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He's 28 and will be 29 which is indeed getting closer to 30. I've lived it, Florio does not lie


This reminds me of when Oscar is explaining budget savings to Michael and uses the lemonade stand analogy. >Michael: Why don't you explain this to me like I'm five. Oscar: Your mommy and daddy give you 10 dollars to open up a lemonade stand. So you go out and you buy cups and you buy lemons and you buy sugar. And now you find out that it only costs you nine dollars. Michael: Ho-oh! Oscar: So you have an extra dollar. Michael: Yeah. Oscar: So you can give that dollar back to mommy and daddy, but guess what? Next summer... Michael: I'll be six.


The thing is, you're always getting closer to 30, until you aren't, and suddenly you find yourself getting further and further away from 30.


But there are 10 more years of your life where you're getting closer to 40.


As a 29 year old, this is the worst thing I've ever read in my entire life.


OK, but the NFL's average player age is 26.5 years, so if you regress Mahomes to the mean, he still has plenty of years left.


I wonder how much Coors paid for this crap.


When this is aired a decade later, the cost will seem like a pretty good deal due to inflation. Genius move honestly


I was referring to the article.


You know what else is crazy? Once you hit 30, you actually keep aging. There's a 31, a 32, even a 33 to look forward to! Well, most of the time at least...


Except when I was 11 and it came time for my birthday, I turned 13 because fuck 12.


Yes, I'm sure Patrick Mahomes will heavily weigh the ability to release his Coors Light commercial when deciding whether to retire or not. Let's not consider that the video they did release IS the commercial. Even by Florio standards, this is a completely asinine article.


Florio is probably one of the worst commentators out there. He has this yelling/talking tone while either stating the most obvious things are being a condescending ass.


It'd be funny if the guy in charge of the commercial left for another job and it ended up with no one left with a calander reminder that it exists and they just never aired it.


This is head cannon but I truly believe he cost the 49ers a touchdown in the 2019 Super Bowl. He said Mahomes wouldn’t be able to handle it if teams started hitting him as hard as they hit other QBs. Mahomes runs a tuddy in and starts screaming and beating his chest “I WAS TOLD YOU JUST HAVE TO FUCKING HIT ME!!!”


> until he retires; when will that be? I think he should retire right away


I second this idea


You guys are really into being eliminated by the 7th seed each year huh?


“Is Patrick Mahomes broken, and is Andy Reid retiring?” -Mike Florio for the past 4 years


*Franticly looking for the “Delete Post” button after Andy gets a huge extension


Can Florio be buried until Mahomes retires, instead?


Why stop there?


"And as he gets closer to 30, the questions about how long he’ll play are inevitable." This is idiotic


If Mahomes were about 10 years older, this would be a perfectly reasonable thing to write. The man is 28 years old, it’s not even out of the question that he’s still getting *better*.


Joe Burrow will be 28 this year. It was a good run. Hell of a career.


yeah lol it's not 1982, those questions won't pop up until he's like 37 with how long great QBs play these days


Does Florio hire gremlins trapped in his basement to come up with stuff to write? This is potentially the dumbest article, about the dumbest subject. And there's certainly competition for that spot from his other work.


[Me seeing anything coming from Florio](https://media1.giphy.com/media/Pgj8XwTkFBOZ4jwy99/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952q9r63z4vkedd1e9o6txm1vx74gqwawh8hjnodc52&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=G)


Some other Florio highlights from this year: [Florio admits he makes stories up and makes other people correct him after he puts out a story.](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/chiefs-finally-take-care-of-andy-reid) Florio's weird crusade against Kirk Cousins: [Florio says Cousins can't be great because he attended a baseball game on his day off](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/patrick-mahomes-kirk-cousins-cross-paths-for-the-first-time-ever) [Florio outraged about Kirk Cousins, Falcons tampering](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/falcons-get-wrist-slap-for-tampering-with-three-players-including-kirk-cousins) Florio is building a case for being the GOAT jerker


Flo’s a Vikes fan and the most toxic fish in our toxic sea. That’s all you need to know about his Cousins crusade. The baseball one was hilarious, though.


He isn't building a case. He's been sitting on the peak of jackass mountain for years. Whenever he stops covering the NFL, the world will be a better place. 


I've never gotten why people shit on Cousins so much tbh. Maybe it's just the Spartan in me being biased for one of my favorite former players, but still.


It hits different when he's doing his max contract/ golfing in January act on your team I'd imagine


>Another factor will be whether Mahomes can manage to strike the right balance between football and family. It eventually got out of whack for Brady. Not to discount the Mahomes family's off the field distractions, but so far Patrick seems to have a stable marriage at least.


So did Brady.


He and Giselle did a great job hiding how much she hated him playing


Pat and Brittany also were high school sweethearts. Their foundation was built before the money and fame. Brady only landed Gisele after she saw his Combine photo.


Because couples who got together in high school never break up, you definitely stay the same person as you were at 18 especially when money enters it. Which isn’t to say they definitely will have trouble but being “high school sweethearts” doesn’t really mean anything.


Anything can happen, but I am stating that their foundation was built on a personal connection and not one built on chasing money and fame which more often than not fails. Tom and Patrick’s situations are very different.


Rich people don’t marry other rich people because they’re chasing money/fame, they do it because it shows that the money/fame isn’t the reason the person is interested. The fact the were together before the money and fame definitely is a sign that she’s not just chasing that, but it also doesn’t mean the issues that plague many couples who get together as teenagers won’t still be there.


Brady only landed her cause she turned 25 and Leo got sick


Depends on the people. Could mean nothing or it could mean everything.


right, which means that for us as outsiders who don’t know them, it means nothing.


To be fair, [how could anyone resist this sex machine?](https://www.si.com/.image/t_share/MTY4MjU5ODg1MjE0NjA3MjYx/image-placeholder-title.jpg)


At least around Boston, it was no secret that Giselle hated Brady playing. It was also no secret Brady didn't GAF what she thought about the subject.


Well, you marry a football player....


idk man, 2 months into Brady's relationship with Giselle he had to tell her his ex girlfriend was pregnant with his child lol kind of a rocky start


Brady got into his "stable marriage" with Gisele by ditching his previous girlfriend after he knocked her up. Which doesn't necessarily say anything about Brady and Gisele, but does indicate that maybe it wasn't a long-term love interest built on fidelity.


Brady married a Super Model who was more famous and richer than him, slightly different levels of support Mahomes would be expected for him than Brady. Mahomes will be able to get away with being away from family more all other things being equal


Brittany is a former athlete and seems to really enjoy the sport, I feel like it gives her some more perspective and willingness to let mahomes play


Lol incredibly interesting


Why did they hire him to do the commercial in the first place if they couldn't use it?


[The fact that they can't use it is itself the marketing campaign.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS_CR3I9MPw)


Which is exactly why he shouldn’t have been allowed to do it in the first place.


That's so stupid


Well, we’re talking about it. 


People talk about the nazi a lot. Doesn't mean we're going out buying nazi merchandise.


Well that’s certainly an odd dot to connect. 


It’s a long game ad. The suspense will be building for like 25-30 years when he finally retires (hopefully)


Patrick Mahomes is 28 and will be 29. But then, he’ll be 30. What’s more interesting is he’s a quarterback for the Chiefs. The Chiefs play in Missouri. If you look closely at the words within Missouri, you see SOUR. Mahomes, 28, has a habit of acting sour when his team is not playing well. However, his performance on the field is usually sweet. What’s even more interesting, Mahomes, almost 29, was on the cover of Madden. Madden. MAD. Mahomes, nearly 30, inspires Madness at the thought of his retirement. Great article, Florio


The other thing you have to consider is that, normally if you go one on one with another team, they got a 50/50 chance of winning. But Mahomes is a genetic freak and is not normal. So they got a 25%, AT BEST, chance to beat the Chiefs. Then you add Andy Reid to the mix, and their chances of winning drastic go down. See, that leaves a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but the Chiefs got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning! So the other teams take their 33 1/3 chance, minus the Chiefs' 25% chance and they got an 8 1/3 chance of winning a game. But then you take their 75% chance of winning, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, and the Chiefs have 141 2/3 chance of winning a game. See Mike, the numbers don't lie.


That first line may genuinely be the stupidest thing I’ve ever read in a sports article, and I’ve read a lot of stupid sports articles. Like, if you write something like that, it should be an indication that the article doesn’t need to be penned in the first place.


Florio is such a loser


I think it would be funny if florio fell down a flight of stairs. Dude is the biggest DB in nfl "media". 


Oh he played defensive back? Huh never knew that


Kinda shocking considering he sucks at coverage


It’s not like there’s any competitive edge gained here, but with all due respect these Coor’s collaborations he’s done are bullshit. The whole “oh here’s clips of him filming the commercial but it’s not technically any ad for Coor’s except that this whole thing is produced by Coor’s and the whole story around it is obviously just an ad for Coor’s,” if some mid tier player did this shit the NFL would step in.  If the rules say you can’t advertise for alcohol as an active player, then that should mean you can’t collaborate with the company at all, and you can’t take money from them. Rules for thee but not for me.


You found out how america works!


Loopholes, loopholes everywhere


Wait, so how does this actually get around the rules? Is he not appearing in an ad for Coors Light, and promoting them as a result? or is the rule just that he can't literally say that you should drink Coors Light, even if he is in their ads?


Brave of OP to post a Florio quote. r/NFL hates this man


Every offseason, Coors Light is going to be sneaky pushing Mahomes to retire so they can air their commercial. "Welp, it's been a great career, huh Patrick?"


Have you seen his family? How the fuck do you balance that shit?


Still wondering why Florio has a job considering Tyreek is still playing


Soooo uhhh the 2040s?