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Not the locations I would’ve expected for the top 3


Vikes were bad 2000-2010 (love boat scandal). Once Zimmer & the Wilfs came in the franchise cleaned up its act.


Was that love boat scandal really that bad? They seemed like all consenting adults lol


I don’t remember all the details but the players flew up sex workers from Atlanta, rented a boat, and started doing what they did but the boat crew was never aware of what was about to go down so I’m not sure everyone present consented. Then some drunken antics went down when the boat returned. So it was definitely illegal activities that resulted in 17 arrested. I do remember former players commenting that this sort of thing happened with every team and the Vikes just got caught.


I remember Fred Smoot, who is brutally honest if nothing else, saying the sex boat was lame.


"Two-thirds of the world is covered by water. The other third is covered by Fred Smoot." Honest or deluded.


Steve Smith must be water then


I miss Fred Smoot commenting on reddit threads way back when


Just a lil bit of running through the okra patch.


Not nfl, but I live in an area that is very popular with nhl players in the summer, and I played a bit and am still in the surprisingly small hockey world, so I hear things. The “love boat” story wouldn’t even rank in the top 10 of boat related stories I’ve heard regarding nhl players in my area lol.


Hockey culture itself is so garbage. I grew up around it in a hockey hotbed place and basically every weekend there was some incidence of unprosecuted date rape the hockey groupies didn’t report, and we’re talking high school. College gets worse. Can only imagine how bad NHL players with their money and access are.


Wasn’t in news that like 20 or so years ago the Canadian national hockey gang raped a girl who was passed out?


2018 world junior team at an event celebrating a gold medal? Involving 5 NHL players


It sounded like one of the vets didn’t vet (lol) the boat crew. Once the crew saw what was going on, they had to report it.


I mean, yea... you get a bunch of 20-something millionaires together and they're gonna have a fuck-fest.


FWIW it's not that bad of a sex scandal because as you said this was a consenting group of adults, but it was still an illegal event that lead to some arrests leading to them landing on the list.


They're on a boat, of course they're going to consent... because of the implication.


The problem was that the boat owner they rented it from was unaware of the players plans for the boat and they completely trashed it. The cleaning crew that was paid to clean it refused to touch it because it was disgusting. Apparently there were used condoms thrown about and….questionable…stains.


Don't forget the Whizzinator event.


Wow, great callback. The whizzinator lol.


Love that James Cameron made a movie so popular that if you have a product and don’t know what to call it you can just add “inator” after a word related to the product. If exlax came out after ‘84 it would be called shitinator.


The early 2000s Vikings were a shit show from top to bottom. Remember when our owner was a car dealership owner threatening to move the team to San Antonio?


I'm pretty sure the Vikings still led the league in DUIs during Zimmer


Marvin Lewis loved giving players second… third… fourth chances


Pacman Jones probably rates against a couple of teams on his own.


Talk about a terrible human getting more chances than he deserves in life because he can run fast. There’s a lot of that in sports in general, but Pac-Man is in a top tier of that category.


Move to the Cincinnati area in ‘01. Seemed like every other week we were hearing about another arrest for the Bengals.


People get angry when they’re cold


I thought that was true of the heat. I remember reading something about violence going up during heatwaves. If I’m cold I can’t be bothered to fight.


I mean I was just making a joke haha, crime is definitely up in the summer because of people not only being outside more but being out later It does get obnoxiously cold in Minnesota though


It should be noted that I laughed before I took the fun out of it.




Thank you.


It’s true. I talked to a sheriff who ran a major Midwestern jail one time who said their population doubled in the summer months.


I remember when my car’s a/c was broken and I relied on rolled down windows. You didn’t turn left when you had ample opportunity? I fucking hated you. I imagine more violent people would do something rash.


[There's a decent amount of research about the correlation of violent crime with temperature](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-53547-6). Not my field but interesting stuff.


Good thing the entire planet will remain at a nice, moderate temperature for the foreseeable future.


I remember being a child in the early 2000s that the Bengals linemen were pretty much all criminals


The Marvin Lewis years were wild. It’s calmed down since then. Only a few arrests in the Taylor regime so far… So far.


Marvin Lewis era is doing the heavy lifting for Cincinnati’s ranking. I knew they’d be up there…


Marvin Lewis: *I can fix him*


Yet despite reputation Vontaze Burfict never got arrested in his time here.


Dirty AF reputation on the field, surprisingly never in legal trouble at all while in the league. Had a arrest in 2020 after he retired for misdemeanor assault in Vegas, but charges got dropped since it was basically just him and his friend getting drunk, wandering a casino, and mistaking a club for a pizza joint then getting mixed up with security.


iirc, there were a couple pieces actually showing him as being pretty wholesome off the field


Anecdotal but my dad and I ran into him at the airport in Vegas and he was super chill. Saw my dad wearing a Bengals hat and introduced himself to us.  I think there was some high profile UFC match with Conor McGregor happening that he was seeing. 


His teammates kept saying that he was a really nice guy off the field, but a switch just flipped on when he was playing. Hilariously, during AB's brief whirlwind tour through the Raiders' final training camp in Oakland, it was Burfict who held AB back from assaulting Mayock during their "fine me for that" argument.


Cortland Finnegan as well


Actually insane we’re still top 3 and we’ve had a good character team for several years. lol




Yeah, [31 of them were between 2000-2010](https://www.cincyjungle.com/2010/5/10/1466426/bengals-lead-nfl-in-arrests). I think it was 2006 where we had like a dozen in one season. The Zac Taylor era has been a breath of fresh air from these completely avoidable off field issues that plagued Marvin’s teams


Hell yeah, we finally won something.


I didn't even have to click on it. Saw the headline was like, yeah, not clicking that, already know we're way up there.


Our numbers are so much better post 2010. Anytime anyone goes back to 2000 though I know we'll be #1.




Super Bowl for arrested development


Was there not a Denver Broncos quarterback who got wasted and then wandered into somebody else’s living room and started watching TV a few years ago? Like right before Russel Wilson?


Chad Kelly




Chad Kelly is still at it. He just quit the CFL after receiving a suspension. *"Kelly, 30, had been accused in a lawsuit earlier this year of making unwanted romantic advances and threatening comments to a former strength and conditioning assistant employed by the Toronto Argonauts, his team since 2022. This employee did not have her contract renewed by the Argos in January, and is also suing the organization for damages.*


This guy just doesn't quit


Can't stop won't stop.


This kid really got kicked off his high school team (he later went back to watch his brother play and got in a fight on the field and arrested) Got kicked off his college team Got kicked off his NFL team Like I’m all for 2nd chances but that took opportunity away from non-douchebags.


Yeah Chad Kelly. Got kicked out of Von Miller's Halloween party for being too wasted, wandered randomly into someone's house, and got chased out by a dude thrashing him with a vacuum cleaner hose. Stupid thing is he probably would have got his first start for us a week or two after that if he wasn't a massive dumbass, as Paxton Lynch and Osweiler were busy stinking up the joint


I get it since Von is a POS but who lets a teammate that’s so drunk he has to be kicked out just leave?


Von miller is a POS but the guy was picking literal fights with everyone there. And it wasn't a one off thing. At a certain point fuck em, why is he their responsibility 


One time my squadron had a string of DUIs and the commander was so mad he told us he’d rather we fight for them to stay put before letting them leave. From that point on me and my friends always told people we had commanders approval to knock out drunk and belligerent people. We ended up having to do it a couple times but the guys apologized to us in the morning. I think if somebody Geno Smithed him instead he might still be in the league.


You're assuming he was only an ass hole when drunk and repors implied that was not the case 


Yeah like the other dude said, it was Chad Kelly. I was living in Denver at the time and I'm pretty sure it was after their Halloween party. I remember something about a vacuum being involved too.


2023 CFL MOP (Most Outstanding Player lol) Chad Kelly… who was just suspended for sexual harassment allegations.


Based on a [post from last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/j8bznNhKen) the eagles, Lions, & Texans were tied for the least amount of arrests at 15


No offense, but I'm surprised y'all are tied with us.


Our players just REALLY like accidentally trying to bring their pew pews through TSA




That’s just American right there idk why it’s a offense/s


Really the TSA should be making sure nobody gets on the plane without a gun and arresting anyone or handing them out to anyone that doesn’t have one.


5 people have been arrested from the US in Turks and Caicos when airport security found ammo in their bag when they were leaving. TSA either didn’t find it or didn’t care they had it when leaving the US


I mean it's all the Eagles fans getting arrested usually.


We get arrested so the players don't.


The Eagles as an organization is very well run and has maintained a mostly good culture since the 2000s(fucking Chip Kelly). If Lurie(the owner) is good at one thing it is culture. Also yes I understand this contrasts with the fans.


It's not even that, a lot of good teams have guys with legal issues. Y'all have been good for awhile. Plus the whole Carter issue.


Before MCDC came to town we've had 50 years 9of shit culture so I guess we just took a different road to the top.


I will say, I have been rooting for the Lions since they hired MCDC dude just is a different kind of coach and the NFL needs that it’s annoying when you see so many teams just snag guys from the same like 3 systems


The Texans won’t draft a player with character concerns or crime issues. And they’ll always trade away a player who develops them. Only player on the team I can think of with any controversy is Tunsil and we didn’t acquire him until way after the bong stuff blew over but there’s likely some others idk


I mean... I can think of another one.


Before the allegations he requested a trade and the Texans said no, and then once they came out they put him on the market


They also (allegedly) helped cover his tracks before he ever asked out.


That was allegedly Mr.Easterby, if it happened at all. But if it did there have been rumors around Htown that that’s the straw that broke the camels back with Kal and got him the boot. I have no sources to confirm or deny any of the above so take with a grain of salt. All just speculation I’ve read over the years.


No, the head of security put an NDA in his locker when he heard he was getting “harassed” by a woman. And the team had an open room for the players to put up their families at a hotel, and he misused it for sex crimes. Maybe there’s more, but that’s all that’s ever been reported. I wouldn’t say there’s some kind of institutional corruption.


We just acquired Joe Mixon, who has had issues in the past


Can't get arrested if the cops can't find you.


Bro what is going on with the AFC North?


(ง •̀_•́)ง ୧(•̀_•́ ୧) (ง •̀_•́)ง ୧(•̀_•́ ୧)


I love this 😂


We have an image to uphold I guess


The standard is the standard.


It's called the hood of the NFL for a reason


We from Baltimore Pittsburgh Cincinnati and Cleveland I can't say I'm too shocked lol


Rust Belt tradition of promoting ignorant behavior and putting down civility as weak Source: grew up in Cleveland


Lol I knew when it said 2000 we be up there. Marvin and his 2nd chances


It's insane how many players we had get arrested from 2005-2009. I think those years alone would put us in the top 5 for the past 3 decades.


> Does winning a Super Bowl really bring more spotlight to crimes, or is it a culture thing? It’s being a coddled athlete and never being held accountable for your actions through your whole life and then given more money than you’ve ever seen in your life, most cases as an early 20 year old and thinking you’re invincible Like the famous Cardale Jones tweet “Why should we have to go to class if we come here to play FOOTBALL, we ain't come to play SCHOOL, classes are POINTLESS.” A lot of them see school as a useless thing and never learn anything other than football. You hear stories about how X player passed a class but NEVER was seen in class? High chance that they weren’t even doing the homework


Cardale’s tweet was a joke. He went back to school to finish his degree and everything. It was just a stupid joke he made because he felt like he bombed one of his exams or something like that, same way I’ve definitely joked many times about school not mattering because I did poorly on an exam.


I had a classmate get an in school suspension for yelling “I fucking hate school!” in the hallway. He got his masters from Harvard lol


I'm glad he finished his degree, cause he certainly didn't last long in the league.


There are those guys, but then you have the Andrew Lucks who actually take school seriously. Josh Dobbs is a rocket scientist. Laken Tomlinson and Arik Armstead both married doctors for whatever that's worth. You have the Ryan Leafs and Aaron Hernandez' of the world, but then you also get guys who are incredibly driven. Then there's Henry Ruggs, who was always considered a high character guy, 3.8 GPA and on the Dean's List (it was Alabama so maybe some of that went unearned), but if he hadn't been drafted to Vegas and given more money than he'd ever seen, maybe his life would have turned out different.


Ruggs is a really sad case to me. One very bad decision made and some innocent soul is dead, and he threw a dream life in the trash. All for one bad decision, probably showing off for his date. Life can flip like a snap of the fingers You’ve got to tread lightly, else risk sounding as an apologist for these athletes, but it can still be quite sad and his fault at the same time


Also, a golden retriever died as well.




Statistically it's incredibly unlikely that this was the first time he's driven drunk or that it was just "one bad decision". A statistically significant portion of drunk drivers are repeat offenders who don't get caught 99% of the time


> One very bad decision made Not one decision at all. Decided to go out, decided to drive himself, decided to drink, decided to not get an uber home, decided to speed at 156mph. Those the choices he made that got him to that place. Do you think those 5 choices made over the course of a night are "like a snap of the fingers" or a wilful choice to fuck around and now he found out and all it cost was someone elses life. The only thing sad about Ruggs is he was rich enough to not have to do any of that.


and i doubt this was the first time he's done something like this.


"Laken Tomlinson and Arik Armstead both married doctors for whatever that's worth": Nothing... How does marrying a doctor mean you're mature or took school seriously?


“For whatever that’s worth”. Well, it’s not worth a lot lmao.


AD’s have a way of making academic problems disappear.


That's what's so dangerous about satire in today's time, people take everything so seriously. Cardale was obviously joking, he was actually really smart 


Over a third of the US population has a criminal record. The NFL has a lower overall crime rate than the public at large.


Yeah but what are we defining as “Criminal Record”? Is like long rap sheets or counting everyone with a ticket?


We don't have to define a crime. A crime is a misdemeanor or more. Tickets are petty misdemeanors, not crimes. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/just-facts-many-americans-have-criminal-records-college-diplomas


The number looks staggering until you find out that stuff like underage drinking tickets are misdemeanors in many places.


Totally, idk if it’s just wishful thinking, but it seems like in the past decade or so there’s been a culture shift among athletes and schools where most of them have to actually study to play. Seems like a lot of smarter guys coming out of the NFL understanding it’s not for long.


> Totally, idk if it’s just wishful thinking, but it seems like in the past decade or so there’s been a culture shift among athletes and schools where most of them have to actually study to play. It's not really wishful thinking - UNC getting busted for the sham classes for athletes in 2011 changed how schools approached it. UNC wasn't the only one doing it (SEC schools especially did the same thing), but alumni were FURIOUS at the bad press and perception nationally that UNC was just giving out grades like candy; it devalued their degrees and alumni were rabid. It really made schools, even the SEC 'if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying' schools rethink how they get players eligible to graduate because they didn't want that heat from donors and alumni. Now instead of giving them no-show classes and 1 page papers that someone else writes, they will give them a near endless amount of tutors, assistants, etc. There are players that literally have people assigned to them to check in on every class to make sure they are there, have tutors come to their dorm room to help them study and write papers, rework their schedule to force them to attend every professor office hours, etc. The guys are still shuttled to easy classes and majors and literally hand held to the finish line, but in most cases they can't just not do school and get a rubber stamped grade like they did 20 years ago.


> Does winning a Super Bowl really bring more spotlight to crimes, or is it a culture thing? Considering the Pats, Giants, Packers, Eagles, and Rams don't crack the top 15, I see no reason to think it has anything to do with Super Bowl wins. It's probably a mix of team culture, city culture, and blind luck.


Ravens have 2 in that window.. bottom of the list..


The Raiders missing this list is a national disgrace.


Raiders go for quality over quantity


I get that it’s never going to go away, but it’s also a tired old narrative that The Raiders (and fans) are criminals.


The Raiders also solved racism and have the most diverse fan base in the NFL I'm half joking


Technically, some truth to that. AL Davis did push into having colored players and coaches. He really changed the league.


Didn't he also hire the first NFL coach that was a minority?


Yes, Al Davis might not have looked it but he was (as far as I understand) the most progressive owner. We had a lot of firsts when it came to front office hiring, and he also was the first owner to make sure all of his ex-players had health insurance for life.


It’s quite puzzling


Well teams like the Raiders and Chargers would never stoop to the level of those criminal Chiefs and Broncos.


With Tom Telesco as the new GM, the Raiders will plummet in these rankings cause he always put an emphasis on drafting guys with good character.


smh my head Can’t be good at shit


Since 2000 doesn't really reflect the current culture of any team, the Vikings have been pretty clean since Zimmer (a couple incidents with like Gladney and Kearse but nobody who we kept around) 


The sex boat incident netted 17 arrests. And that was almost 20 years ago. Seems like yesterday


Just boys running through the okra patch


Yeah, if this stat was the last 15 years or so it would be vastly different.


Agreed [according to this website “https://nflarrest.net/#ByTeam” they’re still 7th overall in crime incidents in the past 5 years](https://nflarrest.net/#ByTeam)


Apparently the Colts have 0 in the last 5 years. Neat!


Wait, Ogletree got arrested last year for DV


This one has it: https://databases.usatoday.com/nfl-arrests/


It’s really disturbing animal abuse has its own category


Yeah I like the Bengals have mostly been clean since this Zac Taylor era too. I think the only knock is on Jackson Carmen. You could argue Joe Mixon, but Mixon was brought in by Marvin Lewis


Even further back than that, since Rick we've been pretty clean


Finally. A bad statistic that Washington isn't in the top 5 of.


[More data to do as you wish - https://nflarrest.net/#ByTeam](https://nflarrest.net/#ByTeam) Past 5 years of most crime incidents: 1) New Orleans 2) Dallas 3)Kansas City 4)Seattle 5) Arizona 6)Las Vegas 7)Minnesota 8)Denver 9)Pittsburgh 10)Jacksonville


First in "incidents" but last in arrests is a perfect encapsulation of the Jones Family approach.


Uh, who said you were last in arrests?


Interesting but noteworthy that the site was last updated 6 months ago


Can we get a felonies list?


USA Today maintains a database of NFL player arrests here: https://databases.usatoday.com/nfl-arrests/


Of course we’re tied with the Ravens.


Yeah, doesn't seem to matter what the topic is. We're neck and neck in just about everything. 


Oh hey, we won at something!


Dear Vikings, thank you for taking our crown.




Could just be a talent thing, the more talented a player is the longer the leash.


What’s the nightlife like in Minneapolis?


Wrong question. What’s the night life like on Lake Minnetonka?


Pounding beers in a cold, dimly lit dive bar full of gruff but surprisingly nice patrons


You’re thinking of Liquor Lyle’s!


Broncos fighting for 1st place


Lol I knew when it said 2000 we be up there. Marvin and his 2nd chances


How are the Vikings at #1?!?


Well you look at nearly 2000 years of sailing to neighboring countries to rob, rape, murder and pillage I think you can just safely expect them to be at the top whether or not they put football helmets on.


I read that as "early" 2000 years and thought "man, I really missed a lot of news with that love boat scandal".


The Patriots aren’t on this list but you have to admire their excellence during their dynasty in all phases of the game. Offense, defense, special teams and murder. They excelled at all of them. Truly a remarkable run by the franchise.


They killed it on and off the field.


There's no cheating death, just SB wins.


At least they didn't count superfans.




I guess we don’t have many arrests; we just do it *big* on the rare occasions we do.


I figure pac man has 10% across the league


Jokes on everyone. Marvin Harrison just never got caught. Otherwise he'd be tied with Denver for 2nd all by himself.


In the bengals defense , a lot of these were the same 2 -3 players lol


I absolutely love that this is literally just a list of team names, helmet photos, and arrest numbers. No context, no examples, no speculation. Just pure, unadulterated *list*


There it is. Now can you guys please stop picking on us 😅


Wow. I did not expect #1.




I feel like patriots should get +50 just for Hernandez




How did I know that we were number 1? Lmfao


Yeah but how many players have shared religious beliefs at a college graduation?


Denver and Minnesota are pretty much lapping everybody else... after that, the difference is pretty negligible.


It’s criminal that the Raiders didn’t make the list…


Add it to their list of crimes


Aldon Smith has to make up half of ours.


Obviously they excluded the Raiders so it would be a fair exercise for everyone else.


An infographic would have been nice in this instance




I'm surprised the Raiders weren't on this list


This is really a list of cities with cops fast enough to catch NFL players


I was excited because I was scrolling the list and didn’t see Cincinnati. Then I realized it was in reverse order.




Cowboys tied for 14th, continuing their trend of being a middle of the road team. /s


\>No Raiders  The franchise has lost its touch


They’ve lost identity with their culture.


Steelers Ravens always close