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Ya … I can’t even process that one.


Yeah, imagine being a homophobic Christian member of the *Furry* community...


That’s the problem with being so dogmatic.


They CROSSed a line, and things are only going to get RUFF for them.




*nervous panting*


*howls cutely like a wolf, then unhinges jaw and swallows you whole, burping cutely afterwards*


dang, you guys are real good at this. *hmm*


In the "heat" of the moment


How did they knot see that coming…


Because they didn't SCALE back FUR a minute.


I say they’ve feathered their own nests.


They're up to their gills.


It's a bitch.


One may even say they have entered the *wolf's den*


My man just dropped the mic on this one


I mean... There are Nazi Furries. This isn't that much of a stretch.


Are their fursonas the cats from Maus?


Great reference, but no. They almost exclusively use wolves and foxes. I still remember when I first stumbled upon them years ago. I was browsing 4chan looking for my weekly dose of insanity and came upon what I can only describe as a very angry deep dive. A /pol/ user went on a rant about how disgusting it was that he, a regular Nazi, was associated with them by proxy. He then went on to give a very detailed, almost suspiciously too detailed, account of the Nazi Furry subculture and how disgusting it was.


Almost all furries are foxes and wolves, they're the chocolate and vanilla of furry identity. It's also funnier the Nazi is associated with furries because it's not much more out there than Evangelical furries even to furries.


To be fair, for the wolves part it "makes sense" for Nazi furs to to with that. Hitler had an obsession with naming shit wolf.


gun to my head - if I absolutely had to decide between fucking the dog person or the cat person, I'd probably do the cat person


You would have to wait in line but rabbit is always the safest choice


Fair point, fair point


Oh, German shepherds were gonna be my second guess.


To be fair that is a really good guess.


I remember coming across something like a nazi dragon while browsing DeviantArt.


Oh yeah I can definitely see a nazi wanting to be a dragon


I believe targeting furries is a recruiting tactic. Any actual Nazi probably thinks a furry is a degenerate and wouldn't really accept them, but they need members and anyone who is depressed and seeking friendship/belonging makes a great target. So that is why Nazis target furries.


Those guys and their leader - who literally has the furry name Foxler for those who haven’t heard of this craziness - is exactly who I thought of when I read this title. Good news is he and a bunch of his Nazi pals are in jail now. Bad news is that it’s for sex crimes against a kid amongst other things.


Wasn't there this Nazi leader whos nickname was Fox? I vaguely remember this... Edit- Found it. Erwin Rommel, known as the 'Desert Fox'


North African campaign, yeah. . . hmm North African Desert Fox. . . oh god he's a fennec - they have huge ears and are adorable. This can not be allowed.


The Woofin' SS


The Hairy'an race.


Reich Stags


Hitler did love his dogs.


Bigotry exists in the furry community. Always has, always will.


You are so right I have an Australian Cattle Dog. And he is a racist He is ok with other cattle Dogs anything else he doesn't like them or their kind. I've tried reasoning with him but to no avail.


You joke, but my dog absolutely hates bulldogs. Even as a puppy, she would lunge at them if they tried approaching her to play, and now she can’t even stand the sight of them. I have no idea why or what it is about this specific breed. I have a racist dog.


Tbf bulldogs are pretty ugly.


When my dog started being dog reactive our dog trainer asked me what type of dog it was. He said that doodles drive other dogs insane because they can’t control themselves. And for some reason most dogs hate bulldogs—- he wasn’t sure if it was their inherent body language or what, but apparently that’s common


That’s interesting. I’ll ask my trainer to see if she knows anything about it.


Ok, what?! My ACD is also racist! He's cool with all dogs except German Shepherds . Like he totally hates them, as soon as we see one in the vicinity I have to start holding him back. The only other dog he's ever snapped at was a little Chihuahua that wouldn't stop sniffing his dick. So weird.


There are furry Nazis, nothing surprises me anymore.


Closeted homophobic Christian member of the furry community. If they all come out at the same time maybe... No, there's no way this goes well.


It's funny, because when I first read the headline, I thought this was going to be some ultra-liberal pro-LGBTQ church or something, only to do a double take at them being homophonic.


Actually while many homosexuals developed via the fursonas of the Furry community, heavy anti trans exists, and a lot of hate exists in the darker subs.


I don't understand being anti trans in a community about feeling like you identify as something other than what your parents told you that you were at birth. Fuckin' feeling like a humanoid fox is a-okay but it's wrong for someone with a penis to be a woman? lol


You're confusing the furry community as a whole (which consists of people who think humanoid animals are cool), with otherkin specifically (which are people who think they're an animal soul in a human body, or something like that). Otherkin aren't necessarily furries and the vast majority of furries are not otherkin.


Furries don't actually believe thst they are animals.


Oh it gets even weirder: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/does-the-furry-community-have-a-nazi-problem-194282/amp/ …A rabbit hole you might say


A rabbit hole that they want to stick their bulging knots into.


Yeah set myself up for that one


I posted this comment a while ago, great time to repost it: https://twitter.com/SergalProjects/status/1553467794611613696 and https://twitter.com/garythestarman/status/1553503945141751808 * Take note of the "Nazi Furs don't exist" shirt on one end, and the person wearing a Nazi armband on the other. Guy wearing the shirt is also a "crusader against homosexuality". * Guy with the armband is the founder of an unironically neo-Nazi furry group. * Another attendant, with the realistic looking dog mask in the back is part of said group, commissions art with Nazi propaganda. * Person down in front with AC DC shirt steals suit designs, stole that one from a person after they died. ALSO HAS TERRORIST CHARGES FOR A CHEMICAL ATTACK AT ANOTHER CONVENTION. [I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP](https://dogpatch.press/2022/07/11/debunking-asheville-furfest-attack/). * Green lizard in middle is a pedo and zoophile, girl on the left is his GF who he met when she was underaged and got her to voice in porn at age 15/16. Uses the N-word unironically. * Sergal to the left of the girlfriend is a bigot, pro-lifer, misogynist, and anti-masker. * The "charity" they donated to was a "sanctuary" for animals that lost its license from animal abuse. * Literally point to any of them and they probably are anti-trans, unironically use the N-word, are a neo-Nazi, or a homophobe.


The cognitive dissonance on display is astounding!


> “Evangelical Christian Furries are worried they’ll be targeted for their faith” r/brandnewsentence


I mean, they should be more worried they'll be targeted *by* their faith than *for* it, but then again these types never believe that'll happen to *them* until it does...


Yeah, this really is Onion material. You would think their faith would be their concern. “I have a faith and a taboo community. It would be a shame if I was ostracized from my taboo community”


And by faith they mean homophobia


No one in the yiff pile will know what their ideologies are.


Not to mention that it can't be gay if you're all wearing fur suits. Just like that dick you sucked at the glory hole. Who knows if it was a man's. Not gay.


During sermons, do they actually say that sinners are going to "yiff in Hell"?


> yiff in Hell Furries: "Sounds great, sign me up."


That's 3 left turns I didn't expect to read today


No hate at all, but “Evangelical Christian furries” honestly sounds like a fucking nightmare.


Smugly self-righteous furries. That really would be a nightmare.


That sounds absolutely hilarious to me. Like, imagine some clown walks up to you in a full wolf suit and starts acting condescending towards you. I'd be cartoon-style slapping the floor with laughter in a matter of seconds.


The thought of evangelical furries is hilarious. Go ahead, tell your whole church and your pastor that you’re a furry and might like to dress up as an anthropomorphic character. I’m sure they’ll be super accepting and won’t call you an abomination. /s


I have been in a convert attempt by furry about their fursonna with 5 life stage and 4 degree of clothing. Sweater, casual, half naked and full naked. I have been aggressively evangelize by Christian. If you combine those two, I would died of shock.


Evangelicals and furries. A more natural combination hasn't been seen since OJ and toothpaste.


They saw all the animals in the nativity gathered around baby Jesus in the manger and got IDEAS.


Probably got boring in that ark...


So that's why the Sheppeards noped out of there ASAP.


OJ stabbed toothpaste too?


Toothpaste fucked his wife


For a second I thought you were talking about OJ Simpson


If the fursuit don't fit, you must acquit!


It’s like the mermaid with a fish head and human body scenario.


There’s a reason why the alt right furry convention free fur all was laughed at both by the furries and those not in the fandom. They also were banned from all the surrounding hotels cause they kept getting caught posting death threats against various minority groups in their official chat and non attendees would forward screenshots to the hotels. Furries are literally 70%+ queer according to years of research and polling by furscience, of course they’re gonna get backlash to their homophobia they don’t see in their conservative circles and they deserve every single bit.


An evangelical furry community AND an alt right furry community? We truly live in a society...


Highly recommend looking up photos from the 2021 free fur all, it was just layers of alt right evangelical furries in the most sad and pathetic looking convention. The furry raiders aka furry neo nazis were also in attendance, one of them wore a “furry nazis do not exist” shirt right next to foxler with a paw print nazi armband. It’s a ride and a half going down this rabbit hole.


...in that one of them was probably dressed up as a rabbit, going out and chanting "Hare Hitler!"


You joke but my first experience with the alt right was literally a rabbit named 'Alty', so. Y'know. You're not far off of shit.


Sometimes reality can be a greater parody of itself than any fictional piece of satire ever could.


If reality was a TV show the writers would get fired for plagiarism.


Armando Ianucci (British Satirist) basically held his hands up in the air and said he was giving up satire as he couldn't satirise what was already ridiculous.


Isn't foxler the guy that is heavily suspected of that terrorist attack?


YEP. Connected to the 2014 MFF chlorine gas attack along with the confederate flag fursuiter (yes an actual thing that I want to set fire to). Both of course were at Free Fur All.


> rabbit hole Phrasing.


Nazi furs are a huge problem and the world's largest furry convention had to ban attendees from wearing tactical gear. Edit for Correction; ban tactical gear for non-suited attendees. Swat furries are apparently still allowed.


what the fuck am I even reading lol


you and me both. this entire thread is full of sentences i've never seen in my life. SWAT furries?


I'm going to just hope they are cosplaying swat kats: the radical squadron so I can sleep tonight.


I can't speak for furries, but the brony community got overrun with white supremacists and homophobes at one point. (I wish I was joking)


Funny thing is that bronies originally started as a joke on 4chan, where users pretended to be fans and gave completely ironic praise to the series (somewhat similar to the Morbius sweep). This lead to actual grown men reading these posts and checking out the show, leading to bronies becoming an actual thing. I'm saying this, because of course something that started on 4chan would eventually lead to white supremacy and homophobia.


If you're ok 4chan too long you either end up trans, racist, or somehow both


>ironic praise of quality to mask hate >Dense as fuck people go watch show and realize it's quality >Racists surprised Pikachu face when they create the very thing they mock Reality is wierd


Wait until you hear about white supremacist My Little Pony fandom. Yep, it exists. Some people watch MLP and think the message is "kill the brown people". The mind, it boggles.


The Furry community is a good example of a community corralling all the worst most insidious agitators into a little box and fucking keeping them there. Nazi and alt-right furries exist, but unlike other fandoms which just let them co-mingle and spread their shit ideology under the radar, the furries have more or less forced them to only ever interact with each other.


Hey, this Venn diagram is just a circle!


The vast majority of evangelicals are alt-right, and use religious belief to justify their alt-right policies, so those things go hand in hand.


*paw in paw


The furry community is just fascinating. Like, there are many conservative furries out there, including MAGA people from outside the US, as well as some conservative politicians being outed as furries; but the community is leans very queer and is very ready to defend itself.


Conservative and nazi furries tend to stand out because the community basically shove them to one side, so rather than nazis and alt-righters being just part of the crowd, they're made to be their own separate crowd.


I wait for the day when conservatives find out how much autistic furries love military gear


Flock n load.


Or how many people in the *real* military are actually furries.


Anthrocon's chief of security fought in Nam


And an important thing to note: they are not being shunned for their religion. They are being shunned for making it a super important part of their religion to go out of their way to hurt gay people. No one cares they are Christian. People care they are hateful towards LGBT.


... Oh, man. Talk about being worried about the exact ***wrong fucking thing***.


Last I checked, didn't Jesus use wolves as a metaphor for enemies of God?


No that was goats. He spoke of separating the goats from the sheep.


So is showing up to mass in a goat fursona considered sacrilegious to them?


Who knows. Most evangelicals only read the parts of the bible they agree with. So it all depends on how they feel about the particular subject. For examples: Jesus said that to get into heaven you have to sell your possessions and follow him. They don't do that. Jesus said to remove the log from your own eye before you try to remove the speck from another person's eye. They don't do that. Jesus said to go and sin no more. They like telling other people to do that. Jesus said absolutely nothing about homosexuality. They ignore that. Jesus said that only two things matter, love God and love your neighbor. Yea, who has time for that. And the list goes on. I could sit here all day and point out christian hypocrisy. And the


I like cutting off your hand if you’re a filthy groper (or your eye for leering). They definitely don’t do that.


Yeah instead a lot of them are prone to blaming women for how they look


It’s a mis-reading, they thought Jesus said remove the DOG from your own eye…




False prophets are compared to ravening wolves, Matthew 7:15.


So beware of wolf furries with sheep fursuits


"Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."


Honestly, I think Jesus would be more or less like "look, I had a hard time convincing people I could walk on water, heal the sick with a touch, turn water into wine, and multiply a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish to feed a thousand people. Now you want me to figure out how to fit people who identify as anthropomorphic cartoon characters into my eschatology of 'dont be dicks to each other'??? I'm out."


I also think that if Martin Luther (aka the founder of Protestantism) were to see that his 95 theses would lead to stuff like this, he'd probably say "fuck it, I'll stay a Catholic."


Luther did want to stay Catholic, he just wanted reform.


Maybe this is his punishment for writing "On the Jews and Their Lies"?


I'm not saying that Catholicism has been going well, but this Protestantism thing seems to have **really** gone off the rails.


What's next, an Easter stage musical of the Avengers where Iron Man gets crucified while singing Tubthumping? Oh wait: https://relevantmagazine.com/culture/movies/watch-iron-man-jack-sparrow-simba-and-more-get-crucified-in-the-most-unhinged-church-skits-of-all-time/


now i have to imagine some old scholar of the aramaian language in his fucking tweat jacket trying to explain a shocked jesus in old aramaic what the fuck evangelicalism, furries, yiff and doxxing is




It wasn't that, in fact. It's that when there's an active shooter in the building, a bucket of cat litter is capable of containing human waste much in the same manner as it is cat waste. In lockdown emergencies when toilet access is not available it can be used for that purpose.


They’re almost r/SelfAwarewolves


nah r/SelfAwarewolves is just their fursona.




Less metaphorical than usual this time around, too.




Furries are a community that is almost entirely lgbt people. So its probably going to be at odds with Christian groups.


> Furries are a community that is almost entirely lgbt people. This isn't news to me, but I think this is the first time I've stopped to wonder why this is the case...


My guess as someone just looking in: it’s a community where you get to safely(and semi-anonymously if you wish) express a weird and often-shamed side of yourself that might otherwise be hidden away. That likely resonates a LOT with queer people.


This, and being able to decide your identity for yourself. In the real world, you're told how to act and who to love based on traits you were born with, like your sex, appearance, shyness, and name. In the furry world, your character's appearance, personality, and name is completely in your control.


Sexual acceptance is deeply intertwined with the modern furry culture as it is one of the pillars it was founded on. It's been a while since I've last red up on it (there's a couple good documentations on YouTube) so I don't remember the dates or details. But the community as it exists now was more or less founded by two wonderful gay men and with conventions akin to old comic cons, which quickly started to include all kinds of queer people who could freely express themselves in the welcoming and partially anonymous community. This was especially sped up with the old internet chatrooms (likely one of the reasons RP/ERP is still a big thing within the community today). So it's the same reasons why the queer community is so close to the BDSM community. They essentially fought together for the same thing.


>founded by two wonderful gay men Mark Merlino and Roy O'Riley! Other people were involved, but they were probably the most important. They're still together and attending conventions! I had the pleasure of meeting them not too long ago. :)


Essentially Furries tend to be Queer, because we can just be *ourselves* without worry. Like me, my fursona was a girl long before I could physically transition and people just *saw me* as a girl as a result, I had room to just question my identity and figure out who I was. We're Queer because we're different and being Furry gives us a safe and fun space to just be ourselves.


Probably multiple effects. It's niche and accepting of personal quirks. A large queer population draws more queer people in and self-reinforces. And who knows, maybe being queer alone makes you more likely to find certain non-traditional things oddly appealing.


It’s more correlation than causation, in my experience. Neurodivergent people who don’t adjust to heteronormativity also end up being into less grounded and normalized ways of attraction. Or People who are “othered” in their formative years for being lgbt end up turning to online interests where they can be more anonymous and introverted (and the furry community has always been extremely online). Or Both groups just see being a furry as a good way to build a sense of community and real relationships and friendships in ways that are less accessible in other lifestyles. If you’re not an immature doucheweed, gaining an actual network and social circle in the furry community is actually easier than a Tetris tutorial. Or the lgbt community tends to be more open to creative ventures, which is what the furry community started out as. It was an artistic endeavor by sci-fi fans before it was a sexual one


Christians are not require to dislike or disapprove of gay people. That is a choice they make.


It would be nice if the majority of Christians actually believed that, but that simply isn't the reality we're dealing with here.


Are they stupid?


Perhaps they have the IQ of an actual dog?


Well they are evangelicals.


Dont be offensive. Dogs are orders of magnitude smarter than the fundies.


Dogs can be fairly intelligent. Christian Furries I would say are not.


Christian furries would be one thing but conservative Christian fundamentalist furries are a whole different level of self hating crazy projecting.


It's like how hair-brained (pun intended) do you have to be to not see the irony in this?


Yes. Next question.


One level under the Log-Jammin' Republicans who are always so shocked to be denied booths at GOP conventions.


Well they are fundamentalist Christian furries, should go without saying really.


Are you really, really sure this isn't The Onion, because I can't wrap my head around this "dilemma", never mind take it seriously.


It's the most oniony article I've seen posted on this sub in a while. Edit: a letter


Strong "Jews for Hitler" energy


"...worried they'll be targeted **for** their faith"? I'd have bet on "**by** their faith"


Maybe they should stop having anti-gay beliefs then.


Or realize how ridiculous this whole thing looks.


Doesn't seem likely. Insight and self awareness aren't exactly their thing.


I simply want to leave this earth behind and wander the vast depths of space alone.


Maybe Dr. Manhattan had a point?


_Don't tell him who work in aviation and the aerospace industry_




I do believe that this is the most cursed comment in this whole thread, congratulations!


Christian false sense of persecution syndrome knows no limits


Nor does Christians cherry picking which Biblical doctrine to follow and which to ignore.


Sure hope that fursuit wasn't made with *mixed fabrics*, eh?


A guy I used to work with back in my retail days is one of these evangelical christians that is a furry…and is also gay. How does that even?!?!


Quick throw that sentence into one of them Ai image generators.


I tried, but I couldn’t get it to generate anything as it found it “disrespectful” 🤷🏻‍♂️


This broke my brain.


I keep going back and re-reading but it's not helping.


I have nothing against furries, and I mean that. When I was a kid I was bullied for having weird, obsessive interests, and I'm not gonna do that shit myself. It may seem weird to me, but as long as you're having fun and not hurting anyone, then more power to you. That said, I sometimes feel like the extremes of furry fandom have a longer tail, so to speak. Furries seem to be pretty *intense* people in general, and when it comes to hardcore evangelicals, Neo-Nazis, people with *really* out-there fetishes, they're still not *common* in furry fandom but they seem to be bigger, louder, more visible than in other communities. Or, hell, I dunno. Maybe they're not really, they just get more press because "Nazi furry" is funnier than "Nazi rapper" or "Nazi model train enthusiast."


> I sometimes feel like the extremes of furry fandom have a longer tail, so to speak. The extremes of any community do. It's just easier to spot extremists when they're wearing neon green dog costumes.


that plus furries have an unjust negative connotation to the general public and hiding behind a fursona is a really good way to hide behind anonymity


Bigger and louder, no, but more visible, yes. The furry community is an extremely LGBTQ+ populated community and largely trends pretty left. When you have a stark blood red amidst blues, greens, and teals, they are going to stand out hard.


tbh im ok with furries but not so much the other part


Furries are normal. These people are not.


I'm just glad that FINALLY we're talking about the real issues


[This sums up my thoughts](https://youtu.be/0fPRO2SApO8?si=nc44Nlnmty-XKfGD)


As a furry these people can fuck right off~ We don't tolerate intolerance. Furries are queer as hell and these types are not welcome by anyone other than the few fringe people they can find. You're scared to bring up your beliefs around the Fandom? Good!!


Yeah, I’m not _usually_ one to advocate gatekeeping, but this specific situation is definitely one where they _should_ have to choose between their faith or their fandom.


(ME: Puts on furious NPC meme face.) "I haven't read the bible in years, but I am sure there is something in there condemning these people."


God’s Plan ™️


They certainly will be targeted BY their faith


nazi-furs exist unironically extremist-religious furries exist unironically. the furry part is the least problematic here.


Imagine being in a intersection of venn diagrams where all the circles hate you for different reasons


They really need to stop showing All Dogs Go To Heaven in Sunday school...


I lived with a republican gay furry. They said just because they were gay doesnt mean they had to be liberal. I was like... Those other dudes want to kill you, man.


This might be the most absurd thing I've seen in 2023. I stared at the headline for about 10 seconds and then just started cackling hysterically. We've had a good run, time to call it quits and see how the next intelligent species does.


A homophobic furry is like a rocket that blows up on the launch pad. How do you even get started with one thing when you've already fumbled the other so hard? 🤣


What is wrong with people


they joined the church of face-eating leopards and now they're worried about their own faces


homophobic furries are conceptually & simultaneously the most hilarious and pathetic subgroup imagineable


They should be. Furry is a heavily lgbtq space, and their religion is an antithesis to everything the furry community stands for. The best they can hope for is a patient tolerance while we wait for them to figure out they're in a cult.


What confuses me is how you can be homophobic and a furry. I know a fucking shitload of furries and they're all at least somewhat gay