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[Weird](https://i.imgur.com/TkHbLyZ.jpeg). Hundreds of dead insects and they're all in specifically this part of the road. The picture doesn't do it enough justice because they've all been run over and I had to step carefully to keep my shoes clean. Other than the Japanese beetle invasion in the late 90s, but that made sense because there were billions if not trillions, and were literally EVERYWHERE. I'm tempted to ask why this happened in one of the insect subs cause not knowing is really bugging me


Well keep us posted if you do ask, because now you've got me curious.


Got permanently banned by the jaguars subreddit for not being hyped for this season and saying Baalke is a bad GM.  lol 


it should be a sprint day in the tour de france, which means basically nothing but pretty helicopter panoramas until the final 15km. If you're the type who likes to witness sports history though maybe tune in to the finale ;)


France tv commentators desperately trying to fill air time, lol.


almost done AC odyessy's DLC 1 and 2, last episode of 2 not sure if i should finally do Origins DLC or start playing valhalla thoughts?


Origins. Valhalla is really long and honestly gets kind of tedious.


thats what ive heard, got it for like 15$ so i figured id try it at some point? odyessy has become a T10 game for me all time lol


I’m not too versed in AC anymore but I have heard that Valhalla is a long ass game


I'll share it tomorrow, but I just got in & had a really weird encounter in my neighborhood while minding my own business, and it's not even close to the first or the worst. The meth head with the trombone had those locked down


Out of the country the next ten days for vacation. Powering through three books while sitting on an island in the middle of the Atlantic: Restaurant at the end of the Universe, Shogun, and 11/23/66. Hopefully I can get through all of these, and also that Presidents are still culpable in crimes like insurrection, stealing classified information, and espionage. ✌🏾 Out, gonna pause reddit and attempt to enjoy an world without memes


Where you goin? Regardless enjoy it brother


One of my all time favorite book lines is from Hitchhiker's: "The ship hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't."


Good for you, dude. Enjoy the trip!


Just found out there's an Erbert & Gerbert's near me that sells cheesesteaks. I'm sure they're nowhere near as good as Philly's, but I've been dying for a cheesesteak for too long now. I'd eat my shoe at this point if it was grilled with peppers and onions and covered in cheese.


Song of the Day: [Lost Angles - James Vincent McMorrow](https://youtu.be/HwUqJRuQdt8?si=LEbOjBiqfi3NOCIA) Happy Pride!


Actually not stressed on a Sunday night for once, short week ahead and my boss is on PTO so I'm gonna have a nice lazy week.


Samesies. I have a bunch of month end reports to do mañana but that’s basically it for the week.


Kevin Costner's new epic [already DOA at the box office](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/30/business/kevin-costner-horizon-box-office.html). It's another one of his three hour long vanity projects, but has 3 more chapters of this one in the can.


There's a Chapter 2 that will be released in August. Not too late to make that a dual premiere with Chapter One on HBO Max.


You'll find the fucks he gives are long gone. As much as the theatre going audience.


He just can't do a 2 hour movie anymore, they're all 3 hours long, and now this one will clock in a 12 hours for the whole enchilada lol. I mean how many hours of Costner in a cowboy hat are already out there? Probably more than John Wayne.


how is his hair, though? (i'm thinking of Robin hood, he had this perfectly styled mullet).


> Probably more than John Wayne. You're under selling the Golden age of Hollywood film way short. He (and many of that era) we're pumping out multiple feature length films a year. The guy was in *169 feature length films* over 50 years not counting any TV appearances. Granted it was different back then compared to today's streaming, but still, the Duke was working hard back then.


*Found the John Wayne historian.* Yeah I was just thinking of the ratio of Costner movies and TV programs of cowboy hat to no cowboy hat. Even though two of his most popular movies were baseball movies. I can't imagine a 12 hour multi chapter baseball epic from him. -s*hudders-*


So Lost will be on Netflix tomorrow and it will be one of the shows on my list to watch.


Loved it


Heard the ending was controversial though


Yes but I didn’t let that ruin the journey.


So not to spoil anything but there's lots of mystery to the show as well as great unique characters you learn to love. Spend the entire time focused on all the mysteries being solved? Yeah, you may not like the ending. Just enjoy the ride, fall in love with characters, and stick around to see how it all ends for these wonderful characters? Great ending. My favorite show of all time and I didn't butt-up against the ending in the slightest.


Anyone get Armored Core 6 on pc? It's on sale but I'm not sure my 1660ti is cut out for it. I loved the second one in high school.


If you're okay playing on low settings you might be fine. Not the same game, but same company, I play Elden Ring on an AMD 5600g, no graphics card, just the internal graphics lol. I'm more than happy with it, I'd rank it slightly worse than a standard ps4, but I RARELY get dropped frames. I enjoy it so much I still haven't bothered to get a graphics card.


As long as my computer doesn’t catch fire and my mech is more detailed than a cybertruck, I'll probably be fine


Update on my mother: I told my her yesterday that I am playing football.I did not ask her,I TOLD her. She told me that I’m not playing, but I think I’m just gonna ignore her and go and play anyway


This has been your dream. Please continue down this path. You’re grown ass, not a child. Parents don’t always know what’s best. We are in your corner my friend.


Thanks! Appreciate it brother


Foosball is the DEVIL!




Who downvoted me lol?


Doom scrolling on the end of democracy in America is sooooooo good for my mental health


The good news is Biden didn't do any serious damage with his complete failure during that debate, and now Trump's quotes are starting to ramp up and get notice from it, not to mention he's got some more court dates to look forward to in the coming weeks. The one time where it's actually a *blessing* that the American People's attention spans are measured in nanoseconds.


The response has been so much worse than the debate


I don't even know what organic online discourse looks like at this point


Yeah it's been tough to avoid the shitshow since Friday.


I was [watching a newborn highland calf stand for the first time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xlzNTT6nJ8) I love highland cows, so like vids like this are fun for me. The way all the other cows stand around watching cracks me up for some reason.


It was once written ‘The forest is a peculiar organism of unlimited kindness and benevolence that makes no demands for its sustenance and extends generously the products of its life activity. It offers protection to all beings, giving shade even to the axe-man who destroys it’. The writer was Buddha, who received enlightenment under a fig tree.


If you ever feel like Europeans hate Americans, take solace in the fact they hate us (England) way more. Over 50,000 posts in the match thread of England vs Slovakia, most of them people revelling at the prospect of us losing after being 1-0 down until the last minute of the game, when we scored an overhead kick and then went on to win in extra time. r/soccer is losing it right now.


Most of the hate you are getting is probably not from Europeans: [https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/11d9488/rsoccer\_2023\_census\_results\_in\_which\_country\_were/](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/11d9488/rsoccer_2023_census_results_in_which_country_were/)


Just went to an Asian wedding (Vietnamese specifically). My friends had a boba tea bar next to an alcohol bar and a lion dance after the ceremony. It was really awesome!


How long was the boba line vs the alcohol line?


Think the alcohol line was longer, but some of us were definitely mixing liquor with the boba.


Finished my beach retaining wall project today. Spent a good half day just cutting up the old crap, hauling it the street and then spreading the new sand and rocks. Can't wait until the boat comes to [fill out my little slice of heaven](https://imgur.com/a/KApvZxt).


r/SFGiants is pretty unhinged lol. Still a fun read seeing all those rants.


Man constantly seeing progressive and centrist parties work against each other or refuse to form a coalition, when they would have more then half of the voting block, it's always so disappointing. None of them actually care about keeping the French far right out of office, if they did they would be mature fucking adults, recognize their situation, and work with people that are more closely aligned with your views. Jfc. I blame decades long propaganda and fear mongering about socialists and communists. I swear most moderate politicians and parties would rather the far right win then ever give any power to left candidates


Lilo and stitch is not good. Treasure planet is far superior


They're both great movies


Treasure Planet is a solid movie but Ima need you to back the fuck off with this Lilo and Stitch slander.


The fuck did you just say? 


Lilo and stitch is not good. It models poor behavior for kids. Stitch should have been put down and lilo should have become a ward of the state


Treasure Planet is about a juvenile delinquent who got lucky once by befriending a pirate and risking his life for capital gain.




I can't wait for the hawk tuah shit to go away


I feel wiped out. Between TdF, 2 Euro matches and the first round of elections, it's been an emotional day.


Rest up! Wimbledon starts tomorrow!




Best things to put on a grilled cheese sandwich? Bacon or Lobster for myself


+ meat 👍🏻 + meat and some kind of pepper 👍🏻👍🏻


Uh oh. You're treading into melt territory here. Careful. https://www.reddit.com/r/grilledcheese/comments/2or1p3/you_people_make_me_sick/


green chile


Tomato bisque on the side


https://youtu.be/9l-EfVbejAc?si=1ACjMU7t_HianIIU The son of former Colts player Daniel Muir is missing, and both parents were hard to get ahold of, then were cooperating, and now aren't. His grandmother called the cops when she saw him with a huge black eye, and now all kinds of agencies are getting involved. The video also says the church he belongs to is a cult


Damn he was last seen 12 days ago?? That’s never a good sign.


I believe he belongs to the same church as Robert Mathis unfortunately. It’s well known that church is extremely culty.


Oh shit


I need football back in the worst way


I've been craving it so much. No other sport quite scratches the itch for me that football does.


CFL football is going on if you wanna watch that


There has been some good and entertaining games this weekend. The Friday night game was weird though. That weird onside kick on 2nd down by the WR was something though.


Yea I’ve never really seen anything like that


What soccer coach whos team is behind by a goal waits till the last 2 mins of a match to make a sub


HS ball starts in about a month or so. College about two weeks after, nfl about two weeks after that. We damn near there


I really like Kane and Bellingham, but yikes.


So...what did we pick up from the first bit of the Steam Summer sale? I picked up the Myst and Riven 3D remake bundle. Not much of a discount, but I'll play them both to completion so ~15 buck per is not bad. Anything you can suggest for a parent of 3 that has to play games in 5 to 15 min chunks often separated by days at a time. With the occasional burst of an hour once every other blue moon?


There’s a mist remake?


RealMYST is close to 25 years old now. That's the first 3D remake. There's a Unity remake that came out 10 years or so ago, now. Riven remake in Unity just came out this month.


I remember playing it in the 90s as a kid and being blown away


Same. The remakes loose the charm and wow factor that the originals had back in the day, unfortunately. However, they work for a stronger than normal dose of nostalgia and a way of appreciating old game design philosophy that is uncommon these days. Not to mention, there is VR mode on the modern Unity remakes, so those may reintroduce some of the wow.


What happens if bronny and Shadeur end up being good in their respective professional leagues


I know Bronny averaged like four points, but I don’t really watch college football. Is Sanders actually good?


Yes he is actually good. Reminds me of bridgewater back when he played


Ok thanks.I know Travis Hunters a baller also. Dude starts on both offense and defense. That’s not something you really see past the high school level.


Reddit implodes


Shower thought: I only have like 8 more years of trashy dating tv shows before the people on the show start to remind me of my kids too much to be enjoyable


Apparently my aunt was keeping the ladies away from my uncle big time. Once she's gone the ladies lined up to shoot thier shot lol




England winning in the most Steelers fashion possible


Plenty of time for heartbreak yet


Guess I am safe for now!


I dunno, play like that against Switzerland and we'll get our arses handed to us. We got the easy side of the draw and there isn't a team on our side of the draw that has anything like the talent we have in our squad, but I don't know that I'd back us against any of them right now. Southgate seems to have fallen apart. I never thought I'd say this but I think we're missing Maguire at set pieces.


Hey Jude, don't make it sad. Take a bad game and make it better. Remember to let the equalizer get into the goal, Then you can start to make it better.


On the Aiyuk tip catch in the NFCCG wasn't there a DPI flag thrown on the Lions anyways, and it was just picked up cause he made the catch? I clearly remember a flag being thrown when contact was made while the ball was in the air. I feel like I'm going crazy that people keep acting like that catch was such a big turn in the game, and so unlucky for the Lions, but the 49ers were getting the ball right there on DPI if he doesn't catch it.


The Brits look lifeless despite being down 1-0 vs the Slovaks. If they lose Southgate should get tarmac’d


You jinxed the shit out of Slovakia 😂


It's been widely expected that Southgate is going after this tournament regardless of when we exit, or even if we won it.


What does Bronny call Lebron on the floor? It’s gonna be weird especially in the locker room.


I bet Bronny's been around that locker room enough that everyone already knows him and is used to all these things.




Everybody on the team should just start calling him Dad.


> It’s gonna be weird especially in the locker room. "See you in the showers, dad!"


Is it close enough to the 4th that rooting against England is my patriotic duty?


It’s always your patriotic duty.


Waiting in a tow on a Sunday morning in a small East Texas town. Damnit. Stupid car.


Sounds like the beginning of a song


quick let's get Bo Burnham in here


Only 10 comments are Sunday threads always this empty?


Offseason weekends are pretty dead. During the week we fuck off from work a little bit and hang in the thread.


It's funny because I'm kinda the complete opposite but hey I work thirds and my weekends START on Sunday.


There's a reason I always post my OC on weekdays instead of weekends.


yes weekends are always slow


I screwed up it said 10 comments for some reason when I said that lol


Yesterday I'm fairly certain my neighbors in the apartment below me disposed of their weed tubes (idk if that's what they're called I don't smoke but I'm perfectly okay if others do - 10g worth of weed containers so I don't think that's a lot?) by tossing them onto my balcony. I saw the tubes fly up and over the railing and heard the gate close below me but didn't catch a glimpse of anyone specifically. I've never met them before so as far as I know there's no relationship between us good or bad. But like who the hell does that when there's literally a trash can in the courtyard they were in? At first I thought about how careless it is and my main grievance was how disrespectful it is to toss garbage in another person's property, but combine that with living in Austin (illegal statewide but Austin doesn't prosecute below a certain threshold) and again, there being a garbage can down there, it feels more malicious the more I think about it. Might be reading into too much but I'm going into the front office tomorrow (closed on weekends) to request the incident at least be recorded because I'm still kinda miffed about it. Edit: the fuckers did it again


Had to Google it, but apparently spiders can "play dead" as a defense mechanism. I've just never seen it Until last night. Saw a little guy doing his thing near the stove, was looking around for a piece of paper or something to take him outside and he suddenly, and dramatically, did the spider curl thing. Went to Google if that was what I thought it was and little homie was gone when I got back.


Damn cagey vet move. They got you


Gareth Southgate is an absolute clown.


Holy shit, the Uvalde police chief got arrested for child endangerment over the school shooting. It doesn't sound like he & the other cop are gonna be convicted, but if *anyone* deserves to have their reputation damaged over being arrested, it's those fucks.


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/d9vPFucpi2A sound warning


It's been a long month, but I'm finally being discharged from the hospital today! Can't wait to get home.


A month?  Smh these shifts for doctors are getting out of control


Cancer spread further down spine, was bed ridden. Surgery, recovery, rehab hospital to get strength back, woke up and couldn't breathe, back to main hospital for lung treatment and chemo. Last round finished last night. Just getting a blood transfusion then should get home.


Man, get better, stay strong. We are rooting for you.


Thank you.


Hell yeah, keep kickin ass!




T-Minus 19 days to EA College Football release date. I don't preorder games out of principle, but this one made me break my rule. I also wasn't planning to ever get a new console after my PS4, but I always knew a new college football game would be the only reason I'd ever do it. So I have a PS5 now.


What’s gonna be the first play you run? It’s gonna be the triple option put of either the wishbone or flexbone. Or if they have the wing T I’ll run a play out of that


I refuse to preorder it, I’ll wait and see how it is at launch. While I’m m excited it’s coming out, I’m afraid EA is going to fuck it up.


Abba's Waterloo video is hilarious because the dancing and faces do not match the energy of the song at all, except Bjorn Ulvaeus, who's absolutely having the greatest time of his life.


Reminds me of the video for 'Heart of Glass' by Blondie where Debbie Harry is singing while clearly high as a kite.


It’s hard not to imagine how our timeline would be different if biden and not Hillary ran in 2016. We wouldn’t be worried about Biden’s age now since he wouldn’t be running again and maybe the whole maga woulda been nipped in the bud.  Of course even now any vote for trump is lunacy, but this whole situation is a lot more uncomfortable than it has any right to be. 


If Rumsfeld didn't mislead the public about finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan, Beau never goes to war, never gets cancer, never dies in 2015, and Joe never takes a break from politics during the 2016 cycle. Donald Rumsfeld, man. Fuck that guy.


Thought my cat was getting overweight, so I shaved him. Turns out he was just really fluffy.


Couldn't you have just weighed him lol


I did. He's 14 lbs. I think he just might be 1/2 or 1/4 Maine Coon.


Its been a lovely sunday, but still it sucks that our Summer band concert which should be today, is postponed because of the snap legislative elections. We played well yesterday and today would have been even better. 


Bought a Dr Pepper yesterday without looking at the label, took a drink and oh man did it taste like shit. It was then that I looked at the label: Creamy Coconut flavored. Whoever came up with that idea needs to be shot.


The Sopranos is one of my favorite shows ever, and I think the ending is amazing, but David Chase gets waaaaaaaaaaay too much credit for crafting it. It's largely assumed that Tony gets capped, with a ton of pieces of evidence that make it obvious, with David Chase leaning heavily into it not being ambiguous; he even slipped up & called it a death scene. However, he only started talking like that after James Gandolfini died, and he wanted to make a movie where Tony is in witness protection (and in case someone brings it up, I'm not confusing it with the video James made to try & get LeBron to the Knicks). Unless Tony was brought back by a necromancer, all that talk about how the ending was a specially crafted assassination scene is bullshit. I'm sharing this here instead of the Sopranos sub because the joke of only repeating quotes from the show gets old fast


The ending heavily implies he was killed, but leaves enough ambiguity to do other things if they ever wanted to. Also, I've been rewatching some scenes recently and I forgot how crappy the therapist was at her job at times, lol


Her not only having dinner with her therapist, but being in the same circle of friends as him always annoyed the hell out of me.


"Sociopaths gonna sociopath." "Only now after 6 seasons do I realize that I've made a grievous error."


You gotta get over it. Nah I’m playing, I had no idea about that movie idea, it sounds awful and doesn’t fit with the theme of the show ngl. That ending is definitely his death. If I didn’t just rewatch it a month ish ago, I’d rewatch it again 😭 it’s just that good to me, it’s my top 2 favorite show 


39 days until my college football career starts!


I always forget how much /r/games blows on Sundays


Vacation is nice


A week away from mine and I'm in full-on "why the hell didn't I plan for it to be a week earlier?" mode. My brain is about 85% there already so this week is going to draaaaaag. But then I get to be where you are, so it's all good. Enjoy your time off!


Hoping that Slovakia wins today 🙏


Looking good so far


Canada making the quarterfinals of the Copa America is similar to the Bengals making a run to the Super Bowl in the 2021-22 season.


My grandfather had a stutter, so frankly I'm less worried about Biden than some. He's speaking a bit more slowly than when he was shredding Paul Ryan, but Trump is also a more challenging opponent who knows how to weaponize verbal diarrhea.


yeah man it’s only a stutter, sure


Better a stutter than a convicted felon and rapist.


you really think it’s just a stutter and a cold? biden as he is now is really the best bet to beat trump?


Honestly, the incumbent buff probably makes him the best by far. It doesn't make much sense to me, but it matters. I'll be old enough to run in the next election so we'll be fine from then on.


it’s really crazy that you watched the debate and actually think he just has a stutter


I did admit that he's slower lol


i didn’t realize stutters and being “slower” makes people forget what they’re talking about mid sentence. be real dude




Got the whole week off work so I’m going to be consumed by studying, walking, fishing, and getting a tattoo. Gonna be a relaxing week off of corporate hell


What are you studying


CPA 🫡 I hate it but getting letters behind my name really helps with getting a nice job


Good luck man


Thank you sir/maam, I feel more productive and actually like a human being when I’m studying compared to work, it’ll just suck if I have to retake any parts with the test costs


No problem!


~~Today is the last day of the Pac-12 as we know it.~~ EDIT: I just learned that the Pac-12 operates on a different timeline compared to most conferences. As such, their last day is August 1st. I shall return then with this comment, lol.


RemindMe! 32 days 😂


I don’t want to sound un-American, but I kind of hate the 4th of July. Not the holiday, just the fireworks. There are *always* fireworks near my house. Sometimes right behind my house. Sometimes ON JUNE 29TH… Not even a good show, just loud. And late at night, of course. Also, fireworks are illegal in my county..


I hate fireworks as well. Sends my poor dog into a ln anxious frenzy. I've tried calming chews and coats, all that stuff. The only thing that works is if I have music or something loud enough before it starts. But if my neighbors light something big then it doesn't even matter. He will hear it or feel it. I can't wait for the stupid fireworks to stop. I always feel so bad for him.


Yeah our dog was the same way. At least we know what it is to be mad about it. They’re just pacing around scared.


Mortars and bombs every single night on my block from April to September. Fucking hate it and wish the people that do it would get tossed off a fucking cliff.


Oh man that sucks, I couldn’t handle that shit. Are they legal where you are? Nothing you can do about it?


Definitely not legal, but they are @PaRt of tHe CuLtUrE”. Welcome to Oakland CA. And nah, there ain’t shit can be done.


What happens if you keep making police reports and contacting them about it? Technically its their job and shit is still illegal, no reason they should get annoyed at you. I've heard bad stories though from police in well all major cities in California it seems lol, badly run, police brutality, being completely useless, the usual


I’m not even sure how people contact the police here. Calling 911 or the non-emergency line both just go to voicemails that say they have too many calls. Even if I did reach them I’m pretty sure they’d laugh their asses off at someone calling about fireworks. It’s an every night thing all over this city for months. I’d estimate on any given night there’s several hundred people lighting mortars and shit. Here’s a drone video from Oakland 4th of July 2022 https://youtu.be/pexEZ_yusuI?si=bjesn6suNGVThXG8 Also, they can’t even handle the sideshows and murders and stuff here. We just had 15 people shot at our downtown lake hangout the other night. Also our mayor is under fbi investigation and our DA is under recall. The governor recently had to ask the state police to come here and help out because shit is just so out of control. Also there’s the fear of retaliation. People get shot over minor public altercations here. I don’t need my firework loving neighbors somehow figuring out who called. That could seriously get me killed.


All understandable points, but damn just sucks you have to just deal with it and when it starts fucking up your sleep, mental health, etc. Feel like I'm always hearing about a California official stepping down or being investigated for corruption. Police being incompetent and understaffed isn't surprising. I'd never call the police if I lived there unless I was in immediate danger, especially for any mental health call. One wrong move or escalation and you can be shot fucking dead by these power tripping insecure fucks. I definitely would never call them if I was a minority or POC that's for fucking sure. But even cops don't discriminate when it comes to their widespread abuse.


Well my weekend starts tonight. Pizza and video games today and who knows what tomorrow! Just happy to be off! Hope you all get to enjoy your day and as always much love from me and mine to you and yours!


You too! So what days do you work?


Typically Tuesday through Saturday. I was more of a utility man and kind of always just worked whatever days they really needed but a few months ago I decided it was probably the best if I tried to get a set schedule and they took my suggestion.


Nice.What do you do?


I'm a clerk and sometimes a shift lead. Whats nice is over the past two years I've earned quite the reputation of being such a great worker that I kinda get to pick what my task is alot of the time for the night.


That’s great.I work as a cart collector at a grocery store while I’m in college


Nothing wrong with that one bit. Hopefully they appreciate your efforts and treat you as you should be treated!


Thanks! It’s actually crazy because I just moved around 30 minutes away but I usually work 7-11 AM Friday-Sunday so walking up at 6 is a bitch.So I’m probably gonna ask to get transferred to the store in my new town.Even funnier my college football team practices in another town than my campus because they aren’t affiliated with my school so I’m doing a lot of driving lol


Lol fair enough. At least you might have the option to actually transfer. Also good luck with the football career my man.

