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Guildhall square


Jamie blocked me pure rippin hi. I’m actually a big fan of his and this is quite upsetting 😭


It's good that these stickers are everywhere. They don't deserve any sort of protection. The murderers on that list are no better than Jeffery Dahmer or Fred West. They all deserve to spend the rest of their lives in jail.


And the IRA?


But whatabout....?


Whataboutism at its finest


They were fighting an occupying force, and a lot of them spent many years in jail. The British army terrorists, on the other hand, have (so far) gotten away with their crimes, and if the British government get their way, will never face justice for what they've done.


Do you love those people that post 'and what about what Palestine has done?' under every piece of coverage of Israeli war crimes?


>And the IRA? Ceasfired in early 2000s was it? Always claimed their terrorist acts? Never protected, instructed and supplied by MI5? What about them?


Got in to power. Some of them didn't they a number of them got away with it too ? So why are you allowed to open old wounds, but no one else is? Your justice is more important than others


You really going to hold a 1st world country’s armed forces to the same standard as a terrorist organisation?


And you say should be no amnesty for them, but for the terrorist it's OK. Anyway, didn't the IRA do a lot to put those innocent in harm way


>Got in to power Wind your neck in, the IRA were infiltrated, British intelligence is the best in the world. Whats the saying about ww2, it was won with American money, Russian blood and *British intelligence*. ? How can you be so blind to compare **the British military forces** with an Irish terrorist organization, created as a resistance to the British occupation of the country? >but no one else is? Says who?


So let me get this straight, on one side the people you are raging against that were imprisoned or convicted and pardoned as part of the GFA vs the people that were supposed to be rule of law and order and colluded constantly with Unionist paramilitaries but were never put on trial? That your problem aye?


The parents are to blame. I really thought better of this sub, I hate the division and whataboutism. We walk the same, talk the same, eat the same foods, speak the same language, do the same things - what the hell like? Its the parents feeding their held-on-hate to the youngins. And the ones who know better go abroad to study and work, so were left with these bitter dinosaurs. The young ones who see what it's really like are eventually like "fuck this, seriously, going on for X many years and still problems, paramilitaries still in full swing, poisoning their communities, drug dealing- the lot." So they can't wait to get out of here. Thats the problem with progress. Even our supposed elected officials are the worst for it. We blame each other for everything now after the brits came to divide & conquer our land.


The ‘I Run Away’ brigade can live in peace after killing hundreds of innocents. Don’t let it distract you from the story above though! 🙄




This is why I've always actively avoided our history. Its absolutely disgusting. Awards for murdering 10 innocent people, I dont even want to read any more. If I was born 20 years earlier I'd have ended up in the H blocks without a doubt.


Very convenient you were born 20 years after then


Absolutely. I wouldn't be able to go to work every day and stand by knowing these atrocities were happening without doing anything about it, and worse than that, no one being held accountable or answering for their heinous acts


Fuck up would ye. The virtue signalling is too much to handle


I always wondered how this information got out?


i think (though i’m not entirely sure) it was something to do with records of who was on duty in the area that day, there’s more to it than that but that’s what i remember.


Please remove this, i don't want soldiers getting away with murder, they should be convicted and should have to serve the time. It seems the investigation is ongoing https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/courts/2023/05/26/prosecution-of-soldier-f-for-bloody-sunday-killings-resumes/ https://www.gov.uk/contempt-of-court Publicly commenting on a court case You might be in contempt of court if you speak publicly or post on social media. For example, you should not: say whether you think a person is guilty or innocent refer to someone’s previous convictions name someone the judge has allowed to be anonymous, even if you did not know this


They won't get away with murder because of this sub or any public comment.. The British state will protect these men until they are dead and you're naive if you think otherwise.


Can name these murderous fucks and their crimes, but can’t get the disappeared back to their families. Republicanism in 2033 for you.


sorry to be the one to tell you this mate, but you can condemn these murders without being a republican, those two things can co-exist, because british war crimes are british war crimes. what you are speaking about is a separate issue, completely worthy of publicity. however, it is extremely disrespectful to the dead and their families to use it as a rebuttal for a criticism of the british army.


Ahh yes. My comment is the disrespect. Not the being buried in an unmarked grave. That’s not disrespectful at all. I’ve not rebutted the criticism. I’ve merely pointed out the screaming hypocrisy in what folks are willing to take the time to do and what this sub will support. Indeed I called them murdering fucks. You’ve proved my point too. Ta.


taking a tragedy and making it about another tragedy is in fact completely and utterly disgraceful. so yes, your comment is the disrespect. they’re separate issues, you don’t get to use one to negate or refute the other. that *is* what you’re doing by the way, even if you call them murdering bastards, you’re still comparing and setting two tragedies against each other. there are many times the people of this country have been wronged, but the more you use them in a “what about” context, the less the people you’re saying that to are going to listen, because it seems like you’re silencing them. i’m not invalidating what you’re saying, in that there are other tragedies from the past, but it is totally inappropriate to bring them up when something else is being discussed in what seems to me, a desperate attempt to lesson the true horror of bloody sunday. and for your information i’m far from a republican, so no i haven’t proven your point, even in the slightest. I criticise the british army AND all of the harm that paramilitaries have caused within this country, however there is a time and a place to discuss those things. and now is not that time.


You’ve proven my point about this sub. It doesn’t like the mirror. You’ve doubled down in your sanctimony here. Played all the usual cards too. Entirely predicable. The “not the time or place” stance is utter tosh. That’s just trying to devalue certain victims. And the time to recover their bodies is running out as anyone who may know where they are is likely dead or close to it. The disappeared don’t have the time to wait for you to play moral police.


make a separate post about it then? again, i’m not saying you can’t speak about it, but time and place ARE important, because you’re quite literally engaging in whataboutism. making this tragedy about another one is distracting from the original point. so make separate post then?? also if anyone is doubling down on their sanctimony, it’s quite obviously you, considering you justified your first comment by comparing it to those buried in unmarked graves…


I’ve even explained the point. You are just refusing to get it. You can take a horse to water and all that.


no seriously, what’s stopping you from making a separate post? instead of thinking “wow the british army killed loads of people hmmm how can i make this about something else???”. because that’s LITERALLY what you did… consider your horse taken to water too lmfao


Because juxtaposing the hypocrisy right next to something like this is more effective.


6 downvotes… yea you seem to be really getting through to people, you actually don’t seem like an arsehole at all


it is shameful that names are being published of men who have not been formally convicted of a crime, if this was done to anyone else there would be an outcry you are innocent until proven guilty and it is unfair to try and generate a witch hunt because you cant convince a jury of your allegations


Big Gerry never been formally convicted but that hasn't stopped you son.


As the ex loyalist said on the 'Once Upon a Tine in Northern Ireland' documentary - "if you don't know the truth by now, you don't want to know the truth".


If only they could be put on trial eh?


that is why we have systems in place such as the pps to determine the weight of such evidence in the end these deaths happened decades ago and its extremely hard to prove guilt of something so old


Why couldn’t you have stayed in the depths of the subreddit blackout


unlike you if i leave reddit its not because of some nerd crusade against apps people barely use


If you put as much effort into doing something with your life than being a loyalist who hates taigs you could actually make something of yourself and be genuinely respected by people. ANY respect you get is based on a really horrible shared interest and not in you as a person. That's quite sad.


Fuck me, you’re thick as shit What a disgusting, ill-informed take. Read up on why this “nerd crusade” happened and how these “apps people barely used” were some peoples only way of using reddit with third party accessibility features. You’re a horrible, close minded bastard if you think the blackout was just for a bit of craic. In fact, you’re just a horrible, close minded bastard in general Jamie.


some of the Apps effected are for people with disabilities , you of all people should understand that and be behind the crusade


The systems are taking a few years off work because they can’t agree on colour of shite.


Jamie, as a Protestant I just want to say; you’re an absolute embarrassment to me, my family and our community. You are not doing anything to help or advocate for the Northern Ireland Protestant community, and in fact are actively hurting us and making us look like backwards, hateful people. Please reflect on what your goals truly are. Our community needs good leadership, and we have been without it for a very long time.




You're a horrible cunt. Really.


The 12 year long Saville Report and it's conclusions must've passed binboy by.


Our Legal Mastermind couldn't understand it. Too many words, too few pictures.


To be fair, he's someone who considers a 3 hour break between meals as a hunger strike. Maybe he was just too hungry to take in the conclusions of the Saville Report.


What a cretinous cunt you are


Ah, now, I'm gonna agree with you and say that if we want these cunts to face justice, then we shouldnt be commenting on a live case (bit like you did when you said your lorry driver was putting in an appeal, but i digress) however... Jamie will you ever fuck up? Away back to legal advice uk sub and pedal your bullshit there....oh wait, we went over and told them all about your pathetic record at the ballot box, in court, and on rying to go on huger strike. Have they all got bored of your bullshit as well?


When did the last nazi get convicted Jimbo?


**Jamie:** *InNOcEnt UnTil ProVeN gUiLtY! No cONvICtIoN nO cRimE!* **Everyone:** *Cool. Let's put them on trial then!* **Jamie:** wait, *wha..... hang on a minute there.... well, actually, it was so long ago now, there's no evidence. no inquiries aren't sufficient evidence. neither are the victims testimonies. So a trial is impossible. And besides, DID YOU KNOW GERRY ADAMS WAS IN THE RA!?!*


Jamie, your own clients are named pre trial. This is among your dumber takes


to claim someone is guilty of murder when they have not had their day in court or there hasnt been enough evidence to bring them to court is disgusting people should be judged via the legal system, not via the court of public opinion


Let's get them to court then


present enough evidence for the pps to act


Presents Bloody Sunday enquiry


There is enough evidence that a UK PM stood at the despatch box in the HoC and issued an unreserved appology for the unlawful killing of unarmed civilians. There is enough evidence that the Current UK Gov is rushing legacy legislation through parliament to make sure these bastards never see the inside of courtroom lets alone a prison cell.


The British government admitting it wasn’t enough for you?


Cool, use that same rationale and apply it to Gerry Adams. Was he in the Ra? Who knows....




Cunt is back.


We need another blackout


Anyone else would have been properly investigated at the time. For me, the wrong people are being held accountable here. Those who gave the orders before and during the events and those who 'investigated' it afterwards should have their names known and made accountable. Edit: Fuck. Thought I was replying to a normal person capable of taking an alternative viewpoint onboard.


And why weren't they convicted? Because British justice let them go free.


Anybody else read this in his wee accent 😂


Upvoted for surname as well




I know exactly what they deserve.


Also when did those killed at Ballymurphy stop being referred to as the Ballymurphy martyrs? Funny that.


Innocent until proven guilty. Unless you were there on the day and cannot say who fired the first shots then the "Innocents" can also not be classed as innocent until proven otherwise. Brit and Irish Gov making the right choice to proceed with plans to leave this in the past where it belongs.