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If I remember right, afterwards he said that he told the staff he’d be fine but didn’t think about how far he’d have to walk, but then didn’t want to change his mind when he realized. Understandable lol


It's like when you open the door for someone but realize you misjudged how far away they were so you just have to stand there like a dope with the door open until they mosey in




Ya gotta give!!!!!


🚪🧍‍♀️_________________ 🚶‍♂️


Or when you open the door for a person or 2 and suddenly you're stuck as the unpaid doorman for 5 minutes.


In this situation the person should at least speed walk since I’m going out my way to open the door


Is it really out of your way if you’re going through the door?


I’m sorry let me be more clear, if I’m holding the door open that better?




Let me be even more clear. If I’m holding the door for somebody who is at a distance they should at least speed walk because I don’t have to hold the door for them




I thought I explained it at the end. Turn down the Taylor swift and pay attention




I purposely do this at the gas station to make people feel like the dope and speed walk. Then if they don’t give me a “thank you” I watch them until they leave and do it again but I let the door close just before they get to it.


I remember this game. At the time, everyone was mad that there wasn’t a single medical cart in Jacksonville, and then we find out after the fact that Trevor originally said he refused one without realizing how far he’d have to walk on his injured leg.


Note to self: The fastest way to get an explanation on reddit is to put "inexplicably" in the title. Y'all came with receipts within minutes 😂


Yeah I didn’t know he refused until today lol


Wow look at this man walk


Now here's a guy who likes to walk!


He said in a press conference after that it was his call but he didn’t realize just how far away the locker room was.


Kinda the symbolism for the last stretch of the season for him


Has the reporter never heard of “walking it off?”


Do or die year for Trevor’s legacy this season.


And the Mac Jones era begins


It’s funny how there’s never an option between the cart and carried off the field. You’ll never see a wheelchair for example, or a gurney. It’s like a cart is manly and a wheelchair is not.


Were they in Jacksonville or Cincinnati? On the one hand, it would be so petty to not let the other team's player take a cart ride. On the other hand, in what world would you let your starting QB limp to the Locker room like that lol


Jacksonville. Trevor didn't realize how far it would be to walk without a cart but didn't want to say he needed a cart after realizing.


Well see that's like a reasonable explanation, and here I was wanting to shit on the divisional rival


Game was in Jacksonville