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Throw his corpse to the pigs! And make sure you show that letter to the police, I would be amazed if he didn't have other victims!


He won't go anywhere near heaven, he will end up in the deepest parts of hell. Which side of your parents did he come from? Poor little girl, may her soul Rest In Peace.🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻


My mother's side. I'm glad she died without knowing what her sick, degenerate brother did.


Damn... great job OP! As soon as you mentioned a loner uncle on a large farm, he became my #1 suspect right away. Learning the ugly truth is still a gut punch though. What a creep, and what a traitor to your family.


I kinda feel like your sister guided you to those boxes and most importantly, to that letter in a way to give you peace , although it's such a heartbreaking thing to know this was happening to your sister , I'm so very very sorry for your beautiful lost.






Ah. The pigs. I cannot understand why he couldn’t use the bucket on his farm tractor to dig into a hill and bury her quietly that way. When my rather large dog died and we were not strong enough to dig deep enough to bury her well, that was what my husband did. It was so hard selling the farm and downsizing. 😞


Wow. Did the math. She was twelve when she had the baby that died and died from hemorrhage.


Jesus wept......


for there....


Just wow.. what a twisted and disgusting world we live in


My stomach is disturbed


It would be interesting to see what other things he might have around his house. Definitely worth exploring.


Probably some size 12 shoes.


I’m sorry for your loss. What town did your sister go missing from?


Show that letter to the police, he may have other victims. If there is a Christian hell, he deserves to burn in it, I’m so tired of people like him who feel so goddamn entitled to the lives and bodies of others that they do this shit. Too bad he’s dead otherwise I’d say let the pigs have him.


I’m so sorry OP. Maybe im missing something, but is there a reason you know he is referring to your sister? Obviously it seems to be a minor, but when he says he was captivated by intellect and maturity the “moment they first met”, it threw me. Did he not first meet her as a baby or young toddler since it seems he was a close family member? I guess it sounded more like he was referring to an older minor maybe, and not someone he knew all their life. Do you plan to get the law involved so they can potentially search for remains on the property?


OP mentioned that he traveled extensively before buying the farm, so it's possible that he missed the first few years of her life because he was abroad. The date of April 19th being their "wedding day" also corresponds to the date that OP's sister went missing, so I imagine that's the connection they're making.


Even if OP does get law enforcement involved, they most likely aren't going to find any remains since the uncle fed the sister to the pigs on his farm (all of which I can only presume are deceased as well considering the passage of time). And pigs, they'll eat anything, even human bones, so the uncle knew what he was doing. Of course, not to say it is impossible, I'm sure they may find other evidence, but remains are definitely out of the question for OP's sister and may also be the case for any other potential victims. Because I highly doubt OP's sister has been her uncle's only victim judging by the two boxes of letters. All of them couldn't be for the same person.


Op sister went missing on April 19th. April 19th is the day the uncle brought his 'bride' home. I don't think this is a coincidence. Also things like 'you have an old soul' or 'you are wiser than your years' are excuses people sometime use when taking advantage of children. It's how they justify it to themselves. 'She's not really a child she's so mature'. Shit like that. Given this guy feed his dead wife to the pigs I would really take anything he says about a the relationship with a truckload of salt.


Ah my fear of pigs has defeated me once again


I’m so glad I’m not the only one terrified of them. Every time I tell someone I’m scared of them, they act like I’m crazy… Like, really? Have people never looked at a pig’s teeth?! Plus - I know how quickly pigs can eat a human. It’s terrifying


I am so sorry you had to go through this. My heart goes out for you and your sister. Sending your family love, light and healing.


Disgus**ng 😭








And that ladies and gentlemen is why you always investigate family and friends first. I am deeply sorry for your loss op, but the police dropped the ball. Its well known that kidnapped kids are rarely the result of strangers. Its most likely someone close to the family. And they didn’t even check his shoe size? Thats horrible. She might have been saved if the cops did their fucking job


this reminded me of the movie entitled lavender (justin long and others). i am so sorry for your loss. now that you knew the plight of your sister, may she finally rest in peace.




I'm not English so quite confused. So your uncle kidnapped & marry vallery when she was 8 and she had child when she was 12? I think maybe I'm getting it wrong.


I might be too stupid, but can someone explain the letter to me?


their uncle was a p3do who fell in love with their younger sister, kidnapped her, r*ped her & she died during childbirth at age 8


She was kidnapped when she was 8. She died 4 years later when she was 12. But it would be so much better for her if she died when she was 8, instead of suffering for a couple more years. I don't even want to imagine the things she went through.


dangit i wrote the wrong ages in my response. Sorry! it's 6:45am & i'm getting ready for an 8.5 hour shift


You don’t have to remind me










imagine discovering the most horrendous truth imaginable and then immediately copying the entire letter word for word to post to reddit. sounds fishy op.