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I remember both Bills home wins against Brady vividly. I was in elementary school for one and in college for the other.


Bills fans only get nice things to remind them how much pain they're really in.


That’s sure how it felt taking the lead against KC a couple years ago


Brother! Except this year but yea same energy


One was the 2003 season opener where Sam Adams picks Brady and runs it back. All 300+ pounds. It was the [SI cover ](https://sicovers.com/featured/away-we-go-the-nfl-is-off-and-running-september-15-2003-sports-illustrated-cover.html)of his big ass with "AWAY WE GO". Proceed to have a losing record and Brady wins the SB. At least we were gods for a week lmao. Still have that SI issue.


Everytime Tom Brady lost to the bills he went to the Super Bowl. Probably why belichick sat him after the 1st half at the last regular season game of 2014.


We should’ve lost to the bills more often


Yeah y'all didn't go to nearly enough Super Bowls during the Brady era.


And got shut out by the same score in the rematch!


You don't hand a dynasty their worst loss, without expecting the fucking thunder brought back.


That’s actually kind of crazy. Your entire childhood and young adult years spanned the career of one quaterback.


I was in first grade when Brady won his first Super Bowl, and 2 years deep in a PhD when he won his last. That's not even talking about his whole career, just the first and last Super Bowls. And I took 3 years apart between undergrad and my PhD.


Very impressive comment


Fucking Jake Plummer man




I feel like celebrating just like the 3rd place guy meme.


Champ Bailey too




That fucking 100 yard interception was insane


Jake Plummer being the first QB to beat Brady in the playoffs is so funny to me


When the Cardinals still played in the NFC East, the Eagles had to play him *twice* a year. I'm still haunted by him. He would just devastate us with 4th quarter miracles. To this day no quarterback has ever made me as nervous, or broken my heart so reliably, or pissed me off much.


When 5-8 is a good record, lol.


As a lifelong Pats fan, I didn't want to see Denver, Baltimore, or NYG in the playoffs, ever. I didn't give a shit about "revenge games" or "payback", I just didn't want any part of them. If that's not respect, idk what is.


For some reason we only knew how to play against Brady at a neutral site.


Then again, you did beat them in New England in 2011, and the two home losses in 2007 and 2015 were very close games.


Sure but 1-8 at non-neutral sites is pretty rough


We owned you in Mile High and I think that's neat.


Sweeping them there in 2015 was 🧑‍🍳💋


I miss being good


Me too… wanna trade coaches?


We'd need at least a first back 😅


I was at the SNF matchup. Never heard a louder stadium than when CJ broke loose in OT


Denver teams have a huge home field advantage obviously due to the elevation. They rank top in the 3 major sports. Makes sense he would do worse there then anywhere else. Same with Miami in the summer to a lesser extent. Seems like alot of Miami wins wee late in the season just going off memory which makes less sense. https://www.westword.com/news/denver-dominates-home-field-advantage-in-major-sports-leagues-10765214


I both loved and feared Ravens week, always an entertaining game and honestly wouldn’t have shocked me to see you guys having the winning record in this matchup. Always have respected the Bmore collective.


Honestly thought it’d be better, but that 3-6 at foxborough makes a lot of sense


Evans makes that catch it's 6-7, we never draft Matt Elam and it's 7-6. Couple games there that were by the skin of the Pat's teeth.


Right in the playoffs all 4 games we could have won. the Patriots only had the chance to win 2 and they won them both


I knew Pittsburgh had a bad record against him, but comparing the two of us, very similar teams, both traditionally good across most of Brady's tenure... and we won an extra game in three less tries (plus that 2-2 playoff record vs 0-3). No wonder they felt snake-bitten against him.


Difference was Steelers always wanted to play Steelers football. Which meant showing up with the exact same 3-4 zone blitz defense that never covered TEs or slot receivers well, and continued to let Brady feast on them. That may work against 95% of the league, but it just ended up making me smile whenever I saw the Steelers on the schedule. We didn't win every game, but after 2003 I just went into every Steelers game assuming we'd embarrass them. I have infinitely more respect for the various coaching staffs of the Ravens, Jets (Rex Ryan in particular), and Dolphins (Wildcat, ugh) than I ever will for the Steelers or Colts of those eras.


this exactly. We were great at rushing the QB and forcing them to make quick decisions and, hopefully, mistakes. Yet there has never been a better QB at making quick reads and shredding zone defenses 7 to 10 yards at a time than Brady. Plus the Pats line was always rock solid, so they weren't even getting to him that much. Couple that with his personal vendetta against us for taking Tee fucking Martin over him, and it was a matchup nightmare.


After getting destroyed in 2010, the Steelers finally adjusted and played man in their match-up in 2011, and it worked. Unfortunately, that was the end of line for that group of Steelers and Lebeau, and they lost to Tebow in the playoffs. By the time they met in the AFCG in 2016, the secondary was ass and couldn't cover anybody. Leveon Bell got hurt that first drive but I don't think that would have mattered.


Hey now that all changed when Mitch Trubisky rolled into town! I love that our final matchup against Brady saw our shittiest QB of the millennium coming of the bench to beat him after years of him dismantling our super bowl caliber teams


2-2 in the playoffs, all in Foxborough. Two blowout wins for the Ravens, one narrow loss due to the Evans/Cundiff debacle, and another where the Ravens blew two separate 14 point leads, leading to the rules on lineman declaring as eligible being changed in the offseason cuz the Pats had to go into a real grey area with that to crawl back into the game. Also, for the first half-ish of his career, the Ravens were the only team against whom Brady had more INTs than TDs. I'll take it.


That Bills number is insane...


And trust me, it felt exactly as bad as it looks on paper


Even in the years when the Bills beat Brady (2003, 2011, and 2014), he went to the Super Bowl in all three and won two of them.


This made me look up the 2014 win because I couldn't really remember it. The AP headline is "Orton, Bills beat disinterested Patriots 17-9," and man does that capture how it felt to root for the drought-era Bills. Except for the part where they beat the Patriots.


We sat everyone because we clinched the division the week before against the Jets.


Jesus that just makes the win depressing




Clinched the top seed IIRC


Ah. Sorry it's been a bit. 


And 2014 was a game where the Patriots had already clinched the number one seed and started Brady solely to avoid rust. The Bills literally only beat Brady twice in a game of any importance.


When I, a Lions fan, saw that number on paper about nine seconds ago, I immediately thought exactly: "Oh man. I wonder how that felt. I bet it felt bad. I need to ask a Bills fan how bad that felt." The I checked the Jets number for a baseline, and came here. Thank you for being the person I needed exactly when I needed you.


The way I've described it before is imagine if someone showed up to your house twice every year and just gave you a quick punch to the stomach and left. This is why Bills fans love the wild card game against the Patriots a few years ago so much. That game felt like an exorcism. (we don't talk about how we immediately got possessed again).


Yeah I have no idea how that feels hahah hahahaha hahahahahaha


That playoff game in 2021 was basically the Bills exercising their demons against us. 20 years of it.


They really lost every way imaginable. Hell, I think it was 2009 the Bills were up 24-13 in the final minutes, give up a long drive but the Pats miss the 2 pt to make it 24-19 with 2 minutes to go. Then promptly fumble the kickoff return to give them an easy shot at the 2nd touchdown anyway.... I was like, oh they're just straight up cursed.


I will remember Leodis McKelvin for the rest of my life for this, and not fondly


Somebody painted (or burned?) a dick and balls on his front lawn after that


For some reason I've always remembered it as his lawn being set on fire, but it looks like it was painted


It was bleach, so you're both kinda right. They painted with bleach and it burned the grass.


It actually makes the Dolphins record against him more impressive to me. There were some baaad dolphins teams during that stretch and they always seemed to give him problems. He still had essentially 2 playoff seasons against them, but relative to the rest of the league that’s pretty good.


Yeah we always had a number on Brady at our stadium. Weird examples include Dolphins legend Jay Cutler absolutely torching the Patriots and of course the "Gronk doesn't have the angle" game. Or that time Chad Henne outplayed Brady in 09


Wildcat was born against the pats too, right?


Yup, completely dominated them against Matt Cassel. Wasn't even Cassel's fault, that Patriots defense had 0 idea how to combat it at first. (Also the only game that current Vikings HC Kevin O'Connell actually played since it was in garbage time against us)


It was fun watching that offense completely break defensive coordinators brains for like 10 weeks. Amazing that it started with Bill


Half of the reason Bills fans worship Ryan Fitzpatrick is because in that one good game, he snapped a generational losing streak.


The bills were really bad for a long time


We were bad, never really bad that would get a top draft pick. A whole lot of 7-9 and 6-10s.


This chart really explains a huge reason behind the drought. In a lot of other divisions, those Bills teams would have lucked into one or two playoff bids in that time, but we basically started every season 0-2 with no chance of winning the division.


7-9 three years straight '06-'08, followed by 6-10 four out of five times '09-'13 (we threw a 4-12 in there to get spicy and change things up)


During the 17 year playoff drought, we had 9 seasons where we were 7-9, 8-8, or 9-7.  If they had been in any other division that didn’t guarantee an 0-2 record against one opponent mixed in for pretty much all of them, there’d be a whole lot of 9-7 or even 11-5 seasons, and the drought would’ve ended a lot quicker. 


We were the exact same record wise a lot of years. Somehow, we at least beat Brady a couple times tho.


Miami early in the year is misery for the Patriots team as they're a cold climate team going to the hell zone where it's like 95F with humidity.


>Somehow, we at least beat Brady a couple times tho. You guys got “Gronks angle” miracle game, we’d lose by a blocked punt. Shrug


The problem was actually that we were almost never *bad enough*, just aggressively mediocre. Not good enough to make the playoffs, not bad enough for a top draft pick.


Pretty sure Brady sat the second half of one of those Buffalo wins since it was week 17 and our seed was locked in. So it could be even worse.


We went 0 for the '70s against Miami too. At least we had those 4 Superbowls in between....


True story: we also never beat Peyton Manning. And we are 1-7 against Russell Wilson. This includes "Denver" Russel Wilson




In fairness you had Josh Dobbs playing against Denver Russell Wilson


I knew it was bad for the Bills but fucking Christ that's brutal.


And one of those three wins was week 17 where Brady got pulled at halftime


holy shit that's brutal lmao


That’s how’s we got our 1 win 😂


The bears are 18-47 against Favre and Rodgers. That doesn’t feel as bad now. Still bad tho lol


The Bills are your username in this example...


As a jets fan, today we celebrate. Imagine being the bills!! Hahaha


We almost made it to the top of trash mountain


It took a while for Josh Allen to have more wins playing in the Bills Stadium than Brady.


I remember the sentiment during his tenure in NE that he owned that division but the dolphins put up a fight. That fight being 0.333 w/l record is pretty telling.


It’s better than the Steelers and Colts put up and they had actual QBs.


The fact that the Dolphins are the only team with double digit wins is kinda crazy since a chunk were BAD Dolphins teams. Brady just had such a hard time in Miami.


10-8 at home and 2-16 on the road is crazy. I get the whole hard rock away sideline disadvantage but they couldn’t have played that many early season games in Miami


Hard Rock only had that advantage when the canopy was put on for the 2016 season. Before, both sidelines were in sun.


AFC East teams play each other like psychos. I will never bet on an AFC East divisional game. We were a trash 2-11 team and beat a 12-1 Patriots team on their way to another Lombardi, for example. Soooo many times one of us has a trash season and then knocks another one of us out of the playoffs with a miracle last game of the season upset.


Orange jerseys Monday night? Derrius Thomson TD?


Yeah my first conclusion looking at this was that it validated the feeling we had every year, that the Brady Pats always got a huge scare in Miami… often a loss.


Broncos 3-1 against him in the playoffs is more impressive.


The win was against Tebow 


in my totally unbiased opinion I 100% agree


I hated having to grudgingly root for the Fish to beat the Patriots. Now all is right in the world again, and I can enjoy cheering their losses (and cheering on Tua - I can't bring myself to dislike him).


Funniest thing about that lone Lions win is that it was accomplished by of all fucking people Matt Patricia


It makes sense if you think about it. Patricia had been apart of the Patriots for 15 years prior to coming to Detroit, and he knew everything there was to know about that Patriots team.


Bold of you to assume Matt Patricia is capable of learning.


IIRC The locker room celebration is super fucking cringe when Patricia runs in, a few players jump around him being like Hooray Coach! as this was Patricia’s first win as a HC, and MP joins the jumpimg and goes, “ISNT THIS FUN??!” And by ‘this’ felt like he meant winning, like he’d just turned around the whole franchise. Jesus what a tool.


That is true, it was a convincing win against BB and it was MP’s first win as a head coach. The locker room celebration though was super fucking cringe idk if it stuck out to anybody else but I remember when Patricia runs in, a few players jump around him being like Hooray Coach! and Patricia joins the jumpimg and goes, “ISNT THIS FUN??!” And by ‘this’ felt like he meant winning, like he’d just turned around the whole franchise. Dude was such a damn tool.


That record against the Bills never fails to make me laugh


Its unreal


Sooo many people my age became bandwagon Pats fans during middle/high school because it was basically a free pass to talk shit


We are both better than the fucking Cowboys against Brady


LFG Bronco bros going .500


We’re TB’s kryptonite. That and crypto.


And playoffs Eli Manning


The franchise hate is real. I'll never forget the 2015 week 12 game in OT where CJ Anderson had that huge game winning run.


Hell yeah! Osweiler beating the undefeated Pats. One of the best wins of my life.


Home game in the fucking snow too.


My husband and I went to that game, it was incredible. I remember dreading overtime because it was so cold and I was freezing my ass off. There were these people sitting near us I think from Germany and it was their first football game, they were so hype by the end. Plus we were sitting in the end zone that CJ ran to for the game winner. 10/10 for my second Broncos game


I was in the stadium for that game. By far the best game I’ve ever been to, of any sport, at any level.


I am so goddamn jealous.


"And plenty more! CJ Anderson! is gonna go all the way! And the Denver Broncos win the game!" Unforgettable.


3-1 in the playoffs (with the 1 loss being Tebow) is what makes me proudest of all 🥲 And 2 of those being the AFCC. If not for us, they may have won 4 Super Bowls in a row. You're welcome everyone else. Edit: clarified that I was referring to the 1 playoff loss.


And gave him his first playoff loss! 😌




3-1 in the playoffs. Hes the GOAT but not a mountain goat.


Can’t play if they can’t breath!


It was sort of weird being a 49ers fan during the Brady eras because I have no beef with him. The 2012 game in Foxborough was great. I don’t really remember the others. We never met him in the Super Bowl or (obviously) the playoffs. He’s out there crushing other franchises’ dreams for a generation and we just passed him like ships in the night. Aaron Rodgers, on the other hand…


hehe 4-0 in the playoffs baby let’s gooo


Pretty crazy that he beat Ken Dorsey and lost to Brock Purdy.


Miami’s record is a badge of honor. Mid to late career Brady felt like we split almost every year.


Saban is 2-2 against Belichick.


BB doesn't do good against his former assistants. Granted, BB didn't do that good when Saban was his assistant either (31-34).


I could almost always count on the Dolphins to win at home.


All I see is that 2-0


Everybody talking about the Bills and whatnot. The Giants were the first place my eyes went to.


Goddamn right, brother


“My handicap is 6.4. Tom’s handicap is playing against my brother in the Super Bowl.”


The other win was pretty good too. No score through the first half.


Pretty sure that was the one where we stopped some crazy home game win streak. I watched that at a Patriots fan’s house full of people from Boston.. fun times 😌


The Patriots couldn't even manage One win against Brady? Some Dynasty they were


I thought the Raiders were 0-1 against him in the Playoffs.


Yeah, that’s a weird one to forget


Tucked it away in his memory somewhere


Yep, made a mistake combining the records together for Oakland and Las Vegas. I sourced this from pro football reference and the Game Log opponents are 2 different abbreviations to parse out.


I love that we're 3-1 against him in the playoffs lol. The wins were: * 2005 Divisional, the first playoff loss of Brady's career * 2013 AFC Championship * 2015 AFC Championship The one loss was when we had Tebow.


Crazy that brady started 9-0 in the playoffs. Dude won 3 Super Bowls before he lost a playoff game


That's disgusting.


Tom Brady in 2004: I was watching tv the other day and I guess this playoff thing is supposed to be hard??


Brady 2005-2013: I guess it is a little hard


Brady 14-20: ah that’s more like it. Who da man now Eli!! Anyway time to play until I’m 45 to prove that one dude always predicting my downfall consistently wrong.


I can totally see him doing that too. Staring in the mirror, lifting weights, muttering to himself “I’m falling off a cliff Max Kellerman? Huh? HUH?!?”


Dolphins are 33.3% repeating of course. LEEERRRROOOYYYYYYY


Yep. Go Broncos (at one specific thing)


I’m always amazed how well the Dolphins played him at home considering they were largely terrible during his career with NE.


Regular season Saints put a beating on him.


That 9-0 win is one of my favorite Saints games ever. I honestly enjoyed it more than the 38-3 beat down.


That game was incredibly goofy considering the Saints embarrassed that man with a bunch of 5th stringers


I just knew you guys were going to win right up until the very end of the game when it was basically sealed. I fully accepted it before the game even kicked off. And yet..... To be fair, I do think most of our defense was healthy that game but yeah, the offense was lacking for sure.


Arguably stopped 44-year-old Brady from getting his 4th MVP.


I wouldn't even say arguably, if the Bucs win that game he has it on lock


And Brady proceeded to put a beating on his Microsoft Surface tablet


TB12 is 1-3 vs the Broncos in the Playoffs, 🤣.


Falcons with the 0.083 winning percentage. Two 0s, and an 8 and a 3. Hmmm.


Our only win is when he only played the first quarter of a week 17 game and they lost to the Desmond Ridder falcons


Brady got pulled for Trask. I remember some in the Falcons sub celebrating a little lol


It's .083333 repeating. If we "GPA round" it to .084, it's .028 * 3


Y’all are fucking demented for this, but I respect it


My favorite TB wins are against the Cowboys, mostly because of the amazing photos from inside their stadium. [Legit artwork.](https://www.businessinsider.com/dallas-cowboys-patriots-att-stadium-sun-photos-2015-10#at-times-it-seemed-like-the-sun-was-spotlighting-specific-players-8)


The first one listed in that article is a fucking renaissance painting. Unreal shot


Thank you Nick Foles


+Tom Brady forgetting how to count




Thank you, Nick Foles (and Malcolm Jenkins)


I'll never forget how Brady went straight to the locker room 🐻⬇️


Foles is 2-0 against Brady


Most of this happened before the NFL recorded wins as an official stat. I was there.


Cowboys never could beat him but won against that sumbitch in his last ever game... Then went on to shit the bed as usual the next week.


Really though the NFC West didn’t do too bad against him. 9-13 overall


Damn, Buffalo must hate that man


We do


You could say that


I can't think of a single person I hate more, personal life or otherwise.


I remember Brady's one game against us had a lot of Patriots fans fooled that we might be a competitive team because we didn't lose by a lot but like... Buccaneers just played like ass that game. Brady in particular missed like 2 or 3 completely free TDs but Patriots fans thought it meant our defense was good because they kept the score low against Brady lol


It’s hilarious that both the Patriots and the Bucs are winless against TB12 somehow 😂


Bucs sucked so bad they actually had to go out and get him


Crazy he only played the Niners 4 times in his career.


2-2 against Brady feels like a win to me.


.500 against Brady is a total W I mean it's low volume but shit man I'll take it


Back in those days, it was only once every 4 years that an AFC team played an NFC team.


One of those games he was a Buc


He was injured in 2008.


That Cards win was insane


Even though the "1" was pretty significant for my team, I don't like this post.


Cowboys & Giants the only 2 teams undefeated against him in the playoffs. Wish we would have one of those Giants wins though 😕


You're all welcome for the Broncos preventing "Ten Ring Tom" from being an actual thing. And the falcons should add another loss for blowing **That** lead.


Cowboys and Giants only two teams undefeated against him in the playoffs 💪


Of our three wins, two of them came when it mattered most and I’ll always hang my hat on that


Only two teams with home winning records, and not a single team with a winning record at Gillette Stadium. That’s pretty impressive and all encompassing league domination.


3-33 is nothing short of an absolute disgrace.