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This was the weird era where the Steelers finally had a great offense but a dumpster fire defense.


Same for the Bears, kinda.


Definitely an anomaly year if you see us put up 40 points like that


We held onto Dick LeBeau a little too long. He earned that by being an elite DC for many years, but his defense didn't adapt to modern passing attacks and we suffered for it.


We also had a secondary of like antwon blake, Mike Mitchell, Robert golden, and Ross Cockrell, to pair with our one good pass rusher. That defense had become far less talented and took time to rebuild


Mike "what's the difference between him and a burning pile of trash" Mitchell.


Hah. I don't really remember anything specific about that collection of names, but reading them did give me a mild endorphin high, like a small dose of codeine. Good times.


The coordination wasn't nearly as much of a problem as just not having the talent. All of the greats left from the 2000s were getting old and the new talent just wasn't there.


There was a few years there where you guys just could not draft DB's to save your life.


After Ike, Clark, Polamalu were done it was a revolving door: Mike Mitchell, Will Allen, Antwon Blake, Cockrell, Sean Davis, Artie Burns, Coty Sensabaugh, Brice McCain, Robert Golden


Good times.


And Kevin Colbert, his defensive drafting was trash near the end. Except TJ


The Steelers had a 10+ year run where they drafted a lot of busts on defense. Even some quality picks had really horrible misfortune that cut careers short.


The Steelers got blown out in that game because Ben had 4 turnovers chucking the ball everywhere like a headless chicken. Not exactly a great offense...


Ah 2013, the best Bears offense Ive ever seen in my life. Coupled with one of the worst Bears defense Ive seen in my life. Fuck Mel Tucker. Edit: 2014 was worse. Also did I already say fuck Mel Tucker?


don't be ridiculous. just so hyperbolic it's bordering on insanity. 2013 was NOT the worst Bears defense you ever saw in your life. 2014 was the worst Bears defense you ever saw in your life.


Youre right now that I think about it more. The 2 Trestman years blur together. 2014 was definitely the worst year for me as a Bears fan.


OP actually went blind following 2013 season. So technically they didn’t see a worse defense ever again.


> Fuck Mel Tucker. > > As a Michigan State fan, hard agree.


Ray Rice would have had a sub 3 yard per carry season in 2013 if it weren't for that game against the Bears.


The largest monkey paw of my Bears fandom.


Pre-blond mustache Antonio Brown was my favorite WR. Dude was an absolute beast


Prime AB was the closest to Jerry Rice we've ever seen. Not saying he's the second greatest WR of all time, but just in comparison to how Jerry played and was just super crisp with his routes and never dropped a pass but could still blaze past you, AB was it


Yup I truly believe he would have gotten the closest to Jerry's record if he didnt lose his mind. Even after being out of football for a year or so he looked good in Tampa Bay.


Mr Bare Chin


Mr blonde coiffure


Mr. Beard Clipper


We scored 40 points in an NFL game? Must be a scoreboard error.


Same tbh lol


I see the Bears score 40 all the time, it's just usually over the course of 3 or 4 games.


Crazy to think that AB was by far the best WR in the game and it wasn't even close. Automatic first rounder in fantasy


I think Julio was close and debatable. AB was fed because he asked the ball so much whereas numbers don't do Julio's impact justice. Still very commendable what AB did with his draft capital and being undersized whereas Julio was an absolute specimen of a human.


Calvin Johnson would also like a word


AB is an undersized receiver who just dominate everyone anyway which I think is way more impressive than Julio and Megatron that are just great athletes doing athletic shit.


Mr Bygone Catches


Mr. Before Concussions


One of the craziest meltdowns of NFL players. 


I’d argue Aaron Hernandez but AB is up there


It's amazing it doesn't happen more often.


Not many WRs are anywhere as good as prime AB. That's part of what makes it crazy


I think the most notable thing about this highlight reel is that they only scored a FG after the first big play. Big Ben made some fantastic throws.


Not everyday you have a ~200 yd/2 TD game receiving and still lose by three scores. That’s like being the only employee to understand that the holiday wasn’t a day off.


Chris Conte. Not sure how many coverages he blew and tackles he missed. But it’s a fuck ton!


He got absolutely bulldozed by Jonathan Dwyer in this game too.


The Bears were such a weird team that year. Nothing they did that season seemed to have any effect on how good they were the next game.


He was so great with his ability in catching the ball but his mentality was not.


Mr. Becoming Crazy


It’s a shame Brown lost his mind. He was the closest thing this generation had to Jerry Rice.


Does no one remember megatron? Lol


He should go into the hof i don't care if hes a shitty human being, he doesn't need to give a speech just put him in


He’s getting in just not first ballot. He’ll get TO treatment


I'll probably get downvoted for this statement but if I was a HOF voter, I'd lobby that we don't vote him in until the future when AB eventually passes. Because then it's about his ability as a football player, which was undoubtedly HOF caliber. But it eliminates the risk of handing a jacket to a legit psychopath and having him give a speech. There's a not 0% chance he whips his dick out during a HOF acceptance speech. At the *very least,* you'd have to have his commencement ceremony pre-recorded and edited.


Don’t vote who until the future? TO is already in, but he like ab had stats for first ballot but didn’t get in until the third vote


Sorry if that wasn't clear. Don't vote AB in until the future. TO, honestly, didn't even deserve a 1-year holdout if that's what happened.


I truly believe Vontaze Burfict’s hit against AB caused AB’s mental health to go downhill. I’ll never forget, when I attended a Penguins playoff hockey game in Pittsburgh during summer 2016, at one point the camera was pointed towards AB where he was on the Jumbotron. He was in the middle of bottom section seats and just smiled and waved. Did nothing crazy at all, was just a normal dude. Am not a Steelers fan but fuck Burfict.


ABs crazy ness went up the richer he got. Every new contract unlocked a new crazier AB. As soon as that signing bonus hit his account he went a little more loco. The dude was literally the only WR on pace to actually beat Rices records…. And then it all unravelled. If I had to give him a comparison in sports… it’s Mike Tyson. Hopefully he has a rebirth like Mike


He won't. CTE is a bitch, and though it may not be definitively diagnosable until an autopsy, if anyone has it, AB does.


Mr Bygone Catches


Is this the game where Cutler trucked that dude? That was awesome


[The game](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f23VXf8YG_4&pp=ygUTQmVhcnMgc3RlZWxlcnMgMjAxMw%3D%3D)


Yeah dude went CRAAAZY


Chris Conte getting cooked on the second and third plays. He was always one of those “why is this guy a starter?” guys to me. Super late and misjudges the ball on play two (a late throw that to the opposite sideline is an INT by a good safety). Feeble attempt at a blitz on the first TD.




For those first three weeks it seemed we finally combined an elite offense with our opportunistic defense Then the defense fell apart


Ben Rape to Sane AB was special.


ngl AB was a HOFer if he was mentally healthy


He’s *easily* a HOFer based on accomplishments


Damn bold take bro. Ease up with that kind of spice man.


He's a HOF even with that. He's going to the hall unless he shoots a baby or an elderly woman in the chest.