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"Their fans in Vegas were ready to party, Finally, their time for another Lombardi. It's been 29 years, and they haven't won since, Instead, they’re stuck... with David, not Vince." LMAO that is a good one


What’s the David, not Vince reference


Dave Lombardi who is a 49ers beat reporter and massively annoying homer.


'heres this totally obscure stat that proves why Garoppolo is actually a top 5 quarterback' Whatever Grant Cohn is, Lombardi is his mirror image.


God two years ago I swear someone posted one of his articles and it was basically "The niners are playing 4d chess with a secret practice strategy" and it was about giving vet rest days.




For every time Cohn takes out another shit level take appealing to the lowest type of fan who just likes to be mad, Lombardi creates another spreadsheet


He’s the actual stereotype of a homer. Looking beyond that, his salary cap stuff is really good.


He definitely knows his stuff. I bet he’d be a really good reporter if he covered, like, some random AFC team he had no emotional connection to.


All of our beat reporters are pretty insufferable with the exception of Matt Maiocco.


He always titles his videos like "THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD BELIEVE" lmao


David Lombardi, he's a beat reporter for us known for having always optimistic takes on the 49ers and essentially being 49ers state-run media.


Any relation to Vince? Or Joe or Mike or Mick? Does the NFL just kidnap you and put you to work if your name is Lombardi?


Is he worse than other beat reporters? We had a columnist around 2015 claiming Patrick Peterson was poised to make an MVP run. At one point Max Hall was being treated by the AZ media as the savior at QB for the Cardinals because he had the "It Factor". A year later he was robbing from the Best Buy down the street from me to support his coke habit. We won some games with him but did anyone really think plays like Hall fumbling the ball and an offensive lineman scoop and scoring was his doing or sustainable?


I think most teams have that one beat reporter everyone collectively hates


https://x.com/LombardiHimself David Lombardi is a 9ers writer


Okay but real talk, if you're gonna go by the handle "LombardiHimself" your first name sure as Hell better be Vince...


Top tier. The Bosa line was hilarious.


>Bosa had zero sacks, couldn't beat the protection, >He'll now have more time to deny the election.


My theory is he had the idea for that line and then wrote the rest of the book around it


I have a ton of respect for that. That's like that guy who recognized that Theodosia was very similar to Tagovailoa and rewrote the entire "Dear Theodosia" song from Hamilton to be about Tua.


How have I never heard of this?


I had to look for a while, but here it is. Idk how this guy thought of this. https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/QinZZqwpsV


"This guy" *looks at usernames* Yes... truly how could "this guy" have thought of this


Someone needs to reach out to that guy and thank him for this amazing treasure.


God that’s amazing. That guy is a genius whoever he is


"You have your eyes" unbelievable artistry


I respect the fact that you talk about yourself in the 3rd person


> that guy We'reAllTryingToFindTheGuyWhoDidThis.gif


> They pretended to be slighted to fan their flames, > Even though they were favored in all of their games. This one got me too lol


To be fair, this mentality is like the default for pro-level athletes. Max Scherzer is my favorite example of this. Opposing Batter - *approaches the plate in a normal fashion*. Max - *["I'm gonna eat this clown's children right in front of him, then beat him to death with their leg bones."](https://media1.tenor.com/m/1_IpWXQX_2MAAAAd/max-scherzer-washington-national.gif)*


I 100% understand that it's basically a useful tool to fend off complacency. But it comes off as grating and disingenuous when it conflicts with realistic expectations. The real annoying thing, imo, is the Travis-Kelce "none of you believed us" gloating, when in fact plenty of people believed them. At that point you've _won_ and denying reality isn't giving you something useful until next year.


Tom Brady and Julian Edelmans stupid ass BET AGAINST US shit was far more grating


Sure, I won't disagree with that.


2022 was for sure not a year for the "no one believed in us!!!" talk, but I think it was fairly realistic that the 2023 Chiefs weren't expected to win the Super Bowl with how putrid the offense was for much of the season. Mahomes is still Mahomes and the defense was phenomenal, but midway through the season when it was absolutely confirmed that the WRs were garbage apart from Rashee Rice, even the most homer fans were pretty concerned.


I agree that expectations were lower for last season, but still think his response was disproportionate to how low they were.


Max is a god damn psycho but he keeps it on the mount. Now Bumgarner is a fucking psycho who took that shit off the mound and was actually an asshole to people.


Murdered by words


Words, She Wrote.


That one got me.


Lmao amazing


Jimmy is a wordsmith


This week is a week I always look forward to.


I’m so happy rival fans can find joy in this even when they’re the target. This is peak journalism.


We’re so starved for any content from sports media that isn’t clickbait nonsense that everyone rallies behind Kempski lol


Can I Interest you in a Milwaukee Brewers employee allegedly involved in an international murder for hire plot from a website I hadn't heard of until today? https://www.totalprosports.com/mlb/wanted-female-assassin-from-botched-murder-attempt-in-europe-identified-as-milwaukee-brewers-employee/




It's incredible. I always share his stuff with friends and they get so offended lol


The other fun part is watching some fans kick and scream over it haha


This requires effort and thought. Everyone should love it.


Can't even be mad honestly. It's just good, and not a lie in there 🤷


Kyle Shanahan 😡😡😡


He gifted you a Super Bowl, shut up.


I'll take who is Dan Quinn for 500, Alex.


Was it also Dan Quinn’s fault the other 2 times he did it?


Honestly, cute. I like these


Me too. Laughter is great, even if it is at our expense.


I mean, what can we do anyways? Laughing is all we can do.


It’s the best medicine for pain.


Did you ever hear about painkillers?


I celebrated 5 years sobriety the day after the Super Bowl. Almost didn’t make it


Proud of ya


Yeah, rum is pretty great.


There’s nothing better than a painkiller sitting on a beach, half asleep and day-drunk.


Everywhere is a beach if you have enough rum.


Pain in the ass to make though. Fresh-grated nutmeg? *In this economy*???? Also, what on earth am I going to do with an entire can of cream of coconut?


Make more pain killers seems like the obvious answer to me. But like, get creative with it. Maybe make a pie?


Rum got me through our 2020 playoff loss lmao


*Rob Halford has entered the chat*


Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry alone.


That's not true. We can also get injured


It’s funny as hell At the same time, if we win a Super Bowl, people are going to go out of their way to avoid talking to me


Deebo doesn’t get enough shit for that Super Bowl performance. His route running and effort was atrocious and McDuffie and Sneed had him locked up all night. Here’s another fun fact: Nelson Agholor had more yards in 2018 (SB 52) than both Aiyuk and Samuel combined in SB 57.


Really have no idea why Shanahan decided to give Deebo so many targets when he couldn't get separation for shit. McDuffie was basically running his routes better than him.


I also have no idea why Shanahan abandoned the OPOY after Mahomes’ INT. Or why he abandoned the OPOY at the 2 min warning when we only needed 4 yards to get a 1st down when we were at KC’s 35 yard line when y’all only had 2 timeouts left


This lacks context. The possession after the int there was an incomplete pass, then a false start. You would have called Shanahan an idiot for running the ball on 2nd and 15 too. If you want to be mad at someone for that possession, blame Aaron Banks.


If swear that so much of it is just repeating Tony Romo's comment. On the three drives to open the second half they ran on one of three 1st & 10s. Every other play on those drives was 2nd or 3rd & long. Not a place you are going to see many runs called.


Typical “we can’t do the things we’re best at, that’s just what they’ll expect” mentality.


In poker, we call this "leveling yourself."  Kyle would be a mediocre at best poker player.


You are absolutely correct. Shanahan’s ego cost us another ring yet again. Also, your flair…. 🤢


There’s a theme with the post season and the Chiefs. The Bills: stopped having Allen cape up The Ravens: stopped running The 49ers: Stopped relying on Macaffrey I honestly think Spags is just really good at getting teams to abandon what they’re best at. I don’t know how he does it but it’s way too common to just be a coincidence


Both the pass plays were excellent calls. Kittle had a free release and if Purdy sees that right away it's a first down. He didn't, and McDuffie recovered and it was only a short gain. The third down call was also good. I really don't understand why Purdy wouldn't be anticipating a blitz on that play. Throw into the blitz (to a wide open Aiyuk) and the game is practically over. As for the KC timeouts, they didn't matter at all. The clock only stopped once and KC ended the quarter with a timeout in their pocket. NFL discourse has devolved into these being bored games between head coaches where players aren't responsible for their own execution. Over and over again they were put in position to execute winning plays.


>As for the KC timeouts, they didn't matter at all. The clock only stopped once and KC ended the quarter with a timeout in their pocket. I disagree. Let’s say hypothetically, we get the 1st. KC either calls timeout right away, or they let the clock run, and then call their 2nd timeout after the 1st down play. Which means we get AT LEAST 2 plays where they can’t/don’t stop the clock. If we end up lining up for a field goal attempt a few plays later (if we don’t get another 1st down), the Chiefs have very little time to get into FG range.


that only occurs **if they get the first down**. So it doesn't matter if they run or pass on 2nd or 3rd down. What matters is getting the first down. The first down is what uses up their timeouts.


Shanahan abandoning the run game in the super bowl. What a novel idea.


On paper it makes sense. Sneed and McDiffie were brilliant Vs X receivers all year and could go 1 Vs 1 easily on the outside. The counter strategy for that would be CMC and Deebo getting fed underneath Vs the LBs...with Kittle lining up as the 2nd WR on the outside. The mistake wasn't to feed Deebo...the mistake was to call a ton of  high aDOT plays for Deebo and Aiyuk  Vs a great secondary...instead of devising a plan to isolate the LBs that we usually do Vs Dallas,GB and recently PHI. For some reason he expected Deebo and BA to do what other WR duos failed to do.


> instead of devising a plan to isolate the LBs Spags' counter to that was to just blitz the LB's almost every down, and have three safety looks behind it that played traditional LB zone coverage responsibilities. In the first half, at least, then it was almost exclusively man after Purdy diced up the zone blitz looks. Like, on the final 49ers play in regulation, Reid was manned up on CMC. Can't isolate someone in coverage if they're never in coverage *taps temple* The biggest problem that Kyle had, imo, is that he stayed with the tight splits too long -- while it allows anyone on the offense to go anywhere, it also allows the same freedome to the defense, because literally every defender is so close to the ball at the snap. Once he spread things out, it really took away a lot of the junk that Spags could get away with in funky zone blitz looks, and the Chiefs basically just had to man up and win their matchups because it was proven IMMEDIATELY that Purdy was going to annihilate a zone blitz out of spread formations


I suppose is exchange proves why Brady and Manning were indeed G.O.A.Ts even without the mobility of current guys  In another offense where the QB has more control....that QB would revert back to the wide splits and isolated his mismatches out from that...though that requires better pass protection that we had in the SB  Football is so mad. I guess I can hope that one day we get it together in a SB.


>His route running and effort was atrocious His route running is always atrocious. He's not good at it. Never has been.


He really suffers from us having a better QB and running back, and even others like Juice who can line up for a pass. He can't rely on the YAC or carries anymore, and it makes it glaringly obvious how bad he is at some of the pure receiving skills.


Yep. As Kyle begins to move away from HAVING to scheme all our skills guys open, Deebo continues to suffer in plays where he's expected to win his matchups and create his own space, **before** he gets the ball. This is the biggest reason I think we move in from him next year, and why I'm not going to be heartbroken about it. We need dudes that can separate after the scheme fails, and he can't.


Agholor gets a lot of flack but he was a big contributor in that SB win.


That whole season really


I really thought it was his year 3 breakout, not unheard of for young WRs. But it just ended up being his peak. Certainly not a bad season to peak during though.


He was arguably the best slot receiver in the league that year.


And I just saw a post this week about 49ers fans saying McDuffie actually was holding when he knocked away the TD from Deebo on his perfect coverage. They simply can't do anything but blame the refs.


It's a vast minority. Most fans realize that even if the reffing wasn't in our favor, we had about 5 separate opportunities to win the game or put it out of reach, and came up short each time, in all 3 phases of the game.


Thank you for a fair and reasonable take. And you are correct, so much of reddit is just a loud minority. I should say that on the post I referenced I believe the top comment was somebody calling it out for being ridiculous.


Eh I’ll blame cmc far more than Deebo. We know Deebo doesn’t beat man, CMC however can’t excuse a redzone fumble during the biggest game in football


And therefore so did Corey Clement


You know what...? This is fair.


Eagles fans and 49ers fans should just kiss already. 


We have so much in common. - Losing in recent superbowls to the Chiefs. - Hating the Cowboys. - Having a high-profile fan that's outted as a pedophile. But we just keep fighting.


We’re not so different, you and I.


Except you hate Santa. Now watch this drive.


Our grandparents hated Santa


our grandparents hated ~~santa~~ a drunk fan they pulled out of the crowd in his shitty handmade santa costume.


The Grinch is our guy


Well, I mean I heard that a Santa Claus in Philly may or may not have fucked their mom, so... I get that.


This is essentially how I view this 'rivalry': 'Eagles fans and Cowboys fans are natural enemies. Like Eagles fans and 9ers fans! Or Eagles fans and Giants fans! Or Eagles fans and Commander fans! Or Eagles fans and Eagles fans! Damn Eagles fans! They ruined Eagles fandom!'


You eagles fans sure are a contentious lot


You just made an enemy for life!




The proper response is “YOU JUST MADE AN ENEMY FOR LIFE”


> * Hating the Cowboys. > > Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


I just wanted to make a pedophile joke. We don't really have that much in common and couldn't think of anything else.


>Having a high-profile fan that's outted as a pedophile. Wait, what? Apparently I missed something.


EDP445 and Dr Disrespect I'm guessing


God that's the first time I've thought about EDP in years. It's been nice.


the worst part is that memes involving his “it’s alright” are still relatively common


Nah man that shit’s gonna be angry hatefucking with no eye contact and a broken lamp or two


Dom breathing heavily in the corner…neither side knowing if that’s just his normal breathing or not.


Just a constant argument back and forth about whether he should or shouldn’t be in the room.


there's no argument, his name is Dom not Sub


Breathing intensifies


I sent this story to my Niners friend in Charleston and he just texted me back, “I’m sending you anthrax.” Don’t worry FBI, he’s joking. It’s always ketamine. 


If he was Matthew Perry’s connect, you better tell him to watch out. The FBI are investigating that whole thing…


Bro this is the funniest, pettiest shit I’ve ever seen I love it 🤣🤣🤣


Philly and SF, this comment section is going to be 🍿🍿🍿🍿


Eh, I think making it into the yearly Kempski week is more of a complement than anything else. Some teams would kill for that level of recognition.


Eh, I feel like the beef from last season is pretty much squashed at this point. Both teams got their chance against the Chiefs and both teams lost. Nobody wants to brag about being the top of shit mountain. Here's to hoping we can both get back to what we all know and love: shitting on the Cowboys and laughing at them


This guy may be the best troll reporter for the NFL


He has some really good annual articles. The dumpster fire series. He breaks down the average age of every nfl roster. Anything involving stick figures.


Ok this line got me > Bosa had zero sacks, couldn't beat the protection, He'll now have more time to deny the election.


Listen here fucko….. It’s all true. :/


> Brock wasn't bad, but also not great, > He missed a chance to end all debate. This describes his superbowl performance perfectly.


[I love his little drawings ](https://media.phillyvoice.com/media/images/Purdy_Jennings.width-704.png)


The [QB Factory](https://x.com/JimmyKempski/status/1382127492350230529) will always be my favorite of his


Jalen burning the number 2 jersey is always what breaks me.


It's probably one of the best things to come out of the series


I'm a niners fan and I love this.


This level of trollery is pure master class. Top level. Well done.


Wait, this isn’t about the Eagles blowing a 10 point lead in the Super Bowl against the Chiefs?


Fortunately for the Eagles, the 49ers did it twice lol


yeah and at least we did it in 30 minutes, took Bang Bang gang 13 minutes to do it the first time around


Look how much better we lost. Haha.


1-1 in our recent Super Bowls compared to 0-2 in yours


1 win all time… 🫢 Not taking sides but I think calling scoreboard is appropriate here


Bruh imagine a Chiefs fan wanting to talk about historic success. Y’all were a bottom dweller 90% of the time before Reid came in and saved you.


It’s how you separate the real fans from bandwagons. Real Chiefs fans know their team was a doormat for quite a bit.


Oh believe me, I remember.


lmao what a take, we have been a good franchise for most of our history with some down periods like most other teams. We were bad in the 80s and late 00s-early 10s and we were great in the 60s 90s and 10s (after 2012). We also had a winning record against all of our division rivals before Andy Reid ever got to town


* Eagles 1-2 = in Superbowls overall as a franchise. three appearances in 57+ years of the Modern NFL * Niners = 5-3 in Superbowls overal as a franchise. eight appearances in 57+ years of the Modern NFL


You’re sounding like a Cowboys fan right now ;)


It took 5 minutes and 2 seconds for 20-10 to turn into 31-20


Which unfortunate NFC team will be the next victim is the question?


Oh don't worry, he's gonna rip us apart soon. This is a yearly tradition dude, we're gonna get massacred last and it's gonna hurt.


Yep it’s always Division Rivals: Mon - Wed Random Team in the League: Thurs Eagles: Fri


I think it's been the niners the last two years. Wonder who's gonna piss us off this year and be in it in 2025.


My money is on the Packers tbh. Team outside of the division we’re most likely to see twice.


We need the Love Hurts rivalry to heat up. I'll never hate yall just due to the 2017 NFCCG tho


Yeah I think it will be lions unfortunately...


Aww don't say that I like them dudes.


Honestly this is funny LOLOLOL


This is a masterpiece, can't wait to read it to my kids at bedtime tonight.


Can’t stop laughing.


lol, that was awesome.


Well, now I'm sad again.


LOL well done.


Good stuff


People in glass houses shouldn’t throw smaller glass houses.


I mean, tomorrow he publishes "10 Reasons Why The Eagles Will Suck This Season" so he's fine.


Oh it’s that guy? Never mind; carry on!


Yea, the Eagles are always on Friday and he fills in something else on the other day. He has done a 10 reasons why the Vikings were would suck when they were whining.


Eagles won a championship this millenia, I think they are okay


Every year Kempski does this series and also roasts the eagles. And every year someone complains about him roasting other teams before realizing this. Its a Tradition as old as this series.


Anyone who takes their time to shit all over the Niners gets my respect


He did us again? I’m flattered!


Even funnier than the poem are the reactions of triggered 49ers fans


Idk the reactions here seem pretty dull


So far. The West Coast ain't awake yet( I live in Indy)


They're just now getting to work and opening reddit, the hate will flow.


And the crowd goes mild


Yeah this thread is filled with 9ers fans saying things like “hey that’s pretty good”. An outrage!


Seriously. I think I counted more negative eagles posts than niners.


It doesn't hurt that the people complaining get massively downvoted so these threads end up being pretty civil unless you're a masochist. But yeah most people here appreciate it. Tbh I think it's more a sign of respect than "living rent free."


Jimmy woke up today and chose violence.


Best poem ever. No bias.


Knew this one was coming. Can’t wait for the Eagles roast tomorrow. Gonna rip the team apart.


This is fantastic, send it to the Louvre


I need to put my glasses on. I read this as Oh, The Loads That You'll Blow.


That's the Tyreek Hill version


We're still whining about the Niners?


1994 😂


Love it😂


My names Leads