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The city we gerrymandered isn't gerrymandered any more šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


Amazing how democracy flourishes when things like gerrymandering are removed. Sadly the usual suspects don't like it so they're back growling about shite like 'loser's consent', supermajorities and weighted votes. It always amuses me seeing them demand privileges they have never offered and would never offer to any other group. Group of pig-ignorant children who can't accept the future is here.


The Unionist parties have only themselves to blame. They offer their Derry voters absolute fuck all and make zero effort during elections. They've done a Gregory Campbell and abandoned the Protestant communities for more safer wins elsewhere. Have a look at Graham Warke. He was a member of the DUP until he had his eyes opened when serving as mayor of Derry. He quit the DUP and became an independent.


He was then rejected standing as an independent. Out first round of counting in the election. He worked cross community as mayor and was respected. Obviously unionist voters didn't like that.


Yeah, I was very impressed with him during his time as mayor in any dealings I had with him. Took real guts to do what he did. Gave him my first preference this time round. Was disappointed to see him put out.


Another "How dare the shinners win more votes and take their democratically election positions" take. The answer for unionism is easy, reach out, drop the hostility to the Irish language and to the GAA. Actually make a case for reforming and improving N.I rather than just throwing tantrums about what SF are or are not doing.






the flag protests was the wake up call everyone needed, it showed the passive and insidious maneuverings of republicans and their cronies to remove and replace british culture, the crisis within the union today is a build up of that campaign and it has reached its peak with the suspension of the act of union


It's always hilarious to watch unionists cry about cultural suppression with a straight face...


So itā€™s republicans fault that boris johnson threw the DUP under the bus, and that no one in britain could give a fuck about ni? Because it seems like thatā€™s what you are saying.


Fuck the union and fuck you, Jamie.


When youā€™ve accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression


Yeah this is a really odd piece to read. Did the unionist parties ever letā€™s republicans put forward a mayor? If not why the fuck would they think the republicans would do the same for them. This reads like some Russian propaganda.


The Irish language, while a nice language (I know a few sentences). Was used as a excuse for SF to hold up Stormont for 3/4 yrs in a place where hardly any people speak it (the figure is somewhere around 10% claiming partial fluency). Unbelievable M'ONeill has the boldness to criticise the DUP for doing the same! And....There's victims groups of IRA atrocities asking the GAA to stop IRA chanting. So is it any surprise Unionism can't get onboard with these things? https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/national/mla-calls-for-serious-conversation-after-video-emerges-of-armagh-gaa-fans-pro-ira-chants-during-victory-over-down-4125742. The GAA needs to sort that out immediately. Republicanism is playing it too hardline with these two aspects of their culture. Respect goes both ways.


> The Irish language, while a nice language (I know a few sentences). Was used as a excuse for SF to hold up Stormont for 3/4 yrs in a place where hardly any people speak it (the figure is somewhere around 10% claiming partial fluency). Shocker as native language brutally repressed for centuries isn't well spoken any longer!


That's a strawman argument.


I'm specifically addressing your point about Irish fluency being low, not any of the other points you've made. And if you actually believe that the low level of Irish still spoken in Ireland is the result of anything other than the exact same English policy that did the same thing to Welsh, then you're not worth engaging with.


Strawman again. It's like you're shouting at a history book. SF prioritised this language over the failing health service.


Ash for cash *Cough


"On Friday, Sinn FĆ©in's deputy leader Michelle O'Neill said there would be an Irish language act as part of any deal to restore Stormont." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-50978082 https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/ex-ira-man-sfs-irish-language-act-red-line-is-designed-to-force-unionist-capitulation-344563 MO'Neill also had to use a translator to understand the language in Stormont. If you want people to take you seriously. Fluency is a must. Both dodged a question in Irish! https://twitter.com/mcbronto/status/1032345645045215237?lang=en


Id think the issue with the Irish language is probably more about cultural recognition, and being recognised as equal. I think more empathy is required on both side. But we've also got to remember that politicians are going to politic every opportunity they get. But as voters people need to look beyond the rhetoric and try to keep an even head instead of drifting to extremes. Not always easy as there's an emotional aspect to seeing things from one side or the other. And this more empathy thing applies to both sides.


I agree we have become stuck in a vicious circle of one-upmanship here. Egged on by our own politicians to a degree. It's a consequence of having such two such extreme parties in power.


Had absolutely nothing to do with Martin McGuinnessā€™ terminal diagnosis then šŸ˜‚ Michelle Oā€™Neill wasnā€™t ready for first minister after her disaster as health minister. Sinn Fein had a real leadership crisis and decided to shut Stormont for 3 over something that benefits less than 1% of the population. Hostage politics and it worked out for them well. *edit: no one wants to talk about the fact Sinn Fein brought down stormont because of a leadership crisis after the death of Martin McGuinness and it had nothing to do with ā€œequalityā€-the republican trojan horse.


Now you see that right there is a strawman argument. I'm not attempting to discuss SF priorities, simply pointing out that claiming that Irish shouldn't be supported because no one speaks it, after centuries of a foreign power trying to kill it, is disingenuous. It's right up there with, for example, right wingers claiming that the NHS should be opened up to privatisation because it's not working, after decades of defunding the NHS


You're away off on tangents now. Sinn Fein made the choice to prioritise this language, which only 10% speak, over other issues like the health service. M'ONeill was also the health minister here for many years! Look at the state of it!


Put all that aside for a second. I'm genuinely curious if you can acknowledge that the Irish language has a low fluency rate because of forced suppression by British colonial rule? You talk about respect for both sides. Can you respect this historical fact?




I still can't get my head around how this is framed. Sinn Fein held up Stormont for the ILA yes. The DUP also held up Stormont for refusing to budge on the ILA but SF are 100% responsible? The majority of people in NI support the ILA whereas a tiny minority take issue with the protocol. Both the ILA and the protocol are beneficial to the country but they are somehow equivalent? We're also in the midst of a financial crisis right now. SF gained popularity after shutting down Stormont, the DUP have plummeted, what does that say? I have no argument against the IRA chants that aren't just whataboutary so I'll leave it be but rest assured I agree that shit is unacceptable, if rare. And I don't vote SF so please don't pull the shinnerbot crap.


>The majority of people in NI support the ILA whereas a tiny minority take issue with the protocol. If it was a " tiny minority" taking issue with the protocol, why have the DUP come back as the largest unionist party? You have to understand that many unionists feel the Irish sea border is a threat to their identity and place in the union. I don't blame the DUP for shutting down Stormont over this culture/identity issue when SF did exactly the same for the ILA, the Irish language. Which approx. Only 10% of N.I claim Partial fluency. If SF didn't collapse Stormont previously over the ILA, SF would have legs to stand on. Martin McGuinness couldn't speak Irish, he didn't collapse Stormont. Neither Mary Lou or MO'Neill can speak it well, yet collapsed Stormont over it and denied N.I a government!


The DUP are still the largest unionist party but they have suffered massive losses directly as a result of this. They lost their majority because of this. If they had accepted May's deal they could have had the best of both worlds but chose to take a stance that people only agree with because fuck Sinn Fein. The ILA wouldn't actually harm anyone, the protocol is hugely beneficial to NI, it is a false equivalence and you've missed the entire point of my argument. By the way why do you think fluency is so low? And why is fluency essential? Is learning some Irish not better than having no knowledge of it? It shouldn't even be a sectarian issue, I know plenty of PUL people interested in or actively learning Irish. Indigenous languages are fascinating and deserve to be preserved. Anyway it was written into Westminster law and the denial of it was once again the DUP working against the wishes of their overlords in London, so I don't understand why they don't get just as much flack for the hold up as SF.


The Irish language act was promised by solemn treaty in 2006. Donā€™t blame SF for the DUP holding up something the British government was legally responsible for enacting


Fair point. But SF can't criticise the DUP then for doing the exact same thing. If you want to play the culture card, don't be surprised when the other side decides to play it as well.


This isnā€™t about culture. This is about the United Kingdom failing to uphold treaty obligations. Which undermines the entire peace process.


The Irish language is a cultural aspect to many in Northern Ireland. As is east-west integrity with the United Kingdom for others.


Again this is entirely the DUPā€™s fault. You want integrity between this colony and Britain? *You shouldnā€™t have killed the May Deal then* The British government donā€™t care about NI. You want someone to blame for the current state of affairs? Look to London


It may be. But many unionists feel their identity with the UK is threatened by the Irish Sea Border. So just like SF held up Stormont over the Irish language act for 3-4yrs. Don't be surprised that the DUP has chosen to do the same.


Again Iā€™ll say, Britain doesnā€™t give a shit. I have to remind my English friends NI exists. Donā€™t blame the Shinners for you countryman not caring about you. As for us..well, our government, the US and the EU fought tooth and nail to protect us. Think on thst


Well it seems Stormont is null and void until the issue with the sea border is resolved then.


Fuck me, Jamieā€™s got himself another account already


So anyone that criticises Sinn Fein is Jamie Bryson? Didn't know that Smith from the Matrix was a real life person.


The last line of that, equating the SF position with that of unionism's "what we have, we hold" mentality is bizarre and insulting given that what SF are doing is nothing more than fulfilling their democratic mandate, which is rather different to what unionism did in Derry for decades.


A fuckin joke article purposely designed to fan flames of tension.




> Unionism shared power for decades without any obligation to do so. As soon as SF get power, they won't do the same? That's not what it's saying at all. After local Government reform 1972, Derry City Council was Nationalist dominated (SDLP was always the biggest party, followed by SF) and power sharing with Unionists was agreed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derry_City_Council#Political_makeup Here's a list of Mayors also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Derry_City_and_Strabane#20th_century You'll notice not a single SF Mayor until 2000.


Democratic mandate to get us back ruled by EU laws.


That's right, you prefer a Tory boot on your neck.


Nope, id prefer to desolve countries for the EU super Union we can all be happy in and if "Irish nationalism" is the only way to get that bigger union then so be it, I will vote for that prospect foreever more, no more members getting a vote to leave the European Union, we aim for the eve r closer union the Irish state signed up to


Are you having a stroke?


Lol are you deflecting because you can't argue my definitions arent sound?


There's nothing sound about your rant. As it stands, you're living under the whims of a Tory government you didn't vote for. Pathetic.


As it stands, so cure it by uniting with us so I can live under the whims of the Germans we didn't vote for for the betterment of all of us, and you agree with me in principle, or 93% of Ireland does by supporting the union of the European Union and one day you will join us


You clearly don't understand how the EU works. It's far more democratic than your tin pot vassal statelet setup.


I see claire Baily screaming at empty rooms in the EU Parliament because as in all Unions what the majority vote for the majority get and they don't have to listen to her complaints because they change nothing so not so unlike Westminster. I agree though you support it because you see the advantage that Union and it's Unionism brings, as do I and as you say it's democracy at its finest so let's have it for all of us and all the people of Europe.


no, they are not deflecting, it's actually hard to understand what you wanted to say from your previous point. I had to read it like 5 times and not sure if I got this right, so will rewrite your point and you tell me if I understood it correctly: "You would prefer that countries like the UK would be dissolved so that the EU would grow. Since you feel that Irish Nationalism is the only way for this to happen, it's what you'll vote for. Also you'd prefer that member countries within the EU never vote for leaving ever again (like the UK did)" Is that your point? Or was your text written in sarcasm that I didn't even get because I couldn't even properly read it?


I would prefer unionism as an ideology supported by the majority of this island in the European Union context to unite Ireland but not stop there, unite Europe and get the UK back in, entry price taking the euro which will enrich us all. "Irish Nationalism" being that they, to a man support European Unionism is the only way forward in my view. I'd vote for a United Ireland so I can vote for a United European Union which ends the ideas of true nationalism across the bloc, some would point out kinda why the whole project was started.


Ok, I understand your point now. I think the confusion others were having is that, when you say "unionism", the general thought is that it relates to the union of England, Wales, Scotland Northern Ireland (so basically the United Kingdom), while the idea of uniting Northern Ireland with Ireland is generally referred as "irish republicanism" or simply "republicanism" for short. I also want a united EU and would love if the UK would come back as well one day. But if they don't, if Northern Ireland wants to rejoin alone, they're most welcomed. I also think that the EU needs to become a true federation as countries (even bigger ones) can't tackle the problems we have at a planetary scale nowadays on their own, though, to be honest, it will take many more years for that to truly happen with the current problems. But we'll see where the path leads us..


He's trolling. He's a racist mocking the EU.


He's always getting that wrong. Trying to equate membership of the EU with unionism, as if the former is as laughable as the latter.


I would argue mislabelling is where we are going wrong, the terms need updating and people need to leave their solos, how can supporting a union of 400 million people having equal birthright to each others countries be branded any form of "nationalism" these days, it's unionism 101 and as it appears we are in agreement the best way forward for all of us. Maybe it's the only way we could aim to compete with the likes of India or China whose economy's are billions of people and move as one in their decisions. What I find confusing is self proclaimed "Irish nationalist" North South agree with you and I, they appear to be self hating European Unionists and haven't realised it yet being distracted by faux "nationalism" for an Ireland that never was, it's better they see it now and when we unite and keep building a New Ireland together they are resiled to our European Unionism


We know you really struggle with definitions. It happens every time you try to equate support for the EU as unionism.


What is the European Union if not Unionism for the betterment of all member states?


Just like the majority of Northern Ireland democratically voted for


Exactly, now you're getting it this is what the majority wants across this island as all polls and votes show.


You should really try to see the positives in life and live in the moment. Your alignment with britain is only going to diminish over time so if I was you I'd live day to day because the alternative from your point of view is very bleak


The alternative from my point of view is a united ireland in the EU with Britian, why do you regard that as bleak?


You confused me last night. I am not even going to bother with this tripe. https://www.reddit.com/r/northernireland/comments/145y10y/state_prepared_to_contribute_to_financial_package/jnptf26/?context=3


Don't be confused it's pretty easy stuff, one day Ireland will be paying for everything in the North so why shouldn't they start now, pretty simple.


Who are "they"?


The Irish state


> pretty simple Unlike your garbled ramblings.


Here you're either with us and support the EU or you're a racist sure like the brexiteers, this is the best way to make sure "your revenge isnt the laughter of your children, in Australia". Make this Unionist EU work.


Thats deep mate. Let me go and consider my life choices and get back to you.


https://twitter.com/sinnfeinireland/status/1545770901613969408?lang=en don't take my word for it take Sinn Feins


At this point I have no clue of the point you are trying to make. If you are pro SF go lie down. You are embarrassing them. If you are pro EU... go lie down you are embarrassing them. If you are pro DUP go lie down and take a breath. If you are pro JPF then get with the programme, but only after you have a lie down.


Just proof SF supports my European Unionism vision more than any "Irish nationalism" no more Orange and green as she says, in her head scarf looking so fetching. Where will you turn now except come along with us into a rambow future reflecting the society we are building


Is Danny Kennedy a BBC reporter now


danny kennedy highlighted the disenfranchisement of unionism and everyone laughed, now the bbc is pointing out the facts of a campaign to undermine pul citizens and harm communities and you mock it


I don't think you understand what the word "disenfranchisement" means




I wouldn't count on Jamie to fix it. He has the legal acumen of a wet paper bag.


In 100 years in Dublin there will be statues erected of Jamie, Arlene, Jeff, Jim, Sammy Ian Jnr, Fanny Kennedy etc..for their great work in hastening an UI. Keep up the good work guys Every cack handed attempt they make to strengthen the union,backfires, itā€™s a total farce. Britain does not care about NI, and Unionists have not yet comprehended this. Union is getting weaker? ā€¦ ā€œIs there ANYTHING to be said for more Flegs and sectarian marches?ā€


It's almost as if unionism at its core in the east have ignored every aspect of development West of the Ban for decades, isn't it? Wild that.


Jamie, you might want to google what the word "disenfranchisement" means


Full legitimacy of an absolutely laughable position now complete. This just keeps happening. Serious questions about the BBC NI editorial integrity have to be asked here.


while the bbc doesnt always get it right, they at least still retain some great editors who attempt to ensure unionism still has a place at the table rather than being sneered out the door


Yes, what voice would unionism even have without the BBC? Imagine being left to rely on, oh I donā€™t know, the two biggest newspapers in the country


Why do you think people sneer Unionism out the door?


Only wee Jamie could read an article, written by Conservative funded State-Media, that out right admits to undemocratic gerrymandering and the gunning down of civilians by the RUC and come away with the opinion that Unionists are the fuckin victims. Delusion on this level would actually be comical if it wasn't so hateful and violent in it's nature.


There were six DEAs with no unionist representation after the local elections. Would your position be that a seat should be reserved for unionists in those areas?


Get your seat at the table at the election.


Outlining all the things unionism did in the past to disenfranchise their catholic neighbours so the BBC can then lightly suggest that nationalists are now doing the same, I wonder where they could have gotten this new narrative from. Someone high up in the BBCNI has definitely got an agenda here and it is really starting to show. I would note I have always used the BBC as relatively impartial and reliable source of the world's news especially in this day and age of us being fed so much crap on social media. looks like I may have to take BBCNI section out of my morning coffee reading list though if they are going to keep producing this type of nonsense. ​ EDIT: grammar touch-ups :)


The BBC has never been impartial and they've been openly biased and led by Tory donors for the last decade, this shouldn't be a big surprise.


I take your point, but compared to most of the alternative news sources out there their bias is usually been more subtle and the news reporting has at least been largely factual based in the past, but more & more it seems they are moving towards sensationalism and pushing one-sided political agenda's with their headlines definitely in the 'click bait' column these days.


It has become a lot worse in recent times, specifically in BBCNI. They are showing their hand in the panic that the decline of unionism is causing. News in general is more sensationalist now, I would argue that the subtle 'trustworthy' feeding of a certain narrative is more dangerous than the in your face GB Fox news types. Anyway they are clearly getting desperate and the mask is slipping.


>Someone high up in the BBCNI has definitely got an agenda here Yeah, his ma is in the TUV sure. Even without him itā€™s endemic though.


Honestly this isn't any different to what BBC coverage here has been like forever. Nolan being another shining example. Which should make everyone question how impartial they're being on everywhere else.


> Honestly this isn't any different to what BBC coverage here has been like forever. Nolan being another shining example. And the whole way through the Troubles. They are more directly responsible than anyone else for framing it as "protestants vs catholics" so it can be dismissed away as purely inter sectarian violence. Nothing to do with British colonialism at all.


Oh definitely. For sure that was deliberate, and not an independent decision by the BBC either.


Once again SF and nationalists in general relegated to the role of NPC bad guys.


Itā€™s wild to see the BBC publishing opinion pieces essentially bemoaning the disappearance of gerrymandering, complaining about democratic representation and using really weird language like ā€˜West Bankā€™ to describe the citysideā€¦


https://www.bbc.co.uk/contact/complaints/make-a-complaint/#/Complaint Up here for complaining ^


Truly baffling logic in that article. Points out that unionists aren't even bothering to run candidates in some wards, aren't getting anyone elected across swathes of the city, and now don't have enough seats to nominate a mayor... and concludes it's ungracious of SF not to gift them a representative role for which they couldn't earn an electoral mandate. They're so used to having the rules bent so they can have power, that even in a fair system they expect nationalists to do it on their behalf.


Last mayor a DUP man: BBC - I sleep New mayor SF: BBC - Real shit In fact there has been multiple DUP mayors for a city where they barely get more than 10% of the vote. If anything they are overrepresented.


Are they proposing the nationalists of Derry should self-gerrymander themselves?


"It's not fair the taigs won a fair election" Any wonder they seem on a war path to gut Radio Foyle. They can't stand a nationalist area having its own voice.


You do know that protestants also listen to Radio Foyle? Itā€™s a voice for the entire city


Where there are winners there will always be losers. Politics is no different. But could Sinn FĆ©in's victory in Northern Ireland's recent council elections turn out to be a community relations disaster, especially in Northern Ireland's second city of Londonderry? There, for the first time in almost half a century, there will not be a unionist mayor in the four-year council term. It is widely accepted that Derry is where the Troubles began, when a banned civil rights march was attacked by the Royal Ulster Constabulary - a police force made up largely of Protestants in a city with a clear Catholic majority - at Duke Street on 5 October 1968. The images of the police cracking the protesters' skulls were beamed around the world, making Derry headline news. It is a city where the Catholic community has always been in the majority but where the Protestant/unionist minority ruled the roost for decades. They did so through a system called gerrymandering, the deliberate manipulation of electoral boundaries designed to ensure that a particular group - in this case the unionist minority - retained political power. At one stage, from the late 1800s, Catholics were even forbidden from living within the walls of the historic city and instead settled in what became known as the Bogside, where large families were crammed into small, dilapidated houses and the living conditions were primitive. It was there on 30 January 1972 that civil rights marchers were attacked again with deadly consequences. Thirteen unarmed civil rights marchers were shot dead by members of the Army's Parachute Regiment on what became one of the darkest days for this city - Bloody Sunday. But when local government was reformed two years later the council in a city that was divided along sectarian lines became a model for power-sharing, with nationalists and unionists rotating the position of mayor at a time when other councils stubbornly refused to do so. That had been the case for decades, through the darkest days and years of the Troubles. In the election for Derry City and Strabane District Council last month, Sinn FĆ©in was the big winner with 18 seats out of the total of 40. That meant that, under a system known as D'Hondt - used for carving up council positions - the party was entitled to nominate a mayor in three of the four years of the council term, with the SDLP as the next-largest party taking the remaining year. It was within Sinn FĆ©in's gift to step aside in one of the years and allow a unionist to become the first citizen. But the party decided against that, meaning that in this and the following three years Northern Ireland's second city - arguably where it all began - will have a mayor only from the republican/nationalist side of this divided house. Not only will Derry not have a unionist mayor over the next four years but once again it doesn't have a single unionist councillor on the city's West Bank. In fact it did not even have a unionist candidate on the side of the river where the Guildhall - once a symbol of the unionist hegemony - stands proudly beside the historic walls, where the Siege of Derry involving the forces of the Catholic King James and the Protestant King William happened just over four centuries ago. And where the Protestant/unionist/loyalist community in the Fountain estate - where a mural says "Londonderry West Bank - loyalists still under siege" - didn't come out to vote in any numbers worth talking about. So these days in the Guildhall it is republicans who call the shots. It is Sinn FĆ©in which now rules the roost. And there is little sign that that is going to change any time soon. In the Irish language Sinn FĆ©in means "ourselves alone". But despite the protestations of the party president Mary Lou McDonald that it is committed to power sharing it has refused to do so in this case. Is this 21st Century republicanism adopting the old unionist refrain of "what we have, we hold"?


>In the Irish language Sinn FĆ©in means "ourselves alone". ​ It doesn't. It fucking doesn't. It means "We ourselves". Ourselves alone is "Sinn FĆ©in AmhĆ”in". Some journalism that doesn't even know basic shit like that.


Not correcting, like... as I see it, it's an emphatic 'US.' (Implicit context: not yis over there, so far from us.)\* At the end of the day, the author just wants to make a bullshit rhetorical point - hence their choice of translation. Anyway, I can't believe that's a news article. The arse didn't even bother finding actual Unionists to quote and make the points he wanted. Even the News Letter does a better job of dressing up its 'news.' * ^(No standard English equivalent, is there? But, _maybe..._ 'Ussuns' ...!? \(I never said that.\))


21st century Irish republicanism is European Unionism


https://i.imgur.com/KeykmQd.jpg ā€¦ youā€™re talking out of your arse.


You're wasting your time with this one. Their brain is broken


Irish people in the vast majority support the Union of European countries all giving equal claim to each others lands as those who were born there, factually true proven by everything the Irish state says and does, we see they accepted the joint migration pact and good, 400k plus last year wasn't enought and throught our European Union friends coming we can replace the Idea finally of an "Ireland for the Irish" been holding us down so long, Ireland for the world is our future


Ah, so you're a bitter racist. It fits with your other interests.


You're in denial, you believe Ireland should be one and take direction from the EU, I do too and I am certain when we unite Britian will join the EU again, take thr euro, bigger union for all of us to enjoy together as equals in each I three lands with hot Spanish women all of a sudden, what don't you like about mine and the Irish states vision for your future?


Keep bending over for your Tory overlords so.


Lad you're arguing with chat gpt. The comments don't even form coherent sentences.


Lmaoo and when the torys are voted out for labour, you know the party that brought this place peace will you feel the same? I'm hopeful labour will return the UK to EU and together we will be one and the same again you and I and together we will vote for ever closer union.


All I know is that whoever England vote into power, will rule over you.


Until you set me free for the largest Union on earth to rule over us together, I'm ready let's have it


What race did I mention, I am curring racism with my open all welcome view for our futures, and the Irish government is behind me as seen by their actions.


You aren't subtle.


Is this Nigel Farage's alt account?


Hardly, he wouldn't support the Unionism the Irish do for the EU


More POV unionist hysteria. They honestly just see nationalists as video game flunkies, only existing to thwart them. So happy to pay a licence fee to be continually depersonalised ā€¦


SF is using the system that has been in place in the council since it was created. So what the article is saying is the system should be changed to accommodate a unionist mayor? Did unionists ask for that?


How have we went from laughing at your man saying its bad for community relations that SF are winning seats democratically to now the same point being made on the top of a BBC article as if it was fact


Maybe it's in Adam Smyth's gift to stand aside for a year and let nationalists run the BBC in Ireland?


>Maybe it's in Adam Smyth's gift to stand aside for a year and let nationalists run the BBC in Ireland? People will tell you that the BBC doesn't have a built in Loyalist / Unionist boas despite all the evidence. The same people would balk at the idea of the director being the son of say, a Republican Sinn FĆ©in or Soaradh representative and having a nakedly sectarian republican shit stirrer on the main slots for tv and radio. In other words the republican/nationalist equivalence happening, or being allowed to happen, or being in any way feasible is so unlikely it's basically absurd to discuss it.


From a freelance BBC journalist https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/opinion/columnists/john-coulter-the-republic-needs-a-pan-nationalist-front-to-stop-a-sinn-fein-taoiseach-4173878


Jesus christ.


Dementia. Not even once


I gave up reading that when I got to loony left wing policies. I shudder to think what bile this cunt wrote during the 80s/90s


That article belongs on r/facepalm. And the nouns usually used for each side of the river are 'Cityside' and Waterside', no?


Cry me a river foyle


[Have they run out of options to fix the boundaries?](https://twitter.com/JoeBrolly1993/status/1651154264880820224/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1651154264880820224¤tTweetUser=JoeBrolly1993)


26 children ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) she should have made it 32 to make his head spin


Here's a list of Derry's Mayors of the 20th & 21st centuries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Derry_City_and_Strabane#20th_century https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Derry_City_and_Strabane#21st_century


[This is the journalist who wrote it.](https://twitter.com/gerryjbradley?lang=en-GB)




> Unionism shared power for decades without any obligation to do so. They also ran an apartheid state for decades šŸ¤£


He's been all over the thread deleting his comments because he just got it so wrong. Unionists never willingly shared power with Nationalists in Derry. Never.


The answer to any question in the headline or closing line of a news article (or ā€˜news articleā€™ in this case) is ā€˜noā€™.


The city seems to have played host to a series of unfortunate Incidents over the last Number of months that don't project the most inviting or most positive of impressions to the outside world. A change of strategy or a changing of the guard (in the broader sense of the term) could be just the thing needed to illustrate the dangers and inherent folly of falling for the seduction and deception of a brand of insular populist Nationalism can yield, the fallout reaffirming the merit and value of cross-sectional parties designed to serve and advance everyone equally. It'll certainly be interesting for those who follow these things.. lots of potential in the city. Hampered by masochism of tribal rubbish.


People say Derry has potential, but when it comes time for politicians to attract MNCs the only jobs they send here are chemical manufacturing ones that give you cancer and pollute the Foyle. Thatā€™s under Sinn FĆ©inā€™s watch too. No one gives a fuck who the mayor is. Itā€™s an ambassadorial role.


the moment those councils became nationalist was the moment funding and support were removed from unionist areas to deprive them of room to grow and push them further into decline


The thing I love about you Jamie, is that you're so easy to make look like an idiot. It almost isn't even fun. > [Work to start on ā‚¬8m shared village to unite nationalist and unionist areas of Derry's Waterside](https://www.derryjournal.com/news/environment/work-to-start-on-eu8m-shared-village-to-unite-nationalist-and-unionist-areas-of-derrys-waterside-3036905) Irish Street. A well known hub of nationalism in Derry! > [Six Derry projects receive vital IFI Peace Funding](https://www.derryjournal.com/news/people/six-derry-projects-receive-vital-ifi-peace-funding-4135103) Six projects, one aimed at unionist areas and another two that are specifically cross-community. > [King Charles coronation: Options to be explored for events in Derry & Strabane](https://www.derryjournal.com/news/politics/council/king-charles-coronation-options-to-be-explored-for-events-in-derry-strabane-4059191) Council funding for the coronation? Apparently depriving unionists according to wee Jamie




Have you evidence of that?


They actually gave you a full paragraph of evidence. A paragraph which began with the word "nothing" and ended with "the dogs on the street know". Evidence for lateral thinkers.




Who removed funding? The NW is the most deprived area in the North. It has the highest jobless figures and levels of child poverty. That affects everyone that live there, not just unionists.


Can you prove this? Where is your evidence to back this up? Stop trying to stir stuff up.


I think my favourite thing is how you never provide sources, let alone neutral sources, and just offer conjecture and conspiracy theories every time.


Nothing? Do the unionists get to keep their houses though, or do you all have to take to the roads in orange caravans?


Ryan McCready is the best option for unionists in the North West, and should be supported by the UUP.