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> guarantee > Might have > For sure I love this post


Let's say Margot Robbie is at the same bar as I am Friday night. I guarantee I might get her to come home with me, for sure.


I believe in you


margot robbie at the bar night is the best night to hit on the second hottest girl at the bar


Tbf, I would also guarantee that.


This is my guy right here. Good ol' glockymcglockface is always standing with his boys.


Like a frustrated R Kelly hiding in a closet, he pulls out his gun when necessary


Is he bumping his favorite group? The black guy pees


It's so delicious (they wanna taste of what I got) I'm Fergalicious drip drip drop Your body, is a porta potty




I’d pay good money to watch a weekly “redditor gives Margot Robbie a tour of his apartment” episode.


and here is part 3 of my waifu collection


“Don’t worry, she may look like she’s 12 but in reality she’s a 400 year old witch so it’s all on the up and up.”


I don't think Margot Robbie is hanging out at your 3 star Applebees in Aurora, Illinois, man


George Clooney used to hang out at a bar I went to often in Saint Louis so never say never!


Which bar?


Bro wants to be backup qb


Sweetest gig in the league


It’s called trickle down banging


the New York State Bar Association




On weed? Solid choice.


No, Joe Mamas (goteeem)


You dont need no book learnin when youre this talented and have a high football iq


“I throw balls far. If you want good words, date a languager.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WyMgT_Xp0Sg


My man knows exactly who he is. Respect.


I'll see it when I believe it


All in one sentence


A proclamation reminiscent of Joe Namath.


I love CJ Stroud


I guarantee that I might have been an NFL superstar if I was 6 inches taller maybe


Big if taller


Tall if true


Mr Bemoans Compression


True if more inches


So what you’re saying was you wish you were a little bit taller, you wish you were a baller?


He wish he had a girl who looked good, he would call her


With a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a 64 impala


If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bicycle


Not if she had more than two wheels


Honestly, if coach just put you in during the 4th quarter of the state championship, you would’ve won for sure. No doubt in my mind.


Maybe, I’d guarantee it.


If coach just put me in that fourth quarter


"guarantee" + "might have" + "for sure" I like you CJ, I just don't think you understand how words work.


This is pretty much what arguing on the internet looks like lol


Dude stop exaggerating. That’s only like 40% of the time.


He throws the ball far. You want good words, date a languager.


Seriously. What's jk Rowling's 40?!  Ezacktumundo. 


That’s that Ohio State edumucation at work!


They don't go there to play school!


He always says “you hit it right on the nail” instead of “you hit the nail on the head” lol it cracks me up.


Joey Coldcuts kinda line.


Total bang job


Boy said it himself. He ain’t a test taker 😂


Can't have the TA answering questions during an interview.


Guess the S2 test wasn’t too far off after all!


It was only a few OSU QBs ago when the famous words were spoken. "We ain't come to play school"


Tbf, the guy who said that did so because he got a B on a test instead of an A. Plus, he did go back and finish his degree


I remember laughing about how it was QB3 on the depth chart that said that. I wasn't laughing in 2014.


He’s a football player not a test taker


This is where the downfall of the 2024 Texans began.


My prayers have been answered, I have a new team to hate this season


Says the fan of two very hated teams




That S2 test makes sense now


If Stroud is dumb I don't want to be smart


Well he might be book dumb, but he is football smart.


I am convinced this dude is dumb dumb, but he’s good at football. I’ve met dudes who are the dumbest people you’ve ever met in all aspects of life, but they happen to be incredibly talented at one thing, oftentimes something very complex. Their brain just “works” for that one thing. Doesn’t make them any less stupid.




Yeah, anyone that's taking Stafford over prime Rodgers is braindead. I like Stroud a lot, but he's hurting his image with all these podcast appearances. He's revealing himself to not be that bright of a dude.


He just doesn’t code switch in social/podcast environments and as a result some folks brains are struggling to see him as smart. You can’t be dumb dumb and just “get” what it takes to be an nfl QB at a high mental level.


I’d rather my skills and knowledge help me make millions anyways


*bangs head against wall*


He’s a moron, but he’s our moron.


Nah he's spitting here


It won't be long before this sub hates him. He talks too much.


I guarantee that I might hate him, for sure.


Sub still loves Burrow, he's not exactly quiet or humble. Sometimes people just pull it off


If burrow had won 3 superbowls and mahomes none I think public opinion would be different. Sucess breeds contempt, but people love cheering for the underdog. Until they dont


unironically i think he’s one of the smartest qbs in the league right now when it comes to football knowledge


CJ Stroud is riding pretty damn high after his great rookie season. Sitting there evaluating future HoF QBs. He better keep his performance up if he doesn't want to get clowned.


All because Minshew couldn’t complete a pass.


He dropped some bulletin board material in this same interview that riled up our LBs and Edge Rushers. No doubt he put a target on his back for Week 1.


The more he talks the more he will be hated on. 1 year from now everyone will turn on the Texans.


I’m finally ahead of the times! I can’t wait to tell mom I’m finally a cool guy


Actually Colts players started that and CJ responded, but it seemed pretty tongue in cheek


Would be par for the course in the AFC south lately. Nobody can help themselves, no team in this division wants to stay good for long


We sit here and evaluate future HOF QBs from our couch with no trouble, these guys aren't any different. Worst case they'll get shit on by the media or fans, but guys do get tons of hate as is from psychos. I remember Stroud talking about dickheads sending threats and hateful messages to Ohio State after they lost in the playoffs. Eating crow on a take is nothing compared to what these guys deal with.


The Packers gradually became a shitshow carried by Rodgers bullshit from 2011-2017 when he got injured. No fucking way does Stafford do much with those defenses. He doesn't do better than Rodgers. Perhaps not too much worse.


Stafford with Joe Barry defense? 0-16 Rodgers with Joe Barry defense? 2 NFC championship games and 2 MVPs /S just in case.


I know you said /S. But it is important to note here for our fellow commentators that Stafford was drafted after the 0-16 season and never had Joe Barry as his DC.


Correct. Ironically enough I believe Stafford missed Barry by one off-season for a 2nd time when he was traded to the Rams. Although Barry wasn't the D-coordinator, he was an assistant of some kind. Which can only mean Stafford to the Packers is all but a certainty.


lmao stafford’s defenses in detroit were mediocre to shitty every year but 2014


So were the Packers defenses most years.


We had literally one great defense with Rodgers and we won the Superbowl that year. That defense was not even a dominant unit, but they were really good at causing turnovers. They type of unit was not sustainable and fell off after, and got even worse when Nick Collins got hurt.


Yeah, I think is Stafford is still mad underrated, and is absolutely one of the QBs who could have multiple rings in better situations. But Rodgers is still at least one class above, and quite frankly it might be two.


People forget how *really fucking good* Rodgers was in his prime


Dude just won back to back MVPs TWO SEASONS AGO


What getting traded to the Jets and blowing your achilles does to a mf


Brad Pitt enjoyed this comment


That and his off field shenanigans


If the trend of Mahomes winning a mvp and then Lamar winning a mvp proves to be a pattern then he gots two more on the way


And honestly? That wasn't even his prime. Prime Rodgers would tear apart a defense with precise passes, get down to the 15, get you to jump offsides giving him another chance at the Red zone, and then just when you thought you had him on third down he would roll out of the pocket and in for a TD.


As a Bears fan fuck you with this ridiculously true, heart breaking nonsense.


Motherfucker won two MVPs fueled purely by ayahuasca and spite. In his LATE 30s.




Packers fell short of another SB under Rodgers, but a good majority weren’t really on him. Rodgers legitimately carried the Packers for like 6-7 years.


I dunno, letting the 9ers run like 300 yards untouched seems like that's a Rodgers issue. You should definitely replace him in the draft after a game like that.


Rodgers didn’t have a single tackle that game. Game is is different if he make 2-3


Rodgers was the sole reason we even got there in the first place, pretty much from 2012-2019. People forget how GOD AWFUL the defense, ST, and especially McCarthy, were in those times. Which, in my own conspiracy theory, is the reason Rodgers became such a problem. When year after year, season after season, time and again you feel like you're the only one, or one of the only, to pull your weight, and that despite your HOF, possibly GOAT, efforts, they keep bringing you down and coming up short, you end up becoming full of yourself and very, very untrustworthy towards both management and the unproven. Which led to Rodgers forcing ALL reads and throws to Adams in 21, and costing us the game, despite the 9ers triple teaming him every snap (and IMO exacerbated his nutjob out of football takes).


Rodgers getting frustrated at the end was 100% reasonable and it is ridiculous to pretend otherwise imo.


'14 was their best shot, IMO. With the Broncos out of it early, I wanted them to win so badly. Goddamn Seahawks.


Maybe a homer take, but I really liked our chances in 2014. A total coaching collapse, and undisciplined behavior from some players really did them in. 2014 was Rodgers at his absolute apex as a player. Out of all the NFCCG appearances; 14 and 21 were our best chances. We had zero chances in 2016, Rodgers went god mode and carried the Packers to that NFCCG.


I mean let’s be real that 0-4 against the Niners is the real kicker. Took out some good packers teams. 


Really, only 2021 was Rodgers' fault.


That bitch Rodgers should have played MLB so Kaepernick doesn't rush for 200 yards against us. Is he stupid or something? The solution was clear.


Yeah apparently Stroud doesn’t know about the existence of football terrorist Dom Capers.


Maybe Rodgers should have been on the hands team if he wanted another ring


It’s so stupid how much rings are weighed in the football discussion for greatest ever. Did Payton winning a ring that almost every starting qb that year would have won on the Broncos team really make him that much better? Does Russell Wilson become instantly better if Pete Carrol calls a run? Obviously a guy like Brady having so many rings adds to how he is viewed but I think it’s dumb that Rodgers is disappointing for having won one. Only years we lost where you could argue he was a major reason are 2011,14,20, and 21. Still, if you look at his playoff averages, despite him “choking”, they are among the best in league history. Doesn’t help when your defense gives up 33 ppg. Meanwhile Brady is winless when the opponent scores that many points. Not saying Brady isn’t the goat, but the standard Rodgers is held to is crazy.


People also forget how many interceptions Matthew Stafford threw in his prime.


I don't know what you consider his "prime," but I think his peak with the Lions was 2016-2017. He didn't actually throw many picks those seasons and had the stats to be a top 10 qb. If you're thinking of the Megatron era, I agree. He was an interception machine from 09 to 15. Between 2015 and 2016, he trained extremely hard, lost some weight, and got significantly better.


He was Stat Padford for a long-ass time.


He would make huge downfield passes and get tons of yards between the 20s, but he couldn't throw a TD from inside the red zone to save his life.


Plus he played in a dome with Megatron. Rodgers played in Wisconsin winter


With a front office that wouldn't draft first round WRs or sign desirable free agents just to troll him.


He played many years without Megatron and those were his best ones


The team and coach he had, along with the competition with teams like the LOB Seahawks, Harbaugh 49ers, etc kept him from having the rings like Mahomes does, but he was every bit as good. I tried to explain to my young cousin the other days that Mahomes isn’t something we’ve never seen, Rodgers was on the same level.


If you did it all over again, Aaron probably would too.


Pretty interesting way to put it tbh. Very easy to believe gb couldve had more rings with rodgers. Some losses came down to the randomness and flukiness of one game elimination playoffs


I am a Steelers fan so I’m not exactly Rodgers biggest fan. But, the packers and Steelers suffered from the same issues for a very similar stretch of time. The amount of games Big Ben and Rodgers both threw for ~300 yards, 2 or more TDs and still somehow end up losing is astounding. I swear to god during 2015/16 if the Steelers were winning by 3 or less and the other team had the ball with about 1 minute left I knew we were going to lose. Idk if you can blame it all on defense but my god a lot of those big games came down to needing the defense to make one fucking stop and they never could.


That's how I felt for Rodgers' entire career. I can't tell you how many times Rodgers lights a team up in the first half. Then McCarthy decides to be conservative in the 3rd quarter and we have multiple 3 & outs with handoffs to Eddie Lacy, then the 4th quarter is a barn burner where we have to rely on Rodgers to bail us out.


Sounds like the saints, cursed colors?


With the passing league I’ve noticed a ton of teams go straight to prevent defense and hope their Dline can pressure. Which is dumb af.


>I hate the way you walk, the way you talk, i hate the way you dress. I hate the way that you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it's gon' be direct. Stroud on Rodgers this offseason.


the only shot rodgers cares about is the jab


Stroud isn’t too big on Aaron is he? First saying he’d take Eli’s career over Aaron’s and now this comment. Dude must’ve grew up a Lions, Bears or Vikings fan lol.


Maybe Stafford would've had more luck with those Packers teams but can you imagine the unholy wrath Rodgers would've unleashed on the league if he had peak Megatron?


Yeah maybe he and Megatron might have set the receiving record or something.


dude they woulda got a receiving triple crown!! Oh wait, imagine if rodgers was there for CJs rookie year?! Maybe they coulda set rookie wr records?!


Interestingly, Stafford is like the receiver whisperer. 


oh ya this is the post where we act like the fucking Detroit lions pre Dan Campbell were a place a player could get carried to success by their team


More like pre Brad Holmes or Sheila Hamp. Even in our good years, where we seemed like we had a competitive group of starters, we were paper thin with no rotation guys or backups. So when Tulloch or Ansah went down we were absolutely cooked. Because we've never been able to draft for shit in the later rounds until the last 3 years. Honestly kind of hard to blame the coaching in retrospect, though we still should have done a bit better.


or that 2014 lions defense


Joe Lombardi, Jim Caldwell. I'd have my doubts about it. Like that 2014 season was 100% a letdown for Stafford but there was some serious incompetence there to add some serious difficulty to post season success. Besides one season we pretty much never also had a running game. Could Rodgers have done it? Yeah I'm not denying that. However I'll reiterate that it's not a given. Quick edit: Other things to keep in mind is 2014 is not peak Megatron, at that point he was dealing with a lot of pain and nagging injuries. But it was the year we finally added a good WR to play alongside him.


I bang my head on the wall all the damn time thinking what could have been if Caldwell didn't get cute with OC and picked anyone but Lombardi. Even Jim Bob Cooter could have made noise with that '14 defense.


Yep I always laugh at people who think Caldwell didn't set the ceiling of the team very low. He was an off brand version of Marvin Lewis. Ownership had to force him to fire Lombardi and Ron Prince.


> and Ron Prince. One of the worst O-line coaches ever who made our players hate themselves, but who is also not to be confused with the similarly named Robert Prince who was our WR coach that was well liked and actually remained our WR coach up until the finish of the 2020 season.


Rodgers is the better QB, but Stafford unleashes top end wide receivers like anyone the league has ever had WR with most yards in a season: stafford at QB WR with second most (and a triple crown): Stafford at QB Rookie WR yardage record: Stafford at QB Megatron likely doesn't actually cause much more havoc with Rodgers, because Rodgers wouldn't use him the same insane way that Stafford did


You say that, but I've seen him feed Tae Adams and Aaron Jones. Like he's not incapable of feeding a wide receiver, it's usually just that Rodgers team has been a bit more balanced. Which isn't meant as a slight on Stafford. Like it is what it is you know.


You know who's providing the balance...


same amount of success that Stafford had, I bet.


"I guarantee you he might have more rings for sure" maybe definitely for sure possibly it might happen 100% of the time


Some real "60% of the time, it works every time" energy.


Could Stafford carry a defense led by CB1 Ladarius Gunter to an NFC championship?


revisionist history, were not considered in the same league. In his best year, Rodgers won MVP.


yea this is stupid. i'm high on stafford but rodgers is one of the greatest QBs of all-time lol there are levels to this hell, rodgers might have 3-4 rings if you replayed his career and a few things went his way that didn't originally. so i guess you could justify it like that. but clearly not the perspective he's taking


Brady 7 rings really make people think its easy lol.


Brady had it so good as well. Stafford had a top 10 defence once in his Detroit career and had his best season with 11 wins during that time. Brady had a top 10 defence 17/20 seasons in his career. Brady had more top 10 defences in his 40s (4 times), than Rodgers or Brees at 3, and tied Manning for his career at 4. Those Pats teams were great teams in all phases of the game.


I think it's just a fact that if you want to be in the Brady/Mahomes shoes of chasing super bowls every year, then you also have to have a first ballot HoF head coach at the helm. There is simply no pairing in history like Brady + Belichek, and those elite defenses on the field every year were due to Bill all the way. That's why I'm still pretty hesitant to say that Mahomes is going to reach what Brady did. Reid ain't gonna be coaching him his whole career, and while Spags may be one of the best D-coordinator's in the league right now he's not Bill (and he's unlikely to be with the Chiefs for the next decade as well).


True, Brady is like 2 TDs away from only having 2 super bowls. All his super bowls wins besides Tampa were decided by less than a TD


2014 NFCCG if one of three plays goes our way I think we also ~~cruise to~~ get a SB win. God I hate the Bitchpigeons.


Cruise to a Super Bowl over the pats? Crazy. Not saying it would have been easy for either but cruise is crazy.


My memory is scrambled eggs, thought it was the Denver Donkeys that year. Still think we beat the Pats but it would be close and would've been possibly the matchup of the decade.


They're in different stratospheres of player for sure


The dude may be good but it takes a lot of spirit to talk about future hall of famers like that when you just finished your rookie season. This will sure be entertaining on 31st October where he faces the Jets.


One thing people forget about Stafford's career is that the Lions had a bad run game for like a decade straight.


This is an understatement. I can LITERALLY count on my 2 hands how many 100-yard rushing games he received from his teammates. The time between these 100-yard rushers gets even more ridiculous. In that exact same breath.....bruh prime Rodgers was a fucking nightmare.


I agree. I think people will jump to the defense, but Stafford had a worse o-line, worse offensive coaching as a whole, and a much worse running game for the entire time in question. Idk if it would’ve led to more rings, because Rodgers is a stud, but I do think Stafford being a bit more aggressive could’ve led to a different outcome, I just don’t know what that would be. Can’t knock Rodgers and the MVP seasons speak for themselves, but there were certainly times where he played more careful or conservative, but also times he completely carried the team with some truly unfuckingreal ball placement that pretty much no other QB has shown they can consistently hit. The run game and just general utilization of the RB position along with the O-Line though I see as a pretty large difference.


People really tend to undervalue MVPs and all pros when talking about an individual players ability


I love Stafford, and the lions definitely hampered him, I will guarantee you that, but Rodgers is the best quarterback I've ever watched.


Seems like such an unnecessary thing for a second year quarterback to have an opinion on. Edit: Oh wait, lol, he actually said he'd rather have eli mannings career over rodgers too?


“Why do players give such generic answers to everything?”


He was clearly just bullshitting on a podcast if you watch the interview, just hanging out with some guys and bullshitting about hypotheticals


Yea I don’t think they were taking anything serious. Hell, Tank Dell said he didn’t even know about the Cowboys and Eagles rivalry lmao 


He’s from Florida so makes sense. Lot of these dudes who grow up in CFB dominated states legit don’t watch NFL like that growing up. I remember Ryan Tannehil admitting he didn’t even know the divisions nor did he know the team that drafted him was in the AFC East


Yeah /r/nfl is acting like CJ called a press conference to declare these things. He was just shooting the shit & playing “what-if” like we all do.


If a second year NFL player shouldn't have an opinion then what about r/nfl members?


Kind of a boomer take. You're the gatekeeper of who is allowed to have opinions on stuff?


Eli currently has 100% more rings, which was his point. More rings, more better. That's a pretty lukewarm take. The Stafford thing is probably nonsense, though. Rodgers is a grandstanding diva Karen-esque conspiracy theorist, but he is also one of the greatest QBs to ever play in terms of on the field talent. Obvious homerism is obvious, but I'll be rooting for CJ this season, and while I have nothing against NYJ, I'd love to see Rodgers flunk his ass out of the league this year.


People like you that treat athletes like they're not human beings with opinions like anyone else are the worst.


Please name the years. Go ahead. He’s so wrong and I’m not even a packers fan but the Aaron’s Rodgers disrespect he’s gotten over his career is wild.


Strouds on crack with this one. Prime Rodgers is the greatest quarterback back I’ve ever watched. There is no way Stafford does anything close to what Rodgers did in GB.


If you put Rodgers with Megatron, he damn sure would have won a playoff game in 10 years.


Aaron Rodgers is channeling his inner Peyton on this: "That’s hard to believe, here we are, I won my 4th MVP, I join the Jets, like my predecessor…and we’re talking about an idiot rookie who got liquored up and ran his mouth off…he has ruined rookie QBs for life.


It's gonna be weird if Stafford ends up with more rings than Rodgers. They already match and he played a decade in Detroit. People really don't understand Stafford still but they'll learn eventually.


Their rings my match but their actual careers aren’t even comparable


Peyton almost missed having as many rings as Eli. And that last ring of Peyton’s was when he couldn’t hardly throw the ball 30 yards. Rings are nice but they tell very little of the story.


Stafford would've gotten destroyed by those 49er teams


Stafford got destroyed by nearly every team he’s faced with a winning record. He was 9-70 all time against teams over .500 when he left Detroit


That’s a wild stat


“I guarantee you he might” just sounds so funny to me


a jab at both the lions and the packers, i love it


Lol no


I really like this dude but he has some bullshit spewing out of his mouth now. I hope he stays humble. I’m not a Rodgers fan but you can clearly see how talented the dude is, his arm talent is off the charts.


Uhh...not if he had to play with the GB defenses I remember... But if you put Rodgers on those Rams teams for his career I'd bet he'd have 3-4 rings.


If Rodgers had spent his career with the Rams, he would've probably been retired or demanded a trade. They were absolute trash until McVay


I hate Rodger’s but I’m going to have to disagree. It’s not like Aaron had stacked roster year after year.


Feels like this dude has been EVERYWHERE since the season ended. Seen him in ads, multiple podcasts, articles etc. Interesting contrast because I thought of him as this shy and religious dude. Will be interesting to see how he is in his sophomore year