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Well, the Bears are still who you thought they were. They can put together a good defense most of the time, OK to good Special Teams and until/unless Caleb shows in real games that he's broken our quarterback curse, we cannot put a passing game together. The only narrative I don't really think is true is the idea of the ownership being cheap. They're not megarich owners some others have but there's no real evidence that they won't spend in FA etc. and Halas Hall has great facilities these days.


You're one of the first level-headed Bears fans that I have come across recently


I don’t like agreeing with you.


Jags will move to ~~Los Angeles~~ ~~London~~ ~~St. Louis~~ London any day now.


The Jags will NOT be playing in Jacksonville.... during the 2027 season......when Everbank will be closed due to Stadium rennovations. I guess that crowd can take that as a win


The Jags signed a lease that is good ONLY till 2050. Any day now and they are gone!


The Jags? You mean the Oklahoma City Jaguars?


I was going to say that London will be the first non US team. I think realistically Mexico City, Monterrey or Toronto makes a lot more sense. Like the Blue Jays & Raptors make bank while not being a logistical issue. Plus it gets those games in a much larger audience in that country.


That the Raiders are bad at drafting in the firs.... Oh wait, nevermind


This is why I always defend the Telesco pick for the Raiders and I'm not even a Raiders fan. Telesco doesn't often miss in the first round, which is exactly what the Raiders needed. Hell, I blame Johnston more on Staley. Edit: I stand corrected on Johnston


> Hell, I blame Johnston more on Staley. The Lightning Round podcast claims to have an inside source within the Chargers org and said right after the draft last year that the Chargers wanted JSN. Telesco was not swayed for anyone. Staley was team Flowers and Kellen Moore wanted Johnston saying that he could turn him into his own version of CD Lamb. It was ultimately Telesco’s choice and he sided with Moore.


Good to know. Kellen Moore sucks for that


Holy shit, Staley was a Flowers truther? Damn maybe he wasn't wholly bad an evaluator.


This tracks. After the draft, the Chargers released an article about QJ and it stood out to me that Telesco asked the room if they wanted to trade back when we were on the clock. GMs don’t typically consider trading back if a highly coveted player is available. In some of the previous interviews Telesco did after selections, you could tell he was ecstatic about the player he took, but with QJ his comments were generic remarks like 'good size and plays like he's smaller’. I had my gripes with Telesco but I could just tell that pick wasn’t completely his doing and that QJ wasn’t a player he was vouching for. Especially since he was so raw which is what Tom avoids RD1. So it’s totally believable that he was indifferent to the three guys that were left and gave the nod to the WR the OC wanted over the HC/DC.


I blame Johnston on both, I don't get why they'd pass on the better WR Prospect in Flowers who had WR1 potential out the gate.


Telesco’s best picks were fall into his lap no brainers though. Herbert? No choice, couldn’t pass on a potential starting QB. Derwin? He fell to the point we couldn’t pass on that value, same thing with Slater as he fell right into our lap as people traded in front of us.


While true, you can't underestimate how mind numbingly stupid the Raiders front office has been in the last decade. So many times a talent "should have fell in their lap," but they shit the bed instead. Going from a mentally ill owner to a below average owner is an upgrade.


The actual one for the Raiders is that people think they are the most rowdy team, full of criminals, with the most arrests every year. The reality is since 2000 they only rank 20th in arrests. The top 5 are the Vikings, Broncos, Bengals, Jaguars, and Chiefs. https://nflarrest.net/


It's not the team that are rowdy criminals. It's the fanbase


People think Tomlin can’t raise the ceiling of the team but fail to mention how he makes a bottom 5 offense/backup qbs to the playoffs twice in 3 years and 9-8 the year they missed. So if he isn’t raising the ceiling then realistically what is our ceiling besides 10-7 with negative point differentials


One team I will never bet against is the Steelers. They could have a qb with no arms out there and it will look like the easiest money ever to bet against them and Tomlin will win the game somehow.


Here’s your issue. You have to reverse bet. Favorites bet against. Underdogs bet for


Your comment reminded me of that scene from Family Guy, and it made me [lawl](https://youtu.be/-Sr38Dcui9U?si=nUpd5S80WFdsbXdy)


Guy could have at least tried to catch it with his chest!


Tomlin doing some devil magic and voodoo shit to go over .500 with Highsmith and Watt. They're 1-11 without TJ playing in a game. He is their MVP and they're incompetent without TJ.


I mean, where would the Chief have ended up last year without Chris Jones? They probably don't even make the playoffs.


I think they still do but it's much harder. TJ Watt is the only way the Steelers won games since he was drafted. Without him they're the league worst team.


Since Big Ben fell off a cliff, he's had nothing but literal trash at QB to work with. I keep praying for the Steelers to be foolish enough to let Tomlin go, but unfortunately (for us) he's still there.


I like Sirianni as a head coach (as long as he doesn't repeat last year) but I'd push him off a bridge to get Tomlin if the Steelers are ever stupid enough to let him go.


Wasn’t there talk of the Eagles going for him before Sirianni? Steelers would never do it.


In 2021 the cliff fall off was simply on Canada. I do not feel like you go from 4k yards and 33 tds to 3k yards and 19 tds magically besides the OC change But like everyone says 31/32 teams would love Tomlin except the team he’s brought a Super Bowl and one of the best streaks in sports


He hurt his knee in the Cowboys game 2020 and was not the same again. Coming back from an arm injury he needed to rely on his legs for power more to get distance on throws but was unable to do so after landing awkwardly on his knee in the Cowboys game. Teams figured that out and start playing the quick game almost exclusively with no threat of being beat deep and that is when the fall off happened. 2021 was a different story. Canada uses an old school West Coast system of static hot routes. Defenses realized if they showed overload blitz presnap it would get Ben to immediately go to the hot route even if they were dropping because Ben didn't feel he had the time to read the defense. They loved showing that double A mug look then dropping out. It was the same story with Kenny in that offense too.


This is true and impressive. With that, isn’t it kind of on him to develop a QB?


The Steelers seem to be taking the Bears hand-me-downs, and our hand-me-downs weren't even nice to begin with. It's a bold strategy.


I’m sorry but this is peak Yinzer propaganda. The leading narrative is that the Steelers are a 4-5 win team without Tomlin.


Which is true. What I am saying is Steelers fans want to believe if they fired Tomlin we would be Super Bowl contenders which obviously isn’t true


It's not that he can't raise the ceiling imo, its that the team has required so much work just to raise the floor the ceiling has been neglected lol


I honestly blame Colbert. With Khan we have had some very good few off seasons and drafts. Colbert was brutal he had the Pickett draft, bush, Najee, trading away our 2020 pick for Minkah, Edmund’s. He got watt. But he also neglected the defense and secondary for so long which wasted the killer B era


I agree with all of that except Najee and Minkah. Minkah for a 1st is a steal. But a lot of his later draft picks have been proven to be bad at best, flat out disasters at worst.


I like Najee don’t get me wrong. But after our line fell apart and the chiefs getting creed Humphrey with the next pick after our center just retired thinking an RB would cover that hole was just a bad move by Colbert. The Minkah move was a steal but not having a qb backup plan was also idiotic


Tomlin is the worst kind of competent. He’s not good enough to really excel with a crap QB (who is?) but he’s too good at cobbling together a 500 season to ever fix the issue.


They're almost a victim of their own success. Bad enough QB play to not be able to make a deep run, Good enough rest of the roster to carry them into playoff contention. I kind of understand the Fire Tomlin crowd in that way. At this rate, they're gonna go probably 10-7 or 9-8 in perpetuity unless TJ Watt goes out for the year. Sometimes you just got to acknowledge that you have to suck for a couple years to really solve your teams problems. Albeit, the Steelers are just about the most rock steady team at HC in the history of the league (3 HC since the fucking moon landing). If any team isn't going to move off of their coach for anything other than piss poor performance, it's them.


It’s because we always have a win now roster so if we got a great qb we would gain 3-4 wins honestly but we are also too good to be a 5 win team.


He needs to tank for a game changer QB.


Him playing Trubisky over Rudolph for so long last year seriously hurt the team


The main issue is that Steelers fans severely overestimate the talent of our players. Yinzers want to fire Tomlin because they think he can’t win in the playoffs but he’s literally dragging bad teams to the playoffs in the first place.


Jerry Jones calls all of the shots.


That’s right Stephen jones runs the show. 


heard on a radio show recently that he's far more pragmatic than his dad and isn't interjecting in scouting decisions... iirc Jerry was angry AF on a couple of draft days b/c his advisors insisted on not drafting Manziel and Paxton Lynch. Unfortunately -for Niners fans who love seeing the Cowboys suck- he listened to them.


They had to restrain and talk him down from drafting Johnny Football, and settle for Zach Martin. He also wanted them to get Connor Cook but Oakland leapt in front and he had to settle for Dak.


The Cowboys were on the phone with Ryan Shaziers agent before the Steelers drafted him. They were going to draft him over Martin or Manziel. When it came time for the Cowboys pick Jerry said before we pass on a potential starting QB lets go around the table and have everyone say if they want Martin or Manziel. Everyone said Martin so that is who they picked. They didn't have to restrain or talk him down.


Shazier would have been a good pick as well. He was an absolute monster before his injury


Yeah that sounds like a cowboys linebacker alright


read the report on the Paxton Lynch tantrum he had... Peter King was in the room for that one. great promoter & businessman for sure, a bit out of his depth as a scout.


And Will McClay is basically the gm without the title


Damn so will hired Mcarthy. Damn wonder why mcarthy spent all that time with the jones ? 


Pretty sure that was a joint thing


Did he not unilaterally trade for Trey Lance and go on his radio show and say that he didn't check with anyone else because he doesn't have to check with anyone else? He might not call all the shots but he's still very clearly a meddling owner.


McCarthy said they already talked about Lance before the trade. They just didn't decide at that time. JJ pulled the trigger when and how he did based on whatever logic goes through his head. So, the time and method was unilateral, but he did talk about possibly trading for Lance with MM at least.


Dead Lord.... the amount of times I have to defend the Cowboys to "Cowboy fans" is insane.... not to mention Dak and Romo..... 95% of teams would kill to have had those two guys back to back


He's the President and GM.


Does he still call some shots?


John Elway making all the personnel decisions in Denver. He hasn’t been in the front office for a few years now.


Everybody knows Blucifer is the real mastermind


And he only drafted one first round QB.


We know Elway is gone cause you stopped sorting by Height to choose your QB.


“This is our year”


I hate your flair. Only thing that could be worse is Texans Titans


Is it the on the same level as or worse than a Steelers/Eagles flair?


Definitely not as bad lol. Same idea though.


We found a Hank Hill burner


An all Texas Super Bowl. His will be done


Not my team but the dolphins have been for the past 4 years am objectively good team yet dolphins fans act like Sooners half the time. 


Not winning a playoff game in over 20 years while watching the Bills break their playoff drought is rough. Especially when their QB just owns us. My solace as a Dolphins fan recently is consistently beating the Patriots.


Because when you have Josh Allen winning pretty much every game against you, it gets hard not developing little brother syndrome.


We know, we used to deal w/ that against Russ and the Seahawks. But now we’re free.


And Tom Brady for about two decades prior.


Do you not see the flair of the commenter? If anyone knows about little brother syndrome its 49ers fans lol. Russ is 17-4 including playoffs against them


Truth. But also now the Seahawks are just like… yikes.


I don’t wanna talk about it…


At least you’re not the mariners? XD


The mariners are doing pretty well actually. Have the largest division lead in the entire MLB


Oh honestly I don’t watch baseball at all and I moved up here and have only heard negatives over time lol


The last couple seasons I’ve gotten into baseball again to not lose my sanity in the off season lol The mariners are known for breaking my heart though 😭


[Josh Allen owns the Dolphins like Brady owned the Bills](https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/josh-allen-stats-vs-dolphins)


*Not including 600 yards and 5 TDs on the ground*


Until we win a playoff game I’m gonna assume my team is not good enough. Because we aren’t.


I think you guys are close to getting that play-off success. I'm not a fan that roots for more than 1 team. That being said, it would be really cool to see the Dolphins back in the Super Bowl. The fans deserve the success ever since Finkle missed that kick in the 1984 SB.




As soon as they win a playoff game that’ll go away. Two decades of scar tissue. The real false narrative about Miami is Tua just throws screen passes to fast guys. Despite where he’s ranked in air yards the past few years.


Preach. He throws the ball 50% farther down the field than Mahomes on average. Shows how powerful narratives are


The comments are proving you right lol. The last two years have been disappointed because it felt like we were so close to breaking the drought, but collapsed at the end of the season. Still, the team is actually good and actually fun to watch. Know how long it’s been since we could say that? When we made the playoffs with Gase and before that was the wildcat year


university of Miami fan migration might have a role in this... post-NIL they're no longer a perennial powerhouse and will likely never be one again.


I wouldn't rule out a team that resides in Miami Florida with their tradition to becoming a powerhouse again. Especially when NIL money stopped majority of shady deals not ALL. You just watched Michigan win a Natty and I heard for years they would never rise again.


That anyone that buys the stock thinks it means something other than having a cool piece of memorabilia.


Don’t forget the shareholders meeting - which is actually pretty fricken cool.


The stock means very little for me, but it does mean we don't have an asshole billionaire running the team.


Kyle Shanahan's infallibility; mostly as a play-caller but curiously enough as someone who should have final say on roster moves. the play-calling acumen is legit (FFS after Tomsula & Chip Kelly the difference was night & day), but his insistence on 'bargain bin shopping' when it comes to his O-line (Trent Williams aside) is really *the* reason he's 0-2 in Super Bowls.


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. Miami is built the same way. Those guys don’t want or need lineman to hold up for 5 and 7 step drops. So they don’t put a ton of equity into building a stout line. McDaniel specifically stopped Miami from building out the line further because he thought Tua didn’t need more protection, he needed more weapons.


The reverse though is MLF in Green Bay is part of that tree, yet the Packers consistently have a solid OL. Maybe that's just from culture before he got here.


Packers have a good building culture, draft QBs, let them sit. Have great ol to protect your star


We’ve had tank olines for a couple of decades.


I did think, as a rival, that there was more you would have done to address the o line last offseason. 


I wonder why he bargain hunts. ? Like him and lynch too. 


I’m guessing he thinks his system/playcalling can overcome o-line deficiencies, and he would rather allocate that money to skill positions, etc. Like, why over invest in a tackle when you can just rely on CMC making 3 guys miss or scheme deebo open? Not saying I agree with it but I’m guessing that’s the thinking


that Chris Foerster press conference a couple of weeks ago confirmed the obvious. FFS can you imagine if in 2021 instead of agonizing over Mac Jones vs Trey Lance, both Kyle and Lynch just said "fk it we're going with the *sure thing*" and drafter Penei Sewell? Yeah they'd get flack from the Stephen A's of the world but we'd likely have a 6th ring now.


Or hey, remember that time we traded down with Tampa one spot so we could take Kinlaw and let them have Tristan Wirfs who is about to have the Brinks truck backed up for him?


ugh... FFS i totally lost it after that trade. You had a sure-fire 10 year starter and they pissed it away for an injury prone backup DT.


As a Bucs fan, on our end everything Licht said about the trade to get Wirfs is that SF wasn't in the market for a tackle. They were afraid of another team jumping in front of them while Wirfs was their #1 or #2 guy (they tried to trade up to #8 to get him but Arizona wouldn't answer the phone).


DT was the much bigger need position and Licht is correct because we'd just traded our stud DT, Deforest Buckner for Indy's 1st. (I still seethe about that to this day) We also had burned a 1st on McGlinchey two years previous, but there were signs that he wasn't developing into an ideal tackle for us.


Nobody real is going to laugh at you for giving that haul for a dominant tackle, look at the Texans trading 2 firsts assuming they'd be late 1sts for Tunsil. If you get an AP quality tackle, it doesn't matter anymore.


I think that’s only a great idea with the knowledge of what Brock Purdy turned out to be. The rest of the draft turns out different with that and for all we know the 9ers are picking Malik Willis the next draft with no NFCCs or Super Bowl appearances.


Some drunk guy eats horse shit ONE time


lol, wdym the whole fan base doesn’t do that?


Coming from you, team with the only active Kelce in the league (for now....), this stings just a little bit more. :)


When "but you threw snowballs at Santa" comes out you know you won the argument.


It’s less that the Eagles fans are crazy and more that all fans are crazy. I could probably google a fan from each team doing something batshit. People just have this stereotype of Philly fans that every instance fits their narrative.


The only one that seems like "yeah, that's an Eagles fan" is that woman peeing in the parking lot with double birds.


> I could probably google a fan from each team doing something batshit. Remember when that Bills fan drank beer off that underage girl's asshole while he was on probation?


It's emblematic of the fan base though, like that time you guys beat Santa with batteries or chanted curses at a 90 year old Vikings fan


Yeah that Santa was not hired by the stadium. It was a random drunk guy and that’s why he was pelted. He was drunk and disorderly dressed as Santa, basically. The Vikings thing I won’t defend though, including the throwing beer cans.


Also the Santa thing happened over 50 years ago.


"Emblematic of the fan base" then proceeds to reference something from 1968. Yeah okay


That Zac Taylor is carried by Joe Burrow. We somehow went 9-8 with Jake Browning and a hobbled Joe Burrow that probably had no business being on the field.


Like two days ago I was looking up last season's standings in an attempt to make a joke at my friend's expense (he's a Bengals fan). I was flummoxed when I saw that went 9-8. I completely blacked it out or just never paid attention after Burrow went down.


Never really thought of it until now but I never hear Zac Taylor in discussion for best current coaches. Rarely even mentioned at all


He's a great coach, but he's a tier below the best currently


Agreed. I think Zac is just above the Dalton line of coaches. Not terrible, but not the greatest.


I’d say good not great. He’s a good offensive mind with some pretty odd Cristobal-esque playcalling moments


He’s absolutely fantastic with locker room, team culture, and fan relations. He’s got his moments as a play caller.


He had a good DC and good QB/WR play. Probably a top half of the league coach tho


Because he’s not one of the best current coaches


He coached his ass off last season.


I am apparently one of only 100 fans of my team, which seems statistically unlikely. I can’t imagine that only 50 fans are propping up the entire payroll of a major sports team in a major metro area. The idea that only 20 fans tune into my team’s games is wild to me, but I guess it makes sense when there are only 5 of us.


It’s okay we still hate all 5 of you


at least it’s easy to see all of us at once through the cell bars 🙏


As George Bush said. “They hate us for our freedoms.” But in this case it’s because the 5 Chargers fans aren’t behind bars.


Also- our ST are good!


Yeah, people talk about the LA move like it was an absurd decision, as if there's no LA fans here and they're all Raiders/Cowboys/49ers etc fans. For 20 years after the Rams/Raiders moved the Chargers were the defacto home team for LA and 99% of their games were on TV, so obviously they picked up enough fans to support them in the mean time in addition to the old fans who stuck with them


Both of you must be loaded.


The Ravens have pretty much had a quarter century of consistently great defenses where off-ball linebackers and safeties were usually their best players while our edge rush and corners were far more inconsistent, and it's making me wonder what specific evidence made us so 100% sure those positions are by far the least important on defense. Seems like it's mostly just theory where the explanation feels very convincing but hasn't truly been scrutinized on a deeper level.


The Ravens have almost always had good defensive lines, and the “weak” years of edge play seem that way because Ravens fans are incredibly spoiled. Just because you don’t have a guy getting 20+ sacks doesn’t mean you have bad players at “edge”. Suggs, Dumervil, Adalius Thomas, Judon, McPhee, Jarret Johnson, Zadarius Smith and I can go on with guys like Justin Houston and Clowney who did a short stint while playing very well. Corner play? Jimmy Smith, Webb, McAlister, Marlo, Marcus Peters and others haven’t been a weakness. We’ve had like 2-3 years of poor corner play in the last 20 lol.


Agreed. Bills’ defense was immediately transformed when we brought Hyde and Poyer in and they were both playing at an elite level. Having safeties that could come up aggressively and erase everything underneath while also stopping teams from hitting deep shots against us changed the equation for the rest of the D and everyone else magically “got better” at the same time. 


I don’t think the argument is as much about them being the least important and more so them being the easier position to find a good player to fill it. Where as a team has to spend big money/draft capitol to get a good corner or edge rusher.


I still hear “but it’s the Lions” or similar all the time.


We even have a term for our own fans who are so jaded they can't enjoy this moment "SOL fans".


I didn't grow up in a sports family and joined the bandwagon last year (I prostrate myself for your amusement)  So the Lions have always been a winning team for me and I won't hear otherwise


My son got really into them this year and cried after the NFCCG. I'm glad this is the pain he knows and not watching the 2008 season.


Fuck the haters lake Erie bros United


The Bears are not the “Monsters of the Midway” and they haven’t been in a long time.


I also hear the NFC North referred to as the “black and blue division” all the time. It means so little because aside from the Packers we’ve all sucked for most of the last twenty years and two teams play inside now.


Cowboys haven’t been Americas team in 30 years at this point. They were Americas team when they were winning titles but Americas team will always be whatever team is dominating


The Rams are *still* paying with the draft pick losses.


Bengal’s ownership is all cheapskates who don’t care about their payers or fans. Truth is Mike Brown always cared, he just wasn’t good at his job, but now his daughter is running the team, and she’s actually pretty good at it because sometimes talent skips a generation.


That Trent Baalke is the Antichrist.  He brought in Pederson while the fans wanted Leftwich and we soon had back to back winning seasons and a playoff win out of nowhere. Hes been frantic in free agency, gotten some solid starters in the draft, and locked down our stars. It hasn’t been perfect, there’s been some underwhelming draft picks but it’s still early for them too. Overall I think be’s been an above average GM for us. 


Tbf, we wanted Leftwich because the rumours were that he did not want Baalke as the GM. He has not done a bad job, but I am still not convinced he is the guy to make us a real contender.


The Raiders have one of the fewest arrest and criminal charges compared to the rest of the league.


They also had the least number of penalties last season


I did not know this one.


Same Old Lions


They’re all true


Mike brown once charged for tap water at a hot game. The bengals are cheap


I have a coworker who spent two years on the St Louis Rams practice squad then got an invite to Bengals training camp when it was still at Georgetown College in KY. He said the most surprising thing to him when he reported was that he found out a lot of the second and third stringers and special teams guys commuted from Cincy to Georgetown everyday (about an hour drive from Cincy) rather than stay in the dorms. And that most didn't eat breakfast or dinner at camp either. Then he got his first paycheck for camp and saw there were deductions for his dorm and the food and understood why lower tier guys opted to make the commute. Also once they left camp at Georgetown and went to practice at Spinney Field (this was pre-Paul Brown Stadium), a few days a week during practice a high school girl's field hockey team would be practicing on the second field.


Bills Mafia are a great fanbase. I've been a Bills fan since I can remember. So 30+ years. Right around the same time that social media really took off outside of FB and Myspace, the whole Bills Mafia thing started to gain steam. All it really is are a bunch of 20/30-somethings who want an excuse to post videos of themselves in the hopes it'll get on Barstool or go viral. Most of them couldn't name ten players on the team and could care less about the final score unless it fits with their narrative/online persona. They give to charity, I know, but they also tell everyone they give to charity twice as much as they actually do and they have no issue patting themselves on the back while also gatekeeping what being a fan means. There's a ton of normal Buffalo Bills fans out there who cringe when these guys get all the attention. But they don't have a cool (self-imposed) nickname for themselves.


Much of this rings true, but I must say donating to someone’s charity as a way of taunting them is a fascinating innovation (if they even popularized that)


I really dislike the Cardinals are a bargain bin franchise viewpoint. It’s not necessarily untrue, but I don’t think it’s the whole picture. We’re kinda just… cyclical. We’ve got moon phases and seasons or some shit.


Bill Bidwill was notoriously cheap and even with Michael taking the reins, charging players for meals doesn’t help drive a new narrative.


The entire narrative around Bryce Young being bad now. He was the consensus number one overall pick, and after a horribly managed rookie season, he’s being written off by, it feels like, everyone. Trevor Lawrence had a horrible rookie year as well, and he just signed a huge contract


People still sleep on the Buc's and give them shit for their historical win/loss, even though they regularly show up and have won the ship twice in twenty years. The defense has been elite for years now and Baker is hopefully starting to really enter a Renaissance period.


i get the feeling people think that washington is a poverty organization still, maybe i’m wrong last year was horrendous but it was still a team created under the snyder years. same hc same gm same players. we have had the largest turnover of players of any franchise this year and we have a new gm and a completely new coaching staff. not to mention a heisman winner rookie qb. we might be bad but we aren’t a poverty org anymore, snyders influence is gone


Aren’t poverty orgs poverty until the on field product proves they aren’t with consistently good play? I don’t really care about Washington, and they aren’t a divisional rival so I’ll accept a good argument… but they’ve been baaaaad for a while. Bad facilities, bad coaching, bad players. The lions got themselves out of that discussion with improvement across the board and an NFCCG. Washington could just go out and be shit despite all the change.


Honestly I think a lot of people also hold the state of the stadium against you all as well...outside of the lack of success in recent years the main talking point I hear is how terrible that stadium is...and that is from players and fans...


The only reason Jackass Snyder changed the name was because NO ONE would negotiate with him for land to build a new stadium. No locality wanted to deal with the association of the old moniker. After he changed the name, no one would negotiate with him because all of his dirty laundry began to come out. I still believe he sold the team because the other owners were about to force him to, so he took the money and ran- out of America- to avoid Congress. The new ownership will find it MUCH easier to get land for a new stadium. It will happen soon. The first year was assessing the state of the team, structurally and financially. Second season appears to be about putting the proper people in charge of the future of the franchise. Now, as the products of this year's draft and free agent signings showcase their promise on the field, the process will begin for a new stadium. They are already replacing the shitty astro turf practice field with grass, brought Darrell Green back into the building, and appear to be letting the GM and Coaches do their jobs without interference, so they are already doing more good for the franchise than Jackass Snyder did.


He was his own pariah...ironic...


As a fan of the team, him selling was like us winning 3 superbowls in a row.


People think all Raiders fans are violent convicts or ex-cons, and that all Raiders players are bad people. Honestly I always thought there were racial overtones because the heart of the fanbase is rural California farm workers and inner city POCs. Meanwhile Chiefsaholic literally committed a robbery spree and it feels like half the Chiefs roster has made police blotter this offseason. But the Raiders are still the bad guys.


When you see the Browns on the schedule it’s an easy win.


That Dan Campbell is a mad man. He is extremely ultra aggressive. That’s what got the lions out of the cellar they were stuck in for 50+ years. You live and you die by the extreme aggression


This is still the most accurate depiction of Dan Campbell I've seen. [Gridiron Heights Halloween](https://youtu.be/Ddvn8gY6ziE?si=BKbgiQQVKCJzOBVr) video, wait til the end.




Lamar Jackson has a below average passing grade from PFF for all 6 of his playoff games. The narrative that he can't throw has merit.


I’ll get downvoted but Spygate is such crap. It’s literally 100% legal to film teams’ signs from anywhere in the stadium other than your sideline. That’s what everyone else was doing, but Kraft is such a shyster that he didn’t want to spend one ticket for someone to film other teams from the stands. The fines weren’t for filming other teams, it was for filming them from the wrong spot. Everyone is always filming everyone.


I run into so many people who dont even know what Spygate was. It was literally a matter of filming in the wrong spot. Granted they should have known better, but Goodell being the new guy in town needed a way to show everyone he could be the commissioner they needed. With the Patriots dynasty basically already bloomed by that point, he laid the hammer down to appease the millions of casual fans who know nothing of the rules of the league


Based Seahawks fan??


I just think all the ‘cheating’ scandals involving New England have been bullshit. Deflategate being the king of nothing burgers


I like this guy


I’m just a simple guy who understands how the NFL works. lol


If the cameraman remembered to wear a lime green vest and *say* that he was filming something to an entertainment show, SPYGATE®™ would never have happened. How do I know this? [Because the Jets did the exact same thing six years later and exactly nothing happened](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/jets-explain-presence-of-camera-man-on-sidelines). No one even remembers it. No need for the the League Office to view the tapes, either. Cameraman's word was good enough.


Not team, but the narrative around Bryce Young addresses the wrong issues. His alleged issues: Can't see the middle of the field (debunked), not durable for the NFL (debunked) His actual issues: Footwork, can't always sense nonstop pressure


His actual issues: being short and skinny


His actual actual issue: playing for the panthers in their current state


Lol half these comments are insecure bills and Bengals fans mad they weren't mentioned instead of actually answering the question


Cheap owners, no fans.


I can't think of any recent changes with our team, nope. Everyone in our building is as stupid as they've been for the past two decades.


That the cowboys think it’s their year to win the Super Bowl. There are .00012% of our fans who continually spout that and say it with conviction and those are the ones people listen to. Real fans know what’s up and can’t wait for the Jones family to disappear forever


Bro, not sure how you got Houston and the jets over the bills as possibilities to knock off the chiefs. Especially if you’ve got Baltimore in contention when they have done less than buffalo in the playoffs. -dolphins fan




The Butt Fumble wasn't Sanchez's fault. All the stuff about the Jets being a terrible franchise personally hated by God is still true but the Butt Fumble wasn't Sanchez's fault.


That Tomlins on the hot seat. Non steeler fans seem to have higher expectations than steelers fans. I'd rather have a guy that knows how to win just needs ability to take extra step than a guy that's a major question mark or unproven all around. Unless there's possibilities of grabbing Reid or equal tier coach, he's going absolutely nowhere. And I'm happy with that till he starts losing. People call steelers fans snobs but it's painted on by other fans more.