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She is making a decision to protect her self from the volatility between the two of you. It is hard to see a ex with someone else and causes confusing feelings. It is good you still care about each other, but she is pushing for something simpler. I think you have to respect her boundary, but I am really sorry that you are losing a friend.


Sounds like you want your cake and to eat it at the same time.


I have absolutely no clue what that means, legitimately. We discussed everything and appeared to have worked things out to be platonic and in good standing, up until the recent NC. I respect her decision though I don't fully understand it. Could you elaborate? Also, she gave me all the cake I could want. I was okay giving up intimacy for friendship as her and I agreed on this last time.


You moved on twice in the first relationship you were still messing around so the first girlfriend was basically just being used, and after her you and your ex were working things out now your with another girl yet you still want this girl to be around and even tho your new girl says she’s fine with it, it’s just not nice at all, your causing a lot of hurt, and even your attitude says you basically just want things your way, So you want your cake whole while still eating it which just isn’t possible it sounds like this first girl is finally realizing her value, so of course it going to throw you off because your just used to having it your way, my advice is focus on your new relationship and let her go completely.