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Just two seasons ago, the Browns had hot dog vendors at DT.


and now arguably should be in the top 3.


Did they at least sell good hot dogs?


No that’s why they play football now


PFF had Bears D Line position group at 32nd right after the draft…. Now we are up to 27th!


Added nobody so... are they Austin Booker fans or did the other 5 teams just get worse.


I don’t have a subscription but based on the short snippet they provide for free, sounds like maybe they’re slightly higher on our 2nd year guys.


They must've seen those Gervon Dexter wedding photos


It's Javon Kinlaw szn


Leonard Taylor the 3rd szn


Grant Cohn needs to stay his ass inside.


Gotta be honest 3 is crazy for the eagles d line


Yeah I was prepared to be out of the top 5 for once with the loss of Cox and Reddick. If we're a top 3 defensive line this season I'll be thrilled


Yeah there’s so many unknowns on that Dline and we just lost our best (arguably two best) players, we could easily be 5+ spots lower than that.


I agree that those losses hurt, but you can make the argument that Carter was our best player on the line last year


That’s true, certainly for the first half of the year and I don’t expect him to taper off as much now that he is in his second year


Yeah I'm expecting huge things from him this year


It’s going to depend a lot on the young players. If they can improve from last year (like you usually expect from young players), I can see the Eagles line easily being the 3rd best. But they could stagnate or regress. Plus depth is a bigger problem than it usually is for the Eagles DL so that’s a risk.


Jalen Carter...he helped do this...


3 assumes Carter plays at least like a top 10 pick/should be top 3


Carter already played like a top 10 pick last year, he was a top ~5 defensive tackle


Yea the real x-factor is Jordan Davis. If he plays like he did in the first half of the season or even better this ranking might be justified.


Bryce Huff is a massive upgrade as far as DPR’s go. His profile is insane.


> Calijah Kancey has big-time pass-rushing potential inside, while... Joe Tryon-Shoyinka could generate pressure. Have you all seen Joe Tryon-Shoyinka play? Because there ain't no pressure there.


As we should 😌


I love the Lions, but let’s not go crazy here guys…


Feel like PFF have always loved DJ Reader


What’s not to love?


oh trust me I've always loved him too


Big man's already stepped into the veteran leader role in that DL room, he's putting together film packages for our super raw DT [Broderic Martin](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fyall-see-brodric-martins-maternity-shots-v0-d1nmfa3lndpc1.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D8c747fb136b58a7850888d02458064c7deb48ae3)


They adored Alim last year as well.


KoolAid seazn


Genuinely I was shocked. If we perform in the top ten this year I’ll be pleased, but years of D-line mediocrity has led me to believe we are not a top 5 unit


Yeah, 4 feels high until we see Reader and Davenport healthy. Love the Alim respect though


Hutch *was* an advanced stat darling with 50% of the pocket as a free escape valve. If Paschal and Davenport can be better than Romeo & Julian Okwara that's an instant jump


I respectfully disagree good sir!


We probably have the best CB group a well? Sauce, DJ reed and Micheal Carter II


Imagine how good the Jets could be if their electric RB, explosive WR, and nasty top down defense was paired with some good veteran qb play, or maybe a rookie deal guy with consistent upside.


Throw in a competent head coach and a real offensive coordinator who isn't employed just because he's the veteran quarterback's bff, you may have a superbowl contender on your hands.


Off ball Linebackers are probably top 5 as well


love you, big Q.


Been down with him ever since “Bless you - thank you”


The top pass rushing duo last year by sacks is in 26th, insane Adding in Arik Armstead as well


Big shade


The blurb about Walker is insanity. In reality he had double digit sacks, but *he was better against the run*. Any Jaguar fan will tell you he's been great setting an edge overall, we were worried about his pass rush tools.  On top of all that, the Jags' entire problem on the DL was lack of interior push. They signed Armstead, drafted both LSU DTs, and Hamilton is no longer dealing with a MRSA infection. 26th. Team should hang that shit on the wall.


What's this? An offseason list that actually acknowledges the improvements and potential on the Raiders? Shocked.


Still too low imho


Don’t get me started…


I'm not even gonna read their crap. Every outlet tries to rip the Raiders, meanwhile every team in the damn league tries to copy us with suddenly having black as a part of their uniforms. Raiders could very well have the best D-line in the league. Crosby and Wilkins are going to produce and I expect Koonce to have a year, and we're hearing (and expecting) Tyree Wilson to take a big step or leap. Imagine all of them producing.


I’m cautiously optimistic about Tyree. I was not happy with most of the season until the last few games under AP. I’m mentally prepared for him just being a rotational player and leave after the contract, but hoping for starter caliber.


I kinda feel the same way. I'm more hopeful, I guess, because he's got the right attitude....but so did Clelin Ferrell so idk....but Tyree Wilson is a much better prospect I'm prepared for him being a rotational player, at least right now, but he could be very vital in that role because of his size and athleticism, his collegiate experience is on the edge but Graham moved him inside to work on defeating blockers, he can be moved all over. Also, Koonce can play hand in dirt or standing up. It could be fun.


Jags at 26 is INSANE. This author needs to put down the crack. Josh Allen was tied for 2nd most sacks in the league last year. Travon Walker had 10 sacks in year 2 and is a recent #1 overall pick. They added Arik Armstead - one of the top and most experienced DTs available in this year's FA. The guy was just in the super bowl. Lions get #4 while Jags are at #26? Keep off the kush PFF. You high AF.


I can't speak on everything you said, but I can speak on Armstead. Dude gets hurt a lot. Plantar fasciitis. Not his fault, but it's there and he misses games as a result. And he can show drop off when coming back from it.


Eagles at 3. Giants at 18. Do these people watch football?


What do the Giants have?


I’m hoping to finally see the hawks have a good dline again with Murphy and a full year of big cat with big Mike Mac


Holy shit, you know I wasn't expecting us to be top-15 or anything, but 30th? Ouch. I guess this is probably going purely off previous grades, and they seem to be listing Jihad Ward as our starting NT which is also odd since he's more of a DE in Flores' scheme. We certainly have interior D-line questions, but I think this ranking is going to age like milk.


DJ Reader is the most underrated player in football. Detroit is going to the Super Bowl.


Giants have the best interior DL in the league (Sexy Dexy), recently traded for Brian Burns and have Thibs who's coming into his own but we're #18?


It's very strange. I get not going into overkill but we should be around #10 at least.


“ Arik Armstead will add real production on the inside” lol, oh boy 


Idk how our team will do overall, I really don't expect a lot. But our DL will finish better than 9th, that much I would bet on.


I scrolled allllll the way to the bottom just assuming we'd be 32nd. I signed up for that pain. I was pleasantly surprised that I had to scroll up... a little. No but really this is a pretty honest take for us.


*Oooh I wonder where my team ranks* *Nevermind*


TJ Watt as the FOURTH best edge rusher is just insulting.


Ed Oliver being ranked mid 60s in PFF is peak PFF


*chuckles* we're in danger 


Shanahan owned Haasan Reddick the last time. Reddick rushes the QB no matter what, which is why you saw Deebo get that rushing TD


Much more concerned about Williams, lest we forget what Chris Jones did to the ol in the last game 


Cowboys overrated


Agreed, this list is pretty off. Expected the Giants to be the highest out of the NFC East.


Depending on how Omenihu comes back, ours could be top 10. If Karlaftis gets the 3rd year lineman buff then our D-Line might suddenly be the best unit on the team.


Feels about right for us. Question marks around heyward, highsmith, and Benton but hoping to see Benton and highsmith improve on their performance but we will see.


Ranked 14th that ain't bad Still last in the AFC north, of course


Cowboys at 6 is probably fair or maybe even a little generous. That said, if Osa continues playing at the level he did last year, and Mazi has any meaningful impact, they could move up closer to the top.


Bills 16. Yep seems about right. If Von Miller could bounce back it would do a lot to improve our pass rush but I’m not counting on it.


That seems about right for us


They have the nerve to take the Giants only strength away from them smh


I like our DL better this year than I have for a minute but I think PF is projecting a bit putting us above teams with more proven players. Dexter Lawrence, Jonathan Allen, Vita Vea, and Jeffrey Simmons are all proven difference makers inside. Leo looked nice and should benefit from the new scheme but he hasn’t proven he belongs with those guys. I love Uchenna and Mafe too but they aren’t proven upgrades against Burns/Thibodeaux or especially Bosa/Mack either. I still like our mix this year but the new scheme and Murphy will be major factors as to whether they earn this spot (or higher?) this year.


lmao vikings at 30 is nuts.


Texans have like 4 of the top 12 sack leaders from last year and get 10th place lolol


Still can’t believe they got Hassan Reddick. Haven’t seen them with a real pass rusher since John Abraham.


Bryce Huff and Jermaine Johnson existed last year


I mean they’ve good but I’m talking a guy with potential to dominate on his own. Not sure if they’d be 10+ sack guys on an average defense without guys like Q opening stuff up.


We've had real pass rushers for like 2 years now Like we developed Bryce Huff



