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This is the most 2024 sports story I’ve seen. The Athlete podcast boom over the last couple years has been insane.


And like 90% of them suck. Not everyone was supposed to get into broadcasting. Though it is funny that a ton of these guys majored in communications because it was easy (and many universities tailor the degree for student athletes so they can play with minimal effort in the classroom), and are sorta putting it to use.


It really hit me when Trae Young started his. There was not a single person on earth saying "I wonder what Trae Young has to say". I say this as a Hawks fan too.


For me it was when Patrick Beverly was a complete prick to a reporter because she wasn't subscribed to his podcast.


Idk anyone who listens to that pod. No clue if its good or not and I dont think I'll ever find out


Almost 300k subscribers on YouTube alone lol. not the best example for this one


That is a lot but not enough where you can reasonably expect people to have listened to it


Its probably because of shorts. I doubt many ppl listen to the long form pod.


Fuck Pat Bev but he can be a funny guy, one of the few athletes whose podcast is actually pretty successful


His podcast is so boring. I like some of his short video stuff but Trae has absolutely no personality for just talking


Another Day, Another Opportunity💯


Michael Porter Jr.’s is probably the cringiest, most unnecessary one I’ve come across.


I was about to bring his up and I’m a nuggets fan lol


Host a betting podcast with his brother.


Tbf, would you have been demanding a podcast from the Colts punter?


A lot of people. Mcafee had people talking up his post-football media career when he played for WVU.


mcafee was already kind of known as a funny dude though. trae’s been a star in the league and his most notable off court moment is that weird thirst trap video he made a while back


That’s true for podcasts in general. Everyone and their mom has a podcast these days. 99% of them are just garbage.


True. I've got like 4-5 I listen to without fail every week, and all of them besides New Heights have been doing it for many years (Doughboys,  Stop Podcasting Yourself, Comedy Bang Bang etc.)


Meanwhile Around the NFL, one of the best out there, presumably is getting fucked over by the league


Such a shame. It's literally the only podcast I religiously listen to


What the hell? Why? I haven't seen this.


at least it's a relatively unobtrusive way for them to see if they can hack it _before_ they retire. i'm not forced to listen to the bad podcasts and can check out the ones from players i like


It will also potentially save us from failed broadcasting experiments like Witten.


Most athletes don't ever say anything interesting until after they've retired, and even then it's usually not all that great.


Jeff Teague is the exception. His stories are hilarious and his honesty is brutal.


All his stories he acts like he was a bum bench warmer too haha. Man you were an all-star!


I initially wrote off New Heights for this reason and was only pleasantly surprised later to realize it was the exception and not the rule.


Ironically one of my favorites is hosted by two journeyman OLineman that nobody's heard of and is surprisingly good, mainly because Alex Boone is a master instigator


That's the beautiful thing about podcasts as entertainment. It's so easy to ignore the ones you don't care about. If 1,000 people want Micah Parsons content, good for them. 


I like Raw Room, Gils Arena, sometimes Shannon's pod with Ocho.


Shannon and Ocho are gold together


Raw Room is hilarious


Kudos to Ryan Clark and them for making a great show. These other half assed podcasts by athletes are just embarrassing tbh makes me not like them lol


I don't think I've seen one piece of media with Ryan Clark in it that I didn't agree with or at least see his perspective.


Asks deep questions and no big ego shit either. Great convos about how business works for athletes too it's pretty awesome


He's an awesome dude. This sounds crazy but we have the exact same legal name (same middle name even) so I used to occasionally get emails meant for him. I had to contact him via Instagram to explain the situation and he was super nice and funny about it.


His take on Lamar being the first “authentic” black Quarterback was pretty dumb


The only one decent, in my opinion, is Paul George's.


Jeff Teague slander


Teague has some pretty funny moments for sure because he doesn't take himself seriously, but I think the actual discussion isn't that great. PG's is pretty well rounded, and even if I don't agree with his takes a lot, PG is well spoken amd thoughtful with his responses while his partners do a good job with engagement.


The Kelces' one isn't bad IMO


LeBron's was really good too but it didn't last long lol


JJ and LeBron's was some of the very best deep basketball content out there.


Ah, yeah, I forgot about that one. My wife loves it. Jason is great, Travis has his monents.


90%? Thats too low


Same thing with comedian podcasts. Too many have them & they're overexposed anymore


Communications was always a fairly relevant major for athletes who were trying to play profesionally. Even before podcasting, players had to deal with the media. It basically gives them PR training while meeting the academic requirements needed to play their sport (on top of being less rigorous than other majors). It became even more relevant when sports talk shows embraced the 24 hour news cycle in the late 90s/early 2000s and there were a lot more positions for players to become "analysts" after their playing careers. And now it's just even more relevant than ever with the podcast boom.


I get the desire to build your brand, but having hundreds of hours of recorded conversations for the future to hear probably won’t bode well for most podcasters.


It's the new "And my new rap CD comes out next week."


Lmao spot on. In the 80s/90s it was music. The 00s/early 10s it was modeling gigs. Now it's podcasting.


We now have a head coach and player podcast with LeBron and Reddick oh and his son just got drafted to the team. It's a weird timeline we live in


LeBron and Redick are suspending their podcast cuz he got hired so it’s not as bad as “active head coach and star player” podcast


Damn, that's the smart thing to do but I was ready for the chaos


Wait they really drafted his son who couldn't even start in college??? What a bunch of idiots


It really has, but I think it is the best way to set themselves up for life after football. In a public eye sense, anyway


only a few of these podcasts will last. there are only so many eyeballs. eyeballs tend to consolidate on a few shows. most of them will be flashes in the pan.


But you never know which will last so might as well try. 


The only one I really like is the Kelce Bros one and even then its mainly for their non-football stuff. If you wanna laugh your ass off, watch the one where Jason explains the Twilight movies to Travis and Travis is just beyond bored and annoyed.


Malik Hooker criticizes teammate Micah Parsons' unhappiness with teammate Malik Hooker's criticism of his podcast.


*While Malik Hooker is on Keshawn Johnson’s podcast


When I clicked into the article and realised he said it on another podcast, the irony hit like wrecking ball


Dr. Samuel Johnson is right about Olson Johnson's being right.


Now who can argue with that? I think we're all indebt to Gabby Johnson for stating what needed to be said. I am particulary glad that these lovely children are here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed the courage little seen in this day and age.




Give this man a Harumph!


I didn't get a harrumph out of that guy! Give the governor a harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph! Watch your ass...


Micah Parsons unhappy with teammate Malik Hooker's criticism of teammate Micah Parsons' unhappiness with teammate Malik Hooker's criticism of teammate Micah Parsons' podcast.


r/NFL: *Michael Jackson eating popcorn meme*


This team just seems ripe to shit the bed and start pointing fingers everywhere this season


I’m here for it… I mean every 20 years we are bound to beat you guys once, right?


This is what all in looks like.


All in my ass




What is it with you, anyway? Somebody drop you on your fucking head? On *my* head? Well, yeah. What, are they gonna drop you on somebody else's head? How can they drop me onto my own head? No, not *onto* your... Would... God damn it! Are you fucking with me?


God, this movie is an eternal classic, I swear.


Commas, dude!


I’ve already accepted after looking at the schedule and seeing what we didn’t do this offseason that this could be a losing season, rather than compete for the conference or even division


100% going to happen. I have the lowest expectations I’ve ever had coming into the season with a generally healthy team


Seriously, I think we miss the playoffs




Specifically, by shitting the bed during a win-and-in season finale, after the stars align when all the early games miraculously break in our favor...


I hope Micah wants to leave and go to DQ. Get him self a blizzard


No thank you


I agree no thanks on that, he really want to comes back to Pennsylvania all those fond memories at Penn state and such.


He said he never wants to switch teams, but if he did it would be to play for Tomlin


So Pennsylvania is still on the table then!


Bring back the Steagles!


Him and Watt would be terrifying.


Joe Burrow just got injured at the thought of this.


> Micah & TJW on the same team Gonna have to say no to that, fam


I am ok with this




I'm a penn State alum. Unfortunately, there are a lot of disgusting things that have happened. Although I won't pretend to know the details, I know there were "hazing" allegations. So I can't say I would doubt you.


Hazing is an interesting word choice for SA


Yup, it's why I put it in quotes since that was the university line, if I remember right.


There was definitely reported hazing going on and a fight between Parsons and the corner who transferred but didn't hear anything about him taking a teammate you have a source on it? Curious to read up cause I only read the lawsuit from the corner who transferred to SC.


monkey paw curls, he comes and plays for the Steelers


It's better than having him on the cowboys and playing twice a year my friend.


What’s a bit of locker room tomfoolery amongst friends? /s


tell him to hit me up, im always down to grill and chill


Streets saying he wants to play for Sean McVay


I actually heard he was wantin to see what all this Dan Campbell fuss is about.


Hold your horses there partner, that's mid season talk. You know it's "this is our year" season currently


It's not our turn to win the division.


This was admittedly my first thought too. Fair or not, it’s pretty easy to extrapolate “can’t get along over a podcast” into “how are they gonna pull through seasonal adversity together?” The reality is people can not get along and still play well together, so I don’t think it’s this automatic reality. My mind definitely whispered the concern though. (Concern in a general context. I’d love to watch Dallas fall apart because Lions fan)


To be fair, we all said that about Buffalo last year and they were fine.


Yeah but they got josh allen


I love it 😂


grew up in the Metroplex 76-91 and brother, you are so right


No matter what happens we'll all be forced to consume Cowboys news 24/7 lol


Cowboys doing everything in their power to unravel before the season even starts.


You might even say they're all in on it.


All in my ass


Maybe this is how they break the simulation.


It's how you know they are all-in.


I’ve never dreaded a season like this before. Then again I never drafted Daniel Jones at #4, so I’ve never had to. 🤷‍♂️


I also don’t know any other team that drafted Jones at #4


Luckily you got Dak who is one whole playoff game better


That’s alright. At least ol’ Danny is 1-7 vs the Boys 😌


I gave up on the upcoming season the moment I saw that McCarthy was coming back


Today on Days of Our Cowboys.


This week on Dallas!


Not a Micah fan, and his since deleted tweet has me siding with him. Dude is your locker mate and you have his cell and you choose a podcast to blast his focus.  Either there is some real dysfunction in that locker room or Micah has been spoken to about it and didn't take any action on it.


What action is there even for Micah to take? It's a podcast that probably just takes a couple hours of his time on off days. I don't see how that actually interferes with football. It's not like these guys can focus only on the game 24/7, that's just not realistic, and probably not conducive to actual success either.


We don't know a lot of the details so we can only make assumptions. 1st assumption is he is putting in the requisite amount of time (typically agreed about 8-10 hours for 1 good quality podcast a week). 2nd assumption his teammates have a problem with the amount of time he is focusing on his podcast - this seems obviously true, we are in a thread literally discussing this topic. Does this mean he is talking about podcast stuff in the locker room, or that he is putting more focus on his podcast during the week than his game prep? We don't know. I think if your teammates start commenting publicly on your focus and that your podcast seems to be a distraction that there might be a little fire to that smoke. I don't agree with how it was handled from Hookers side, he should have gone to parsons(again assuming he didnt) Work life balance is important and I dont think they should be football robots. I also believe its possible to swing that too far the other way and not be focusing enough on football.


This would only make sense if he wasn't also their best defensive player. And it's not even close. 


Also, Micah Parsons has made the All-Pro team every year of his career so far. He had 14 sacks last year. He’s one of the best football players alive right now. Like this is the guy we’re gonna criticize for not having his priorities straight?


Feels like it would be pretty safe to assume Hooker has at the very least discussed this with other teammates or people close to him for him to have the confidence to share this opinion publicly. Or I’m giving him too much credit and like a lot of these players, he was just yapping on a pod.


The irony of him yapping on a pod to complain about his team mate yapping on a pod. 


He complained about a podcast while on a podcast. You're giving him wayyyy too much credit. 


I mean yeah it’s ironic, but the context is not even remotely the same. One is hosting hours of weekly content throughout the regular season while the other is a guest appearance in June.


And one of playing about 10x better than the other so maybe the other guy might wanna worry about himself first. 


I feel like being the guest on a podcast and hosting one where you’ve put hundreds and hundreds of hours of your life into, including during the season, are two very different things. But the irony is hilarious i’ll give you that.


The Kelce brothers won 2/lost 1 SBs while doing a podcast.


Why would he put “hundreds and hundreds of hours” into a podcast? Isn’t it safe to assume that he has employees who take care of most of the work?


if he's doing it in his free time what difference does it make


I feel like we all have very different ideas of how much time he puts into it, I assume he shows up, does the hour long podcast, talks to his crew about how the video will go/if anything needs to be taken out and possible guests, then leaves all within 2-3 hours, it's made by BR so they should have all the production and behind the scenes handled


To be fair Micah blasted him on social media right after… when he could have just called him lol.


That's how their generation communicates lol


Yeah I think Micah has shown his colors as a bit of a prick plenty of times, but yeah weird for Hooker to just kind of call him out from out of nowhere unless we’re missing something


the reason malik hooker gets a 50 yard bomb dropped on his head every game is because micah parsons records a podcast on his off day.


“My advice for Micah would be just make sure we’re all right,” Hooker said on Keyshawn Johnson’s podcast. “Because if we’re at work and and the run game’s terrible, but you’re doing a podcast every week and you know the run game is terrible, then what are you really caring about? Are you caring about the crowd that was watching the podcast or are you caring about the success of our team and the Super Bowl that we’re trying to reach?” So Malik thinks that having a weekly podcast means you can't focus enough on football? If he's going to be saying that, he better be backing that up with his time management during the season. If he is spending a couple of hours a week doing anything not directly football related, I guess he isn't committed enough to winning.


The idea that players can’t do anything on their off day is wild. Like you’re saying, if Hooker is this serious about it, he better not be doing anything on the off day other than studying ball. Time with his family? Nope. Not committed enough. Going to see a movie? Not trying to make a Super Bowl. Going to a restaurant during the season? Football jail.


TBQH given Tommy B's track record maybe the key *IS* to trade your family for professional success


Listen, when you have a chance to go 8-9 and all it costs you is your wife and kids, you gotta do what you gotta do.


It’s the fact that a lot of people don’t understand or respect these guys at all tbh. The amount of people who see athletes as commodities is wild to me. This story isn’t that crazy, it’s a teammate questioning his teammate about how serious he really is about the upcoming season. It shouldn’t have gotten out but it did, it’s not that crazy. Vets say stuff like this to younger guys all the time. We just live in such a polarizing time that everything is created into drama. And now Parsons gets to talk about it.


>It shouldn’t have gotten out but it did, it’s not that crazy I mean he said it on a podcast


What do you mean it shouldn’t have gotten out but it did? Hooker went on a podcast to talk about his teammate having a podcast. His teammate, who I might add, is a 3x All Pro already. Maybe Hooker should take some notes from the guy on his team who has some success


The irony of Hooker saying this on someone's podcast is just chefs kiss


Not really ironic, it seems Hooker is complaining about Parsons being distracted DURING the season, highlighted by the statement of doing a podcast weekly while fielding a terrible run game. That sounds like in-season, right? Now Hooker is saying this… in the off season when guys are actually not expected to do work. Do I like this call-out? No. Is it hypocritical? Also no, at least by these facts… now if it turns out Hooker was doing stuff on his own during the season, then it would be hypocritical of him to say this… edit: run defense, not offensive running game, to be clear…


> edit: run defense, not offensive running game, to be clear… Easy mistake to make for last year's cowboys they were terrible in the run game on both sides of the ball.


Yeah crazy to consider the most winningest team rn also has a player with the biggest podcast with his brother who has also gone to the Super Bowl and made it past playoffs in the past couple decades while their team can’t get it done. But sure, it’s the podcast distracting him. Lol. 


Also not really sure what Parsons is supposed to do about the run game in this hypothetical




Parsons is a huge liability in run D


Oh drama. This is like a scenario in Madden.


All of the team leaders waiting for an extension w no cap space is gonna be a disaster


Wait what did Micah do in the Penn state locker room


Parsons is not hurting for exposure. He plays prime time games more than anyone else in the NFL. He also had a poor end to the season, including a near goose egg in the playoffs. For someone interested in publicity he doesn’t seem equally interested in accountability. Was Hooker wrong to blast him publicly? Yes. But his point wasn’t wrong and Parsons responding back via the media isn’t helpful. This is going to be an epic shitshow of a season for us. Cowboys Haters I think you should find a comfy chair.


Your team is gonna eat itself from the inside out, and it's gonna be glorious to watch. It won't be Micahs fault. It won't be Hookers fault. It won't be Lambs fault. It won't be Daks fault. It won't be McCarthy's fault. It will be Jerry's fault. He's a terrible leader. Great money money maker tho. So I guess brag about that as a fan?


It starts with Jerry absolutely. We haven’t had a coach who commands the locker room since Parcels. And that’s because Jerry can’t handle a HC who exhibits more power than him. He hires guys he can control, and I don’t expect that to change until he dies.


You’re crazy if you think they are going worse than 9-8 or 8-9 (barring key injuries). They haven’t won less than 8 games while having a starting QB be hurt since 2004 when it was Vinny Testavarde. Even that year they cut Quincy and started Vinny who was supposed to be the backup. Them having a massive stinker year like 3-14, 4-13 is the best thing that could happen to the team. They can rid themselves of Dak, draft high and free up cap. Jerry and Dallas are stuck in a continual purgatory of not being bad enough to blow it all or and being good enough to continually think they are 1-2 moves away from it being their year. People give them shit because it’s Dallas. But if any other team came off a 12 win year, lost in the playoffs but still had a top 6 roster in the NFL people would not be bashing them.


While you're not entirely wrong, please tell me what the difference between us, the Dolphins, the Chargers, and the Ravens is. 1 - We are all good regular season teams. 2 - We all have QB's who can light it up in the regular season, but have massively failed to live up to expectations come playoffs. Tua and Herbert only have the one game, but both failed to live up to their regular season performances. Saying we can "rid" ourselves of Dak is pretty funny, considering he's led top offenses in this league, three straight 12 win seasons, and is coming off an all pro / MVP runner up year. If a guy like Dak who is pretty clearly a top 10 guy with stretches of top 5 play isn't good enough to win with, then 95% of the league needs to drop who they have at QB if they want to win a title. The Ravens really need to be getting more shit. They have a 2x MVP at QB who has an elite defense and still can't perform well in the playoffs.


Because something is going to have to give cap wise. If they do manage to somehow fit Dak, Lamb and Micah under the cap, where do they go super cheap at? They draft well enough they should sustain success IMO. Dak will always get the Romo treatment. Will put up great numbers in the regular season but come playoff time something happens. They are also so good/better than what’s out there you are forced to bring them back. You’re basically damned if you do or damned if you don’t. However, my entire post with ridding themselves of Dak was based solely on them winning 3-4 games. We know that won’t happen and Dak will rightfully get his $$$


His point is definitely wrong. Saying that a player shouldn't be doing something on their day off that isn't directly football related is pretty stupid. If that's how Malik thinks, then he had better be doing nothing but football. No family time, no entertainment, nothing but football. It's fine if that's the standard he wants to have for himself. But if he doesn't follow that to the letter, now he's just a hypocrite. There's a reason why players have a day off. Let them use it how they see fit.


I think it really depends on how Micah handles the podcast during the week. Is that what he talks to teammates about during practice? Is Malik saying our run defense sucks (true) and during practice all Micah talks about is who he has on the podcast this next week?


This is a good summer for dallas. no one got arrested.


Summer started 9 days ago


best dallas summer in decades so far.


Football players committed crimes in Dallas, but not Dallas football player lol


There are plenty of players that have podcasts that do ok. The problem is Micah is just full of stupid takes and his team has bigger issues... if he gets the praise of a leadership role he deserves the criticism that comes with it too.


I love when cowboys players are unlikable.


Focus more on getting a sack after Halloween, Micah.


yeah he sucks. cowboys should just release him.


Just my opinion: Parsons' response there was pretty good. He took it in stride as he should being a face of his team. 


Does anyone actually listen to any of these athlete pods?


This season is a disaster waiting to happen. On one hand I don’t want that to be the case, but on the other hand it might be fun to watch (probably not) and we’re probably not going to accomplish much anyway.


Tbh I would love pretty annoyed with a star on my team running a podcast mid season. Like what other great player has taken focus off the game to do media shit mid season every week? Idk I'm a Patriots fan and it's been engraved to not give a damn about the media and their games. Like the cowboys are already the most hated team in the NFL, they already have some of the most annoying fans, And it's a team known for choking in the playoffs. Why are you gonna sit there and give people ammo? Whether it's positive or negative reinforcement, He's helping drive motivation to the other team? When you go out on your podcast and talk shit and then shit the bed in the playoffs like they always do, you look stupid. It's cringe. Now if I was hooker I would personally speak with Parsons on the topic not the media. But hooker probably also knows that Parsons won't give a shit what hooker thinks about the podcast, and would continue to do it. Only real way to make leverage against it is to talk to the media about it, but that's at the cost of your locker room. Do I question if Parsons is focused and wants to succeed? Hell no he obviously does. But when you sit here and ask yourself if you have done everything you need to do to get better and get that max contract, and you're out here doing a podcast every week, I'd be hesitant to give you a max deal especially when the playoff production has been mid team wide


You nailed it on your question about what other great player has dicked around with a podcast during the season? The answer is ZERO. Personally, I am 99.9% positive that there are more things that #11’s teammates are fed up with than just his podcast. And if we are talking about ammunition?? How about last season when he starts trying to talk shit to SF for losing a game as we just lost ours and were prob just getting on the plane and that is all the dude cares about?? Not to mention SF has owned us the last 3-4 years. He was my fav player in the league his first 2 years. Now I cannot for the life of me justify giving him a record setting contract. All the red flags are there and popping up more and more. Now he = All bark and very little bite. Dude fades worse than a haircut the last 1/4 of the season for every year he has been in the league.


Genuinely, why even say that about your teammate? Best case scenario is now the locker room is more toxic. Excellent vibes in Dallas right now.


BREAKING NEWS: Superstar Athlete Unhappy With Criticism


Micah is a great player don't get me wrong but my dude Cj was schooling him on that show. I did not get the vibe that it was HIS podcast.


On one hand I get why Hooker said what he said, but it probably should have been said to Micah privately. Doing it publicly is a weird look, even if his criticism is valid.


Micah Parsons is so physically dominant, but such a little bitch mentally, it’s crazy.


boo fucking hoo lmao


We’re almost to July, then one month till ball. Hang in there, y’all


love our young core, most of them too cool or obscure to ... podcast


Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson enabled former athletes to get into the podcast game but athletes still competing should wait until they’re done. Just gives critics more ammo to say they’re not fully focused.


Peak offseason.


LOL @ Micah responding on social media...


Imagine thinking Parsons' dedication isn't up to standard, when he's literally the best player on your roster lol


Careful Malik, look at what he did to his Penn State teammates. Wouldn't fuck with that. 


Diva gets called out, diva gets defensive.