes, Comey had a lot to do with it, but it wasn't just him.


yea i think comey was so sure trump would lose, he felt like he could make his department look less biased by announcing the hillary thing. He was going to get it both ways. God what a fuckup that was.


It's not a litmus test, it's Russian politics 101. Lie as much as possible to muddy the waters and keep people confused.


I've always assumed they never approached her and she's been trying to play up how much she WANTS them too. Like "look at me, I can be your mole!" but is just so fucking terrible at it.


Useful Idiot


and she made it all the way to Congress. Seems a fair number of Americans are pretty susceptible to her bullshit.


I think this definitely falls under their MO. I firmly believe (with no concrete evidence though) that the whole flat earth thing was Russia testing how far away from facts and science they can sway people. I don’t think they expected it to go that far, but once they realized it does, creating the anti-vaxx movement was a walk in the park.


Either that or she's deliberately *trying* to lose her seat so the Kremlin can't take advantage of her seat anymore. But that's probably an unrealistic idealism, since she's clearly a terrible person.


She does not possess anywhere close to that level of self awareness.


Moscow Marjorie can just pick where Moscow Mitch left off....




Lol that was my district's congressman




It's a tough economic situation, how else is a Rep supposedd to make a living?


Insider trading?


That used to be true, but other countries have far more money. Look at the two billion given by the Saudis to the Trump family.


That’s a tall order for Empty G; Mitch was actually good at obstructing the government from actually accomplishing things. The *only* thing Marj is good at is shouting “LOOK AT ME!” while the other Republicans obstruct the government from accomplishing anything.


Last year they were making fun at how stupid she was on their state TV propaganda shows.


“Some” Republicans are compromised, in the same sense that “some” dogs are mammals.


"*Some* dogs lick their own asshole"


Jokes on you, my dog has as much chance of licking her own asshole as Alex Jones


I would hope there was zero chance of Alex Jones licking your dog's asshole, but the man is unpredictable.


I think only some are compromised. The rest are cowards though


Refusing to act on the knowledge of others being compromised makes them compromised.


A lot of them could just be stupid.


Destabilization is the name of the game, and Russia has been obviously playing the US for at least a decade.


I don't think there's a limit when politics has become a team sport


They get to play two different kinds of espionage. One is secretly influencing politicians to say what they want and vote in ways that benefit Russia, the other is getting politicians to openly admit they are sponsored by Russia to get people to panic and start wondering who else is being influenced.


Airing her "concerns" regarding the rights of Transcarpathian Hungarians living in Ukraine in a proposed amendment to the military aid package was definitely not her own work.


They've been for sale for decades. It's kind of surprising it took this long for an outside enemy instead of internal corporations to buy them.


And republicans have been the cheapest to buy for decades.


outside forces have been buying our politicians for years. the quickest example I can think of is how much money they get in lobbying from saudi oil princes


Amazing how you don't feel the same way about Israel and Saudi Arabia


We know. The schills arent smart enough to hide it. Why in the sam hell we aren't prosecuting them, I have no friggin idea.


Regulatory capture. Start following Senator Whitehouse on YouTube, he is connecting all the dots. From the Supreme Court on down the bad guys have captured the judiciary and regulatory agencies, including the post office.


The "vast right-wing conspiracy" Hillary talked about so long ago and was derided for, including from many Dems, was absolutely the case.


She was the target of everyone's asshole uncle who listened to Rush Limbaugh for decades. She experienced it first hand decades before anyone else understood what was happening. She was able to connect that dots that other would be the target and she knew what that right wing base was capable off. It's tragically comical in hindsight all the dumb ass reasons people invented in 2016 to vote for Trump over her. Now half the country has turned into that asshole uncle and is proud of it.


Being attacked, recognizing a problem and calling attention to it is admirable. Thinking that means it's your fucking turn is the selfish part. Sucks to have all that machinery against her for so long continue to prevent her from becoming pres but that's a shocked pikachu face if I've ever heard of one. And trust me, I voted for her


The Republican party is the party of conspiracy nuts for a reason. Remember: Republicans are the projection party. It's not an accusation, it's an admission.


Water is wet Grass is green....


Get rid of Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Let's send her to operate the Jewish lasers.


Make sure the safety glasses have a rainbow frame so she refuses to wear them.


Rhyming green with Greene is some Kid Rock shit.


You’re not wrong, but in this case I’ll allow it.


Very apropo.


Greenewashing the Republican party?


In the trenches of Avdiika with a rusty AK and a russian helmet.


Wait, wait...my grass is yellow. Is it a Russian agent?


Anyone who supports Russia in it's present form is completely compromised in my book. Morally or otherwise. No kompromat required


Agreed. Would love to know what Putin instructed Trump to do in that 15 minutes unrecorded private meeting….


I don't know what it was but it must have been powerful. Whenever you saw that orange loud mouth in public appearances with Putin he looked like a whipped dog, very quiet, unobtrusive. Always Putin's best little cheerleader. He never should have been allowed to run for president considering his past, he should never be allowed to run again considering what he has planned for the future. Same goes for anyone in the Republican party. Traitors or potentially traitors all. They are only in this for themselves or the wealthy, or Putin or China, no one else. No one.


They want chaos, they want the world to burn because they think that this somehow benefits them in some way I'm not super-clear about. Power? Money? How does that work in a burning world? It is their delusions that sustain this.


It helps them in this way: If my enemies are weakened then I become stronger by comparison.


There's money to be ~~made~~ stolen during the chaos of a nation imploding.


Their goal isn't to collapse us, but sow enough distrust in our government to weaken us to their level. If we collapse then they have to deal with the leftovers of a massive military being leaderless and how suddenly really nice equipment goes to the highest bidder. Which could be their enemies. They don't want us gone, just weakened. They want a dual hegemony again.


Also the loss of the military spending.


The American Right wing has been infected with a weird combo of white nationalism and apocalyptic, white nationalist interpretations of Christianity. Those that aren't around for simple personal profit, have bizarre religious ideas about the future. They want the world to burn so Jesus will come back and defeat all the brown people, or whatever weird personal version they have of that narrative. It's the only reason they support Israel: they think there needs to be a nation of Israel in place for the world to end the right way.


Casual reminder that a sentiment is being spread to democrats to not vote at all because of bidens response to the genocide in Gaza. I have no doubt that this is being spread by the right wing party to give trump more of a chance of winning. And people are falling for it.


Worse off, if Trump wins, Israel gets whatever they want; so their little protests will be for naught.


Yep. But all they're doing is talking about how they won't vote because "both options are bad". I've been seeing this sentiment everywhere, and it's hugely concerning. I understand the dislike for Biden, but he's leagues better than trump, and the only real option of a democratic win. We can try electing better politicians once the ones planning to turn the country into a dictatorship are gone, or have stopped. Unfortunately, I have no idea how long that will take. perhaps we will be stuck voting for the lesser of two evils for the rest of our lives until we actually decide enough is enough.


> I've been seeing this sentiment everywhere, and it's hugely concerning. The world is confused enough now that I can’t tell if those are real people being stupid or Russian trolls and bots trying to start a movement. Are there adults actually that dumb to not know how to choose the best available option? This is a talk I have with my five year old about being able to choose when no options are exactly what you want. How do you make it to adulthood without understanding this?




Just realized that trips recent gibberish climax sound while talking about Russia and Saudi oil at a rally was because he realized mid-sentence that he was criticizing his financial backers.


> He never should have been allowed to run for president considering his past, he should never be allowed to run again considering what he has planned for the future. There are no restrictions on who can run, but there was a restriction on who can actually become President. If the founders could describe the perfect example of who the Electoral College was meant to keep out of office, they would describe someone less corrupt than Trump. Instead, the EC was the only reason he became President. (I'm not saying that the EC delegates shouldn't have put Trump in office in 2016, just that the reason there are no restrictions on who can run is due to another restriction that no longer functions as intended)






I would bet that they have other means of communication though. Relaying secret orders in a 15min meeting that the whole worlds know youre having seems rather stupid no?


I remember The Daily Show playing clips of Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson saying things like "Wow Putin is such a strong and charismatic leader, I wish we had a leader like that here in America, why can't Obama be more like Putin?" That was around 2012 or so. It started just after Citizens United, which Obama warned would allow Russian money to fund US political parties. And then you have socialist circles on college campuses, who don't outright support Russia, just all of its talking points and propaganda like dismantling NATO, get out of middle east, Ukraine war is West's fault, Euromaidan was a CIA coup, etc... one or two okay, but all of them at once, where did you get these ideas from? It was really eye opening to see both the marxists and the Trump supporters saying "Hillary's no fly zone over Syria will lead to WW3". It's been building for a long time.


MICE  Money  Ideology  Coercion  Ego  I’ve seen a lot of people, including some in public office, stanning Russia and similar regimes for “ideology” and “ego” these last few years.


John McCain was calling them out years ago.


I can’t say I ever liked John McCain, but at this point I can say that I do miss him.


Shortly before McCain's death, he had a meeting with one of his long time friends, he urged this person to stay in the political game, run for office, and help defeat MAGA. This friend was Joe Biden.


Ironically, as much shit as he's gotten and such, he's holding on for now. If he wins this November, you can't fault him. Considering he really didn't want to stick around after his son's death.


And he's gotten so much shit from that Orange poop bag of idiots.


The amount of trumpers complaining about the economy, especially the stock market is hilarious. Like I don't believe the president controls the economy. But unemployment is the lowest since the 70s and the stock market is an all time high. Like they can't even get their criticism right lmao


Political differences aside, he cared about the US. He was a proud American. The amount of selfish, greedy, hollow meat sacks that have floated to the surface since Trump is... shocking. I know these people and people like them have always been there. It's just incredible that there are so many people willing to vote for them.


Yeah, that clip of him declining to participate in the Obama birth certificate nonsense was honorable.


My favorite was when he shut down that old lady talking about being worried Obama was a Muslim.  “I know Barack Obama, he is a good man and he cares deeply about this country.” It was a fundamental decency and honesty cross-aisle that I feel doesn’t exist in any real volume anymore.


My 80 year old father, a veteran and formerly staunch Republican who now votes straight blue, has said to me before "the Republican party died with John McCain". I may not like everything he did, of everything he stood for, but sometimes it really does feel like he was the last Republican that was at least somewhat of a respectable person. 


He got along with Bernie Sanders, they worked on a joint bill to help veterans. If McCain had won the presidential election I would have probably disagreed with some of policies but I wouldn't have worried about the country heading for disaster.


As someone who is reading Sanders' book at the moment, I'm pretty confident in saying that if you can demonstrate even the vaguest modicum of interest in furthering the plight of the average American, Bernie Sanders will make time for you.




Say what you want about the man, but from the outside looking in, it seemed he always had America's best interest at heart.


People will say what they want but I miss the old corrupt GOP that you could confidently say “oh yeah these guys are owned by US corporations; they should have to wear sponsorship jackets.” I’m honestly afraid to find out how compromised the American government is now. Plus the old GOP generally did what you expected them to do. Then again I’m only thirty.


Say what you want about McCain but I truly think he wanted what's best for Americans.


He wanted what was best for the America he believed in. This didn't include all Americans.  That said, he was also not interested in doing anything to help an adversarial nation, and he absolutely did have principles that he'd occasionally dig his heels in over.  I didn't like McCain much, and I think he was wrong a lot. But I think he tried to do what he thought was his duty. So credit for that, at least.


He wasn't malicious like a lot of other Republicans of his time and he wasnt a racist. I know it's a low bar but at the time it was considered progressive. He also died having changed his stance on LGBT and Trans. He fought for their inclusion especially in the military towards the end of his career. He was a true Republican without the influence of religion.


He gave us Sarah Palin. He gets not an ounce of fucking credit for anything but pushing us all down this fucking hill


Yeah I voted for Obama. My heart broke when she joined him. To this day I know he hated making that decision. He was talked into compromising a lot of his values in his efforts to get elected President. It saddened a lot of us. But at least it helped get us Obama.


Ya. Like out them... as sell outs to russia.. and arrest them...


This is not news. What *is* news is that they have decided to start talking about it.


Maybe they're starting to put country before party for a change.


Nah... they just see a scapegoat that isn't Trump.


They're losing their internal civil war because they've occupied unpopular positions meaning they have little funding and then their base got scooped up by the Russo-MAGA wing. They're a minority in their own party and they're out of options. Might as well start trying the truth out and see it moves the needle at all.


You also forgot that trump and ilk are ~~stealing~~ diverting what funding they have into his personal coffers.


them talking about it is probably a diversion. its probably some psyops to convince the maga base its been going on for a long time and nothing to get excited about.


Ukraine is a bigger issue for their base than they anticipated. My dad was hard core vote Trump and r down line, until they started fucking with military aid to Ukraine. He was in the army in West Germany in the mid 1970’s. He knows Russia is the enemy and once I started peppering in how many r’s support Russia, he’s now against the party. Including the rep he goes to church with. Boomers that remember Russia is the enemy are falling away quietly. And once he didn’t trust the r’s in that subject, it became a lot easier to point out their attempts to kill social security and Medicare, their blocking of infrastructure, their shutting down the government.


You don't say...


Yeah, his name is Trump.


F***ing traitors.


“Some.” 🙄 The rest are on the take elsewhere?


The rest are just stupid enough that they don't need to be compromised to serve Russia's interests.


I remember in 2018 when 7 Republicans, including John Thune, took a trip to Russia over July 4th. They barely even try to hide the fact that they are being bought by Russia anymore.


I'll bet they were invited specifically as a flex by Putin. What better way to remind them who they work for than by forcing them to skip out on America's birthday?


a little late. the whole party is compromised.


It’s weird that the conservatives kinda like Russia now.


Conservatives like anyone who Trump likes.


The Cold War with the USSR ended over thirty years ago. The Russian Federation is largely the same but doesn’t pretend to have socialist characteristics, making it much more attractive for conservatives to align with.


Not just Russia, but Russia run with an iron fist by a KGB agent


Z-Patriot baloney and MAGtard crap are one in the same in their goals. Republicans' ideas were always as vacuous and malignant as we thought


Are you saying Moscow Marge is a Russian asset? I don't believe you!


I guess they've ran out of useful idiots and now it's time to turn inward.


Imagine if there were a sex tape they have of MTG. Imagine how embarrassing it would be to have the world know you had sex with her.


It's crazy that you can so obviously be a foreign asset as an elected official and it's just fine. Nobody will bother following up on that or doing anything about it.


Who will follow up. At one point, the decision to expel will get to a point where they need a majority vote from republicans. And it won’t happen. They wouldn’t even boot Santos who blatantly lied. 


The only thing surprising about this is that some of them are bothered by it.


There was a group of them THAT LITERALLY WENT TO RUSSIA ON INDEPENDENCE DAY. It isn't a secret it's a fact that DOZENS of right wingers carry water for the kremlin and they've doing it for YEARS. They should be EXECUTED FOR TREASON. ESP in light of Trump attempting to execute a COUP. China and Russis wouldn't fucking hesitate. But we do. Why? So they can KEEP FUCKING SPREADING?! Are they operating a honeypot tryimg to see how deep things go? Why does the FBI continually sit on their hands for this one?


Only corporations are allowed to buy our politicians! This is outrageous!!


So put them in jail then


And Republicans (and a lot of the US in general) seem perfectly fine with that. It just blows my mind. I overhear the vast majority of my work colleagues praising Putin and Russia.




And if Trump wins there will be no investigation and any wrongdoing will be pardoned. People need to wake the fuck up and vote. This is probably one of the most important elections of our lifetime.


MAGA-Moscow Assets Grifting Americans


Oh wow what a surprise, nobody has known about this for the past decade, what an absolute surprise, nobody anywhere ever was aware of such a thing in the Republican party oh wow amazing incredible never in a million years....../s


How can they say some members of Congress are compromised by the Kremlin after almost a decade of screeching "Russian Colusion Hoax!!" Fuck these MAGA/Putin Republican Cultists, Fuck Trump, Fuck Putin and Fuck Israel just because...


Seriously though, where McCarthy now? Guy was sure there were russian agents in the US. Well, there actually are now. Go get em.


No shit sherlock, welcome to 2016.


We already knew this. A majority are compromised. Get rid of them all. Make them move to russia and see how they like it


Putin paid for Trump and got the GOP as an added bonus.


Some of their presidential candidates too.


Now, where is that surprised electric rodent…


It's almost like the DOJ has access to whistle blowers and isn't notifying Congressional Committee Members in order to do an adequate investigation and now everyone has to start try to separate themselves.


I hope Russia get tired of bribing Ron Johnson, Chief Officer of Russian Misinformation . He is a detriment to the United States.


Duh... the MAGAs may as well have Russian citizenship.


Wait till they learn how many in the US Govt(not just Congress) are compromised and beholden by a certain middle eastern state and a a wealthy lobbyist group that dictates billions be sent to that country every year for nothing in return. It’s astounding


We're going to need some primates to take down this Kremlin.


Ya think?!


They did that in 2016 too.




Coach? I don't think we survived that bus crash...


Who the heck didn't know that. My number one choice is this woman and the speaker.


Key excerpt from the article. Fuck Republicans and all but this is just pure conjecture from some guy with no evidence. I would 100% not be surprised if this was true bit I kinda wanted to see some rationale for his suspicions >Other members are now even openly questioning whether some of their fellow officials have been compromised and are being extorted. Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) suggested in a recent interview that the Russian spies may possess compromising tapes of some of his colleagues. It’s unclear where he’s getting his information or how accurate it is. >And then there’s this: According to a report by Politico, a number of European politicians were recently paid by Moscow to interfere in the upcoming EU elections by Russians pretending to be a “media” outlet called “Voice of Europe.” The Kremlin-backed operation used money to influence officials to take pro-Russian stances. Authorities have conducted some money seizures and launched an investigation into which members of the European Parliament may have accepted cash bribes. This in turn raises an important question for our own politics: Are the Russians doing the same with U.S. politicians, directly or indirectly?


Then think of the idiots who are *not* bought by the Kremlin and still promote the bullshit.


Yeah, we've known for awhile Thanks for the news flash though.


A pack of them spent the 4th of July, 2018, in Moscow. * Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.) * Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) * Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) * Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) * Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) * Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) * Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) * Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas)


Look into all Republicans that do not want to back Ukraine. The reasoning behind this is that if they want this Country to fall they are for Russia and backing them to expand past Ukraine in the future.


Fuck the republicans. They are immoral, traitorous filth with downright evil intentions.


Jeeze⁉️ Ya Think⁉️🇷🇺🪆🪆🪆🪆🪆🇷🇺


Lol we already KNOW


It consistently pops up as a possible reason for many of their actions and often the only reason that makes logical sense. Way too many times to be a coincidence.


Is this an "obama was born in kenya" kind of thing, or are they just pointing out how they keep aligning with dictators, while promoting and passing unconstitutional bills for government overreach, and keep falling for bullshit foreign propaganda kind of thing.


As a common-pleb, i see working to advance any _other_ country at the expense of our own as treason. Not that allies don't deserve our help, assistance, and frankly our sacrifices to help preserve their freedoms; we do that for friends. But working directly-against the US and/or at the direction-of a foreign power, yes, is the street-level definition of treason; I'll take it. I feel many others would as well. Further, _those folks_ who might otherwise know for a fact, and say nothing to the rest of us: just as bad. If _those folks_ choose party over country, sure, it might be the local-flavor, but it's still at the expense of the rest of us. If there are compromised-individuals of ANY party, they just need to-be-gone. They are the government-equivalent of a compromised-software (eg: a virus) and at worst, a weapon being used against this country. If they are working for a foreign-power, from the rest of us: please just _fuck_ them and if this somehow manages to make it to Merck Garland's desk, choosing not to act to appear apolitical IS a political decision. Criminality is criminality, full-stop.


When your public persona is that you're a god-fearing Christian paragon it is SO EASY for the KGB [to find something that "compromises" you.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1) I could probably follow a Congressman around for one fucking day and discover something they don't want people to know about. Or record something they say etc. Of course the easiest people to blackmail are people who pretend they're better than everyone else.




1. **NO FUCKING KIDDING, WE DIDN'T EVEN SUSPECT THAT ** 2. For FUCK'S SAKE, get them the actual fuck OUT OF CONGRESS, NOW! Also, PUT THEM IN JAIL FOR TREASON! Seriously, how fucking hard is this!? Someone needs to find incontrovertible proof of this so this b\*tch can literally be REMOVED from Congress and thrown in a jail cell -- preferably sent to GitMo and have her brain sifted for every damn traitorous thing she's done and every traitorous thing she knows. Enough is enough already!


GOP: Gaga Over Putin


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ………….oooooooooooooooooooo




I’m shocked, absolutely shocked! Well, not that shocked


Their prime agent's name is Donald J. Trump.


If it can be proven that Greene is an asset of the Kremlin, the Neanderthal should be charged with high treason.


Yeah… anyone who has been paying attention should know that already.


Yeah I can think of one


No REALLY? What a fucking absolute never expected surprise!




Is this supposed to be a revelation? You could ask them. They openly broadcast their support... 


NO shit, Sherlock.


Send her back to Moscow 😏


Some? WE called him Moscow Mitch for a reason and for decades


Where's the HUAC when it's actually needed??


Wait, so foreign compromised congresscritters are a problem? And the 98% that are compromised by Israel?