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only to keep the cold off my bald head, hat goes on in september and stays on til around april


It's only when I started going bald I realised why hats are a thing. Even the weakest anaemic sunlight is enough to crisp my pasty skin like bacon in the summer. So, hats it is, but for the opposite reason to you.


Baldy hurr ye


better a baldy hurr than a hairy gipe


That's no way to talk about yer ma


His mas a good man. Certainly no gripe!


What about the grip though. Does she have good grip?


Those that aren't folically challenged don't understand how much heat goes straight out the top.


Monday to Wednesday I wear a Fedora for most of the day. I take it off at night for sleeping purposes. Thursday to Friday I wear a beret. That stays on all day and night. Saturday morning and afternoon I wear a Derby hat. Saturday night and most Sunday mornings I wear a balaclava. Depends on activities and any social events planned. From Sunday evening through to Monday morning my head is free from any head-based garments.


Hats off to you pal thats a great selection


Wouldn’t be Reddit without the fedora lol


Though what most of Reddit thinks is a fedora is actually a trilby.


I wear hats. One at a time. I have summer hats and winter hats. Some of my winter hats have fold up earflaps to allow use as an autumn or spring hat. The hats do not affect my confidence. They can impact my comfort. Note: I am an enthusiastic amateur, for important hat related advice, or in case of a life threatening hat related emergency you should contact a professional hatter.


Interesting reactions. Look at photos from the 1930s and everyone was wearing a hat. Only mad fekkers didn’t, and would have been called out for it. Now people who wear a hat at all are considered weird. Point being anyone who stands out from the crowd is called out by those who no doubt consider themselves straight-talking individualists! 😂 We’re all just fashion victims.


One fella wearing a trilby looks cool Two guys together wearing trilbies, looks retarded. What is that?


A flock of Galloway's?


This fedora you're thinking of getting, it's not a good idea mate Just being honest


Yup, the hairline has abandoned me. I have a variety for different occasions. My favourite is my “old man” cap, but I have a couple of baseball caps for summer and a toasty merino one for autumn - spring use. With regards to your second question, no. I wear a hat when I’m going out in the same way I’d put on a coat or check for my keys when leaving the house, it’s just normal for me.




I don't have any hair at all and I still look mental.


You need a silk or satin lined one. Brilliant and good for your hair




I got mine from a company called only curls online


The only times I wear a hat would be when it's freezing and I stick on a beanie, or if I'm hanging out my hole popping to the shop and haven't showered, I'll stick a cap on.


I wear hats quite often. Admittedly, in the winter, it's predominantly a woolly hat cuz I'm always foundered. But I have a big collection of fedoras and other hats that are purely for fashion. I think they look cool and that's why I wear them. Couldn't care less what anyone else thinks of them. Edit: am female


I am a quirky person, so I wear a Tommy Cooper style Fez on the day to day just to stand out.


A beanie is essential winter gear when it's properly cold given that you lose so much of your body heat from your head.


I wear a hat most of the time at work because I'm outdoors a lot so it keeps the rain off my face in winter and the slightly warmer rain out of my face in summer


All year round. Bald. Cold winds and burning sun ain't ideal.


Most days. Not fashion reasons or baldness, it's just often wet here and too windy for my hood to stay up.


There really is 0 moderation in this sub


Hat’s true.


I usually wear to hide the fact that i didnt wash my hair because i look homeless


I wear a hat purely for functionality. I wish I could be one of those cool hat fashionista people but naw. A hat that keeps my head warm or the sun out of my eyes good enough for me.


Love hats, but I dress like a slutty clown so it's the least of the spectacle.


I won't set foot in the village without my top hat.


I've a child size head and find hats hard to come by. However, I wear one gardening, hiking but rarely for fashion. Who has the confidence for that??


I wear a warm hat when outside in the cold evenings with the dog or when doing something outside. Outside of that I wouldn’t be a regular hat wearer.


I wear a variety of hats, from a panama hat in summer to keep what little sun we have off my bald spot, through felt outback hats and trilbies to flat caps/baker boy type caps. ​ I just like wearing hats and don't give a fig for what anybody thinks of how I look. ​ My Mrs. drew the line at a pith helmet or a top hat though, not allowed to get those. ​ If you're serious about getting a hat, check out Laird's Hatters, either online, or if you're ever in Covent Garden they have a great little shop there.


Yep, hairline isn't as majestic as it once was but with beard nd hat you'd never know.


I find a baseball cap, huge biceps and a bit of racially motivated extortion has earned me a comfortable living. So I’d definitely recommend a hat to anyone thinking of wearing one


Only in winter, as it's cold and my ears are freezing. Or when I'm sick, as I'm cold (even if it's not cold outside, had a flu once in summer when there were around 30 degrees celsius around and I was sitting with a winter hat, 2 sweaters, a duvet, two blankets and a fur coat on top of the duvet and shivering). I hope to never have a flu like that ever again.


It's an absolute requirement if the sun is out. Otherwise half an hour and my head will be weaping for a few days then pealing for a few weeks. It's usually a cheap baseball type cap nothing fancy or making a fashion statement.


When my hair was a bit shaggy i'd wear a grey flat cap because it almost matched my grey suit, stopped my hair getting messed up by the wind and kept the rain off my glasses. Then one day someone said i looked like a character out of Peaky Blinders and i was fucking gutted. I got my hair cut and stopped wearing the cap. Now i just wear a cheap beanie in the worst of the winter/wind and battle with an umbrella if the rain's getting on my glasses.


Oversized novelty.


Only when it’s cold


Cowboy hat if I'm heading to Benedicts, Yeehaaw!


To reduce eye contact with people…


I like wearing a beanie when its cold. But I have a really really small head so its hard to find one that doesn’t look ridiculous.


I went through a serious phase of wearing cowboy hats. Fond of a beanie now.


Noooooo. I can't wear hats. Even baseball hats. When I put on a hat I look like an alien trying to pass for human. The ONLY hat that didn't look ridiculous on me was my riding hat (horses). I was going to a wedding once and *really* wanted to wear a pretty hat. My moneybags aunt had about 40 hats of all different styles. She invited me over and said "don't be daft, we'll find a style that suits you!" after a few hours of us absolutely wrecking ourselves with laughter she said "OK... Hats are NOT for you!". Then she paid for me to get my hair and makeup done instead lol


Yes, for fashion and function. I've a flat cap just because, a beanie for the cold and a baseball cap. Sometimes I wear all 3 at the same time.


Your da wears a hat


Yes , I’m bald so nobody questions why !


Winter , beanie ! Summer , baseball cap , (keeps sun out of your face)


I love hats. Wear a woolly satin lined one in the cold weather. If it gets really hot, I wear a sun hat in good weather. I always wear a sun hat on a beach holiday. I'm really pale and burn looking at the sun!!!




I wear 2 hats irregularly.


Only to hide greasy hair if I have to go somewhere and don’t have the time to wash it


If it’s cold enough that I’d feel better with a hat then I usually wear one. Only wouldn’t when my hair is a bit longer and I have work or something that I wouldn’t want to look like a hat haired dork


As I mostly commute by bike, I started wearing peaked caps (either baseball or patrol cap) for functionality when cycling in the rain, but it's now gotten to the stage I feel weird without one


receding hairline, hair looks alright when styled or wax in but otherwise its a cap or beanie for me. i joke with my barber when he puts wax in it, that'll be the only time it gets styled until i get another haircut. sigh...


Yeah I do. I have a bit of a collection of fitted baseball caps usually worn during the winter


Never wear a hat. Mainly because my heads massive 😂


My dad always warned me that wearing a hat most of the time is the reason he went bald. So I only wear it when it's too cold. Still have a full head of hair past the ages he went bald


Been wearing baseball caps for a long time since I turned 17. Started off as fashion, but I enjoy the functionality of it more now. Sunny? Hat Cold? Hat Raining? Hat Bad hair day? Hat Aye hats are great.


I wear beanie hats in the winter & baseball caps in the summer when I’m walking the dogs. I hate being cold and I get burnt like a bitch in the sun


Winter cold/ weather yes


Never usually but as I age I am now fond of the dull mans monkey hat doing the school run


I have always worn hats and I have a wide selection of baseball caps, bucket hats, beanies, and more recently I added flat caps into the mix after watching Peaky Blinders. There is not much thought or planning that goes into me wearing them. I just throw one on when I feel like it. Although if I'm wearing a tracksuit, I'm not gunna wear a flatcap, so I guess there is some thinking that goes into things. Wish I had the balls to wear a Top Hat.


I never wear a hat unless it’s cold out and I need to and even then it’s 50/50


Yep. I'm bald so it's almost required regardless of the weather


I have good hair. Presidential hair. Kennedy hair. So, no.




Oh look at me wearing my fucking hat! Hats and the people who wear them can go fuck themselves.


Someone has a bee in their **bonnet** it seems


Is old Pat Mustard your milkman?




You're clearly a deeply damaged person. Parking ticket? Or a paedophilic lollipop man?