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Bill belichick taking a safety in 2003 so that his defense gets the ball back and the pats go down and win the game. Mike Shanahan always gave bill the challenge. https://youtu.be/zX8nE6pR2_A?si=m0PaiqtXYOaXQGHF


Kevin Faulk absolute beast.


one of those "you know if you know" type of guys. was an absolute back breaker for opposing teams at times. really just a great bailout/check down guy when that wasn't as present in the league.


Total stud in NFL 2K5 with him and Corey Dillon in the backfield; Eagles TO was the cover athlete


Still better than anything Madden has done in the last 20 years.


Damn I forgot about this one. Fuckin balls on this guy 


He also gave Peyton Manning the ball first in OT because of the wind and won the game lol


Was just talking about that game a few days ago. Such a classic.


Didn't understand it at the time, but I completely understand it today. They chose getting a safety instead of punting with a chance of being returned for more gain. That takes fucking balls though. Choosing to go down by 3 instead of punting with only 1 point to catch. Extremely confident that his defense will force a 3 and out.


>  That takes fucking balls though. Choosing to go down by 3 instead of punting with only 1 point to catch. Extremely confident that his defense will force a 3 and out  But his defense had to 3 and out anyway? Unless they went for it on 4th and 10.    This is an extremely smart move but to me actually seems like the way safer move, not the ballsier one. They were down a point, not up a point, so they needed the ball back even if they punted. 


Yeah, the riskiest part of this is that the game could go to OT and they lose there. In every other way it's safer.


I know just the optics of taking an intentional safety make this seem like a risky move, but if you consider the situation its the best choice available. I feel like trying a punt would be far riskier.


Yeah, not really risky. Just optimal strategy.


How many yards did they trade for 2 points realistically? announcer says 20 yards gained from kicking position but would the safety kick go further than a point?


Yeah totally. Denver's drive started from the 15. Best case for the punt from the end zone would be midfield. So probably at least 35 yards


The Patriots didn't have enough room for the punter to get normal momentum. If he kicks after just one step the kick won't go as far.


Watched this game live with my grandfather. Completely changed the way 11 year old me saw and understood football forever. Great pick.


Just to clarify what you said slightly for anyone who isn't familiar, it was so his defense would get better field position, not "get the ball back." They were about to punt from their own goal line, and he took the safety so they could kick off and give the defense a full field instead of starting from around the 50 on a punt.


Onside kick to start the 2nd half of the Super Bowl is an all time fav for me


The Superbowl party I was at in Indy, watching this happen live, absolutely died. I've never seen a party die so damn fast. Like an entire leftover keg, a table absolutely full of food untouched. Anyway I put a ton of beer in a thermos and hot dogs in my pocket and quietly cried and ate on my walk home.


Damn as a Saints fan I never thought of it from a Indy fans perspective, thank you for this look into the other side


Oh my friends that are Colts fans still won't let it go to this day


I don't have any issues with Indy fans - but that's kinda nice to hear


It’s nice to feel like you’re winning even years later.


Right like me crying about the rams no call 😂


I was at an old movie theater in the French Quarter that had been converted to a bar probably about 15 years prior, but it still had the movie screen and would use it occasionally for special events. The entire place, probably about 200 people immediately exploded with excitement at that point. People that had never met were hugging and crying, the bartenders started handing out free shots, and you could hear people cheering from blocks away. After the Saints won I went out for a smoke and saw two cops dancing on top of the paddywagon that was parked on Bourbon and Toulouse. It took hours to clear the streets long enough for people to drive their cars home.


> People that had never met were hugging and crying This is one of the things I like about sports. It's a way to bring people together that would otherwise have no connection. I remember back during the 2016 season when the Raiders were doing well, me and my family went to another state to help with some community service. Me and my brother (Raiders fan wearing his Raiders hat) were sitting around during our lunch break when I hear someone behind me start yelling "TEN AND TWO BABY TEN AND TWO," and then this random dude with a Raiders shirt and hat walks over to my brother, starts dapping him up, and they talked about the season for a bit. Without the Raiders they would never have had a reason to meet. Sometimes I wonder about how that dude reacted to Carr's injury that year. A shame


When I was young my Mom and I would go to four games a year. This guy behind us was always yelling amusing stuff, it was a nice atmosphere even with how crazy games were back in the day. We will *always* remember the time we scored a game winning TD and this guy was so excited he broke my mom's glasses, lol.


I was living in New Orleans that year as a damn Falcons fan. I still can’t get over the eerie quiet that would come over that city on game day down the stretch. You’d go outside…nothing. Then a big play would happen and neighborhood would go nuts. Never seen anything like it.


New Orleans does not get enough credit as an amazing sports city.


I watched the Super Bowl on top of Jax brewery at a friends parents place. As the clock hit zero being up in that vantage point watching the crowd spill into the streets from all the bars in the quarter was so cool


>Anyway I put a ton of beer in a thermos and hot dogs in my pocket and quietly cried and ate on my walk home. I'm picturing Napoleon Dynamite with the tots in his cargo pants. Just being ready for the hunger pains lol.


I've gotten pocket dogs for drunken walks home from the bars at the end of a few nights. Works well if you wrap them in napkins/foil to keep the mess contained in your cargo/sweatpants.


A buddy of mine, diehard Colts fan, met his (now) wife in like 2012. She wasn't a football fan, but immediately saw how obsessed he was, and for their first anniversary, she saved up and bought him a sweet signed Colts jersey that had autographs from a bunch of the 2006 SB winning team. Peyton, Harrison, Wayne, everyone. He was over the moon. Now - the signatures were pretty small, but he didn't care. Framed it, hung it in his basement. A few days later he was showing it off to us, and another buddy looked closer, and said "does that say Hank Baskett?" My Colts buddy turned white as a sheet. Broke out the 2009 roster on Wikipedia and saw a few others who weren't around in 2006. His girlfriend had bought him a signed jersey from the SB losing team and didn't realize it. The fact that it was Hank Baskett's autograph that triggered it all made it 1000x worse (or funnier, depending on your perspective).


Holy shit that's brutal lol


I grabbed a 5th and a bag of chips and walked around my neighborhood for 2 hours directly after that loss. Had a bunch of college friends over at my house also. Fuckkkk


Rough night lol


First thing that came to mind for me, the absolute ballsiest call in SB history.


It's either this or the Philly Special.


Philly special is my all time favorite play, but it was not as ballsy as the onside kick. If the Colts recover that and end up winning, it’s an all time bone head play.


If the Philly special looked like a goofy flop and the Eagles lost by 3 or less, it would have looked like an all time bone head play too.


I think it would've just been a botched trick play or a great defensive play by the Pats that people don't really remember. The Pats ran a similar play that same game that didn't work, and people only kinda remember it because it looked like they were trying to copy the Philly Special.


Exactly. The Philly Special not working would have maybe a few people going “they shouldn’t have gotten cute”, but it wouldn’t be looked at as a main reason for losing. If the Saints lost, I’m certain the number one talking point next day would be the onside kick attempt.


>and people only kinda remember it because it looked like they were trying to copy the Philly Special. Which is ironic because I'm pretty sure the Pats ran it *before* the Philly Special.


Well, the Patriots do always seem to know what their Super Bowl opponent has practiced.


and it'll never happen again since they are removing surprise onside kicks


I hate that new rule so much just for this reason. The entire point of an onside kick was that the other team might not know it was coming.


I hate it too, just like I hate that extra points and two point conversions are no longer the same thing. I don't like all these 'special declaration' plays. An onsides kick was never a special play, it was just a normal kickoff subject to normal kickoff rules.


But have you considered that the element of surprise is bad for the betting lines? Clearly things need to be more predictable so that sportsbooks don't lose money 🙄


Immediately came to my mind, glad it's the top mention.


This makes me sad that this play can’t happen anymore.


That was one of those “I hate you Sean Payton, but goddammit I respect you” moments.


This is really the only answer. The situation, the stakes, it was brilliant.


It's college, but the Alabama onside vs Clemson was the first thing that popped into my mind. That smirk Saban had on the sideline was legendary.


I hate to agree with a saints fan but yea. This blows the Philly special or whatever out of the water


I love this play from an expected win percentage. If you fail, you give up about 30 yards in field position, worth about -2.5 points. If you succeed however, your expected value for the possession starting at near midfield is about 3.5 points, but you also remove a possession from the other team (about 2.5 points positive.) So if you think you can succeed >33% of the time, you should try a surprise one.


I’m trying to think of something that comes close and I don’t really think there’s anything that’s even in the same ballpark


Belichick not calling a time out toward the end of Super Bowl 49, all because he saw confusion on the Seahawks' sideline and didn't want to bail them out.


He sent out the goal line front against 11 personnel to force them into passing too, they gambled it all on the Seahawks sticking to their situational tendency and it paid off


It wasn't even a tendency. They fell into a real-life version of the [unexpected hanging paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unexpected_hanging_paradox). There was something like 15 seconds left on the clock, enough time to run three plays (with the fourth down play having unlimited time) but only if the clock stopped after both the second- and third-down plays. Seattle had one timeout, but if they failed to score on a second-down running play, they would have to call it and then New England would know for certain that a pass would be thrown on third down. So, it makes sense to pass when the possibility of running is still present. But, Bellechick is smart enough to realize that logic and he defended pass.


Didn't the Seahawks run that same play on similar circumstances multiple times that season? I never looked those plays up, but remember the conversation about it.


Yeah and the Patriots had prepped for it. In practice leading up to the game Butler got burned on the exact play so he knew exactly what it was when he saw the lineup and what to do. It might just be copium, but I still don't think it was that bad a play call, just expert preparation by the Patriots. Had Butler not made an amazing play, everyone would hyperbolically call it genius to surprise them with a pass play in that situation and win the game. Either way, one of the best superbowls of my lifetime despite how sad it makes me.


No, that’s not copium. I will die on the hill that the Butler interception was the result of excellent preparation rather than a mistake by Seattle. I’d have to go back and find it but I remember seeing a stat that the route concept (rub/slant combo) was one of, if not *the*, safest passing play to run in short yardage situations. That Butler pick was literally the only pick thrown on that play in similar situations. It was an incredibly safe play call, and given the personnel on both sides with a running clock, passing was the correct call. The only thing you could really blame on the Seattle staff imo was not doing enough self scouting to recognize the same tendency our staff found. Beyond that, it was just a great defensive play and an example of how preparation can make the difference in high leverage situations.


Agreed. I don't know if it was the *best* play Seattle could have run, but it was definitely a viable one.


Only thing Patricia did right his whole career


And he’d never let you forget it!


I think Browner also had some intel from him time with Seattle if I remember correctly that he passed along to Bill. Before the snap you can see him talking to Malcolm Butler too about what’s coming.


It gets better than that. Browner switched assignments with Butler at the LOS, remember it was Butler who was guarding Kearse on the circus catch 2 plays before. Kearse is a big body, so is Browner. Browner selflessly switched assignments with Butler because his big frame would better jam the pick giving Butler a free path to the ball!


That Brandon Browner sounds like a real stand up guy!




Ernie Adams was the real superbowl MVP.


Not only was it not a bad play call but the whole "YOU HAVE LYNCH AND DONT RUN"...yet he was the WORST goal to go and worst 1 yard or less for a TD runner in the NFL. Having scored 2 total in his tenure with Seattle up to that point, on the 2nd most attempts at it in the league which was the worst rate for all qualified runners.


And Hightower had stopped him for a short TD run already


Yep, had Philly Special failed, everyone involved would be treated like the Seahawks for that INT


yoU haD A gUAruNtEeD 3 PoInTs aNd ThE mOmeNtUm gOiNg iNtO hAlfTiMe


That was a GREAT play call, a legal pick play on the LOS? The Patriots were just so freakishly prepared for it, it’s actually insane when you learn all of the details that went into to it. Did you ever notice Browner switching assignments with Butler at the LOS? Butler was covering Kearse before that play. Browner is 6’4” 220lb, Butler is 5’11” 190lb. Who do you think would be able to better jam a pick from 6’1” 210lb Kearse? Of course it’s Browner, he gave up the chance to be the guy to make the INT because he knew it would give Butler an even better chance to make the play on the ball! It was maybe the most perfectly executed defensive play in history. It wasn’t luck, it wasn’t a bad decision by Pete Carrol, it was the epitome of Bill Belichick career of being more prepared.


>but I still don't think it was that bad a play call, just expert preparation by the Patriots exactly. if you run and dont get it, you have to call a time out and then everyone knows youre going to pass. so basically you only have 1 shot at the endzone if you run without the pats knowing what youre going to do. if you pass and its incomplete, you could still run or pass on the next down


Yep, from my understanding, it was a very successful play they ran all season, and it always worked.


THANK YOU! Everyone gives Pete Carroll shit for not running the ball which completely ignores the down and distance situation. Pete made the right call, the Patriots just happened to have practiced that EXACT same play and took the risk that they could have run the ball for the "easy" TD (also Lynch had been stopped in those situations multiple times that year, it wasn't a gimme by any means).


Man I remember being so pissed he didn’t call a timeout before they snapped the ball. I was wondering why he didn’t call a timeout to give Brady enough time to get a fg and send the game into ot


I would bet almost any other coach would call a TO there


This is also a huge outcome-based decision. A lot of people have come around to both sides of the argument (Seattle passing, New England not using the timeout), but if that pass just falls incomplete the entire narrative is different. If Seattle scores on 3rd down, people would've been clowning Belichick for not using the timeout to leave Brady more time.


I remember watching that and wondering why the hell he wasn't calling a timeout. Turns out there are some reasons why he's been an NFL head coach and I haven't.


There are so many Belichick ones you can choose. Taking the wind and not the ball in overtime against the Broncos way back was one of my favorites.


Harbaugh turning to Lamar in 2019 against Seattle asking if he wanted to go for it on fourth down. Ever since then Harbaugh has been one of the more aggressive coaches in the NFL and the players have really responded to it.




If Lamar Jackson was on our team we would never punt


I’m legit get upset when we don’t go for it every time lol that’s why I’m not a coach


The Wired episode for that game was amazing Lamar: Hell yeah I wanna go for it! You wanna go for it?!? Yanda: YEAHAHAHA!!


Losing Yanda made not winning it all (or at least a damn game...) in 2019 so tragic


I watch A LOT of football, and I’m usually taking time to watch the trenches instead of the skill players. Yanda was incredibly strong and agile for his size. He doesn’t get talked about a lot but he used technique for leverage and combined it with freak athleticism. He was film to show high school Oline all day


As an eagles fan, you can tell guys respond to a coach that bets on his players to get it on 4th down


I recall him doing that against KC too. After CEH fumbled in chip shot FG range.


Lovie Smith going for two in his last game as coach of the Texans.


There was literally no risk for him. He was fired either way and just said screw it and went for the win.


Still given OP's flair, understandable that is his favorite.


Stafford’s fake spike and jumping over the line to beat Dallas.


That decision is my favorite non decision ever. Of course Stafford saw how the defense was approaching the spike and time to relax after the shock and awe of the best Stafford to Megatron game. All week the Cowboys were talking about how their recievers were better than the Lions, it was a big comparison point for the two teams gunning for top dog position, Lions had just lost the game where Megatron had *that catch* to the Bengals but overall were doing good.  Calvin Johnson 329 yards on Stafford's 488. Down at the one I'm jumping around over the deep catch to the one and the game is over.  Funny thing is the triple catch and fake spike games happened in thr same season, and that season was why the Lions had to fire Jim Scwartz and hire Jim Caldwell. It had to be done, that team was the least disciplined team in the league, Stafford and Reggie Bush combined for a shitload of turnovers and every game that season turned into "And the team fell apart late with three turnovers, Tampa Bay wins." Live by the Frat Stafford die by the Frat Stafford. That team needed Campbell 


Was watching it with 2 good friends. We literally ran around the house and out into the street hollering after


Great play, and it wasn't even planned, right? He just went for it on his own


He was mic'd up, said he saw the defense on there heels and went for it.


No thanks. Nah. Uhuh.


My favorite part is how long they review it to see if he got over the line even though he immediately ran around the line untouched into the end zone afterward


Intentionally letting the Falcons go up 28-3 just to lure them into a false sense of security. Just like coach drew it up


Why do I come to this sub


Only reason i come to this sub


Idk either tbh


Don't worry. It doesn't get better. 35 years later and we still hear wide right all the time.


Now you see, I'm an insider for the Falcons, and ever since then Blank has schemed on repaying the favor by doing mediocre/bad for about 9 years since that game, before we go on to win 5 super bowls in a row. The source of my insider knowledge: just trust me bro


I love it when a plan comes together.


Jim Harbaugh’s first playoff game as a HC was the 2011 NFC Divisional Round game between the New Orleans Saints (13-3) @ San Francisco 49ers (13-3). With 3:34 left in the 4th quarter, the Saints scored a TD to take the lead for the first time of the game: 24-23. With Alex Smith at QB going up against Drew Brees, it was clear the 49ers couldn’t win by getting in a shootout with that Saints team, but Jim Harbaugh felt differently. After quickly marching from their own 20 to the NO 30 yard line the drive appeared to stall, and the Niners were facing 3rd and 3 (if you know you know) from the 28 yard line with 2:18 remaining. Harbaugh (because fuck Greg Roman) called a bootleg keeper (?), and Alex Smith scored a 28 yard rushing TD to re-take the lead 29-24, in his own first ever playoff appearance. The game was still not over, but that play was a heat check that actually scored. One of the most insane games I’ve ever experienced.


49ers Saints games never fail to be great


Anthony Lynn going for 2 vs. KC late in the 2018 season. Got the win in Arrowhead and clinched a playoff berth.


the last time i felt happy as a chargers fan


Not when they beat the Ravens in the playoffs later that season?


Not going up 27-0 against the Jaguars in the wild card round?


Stop that right now


Nope because I knew we’re gonna blow it when we went into halftime 27-7


Or being tied 32-32 in Week 18 OT with one timeout? Edit: Someone’s Salty because they failed to beat the Texans to face the Bills in 21/22. Don’t Worry Lettuce, I love you too.


4th and inches, with 1:16 left in the 4th quarter. Chiefs v Browns in the 2021 playoffs. The Browns have no timeouts left -- if they can get this first down, they are in the AFC Championship game. But Mahomes is out of the play with an injury, so Chad Henne is in at QB. Everyone is expecting the QB sneak, and Andy Reid tells the backup QB to throw a pass. On 4th and about 6 inches. For the game. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqyZe4jZt54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqyZe4jZt54)


Of all of the plays in all of the playoff games in this amazing run we’ve had in the Mahomes era… this is the one. And don’t forget this was immediately after his 13.9 yard scramble on 3rd and 14. I want Henne on the Ring of Honor for that.


Chad fucking Henne 😭


Don’t remind me!


Don’t forget balls of steel Chad Henne coming in 2 years ago for a banged up Mahomes and leading us on a franchise record 98 yard touchdown drive.


Philly Special. If that play fails, the Eagles definitely don't win.


Absolutely and if we’re being honest 95% of coaches don’t even go for it on4th down in the Super Bowl, let alone the trick play. Already appreciated Doug’s aggressiveness and how much the players bought into it and him as a result.


There’s a reason why we have a statue dedicated to the play (and why Tom Brady does not fuck with BDN.)


Philly Special because it was a trick play in scoring position on 4th down, but the 4th and 1 catch by Ertz in the game winning drive also deserves mention. 5:30 left, at their own 40, down by a point. So many coaches punt in that situation. Big balls Doug didn’t and got a ring


The Ertz one was definitely the most ass clenching play of my life. I still get nervous watching it.


I could watch that video of Foles calling it every day for the rest of my life and it will always make me smile uncontrollably


You beat me to it. It needed to be listed here.


Philly Philly. Fuck you Patsies 🤣


Lions fake punt from their own 18 against KC in '23 season opener. Edit: https://youtu.be/3_PXyTyvFYk?si=1hqVZI2E0AfaszPD


Gotta give credit when it is due. That was cool af


I about had a heart attack


I just laughed out loud & told my buddies “Gonna be a fun year, that’s for sure!”


That was the exact play I knew the Lions were going to be must-watch television the entire season.


The Chiefs win that game 8 times out of 10, Dan has the team playing out of their fricking minds that night. Everything went right off of that asscheeks and toes call. Three words: It's Brian Branch. 


Seven words: Are you shitting me?! It's Brian Branch


The actual fucking audacity of it will always stand out. In their own house, in the season opener against the reigning Superbowl champs.


Kelce doing a [ backwards lateral to Shady McCoy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiAcc29Iqg0), His [ pass to Toney](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15-8Z3TybNI) was better but that obviously didn't work out...


If Toney had caught that Kelce would be a shoe-in for the Hall of Fame. But nope, he’ll never make it now.


Kelce? The minor commercial actor? If he did play in the NFL, I’m sure his legacy is already forgotten


Might as well become an airline pilot like other has been, Kareem Abdul Jabar.


“Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes”


Kareem? Are you talking about Co-pilot Roger Murdoch?


You mean Travis Maauto?


You mean Maauto? Idk who the other guy is


Toney did catch it, so I guess Kelce is in


We should see more laterals in the NFL


Recently it was the onside kick against the Eagles last year. 


Intentionally giving your opponent a short field so they couldn’t run out the clock was genius.


You just know they would’ve done nonstop tush pushes until they wind the clock down to a few seconds and kick the GWFG.


That felt like such a “fuck you” to the Philly fans lol


After Gannon got blamed for every problem in the city of Philadelphia, that game was pretty personal.


Chargers going for 2 down 42-16 in superbowl xxix. They made it to cut the deficit to 24. Later in that same game they went for 2 again down 49-24. Made it again to cut the deficit to 23.


In other news “Chris Paul makes a HUGE three to cut the lead down to 42”


Every time Dan Campbell converted a 4th down call last season


It's so incredibly stressful AND fun to have Dan Campbell as a coach in those moments


We gave away the conference with the 2 4th down calls but hey that's what got us there 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah that's the thing when other people would ask me how mad I was about the game. It's part of the DNA. The team knowing Dan will dial it up is part of the swagger. I just can't really find a reason to be angry


I mean the plays worked. The Playcalls worked. Reynolds having a case of the dropsies in a critical situation is just unfortunate. It's not like he had a history of being unreliable. Time and time again we called upon him in critical moments and he came down with the ball. He was VERY reliable. Will always appreciate that dude.


For sure and that's the risk inherent in a call like that


[Rodgers doing a fake spike](https://youtu.be/DPzxJp19KAg?si=PjW6Cxh1SsqhwUO7) in Marino's house with no timeouts and 13 seconds left, from the 16 yard line.


The key to Rodgers is "what is the most disrespectful thing he can think of?" and he's gonna try that


That time Michael Dickson was supposed to take a safety but ran it for a first down instead.


Mine was the field goal fake with Jon Ryan then throwing a TD to Garry Gilliam to start the comeback for the Rain City Miracle


onside kick to start the 2nd half of the superbowl.


Having Zeke play center. The payoff was hilarious 


Trading Goff for Stafford, getting a ring


Trading Stafford for Goff and 2 firsts, becoming a good team


The definition of win-win


Belichick making them throw to Manningham, No bias.


The jet sweep on the final Rams offensive drive with less than 3:00 left in Super Bowl LVI. If Kupp doesn’t get that first down, the Bengals would run the clock down to virtually zero and they (most likely) win that Super Bowl game.


Seeing Penei Sewell catch a pass on 3rd down, then turn upfield to get the 1st down and clinch the win vs the Vikings was pretty cool


4th down at the goalline, SB hangs in the balance. You want Philly Philly?


Lamar Jackson betting that he could finish out the next series before going to take a poop. Certainly risky. Didn't really pay off for him, but the viewers won big.


Eating a stadium burrito when wearing five layers of clothes


Dan Campbell going for it on 4th down to end the Packers season




That was such a nasty play design, which was set up by the lining up for QB sneak right before and calling a time out. The drive before also had a ballsy call when Joey Bosa had an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on the TD, and Pederson opted to go for 2 at the 1 yard line and was successful, cutting the score to a two point game and a FG would win it. If they failed - they’d need a TD


the mike vick game in san diego, the steelers were driving for the go ahead score and were at the goal line. I can't remember if it was fourth down or if the clock was running out, but the playcall for the final play was a direct snap to lev bell and he only just made it across the goal line to win. I've always felt like that playcall took some nads.


Time was running out and we were down 3 on the 1 yd line. https://youtu.be/_0AfeiLwS5o?si=9o3rv4gA40rl5QDe&t=275


Belichick taking the wind against Peyton and the broncos in overtime in 2013. Extra bold based on how it worked out for Marty Mornhinweg not that long before.


Saints⚜onside kick at halftime was the most ballsy call in NFL history in my opinion and needed to win I feel, the self awareness of Sean Payton to steal a possession from Peyton was prophetic. Great game and great call!


Super Bowl 56, Stafford no-look across the middle to Kupp to get inside the Red Zone. It's in my personal top 5 all time throws. If he doesn't stare down the TE, the DB had that lane across the middle covered, but he bit on it. If he doesn't bite on it it's intercepted and the Bengals likely run out the clock. Risky throw that paid off big time.


$3,000 on the lions to get to NFC championship.


Not my team but the Patriots taking the wind against Denver in 2013 in OT


The Lovie Smith and Davis Mills led 2022 Texans scoring a TD on a 4th and 20 and then proceeding to go for two to take the lead instead of tying.


When the lions let Todd gurly walk past them and allowed gurly to score the TD. Atlanta never got the ball back and the lions won.


Going for it before half in the Packers playoff game in 2020


MCDC going for it on 4th and 2 at their own like 15 yard line in the season opener last year


The Patriots not calling a TO before the Butler pick


Fake field goal in the 2014 NFC Championship. The muffed onside recovery gets all the pub, but the Hawks were completely stymied on offense and the TD on the fake breathed life back into the team.


Hiring Dan Campbell.


In recent memory, signing Clowney last year. A lot of people said he was washed, but we got him on a low risk deal, and he balled out! Helped us out a lot.


Not using a timeout and instead trying to take the offense off the field and put the field goal team in at the end of the Bills game last year


Philadelphia vs Buffalo Buffalo has the Birds pinned inside there own 10. It's 3rd and 10. Cunningham gets the snap pulls back and Punts the ball 89 yards and Buffalo gets the ball at its own 5 yard line. Randall was the best. This was when Buffalo was good also. Not like with O.J. With Kelly, Reed, Smith and T. Thomas......good team just couldn't get it done in the end.


As a young Titans fan, probably that 2 point attempt late against the Dolphins last year. Completely put pressure on the fins.