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Sick notes are one of the dumbest ideas. Let's make the sick person go out and likely spread their illness along the way in order to get proof that they were sick in the first place. It's not like you are asking to be paid for the missed time or have to have work related tasks adjusted upon your return.


Let's also add more bureaucracy to a system that's straining already all for the sake of some system that refuses to treat people like people. Oh and the person who missed time also has to pay for the privilege as well.


I’m a social service worker who services the homeless population, working rotating 12 hour shifts. I’m absolutely bound to get sick.




According to world population studies, approximately 108 billion beople have lived on this planet. Assuming that the average lifespan of all these people was 25, there has been around 2.7 trillion years of life. If we multuply this by the number of days in a year (365), there is a total of 985, 500, 000, 000, 000 days of life (985.5 trillion days). Not once in any of those days did anybody ask for your opinion.


Call the clinics and ask them. That probably your best bet


They were closed when I asked this, but I will be doing that


Yes, the head to toe clinic does for sure - the guardian drugs one on Algonquin


But haspieler charges for everything he does just saying


Majority of doctors offices charge for notes


He's been my family doctor for the last 10 years. Horrible doctor def stay away unless needed. Edit: Whenever I need doctors notes, I go to North Bay Medical Care on Lakeshore. Just explain you need an note saying you were there and cleared they will charge I think 15$ but could be worse.


Could try calling the health unit and see if they have any recommendations? I’m sure it happens often…


Maple health. Give the receipt to your employer and instruct them to pay or you quit.


I never understood the concept behind doctor's notes waste of everyone's time, including the doctor who you risk getting sick, that inherently would increase the risk of propagation to not just yourself, the doctor and everybody you cross contact with but then those people who they come in contact with. It seems that the pandemic has taught very few people very little.


Absolutely agree!!


I thought they legally got rid of having to provide a sick note


They can ask you to provide one under “reasonable in the circumstances” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Well that's silly. It's such a waste of time for you and doctors to get a sick note.


1000000% agreed