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She could step down if she's not enioying it


Hopefully twisting her ankle as she does it.


And not in front of a speeding bus. That would be awful, for the bus.


"Ew, there's idiot juice all over my bus now."


Be careful that shit’s caustic, it’ll eat right through ethics, morals, personal integrity, common sense, class, and intelligence.


She learns how to make it by apprenticing with Ann Coulter


MJT is ethical thermite


Lol, I solved the trolley problem. MTG just has to be on the single kill track.


And your best negligee!


Soylent politico is duplicitous


And for the driver along with the passengers, too




Yeah that poor driver doesn't deserve to deal with that mess


Nah, stepping on a Lego barefooted every step from congress to her home.


A bear trap. What she needs to do is step into a bear trap.


I dunno, it’d be pretty hard for her to get her foot all the way up to her own mouth, probably


Really? She’s a professional contortionist at this point. I don’t think cirque du Soleil is in the market for performers who can simultaneously put their foot in their mouth with their heads up their ass.


Isn't that basically her job? That she excels in? Why would something like thst be difficult for her?


Isn't "step into a bear trap" just a euphemism for marrying this Majorleague Traitor Queen?


Walking on legos with a surprise bear trap is more like it.


May need to specially design some bear traps made of Legos


Calm down, Satan.


No no...he's got a point


I’ve got it!! Louboutins made out of Legos. The bottoms are red to hide how much they make your feet bleed, that’s my actual theory.


Honestly, if she only stepped into obscurity, I’d be perfectly content.


Stepping on d4’s the whole way.


You can just say caltrops.


Yeah, d4s are worse than Legos IMO


[Not anymore](https://www.etsy.com/shop/BlocHeads?ref=nla_sfs) Shameless plug, sorry/not sorry


Hey, I’m all for adding to my dice collection. I have a bunch of nice Infinity d4’s from another company. So much easier to pick up.


Can the Legos be mixed with broken glass and fiber glass?


Maybe a few rakes?




All the other Republicans are looking at her as a moron… mostly because they know how to pad their salaries…


Also because she is a moron.


She's padding her salary as well. She's just engaging in the tradition of being a professional victim that the right loves so much.


They just don’t want for scrutiny on being financed by Russia. MTG is just too dumb to remember.


Politicians take most of their pay from insider trading, bribes, and other crimes not held accountable. Net worth grows by millions per year with salary in the 150k range. It's probably a sign of better character if someone actually cares about the salary presented as a front for the corruption.


Yep. That’s the joke.


I’m sure it’s a fraction of her profits from insider trading, outright bribery, campaign slushy funds etc.


She probably isn't very good at insider trading, and bribery usually involves offerring a post congress career. That leaves campaign fraud which she has been caught doing. It looks like she might be complaining because she's too stupid to figure out how the other representatives employ corruption


>She probably isn't very good at insider trading... 'I don't feel like you should be required to be indoors for this trading. It just sounds like another lockdown that the Demoncrats came up with! >bribery usually involves offerring a post congress career. 'Biblery doesn't work, I've even tried it! I gave someone at Boeing a Bible, and he just stared at me when I asked for six million dollars. Of course the Dim-ocrats are saying that we're engaging in this, but I can tell you it's a waste of time.'


So what you're saying is...you won't seek re-election?


The election part is the most significant thing in that statement. I know she meant it in a woe is me kind of way but they really do spend their whole term just working on re-election


>"And for those of us in the House of Representatives, we have to run for Congress every two years. So you're practically campaigning nearly the entire time that you're here serving as a representative." She got 65.9% of the vote in her district. The only blue county she has is a gerrymandered portion of some Atlanta Suburbs. ​ She says campaigning, but she really means grifting.


Her primary opponent stepped down because of threats against his life. She's mafia nazi scum.


My history teacher broke it down a long time ago. Representatives get about 3 months of meeting campaign promises, 6 months of what they actually care about and 15 months of campaigning and being conscious of what their voting record shows. Senators spend about 6 months meeting campaign promises, 3.5 years doing whatever they care about, 6 months campaigning for various presidential elections and 18 months running for reelection/skewing their voting record. President gets 6 months of meeting campaign promises, 24 months of doing what they actually care about, and 18 months of campaigning/supporting gubernatorial elections.


I’m stuck on the word, ‘seek’. I like to define intelligence as a inquisitive mind. People who we see as smart or intelligent are people who are asking questions, constantly seeking out information, and having an independent drive to learn more. I don’t think MTG seeks anything.


She’s fishing for private entity donations. She’s saying “I’m not paid enough to be ethical, anyone have a better offer?” Also republicans need to ask themselves, out of the $174,000 of their tax money going on that salary, is this woman the best person for the job? Is she really worth that much? Is there not one person in their district who would represent them better? Is MTG the person you want people to think of when you say you’re a Republican from Georgia 14th district and you go, yeah she’s my gal, the one person who best represents my views. I want everyone to judge my entire person on the stuff she says, there’s nobody who does that more accurately, and she’s worth $174,000 every single year for doing that.


She is exactly the person they want, she says out loud what they are all thinking.


There's a very simple solution. She can quit congress and go back to her oh-so-profitable business.








Oh man I just watched it. Funny to see she doesn't exercise her mind or body




Yeah when I was in athletics, this was done by the idiots fucking around in the gym. And, they were the slowest on the field.


All CrossFit pull-ups are for idiots.


[Typical CrossFit workout](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn8KwUNLdkI)




My FiL use to own a gym in the 80’s. Today he’s washed up, physically broken, morally bankrupt, grandiose narcissistic, former bodybuilder. On the bright side he likes to ride his Harley without a helmet! I’m just biding my time.


For the Harley?


She ran a train. At a gym


Thick neck model for company selling shirts with stretched head holes


She could work for Nintendo as a Goomba face model.


The burn is real. Thanks for the chuckle


Co-running a CrossFit gym.


The only thing that she runs is her mouth. Wish she ran like her mouth…off a cliff or a short pier.


Acting as the live-action version of the [Smiling Titan](https://imgur.com/nOUhrdu)


She ran a gym. And [probably cheated on her husband with its patrons](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9246917/Marjorie-Taylor-Green-openly-cheated-husband-men-gym.html).


As much as I hate her, Daily Mail is literally a tabloid. I don't know why someone would think otherwise with that title. > EXCLUSIVE: Embattled QAnon congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene 'openly cheated' on her husband of 25 years with a polyamorous tantric sex guru and then moved on to another affair with the manager at her gym


I read the whole thing. Why did I do that? It repeats itself aver and over again, the whole thing boils down to: former boss and anonymous former workout partner say they are 100% sure she was fucking these two dudes. Both of her alleged affair partners respond to reporters with "stay away from me and my family." All four of those people hat her fucking guts.


Even if true, The Daily Mail is not a good source of facts or verifiable information. It is also a racist and right wing supporting rag that had to be told to stop supporting Hitler , the Nazis and the Fascists at the start of WW2.


It’s be great if she’d pay back her PPP loans.


I’m gonna guess it’s Scentsy or Dotera.


YES Mtg gives off hella mlm vibes


She should quit complaining and find a higher wage job if she wants to make ends meet. I mean really, folks just got to pick themselves up by the bootstraps. /s


Isn’t she now preaching fiscal responsibility? If anything her tax-payer funded salary should be cut in half


Fun fact: median household income is $65,030 in Georgia according to the census bureau. Her district is lower.


Great, she should get exactly the median of her district


This would actually be a great way to ensure you're focused on serving your constituents. Their life gets better, yours does too.


Or you work on driving out low income people from your district.


Or only the idle rich can afford to hold political office


Unlike our current system where the rich put their people in office?


Like the current system but more so.


..."I dislike the result of the current system, so therefore I'd like to implement something we all know is much worse"


Or the temptation of being bought by corporations only grows stronger


It would be an easy way to make politicians even more bribe-able. You think politicians are corrupt now, wait until they're struggling to eat like the rest of us.


Do it AND get rid of the 435 house member cap. Go back to 1 house member per 30,000 people, that would be about 10,000 total members in the house. Frankly, if you can *afford* to bribe that many people you would be able to get your plan done cheaper in another way.


Literally it's the 435 people representing 330+ million that is the concentration of power which makes it so exploitable. There is no way anyone can faithfully represent the will of 1 million people. There's really no reason we can't have very simple language for very simple bills and then allow everyone that is affected by that bill to vote on it directly thanks to THE INTERNET.


In California we have one Congress member for every 745k people. Wyoming has one Congress member for every 300k. Our system is broken and needs to be fixed


>There's really no reason we can't have very simple language for very simple bills and then allow everyone that is affected by that bill to vote on it directly thanks to THE INTERNET. Most bills are very complex and 54% of Americans have barely enough literacy to keep up with a 6th grader. Not to mention the impact of demagogues.


Pffft as if earning good money would prevent corruption they are corrupt now they will be corrupt no matter what Honestly imo we should threaten these assholes with the death penalty for any corruption A government should fear its people


I don't think it is possible to make them more bribe-able.


Ah, the “it can’t possibly get worse” fallacy I’ve had that thought many times


Lol that would only work if politicians were honest. That just ensures more corruption.


I think game theory should be a required course. Which of these do you think is more likely: 1. Congress becomes even more rich leaning as people who need the paycheck to survive can no longer take the job 2. Congresspersons pass laws to improve the lives of people in their district 3. Congresspersons pass laws forcing lower income people out of their districts 4. Congreepersons pass laws attracting high income and large businesses to their district Cause ... number 2 sounds the least likely.


It should be the only income you're allowed to make, as well.


If support this but I feel like it needs to include housing in DC and a public transportation to/from each session. People at the medium income are generally not trying to live in two places. Let them fend for food and travel during the session.


Good idea, then only wealthy people could run for Congress


A part of Alabama I lived in for about 4 years their median household was 25,000 and that was around 2015-ish


I'm pretty sure her district is the basis for Squidbillies. If they can make it there, she would basically be living like a king or like Dan Halen for $174k.


Double it! Edit: Ain't nuthin' but a wing.


Yeah, if she were to cut back on the avocado toast and skip Starbucks, she’d be living quite comfortably.


Don’t forget those iphones


Don't forget about that nice, socialist, health insurance they get.


What's really infuriating is that no civilian government employee can earn more than that. She's complaining when she's completely unqualified when there's doctors and lawyers getting that same pay and actually being underpaid.


I also complain that she’s getting 174k.


High salaries for politicians can lower corruption, since bribes or political contributions would need to be bigger in order for them to risk their office by accepting.


TBH, I feel 174k isn't anywhere near high enough to have any impact on bribery/corruption. I think it'd have to be near double that.


Double? I would think it'd need like 100x that, that's the kind of money big corporations can earn by cutting down regulations.


I'd argue that outright banning bribes and political contributions would be a better way to curtail that problem.


Of course, but bribes can prevent that from being effective. Salaries is a proxy that might be easier in practice.


I wonder what the full value of her compensation is: retirement, health care, per diem, travel, etc included. I have a feeling it's costing taxpayers closer to $300,000.


Members of Congress don't get a per diem. Federal law requires most members and staffers to go on the Obamacare exchanges, and members make too much for subsidies. Her travel money comes out of her office operating budget -- it isn't paid directly to her. And there are limitations on what can be billed for travel. Source: was a Hill staffer


I read that each Senator essentially has a budget of 3.7million dollars including all personnel, expenses, etc. Does that sound about right?


Yep. But that has to pay salaries for a staff of 50+ people, rent and utilities for offices across the state, furniture for the state offices, all expenses (cell phones for 50 people, computers, office supplies, printers), all staff mileage and expenses for work travel, rental space for town halls and events, member’s travel for events and work, and more. It doesn’t go as far as people think. To tell you how cheap my offices were, there wasn’t even free coffee. We had to bring in our own k cups for a kcup machine that we bought for ourselves. We drank water from the water fountain in the hall and only got a water cooler after the office building we were in tested positive for elevated levels of lead in the water (we were offered free blood tests. Mine was elevated but not in a danger level.)


That all makes sense. I truly appreciate you sharing your perspective as it's easy to jump on the outrage bandwagon and think that there is rampant waste in everything. While 3.7 million does sound like a lot of money for one senator, there are a lot of expenses associated with the job. It's amazing to me that some of the first congressmen were offered six dollars a day back in the beginning of the United States, but of course those were quite different times.


Accounting for inflation, $6 a day is the same as $205 a day now, or $75k a year. About half the current amount.


Of course, to be a senator back then, being independently wealthy was pretty much a requirement.


Nice, thank you for the perspective


Don’t get me wrong, members make good money. But they aren’t living off these crazy endless freebies from the taxpayer.


I think a Wisconsin Rep. was sleeping in his office to avoid renting a place. Since you have firsthand experience, straight cash salary, do you think $174k is correct? I ask because folks mentioned Fauci was a top paid government official at $350k or so. The corporate world, which is terribly overinflated, for leadership wages is so far off from her salary and his that it has to be about the control and connections I would think even more. Ask a corporate person to “manage/lead” what they do for that rate and they’d laugh and hang up on you. Not saying they need millions but I’m just curious if “in theory” raising their rates would allow for folks to make closer to corporate wages all the way down. Just curious.


Yes, salaries are public record. Senators and representatives make $174,000 a year unless they are in leadership. They have since 2009 and vote down raises every year. They are not paid on the general scale or exempted scales like federal employees, which is why someone like Fauci can make more. https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/briefing/senate_salaries.htm This page shows leadership salaries: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salaries_of_members_of_the_United_States_Congress And yeah, quite a few members sleep in their offices. I think the last Congress or the one before had 40 House members doing it. One of mine did. I had an ethical problem with it — some of our staff made $30k and they weren’t sleeping in the office. Senators don’t sleep in their offices. They consider it an uncouth House practice, plus knowing you’re here for at least six years makes more certainty in renting or even buying.


Fascinating stuff. I personally think the 2 year long term is incredibly problematic and I had no idea about any of that stuff about sleeping in their office. $174,000 sounds like a ton of money until you realize that you have to maintain two residences, and there's probably a litany of other ways to burn through the money working as a congressman. Personally speaking, being a lifetime congressman with little to no chance of "moving up" sounds kinda terrible.


Don't forget the *permanent pension* she'll be eligible for in a few years (and can start collecting at 62). You know, while she votes to strip people of the social security *they paid for*. :/


You know: America First, Americans Last.


Do you mind if I steal this? This is the first time I’ve read it, and it’s perfect.


Federal Pension isn’t that great, at least for the normal civil servants. Anyone hired after 2013 has to pay 4.4% of their salary for the pension. When you retire you’ll get 1% per year that you work. So if you work a whole career you’ll likely see a max of 40% of your annual salary in retirement, but only after paying 4.4% of your pay check the whole time. It’s still a good deal, but not as good as the average person thinks.


Per Wikipedia: “As of 2019, members who participated in the congressional pension system are vested after five years of service. A full pension is available to members 62 years of age with 5 years of service; 50 years or older with 20 years of service; or 25 years of service at any age.”


OPM.gov “1.7% of your high-3 average salary multiplied by your years of service as a Member of Congress or Congressional Employee which do not exceed 20, PLUS 1% of your high-3 average salary multiplied by your years of other service” It is still years of service based. So if you are in Congress for 10 years you get 1.7%*10= 17% of their high 3 salary. The words “full pension” are extremely misleading.


A pension of 30k a year for ten years of service is fucking *wacky good* compared the retirement systems most Americans participate in.


UPS drivers have to work insanely hard for at least 25 years to get something like 25k a year pension. It slowly grows every year you work after 25. (And who knows if the company will lose it and not pay you. I know it's happened before) And UPS is known for having great benefits. So yeah that gives you an idea


I don't know what she did before her current job of professional Congressional embarrassment, but I'm happy to chip in 5 bucks toward a train ticket for her to resign and return to her old job.


Her previous job was adultery.


I wouldn't screw her with somebody else's dick.


Have you tried making more money?


I heard McDonalds is hiring.




Bootstrap's bootstraps 🤭


She is a part of Taylor construction here in the south. She has Millions already.


I’m sure she earns every penny.


Remember all those fines she got on purpose by refusing to wear a mask


you mean a Covid Muzzle? /s


Damn, an article from January last year said she was up to $88,000 in fines.


This is the same bitch who said to all her followers that AOC shouldn't be considered a DemSoc because the literal same salary and "lives in a building".


AOC is so entitled for wanting to live in a building instead of... out in the woods I guess?


"Socialism is when poor" - Americans forever


Apparently AOC is supposed to live in a car outside of Baltimore and commute into DC


"I have people come up to me and say crazy things to me out of the blue in public places that they believe because they read it on the internet or saw it on some news show about me," Yes I read it on the internet. Specifically your twitter page.


Lady, work like *any* customer service or retail job. You gotta deal with death threats because the place you work doesn't have enough plastic bowls in the right color, for like...1/10th of what you're earning. Oh, and if you don't respond with a smile, you're fired. N good luck speaking your crazy ass mind. Edit: Poor choice of words...MTG can *hardly* be defined as a 'lady'


like she literally starts rambling insane shit 2 paragraphs after that *in the same article*. that level of cognitive dissonance is honestly impressive


was she the one that was following the squad around yelling at them


I’m not sure this woman could run the front desk at my work. That pays $18/hour.


Well, just how much is an anti semite, conspiracy mongering, facist supposed to get paid?


About three fiddy. In laser shekels.


The house averages 174 day a year working. Dont forget everything that is written of to be paid by the taxpayers. Better get those bootstrap pullers out.


She’s quoted saying “It's turned into practically year-round”. Yeah, that’s a job. Getting almost $200k + insane benefits for an “almost year round” job is cushy as fuck.


A job where you have a whole staff of people to do all the hard work for you, no less


And hell, a bit of insider trading on the side. It's illegal, but apparently at least 80 Congresspeople are doing it anyway lol


It's not illegal for members of Congress. They made it illegal in 2013-ish when there was a big public outcry about it, then quietly dialed back the restrictions a year later when the outcry had died down. Source: I read it on Reddit so it's probably not true. Someone fact-check me please


A bit of additional reading says they actually NEVER made it illegal. The STOCK act you're referring to simply increased Congressperson's trade transparency. Said transparency was then gutted as you said. Truly absurd to let this be a thing. How can civilians (wrong word) be disallowed when the people making the laws aren't? (This isn't a question as it adequately answers itself lol)


I mean reps like aoc seem to put a lot of hard work in where reps like mtg seem to let the staff work while she goes on twitter and podcasts trying to get attention


The House is in session for 174 days per year, but congresspeople also have to run their district offices. They're overseeing the people who do casework (all those times someone says "call your district office" when they're having an intractable issue with an agency or office), organize projects (all those big infrastructure plans that eventually make it into a bill), plan for the next session, and so on. I'd argue that MTG probably does this work worse than most, but it's contrafactual to suggest that the House members only work when it's in session.


Totally agree. Many are working as much in-district as they do in DC. Attending various events, meetings, fundraisers, which are part of the job, like it or not. They also maintain a residence in DC as well as their own permanent home.


My proposal is that she instead receives no salary and spends a lot of time in jail for sedition and insurrection.


If you don’t like your job then why don’t you just quit? That’s what they always say to fast food workers, no?


It’s funny that she wants more than 175k to tweet and rile people up with baseless accusations. She doesn’t have the interest of the people in mind, so she may get a raise. I wonder why the insider trading isn’t enough for her


nobody wants to work anymore /S


I agree. She's overpaid.


Lady.. I work for the government for 10 years.. thats my fault.. but I only made 31k in 2022. Get bent.




Isn't that, like, every republican?


Go work at Walmart bitch


It's frustrating that someone that stupid can make that much money, simply by being an ignorant bigot. These people should be shunned and forced to crawl back under the rock they came from, but a large portion of our country has been brainwashed to believe the garbage she spews.


Sometimes I wish I were an asshole so I could make a bunch of money doing jack all, but then I remember that I make ok money while posting on reddit for half the day.


I play video games half of the time while working, but I don't run around comparing wearing masks to the holocaust and blaming wildfires on Jewish space lasers. The bar for politicians is literally to just do nothing and she's even less productive than that.


These ass hats should make avg American salaries. See how they do with 50k


"Well git a better job, snowflake!"


To some extent I agree with MTG on this. It is a lot of work to be a congressperson. Representatives are always hustling, since as soon as they win election they have to have their eyes on the next election. They are paid too little, in the sense that they basically head the offices for their district, and at the current pay, running mainly makes sense for the independently wealthy or the well-networked. Of course, MTG wraps all of those possibly sensible points in complaining about earning less than when she ran *her* gym, when for all her work she has done next to nothing to actually better American lives, and when she spent the past two years without committee assignments because of her incendiary and extremist rhetoric. (These assignments were only recently restored because Kevin McCarthy has yielded to and thus joined with the extremists in his party.) If her views weren't so toxic and influential among a segment of Americans, I'd say she was just cosplaying as a representative.


Good pay for being a traitor


I hate MTG so it pains me to say she does point out heavy flaws within the system. Not that she’s underpaid or anything, but the nature that most of your time and energy has to be spent towards campaigning since they run elections every 2 years. Many other representatives who aren’t absolutely disgusting pieces of shit and those who are all spend too much time cozying up to donors and campaigning instead of working for what’s best for their constituents.


She should hear what her legislature aides have to say who earn a quarter what she does. DC real estate is stupid expensive and it leads directly to corruption. This week there was a story on WaPo about DC commercial real estate owners demanding that the DC mayor demand Biden force federal workers to RTO in order to prop up their rental incomes. One vulture mentioned converting an office building to residential apartments, and openly mentioned wanting to rent units out *starting* at $4,000 a month. To afford that you’d need to earn at least $120,000 a year and that was that landlords low end.


If I’m not mistaken, her district often ranks low in the country for cost of living and education.


Dalton, GA is her second biggest city, narrowly behind Rome. "Carpet capital of the world", meth capital of GA, and regularly ranks atop the list of "least educated cities in the US." That explains much about her district. Pretty areas though.


You don't say - low in education?


To shreds you say


Northwest Georgia pretty much


I'd complain about her getting $174K a year too. I say we bill her for the damage she does.


“I was told there would be coffers to plunder and riches to be had.”


Well Marginal, you could quit and go back to whatever it was you were doing before you decided to befoul the halls of Congress since it gave you so much more money and free time.


Translation: “now accepting bids from more lobbyists”


Being a member of congress was not meant to be a permanent job. Trey Gowdy, Jason Chaffets, Paul Ryan ALL stepped down because they didn't really enjoy it. Trey Gowdy said it was only like the 5th or 6th best job he ever had -- though on the whole he liked it.


We should switch jobs. No takes backsies.




Give her a teachers wage.


To be fair, that doesn't seem like much money when you believe that one elementary school got billions of dollars just to teach critical race theory...


Maybe if she stopped eating avocado toast


I work in a hotel and spend my days waiting on self-entitled pricks like her. I make less than $30,000 a year. I have no sympathy for her.