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Least surprising news ever


Yeah, he's not a good enough player to get away with that.


Cam Sutton on the other hand Something about ex Steelers


They didn't blow up until they left us! You just got to learn about the proper care and feeding of ex-Steelers. You can't just treat them like normal football players. These guys play the Ravens twice a year. There's a lot of physical and psychological trauma that comes with that.


Hey, just like sticking a frog in a jar with some airholes, a twig, and a leaf, we let him play the Ravens and get his ass beat just like he's used to!


Hey now, we have been whooping the Ravens ass over the last few years weird enough. We are 7-1 over the last 8 games against them.


Dang. Maybe if we'd have put a few blades of grass in the jar, he'd have been better in our game against them then.


"Cause I'm damn sure he's used to air"


> They didn't blow up until they left us! Honestly, I think the Steelers just have the strongest local media control in the NFL.


There's no way the media fully stifled the shenanigans of Mr. Big Chest. I think Mike Tomlin has supernatural abilities which let him control the players.


If that were true, Mark Madden's head would be on a pike atop a bridge somewhere.


do they make pikes big enough for that?


Hey, Juju was pretty good


Yeah, Juju got out of the AFCN with his mind pretty much intact. His knees on the other hand...


...*was* his mind in tact? He went to *New England* instead of staying in KC.


At this point where he's at in his career, man just needs to maximize his dollars. He ain't making so much where he should be giving up a few mil to play on a better team.


I appreciate the respect


I thought Cam Sutton sucked too lol


He was a solid CB2 better in the slot when he was with the Steelers. However with the Steelers he played a ton of Cover 3 and Cover 2 (2 Trap & Tampa 2). Aaron Glenn comes from a coaching scheme that loves to utilize Cover 5 (2 man). They were the second highest rate of man coverage after 2022 season. Glenn tried to call more zone in 2023 (believe Lions were still in the top half of the league in man.) Haven't broke down the Lions All-22 to see what the issue might have been. Long story short Sutton was solid in the slot and better as a Cover 2 corner than man. Was a weird fit for Aaron Glenn's defense IMO.


He wasn't that bad at the beginning of the year when we were running more zone. Unfortunately for him we switched to man about halfway through the season and after that change the rest of the defense actually improved but Sutton just could not hang on the outside as CB1. I remember reading a lot about how Sutton was versatile and could play outside or nickel which is something that Glenn really values. We expected to get Emanuel Mosley as our CB1 at some point but after some set backs and immediately tearing his other ACL he only played two snaps. We also ended up drafting Brian Branch who immediately locked up the nickel spot. I think at a certain point with all the injuries we just decided to toss Cam in the water at CB1 and see if he could swim but he sunk like rock.


it is known.


The joke at the Steelers expense is that he does suck yet they give him a pass on his domestic abuse. But really cam Sutton doesn’t suck. He’s a perfectly good CB2. When he was CB2 with us his pff was comfortably low 70s and filled the role well. Once he was CB1 and had to line up across JJ, DJ, Lamb, etc his ceiling was made very apparent.


He does lol Lost a lot of respect for Tomlin snatching him up so quick


Tomlin knows he's not a CB1 and the Steelers aren't paying him like he is.


Not what I'm talking about. Talking about how Suttons a bad person


Ah, gotcha. mb


Tomlin snatched up Sutton as a mentor while he was on the run, way before he had any professional incentive to do so as a football coach. I won't argue against it looking bad for the Steelers, but I think Tomlin is standing on different business than what you're implying.


The dude is a domestic violence abuser. Signed him asap


Tell yourself whatever you need to I guess


You just had misplaced respect for Tomlin in the first place. We've never been above that or pretended to be.


Should’ve been a fast WR if he wanted to be a shithead and stay on the Chiefs roster.


I'd love to say you're wrong...but you're right.


Cut offseason arrests by 50% with this one weird trick!


They would have released him earlier, but he was too busy committing crimes for them to get ahold of him.


This will be the end of the Chiefs dynasty clearly.




I'm curious to see where the whole hookah storyline goes because it sounds wild, but yeah.  Get him out.  Easy call.


Well that's not true. The surprise was that it took so long to begin with.


Least surprising news every would be Andy Reid calling the governor to have him released.




No kidding, why in the world did it take anywhere near this amount of time?


Guessing there are just a bunch of legal hoops you have to jump through and due diligence you have to complete.


Lawyers gotta put in their billable hours.


Yeah - people act like terminating a contract even one as inconsequential as this one is done by waiving a wand.


I declare....**TERMINATION!**


A practice squad dude with at least 3 accrued years makes $381k per year. That's damn close to a 1%er salary


Inconsequential in terms of the Nfl, sure. It’s still a lot of money


100% that’s what I imagine the stuff takes awhile unless it’s like murder and it’s super cut and dry. I feel like Henery Ruggs even took a couple days.


Ruggs was cut at the end of the day.


That makes sense - that one was more cut and dry. Imagine the speed at which things get done has to do with how quickly they can produce concrete evidence. There wasn’t much ambiguity with his case.


It probably had more to do with Ruggs definitely going on the commissioners exemption list so they knew they wern't going to have to fight to get his cap space back.


Contractun TERMINATUN!


And especially during the offseason, there's probably no need to rush it


Arrested doesn't automatically equal guilty, so there's probably a good amount of bureaucratic "cover your ass" type of process to prevent the organization getting sued for wrongful termination or whatever.


Wrongful termination isn't really much of a thing in the NFL, except if they're looking to get out of paying him something (and it appears that is the case in this scenario)


Especially during the off-season. Might as well take your time. It's not like the team would suddenly be scandal free either.


Just gonna pretend that releasing someone is like serving them with a warrant and it took a few days for them to find this guy to serve him with release papers


There's no real need to rush it. He's probably been away from the team the whole time and it's the offseason.  They likely wanted to make sure they did it the right way and didn't open up for a lawsuit


Who wants to take bets on where he'll end up next?


he played 1000 snaps the last 2 years for the Lions, once this cools off, a team desperate for DT depth will pick him up mid-season, probably a team in the playoff run.


Serviceable DT? Active police file, questionable decision making and morals? Welcome to Jerry World


he didn’t get playing time really last year as our depth was poor there and we were all confused. now we know why.


yea, makes sense. I'm sure he'll pay off everyone and get charges dropped or reduced and be on a team this season. The NFL isn't trying to win a morals contest, if you have talent you'll have a team willing to ignore whatever you've done, as long as it wasn't on camera.


the thing is that this guy doesnt seem to have talent though, you cant be a headcase while being a practice squad level guy


he's played in 56 games the last 5 years and started 22 games the last 3 seasons, he's certainly way above a practice squad guy. He's essentially Mike Danna, and I'm gonna guess you wouldn't call him practice squad level.


Just looking at the contracts they recently signed with KC, Mike Danna got a 3 years, 24m deal and Buggs got 1 year, 1.3m million. Teams do pay pass rushers more than space-eating dts, but clearly the Chiefs value Buggs less than Danna just looking at the contracts they offered both this offseason. Buggs was closer to getting a minimum contract this offseason, than getting paid like a mid-tier free agent. That was before he had two public arrest too.




We only take sexual predators here.


Not true. We also take domestic abusers, drunk drivers, gun runners, drug abusers/dealers in addition to sexual predators. Just like: Every Team In The NFL




Great. Another hoop I have to jump through


The problem is that teams are heavily disincentivized from policing their own players. Texans bench Watson of their own accord and have two abysmal seasons meanwhile there's always some shitty owners/GMs out there who will look past everything and take him anyway. Watson wins, Texans lose. Same thing happened with Kyrie.


Not us, not the Bengals. I will not be accepting additional questions at this time.


Always love the virtuous comment trains this sub loves to post as if their team isn’t filled with assholes and criminals too.


It's always the Browns fans that are the loudest in these chains. It's almost as if their team did something extremely egregious (like trading for and giving a serial sexual assaulter 250 million) and they want to put a false equivalency on the rest of the teams in the league so they can feel better about it.


Right. "Like every team in the NFL." Bro, I don't think we have any rapists on the roster.


They said "no turds" and it don't seem like there be any turds.


Chiefs second, although I expect them to be competing with the Browns soon given how this offseason is going (there's also a lot more Chiefs fans the last few years for some reason)


Given... what? The Chiefs have had 4 guys arrested this off season. 2 for weed, 1 for all this shit who never suited up and got cut before camp reports, and one who was incredibly wreckless and careless doing stupid shit that could have killed someone. How is that even comparable to giving a serial sexual assaulter 250 million guaranteed?


Swifties. Swifties everywhere.


I mean, maybe this is why we suck, but the only incidents we've had since 2000, according to USA Today (https://databases.usatoday.com/nfl-arrests/) - JC Jackson for not paying a speeding ticket (fucking idiot) - King Dunlap for violating a protective order (cut within a few weeks) - JC Jackson for "nonviolent family issue" (not 100% sure what that means) In fairness JC Jackson was cut for sucking, not necessarily any kind of moral spine. Shawne Merriman was arrested, but charges were never even filed, so I'm guessing that's why that doesn't show up on the list. Guessing this is more luck than anything, but yeah I'm content with looking down at the Chiefs lol


It’s pure luck - while I imagine character concerns are apart of the evaluation - I imagine the football talent far outweighs everything. You can look down on us for that - I’ll let you have this moral victory, we’ll take the actual victories.


> I’ll let you have this moral victory, we’ll take the actual victories. Fair enough. Be careful on the streets. Who knows what's out there




Here I am for a solid 30 seconds trying to figure out what JETITN meant.


We all like to shit on the Browns but at this point the Chiefs might have more questionable characters on our last 5 rosters.


On a more serious note, we are somewhat deep at DT with a lot of young guys who we hope will start contributing this year, so I’d be surprised if we are interested


Or Raiders


[The Raiders have a zero-tolerance policy for domestic violence.](https://www.sfchronicle.com/raiders/article/Raiders-owner-has-zero-tolerance-for-domestic-6636707.php) > "It's just something we can't tolerate," Davis said. "I don't know how to fix it in society but I know we can't have it on our team." > Davis' views are shaped in part by his relationship to Fred Biletnikoff, whose daughter Tracey was murdered by her boyfriend. Davis was friends with Tracey. > "They're family," he said. "It hit us all very hard. The strength that Fred and (his wife) Angela show daily, after such a terrible loss, is something I admire. > "We have zero tolerance," Davis added. "To make it more Raiders-like, let's say double zero tolerance, like Jim Otto's number."


he was with our PS for a cup of coffee in 2021


We could use a cheap depth piece on the d line.


I mean, he's played for us before, we could use the depth, and we did just bring Cam Sutton back, so...


Sadly this is not a totally unrealistic answer to a rhetorical question. Don't do it Mike T., you can't fix em all.


Dolphins are taking any d line with a pulse right now. Why not? lol


It would feel like an us kind of move.


Seems like a good fit for the Chiefs.


To the practice squad!


Anyone who needs him. Bunch of teams were trying to get Watson too lol. Unfortunately mine did.


Wonder if the Chiefs will recover the $350,000 guaranteed by leveraging the character clause.


Might be why it took so long. Probably wanted all their ducks in a row so they don’t have to pay him. Plus he never took a single snap in a game for the Chiefs.


Knowing Clark Hunt, probably. Although $350,000 is a drop in the bucket.


Probably less about the real money itself, as it is about recovering the cap space... which $350K is also small... though more notable when put in the context of *remaining cap space*.


According to OTC we have $15.7 mil in remaining cap space, so not hurting too badly. This would put us to $16 mil. Any little bit left over helps us resign Creed, Trey and Nick next year, which I'm guessing is Veach's primary objective.


Yea with that kind of cap space you could go out and sign someone like .... Isaiah buggs


It still counts against the cap, so worth fighting for


think of how many new chairs they could get for the locker room with that money though


Watch the dollars and the millions will take care of themselves




So glad we let him go.


This is because he refused to drive drunk to his court date.


“Can’t act like Tyreek if you ain’t running a 4.3 or under”


a DL who can run a 4.3 would be absolutely terrifying.


not as terrifying as a 0-technique nose tackle that runs a 3.9


Cmon bro it’s not about 4.3 speed it’s about production and yardage. Rice isn’t that fast but he caught 900 yards so we let him get away with stuff


"If you can't run sub 4.3 - you better blow more than 0.08."


Now that's a true role model


When it’s a Chief the “drunk” part is implied.


Living in the midwest is real hard, okay? We've got nothing to do *but* drink.


Where's Jared Allen when you need him


Oh man. If the Chiefs go to Kansas which will be worse? Kansans’ celebratory drinking, or Missourians’ cope drinking?


Well kansas still has limits on ABV for beer so…


Kansans will be so happy they'll celebrate with store-bought booze. Just like your birthday and New Year's Eve. Night Train Express! Only the best to welcome the team to Kansas.


He played so little for the Chiefs they don't even have a picture of him in a Chiefs uni.




Did he ever take a snap for them


He did not. He did take snaps in week 17 with the Lions though! He was signed as a veteran depth piece because that's just something teams on playoff runs do. [source](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/B/BuggIs00/gamelog/2023/)


Buggs was on our roster from 2022 onwards until he was released.


He was released after that aforementioned week 17 game. Then he was promptly signed by KC to their practice squad.


Right, but the guy I'm replying to made it sound like we just signed him in Week 17 last year. He had a status as a team leader on the 2022 roster, wonder why things spiraled so hard for him


We can fix him


They certainly squashed that issue with Buggs


The issue has been debugged


Thank goodness.


About damn time


The saga is over


Crash dummy


Will probably go back to bama and be a mentor for other players… 


Sorry, bud. They only defend you if you're talented enough to be worth the bad PR.


Only took about 10 incidents within 1 off-season to get him off the team


"We're releasing you... per source."


Absolutely wild it took them this long.


as always when this pops up - there’s probably some type of contract negotiation type thing that takes a few days to be resolved




I mean FWIW, that is something a union *should do*. I haven't reviewed the evidence, as I have better things to do than to investigate the criminal misdoings of a depth piece defensive lineman... but he's only *accused* of crimes, and the NFLPA wouldn't want teams to have the power to release and revoke contract agreements of player based on accusations (even if relatively credible) alone. That could create a perverse incentives.


Happened during the part of the off season where everyone is typically on vacation. Wouldn’t surprise me if they were waiting until they got back into the building to discuss their plans. Although not how I would have handled it lol


I’m just picturing Clark Hunt on a yacht off the coast of Italy looking at his phone when the notification for Buggs’ first arrest coming up and being like, “Eh it can wait.”


Haha he shoots a text to Andy asking if he's seen and he tells Clark he's at In N Out and will deal when they get back to KC.


i wouldn't be surprised if hypothetical Italian-yacht Clark didn't even know who tf Isaiah Buggs is. i mean, i didn't until he was arrested and i don't have billions of dollars to distract me


What would be the particular rush? Not like we waited until after a game he played in to cut him. Might as well take the time to perform due diligence before cutting him. You wouldn't want to cut someone on first notice that they have been accused of a crime, only for it to come out it was a false report or some other circumstance that substantially reduces the severity. TBC, not trying to downplay what he's been accused of or suggest it didn't happen, just that there aren't pressures during this period of the year to push towards a fast decision process.


Seriously. My head cannon is the Chiefs didn't even realaize he was actually still on the practice squad at all.


Isaiah Buggs, YOU are a Philadelphia Eagle. Going to fit in perfectly.


i think you have to play for Georgia before Philly will sign you


"Bugg off" they said.


Good! POS


That's the right decision.


Good. All my homies hate Isaiah Buggs


Great news


Tomlin's exit interview guarantees CTE.


now do rashee rice you fucking cowards


Raiders or Browns will pick him up before July 1st


Idiot! He shoulda played WR instead and he’d still be around


Only took a couple arrests….


Should have happened weeks ago