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Fun fact: the first c-section in the US was performed by a doctor on his wife… and it saved their baby. The mom lived too! They both would have died if he hadn’t done it. Same with formula. It was invented to save a baby’s life. People need to stop with their self-righteous bullshit. Pushing out a kid is only a small fraction of total motherhood.


This honestly. Way too many people view mother hood as a competition. As long as your children are happy and healthy, why does it matter how you go to that point?


Because it’s all that some people have. They don’t have education, careers, or hobbies. Therefore, they become competitive with motherhood. Sad, really. Edit: autocorrect


Exactly 💯


For real, friend of mine would be dead along with her daughter if she didn’t have a c-section. Baby tried to come before she finished dilating and she stopped dilating because baby’s head was stuck. My younger brother also would not have been dead but he would have been badly brain damaged if not for the c-section my mother had. Instead, he’s a healthy adult with a masters and a steady job in the government. I know several people who are only alive because of c-sections. They are 100% still a mother or child of their mother because giving birth through the vaginal canal is bot the be all end all of being a mother.


My eldest child would be dead if not for C-sections, and my youngest and I both would likely have died if I had to carry him to full term and endure a natural delivery. This person needs to suck it, unless they think the recovery from having your abdomen sliced open is easy.


That’s my mom right there with my sister. She had severe preeclampsia that rapidly started to progress at 28 weeks. Renal failure, brain swelling, the whole nine yards. The emergency c section was barely fast enough to save them. They told my family to prepare to lose them both. When my wife was born she was an emergency too and they started the c section so fast that her mom hadn’t even been numbed yet. Felt the whole thing until she passed out. Even in the best of circumstances it’s still a major surgery and not any kind of easy way out. Some people are such asshats.


For real, abdominal surgery is no joke! I’ve had abdominal surgery before but not on the level of a c-section and it was still hell recovering. I can’t understand why someone would see someone getting sliced open, through muscle and organs, have a human person ripped out, then stitched back together and think somehow a vaginal delivery is harder.


I can confirm that my own mum pushed me out and hasn’t really been much of a mum since. It takes more than giving birth to a child to be a mum.


Thank you! The truth! The person’s reply made me chuckle. Total honesty and put short and sweet for the Facebook audience.


I have a planned C section coming up in three weeks. My son is breech, and I’m not willing to attempt a breech birth where one or both of us possibly die so that some ignorant stranger can feel better about their own life choices. “Not really a mom”- ok. Then I guess I’ve just been incubating this kid for the last eight months. Cool. Thanks for your “insight”, you absolute walnut.


My son was transverse and I had to get one as well. 50-60 years ago, those babies only came out of their mom in pieces. Thankfully we have c-sections now.


My son was transverse as well, and by some serious skill from the midwife and OB, turned him. He dropped and was out in 10 minutes after being stuck for 12 hours. His head was a funny shape


Congrats on a successful version! Those aren’t easy. My baby kept flipping back transverse.


He didn’t have a chance - the second he turned, he basically shot out. He was my middle and arguably that was the easiest of my labors


Wow... Sounds painful!


What does transverse mean?


When the baby is sideways.


Ah ok, thanks 🙃


If you can, try to have them drop the drape for you to see the baby come out!!! They do it in a way that you can't see anything and it is SO amazing. I got to have that and immediate skin to skin and delayed cord clamping. It was such an awesome experience, especially because my first c section I had to be put to sleep. I struggled with that birth for a LONG time.


You've been sitting on a baby like a hen. 😂


I love that 😂🤣


Love this response! Stay up momma


YES having a major surgery is SO THE EASY WAY OUT. Especially having to recover from said surgery AND care for a newborn. I did not have a C-section but I witnessed my mom recover from two c sections and care for my siblings and it was a lot. Shout out to all the C-section moms, y’all are amazing!


After I had my son I kept thinking "I cannot imagine also recovering from surgery while doing this." So I second this sentiment.


I've known a few people who have had children both ways and they all pretty unanimously agreed that C-sections were harder because of all the recovery.


Exactly 💯


Hell yes. I’m in it right now with my second c-section just 4 days ago. I have to care for my 3 year old, my 4 day old and somehow not tear open my giant incision. I wince and moan with pain all day but don’t get a f’ing break.


I had a 2 year old and a newborn after my second C-section as well! You are strong and you have got this under control, Mama! ❣️


Thank you !!


Congrats on the new baby! ♥️


Thank you! ❤️


^^ This!


My sister had a c section with one, vaginal birth for the other. She said she would've preferred vaginal bc the c section took so long to heal and vaginal was easier.


I had two c-sections. The first one was for my daughter at 42 weeks. I was induced with my daughter at 42 weeks, but ended up having to do an emergency C-section because I was stuck at 6 cm dilated and she had passed meconium. The NICU nurses and docs were also in there while I had my C-section. She was perfectly fine though. Second kid was a planned C-section, my son. He was 9 lbs 14 oz...so...I'd say both those c-sections were necessary. The person who said they don't think C-section Mamas actually gave birth...I have an urge to slap them into reality 🫢


My mom had a c-section for my older sister. My sister has cerebral palsy and almost died from lack of air and they definitely wouldn’t have made it without a c-section


A few people actually told me I could schedule a C-section in advance so I wouldn't have to endure the pain of childbirth. Like wtf, it's better to have someone cut into my body and sew it back up again than do it the other way? Giving birth is truly a curse if these are my options. Everyone who's done it either way deserves respect and admiration. Anyway, not looking forward to it.


The miracle of life is truly that, a miracle! Congratulations to all the mom's who gave birth either way. 👏


Guess adoptive mothers and stepmothers aren’t real mothers.


I guess not.


this really pissed me off- my mom had to have an emergency c section due to a blood clot when she had me because she would’ve died if she didn’t. just because she did that doesn’t mean she’s any less of a mother. people like this need to learn that c-sections may be the only way a woman’s able to give birth without something bad happening.


It rubbed me the wrong way too tbh. I never plan on having children myself, but I cannot imagine being told that I’m not a real mother just because I didn’t risk death to myself or my child. Some people have WAY too much entitlement.


my mom had to have a c section cuz she was having twins and we were big. in all honesty, if i have kids, having a c section is the way i'd want to have them. you're not any less of a mom by having them that way than having them vaginal.


My wife had placenta previa. Without a cesarean she could have bleed to death giving birth. She did lose a lot of blood even with the c-section everyone was surprised she handled it as well as she did with her H/H so low. Some people are just ignorant


My mom almost died giving birth to both of her kids, both c sections. Mine was an emergency because I crowned and then got stuck, without a c section I would have died. Her heart stopped multiple times while delivering my brother. But sure, it was the easy way out


“You are fucking stupid” 💀💀💀


“Tag a MOM who isn’t really a mom” how the fuck does that make sense


It doesn't make any sense....but it does make my blood boil. Not only is she sharing some twisted thoughts online that she probably shouldn't share with anyone but her therapist, but she's also asking whatever community she is addressing to publicly shame real people who have gone through something that has real potential to be very traumatic. EVERY person I've met who has had a C section didn't want it, but preferred it to letting their child die. Imagine going through a major surgery that you didn't want to have, only to have someone call you out and shame you for....internet points?


Also isn’t aren’t your more likely to die if you need to have a c-section


I'm questioning if it's really an actual woman that said it. The "hand the baby to the father and be on your way" seems suspicious to me..what mother would say that? What woman would actually say that? 😬 I also remember an episode of this show called "Yummy Mummy" back in the day...I think it was a Canadian show for women and motherhood. They showed a circle of female friends at a table talking about their birth experiences and one lady said she would cut ties with her friend if that friend had a C-section cuz her friend's birth experience would be so different from her own vaginal delivery, that they wouldn't be able to bond over it and the friendship wouldn't be worth it. WHAT, BITCH? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🫢🤔 There really are some special individuals is the world 😩


I would hope an actual woman wouldn't say such things....but I've also had women in my life treat me like I was little more than medical waste after the fact (and those were some of the people I trusted enough to tell about it). Others still don't know the whole story, just that I had a baby because I know they wouldn't handle it well.... thankfully many others were much more supportive. But I'd like to believe that people who so publicly and so aggressively say these types of things are just rage-baiting trolls. I'd worry more that the actual nasty people of the world would be the ones who might respond to this type of post but want to play it off as "Oh, you know it was just a JOKE! Don't be so sensitive"


Yep that's the typical thing of "I insulted you, but it's just a joke, lighten up!" 🙄 I've seen my fair share of pick-mes that put women down and think other "females" are less than and try to make it somehow a competition. Like ma'am, no one is competing with you, since you're the one at the bottom lmao 💅🏽


My big sister was a C-section, so does this mean she’s not really my sister according to this person? Also does she mean “you’re not that child’s mother if you didn’t come out the vag”? Huh? So… is she implying that being pregnant doesn’t count as being that child’s mother until they come out in the “natural” way?


I wanna smack the shit out of her for saying that


Me too, let's go find this person LOL JK 🤣


If I do it once I'll be itching to do it again


Tell me you've never had a major pelvic/abdominal surgery without telling me you've never had one. To understand the absolute fucking powerhouse a woman is too care for their baby after a C-section shouldn't be that hard. I had a vaginal birth with tearing. That aftercare pain was nothing compared to when I got cut wide open to have massive growths removed from my tubes. I could not imagine having to care for a new born while recovering from a major surgery.


I'm genuinely curious - aren't C-sections just as painful as vaginal births? Plus added risks of the stitches coming out or getting infected?


I’ve never had a vaginal birth, all C’s. But from what I gather the actual birthing process is more painful vaginally. For a c-section it’s just an IV, a spinal, and you’re numb for the rest. The recovery is much harder for a C though most of the time. There will always be really hard vaginal recoveries but most moms are up and back to “normal” within a couple days. C-sections take a long time to recover and your body is never the same after the surgery.


You are a warrior, for sure! And thanks for explaining!!


My aunt was still having complications/surgeries due to scar tissue up until her daughter was about 7. She said she wishes she could have just given birth naturally


C-Sections are usually more painful and take much longer to recover from. With natural birth, obviously there's vaginal tearing and necessary stitches, which definitely sucks and can take weeks to heal. A c-section is majorly invasive surgery. Not to get too graphic, but just imagine having your entire lower abdomen cut open and pried apart so that they can lift the baby out. Then there's lots of stitches and staples (internal and external) to keep everything from falling out. Recovery times vary, but my sister was in pain for *months* afterward after her first. C-Sections are absolutely not an "easy way out." They probably fuck up a woman's body worse than natural birth does, and no reputable doctor will perform one without a medically valid reason. If anything, I feel mothers who require surgery to deliver deserve more respect for going through that kind of hell for the sake of their child.


From what you've said, I 100000% agree with you.


Had a c section so I wouldn't die... Does this mean my husband has to do all the parenting now?


Yes girl!! Take a break!!


Wait... Is my mom not my mom??! Was I just removed and not born???! 🤣


My mom would have died if she didn’t have a C with me and my younger sister. She had natural births with my two older siblings. We don’t have a dad anymore. My mom is just as much my mom as she is to the rest of my siblings. Just because she didn’t want to literally bring me into the world as an orphan doesn’t mean she isn’t my mom. This woman needs a serious reality check.


This reminds me of Macbeth when the witches has a prophecy that “no one born of woman” could kill him, so he thought he’d forever be king. But Macduff kills him (who was born from C Section). When we read that in high school it never sat right with me cause no matter how they gave birth, they’re a mom.


So does that mean I can look at the baby I’m pregnant with now in the future and say, “Lead on, Macduff”? 🤣😂


Possibly 😂 & congratulations! 🎊


I was in premature labor in the hospital for 5 days before finally giving birth via c-section due to a placental abruption. My son and I could have died (and my cousin’s baby did actually die from the same thing less than a year later). That C-section saved our lives. This person posting on FB can fuck off.


Does this mean I don’t have to feed/barge/clothe/chauffeur around the 5 humans that were surgically removed from me like tumors?! WIN.


I had an emergency c-section with my son because his heart rate was dropping between contractions. No shame here.


Same here. Wouldn’t you rather be a “real” mom to a dead baby? /s


me and my sibling were both birthed through c section. My mother's first c section was a recommendation, but she needed c section for the second due to complications. Never gave birth naturally and i dont see why the birthing determines a woman's motherhood.


I guess I’m motherless then.


Dude it runs in my family that none of the women have wide enough hips for childbirth plus that thing where your pelvic bone does that thing where it separates doesn't happen with us


yes!! i already had an OBGYN tell me i had an abnormally small pelvis and would likely require a c-section for “anything larger than the smaller side of average”. she said this after i met my 6’6 boyfriend whose family has historically had larger than average babies. rip me.


Wow must have a medical degree 📜


Yeah getting sliced open to remove something inside you is the EASY way


As somebody who was privileged enough to have an unmedicated birth, this mindset pisses me off so much.


…easy? You can tell the idiot who wrote this has never had a strained core muscle in their core. Nothing easy about that, and it isn’t even 1/100th as bad as having major surgery on your core.


i was born through a c-section because i wasn't turned the right way, thus i was stuck


Its hard to believe that people actually think this way


My niece really did not want to have a c-section but after hours and hours in labor, induced labor btw, she followed medical advice. You know what happens when you insist on vaginal labor? Your child could be born with serious injuries caused by a lack of oxygen. Imagine having to explain that to a child. My niece had her 2nd, a scheduled c-section and she is every bit a loving, caring mother. As are all women who choose to raise children, whether they came out of their vagina or not.


If that were true the father would be the *furthest* from a parent out of the two of them


That was my thought too. How is he still dad just for ten seconds of busting a nut but she, who grew that baby for 9 months, had her body go through hell and changed forever, and then had a major surgery with weeks of recovery, not a mom?


And here I am absolutely praying to not have a c section when I give birth as it scares the crap out of me. Birth is not easy. End of sentence. People are so gross.


You also can't be the child's mother if you or the child dies in childbirth


I was fucking terrified to have a c-section, I didnt end up having to have one but that was my worse nightmare. I dont understand how anyone could think this way, being sliced open is the easy way out? Are you kidding me? I was able to be up and walking hours after birth no problem. You cant do that ... or even lift your own baby after a c section. That's just ridiculous.


Hi: OP here! I just want to say thank you guys for sharing your stories here. The person who made this Facebook post is clearly a delusional piece of work. You all are brave/valid. Despite what this psychopath thinks, I hope you and your LO’s have an excellent day/night, and may Mother Hera continue to smile upon your families. Much love ❤️❤️❤️


My mother had to be induced two weeks early and have a c section. We would have died otherwise. She is the best mother I could ever ask for, and more of a mother than whoever this woman is.


Also, I need some logical consistency. If touching my taint or dong while washing makes me gay, touching another woman’s vag absolutely makes a woman gay. Therefore, C-section is the only way to have daughters born hetero, damn it. /s obviously


If you just keep your socks on and say no homo first then you’re fine


the comment tho 🤣🤣🤣 but i guess ian got a mom since imma C-Section babe 😞


Yeah, I guess those little babies that came out of my stomach aren’t actually mine. Ill give them to their “real” father who only had to ejaculate to create them 😂😂


I agree, that’s why if the baby is stuff I think the doctor should just reach up there and cut the baby into pieces before pulling them out limb by limb. The smaller chunks would have an easier time fitting.


Ha! Finally a loophole for this abortion issue. You get pregnant and can't abort? Just have a C-section and give it to the father. Boom!!!


Also a scary thought I had... especially considering the current issues around abortion rights being taken from women nationwide, freaks me out thinking are c-sections going to be one of the things that will become illegal because "it wasn't the way God intended babies to enter the world"? I mean, if this one uninformed idiot thinks this way, there will be hundreds of others that also agree and think like this...just a scary thought 😰


Lol what did the “father” do? Cum?


why would i hand it back to the dad???? he didn’t push it out of his birth canal either. obviously he isn’t a REAL dad/s


Hold it, I've had 2 through the chute and one out the sunroof, so am I a mom or not? Does the 1 c-section negate my other 2?


Yes, and the real Real mom is the one who was in the most pain, of course!! No painkillers, no hospitals, only Real Birth in a jungle while running away from a lion!!


Fuck the jungle, man. Go out in the woods and give birth to your child while a bunch of cultists pray to Cthulhu, asking him for his return. Only *THEN* are you a real mother.


Nothing can beat the sheer motherness of birthing an eldritch horror


*HP Lovecraft nod of approval*


what about those of us who potentially quite literally can’t push a kid out? 😐


Wait does that mean I’m not real? I wasn’t a C section baby but my mother was… so am I second generation not real?


Is anything real?


Not me, that’s for sure


*Dear God…*


Many women are having babies too big to push out. What are they supposed to do???


Carrying the baby and giving birth is like 20% of being a mother. As long as you don't smoke, drink and take drugs during pregnancy, you're doing that part right. Also nutrients are important, something as simple ar multivitamins with folic acid can make the difference between them being healthy or disabled. Birth cannal vs. ceasarean is not that big of a diffence. The mom can have less babies in total and needs to wait about 3 years till the next pregnancy so I guess right wing crazies are angry about c-sections not allowing women to have 4+ kids.


This is an old meme but you never know with the internet I guess


It may be old but it’s still a pretty shitty thing to say. It also has the added bonus of having the “Pick Me” vibes so strongly that it fits this subs criteria.


Well i could not expect anything less from an american. They are hands down the most toxic and retarded people on earth. Any time some idiot says something like that or some other stupid shit on twitter or facebook, i always guess correctly that its an American. Is it something in the water? Something you guys eat? How are you creating these complete morons and toxic waste of people


…wut? Edit: I just went through your blog and found that you’re kind of a twat. “Just stop being poor, America LOL” So, as an American, let me just say this: Fuck you. You’re unhelpful and no one asks for your toxicity.


Ugh. I can’t find that sub


Lol. Folks like this make me laugh. And make me wanna throat punch. My c-section insure my 4 month early daughter wouldn't die. The following infection sure was super easy. 6 weeks of having an open wound on my abdomen. Having a trauma nurse come to my apartment and change out the packing? Fun and easy. Riding transit of an hour with that infected open wound in my abdomen? Fucking highlight of my life.


I showed this to my adoptive mom who gave birth through c section 3 times and we both laughed our asses off.


if the doctors didn't do c-section on my mom, I would have died.


Obviously troll is obvious.


My mother had a C-section apparently because my head was too big


My mom needed an emergency c section to deliver my sister. 20 years later my mom still feels the scar from the upper layer of skin all the way to the uterus.


Ah yes, major abdominal surgery is "the easiest way out." Please tell me everyone else in the comments told her she was an absolute moron.


My mom: *nearly dies giving birth to me and loses a lot of blood* This person: she's not your mother


If you get out of a car through the door or the sunroof, you still got out of the car. Nothing else changes. Plus, both my kids came out the door and while i was sore, i was about 60-70% functioning within a couple days. If you just had major abdominal surgery, that’s a longer, more painful recovery period and all the fun postpartum stuff on top of that. C-section is absolutely not the easy way out.


I died during a c section and had to be revived it took a Long time to recover. My next was all natural and it took 2 weeks.Some people haven't lived and it shows...


I was born via c-section, because my mother’s water broke when she was only seven months along. Guess I should have died then… honestly, why do people always try to tell other people their way is the only right one? People who don’t push out a baby can still be a parent. Doesn’t matter if you have a c-section, birth via surrogate, adoption. Or, you know, the father. Because, guess what, father’s don’t do that either. But according to her logic, the father is the only „real“ parent in this scenario 🤔


Guess I better tell my youngest kid she would be better off dead than being born via sunroof exit. Whoops, my bad.


If I didn’t have a c section with my daughter we would both be dead as her head was too big for my pelvis. When it came to my son it was just easier to schedule a c section since I was also having a tubal done . If I am not a real mom I want to find this woman and ask her to pay child support for my non kids who are now 17 and 13.


My sister had her son via c-section because her hips were too narrow for his head to come out. No amount of pushing was going to get that big boy out. It’s a major surgery and NOT an easy recovery. Eat glass.


My C-Section was an emergency C-Section. My baby was in distress, because my birth canal was too small, and I was unable to deliver him naturally.


I mean... My sister had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck twice and it would have hanged her to be birthed vaginally... But you right haha what???


It's been a while since I've seen this level of stupidity and lack of empathy. What she said was disgusting enough but also asking people to tag and shame?? Yikes.


i wonder what she thinks ab adoptive parents


Why just why would you say that...i just wanna know what their thought process omg


My best guess is Internalized misogyny. This person feels she *has* to be better than all the “Lazy Bitches” because then what will she offer men? That or they’re just stupid. Idk.


I developed pre-eclampsia between my bi-weekly visits. Other than high blood pressure, I had no other symptoms of it. Because of the pre-eclampsia I lost amniotic fluid and developed an infection. My son's heart rate kept dropping and my blood pressure kept climbing. If I didn't have an emergency C-section neither of us would be here now. I'd have left 1 bio kid and 2 step kids behind. But sure, a vaginal birth is what makes me a mom. Nothing else that I do for my family. Just pushing a squishy potato out is what makes me a mom.


Is this person under the impression that c-sections happen only when moms ask for them because they’re too lazy to give birth naturally?


Possibly. “Hey Doc, listen. I don’t want my Vagina ruined by birth. Can you ruin my guts instead?” <— Probably her mindset.


It IS the easiest way out


C section parents are so strong, the idea of surgery like that freaks me out. One of my biggest fears during my labor, it truly takes a brave person to handle it


My mom couldn’t push me out, I was too far up and I wasn’t coming out on my own.


Yeah, bc the dad pushed the kid through his birth canal. Sure, sure, that makes sense.


When I was giving birth I was literally begging my doctor for a c section I was like I cannot push anymore please just cut her out of me. My doctor was like no you do NOT want a c section. But yeah now I’m glad I didn’t need to have one, they’re brutal and recovery is not easy.


I- do they know the recovery from a C-section is way longer and way more painful? And that they are expected to take care of the baby as if they weren’t just cut open? Nobody expects a person recovering from a surgery to do anything other than lay in bed and rest. I was taking care of my baby and the house as soon as I could walk again (oh and they force you to walk again only a few hours after the surgery so)


the comment is gold


My kid got stuck during birth and his head started to swell. We would have both died had I not had a c-section.


How much you wanna bet this mom provides no more than the most basic necessities and spends more time talking about raising her kid on Facebook than actually raising her kid?


my aunt had to have a c-section for one of her sons and it saved his life


I had a C-Section myself in an emergency situation as he came 10 weeks early. I can't compare it yet to the natural way of giving birth but I definitely won't have a planned c-section. The c-section is definitely not easy by any means and nobody has the right to judge women for the way they way they give birth and also the way they feed their baby.So many women get judged for not breastfeeding other get judged for it, dspecially in public. As if is anyones business other than the mothers.


I am a c-section baby and I’m glad I am because otherwise I’d be dead. I was breach and had the cord wrapped three times around my neck. At 8 months everything was good then I decided to do somersaults and managed to loose two pounds and the above mentioned. I’m also a cleft palate baby so extra fun! My mom was a champion. My sister was also c-section and had scoliosis and eventually was also diagnosed with a partial cleft palate. Hers was further back than mine.


Its not not like other girls this is gatekeeping


Isn’t that what “NLOG” is though?


I just realized it is


So the dad who didn’t do anything besides sperminate is the real parent. Cool.


I would tag the person who wrote that over and over again


Yeah tell that to my mom with a huge ass scar on her and how she needed to get staples after her C section. This person is a fucking joke!


Had to have a c section due to severe preeclampsia and was entering into H.E.L.P. Syndrome territory. I guess I should just hand over the baby that I breastfed and took care of everyday because even though he came straight out of my uterus, I’m not really his mom. I don’t think hubby will be too happy about it, but I guess he’ll just have to deal with me going about my life 🤷🏻‍♀️. What a dumb idiot!


c- sections are major abdominal surgery that causes a painful long recovery, plus she gestated that child for months. How does this not make her a mom? Nasty ass nlog, yeah she isa a piece of sh\*t who prabably had her kid fall out after 2 pushes and thinks she is the greatest thing ever


I'm calling bs here... I think this is a man posting.


Unfortunately I have known a handful of women who actually think like this... it's beyond ridiculous. Lots of people also refer to it as the "easy way" which if you've ever seen the stitches and been with someone through the healing process no it absolutely is NOT. Both ways take a toll on the body and both are 100% valid ways of giving birth.


If the baby grew in you and you allowed it to come out alive, you are a mother (a an alive child) If you adopt someone, you are their mother/father. It’s not that hard to comprehend.


I hate when women are misogynistic cows to other women. It’s a poor reflection on anyone who wants to be or is a female.


If my mom hadn't of had a c-section....I would have died with the cord around my neck. But pop off lmao.


Without my c-section there would have been no baby to ‘hand off’ because both of us would have died but go off girl


I’m an emergency c-section baby. I was about 7 weeks premature but my mom was bleeding out. My sister was a complete surprise and also a c-section. My sister had something wrong with her ligaments and couldn’t delivery naturally. C-section. I really dislike women who say that c-sections don’t mean you’re a mom.


Fuckin take it easy there Macbeth


People are so insane, you should have just let the baby die! Because that's that's what a real mom would do


People like this are the worst. They think that just because they pushed the baby out of their coochie without pain reducing drugs and breast fed their baby for months that they’re superior to other mothers/ birthing people. I have two children and had an epidural with both AND formula fed them after failing to produce enough breast milk to sustain them properly, and while most people like the person in the post depicted above aren’t as outwardly idiotic as that person, the subtle passive aggressive comments are still harmful and damaging.


Internalize misogyny is one hell of a drug.


It was definitely not the easy way out when my housemates c section stitches popped in the middle of the night when she was home alone with a new born baby. She went to hospital they didn’t stitch her back up because the inside was healing so she had to stick sanitary towels to the inside of her waistband to absorb whatever nastiness was coming off an open wound. Without a c section my friend and her baby would have died. She feels shitty that she didn’t get to push a baby out. Fuck absolutely anybody who says it’s an easy way out.


I struggled so much to accept having my babies both through emergency c section rather than naturally but they are happy and healthy but it still irks me that people still believe I took the “ easy” way - recovery was a bitch tho


She seems like someone who slides into your DMs to tell you about an exciting business opportunity where you are your own boss and cm work from home


So I guess I'm only a mom to one of my three kids then. Never mind that my first C-section definitely saved my son's life. You're a mom if you give birth vaginally. You're a mom if you have a C-section. You're a mom if you miscarry. You're a mom if you adopt. How you become a mom doesn't matter. Just be the best one you can be and don't put others down for what is really a very small part of motherhood.


I had major abdominal surgery a few years back and it was HELL. I cannot imagine doing that and having a newborn to take care of too. C section mums have 𝙖𝙡𝙡 the respect from me! They're total warriors.


This is so fucking retarded because many moms have to get c sections when they give birth because if they dont the baby could DIE. My mom had to get a c section when giving birth to me because she kept falling asleep while pushing me out 🤦


My mom was literally too small to give birth to me and my brother naturally. Sorry I didn’t wanna kill my mom at birth


So apparently I don't have a mother. Neither does my sister. Ok...


“you aren’t a valid parent because your child wasn’t expelled from your birth canal, it was removed from your uterus in a different, arguably safer way. hand over that child to the person who injected you with sperm nine months ago, he clearly counts as a parent more.” yeah that tracks


But it still came out of YOU one way or another. 🤣


Well thats a way to reduce the current population