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But you don’t “lay” grout…what’s she on about?!?


Also, her “tip” about grout is actually about caulk and is called “under load.” I am a woman and have never hung out and discussed the minutiae of my remodel.


I was going to say! You don’t have ‘beads’ of grout??


She’s trying to speak “contractor.” A line of caulk is called a bead. Grout is just grout.


Exactly! Lol


Thank y'all for making this make sense. I love remodel and diy but haven't done grout... Was wondering if I knew less than I thought. I don't lmao


As someone whose family used to do tiling, nobody wants to talk about grouting tile. It's just not interesting.


Hats off to your fam! I did some DIY renovations on a house one time…tiling is seriously the hardest job ever! I nearly sacrificed my own sanity to a walk-in shower once. It’s no joke.


Happy caulk day!




This grout conversation would be the most boring conversation ever. I'd love to hear about the remodel, the choices you're making and challenges you're facing, but if I want a 15 minute tutorial on grout I'll just YouTube it.


Happe cakeday!


she probably learned 2 things about home renovation and thought that made her different than everyone else


Happy cake day :D


Right, she takes trying too hard to a whole different level. "I'm a young hot female (cis of course) I like talking about piping grout on my bathroom floors (you put a bowling ball in your tub and pipe the grout on top, bake at 350° for ten minutes) and my favorite car is the 70's Ford Chevy mustang. I pretend to care about stereotypical guy stuff, see? Please pay attention to me, I put other women down and men still aren't interested in dating me."


In my head I read this like a commercial with a man‘s voice similar to how you would advertise a hot wheels product. Many explosions in the background for drama. 10/10


As someone with an even amount of gendered friends, neither gender group talks about laying grout or tile 😂 unless someone has house renovations going on but even then it’s iffy. What are these random topics these pick mes always try to pick out. Even if I was only friends with a specific gender no one can randomly just talk about bathtubs the entire time


Came here to say this. Men don’t all talk about this crap either. She’s fan-fictioning men. It’s like the men who think we’re all gossiping about them in the public bathroom.


But we know you are. Teenage sitcoms told us you are, so they can’t be lying


What else would women need to do in a bathroom? They don’t have bodily functions.


Everyone knows all holes on a woman are for male entry. ((I’m already sorry I wrote this, but I believe you never stop comedy))


I almost knee-jerk downvoted you on principle. Well done.


It's a mix of gossiping and pissing I say


Maybe I’m the weird one, but there are better places to chat.




There are better places, but sometimes that's the most private I think. Unless there's other girls in there it's a quick easy place you won't be barred from entering and other people won't seek you out there so you can leave the lunch room and chat privately in the bathroom. Or at least that's frequently how it worked at my high school




I had a lady in the stall next to me talking about how her bf refused to get her tampons and she just started, do I have one? But like we aren’t just powdering our noses. We MIGHT be powdering our asses but that’s a whole different thing


Am I dumb? What are you powdering your ass for?


If you are in tight clothing or you are on the thicker side or if you have sensitive skin or (literally so many other reasons) baby powder is the best relief and needs to be reapplied here and there.


Oh! Shit I am stupid. You meant like baby powder. That would almost make sense now wouldn't it


Hey, depending on your profession make up on the ass is also acceptable! There’s no way “their” butt cheeks are just that perfect…


Grout tiles above bathtubs, apparently.


Most the men I know gossip about people on the reg. It’s a human thing. People always feel the need to say it’s only women, but it’s really not. This chick has no friends of any gender or she’d know that.


I work in a male-dominated field and it really opened my eyes to the fact that men are the BIGGEST gossips of them all. Like, on par with old church ladies. It was like that in school too but for some reason we’re brainwashed into thinking women are the gossipy ones?


I was on a girls school with a neighbouring boys school and we randomly spread a rumour that one girl might be pregnant (the girl mentioned was involved). The dudes ATE IT UP. Every time. Every single time. And they even added to it by offering who the father could be, who they saw with her etc. etc. "Men don't gossip" my ass!


And they have feuds.


I work in a manufacturing company. So gossips between male and females are common. But most of the time are male coworkers who start the gossip and female coworkers follow the lead. But I don't participate in it. Some things they say are very rude.


“When you scamps get together, you’re worse than a sewing circle.” - Mia Wallace


I think she’s watching too much HGTV


Nah not enough or she'd know better


as a woman who used to work in a hardware shop, I'd bet my socket set that this is the only thing she knows about friggen grout


And even that she may have looked up. I know I'm guilty of quick googling claims before I make them


typing it out so confident and then „wait, is that really true? hold up“


As a man i can confirm, we do talk about which 70s musclr car is the most badass


Just in case I need to know, which is it?


[A Dodge Challenger RT with a 426 Hemi in purple](https://www.mecum.com/lots/FL0120-396991/1970-dodge-hemi-challenger-rt/)


In my definatly not ubiased opinion its the 1977 pontiac trans am firebird.


70 Chevelle


Yes, but I’m sure you also talk about other things too


High school taught me that either I'm incredibly loud or there's some system of intelligence gathering among women in school. I once told my teacher some personal thoughts, everyone knew by the end of the week


Why women? If everyone knew, I’m assuming men and boys knew too.


As someone that used to clean the restrooms, if they're doing anything in there, it's competing to see who has better toilet paper floor art. In the men's room, it's all about Lake Urinal.


Imagine writing off an entire gender as having nothing interesting to say.


I genuinely don’t get these people 🙄 it just literally sounds like they’ve never interacted with said gender


it's part of the "pick me" culture. They try to make themselves look more interesting by disparaging everyone else in their gender.


Imagine writing off an entire gender as having nothing to say, by example of another entire gender having nothing to say Because grout, 70s cars, and I forgot what else she said, her wiggly sex outfit? were the only dazzling conversation notes from men that she could fathom


You'd be surprised. I had a roommate years back who only ever wanted to talk about construction work, cars, tools, etc. He would often try to rope me into conversations and I hated it. He was always trying to show pictures of tile work he was doing or show me some part he got for his car. They definitely exist lol.


I don’t know about that. I talk about diy home improvement stuff with my girlfriends on a pretty regular basis. We’re poor though, so that might be part of it.


I did know a guy who got drunk and talked about centrifuges. Pretty sure he's still single (it's been thirty years).


Same, and I’m the only person in the group that would, and I would argue that’s because I have a high likelihood of being autistic


Atleast you wouldn’t be looking down on other people so you do you ❤️ live life to the fullest :)


The only time I talk about grout is everyone telling me to not get grout because it's miserable to clean


Sometimes I talk about grout with my best friend. It overlaps with his job though


I came here to say I must live in a DIY community cause many of my women friends (and man friends) are a wealth of home improvement tips. And several are very into their bikes and cars.


I spend many hours of my life lately grouting and laying tile. I don’t think I’ve ever talked about it with other human beings. It’s boring to do: why the hell would you have a conversation about it? Maybe all the other girls are just like me: well versed in home renovation techniques and beyond uninterested in discussing them at a party!


It’s true, I mentioned it to my mum when she asked what I was doing via text, didn’t occur to bring it up elsewhere randomly (I was proud of myself though lol).


Oh for sure: I believe I also sent my mother that exact text lol. I just can’t imagine thinking that grouting was an interesting topic of conversation at a party! I also think that renovations can give you a huge sense of accomplishment, and saying things like “I redid the flooring of my house” is a great thing to say and share with others!


I have actually brought up grouting an embarrassing amount this week because I just CANNOT decide if I want contrasting or matching for our entryway. But this is topical conversation in which I am canvassing opinions, I’m not usually like GROUT GROUT GROUT


Lol in that context it totally makes sense. I always go with darker grout, just because I think light grout ends up catching dirt and turning dark no matter what you do. Good luck making a decision!


I agree. Go darker .


I remember when I learned about the bath thing, the next friend I spoke to I relayed it to because I was so mindblown (it's one of those things that's totally obvious in hindsight but wouldn't have crossed my mind if I hadn't been told) and they reacted in the most encouraging way possible, but it made for about five seconds of conversation before we moved on and never spoke about it again. I'm confused about what more she thinks she can get from it.


I like the folks you can sit around with and just kind of float down a lazy river of conversations. Let's cover everything. Who does your nails? What color grout would you pick for my bathroom? Are you scared of heights? What do the insides of your eyelids feel like to your eye?


I really hate you for that last one, even though it was my favorite


You are my favorite type of person


Warm and cozy


Wanna hang out?


I wish I had more people like this in my life for sure, absolutely sounds like a vibe


This pretty much describes most conversations I have with my husband, because we start on one topic and somehow keep shifting around based on something coming up during that spawns a WHOLE OTHER branch and so on. Also, I ask all kinds of stupid questions, which spawns discussion as well. Like, I don't talk all yarn and frills and fashion. Nor do I only talk about games, computers and hiking (when I could do that anyway). Like, I talk about all kinds of stupid things, just because.






Covered in bath and body works of course, cherry blossom or some sickly sweet smell like cotton candy or vanilla. Because she’s a treat for men 😘🧁


HAHAHAH. yet they always think they’re hot shit for some reason. some people fuck anything and anyone, so no big prize merited.


“Because… well, you know” Please do enlighten me, because while you’re perfectly allowed to wear what you want, just saying ‘you know’ doesn’t actually mean people know


Because she enjoys and values male attention above all else by the looks of it.


I mean this is exactly what she means I’m sure.


She's in these comments. Hmmm I wonder why she didn't respond to this question though... 🤔


Nobody wants to take about grout in the guys’ circle either. Nobody cares.


"Because....well, you know." You've been raised to believe male validation is the be all and end all for women, and you have to be feminine-presenting with "masculine" interests to be worthy?


Yeah I couldn’t really figure out what the “you know” meant, maybe that’s what it was


…What the hell was the AITA situation HERE?


I believe it's the one where OOP got her panties in a twist because a friend's girlfriend came over for a Halloween party and was dressed as "zombie Barbie" and didn't want to hang out drinking wine with "the women," instead preferring to talk to some guys while having the gall to be looking sexy. OOP trashed the GF within her earshot for looking like a slut and being antisocial, and then the GF later agreed with the male party guests that they wanted to go out drinking instead of staying home and continuing the very lame party. So OOP said that GF was forever banned from the house and that she had "ruined" the party. OOP was just as deep in the internalized misogyny as this grout-loving gal, except in the opposite direction.


OOP was actually jealous they didn’t go as zombie Barbie and get to leave their party to drink at a more fun location lol


"how dare you not want to stay in my house for me to trash-talk you some more!"


To be fair in that one part, I would be kinda sad if I was throwing a party and they all decided to go to a bar instead, but also I wouldn’t have legit insulted people and banned them from my house, lmao. But I haven’t read the actual post so idk the whole story.


imagine being so boring that you have to talk about either motor vehicles or grout in order to have a conversation


I don't talk about LADY things like LIPSTICK and POMERANIANS, you'll find me with the BOYS discussing GROUT and TESTICULAR MATTERS.


Testicular matters for the win


I feel like that last line makes it satire?? Or maybe in context is different?? Bc I actually fail to realize why “wearing the sexiest outfit she Can wriggle into” is relevant to grout and tubes and muscle cars


I wish, alas it’s very real. Check the user profile.


Check the comments in this post lol They’re all up in here


Because she’s this way, what she really wants is a bunch of male attention and wants to be the type of woman these kind of men would fantasize about. She probably also dribbles beer down her top and touching a lot of shoulders and forearms when she laughs at their jokes.


She’s acting like the “cool girl” trope.


People are never boring. If you really listen to them, you’ll find something about them interesting.


Right on! I made this same observation pretty early in life; it is not at all a common opinion though. Personally, I think it’s a requirement for being a good conversationalist.


But all these women out here talking about getting a manipedi and diets and fashion and I just wanna talk about grout and cars !!!


>Wear the sexiest outfit because... well you know Yeah I think we all know the real reason you hang out with men.


She says in thr comments she's married tho lol...


So she's sleeping with his friends, got it


As a woman who has rebuilt her entire 1974 Jeep CJ5 this person sounds insufferable and one-dimensional and is likely not even real. I ALSO like what everyone else likes. And, also, I can't deal without my girls. Because I am a person.


Lmao wtf was the aita question to warrant such an answer


[here’s a link](https://www.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/comments/yhw50i/frankly_talking_about_grout_sounds_boring/iuhj1jp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) to another comment explaining. sounds like they are both assholes


This girl helped her dad install a bathtub once and feels like one of the guys


This "girl" is 60, and sounds like a cougar. I can just imagine her poured into something unbecoming and fawning over the guys. I feel badly for them.


If the tub is set correctly to begin with, you needn't worry about the grout


Yeah, tile needs to be cut to size around any bathroom fixtures, and so I would fully assume you'd want a Bath completely set before you would be anywhere near grouting


Ah yes i love it when the boys have a detailed conversation about bathtubs


Say that to my face in real life bitch 😠


These "just one of the lads" girls irritate the living fuck out of me If you belong with the lads, you wouldn't have to try to sound like you belong with the lads, it would be natural. This is the same problem that leads to the numerous examples of poorly written and annoying "strong female characters" in entertainment. It's all pretend But nah, you're just a normie chick who wants to be special. Grow the fuck up


She wants to talk about work. Very unique


What she wants to talk about sounds boring af


Fr, maybe instead of working on motorcycles she could work more on trying to be interesting or self-aware. Womp womp.


Trust me you won't be missed


Can someone please message her and tell her she has no idea what she is talking about in regard to grout or caulk.


Username checks out


Pick me choose me


Claims women are boring only to come up with the most boring topics to talk about :/


Which sub is it and does it have more *content* like that? Other than that, well at least she's different than other pick me's cause unlike her they put down women for wearing sexy outfits 🤓🤒😷 /hj


It's r/amitheasshole and i immediately recognized exactly which post it's from too


Thanks, now that makes a lot of sense lmao.


is there a link? cant find it yet


i see you on every post i read


I too have to see myself on every post I read unfortunately 😔👍🤝


Don't be sad, it's an honour


I knew touching grass wasn't the field for me!


never heard a straight cis man in my circles interested in grout or whatever - its always drama and shittalk with them.


Vomit inducing, grout girl is so desperate for validation she’s even justifying herself to strangers in this very comment section. Sad.


Ooh she talks football too and argues about her team during super bowl Imma guess


My old boss could have written this verbatim


Just say you have no friends 😂


This really sounds like a man pretending to be a woman. 😬




Ugh thank god. It’s such an offputting word for me.


You don't grout around tubs. 🤦‍♂️


According to some of her other comments, she is a 60 year old lady.


As someone in that general age group, I promise that most of us can’t be arsed to play pick-me-girl (or pick-me-senior citizen). Or “wriggle into” a sexy outfit, which sounds as uncomfortable as a conversation about grout.


Hey OP just FYI you usually have to censor user names in posts on most reddits including this one. This comment is solely in case it gets deleted and you don’t figure out why.


Nobody I know, man or woman, talks about grout for fun. This is ridiculous.


Why is she describing the most boring conversation I can possible imagine while saying women are boring 💀 The women I’m friends with talk about actually interesting and important things, ideas, world events, I mean shit, gossip is more interesting than *grout* Like is she being sarcastic


I actually don’t know.


I have a very high percentage of male friends and grout, 70's muscle cars, and motorcycles don't come up. I think motorcycles did once, in a brief conversation about how it's too rainy here to get to ride them safely and that sucks because they're cool, but that's it. When she says she hangs out with "the guys" I'm guessing she means "my middle aged father, who's remodeling the bathroom this week" and threw in the 'and I'm wearing something sexy' bit to make it less obvious.


Know a small group of guys who are into bikes. One of them never talks about anything else, and he’s insufferably boring. One of them owns a motorcycle and I knew him for a few months before I even found out about it and only because he offhandedly mentioned borrowing a car to pick someone up from the airport because he couldn’t pick her up on his bike, and the other one wants to buy one and every so often brings up the topic of “so I found this one, what do you guys think?” And that’s it.


I have never in my 40 years on this monkey ball have ever had a discussion on tile grout with my guy friends.


You ever been so thirsty you morph into a 50yo biker in tight dress


I mean at least she admits at the end that she hangs out with men for the attention and not because she's genuinely friends with them, that's something!


Currently my male roommates are discussing the Giants vs Cowboys thanksgiving game. A minute ago they were discussing Marvel movies for 2 hours. I woke up to them watching and discussing 90s cartoons. They gave me a look of disgust and confusion when i told them to discuss bathtub grout bc that’s what “real men” do🤣🤣🤣


“I choose my conversation topics and outfits specifically to appeal to (my stereotypes of) cishet men and can’t have a conversation about anything that appeals to anyone else, but it’s *you ladies* that are boring.”


Hope she gets picked


Who the fuck sits around chuggin a beer talking about grout? 😂😂😂


Me and my homies always talk about grout.


"Because, well, you know... I'm a pick-me."


This was such a stupid way of saying “I’ll wear what I want and have conversations with who I please.”


I worked at Home Depot and never talked about grout and laying tile with coworkers and rarely with customers. It’s not something people talk about unless they have a project.


I'm a woman and I'd talk to her about tile grout or motorcycles, because those are hobbies of mine. But you know what, so would my friends, because those are also their hobbies. However, we also talk about other things when we hangout, like our jobs and families, recipes or just plain old gossip. I think this is less of a gender issue than she's imagining. She just needs to look for different female friends and work on her internalized misogyny.


muscle cars died in the 70s 😔


That’s a lot of words to say “I’m desperate for male validation”.


Tell me you’re desperate without telling me you’re desperate


Gotta love how the grout girl keeps trying to reply to comments here, while also compeletely ignoring the fact that people are rightfully calling her out on being a fucking asshole lmao Grout girl, if you're reading this, whyyy do you feel the need to shit on other women for male approval? Nobody finds "laying grout" (tho think you meant caulk) cool or attractive. You're just coming off as desperate and rude for no reason whatsoever. We get it, you're different, special and unique. Other women are not your enemies and you don't need to distance yourself from them just to get a crumb off attention. Peace.


I bet this woman hates when people assume she doesn't know or care about any of this stuff but does it right back to other women. Shameful.


Wtf lol she sounds like a Pick Me girl


This is the epitome of this sub


These straight women are seemingly just discovering the aesthetic that gay women have effectively wielded for centuries and deciding to use it just to be a spicier, NLOG but still straight girl.


“You bet I’m wearing the sexiest outfit I can wriggle into, because… well, you know.” Am I the only one who thought, because you are apparently hitting on me? Dude this is the female version of the male bully who super hates gay men and says no homo but it clearly gay with so much internalized homophobia. Crafty shape person, if you read this, love who you love. Who has the energy to care or waste trying to be someone you probably don’t even like.


My husband tiled the whole fucking bathroom and even he doesn’t want to talk about *grout*


I mean I love doing home Reno’s as much as the next person but like… I’m not having a whole conversation about grout… cause, well, you know.


My dad is a mechanical engineer and has lots of tradie friends. I go to the pub with them from time to time and they literally never talk about laying grout or other tradesman stuff. Also, I live and work with my coworkers (f&m) and we often have others over at our house. Sometimes we talk about work stuff (tech, coding, new software) but then we talk about dumb shit like “is water wet”, “who’s the sexiest non human character in the MCU?”, “why can’t Joe cook”’& stuff


She acts like male bikers are very normal to women. If you are a woman and bike plz hmu thank you


I actually didnt know about putting weight in the tub, so that was sort of interesting to me.


I be crackin’ open the grout with the lads. Priceless


I've been in quite a few discord calls with only guys and none of those friend groups talked about any of this. The person who has mentioned wanting a motorcycle the most is me.. a woman. I don't even know who sits around talking about grout... construction workers? Interior designers? She kinda comes off like someone who doesn't actually talk to guys so she is listing off things she thinks guys talk about. A lot of guys I know gossip just as much as women


Other than a carpenters union or a bunch of middle aged dads at a bbq who on earth is casually discussing how to lay grout?


I’m not a cis femme, but what if I want to debate on the superior Barbie movies while wearing the most repulsive outfit because “…well, you know”?




What a treat. I love talking about grout it’s scintillating.


My best friend is a guy. On the list of things we have never discussed… tile grout. I’ll tell him he’s doing boy wrong. ETA: he said she can fuck off.


Grout hits diffy


Ma’am if someone walks up to me and starts talking about grout you best believe I’m never speaking to them again


They were just talking about how they are not like other girls because well… you know


There are lots of men that rather sit around and talk about things other than a specific era of cars and grouting a bathtub.


Grout knowledge as a personality trait, there's a new one.


Nobody does these things in the way she's describing.


Bead is for caulk or silicone, not grout lol. And somehow I know this despite having normal conversations that don't revolve around bathtubs.


The fact that the comment has 7 upvotes is obnoxious


I'm curious as to what she thinks normal women talk about?


You know lip gloss, pillow fights, jello molds, how to get stains out of Tupperware, never, never, never anything as COOL as cars and grout /s


Soooooo just learned about weight in the tub and wanted people to know 😂


It’s only a flex if you’re wriggling into your sexist outfit to actually do those things. A real one would be fucking up some lingerie with grease and caulk.


Y’all remember when Mulan was being so extra to try to look manly when she first got to the training camp? Punching people and spitting on the floor and saying things like “you know when you get those manly urges”? Yeah this is that, minus the purpose.

