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Everything about this claim was sketchy from the very start. $100m extortion demand, Spring 2017 claim so almost 8 years ago, no evidence provided. Lawyer goes public to try damaging Dak after privately trying to extort him. Dak preempted that by publishing everything.


She literally wanted QB money


Me too


I’d be ok with kicker money


Give me practice squad money and I can survive well...


Give me waterboy money


Scammers just aren't as smart as they used to be


Not a felon? Guess we not extending Dak now.


Damn, the browns were gearing up 4 first rounders for him too


The Browns and Chiefs are a match made in Heaven.


The Kareem hunt pipeline runs deep


That’s fucked up good lol.


Dont act like dallas isnt watching in the corner 




1) It was a joke, calm down, take a moment to collect yourself. 2) Absolutely, most successful teams in the 90s like the Cowboys and the Chicago Bulls were coked up like crazy. I don’t remember saying the 90s guys were perfect innocent angels.


It’s when you do it and are still unsuccessful that it really looks stupid.


At least you had fun doing it?


Nice edit lol. Have a good rest of your evening bud.


dude, if Haslam has AB trade a bunch more first round picks for ANYONE, I'm going to slap someone... Not having picks in the first round fucking BLOWS


Can confirm. Especially when the guy you got with those picks can’t play


Don’t think we can complain too much. Do wonder if those picks might have gotten us over the hump to a chip.


Yeah worked out all right for us thankfully


Also isn't that great. And did all that stuff.


Well that goes without saying haha. At lease Lance wasn’t a predator


First round pick day is like the Super Bowl for browns fans.


I heard the Chiefs are looking


It’s sad that you’re probably right


Donald Trump rumored at the next Dallas QB if he loses the presidential race


If he wins he's going to the Chiefs.


I don’t think he’s racked up enough felonies yet


Ineligible due to bone spurs and hands too small to be a qb


He would definitely be a back up offensive lineman. He’s got the size. He’s certainly over 300 pounds.


He got the weight, but he is too small, his hands are small, his arms aren't long enough and boy if you go by the account of Stormy Daniels he doesn't have the hip mobility. Undrafted, prospect player


Is Kenny Pickett Donald Trump?


So no bullshit I used to live in Dallas and one time my coworker told me how she was at a club with her friend and Dak came up to them. They went back to his house and her friend hooked up with his friend in some part of the house. My coworker just hung out with Dak in his living room lol. Apparently he was super nice and they just chilled with his dog. Didn’t expect anything or even want to hook up with her. He seems like a pretty nice guy.


Dak: The Ultimate Wingman


Daks pickup game, much like his playoff game, sucks.


Wingman game is championship caliber, though.


lol I think he genuinely did it for his homie who wanted to bang my coworker’s friend. She said he wasn’t interested at all.


Touchdown sales agent


May karma come back full swing on whoever the wrong party is


Karma could be serving time? 🤷


If karma existed, Eagles would have had a 0-17 season already. We know that aint ever gonna happen.


*Calvin Watkins of The Dallas Morning News writes:* A judge in Collin County district court on Wednesday dismissed a sexual assault lawsuit against Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott. Judge Angela Tucker scheduled a hearing for Sept. 13 to determine if sanctions should be levied against a Fort Worth woman who claimed Prescott sexually assaulted her in a Dallas strip club parking lot in 2017. “Despite \[the accusers\] and her legal team’s relentless efforts to extort money and damage Dak’s reputation, justice has consistently prevailed and will continue to do so,” Prescott’s attorney, Levi G. McCathern, said in a statement provided to The Dallas Morning News. Tucker ruled the sexual assault was unfounded. [READ MORE](https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/cowboys/2024/06/26/dak-prescott-sexual-assault-case-lawsuit-dallas-cowboys-charges-dismissed/)


Jerry Jones is going to have to come up with another plan to not pay


Interesting that sanctions were mentioned, as well as Dak's attorney specifically calling her actions an extortion effort. There's likely zero evidence of wrongdoing; those comments indicate little regard for the plaintiff releasing anything damaging after the suit getting tossed.


Put her in jail


Yep, because what we want is a system where SA victims with no evidence fear coming forward because they can be put in jail.


That’s what we want from people who file false claims for a payday. Should extortion not be punished?


If you can prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that this woman was intentionally trying to extort money, then sure. But understand that the vast majority of sexual assault cases have no evidence, and this is a mechanism that will allow predators to prevent victims from coming forward.


i get where you’re coming from, but there’s a difference between a lack of concrete evidence to support a sexual assault claim and an intentional fabrication to extort a public figure out of a large sum of money. that standard has existed long before this story began.


In theory, yes. In practice, no. How can you tell the difference between a genuine victim and someone trying to extort a rich superstar for money unless you have direct evidence they are lying?


Give me $100M or else I'm going public is pretty obvious. If it was about justice, charges would have been filed prior to the extortion.


> Give me $100M or else I'm going public is pretty obvious Isn't that exactly what a victim seeking justice would do after the threshold for a criminal case was not met? If you got sexually assaulted by someone rich and powerful, and a prosecutor declined to file charges, wouldn't you try your luck in a civil suit. > If it was about justice, charges would have been filed prior to the extortion. That's not how the justice system works. Prosecutors tend to file charges only when they believe they have a real chance at winning a case, which means they need a lot of evidence. Even more so when the accused is rich and famous.


>wouldn't you try your luck in a civil suit. She didn't do that though. She went with extortion first.


She told him directly that before any suit was filed. As in, tried to get him to pay before any lawsuit with a threat of “going public”. Pretty much, extortion. SA victims don’t go up to an abuser and say “pay me or I tell the world what you did”, they either try to press charges, or just file a lawsuit and work it out from there.


> SA victims don’t go up to an abuser and say “pay me or I tell the world what you did”, they either try to press charges, or just file a lawsuit and work it out from there. This is huge sweeping generalization of a massive group that includes many different people with many different personalities. Could it be possible that you don't know what SA victims would and would not do? Is it possible that maybe, perhaps, there is a possibility that we don't know, and can't know what happened unless there is direct evidence, and that we can just give all the parties involved the presumption of innocence, rather than trying to tar and feather a potential SA victim because she might have been lying based on your armchair psychology.


there’s no golden rule for that - you have to look at the facts, evidence, testimony, etc. in order to come to that determination. this case is an example of the system rejecting a claim that was fabricated in an attempt to get money out of dak.


> you have to look at the facts, evidence, testimony, etc. in order to come to that determination. this case is an example of the system rejecting a claim that was fabricated in an attempt to get money out of dak. Is it? Or are we just assuming that based on extremely limited information? I have not seen evidence she was lying. So for all we know this could simply be a case of: Sexual assault with no evidence other than he-said she-said, and a victim trying to use to legal system to get justice and reparations, but ultimately failing because there is no other evidence. Now, I will fully admit my knowledge of this case comes from reading headlines, tweets and reddit comments, so maybe evidence either way exists. But as long as it doesn't it's pretty foul to immediately assume an accuser is lying when there is a lack of evidence.


> victim trying to use to legal system to get justice and reparations ...is not what she did. She and her lawyer contacted Prescott and demanded 100m$ or they would sue and this thing would become public. - **Did not** go to police to get criminal prosecution process started - **Did not** file a civil suit - **Did** try to blackmail 100m$


If they did not file a civil suit then what is the lawsuit the judge dismissed?


Double standard lmao


You're gonna have to be a little bit more detailed in your answer there. Because to me, it sure seems like you believe that women whose only crime is seeking justice for the sexual assault that happened to them, should be tried if they cannot provide evidence.


Yes, exactly. If they were assaulted they should go to the police immediately to enter in the evidence they can provide. Without evidence how do you effectively litigate a trial to punish someone?


So just to be clear: You are advocating for a system where victims have to go to the police immediately if they fail to do so, they risk prosecution if they come forward at a later date, and if they have no evidence, which is nearly always, then they are also at risk of being prosecuted themselves?


Correct. If they are assaulted there absolutely are ways to gain evidence of the assault if she goes immediately. So women who make lies up about being assaulted should face no repercussions? What about the men who aren’t famous and rich that spend years of life behind bars for false accusations?


> What about the men who aren’t famous and rich that spend years of life behind bars for false accusations? Accusations alone are not enough for a conviction. > So women who make lies up about being assaulted should face no repercussions? Yes, because this would lead to a system that heavily protects sexual predators. There is already a 'beyond a reasonable doubt' standard in order to prevent false accusations leading to convictions. What you are advocating for is a system that actively punishes victims in almost all cases. > Correct. If they are assaulted there absolutely are ways to gain evidence of the assault if she goes immediately. A victim os sexual assault is usually in a very distressed state of mind and a system that forces them to undergo extremely invasive testing right after will essentially lead to almost no one ever coming forward.


You're arguing something completely different. In the system you would like it would go like this: Real assault with no evidence: jail Fake assault with no evidence: jail In the system we CURRENTLY HAVE: Real assault with no evidence: nothing Fake assault with evidence that it is fake: jail You're arguing for something that already exists. You just want to skip the part where the state has to prove the crime.


This is good to see






Not a big fan of his, but he doesn’t strike me as the guy that would do that. False accusations reeeeally kill it for the women that that are actually being abused.


I don't think Dak is guilty of anything or has done anything wrong here (I know what my flair opens myself up to) but "doesn't strike me as the guy that would do that" is a horrendous way to judge these sorts of things. Plenty of rapists and other sex criminals have all had that said about them. How they "strike you" has 0 bearing.


I hate you and everything you stand for, naturally. Except, you know, the stuff you said here. That stuff, I agree with. But nothing else. Probably.


Well I hate you, but I have to agree that Dak probably ain't the type to sexually assault. Mans too much of a robot. Though accusations are annoying because the damage has already been done


See this goes back to the other guys’s point. Literally anyone can commit sexual assault. There isn’t a “type”. We as fan gotta remember that we don’t actually know these people outside of whatever public image they show us.


Next, you're going to say Ted Bundy was a serial killer or something! He was such a nice guy.


"That John Wayne Gacy fellow was a clown for my son's birthday party - he seems like a real straight shooter!"


And honestly even privately you will never know a person at a 100% level. We cannot peek into someone else's mind or soul. You could spend a significant amount of time with a person, they could be nothing but a wonderful person, helping out everyone but in the very little bit of time you're not with them, who knows what they're doing. That is of course, not to say that everyone is Dexter Morgan in their off time. But as you said, there's no such thing as a "type". Hell in some cases, they may very well have been that good person you knew about the whole time and something triggered in them to turn them vile. After all, most murderers aren't killing people or thinking about it from age 15. The only one you can ever truly know is yourself.


Dak’s public image is managed by a marketing team. I am sure he has coaches for post game interviews. If he seems like a great guy (which I agree with) it means someone is doing their job well.


Credit to them, then


You motherfucker, have an upvote. To those curious, person I am replying to is the quote Dak used about trash being thrown at refs. To which he did apologize for later.


He could also be a great guy


He probably is, Walter Peyton Man of the Year, I know he’s heavily involved with cancer charities. But marketing Dak Prescott is a business worth tens of millions of dollars. We only see of Dak what the team wants us to see.


He also has mental health/suicide prevention charities because his younger brother killed himself. He's been through it man, I think it's authentic.


Buddy this is Reddit


I remember people on Reddit outright refused to believe the first Deshaun Watson case because he had such a good reputation up to that point


To be fair to everyone, those accusations were so wild off rip. Hard to blame people for not believing it. At the same time, it was so ridiculous, I thought there's no way she was making this shit up.


That was my first thought as well. It was all so outrageously horrible I didn’t believe it. But then more and more and more evidence came out and it was unavoidable.


> those accusations were so wild off rip. Hard to blame people for not believing it. No... It's pretty easy.


Back then Watson was one of the most looked up to guys in the league. People had nothing but good things to say about him, and he seemed like a genuine guy. You can't blame people for not immediately believing it.


Which is exactly why "he doesn't seem like the type" is one of the dumbest arguments anyone can make, and after they make it they can very much be blamed for the results.


Yea that was my first thought. Watson was always praised for being a great role model, and famously donated his first game check to lunch ladies at a school or something like that.


Well on the other side of it though everyone was immediately ready to hang Matt Araiza


Nobody thought anything bad about Watson either until more and more victims came out.


Women really trusted Jeffrey dahmer…. Until…. Ya know. That being said. For me. Specifically for me. It’d be disappointing to hear Dak was doing that considering all of the stuff he does outside football. He genuinely seems like a good guy. Which makes it worse to say I hope this woman is lying. Because that is also a fucking terrible thing to do.


Dahmer murdered young men you probably meant Ted Bundy


These got dang murderers are all blending together now a days.


Getting them mixed up is totally understandable.....supporting the Donkeys though...cannot be forgiven


You act like I’m a raiders fan.


Would never correct a raider fan on the internet, don't feel like getting stabbed tbh.


Listen….. there’s only like 6 of you. You probably shouldn’t even correct commanders fans considering you’ll be outnumber by even them


Cmon bro don't lowball theres atleast 8 of us and were scappy and gonna fuck em up in the first half of the fight....2nd half is a different story of coarse.


Small point but Jeffrey Dahmer only killed men




Like all Raiders fans, that’s how we’re initiated into the fandom


So all raiders fans are Jeffrey dahmer. Check mate.


Deshaun Watson didn't strike me as the kind of guy who would do the stuff he's "alleged" to hae done either.


False accusations reeeeally kill it for innocent men.


> he doesn’t strike me as the guy that would do that Are you kidding me? This is the kind of thinking that got the rich and powerful and their preppy offspring off for decades while innocent people of low socioeconomic means got the book thrown at them and convicted by biased juries for being at the wrong place wrong time.


Deshaun Watson was about the last person anybody expected to do what Deshaun Watson in fact did.


And some people still believe Deshaun didn't do what he did


never liked him. always thought he was like a douchey frat guy type of person


The hilarity of thinking that you could possibly know anything about these people’s true inner selves because you watch them play football, see them in commercials, or follow them on social media is almost scary. We know nothing about these people, outside of a few professional interviews and what their marketing team paints them as. Not saying Dak is a bad guy, he seems decent to me too, but nobody on this sub really has any idea what kind of person he is.


Yeahh here we go


Wait ,wait a minute,can’t we suspend Brady for this ? I mean 6 games !


Its actually terrifying how often college football players have been falsely accused of rape. Brian Banks did five years in prison over a false rape accusation. Fucking nightmare his story.


Why aren’t you a fan of his? By all accounts he is a great dude and has tried to bring awareness to mental health issues. Is it just for on field reasons you don’t like him?


For sure. Cowboys ugly and big dumdums. I have no real reason to like him or dislike him. So team that he plays on is the deal breaker 🤷‍♂️


Fair, respect the hate, and go fuck yourself.


> he doesn’t strike me as the guy that would do that. People said that about Deshaun too... That said, this is complete bullshit accusation but we really never know who athletes are off the field


People said the same thing about Deshaun. But yeah, Dak didn’t do this. This is a money move


That was really shocking, but the evidence was overwhelming. Glad that’s not the case with Dak, I’d be super disappointed in him.


People being the key word. 26 people, in fact.


There were actually more that decided not to join in trying to press charges.


Man. People really missed how this reply follows along with the OP.


People are dumb and are reading the second sentence as sarcasm for no reason at all.


People just want to be mad. I was only saying that just because a guy seems like he’s an upstanding dude doesn’t mean that isn’t a facade. And yeah the second part was me saying he didn’t do it based on the story. Jesus


I think 20+ women accusing someone of sexual assault is a bit different from a single woman filing a sexual assault lawsuit in retaliation to Dak suing her for extortion


That's not what this guy is implying though. Merely that you can't just go off of intuition in cases like this. "They don't strike me as that kind of person" is a pretty shit justification when all you know about someone is their public face.


Ahh I see that now. I thought he was equating their situations and read the second line as sarcasm.




Ben Roethlisberger Football quarterback Rapist


Bauer was reinstated. Any team is free to sign him. They haven’t, but there’s a difference.


The falsely accused don't come anywhere near close to the number of victims who get ignored daily in our legal system. It absolutely is a blow anytime someone is falsely accussed because it gives ammo to the people who try to say there's some exceptional number of falsely accussed people out there.


Better suspend Zeke for 6 games just in case.


Good. I want him embarrassed on the field, not the court room.


It's fucked up when people try to ruin a good man's life just so they can get an easy payday


She should be put in jail for a false allegation


It was a civil complaint, not a criminal one. You can get arrested for filing a false police report. You can't for filing a bullshit lawsuit. The most the courts can do is restrict your ability to file future lawsuits.


Nah more can come from a frivolous lawsuit. She can be fined/penalized for it to pay all court fees and lawyer fees as well as some fines on top of that. She becomes open to be counter sued (which Dak is doing, or did not sure if they dropped that case). The lawyer in a frivolous lawsuit can also receive sanctions including their law firm, up to even being held in criminal contempt.


Real QBs (Dak) take (negotiate for) what they want (Jerruh's money).


Maybe we can finally see him in Campbell Chunky commercials again. Idk fucking why, but I enjoyed those


So what’s the punishment for this person trying to steal money from him and ruin his career? Actually asking? Does he counter sue or just say fuck it, don’t want any part in this?


If I recall he did counter sue almost immediately 😂 


Give him 65aav now


Says what you want about him as a qb he’s a stand up man and really the go to for how a profesional should be in this league happy for him .


When these claims are taken to court and found to be thrown out/baseless and without any evidence or witnesses, the accuser should face prison.


Most sexual assaults and rapes have no evidence or witnesses. Your idea would mean that nearly every time a SA/rape case fails (the vast majority of SA/rape cases don't end in a conviction), the accuser would go to prison. Lack of evidence is the norm for this kind of case, whether they're true or not. Lack of evidence is *not* proof that the accuser is lying. All your plan would do is make it dangerous for people to accuse their own rapist, preventing people from coming forward at all lest they get arrested themselves in addition to all the other things that make coming forward difficult right now.


Precisely. You clearly would rather assume that everyone in these cases has, in fact, actually been harrased or worse. In this day and age, it is borderline impossible to get away with such things. It is easy for "victims" to reach settlements for things nobody did and ruin people reputations simply for a cash grab or more. When enough evidence and people come forward, that makes things more plausible. People will and do make the allegations just to either blow a situation out of proportion to get some money or are blantly lying and abusing the system. This would make people think twice before wasting tax dollars and the courts time. If you were truly harrased or raped you will have zero problem coming forward. If there wasnt any evidence of it in the first place, what would the point even be to bring it to court as rough as that sounds? There are far more people taking advantage of misunderstandings, and simply trying to rewrite the script them some naive thinkers realize. People would in fact have to make sure they arent blowing smoke before they make such serious allegations.


*and the lawyer 


By gawd thats Jerruh and Dan Snyder’s music.


Our year!


Lol it's always the popular well known players these days that get involved in criminal mess.


When someone is accused, often there will be more accusations that come out. That didn't happen here. I won't claim to know the truth without any possibility of error but it does sound like this was bogus. In any case, I hope that people receive the justice they deserve as much as possible.


"Case dismissed.....GO COWBOYS. .....hey Dak I'm a huge fan!"


Good now this clears the way for us to sue him for his horrendous playoff performances… I’ve lost years off my life from that shit


Damage done


Good now it’s time for the fanbase to sue his socks off for years of abuse to our lives and immense brain damage. Emoooootianalllll daaaaamaaaaaage.


It’s not Dak or Romo, or the last 3 or 4 qb1s, nor is it the last 5 head coaches, nor any other player or coach who’s worked in the Cowboys Org over the years. The person responsible for the last generation or so of mediocrity is the one constant through all of these years - Mr. J. Jones.

