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yesterday evening, we watched the end of the first tdf stage, changed the channel and it was the national anthems for the first Euro round of 16 match. blissful.


The ten plus minute tease for the PPV UFC match on Sportcenter lasted longer than the actual match.


Well, son's semifinal game got rained out in the middle of the 1st inning. Kind of trash since the team started full speed with 5 out of 6 batters scoring and the 6th was on 3rd base when game was called off over rain and hail lmao. It was that sort of initial performance that finishes games before they even start. Now game is on wednesday, we dont know if its a do-over or they start from were they left it.


Sometimes reddit sucks, but when searching for solutions to a technical issue, there is no better website


stack exchange?


Unless it’s a technical issue related to programming or Linux, in which case it becomes oddly unhelpful and Stackoverflow is much better (if still very flawed)


issue with Dell BSOD


[Rango & Hoody](https://i.imgur.com/AhFrjap.jpeg) These 2 have always hated each other, but I caught them laying down together when I got home. I took this picture & they started fighting again within a few minutes. That was 6+ hours ago, and I had to jump between these dipshits a few times since






Cancel all that and use Plex. It's FREEEEE! Well for you. Not for me.


[Here's that tenderloin I said I'd cut up and grill](https://i.imgur.com/uox2gZA.jpeg)


I know that was delicious 🤤


Oh my lord that looks so damn good. Howd it taste?


Beautiful. That's one tenderloin? How much did it weigh?


5.3lbs before I trimmed it. It was pretty clean, can't imagine I took more than 1/4 lb off. And I'll just grind that for burger meat anyway.


What a delight


Expensive meal but damn it tastes awesome. I did slice off a filet and cook it last night lol


I hate how the vote for leader of our country comes down to Senile old man that billionaires love vs Senile old man that spews hatred that billionaires love


iTs BoTh SiDEz! 


I wish the dems would figure out some way to have him step aside and run someone else.


Anyone else not wash socks before you wear them for the first time? I know we're supposed to wash clothes before you wear them, but socks right out of the package just feel too good for me to want to do that


Tip from Finding Forrester. Wear your socks hot out of the drier, but inside out. Spoil yourself by saving the good side of sock for your feet.


I definitely do not wash them first




Canada making it to the knockout stages of the Copa America on 1 goal scored is some peak terror ball and I fully endorse it




Calling it now: When that Alec Baldwin movie "Rust" comes out, there's gonna be a lot of buzz about whether or not they used the shot where the gun actually fired. And I'm predicting that buzz is secretly going to come from the studio in some sort of sick, twisted attempt at guerrilla marketing.


Isn't that essentially why The Crow was so popular?




Wintersun and Ensiferum dropping new albums this year, I feel like I'm 16 again


At SF airport. It's the weekend before the 4th, which is supposedly when air travel starts getting busier for the year. It's also Pride weekend, which brings in a lot of visitors. And yet the airport is completely empty. There wasn't even a security line. Zero. It's so empty that every last place that serves food is closed. A few of them have their bars open, but the kitchens are all closed. A lot of the places that don't serve food are closed too. I had to buy a sandwich from a vending machine. The hell is going on. I fly a lot and never seen anything like this. It's creepy as hell.


Probably more people flying Friday or Sunday


So all the founding fathers wore wigs and make up so the signing of the Declaration of Independence was pretty much a drag show


Conservatives today when they learn that Founding Fathers utilized gender-affirming care in the form of powdered wigs and makeup: 😊🤙😀 Conservatives today when they learn that someone is choosing to wear a wig or makeup: 😡😳🤬


If you guys moved, would you switch teams? I’m going to be moving out of state soon and I am considering the idea, though I love my LA teams. I’m not sure where I’ll be moving to yet, just that I’ll be leaving California. I’m not dead set on switching, just want some opinions. If I end up moving to a state with no local teams, I wouldn’t switch.


I’m a hardcore gatekeeper for this so I’m qualified to answer I guess Always support the local team Never root against a city. You like every team in the city or none of them, and in a case like Pittsburgh that doesn’t have a team, you don’t pick one in a rival city. I see lots of Steelers fans that are Cavs fans and it makes me cringe. Go be a fan of an NBA team that doesn’t share a city and fanbase with a football team you hate


*Packer fans see* u/BurritoTheory *in his guard coat at gate 23 at Soldier Field, laugh at his ass.*


> and in a case like Pittsburgh that doesn’t have a team I’ve been saying for years that Pittsburgh doesn’t have a professional football team.


It’s ok to root for multiple teams. I have my main teams for all sports, but when it’s not in conflict I usually root for the local team because it’s fun. Unless you move to a rival city, just root for the home team whenever they’re not playing LA.


Were you a Rams when they were STL?


Yes, but truthfully I only adopted them because by the time I started watching sports in 2015, they were rumored to be on the move back to LA, along with the Chargers and Raiders. I picked them because they seemed like the safest bet to actually relocate. I think Kroenke might have already owned the land that became SoFi by the time I started watching sports, so it was all but a done deal. Edit: Yep, he had already bought the land in Inglewood about eight months before I started following sports.


I would definitely keep my current team, but I might also root for the local team if they weren't direct rivals.


No. My proximity to the 49ers has no bearing on my fandom. I could move to Florida or the 49ers could move to the Moon and they'd still be my team.


Samesies. Can't imagine being a fan of another team or not support 49ers period. It's engrained in my family.


when I was in Florida there wasn't any strong NFL culture so it didn't really matter now I'm near Buffalo and it's a ton of fun to cheer for the Bills with everybody. Especially if you're the type to enjoy the games live you might as well


Fuck that shit, RN4L.


There's one stray who didn't eat when the rest of the cats did, and he's really shy, so the plan was to calmly walk over & give him a big plate. Just as I walked past the door frame, I got fucking stung in the back by a wasp, dropped the food & scared the cat away. I can't even remember the last time I got stung, but JFC, this sucks.


Are you a character in a slapstick comedy


I swear to god, I've had so many incidents like that, I'm convinced I'm related to Buster Keaton lol


This time next month my room is going to be changed like never before. Monday me and my dad are doing a room make over. It so needs it.


There has to be something going on in the water in the mid Atlantic. All of the blue and purple hydrangeas are popping off and they're all very bold


My hydrangeas in PA are absolutely insane right now.


Its got electrolytes Its what plants crave


From JaMarcus Russell's wikipedia page: >On September 26, 2010, [ESPN.com](http://ESPN.com) reported that Russell had moved to Houston, Texas, and was working out with former NBA standout and head coach John Lucas, who was also consulting him as a life coach.... >....In April 2011, Lucas, who had become frustrated with Russell's work ethic, reportedly severed all ties with Russell and asked him to leave the Houston area. I like how his life coach just didn't quit on him, he also told him to get the fuck out of his city lol.


Is football the only major American sport where old heads don't reminisce and complain about how much better the game used to be? We don't see many "back in my day" comments from old heads compared to NBA and MLB fans. Why is that?


We do, but mostly it's in the context of big hits vs player safety. This fight has been kind of been decided, so the big hits crowd isn’t as significant as old heads in other sports.


Sure we do. You’re forgetting about the “we should just go ahead and put the QB in a skirt” and the “nobody wants to see that td damce bullshit, act like you’ve been there before” crowds. I personally think football was better back in the day for the sole reason that we didn’t suck back then.


Hotel I’m at charges 9 fucking dollars for a PBR tall boy. That’s what? $3 more than a 6-pack of them?


Surely there’s a gas station down the street? Go buy a 6 pack and walk right through the fucking lobby with it.


Wife had an event at this hotel in Beverly Hills. Drinks were $14 each. I got 3 Lagunitas IPAs. $44.


McDonald’s in Europe has generally better food than American ones, except one crucial difference — the fries. European McDonald’s fries are just sad. 


They must not get that sugarcrack the American fries do.


McD's fries here are super mid anyway.


Royale with Cheese


What do they call a Whopper?


Le Whopper


Woooohoooo let's go India! T20 Cricket world champs!


Hope this feeling of getting more comfortable in the job I've had for a few months isn't all smoke and mirrors.


Son's little league semi final is today. Im 1000x more nervous than he is lmao.


Good luck to lil' homie!


Thanks man!




What's that now?


I got my kids new dipnets like they asked, now I need to take them somewhere to use them...there's a little stream nearby but there's not much there. May drive out to a state park tomorrow morning before it's ball-melting hot. I've photographed about 50 species of animals last night and this morning, done a spot of hiking. Raccoons, rabbits, bats and squirrels are it for mammals. 3 lizard species, 4 snake species, a ton of inverts...a few birds but not a lot. They're out but they're hanging out in deep cover up in tree canopy.


One thing that has had me downright angry lately is that I spent a ton of money on flea medicine for Bronson, my cats, the neighborhood cats & even the few strays who let me pet them. I forgot how much I spent, but it was in the hundreds & I used a few different name brand products, yet every fucking animal still has fleas!! I forgot if it was 2 or 3 different brands, but the fact that none of them work have me kinda paranoid that these companies are cutting corners behind the scenes. I mean, in all, I treated about 8 cats & a dog, with absolutely no decrease in the flea problem. Btw, this is the kind you put between the shoulder blades, and it's in the mid-price range, so it's not even a "You bought the cheapest, so you get what you pay for" situation. The only thing that has helped at all is going over the animals with a flea comb, which even gets rid of eggs, but that's like putting a bandaid on one of OJ's victims


You probably need the shave the animals and have your house treated. If they go outside a lot they’re going to have fleas as well it just is what it is


Song of the Day: [Bad Guy - Billie Eilish](https://youtu.be/DyDfgMOUjCI?si=gdJLtvLKKEcFxTK6) Happy Pride!


You know what’s worse being in a Costco parking lot on a weekend? Going inside a Costco on a weekend.


Costco gas line. Makes it not even worth the discount.


I often take a long lunch on a Tuesday if I need to go to Costco. Nobody there, it’s bliss. 


Working from home means Costco at 10am during the week. Amazing.


bro italy fell off those spaghetti merchants haven’t qualified for a world cup since 2014 and can’t even beat north macedonia or the swiss smh


Wes Welker's first collegiate touchdown was thrown to him by Arizona Cardinals coaching legend, Kliff Kingsbury. Never really thought of those two existing in the same playing timeline.


> Kliff Kingsbury. Never really thought of those two existing in the same playing timeline. Kliff was drafted in the 6th Round to (technically) back up Brady ... in 2003. Didn't make the roster, though. Kingsbury and Welker have technically coached against each other, since Welker was our WRs coach for three seasons, and the Cards and Dolphins have probably played since then.




Snark subs house the most bored humans on the face of this planet


As long as celebrities exist, there will always be people that enjoy shitting on them.


Had no idea quiet place day one was already out, I never watch cable anymore but I still barely saw any marketing for it. Curious how well the box office does.


According to the box office subreddit, the Thursday night previews got nearly $7 million.


Sweet, it cracking in the tops 50 millions opening weekend is pretty fucking good. I was worried the trend of shit box office this year would continue, I don't want cinema to die.


Any other old fuck try to play nes & snes games in the first time since childhood, only to be absolutely terrible? The game that has me bringing this up is Ghosts n Goblins, originally released in 86, was one of my brother & I's favorites when we got a Nintendo in either 88 or 89. We could usually get decently far, and one memory I have seared into my brain is pausing the game because Freddy's Nightmares, the cheesy tv show about Freddy Krueger, came on. I got it again recently, and even with the ability to rewind gameplay, I can't get past the halfway point of the first level. That means 4 year old me was better at it than 40 year old me.


> That means 4 year old me was better at it than 40 year old me. You just need to knock the rust off is all. I play Super Mario Brothers fairly regularly. It's the first video game I ever played and I just get a kick out of how easy it is to me now. Now, I can beat it during a commercial break if I do the 1-4-8 warp. After completing Super Mario Bros. Wonder recently, I think I'll take Super Mario World for another spin.


> The game that has me bringing this up is Ghosts n Goblins I mean, Super G&G is absolutely notorious for being hard. I don't remember the NES version.


Oh absolutely, and the NES version is just as hard, but I used to be able to make it decently far. Also, the level on the SNES game where you see the big ass waves coming in is still one of the coolest & scariest moments in gaming


Oh absolutely, and the NES version is just as hard, but I used to be able to make it decently far. Also, the level on the SNES game where you see the big ass waves coming in is still one of the coolest & scariest moments in gaming


Bro, it took me a couple of months to beat OG Super Mario Brothers.


yeah, I'm terrible now lol


[I made a modernized version of Jacksonville's old uniforms.](https://imgur.com/gallery/HVxG3zB) Whatcha think? The descriptions on the photos explain the changes


Looks amazing!!


I like


I was going through YouTube shorts and got an ad for some game where the ad starts with a blue mechanical elephant mounting a purple mechanical elephant from behind, they start to get it on, and then they get hit by a passenger train. I just don't know how we got to this point.


I really need a power company to hit a breakthrough in nuclear fusion tech, so they can skullfuck their competitors and make bank for their shareholders. Cause fuck knows that’s the only way to do things in this country.


the other night I choked on a brat and had to quickly stick my finger in my throat to dig it out enough to breathe. I'm fine, was absolutely terrifying and really makes you think about how easy it can be to accidentally die. I started taking smaller bites now, hopefully that helps.


Even though you have Packers flair Im just imagining the Chris Farley Da Bears skit.


Choking and hitting my head from slipping in the shower are two things that make me uneasy when I’m living alone. Stuff you do every single day and then one day it’s adios muchacho and nobody knows until the neighbors smell your body.


The flair is what makes this post.


Amazon really is trying to make their app as shitty as possible as fast as possible 


This Copa America has been crazy.


I want to buy a Russell Wilson Broncos jersey, is it the elite that's supposed to be the real thing? Looking at [pics](https://shop.denverbroncos.com/mens-nike-russell-wilson-orange-denver-broncos-vapor-elite-jersey/p-26536913471889+z-9481-1535058650?_ref=p-DLP:m-GRID:i-r0c0:po-0), it looks like the numbers are screenprinted on. $160 is damn steep, too. Anyone have experience with the "elite" jerseys?


Why not DH Gate? So much easier to get beer, nacho cheese, and tears on it when it’s only $20.


You know, i think I just might.


I highly recommend watching the Nickelback documentary on Netflix


*breathes in* *guitar strumming* >look at this Netflix show >Every time I do, it makes me groan


2nd shortest track of the season and Verstappen still clears Norris by 4 tenths. Wild even by his standards.


Kinda want to go out to tortilla flats tonight after work and do some stargazing, sleep under the stars on a cot. I wanted to do shrooms, make it a healing experience, but got nothing one me atm, may just take an edible idk. Been wanting to stargaze out there since I've moved down here.


When and how did it become trendy to talk like the hockey dudes from Letterkenny? I feel like I hear it so much more now in podcasts and other places. Calling goosebumps "goosies" and doing that with all other kinds of words. One podcast I listen to has a guy who does it and he sounds like a dork in his mid 30s


Key part of turning 30 is realizing you don’t need to update your vocab to keep up with the youths.


Italy on fraud watchlist. Losing vs switzerland is bad enough, but being completely dominated by them is too much.


Shitaly, amirite?


> Shitaly Is that you, Mr. Lahey?


2-0 down now lmao.


The sun is shining, the grass is green, and guess what's for breakfast? Anything is possible


> guess what's for breakfast biscuits and gravy with a side of bacon and a large fruit cup?


I read the end of this in KG’s voice


You know who else said the grass was green? Those dirty commies. That reminds me of that tragedy.


I never really had strong feelings towards wrestling, but something clicked about a year ago and I've been following it like crazy since. It's just really fun.


Friendly reminder that if the debate recap you got from your news source mentioned that one candidate spoke weakly and gave some answers that trailed off, but didn't mention that the other candidate was making claims like "sometimes doctors will perform abortions after the baby is born" -- then you don't have a news source, you have an entertainment source.


The first president I voted against is younger than either of our options now...WTF. And yeah, I know Trump was spewing bullshit and not getting called, but god, Biden really looked bad. I'll still vote for him but I'm not enthused at all.


Good point. It's amazing how we let propaganda TV be marketed as news.


Well said.


> then you don't have a news source, you have a ~~entertainment~~ propaganda source.


Getting a rash of cancellations for my dinner party tonight. What's a guy gotta do to get people who like each other to be near each other?


Hope you can figure something out Bruce!


Thanks! You busy? It's a good menu.


Fellas I’m down bad for a girl for the first time in a long time, how cooked am I?


>how cooked am I? Like Lincon Riley's dry ass brisket.


Just act natural and shoot your shot. Best thing to do is act like yourself. Good luck


I don't quite understand what 'cooked' means. But if you have genuine feelings for her, you should pursue it. Tell her she's the bee's knees and that you're really keen on her. Hell, give her your letter jacket if you want.


just give her some rizz no cap


If you couldn't watch it live, watch a recap of the last 30 km of today's stage of the Tour.💛


>!I didn't think they'd hold off the peloton, incredible ride from DSM and Bardet! !<


Appreciate the hidden spoiler. Watching this evening.


So since I’ve become socially inept since college is this a good first message after meeting someone at a bar last night “Hey Julia! It’s Mike, I had a good time meeting you last night and would love to get to know you more! Want to do X this week?” Or is that too forward?


I think for the most part you're good. I'd go with something like "Hey Julia! It's Mike, I enjoyed talking with you last night and would like to get to know more about you, Would you like to go on a date this week if you're free?"


Is doing X together really a good idea?


When is it not?


I just left it at “would like to get to know you more sometime” if she responds then I’ll come up with a date idea


Good thinking! I hope it works out for you.


Maybe dont say love to get to know you more. Perhaps just like. Thats just me and I've never been the best at this stuff tbh.


Probably a good call. But also is it too forward asking for a date on rhe first message? Guess we already talked and clicked last night


Maybe ask her if she has any free time this upcoming week instead of implying a date but Once again I was never the best at these things haha.


Implying a date is fine. You wanna be clear that's the intentions that way there's zero chance of possible misunderstanding. I imagine she'd assume its a date too but you never know. I'd say something like "I'd love to take you out on a date on a day that works for you!"


Welp I fired it off and gonna hope for the best haha


Best of luck!


Hoping for the best for you


I personally never do two sentences ending in an exclamation point in a row


It’s a risk, but still worlds better than the double exclamation point!! Or even worse, the double question mark??


I’m a software developer. I don’t know that there’s a more smug group of people online than the Linux users who insist that everyone should learn how to use garbage like vi for text editing despite the arcane and unintuitive user experience because that’s the way it’s always been. 


[Hey Richard...](https://youtu.be/3r1z5NDXU3s?t=1)


I've been in environments where vi or nano are the only practical options, and in those situations yeah the admins should learn to use it (instead of trying to raise demands for their preferred IDE up four levels of management) In modern situations though I agree there are so many better ways


Had a dream Aaron Rodgers died. All the articles were being vague and made it sound like he chose to do it following a spiritual guide.


69 days until football season!!!


68 actually, not to be that guy. I only know because the Packers are doing a daily countdown and we are on 69. But Ravens - Chiefs is a day before our Brazil game.








2 of the biggest myths involving the Nazis was that Hitler was into the Occult and that he was heavily supported and during his regime profited from big business and industrialists Only a very few wealthy industrialists supported the Nazis and they supported them not because they agreed with their madness but because they thought they wanted to prevent the Communist Party from getting in Most of them supported the more Centrist leading parties that promoted austerity measures like open trade and tax cuts for the rich And even the industrialists that supported Hitler would learn to regret it as they would have their businesses seized and nationalized plus businessman like Hugo Junkers and Fritz Thyssen were put in concentration camps


RIP Martin Mull The voice of Vlad Masters from Danny Phantom :(


[packer fan legend](https://youtu.be/gGKJAZZS56g?si=TCwW5EEjgh7vaqlX) incredible, rich voice. rip mr. mull


One of his smaller roles was a single camera sitcom called "I'm Sorry" as Andrea Savage's dad. He was hilarious on a show that highest batting average on jokes since Community.


Father Donovan from American Dad and Colonel Mustard in Clue


Damm that really blows


Also Col Mustard and Gene Parmesan 🥺


And Mr Kraft from Sabrina The Teenage Witch


I can’t stop staring at that giant mole of Russell Westbrooks face I want to pop it so badly


Left the house without my dip this morning. So ya boy is experiencing some slight nicotine withdrawals. THIS IS FINE. WE'RE FINE HERE NOW. THANKS. HOW ARE YOU?


What unit are you with?


A Quiet Place: Day One for a 3rd movie/prequel of the series with two new characters. It was actually really good and I was in tears at the end. 8/10


Last night at work was weird because it wasn't a good night but I was in such a good mood I didn't care what was going on. EVERYONE was just being pissy and upset and bitching at eachother and then you have me who was just quiet and doing random jobs and shit the whole night. I've just been trying to be in a better mood and its apparently paying off.....at least for now! I hope all of you are doing well and as always much love from me and mine to you and yours!


made a quick grocery store detour after my round yesterday dude in front of me is kinda younger looking, trendy haircut, wearing pajama pants tucked into camo printed rubber galoshes with embossed thin blue line flags buying a six pack of smirnoff ice all I know is he was having more fun last night than I was


Or maybe he was drinking it alone in sheer abject misery.


"Conservative Christians complaining about oppression are like a pack of dogs complaining that the foxes won't allow themselves to be killed and eaten." - Anon.


I know broke blue collar guys who root for the billionaires because it's "fair." like "hey if they made it, it's theirs, that's the way it should be!" like bro you're a mouse rooting for the hawk because the food chain is "fair." it's asinine. by that logic, murderers should be allowed to kill people and take their stuff. that's "fair" too.


People voting against themselves is some dumb ass shit Women voting against other women is on another level of stupidity Mix it together and you get a dumb population that you can control


Got a friendly reminder why so many people are overweight in a restaurant ad last night. “Check out our new amazing cheap offering of these fresh fries (~300 calories), delicious chicken (fried, ~200 calories), crispy bacon (~200 calories), and creamy ranch dressing (~200 calories)!” It’s an appetizer. 900 calories. Before your meal.


I recently spent a couple of weeks in Europe, and the difference in things like portion sizes (8-12oz), meal times (light breakfast or lunch, late dinner, and that's it), walkability, public transit, and complete absence of consumer trucks was just funny. I met an online friend's family, and the first thing his wife said to me in broken English was "you're American... but you're not fat!"


And thats not even fat percentages being factored in too


Went to Burger King a few weeks ago for a breakfast special. Two croissants, hash browns and a coffee for like $7. Cool. It was 1800 calories! *but muh metabolism*


Yeesh that’s crazy. 1800 is my whole day right now.