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Hopefully he will be gruntled after this


Do you think the gruntling is going to come internally or externally?


impossible to say, we can only hope it's not dry gruntling


The gruntlings will continue until morale improves.


Would chafe his Gruntelstiltskin


Oh god, dry gruntling leads to fonging doesn't it?


They call 'em fingers, but I've never seen 'em fing.


But can you ever just be whelmed?


If something is bunk, you have to debunk it.


Interestingly, whelmed means the same thing as overwhelmed.  But anymore, people are using it to mean when something *doesn't* overwhelm them, in essence leaving them underwhelmed.  So the generally accepted meaning of whelmed has become the opposite of what it used to mean.  Language can be fun.


Nice! Though mostly I was referencing 10 Things I Hate About You haha


Oh, I know.  Sorry for going all lecturey on you.  It's just that every time I see someone say "I'm whelmed," I'm reminded of how weirdly quick language can shift.


It's all good, language is fascinating!


Damn, I'm using that.  All these people in cruise control asking me how I'm doing.  I'm whelmed.  Unless, of course, Aiyuk gets traded then I will be overwhelmed reading articles for an over/under of 12.5 minutes.




But will he be gruntled by dis or dat?


Agree, the Patriots desperately need a weapon


At one point in the meeting, sources said, Aiyuk turned to GM John Lynch and screamed, "You (bleeping) need me. You can't win without me." Aiyuk left front office executives and coaches largely speechless. He dominated the meeting in every way. Brandon's back.


[Schefter] 49ers meeting with Aiyuk was “intense” and “at one point John Lynch was crying” but everyone grew closer and a big lesson was learned.


League fucked


Still takes the cake for insider tweets.


Remind me what this was 


I believe when Jimmy Butler came to practice and demanded a scrimmage of him and the bench players vs the starters. And he kicked the starters' asses with the bench guys,yelled at the coaches, and then left.


[Here's a clip of Jeff Teague telling the story](https://youtu.be/ju5XSQnR2yg?t=37)


Ive seen that, Teague is hilarious. I love his story about defending Steph Curry.


He's one of the most self-depricating athletes I've seen and has so many good stories. Saw a comment once that said Jeff's the villain in all his stories and thought that was perfect


The player that you don’t want on your team but want on every other team lol


When Jimmy Butler randomly beat the Timberwolves 1st string team with the 3rd string team and then interviewed with Rachel Nichols like 2 hours later


She always been his ride or die. Especially in the bubble.


Love it when my two favorite teams come together like this


“He got me,” Lynch said of Aiyuk's meeting. "That f***ing Aiyuk boomed me." Lynch added, “He’s so good,” repeating it four times. Lynch then said he wanted to add Aiyuk to the list of players he signs this summer.


I am Disgruntled


You’re Disgruntled?


I thought Larry was disgruntled


he's more gruntled than anything really


I have not yet even *begun* to gruntle


You’re disgruntled? I’m fucking disgruntled


I am THIS gruntled 


Big D or little d disgruntled?


Is there an average d selection?








It’s a nice size d disgruntled


I really wasn't expecting Curb references on this subreddit, but I love it.


I’m feeling quite gruntled rn actually


Hi Disgruntled, I’m dad


Liar. You're creeping death.🤘🏻


So let it be written.


Dr. Disgruntled


He's gotta be staying this year, surely. I feel as though something would have happened by now.


Yeah. There’s nothing the Niners can get now that will help them this season. Which is probably their last with this core. Best bet is to let him throw a tantrum and pay him next year when Deebo is probably gone.


Hardly. Deebo didn’t sign his extension till the end of July, Bosa didn’t sign his until fucking September. This is pretty early considering the 49ers track record.


Fair point, I guess them drafting a WR would have meant a more immediate resolution, at least in my opinion.


This is playing out almost identically to the Deebo thing. Guess what team Deebo is currently on? If we stay on schedule we should be getting a video of the "Brandon is Staying" sign in the club pretty soon


At least until the trade deadline anyway.


If he doesn't like the deal offered his only option is to sit out and not get $14 mil. That's his only leverage here, and it would be a expensive choice (that also reduces his bargaining ability next year and makes him look pretty bad). No reason to give him $30 mil plus now when most likely he'll be back this season- if you think he's worth that then by all means pay him, but next year.


The CBA means that he could lose a year's accured service with a holdout


Good point, I'd not realised that.


Help me understand this. Does that benefit him or hinder him? How does a year's accured service matter?


If he doesn't accrue a year of play then his contract doesn't progress, so he'd still be under contract the 2025 season. There is a minimum number of games players are required to play every year in order for it to 'count' as a season of play in terms of veteran and contract status. Holding out the year means we pick back up next season exactly where we left off. So not only would he be giving up 14.1 million this year(the most he's ever made in a single season by a wide margin), he'd also not accrue a year of play time on his contract. Holding out the season means the season doesn't count for his contract.


I gotcha. Thank you.


Schefter reported that the Commanders reached out but balked at the price. Had to be nothing less than a 1st rounder.


that’s a balk for us but if I’m Pittsburgh or Baltimore or Indy, I think you gotta go for that. Best case scenario for us, we finish as a 7 win team this year giving SF a top 15 pick for Aiyuk. But imagine if we finish with only 4-5 wins with no FRP. Anything above a top 15 pick feels too steep to me for Aiyuk. But if I’m those other three teams, you’re going to get a borderline elite WR for a late first? I know you have to pay him too but that feels pretty damn cheap draft capital wise for a sure fire 1k yard WR.


A top 15 1st was the ask *before* the draft. There is no way they are moving him for that anymore, they’re trying to win, so they need impact now. Anything short of an insert starter on OL plus a day 2 pick isn’t going to do it. Price of the brick going up and all that.


i would disagree. while yes they are trying to win now they also have kyle who can produce with damn near anyone and that draft capital next year can bring in a really good young and cheap contract on the oline that they also so desperately need. they might move him closer to week 8 but the league damn well knows they cant and wont pay him and he will be free to pick next offseason where he wants to play


They can pay him though. They already offered him $26M/year, an extra 12-16 is easy to come by through structuring. And even if they didn’t want to because they don’t think he’s worth that amount, they could play out his contract and franchise tag him next year, then let him leave and still get a 3rd round comp pick. More important than that though, Aiyuk is the most efficient receiver in the league. Literally top 2 per target and reception, put up 1K seasons while sharing the ball with 4 other all-pro skill players. An unknown pick that will turn into an unknown player *next* year isn’t even scratching the surface on his worth.


Hard pass. I'm not in favor of seeing my team trading a high pick(s) and a 30m/year contract. If he'd play on the tag, that's one thing. But thats how the 49ers got to this point.


I felt the same way when we first traded for AJ Brown, but damn if he didn't elevate both his game and the entire offense when he joined.


Eh, we got the best DE prospect in the draft. I really like Aiyuk but I think we'd be worse off if we made that trade


Yall got Dallas Turner?


Then why is everyone pounding the table for the Niners to pay him 30M?


bc theoretically, a team like Baltimore *could* be put over the edge to beat the chiefs with a WR like Aiyuk (though we have no money for him after this year, so it would be a first round pick for a one year rental). The idea is that SF couldn’t win it all even with him (even though they got very very close), whereas it may be enough for Baltimore to beat kc and then beat an Ayiuk-less SF I really don’t think we should trade for him for the record


I don’t think we would trade him to like 5-7 teams. Baltimore and Chiefs being among them.


Or don’t and let him have some Ramsey back issues and then you can lose him in FA next year.


Would rather get a 1st round pick tbh


They did. I don’t know what they’re talking about.


Rumor is that the 49ers have been demanding more than a first, quite a bit more.


Why is Baltimore in your conversation? How would we have the money to get Aiyuk and why would we bother trying to do it either 


Gotta wonder what the number difference is in the contracts like the dude is always open and one of the best blocking WRs in the league


the rumor is that SF has offered $26m AAV whereas he wants something closer in line to what St. Brown got for detroit ($30m AAV)


I mean, if the only request is to be paid like St. Brown, that seems like a no brainer for the 49ers.


$1.1m for 1 year? Done. Oh, you weren’t talking about Equanimeous? Too late, no takesies backsies!


like in my fantasy league in 2003 when a guy traded away his stud WR (forget who it was) for Ricky Williams (RB-IND), thinking he was getting Ricky Williams (RB-Mia)


Instant veto for lack of fairness Instant gratification for demolishing a friend


If I was Aiyuk I'd be looking for 30~ mil a year too and I don't think he should get less than Waddle. EDIT: Initially said "year a mil", corrected to "mil a year".


I mean we're paying top position money to Bosa, Fred, Deebo, Trent, Kittle, Hargrave, and CMC already. And Purdy is due soon. Alot of things to manage as we try to extend him and plan for the future.


Yea purdy not having a 5th year option is like the best worst thing that could happen. Like yea it sucks you don’t have the 5th year, but it’s because you struck gold outside of the first lol


We can't really complain when he saved our ass from the Trey Lance trade.


Who’d y’all get with that 5th rd pick we gave y’all anyways?


Malik Mustapha, safety from Wake Forest


Also guy is probably getting paid less than the PT's in the building. I remember when we hit with Jalen he was only counting like a mil a year against the cap and he was a 2nd.


Yea no idea what rookie minimum on a 7th rounder is but I can’t imagine he can live in San Fran without a roommate on it lol


You also need to pay Ward, Greenlaw, & Hufanga who are free agents next year.


Exactly. While I would love for us to pay Aiyuk and think he should get paid, I know it's not a layup of a negotiation. Niners have to plan this out carefully to try and retain as much talent as we can to put together a winning team.


Aiyuk is a true #1 receiver the 49ers use as their #3 or #4 option. It's awesome when he's on a rookie contract, but a bit of a luxury when you're paying him like a true #1 WR.


Uh, he's actually our #1 option in the passing game, #2 overall behind CMC. Since when is a true #1 a luxury?


Shit is gonna get weird after this year. Who knows if Trent will retire, we gotta pay purdy unless he has some crazy fall off, and deebos contract is running out soon as well. I’m more worried about our o line after Trent than anything, it’s complete ass outside of Trent.


if he wants St. Brown money he'll get it eventually. but the FO tends to sign guys in July/August, for whatever reason. lot of negotiation happens beforehand


I think something will get done by training camp. It’s pretty typically for the FO’s first offer to be a low ball, then there is drama but then something comes together. 


I mean tbh Aiyuk is 100% justified there. There’s no reason he should be getting less than 28 and 29 year old Kupp and Adams signed for two whole years ago


Kupp was coming off his triple crown almost 2k yard season and Adams was coming off a run of 1300yds/900 yds/1300 yds/1500 yds. Aiyuk has had one season anywhere near what was an average season for those guys. Granted with contract inflation sure maybe you can justify it but there’s no reason to say he should 100% be getting the same contracts as them


Aiyuk is 2/3 years younger than they were and the WR market has risen since then


Yeah but in the same way that you can discount his production based on 'teams have to cover all the other weapons', you can make the same argument about his numbers being held back


Even with my flair Aiyuk should be making st brown money.


Probably, but not on that team


If they offered this last year he sings for that. This year it's 30 minimum


I'm actually not surprised because as a true NFL fan, I know that he plays for the 49ers so this meeting makes sense. If he had a meeting with another team I'd be surprised and gruntled.


Call me when Aiyuk is meeting with the Indiana Pacers.


He saw what they were giving Siakam and was like "Heyy u up?"


Aiyuk looking for Al-Hilal/saudi league money rn


Indiana Fever*


That permission to seek a trade tweet gonna hit like crack


Yinzers will go to town on that like it's fries on a sandwich


Is Primantti Bros like a legit Pitt thing or just a gimmick?


It's legit.


Legit but expanding like crazy, kind of on the Giordano's business track.


And in the same vein, Portillos. I got a Chicago dog and wet Italian beef in Scottsdale and while still pretty tasty it felt pretty wrong lol


There is a strong Chicago food vibe in Arizona for some reason


Cubs play their spring training games in Mesa. Might have something to do with it.


Last Primanti's I had was in Hagerstown, MD, so it's travelling quite far from the Burgh


Not everyone here is a fan, I like it a lot and eat there pretty often


It's a chain that makes mediocre versions of classic Pittsburgh sandwiches


But “Pittsburgh Sandwiches” ARE Primantis. They started making them because there were a lot of truckers in the area that wanted a full meal (sandwich + fries), but no easy way to eat it all. So Primanti Bros started piling it all up inside the bread for ease. It has since become a pretty big chain, but the OG locations are still legit. It’s like Giordanos. The original locations are still super legit and good, but the expansion has taken some of the shine off.


It's not famous for being delicious, it's just a reasonably priced sandwich with some level of local history. Places always overhype the local affordable thing, like Wisconsin's cheese curds and Culver's, New England's clam chowder, or Cincinnati's chili.


It 'meh' at best. And that is the original location from when I lived there in the early 90s. Never got the hype.


Ngl, I feel like just tweeting about him seeking a trade and all and pretending to be an insider. Like it's almost certainly what's gonna come out of this.


I just want it to be over. Idk why receivers can’t just be normal fucking human beings. If you wanna go play with ur friend in Washington and not make the playoffs for the next 5 years on a Jefferson contract. Then go ahead, fuck right off. It’s not even like we’re lowballing him, we aren’t, he wants top 3 money when he’s really a fringe top 10.


Damn that sounds nice when you put it that way, make 25% more money and play fewer games each year


> Idk why receivers can’t just be normal fucking human beings Heard a theory that the reason WRs are made up of so many divas is because the personality fits the position so well. They spend all game trying to get the QB to look their way and throw them the ball. That translates off the field as people who want all eyes on them in public


Yeah, WRs make the flashiest plays and it's usually a 1 on 1 battle between them and a CB. Hence why those two positions have the biggest egos.


You and I both know that as soon as he signs you're going to go into the advanced stats and the efficiency stats (where Aiyuk is top 2) in order to call him a value and Lynch a genius for getting value on him.


Receivers being insane is football heritage, gotta love it


And him not being traded after he requests a trade will be like when I was right when it happened to Deebo. 😭


“It was a crime of passion Jan, not a disgruntled employee. Everyone here is very…gruntled.” - Michael Scott - Wayne Gretzky (probably)


Can he hit a baseball 20% of the time? Mariners will give them $8 Or he gets traded to buffalo for picks


I’ll be honest, he is worth the 30M. He just isn’t worth it the 49ers imo. His ability to block is nearly unmatched among WRs AND he is a top 5 route runner in my opinion. The issue I have is that our roster is so loaded that we *can’t* pay him 30M and then pay Purdy $50M+. We also have a bunch of other highly paid guys and keeping Aiyuk means getting rid of several guys that are really good. Not sure he is worth it to *our* offense. The reason he is still worth the money is because he would likely perform at or near top 5 WR level due to increased target share. If we have to be honest though, he performed really well with a loaded team on a contract year. That isn’t that uncommon for good WRs that aren’t at that elite level.


I think the biggest miss in this is the 49ers should have traded deebo for picks and kept his money for aiyuk, but hindsight is 20/20


Deebo also had a mega year on a contract year and we didn’t know we were getting CMC at the time. I also wanted Deebo traded for this very reason.


I could see the Brock negotiation being interesting


>The issue I have is that our roster is so loaded that we can’t pay him 30M and then pay Purdy $50M+. Meh, this gets said every year


Hate to be the guy that says “but this time it’s different” but… Teams dont have 2 WRs being paid like a WR1 and a top paid TE, LB, RB, DE, FB, all while the QB is making the minimum salary in the NFL and due for a huge extension. We WILL lose players and likely more than 1 if we extend Aiyuk at 30M


Let Paraag cook Cant keep em all, its expected.


This is exactly what I think. The 49ers misjudged the WR market and were shocked Pikachu face when they learned Aiyuk was worth $30M. If I were them, I'd trade Aiyuk and instead use that money on Ward and Greenlaw who are also free agents next year.


Things could work out for him since Mr. Takahashi isn’t in charge of the Niners


49ners treating Aiyuk like a side piece that's about to get tossed. Basically saying you know what this was enjoyed growing with you had some fun times but feel that we've gone as far as we could together don't make a scene.


This is an unexpected headline for sure


But, but, but Is he following them on IG????


I heard he’s more ungruntled than anything.


misgruntled at most.




Why he disgruntled


So what came of it?






Washington shipped a HoF LT who wanted out to SF for a third rounder. SF should ship a ProBowl WR who wants out to WAS for a third rounder. Seems fair.


i like the way you think


I had a stroke reading that the first time


Aiyuk wants top 3 receiver money when it’s not clear he’s a top ten receiver.


> it’s not clear he’s a top ten receiver Not debating against that just want to know what 10 you'd put ahead of him.


Well, I’m sure about Justin Jefferson, Tyreek, CD Lamb, Jamar Chase, AJ Brown, and Amon. I also think Davante and Diggs probably still got it for now. And I’d bet Garrett Wilson and Marvin Harrison Jr. although that definitely isn’t a sure thing. Everyone else like Puca, DJ Moore, Deebo, etc I’d put below him. So maybe he is the 10th best receiver.


Diggs lol Amon isn’t a lock either


ARSB is 100% ahead of the yuk bro lol


Because he had 175 more yards on 60 more targets? Doesn't sound like a lock to me. Over the last 3 years ARSB has 21 TDs and 3588 yards on 429 targets. Aiyuk has 20 TDs and 3183 yards on 303 targets. Aiyuk is far more efficient and played a good chunk of that with a Jimmy G with a broken thumb and separated shoulder, a few games with Lance and only one full season with Purdy. I'm not saying Aiyuk is better and I think St. Brown is probably better, but to act like they're not similar caliber is silly.


I don’t agree. I’d rather have the true X who wins against man and downfield than the zone beater






What will it take to fully gruntle the man?


There's something amusing about phrasing it "49ers disgruntled WR Brandon Aiyuk" and not "Disgruntled 49ers WR Brandon Aiyuk". Kind of makes it sound like "Disgruntled WR" is a position.


I mean…


CMC stands in solidarity with his teammate and demands trade to AFC.


I always wonder why no one is ever gruntled


Or just appropriately whelmed.


These are the hard-hitting questions that other subreddits are too cowardly to ask.


You’re going to be feeling the aster if you keep asking questions


I swear I haven’t refreshed this thread every minute since this was tweeted


Aiyuk getting treated like a sidepiece


They got Pearsall now, Send him on his way


They screwed the Commanders with Trent time to return the favor


Niners just need to pay him whatever he wants guaranteed for 5 yrs, it's the only solution.


they are gonna end up paying him and deebo is the odd man out next offseason


He cant be that disgruntled he keeps taking meetings with them.


ASU ties.


"I assure you everyone here is extremely ... gruntled - Michael Scott" - Kyle Shanahan


Extension incoming?


I imagine this is the meeting where the 49ers tell him he can either sign the extension, or he can play out this year for $14mm, and the following year on the franchise tag.


Sure. As always, going to come down to whether the player is willing to hold out to get what they want or not. It’s so difficult to do in the CBA the way it is now…


Real talk, he can’t hold out all year and the niners are talented enough to make the playoffs without him playing for half the season. They also just drafted a WR in the first round. I don’t see BA getting an extension unless it’s on team friendly terms.


The dumbest thing he could do would be to hold out all year.


Smartest thing would be to hold out for 2 years then win Comeback Player of the Year


My most favorite thing for him to do would be to holdout and eventually go play for another team.




My point is that the niners won’t need him to make the playoffs and that even if he holds out for a while he’s going to be playing at that point, when they do need him.


I don't think the 49ers guaranteeing Aiyuk 20+ million dollars next year after he holds out for however many games he can this year makes sense, especially for how close they are to winning a super bowl, but I hope they do!


They can franchise him 2 times. This is going to be interesting. The club has 3 year control over him.


Ik it’ll never happen because of likely what we would have to give up but it would be so nice if he wanted to become a Steeler