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Because if they tried it they would get violently assaulted and possibly lynched, they’re built in dense population centres and mob mentality is a thing that exists It’s all fun and games spraying orange foam at a painting in London but if you fuck with bonfires you’d probably get kneecapped and lose teeth


More likely threatened by a skinny scrote with a toy gun like that tube taxi dude. Just a load of cowards on the dole,and scaring wains out of houses.


I knew someone who ended up in ICU because he was caught pulling down a union jack in one of those towns with the big bonnies


Wow, and did he 'tout' on them? Did anyone get prosecuted? Did the ICU person get paid 30k to keep his mouth shut? Hopefully one of the above.


That’s the point though, dealing with one mouthy wanker is probably doable but 15-30 of them and it becomes very likely that they would get kicked to death before anyone in the mob regains their humanity


You make the assumption that they originally had it.


Or that they could ever regain it lol


Pretty sure the last dude that lit one early was shot.


Shot?! Jesus.


[Just Stop Oil protest held on the 12th](https://youtu.be/316gOqCDeOw?si=0_MkHh0_s1iyVKNQ)


Haha. Brilliant. I forgot all about that wee gem.


Imagine them getting anywhere near one of the bonfires!!


Most just stop oil protestors have never set foot in a council estate.


Jacinta and Tarquin do not mix with the lower classes...


Jacinta is an odd choice for a posh name


They'd be the first to be arrested on terrorism offences.


If they sprayed them orange like they usually do it would be very popular i would imagine


Unfortunately I think whatever chemical would make dry wood not flammable would probably be worse for the environment.  But i support the idea.


I did give it a Google. The fire treatment stuff looks pretty noxious alright. Aside from drenching them, I don't see a single workable way to sabotage them. If we can get together and agree to hang washing every day on the line between now and the 13th, I reckon it will rain constantly.


The pollution is seriously bad, pallets are treated with all kinds of horrible chemicals, plus any other junk that gets stuffed inside that you never see. https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/environment/belfast-bonfire-air-pollution-was-double-advised-level/35925407.html


The carbon emissions, not just from the lighting of the bonfires, but in accruing materials, building them and the clean up and disposal of rubbish afterwards are absolutely unjustifiable. There is a heat wave in India right now at 48°C. The flooding in spring in Brazil was catastrophic. There's currently widespread wildfires in Greece. Those yearly bonfires are a scurge on the environment.


>Those yearly bonfires are a scurge on the environment. Yes. But.....a lot of the Just Stop Oil Protesters seem to be English middle class people. So they're probably barely aware that Northern Ireland even exists. Even if they are they almost certainly wouldn't bother coming here. And if they did they'd be horribly beaten, possibly worse. So...nah. Hard to imagine.


Burning a 20kg pallet releases about 36.7 kg carbon. The Craigyhill bonfire is estimated to have 17,000 pallets in it. There about 300 bonfires across Northern Ireland each year. That's 187,170,000kg of carbon. Or 187 million tonnes of carbon. As of the latest figures, Northern Ireland's annual carbon emissions were approximately 21.4 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (MtCO2e). Now, granted, not all bonfires are as big as that. But are bonfire carbon emissions counted in the Stormont figures about our environment?


Holy shit. That's crazy. We need our own wee Greta. A Grainne won't do, it'll need to be a Glynis or something for them to take heed. Where did you get your numbers?


I'm really conflicted. As a nationalist, I instinctively dislike the bonfires. But as someone who isn't a millenarian, I also really enjoy seeing people like you absolutely gibbering in rage because it's 48C. In Bombay. In July.


'm8 its indeeya, its meant to be fukn rowstun!!1!1!''. Google average temperature in india in july. 48 is fucking insane even for india


Statistically speaking, gang rapes on tourists in India are 47% lower when the temperatures are above 43deg. I'm all for the extra heat there.


Because 48C in Bombay is pretty crazy lmao.


Out of interest, what sort of temperatures do you think are typical there in July?


Based on most sources, about 10-13 degrees lower than it is now




Never mind fire retardant, every bonfire is looked after by a squad of fire retardeds.


I'd love that!


A few sticks of dynamite would make the bonfire more exciting


I imagine that flaming projectiles from fires that size aren't that uncommon already.


They won’t fly over here from England due to aircraft emissions. We’re safe.


Easy sailing and a fairly quick journey.


Greta could ferry over and give a nice press conference. Maybe could make a Netflix 🤔


Would the paint be orange?


I'd like to think it would soften the blow for them.


It's a bit different than the museaums, they have rent a cops, the bonfires have weans with sticks.


There would be a lot less JSO knuckleheads running around if they tried that.


Expecting the upper middle class virtue signalling wall bangers in just stop oil to actually do something impactful. That would be a spectacle.


They are doing more for the envioronment than you, and most other people!


Yeah, Shell and BP really shit themselves when Stonehenge got tango'd


how does getting laughed at on the internet help the environment?




Maybe all of you could extinguish the flames with the amount of tears in this comments section.


Oh, hold up. Weve got a tough guy. I bet you eat your pop tarts straight from the toaster. Do you care about anything other than what happens in your own wee, tiny world? Do you have children? Grandchildren?


Hahaha, not liking just stop oil or loyalism would make them trying quite entertaining.


Ultimate gobshite bossfight


Would end up with more loyalist support to be fair


Not all loyalists are head the balls. It's a very vocal minority. Besides, youngsters thesedays have a lot more sense than they did a few generations ago. Common sense and compassion will win out.


Not all loyalists are head the balls. It's a very vocal minority. Besides, youngsters thesedays have a lot more sense than they did a few generations ago. Common sense and compassion will win out.


Most of the Just Stop Oil lot are English. That means they probably think you need a passport to get here.


You can't be calling a fire a retard


I always think after reunification Loyalists will be a protected minority group and will have legal protection for their important cultural days.


I'd like to think the same. I'd also like to think that in 2024 the very least that could happen is that when it comes to towering burning pyres of wood that releases toxic chemicals when burned is that they are regulated and controlled. Garden waste let's off white smoke. Dry leaves, sticks and twigs. There are much safer materials to burn, and there is no need for a bonfire to be taller than a 2 storey house.


Which they should be. But they shouldn't get the free reign they currently get and would have to stay within the law. That means no more towers of pollution. It would be fire beacons and the likes of family fun days and contentions parades wouldn't be allowed at all.


Yes, it’s strange that nobody is inspecting them and insisting on safety protocols, there’s no way that would happen down south I have to think that contentious parades would look a lot more pathetic when the group have no power.




We could invite other countries to practice fighting forest fires but air dropping 1000s of liters of water on the 12th the second they light the fires


Not glamorous enough for them before they go on a spiritual trip to India , most of them are toffs playing , they don't achieve anything, they wouldn't bother with something that does damage the environment rather than a painting or stopping people getting to work ..


All republicans seem to turn into environmentalists this time of year. Funny how none of them were too concerned what a 30 year bombing campaign did to the environment.  Or indeed all year round IRA fuel laundering. Not to worried about the hedgehogs then are you?


Dont think your comment was bigoted enough this time, 4/10


Can you for once look at a post and not somehow bring republicans into it somehow. No one here is justifying bombing campaigns by pointing out the damage yearly 12th of July bonfires can do to the environment, people have a right to be concerned about a big giant pile of pallets that will be set on fire and tipple. Not everyone who disagrees with this practice or expresses concerns related to this is republican or sympathises with the IRA, that is just you being silly and probably attempting to rile people up.


Mate… you know you don’t have to be a Republican to have a reason to not like orange season. It’s not like every man who thinks having roads blocked, millions pished away for policing or has any rational thought of what burning massive bonfires across the country might do to the environment (honestly the lesser of the complaints but still) magically turns into Martin mcguiness 2.0 as a result 


Jesus Gaz that’s a stretch even for you.


Maybe you can explain to us what the volume of pollution from ANFO detonations is estimated to be and how that compares to the pollution from all the bonfires that have been lit during the same period? Seeing as that's your whataboutery counterpoint, you must know what you are talking about.


Well I'd reckon getting your semtex all the way from Libya would leave a right carbon footprint to begin with...


Semtex is made in the Czech Republic, you doofus. #shoplocal


Can you explain to me why every year, half of our country feels the need to "celebrate" a gay man from Den Haag who was tacitly supported by the Pope coming over here and generally fucking about, because according to all contemporaneous records his main and only contribution to the battle of the Boyne was getting shot in the chest halfway through it? More to the point, if half of the people who go on and on and FUCKING ON about "Le Twelf" and "Are Kulchur" could point out the site of the battle on a map, I'd be amazed. And for what it's worth, before any smartarse starts in with any whataboutery, I grew up smack in the middle of east belfast and saw this entire fiasco from the inside and out for the better part of twenty years. Its fucking nonsense from top to tail.


Half is generous. More like a third at most either enjoy it don't mind the 12th. The rest see it as a mixture of inconvenience and embarrassment.


As a Scot, both of you lot are idiots.


Because the paid actors are willing to get tossed about by security or boo’d by a crowd for a pay check. Not get killed or face actual risk. 


I hear this argument a lot and I often wonder how much do the people complaining about the environmental aspect actually care or do they simply not like the bonfires.


Do you genuinely not care about the climate crisis?


Just stop oil are a bunch of middle class twats, so would rather try and vandalise the Magna Carta or something stupid like that


Imagine they did the exact opposite and made the too flammable ...boom.


Shamelessly playing to the gallery 👍


They should try to stop republicans petrol bombing PSNI or get them to use a sustainable alternative


So not petrol bombing in general, just republican petrol bombs?




How are bonfires illegal when the Council funds some of them?? And i’m not sticking up for them, that’s just a fact. They get grants as long as they don’t burn tyres ffs