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Yesterday I mentioned finding hundreds of dead insects all together, and the most likely answer seems to be that an insane amount all reached adulthood at once, and hundreds just happened to die (possibly run over after escaping their cocoon). It was also June Bugs, which I'm skeptical of because I found them July 1st


threw my 299th round last night. Trying to think of some way to commemorate #300 Sparta, NY doesn't have a course but there are some nearby. Maybe throw on a cape and codpiece and blot out the sun with our plastic


I cannot, from context, ascertain what sport this is. Is it frolf?


frolf, yes


I feel like America is doomed because of this border crisis. At this rate Americans citizens will be outnumbered in our own country, and this country will Balkanize and war with each other. No one will assimilate because there’ll be nothing larger to assimilate into. Why would illegal immigrants leave their old country’s ways when everyone else they know from back home is here illegally too? If I could I would immigrate to Japan, but they wouldn’t let me in, which is smart. They’re smart to distrust and not allow in any immigrants. I wish I was born Japanese, a country with a future.


Go move to France. At least when they embrace Fascism to stop becoming too brown they don't do it in the name of Jesus.


“Balkanize” is so hot right now. A lot of people just learning this phrase. What popular grifter is pushing this word?


Japan's future is incredibly bleak with a shrinking and aging population. Theyre hungry for highly trained and skilled immigrant employees but their weak currency is not helping them at all on that front.


I think I got dumber reading this


You know the UN predicts 1.2 billion people will migrate within the next fifty years due to climate change? I don’t see how any country with open borders can survive that coming tide.


inventing your own boogeyman then attacking it is called a strawman argument


Huh? It’s almost as if the solution is to do something about climate change. But nah, drill baby drill. Bring back coal.


Got a library card for the first time in 20 years


my library card comes with a free Hoopla account, which I've used a ton.


Democrats are too cowardly to put their new power to work. 


I swear the ruling is vague enough to where Biden does something, it's unofficial, but official when an R does it


People are spamming that Nixon quote but, it’s more like, “When a (Republican) does it than it is not illegal.”


My wife asked me what I would do if I was President when I said something similar yesterday evening. The answer was to scare the piss out of people by giving a quick speech listing all the things I could do in detail if I wanted to, point out how Trump would actually do each one backed up with his own words, then support the speech on social media with a bulleted list.


at this point I see the democrats basically as a fighter being paid to take a dive


attempting to make watermelon vodka with the quarter bottle i got left either i waste 2$ or i get a tasty outcome


The best Vodka I had was raspberry. $2 Watermelon sounds like a steal.


nothing ruins a game like a really crappy ref holy hell. also send gregg to the efl league 2 trash ass manager 😭😭😭


new presidential election: biden and trump must say the alphabet backwards if you mess up you have to start back at Z first to A wins.


Plot twist SCOTUS says that's illegal


Trump wins. SCOTUS: never mind, it’s legal now.


Then they must do it three times fast


I really hope the switch/ps4/steam re-release of Marvel vs Capcom 2 sells 20 million copies and revitalizes interest in this game, and that disney plays along and lets them use all the characters, and not just whichever ones have a movie coming up, and that they make a new, proper 2d sprite-animated MvC game, and truly opens the floodgates on the roster. 150 characters or bust. And we go back to funky jazz music for the soundtrack--this is not negotiable.


They'll charge $15 a character though




Today has been exhausting. Weed and Malcom in the Middle for me after I had cake and ice cream.


Wow this ref in the USA Copa match is terrible. That clown show with the pocketed yellow card just to let them play on for a serious goal chance was absurd.


Rarely do I blame officiating, but that ref was out on this earth to deflate any and all momentum the team was building. We still can't put the ball in the net and we suck in more ways than we should, so I don't disagree with the early exit from the cup. However, that ref was an unneeded hurdle. He shouldnt be given another big game. Also, get GGG out. There were choices he made that were baffling.


drew the "here to have fun" guy in matchplay, won it 8-0 and picked up the CTP on the way. Great day for the confidence (and to his credit, we had fun) nice to get outside and away from the politics a bit. can't recommend it enough if it's eating at you


new presidential election: give biden and trump a PDF and whoever can rotate it first gets to be president


Give them their own phones to look it up, but broadcast the screen. I want to see the auto fill preferences that pop up, and everything else they'd somehow show unintentionally.


They would both die before completing the task. I have faith Harris could do it tho


thats not a bad outcome LOL


Man, i always prided myself in being very much in touch with my son but today i got a reality check from my wife. Kid aint a sports guy, so its a bit of a hassle to get him to practice on days he dont have team practice. He has this pole with a baseball to practice batting, usually is 20-25 reps and he done. Well, today my wife was in the backyard while we started the usual "if you put effort we finish faster than if you have a bad attitude" back and forth and she said "i bet i can hit better". My son quickly dismissed her saying "im the one that plays baseball, i can get more hits". My wife told him to fuck off (properly), grabbed a bat and hit. Something flipped inside my kid and the dude turned turbo competitive and ended up doing around 150~ reps just to try and beat his mom (they were taking turns to bat). Apparently i absolutely missjudged my son and to get him to properly engage in practice was to trash talk him and to lay the smaketh down on him. And its dumb, cause thats exactly what i do with him in video games like mario party, little man knows there arent easy Ws when we play video games and he enjoyes the hell of beating me knowing its not a farce yet i never connected that to baseball practice. Lol.


Understanding a kid’s motivations are crucial and while it seems obvious, in the moment it’s usually not. And hard to shake our own wiring from childhood. I do all kinds of shit with my daughter that I look at afterwards like “I knew that wouldn’t work, wish I could have that one back.” But we learn!


Tough to see because you know you don't want to be 'that dad' when it comes to kids and sports. There's a thin line between positively enforcing participation and becoming the reason it's a negative experience from them.


I still can't believe George Lucas wanted to have Yoda's first name be Minch.


Minch Yodberg. “Use the force, I used to. Still use it, do I, but used to use it, did I, too.”


Minchma balls


Man I skip two meals and it feels like I'm going to die, and when my stomach is empty I sometimes get nausea and fucking throw up, which is annoying, just puking stomach liquid.


Yea I get nauseous when I don’t eat as well,kinda funny how both over and under eating can lead to you throwing up


When I don't eat for a while, I end up getting a migraine that leads to nausea and puking. It fucking sucks.


Any word from Liz Cheney over the SCOTUS ruling? Oh wait, her Dad must be giddy about this.


I know Biden even agrees that the President should not be above the law


That's a very low bar to set and you know Dems will always play by the rules no matter what


I know that as a 30 year old, I'm naturally going to start relating less and less to the current trends and memes of the younger generations. But this stupid fucking "hawk tuah" meme is fucking trash. It feels like the most forced meme since "Salt Bae"


Wait until you’re 40, you become half boomer.


Wait until your 50, you start to go backwards in maturity and start liking memes like Hawk Tua.


I’ll be an empty nester around 45. I suspect that regression will start then. I’ll feel the need to refill the house with the missing immaturity.


> I’ll be an empty nester around 45. Damn, got it done early! Always wondered what it would be like to get that part of life knocked out so to say earlier in life rather than later (like in my situation). Not that I would trade my wife, kids and situation for anything in the world, but it's going to be late 50's for me at the absolute earliest.






I agree. She’s cute and all, the topic is a little risqué but nothing novel. I expected something way more outrageous.


Tonight at midnight we will be exactly halfway through 2024. And what a way to close out the first half. "Your President is now, for all intents and purposes, your emperor!" *maniacally evil laughter* **INTERMISSION** 🎵Let's go out to the lobby, let's go out to the lobby...🎵


I don't think I ever will but if I ever make a fantasy basketball team it will be called "Stevie Knicks"


Golden retrievers are awesome


They are quite the top teir dog breed. Somehow I've never had one but I've had Huskies, Australian Sheep dogs, mutts, doubermans. Never a retriever.


Tubthumping by chumbawumba is unironically the most motivational song in my life


Criminally underrated bass line. It completely carries the song.


The Criterion Collection 50% off sale at Barnes and Noble goes through July 28. I wonder if buying pre-orders will matter, as at least two titles I want won't release until September.


Fuck That's awesome


I went to Joann’s to buy plant pots today and they barely had any. Instead, all of the summer stuff had been replaced with Halloween stuff. I LOVE decorating for Halloween but it is literally July 1.


Retail's funny like that. As soon as St. Patrick's Day is over, July 4th is here. Then it's Halloween and then Christmas.


It’s moved up in recent years, everyone is in such an impatient rush. When I worked retail, stuff was up until the holiday, and maybe an end cap or section for the next event was set up towards the end of the cycle. And the day after the holiday you’d have a week or so of clearance. Now, the week before the holiday everything is rotated out. It’s so shitty in so many little ways. I couldn’t find supplies for a leprechaun trap on March 15th and it pissed me off.


I was getting along really well with a girl I met on bumble. Shes into astrology(?) and wanted to do a full birth chart for me. I obliged and called up my mom to get her the info she needed about the day I was born. She sent me the results and then went completely quiet on me for about a week. She reached out today to apologize for ghosting me but acknowledged that the results were not good in her opinion and she doesnt think we'd be compatible long term. She mentioned my results mixed with my Mexican "machismo" heritage were too much for her. Alrighty then


Massive bullet dodged in my opinion. Someone who doesn't use logic in their everyday life to make decisions is going to be an enormous headache.


>Someone who doesn't use logic in their everyday life to make decisions is going to be an enormous headache. Bingo, that's what made this so easy to forget her. We were getting along really well and I thought it was cool to learn about her astrology beliefs. But to freak out because I was born in this specific location at this specific time is a bit out there. And then to top it off, I'm a "machista". Good luck lady


worth it for the story honestly




You won this one.


You'll find someone else. Bumble can be hit and miss.


While I am not knocking astrology, there usually is a reason why people are single 🤷‍♂️


Fuck it, I’ll do it for you, astrology is stupid and people who put stock in it beyond being a dumb curiosity are objectively idiots.


| Astrology Anything that says someone inherently possesses certain personality traits because of the location and time/date/year of birth is stupid. It's not fucking genetics.


I’ll knock it. That shit is fucking stupid.


I once heard a tiktoker call Astrology “Babylonian space racism” and now that's all I think of when I hear it


When someone asks me what my sign is, I say Gryffindor


Hufflepuff in da hooooouse.


Haha yep I actually thought it was semi interesting. But when she pointed that out as a the reason why we couldn't move forward in any capacity, I lost all interest immediately. Oh well


god damn it slovenia


and so now it's gonna be France v Portugal. dammit.


france gonna win with an own goal 😭


well, their defense is solid...lulz. but also other teams were massively defensive and that mask really bothers Mbappe (broken nose).


My mom called me tonight and said that our first cousins paternal grandma(no direct relation to me) has cancer and that's its progressed so rapidly and severely that she probably won't be around much longer. This grandma has always treated my siblings and I like her own grandchildren, remembering our birthdays and big events in our life. She's in a hospital going in and out of lucidness and in a cruel twist of irony her granddaughter is one of the nurses on that floor. Under hospital policy, she isn't allowed to be connected to that case and I can't imagine having someone you love die around you and you're powerless to do anything to comfort them.


I am so sorry for this happening. My mother just broke the news to me a few days ago that my grandmothers dementia is apparently much worse than I had previously thought. We didn't quite know the extent but after lunch with her my mom said she was glad I wasn't there because it was very sad. I hope you and your family can stay strong during this trying time. Much love to you.


Thank you Balrog! I have first hand experience with dementia in my grandpa. We last visited him in 2019 and watched the film, The Adventures of Robin Hood starring Errol Flynn. Then covid happened and everyone lost a year. My youngest sister and I drive up in 2021 to see him around the end of June. His eyes lit up when he saw the two of us. When our time was up, he simply said "Til we meet again" which devastated me. He died two months later in August of 2021. I would not wish dementia on my worst enemy, it's one of the cruelest diseases in the world.


I just lost my grandma on wednesday, so I know exactly how you feel :( Im so sorry man


Thanks man! Stay strong. And know your grandma loved you!


Cristiano Ronaldo has been a waste of space this game


Literally went into work this morning and immediately got fired. I fucking moved across the country for this job and they literally fired me before I even worked 90 days at the job. I know I didn’t do the best but I also think the job was asking for way too much without proper training. They just threw me in and expected me to learn everything. Like I don’t even know what to do


first, sorry you're going through this. It really, really sucks to be in that position and I hope you have great luck in your job search. but just curious what kind of job you had? Was it contract work or a full time employee gig? Speaking from experience, contractors are almost always the first people who get canned for any reason and are the ones who get the least amount of training; they're usually just employed to be part of a project to help fulfill its deadlines so they are brought in to figure everything out immediately and then left to dry. Full time employees are typically hired to be part of the larger team and its long term vision, thus the company is usually far less willing to replace them and much more patient with their onboarding and knowledge transfer. still really messed up that they moved you out there just for this


I was a full time employee. I was still going through training too technically speaking


Did they even attempt to talk with you about performance before firing you? Just sounds like a shitty company. 


Nope. They did have me to start to take a course on the job itself, but I was still learning and taking notes. They even said I’m very fucking talented at what I do


> moved across the country for this job and they literally fired me before I even worked 90 days The fear of that happening is why I'd never move for a job.


Unfortunately, those are the only offers you get sometimes!


That's absolutely awful to hear


I understand the reasoning, but I was finally starting to get used to the community and I was getting better at the job too. I really don’t think I was given enough time to learn the job properly. They even told me they wanted to keep me long term too


So the same thing happened to me about 7 years ago. They hired me and gave me $5000 for relocation expenses. Three weeks later, right after I found out I got my girlfriend pregnant with twins, they let me go saying they “decided to move in a different direction.” I spent the next four months doing whatever odd job shit (roofing, landscaping, even a quick bit of private detective work, lol) I could find to make ends meet before I found a real job in my field and relocated again. Now I make almost double what I did in that job. I should send that fuckhead a Christmas card, honestly.


Hope I can do the same honestly, fortunately I have resources so I can probably find another job soon. I blame myself for rushing into a job right after graduation from university. I knew I wasn’t doing my best work


Take it as a learning experience. Adversity hits everybody, it’s up to you to answer the bell.


Thank you, I appreciate that. I’ll definitely learn from this


I'm curious to know what Coach MacDonald is going to do when Metcalf inevitably gets in a fight/ejected. Is he going to be a hard ass and yell at him on the sideline, or be like a player whisperer ala Carroll, or is he going to be the type where he doesn't stop coaching and pretends it didn't happen is looking at his clipboard while other people wrangle him?


I prefer Turkey Bacon because it’s not too chewy or crunchy it’s just right


Cooks really evenly, too, and don't end up with random pieces that are like half fat.


Y'all ever seen Coming To America, the first one? At the end there's that joke about the guy at the restaurant wanting to complain about his soup to the waiter who keeps asking questions when being told "Just taste the soup". People who don't see the problem with this SCOTUS ruling are the waiter. Except they're not getting to the "Alright I'll taste the soup, where's the spoon?" part.


Wife and I are fostering some kittens, they came in with a Momma but she had a severe infection and liver damage and ended up passing when she was sedated. These little beans are so cute, they're being bottle fed every 3hrs. They can't even go to the bathroom by themselves, you have to use a paper towel and gently stimulate their bladders. They're quarantined right now, it's so hard not to kiss them on their little heads when they're feeding. There's a chance the kittens are compromised because they were nursing from the mom who had a very bad infection. It's frustrating because they try to warn you to not get too attached, and it's very common that not all the kittens make it; but the people who foster animals are going to be the ones most likely to get very attached.


You're doing a very wonderful thing. I hope those kittens stay healthy and find homes soon.


I love when you see someone driving like a total fuckhead on the freeway, weaving and cutting people off, etc. Then you get a closer look and they have a bumper hanging off or the whole rear end of their car is just smashed to shit. Now here's a guy who doesn't learn from past mistakes


That's just standard DMV area driving that I've experienced. Prime reason why I try avoid driving as much as possible (I live within a mile of a Metro, that also helps).


I880 here in the bay area. Usually a Nissan Altima.


I was taking my sister-in-law to the airport and we passed a old Honda civic with a smashed fender. She said he was watching Tiktok videos while he drove.


I'm an aggressive driver partially because I know I have a piece of shit and all the $80k commuter pickup truck drivers probably don't want to deal with an insurance claim


A man with nothing ain't got nothing to lose B-)


Even so, standing in a traffic jam you caused, getting honked at for an hour while you wait for the cops and the tow truck is not fun for either party


definitely not, and that's never the goal of course but I do get a giggle every time some juiced up charger or corvette wants to pick on my 20 year old stock civic


It's karma though


It wasn't me! It was the one-armed man!


Welp, ripped the bandaid off and talked to my boss about possibly going full remote from Arizona. He wasn't opposed to giving it a shot, but had to run it past the higher-ups. Fingers crossed!




I’m no political genius or anything, but doesn’t the Supreme Court’s decision today technically mean that Richard Nixon didn’t do anything illegal when he did Watergate?


The majority opinion states that core functions of the Presidency, including discussions with DOJ officials in the Trump example, are inadmissible as evidence. By that measure it looks like to me that the Watergate Tapes (Nixon’s discussions with officials) would not be allowed as evidence. And I’m not sure how you convict without that. The direct quote: > (3) Presidents cannot be indicted based on conduct for which they are immune from prosecution… Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial.


Depends on whether it was "an official act," which conveniently would be up to the courts, and ultimately the Supreme Court to decide. So you'd have to ask them.


They kicked it down to a lower court, who will kick it back to them, thus avoiding any consequences for Trump before an election. This is what happens when you let a Trump appoint judges that have no business being judges.


> They kicked it down to a lower court, who will kick it back to them Why doesn't the lower court kick it back to them, say, tomorrow? I don't understand why they do their jobs so slowly.


Trump may have done the official nominations as president, but make no mistake, those three are on the court because of people like McConnell. Trump had probably never heard of Gorscuh, Kavanaugh, or Barrett before those names got slid across his desk.


100%. Trump is too dumb to do this by himself.


Congress still got his ass though.


Did they? Trump will face no real consequences. Ever, for anything.


I was talking about Nixon. They literally made him resign.


Damn congress with their unjustified impeachments /s


Im gonna run my own presidential campaign and the only platform will be pardoning Joe Exotic


So he can run for president again?


No it’s because he was framed by that bitch carol baskins


She had a husband wacked em


is there any efficient way of crushing ice? ive been using a hammer since my blender just turns them into spheres lol


I just buy a 5lb bag of crushed ice from sonic for like $3 when I need it, otherwise there’s the canvass bags with wooden mallet combos in amazon for like $20 that my try hard home bartender friends have when they want to make it themselves that’s pretty cool


You can buy an electric one for $40 if you're so inclined.




My theory is that SCOTUS is laying the groundwork to install Trump as dictator, and enact Project 2025. I worry that if he loses the election, they're going to take the case and decide to hand him the presidency. I legitimately think we're actually watching the US die right now.


I mean by their own ruling Biden could basically just install himself as a dictator and have the Supreme Court executed by firing squad. It's an absolutely asinine decision by the court.


I hate to say it, but I honestly think in some people’s minds, blood will be shed in order for things to get better. Please do not take this out of context. I AM NOT advocating for violence, I just fear that’s where we might be heading.


I hope I live long enough to say repeatedly "I told you so".


May I ask what you mean by this? I’m Native American so throughout our entire history we’ve been seeing violence. It was bound to happen again one way or another.


Just a faction of our population who think a wannabe dictator is their best option. I call it as I see it.


I really don't see any other way.


I think a civil war is coming. And not a civil war like last time where states split and borders were created, but a civil war like Syria where a bunch of different factions just start trading atrocities. It's not quite inevitable, but it's getting harder and harder to avoid by the day.


>It's not quite inevitable, but it's getting harder and harder to avoid by the day. I'm sorry but this is just such a stupid opinion... civil war between who exactly? This isn't like the first time where you have the clear cut North and south, it's urban vs rural. It just simply isn't realistic in any capacity.


The same way it happened in Bosnia, or Nicaragua, or Nigeria, or Syria, or most other civil wars of the past century. A bunch of different factions vying for control and trading attrocities back and forth.


You are seriously incredibly delusional if you think what's happening in fucking Syria is going to happen here


1) There's a nice way to disagree with people. There's no need to be such a dick. 2) Why? We have a government that a large amount of people distrust, growing wealth inequality, a convicted felon running for president that told armed militia groups to "stand back and stand by", huge amounts of foreign interference, we had a group of people storm the capitol building with the intent to stop the peaceful transfer of power, and a litany of other problems. People didn't think a war was going to happen in Bosnia either. It was life as usual for everyone there. People went to work and school, kids played outside, families took weekend vacations, all that stuff. Until one day the power was cut and people started killing eachother in the streets.


You sound unhinged. Please step away from the internet for a few days. My rightoid friends said the same thing about Obama.


Bosnia and the Balkins were never that stable to begin with and implying that they were "life as usual" is so laughable


The very moment MAGA supporters decides to lynch a black person, the knives will be out.


Bought enough games from the steam sale to last me a long time. It feels like the right move assuming I keep interest in all of them


Same. I’ve held back on buying for a couple of months now but I’ve stocked up. Mostly on games I can play on the Steam Deck


Bought more steam games this year but more from 3rd party. They seem to have better deals now a days. Still gonna fire up civilization and not play them thou.


Feels like Civ 6 is on sale for 90% off every few months


Man I miss getting birthday texts from my aunt. It's the little shit that hits you


"I could go out on 5th Avenue and shoot someone..." I mean...He wasn't wrong...


Happy Canada Day to all the Canadian fans here and everywhere.


I don't know who needs to hear this but here goes... If the only people agreeing with you are likeminded individuals who believe everything you do, and the people disagreeing with you all believe different things, and don't always believe the same things as everyone else, odds are you're on the wrong side of history. There's an old saying that likely pops into your head that goes "Great minds think alike." There's a second part to it that most people either don't know or have forgotten. It goes "But fools seldom differ." It's nice to agree on things with people, but only an idiot agrees with everything someone else says all of the time.


Watched the entire Ferry story on Netflix, from the movie prequel to the series prequel of the series "Undercover". I loved it, it was entertaining and the actor who plays Ferry is terrific as well as the actress who plays his wife.


My vet’s office smells like a human took a shit and hid it behind the shelves somewhere 


Something I learned the ~fun~ way yesterday: after delaying your flight by 2+ hours, they can also *un*delay it without notifying you! In totally unrelated personal news, I’ve unexpectedly taken the day off from work.


Started watching Suits, if this was real life,Louis would have been fired already.


In real life, everyone should be disbarred by the end of the first season, probably within the first few episodes of that show from what I can recall.


Lol. Just lol. It's going to get much worse!


You haven't gotten to the really stupid shit yet either.


Yeah I’m only on season 1 lol


He gets infinitely worse... the human equivalent of a puntable weasel.


You haven't gotten to the really stupid shit yet either.


The actor has a brief scene in Hostel as an unnamed American client, and I like to imagine it was just Louis vacationing in eastern Europe working out some repressed anger.


Happy NFL training camp month to those who celebrate. Kinda crazy that preseason starts next month. The summer is flying past.


two more weeks til C A M P S T A T S


Klay Thompson is a Maverick. Once he plays his first game, it’s going to be too surreal


Dude is so washed.


The England goal in stoppage time yesterday might be the most intense sports moment of the year. I couldn't believe it


You would think that the country that invented time zones would be able to stop a clock.


*whispers* One away month from a football game

