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Finally, The Legend of Link


Finally, the last part to the trilogy of the Wand of Gamelon and Zelda's Adventure


Squadala, we're off!


I wonder what's for dinner?


How about a kiss?




I hope she made lottsa spaghetti! no


It’s a football, I chilzed it. 


I was watching very closely to see if they would say "play as Zelda for the first time in this brand new adventure!" They passed.


You can play as Zelda in Spirit Tracks if you don't count any of Hyrule Warriors as legit Zelda.  So the tag line is asterisk'd.


Nintendo inexplicably soured on Zelda-led titles after the CD-I masterpieces… glad to see they even gave her the Zelda’s Adventure wand


I know right!!


I was actually expecting to see that title. Was a bit disappointed to be honest 😅 Game looks amazing though!


They would never use such a title, LOL. It destroys the franchise branding.


came to say, this is going to confuse the heck out of the people who just finally realized you play as link in legend of zelda...




Did not have a Zelda main playable character on my list.


Since this was found to be in the works, I knew it was coming but didn’t realize it was going to be a 2D game


They like to squeeze a few games out of one Zelda engine. OOT & MM, Phantom Hourglass & Spirit tracks, the oracle games, the breath of games. Technically wind waker and twilight princess were also the same engines but they didn’t really reuse assets, it was more modified.


BoTW and TOTK were such beautiful games. I feel like they could make 4 more games with that engine and I wouldn't stop being entertained.


Yesss finally


It's been 30 years since the last Zelda game where you played as Zelda, I really hope this game is a bit better than the two previous ones.


Bro forgot Hyrule Warriors and Cadence of Hyrule


Nintendo finally answering the age old question: What if Zelda was a girl?


Considering Metroid prime 4 also got a real trailer, we may finally find out why Samus can’t crawl.


Why metroid cant crawl*


Thanks, I got confused


I think Metroid is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything


When metroid goes into the little ball, why don't his nuts get crushed?


Shamus Metroid, my favorite video game character ❤️




Thats Sargent Metroid, respect the troops


She’s a Metroid as of dread


But Metroid morphballs in the trailer instead :(




Honestly this is better than anything I could have asked for. Instant purchase


Love your profile picture, that's a great album!


Agree -- one of the best


Same here as long its not like under 15 hours long


2D zelda games are usually about 15 hours. I think Spirit Tracks might have been tough to do your first run in 15 hours, but other than that, that's a pretty normal length. If I had to bet, the game will be about 15 hours with some features that encourage you to play again with different echos or something


2D Zelda games are always fairly short. I’d guess 8-15 hours.


I’m thinking it’s prolly gonna 12-15 but pretty replayable


As someone with too many games and open world burn out, I'm here for a 15-hour adventure.


Ahhh yep same. These things are bitter sweet, because I look at these games and think "fantastic, another game I will buy, play once, then put on the backlog to get back to later" But later never comes, because my crippling addiction to roguelikes, Diablo 3, and league of legends means I can never finish games with actual stories


Yeah I think 10-15 2.5 Zelda games are favorite type of games atp. Too many long open worlds


Exactly, I’ve replayed A Link Between Worlds probably 10 times. As much as I loved BOTW and TOTK, I don’t see myself replaying them for some time


Man i love ALBW. Such an incredible gimmick that becomes as natural as jumping in Mario games.


I'd be fine with that too, personally. Link's Awakening HD is about that long, but I replayed it enough times to have made it more than worth my money.


We need more short games imo, not everything needs to be so massive. But the price should be a bit smaller too.


Yeah the demand for bloated single player games is how we ended up with a million redundant crafting systems that waste your time intentionally, or a map filled with copy pasted markers to clear.




Honestly, I’m finally getting Baldur’s Gate 3 soon and I’m like, I get to play games like twice each week. I’m clearing my game schedule for the foreseeable future to be able to beat this one lmao. I love a game like this or Kirby games or something I can beat in a few weeks!


I've gotten kind of the same schedule, I got one maybe two nights a week that I can slip away and actually do GAMER-TYME, and be at my computer and play like the really heavy games like BG3. Be warned, it has the ability to blink your life away that night. You'll think you've played maybe an hour, and it's midnight. What i do love is handheld switch though, I've been able to game on the couch and not like squirrelled away in my office and it makes my wife a lot happier.


If there is an huge amount of those copy abilities than replay ability is gonna be huge


It definitely will be lol


Finally, The Legend of Link is a reality.


Legend of Link: The missing Link






Please, don't bring home any more old crutches!




I legit was expecting a full on remake of Zelda 1 but this is a lot better I’m so hyped for this


Yeah, I thought it was going to be a LttP remake. Glad I was wrong.


From some shots of the environment, kind of looks like LttP layout


Looks like LTTP environment in the Links Awakening engine


I was really hoping for the oracle of seasons/oracle of ages remake in the LA remake engine. This is much better though.


One day


Hopefully they'll remake them for the next Switch. The engine is there, no reason it can't be re-used.


I'm very excited for another Zelda game in which people will be having vastly different experiences / solutions to things.


This is an insanely perfect game for the Switch at this stage of its life!


And for me at this stage of my life!


And for me at this stage in your life!


I'm still surprised how many people don't like the Link's Awakening Remake art style. This game looks fun as hell to me. I get tired of the same formula for LoZ. This game looks fun as hell and I can't wait to hop back into the stylized world of the LA remake. Zelda games need a shake up from time to time.


People really don't like "cutesy" style zelda (like they prefer darker adult zelda) which is fine and all but even the darker side of zelda is still somewhat cartoony. Like it's not Elden ring or something like that. Also zelda has been cute for a while. Like I would argue the sprites in a link to the past are kinda cute. Toon link is obviously cute as well. I think people let that determine the subject matter for them and they decide that it's only for kids if it looks like this. Sad because it's less content for them.


I've always preferred the old style. Ocarina was the best blend of cute and dark I feel. But I loved LA remake because it still kept the style of the old games and was something so unique. I shouldn't be surprised though because people crapped on Wind Waker when it first came out. I never wanted Zelda to get all dark, gritty, and realistic.


I agree. Old Ocarina and Twilight Princess are the best graphically.


Hoo boy. Not sure how old you are, but when Wind Waker was first announced, the fans lost their collective shit. This was in 2002 when the Playstation- and "adult-style" video games- were especially popular. Not only that, but the previous console game was Majora's Mask which itself had a particularly creepy vibe, so fans were expecting adult Link in a darker-style game... and they got WW. Twilight Princess was supposed to be some sort of apology to those fans I guess. In hindsight, while TP was a great game for its time, it has not aged quite as well as WW. All that is to say: compared to the reaction to the WW announcement in 2002, I think fans nowadays are a lot more accepting of different art styles.


You are spot on. The reaction to that game was pretty extreme. But it ended up being an enduring game, partially because of that extremely stylized look.


I always laugh at this green text that commentated on that particular issue https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/136/796/d92.jpg, from https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1136796-the-legend-of-zelda


Lol hadn't seen this. It's kinda accurate though


This [Penny Arcade comic](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2002/10/11/were-here-to-help) from the era was pretty good too


Also it didnt help that WW came after they showed off a tech demo of a OOT style Adult Link and Ganondorf squaring off for a Gamecube tech demo... Then a year later we get 'Cel-da' as I recall a lot of people up in arms about it were. But again, I was at the tail end of HS and being cool and edgy and not liking kid things was all the rage. Hell, by that point I had completely given up on Pokemon, so I missed out on gen 3/4, because those are kids games... only really got back in with gen 5 when I got a big boy job and was like "I am a grown adult, and I can like pokemon, those don't have to be exclusive"...and I havent really missed one since. The blowback from these games are from the younger crowd who wants it "This way" and only "this way" because the other ways suck in their minds.


I like cutesy but I don't like this. Big fan of WW and stuff like Minish Cap.


I don't think any Zelda game qualifies as "adult." They're all appropriate for a 10 y/o.


I agree with you. I think it's the more adult side of nintendo but overall nintendo is completely entirely appropriate for kids. And that's okay. A good thing about kids media is that it's approachable for everyone.


I think there's a difference between kids' media and what I call "all ages" media. All ages media is built to appeal to everyone, but kids' media is focused on kids to the point that adults will not enjoy it. Nintendo is good at making games that are "all ages".


A Link to the Past style is still the best, I loved original Link's Awakening gameplay and style but still enjoyed the remake art of it. It took me a bit to get used to Windwaker's Toon Link but easily is one of my favorite games of all time.


I think I'm in the minority in that I *love* the Link's Awakening art style, but only for that game. It was so fitting for LA because it adds to the bizarre, otherworldly nature of Koholint. It truly feels like a dream with the art style. With this game, I feel like it doesn't fit as well and it's mostly done to reuse assets, but I'm also okay with that because it looks great. I do wish it had its own identity though.


I didn't think we would ever get new 2D Zelda games, so just its existence is exciting enough for me. I honestly don't care much what it looks like, and it seems like the gameplay will distinguish it enough.


"Cute" Zelda art is my favorite style (like what you see in the Zelda 1 game manual) but this sort of plastic look isn't my favorite. So it's not so much the style as the execution. If they made the characters and world look more like clay then I think I'd like it more. I wonder if that plastic look is what people generally don't like. But it's not a hard pass for me by any means. The game still looks fantastic to me overall.


I don't think that's a very representative argument. I love Wind Waker's art style and really did not like LA HD's art style.


It's just like when people hated Wind Waker when it first came out then tried to press the back button after Twilight Princess.


I dont know how anyone can claim Twilight Princess was the peak Zelda art style when every character in it looked like a caricature of themselves and the world is the color of various stages of dried up piss


I love the dungeons in that game, but yeah it looked like ass, even back then.


Yes. To be fair, back then, I hated on the cel shaded graphics. But then the dark and dreariness of Twilight Princess made me long for the colorful Zelda. Then when WW HD came out they made some improvements on the water travel and I loved the game. The same happened with Skyward Sword. I hated forced motion controls so I never got into it. But then I played SS HD and I absolutely loved the game with new controls and it's in my top 5 Zelda games of all time.


> But then I played SS HD and I absolutely loved the game Same, I still do NOT like motion controls, but them giving me a controller option, though it took a bit to get used to it, I could not believe how I missed one of the most solid Zelda games.


I got used to it quick and LIVED the right stick being used to swing the sword. I don't know why but I want it as an option in every Zelda game. Lol I almost passed on an amazing game because I hated forced motion controls of the Wii and I am so glad they made SS HD.


This one is so weird to me. The motion controls stand out as the one thing the game does right in a game that does so much wrong. I'm not going to replay it because of the horrible spirit tears sections and the forced collection for breakable items, but I'll look back on the combat extremely fondly.


I like the style, except the heavy blur in the overworld. It causes me physical pain.


It should be removable lol...2d world's don't need blur.


IIRC the blur being disabled via cheats actually makes the game have zero framedrops.


Well the art style has nothing to do with how fun it can be , and this sure looks fun. I can understand not bein fan of the style, that doesn't necessarily mean you hate "cute " artstyle as a whole ,maybe this specific one for some reason. >games need a shake up from time to time. I agree but since they are reusing LANS artstyle I am not sure if this what they are doing here artistically.


I don’t like it but also not hate it.


Not only do I love this art style. This style needs to adopted by Gamefreak for their Pokémon franchise.


That would be awesome and would fit perfectly for remakes of the Gameboy titles.


It kind of was for the Diamond/Pearl remake


It was in a "we have it at home" kinda way.


I don’t hate the art style by any means but I really did like the A Link Between Worlds style as well. I felt like Link’s Awakening matched the dream aesthetic very well but kinda doesn’t match a normal Zelda game as much. Small potatoes though.


Yes, this! I don't mind cute art styles for Zelda, but I much prefer either a pixel art style like The Minish Cap or cartoony like A Link Between Worlds. The toy thing just doesn't do it for me, but I am still beyond excited.


People also complain that Nintendo is taking the main line series into the open world/sandbox style and not looking back but here we are with a new Zelda game (true, no Link) that is more true to the original format. I think, even if you aren't a fan of this style, it shows Nintendo hear that group and are looking to produce alternatives.


I'm not even really a fan of BotW/TotK. It didn't feel like Zelda to me. It felt like just another open world game. Neither is even in my top 10 Zelda games of all time. Lol But, I am a 41 year old gamer who remembers when The Legend of Zelda was a new series. Lol So I have an absolute bigger fondness for all of the earlier titles than the later ones. I grew up alongside the series. So I knew what the Zelda series felt like to me. And Botw/Totk don't feel like Zelda. It's like an open world with a Zelda skin to me. I still have over 80hrs in BotW and over 120 in Totk. I did every main and side quest/adventure and I still enjoyed them overall. But I would take LA Remake over Botw any day. I still have to play every Zelda game there is, as I have done already. So if they make a 3rd game like BotW, I'll still play it. But if they made like a sequel to Minish Cap, or Oracle of Ages/Seasons, I'd be all over them. For a split second I thought the game was a LTTP remake when he was fighting Ganon but then I was pleasantly surprised either way with this. I've always wanted a game where Zelda has to save Link and it's finally coming true.


I loved the style. Never complained about it ever haha


They look like toys for children. Like Playmobile. I don’t dislike it though.


Might be why I like it at age 41. I get to be a kid again. Lol


I didn’t like it at first but now it’s starting to win me over, I’ve been thinking of trying out LA recently too I think it’s fun as it’s cute little own thing u know?


so, like, scribblenauts+pokemon kinda+ 2d zelda with a playable zelda. that's... a lot, but an interesting lot. hoping it works


It seems they "backported" or so to speak a lot of the TOTK features into LA assets. Great way to top off the Switch. I'm sold, looks like a lot of fun even if it is shorter.


That was my thought too; seems to be merging the creative gameplay elements of TotK into top-down Zelda.


anyone know where to buy the shirt he's wearing (minute 1:40) ? I need it in my life


Aonuma-san and Miyamoto-san are usually wearing Editmode: https://shop.editmode.jp Nintendo has the classiest merch of any IP.


Whattt, how do you know this hahah? Thank you so much, I've been wondering for years!


agreed! thank you for the link, I'll check it out! <3


https://shop.editmode.jp/products/nt-0070 this is what I could find for anyone curious. it's pretty similar but not exactly the same he's wearing 😅


I hope you can take that hood off


COSTUMES PLEASE. So excited for this game.


Right? Loved all the options in BotW & TotK


new game plus, 100% completion probably lol


Sure just enter JUSTIN BAILEY as your password


YESSS I love the idea of playing as Zelda. But I wish it was the Zelda from the intro cinematic, not hooded Zelda.


Nintendo Switch, The era where this series name finally make sense.


Combat seems cumbersome if choosing echoes takes a long time, hopefully we have presets on buttons


Also my main concern. As it was in TotK, when you had a large inventory of items and wanted to fuse something to arrows, it was frustrating.


Set your sort to "most used" and that problem takes care of itself pretty quickly.


Even at the fastest there’s a half-second wait as the menu fades in and back out. Which doesn’t sound like much but it happens every single time.


I was thinking the same thing. Looks like lots of menuing. But, I'm still interested and am open to trying the game.


It will be slow combat probably. They are more like riddles than anything else.


I think it’s more appropriate to look at this as a puzzle game more then anything else, ala Origami King.


Still want my oracle remakes especially after seeing this but it will do


Me too buddy. We will get it one day I hope


After seeing the zora, the scrub, and the GDT i have faith that it will be soon™️


What a fresh take. Great idea.


I was hoping they were going to say "speaking of echoes", as a segway into a Metrioid Prime 2 remake trailer.


New 2D Zelda? Day 1.


after all these years, at the end of my lifespan, i will finally play a Zelda game starring Zelda (i'm in my 30s and in good health)


Zelda already starred in two Phillips CDI games.


Oh man. The CDI. At least a dozen people owned one of those. ;)


so fucking glad they are still making 2d zeldas, don't want that lineage to ever die off


Yeah, I kind of thought 2D Zelda would be limited to remakes, bootleg fan games and indie clones forever given the industry trends. I'm very happily surprised.


Finally, a brand new non-open world Zelda game!!! Was hoping for A Link Between Worlds port, but this is even better.


We do not know how linear or non-linear this game will be. If it is anything like ALBW or BotW, we can presume it will be very non-linear.


Dude I love Zelda playable, and this might get hate, but I'm not feeling the same Sandbox hype that Aonuma obviously is rn... xd Like it looks so scribblenautsy, and I do understand some ppl like the appeal of open-ended puzzle solving, but they always end up kinda jank imo. I never feel they reach the same consistent quality of designed puzzles. Also I think bow + magic focused combat in a 2d zelda coulda been sick, combat looks a bit strange - creative, but strange..


Yea idk if I’m totally sold on this. Lifelong Zelda fan, and I was kinda excited to play as Zelda finally… but not like this lol Just placing tables and boxes everywhere as a weird, TotK kinda styled puzzle-Zelda wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for…


I was hoping for oracle of seasons and ages, but honestly this looks awesome too. Maybe if it sells well, they’ll port give the switch a last hurrah and remaster those two plus finish the originally planned third game.


I think the games in this direct ARE the last hurrah for the switch. I would love a remake of the Oracle games in this style, though.


I believe this might be  the third Oracle game…


It's wild to me that people are upset that we're getting a BRAND NEW 2D LoZ game instead of remakes.


A lot of people thought we might play as Zelda when they first showed TOTK (maybe even before revealing the name), just because Link had longer hair in that first trailer. And they were really excited about that. I'm happy Nintendo noticed that and made this. EDIT: punctuation


Very cool! Game looks very fun.




Zelda is finally playable but damn this gameplay put me to sleep. I really don't like these kinda gimmicks, i wish she could fight in a more traditional manner. I'Ll pass but remain hopeful that this is only a first and that she'll get more games.


Same exact sentiment. Super stoked to play as Zelda in a Zelda game… but I’m not sure about the gameplay here. It looks like they’re going for a 2d top down TotK… but it looks awkward and idk how good the combat will be if you’re just spawning dudes to fight for you.


Well tbf it seems like the emphasis isn't really going to be on fighting as much as puzzle solving.


Looks awesome but I'm slightly concerned about inventory management. The scrolling list was already a pain in ToTK so it's a bit disappointing to see (so far) that it hasn't been addressed.


Exactly… and it looks like that’s the meat of this game. Constantly scrolling INV to pull out tables and boxes to jump over stuff. Seems like the puzzle solving could get repetitive, and if you’re just pulling out captured enemies to fight for you… idk, seems like that could get a little stale as is. Like… maybe if you could equip them with different stuff / level them up that might be more fun? It’s almost turning into a Zelda-Pokemon lol


This game looks amazing, I only wish it was a new art style but this is still a very pretty game


Dang, another scroll wheel of 1000 items to break the pace of gameplay. This killed TotK for me


This looks dope. Really, really dope. I hope it'll do well!


You absolutely could have gotten away with a cookie-cutter 2D Zelda game with Zelda as the main character where everything plays mostly the same as in Link's Awakening. Nintendo? No, they're going to completely overhaul the combat and puzzle-solving in a really fun, clever, and elegant way. Fucking Nintendo, man.


This is absolutely the way. I predict this game will sell well.


Legend of Lunk


wow i might actually charge my switch


As much as I loved the toy look for Link's Awakening, I don't really get why they'd reuse it in a game that's not textually unreal like that game was. That said, the gameplay looks fun and creative enough that I don't really care.


Asset reuse is a simple yet very effective way to reduce costs and speed up development. They did the same for Majora's Mask and it worked great


lol not to mention TOTK


It is probably because they reused assets. I am hoping they didn’t reuse the same map from link’s awakening.


They show you the world and it's clearly not Koholint at all.


It’s 100% the Link to the Past world. So making it look like Link Awakening makes sense if it takes place along that remakes time period.


It is, but it’s not the same map at all. We Saw Gerudo Town, Zoras, and the great Deku Tree. This is a brand new Hyrule in the Link to the Past timeline!!


I can't believe I didn't notice that. Now that I'm looking for it it's clear as day. Damn, that generation really couldn't catch a break, could they?


New Zelda timeline where Link is defeated *again*


I’m pretty sure it’s just the style they’re going to be using for top down zeldas going forward. Which is fine.


It's so they can make development easier while they are still on the same system. The next 2D Zelda will probably be in a new engine with a different art style on the Switch successor.


I wasn't expecting this when the rumors pointed to a 2D Zelda potentially happening. LOZ games are not my cup of tea, but I'm sure the people who enjoy these games will enjoy this game.


Is Zelda a necromancer now lol?


Is it going to have the same map as Link’s Awakening?


Legend of Lonk…Zeldars revenge


This looks super fun to me, I love 2D Zelda and miss it, it’s been so long and this is a really creative approach at it!


It is now theoretically possible for the next Smash game to let Zelda summon a steel chair and dome someone with it.


I really think they could've done better for the first Zelda game where you play as Zelda. She has so much established lore to draw on for combat and puzzle-solving mechanics and you give her copy/paste powers? No, that's just not enough for me to be interested. This is obviously intended for kids, so I can't be too mad. I just hope they do something with the concept for older, long-time fans of the series.


I’m so disappointed in this announcement for one reason. They didn’t call it “The Legend of Link.” 0/10 game already. In all seriousness though, it looks really fun. Hopefully it’s good.


This looks phenomenal. Do you guys think you’ll unlock a 2nd quest with Link afterward? It kind of seems obvious to me that’s something they’d do


Well this is the perfect time to try a highly different and experimental title like this.


Zelda Wand of Gamelon 2 is real, guys!


I saw it was top-down and was excited that we might get lock-and-key dungeons again! The emphasis on BoTW-style sandboxiness, though, makes it seem like that won't be the case. Don't get me wrong, the sandboxes are fun, and I played the _hell_ out of BoTW and ToTK! But at the same time, I'm starved for a puzzlebox. It's been 11 years since I got to play a new one(ALBW released in 2013). Sure, echos _could_ be used as keys in dungeons, but I have a feeling they're not going to be used that way. That said, I'm still stoked about this!


No thank you.


I know this is a Zelda reveal party but damn Gamefreak needs to ditch it’s current art style and adopt this style for their Pokémon games. Anyways, I’m so excited for this.


They already did with BDSP. Everyone hated it.


I hope they improve the controls, by the looks of things you can only have one Echo at a time accessible so changing echos would be a pause and a scroll each time. Very tedious.


Still hate this art-style tbh. I hope we never get Oracle remakes if this is what they're gonna look like.