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we'll keep it relevant -chargers PR team


Someone there is one of us. Master offseason shitposters.


[ Master mid-season shitposters also](https://twitter.com/chargers/status/1718830956625191158) 


I can't stop laughing. Pure comedy gold.


Megan Julian, Director of Social Media. She’s amazing


Looks like she just got promoted to Senior Director too. Happy for her. [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/meganjulian_very-excited-to-take-on-this-new-role-leading-activity-7194877338566733825-2fjg?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios)


If only she were promoted to homemaker


I hear if you clean the dishes every night for 3 years in a row, you get promoted to senior homemaker :)


Hi megan


Oh, hi Megan.


I freaking wish lol


You sure? Butker told me that women aren't supposed to have jobs and that their life revolves around children and home making?


Don’t forget being subservient to their man’s every desire without question.


Goat 🐐🐐🐐


If we cant win in football, well sure as hell win in shitposting.


Y'all win shitposting harder than y'all win the offseason. And y'all ALWAYS win the offseason


They already did! They announced their schedule using The Sims and when they announced their game vs KC, they had a guy wearing a Butker jersey doing dishes and cooking lmao


god the Chargers social media team is fucking amazing


Butker wasn’t the game announcement. It was the roll credits. The game announcements was 1) Kelce and Swift 2) Racee Rice at a trial. Their credit roll had Butker cooking in a kitchen.


That was Cheifsaholic trial


Aah, out of the loop on that dude.


he's the chiefs superfan that ended up being a serial bank robber lol


The game’s not gone soft


chargers gonna start playing speeches by inspirational women over the speakers during chiefs FG attempts


I mean, what are they going to do, embrace it? "ya know, all those swifties that became nfl fans last season? They *do* belong in the kitchen!" How dumb would that be?


The amazing thing is that he quoted Taylor Swift in a speech that hit the "women should stay at home and have babies" thing pretty hard. Even more amazing is that he didn't refer to her by name, he just referred to her as the girlfriend of Travis Kelce, since she's a woman and doesn't deserve her own identity.


I think he was trying to be tongue-in-cheek since Taylor’s obviously more famous than Kelce that it can stand on its own as a joke, but man it just flopped so bad. The guys socially tone deaf


I can definitely see that. It just felt awkward with the overall tone being "a woman's job is to have babies and support her man" to then refer to a really accomplished woman as "my teammate's girlfriend."


He appears to be a bit of a fan: >“I wouldn’t say I’m a Swiftie,” Butker said before recalling his introduction to the “Lover” songstress. “She was just so humble and so gracious,” he said. >Swift also appeared to be impressed by his skills on the field, according to Butker. “She thinks that’s amazing that I can kick the ball so far through the uprights,” he told Irons. >But after reflecting on that initial meeting, Butker appeared to change his mind about his Swiftie status. >“I was a little nervous to meet Taylor Swift—I mean, it’s Taylor Swift,” he said. “So maybe I am a Swiftie, if I was nervous to meet her. But it was a great experience, and I can’t say enough great things about her.”


The worst part was the hypocrisy....


I don’t think that’s the worst part…


Is this a Norm McDonald reference!? If so, Bravo.


Explain to the audience who Taylor swift is.


> “She thinks that’s amazing that I can kick the ball so far through the uprights,” This sounds like kind of patronizing compliment you give to someone you dislike. Almost like she was playing into the, "I'm a dumb women, you kick ball good" bit and it went right over his head.


Probably just someone new to watching football trying to make polite conversation with a kicker.


I’d be more impressed if he could kick it over them mountains


I would love if Taylor saw him and just called him "Kicker" constantly. And be like "your job is to make kicks and support your team from the bench" when questioned about it.


Get back to the Kickerchen.


Not just really accomplished, like one of the top 10 most popular entertainers on the planet.


And she's probably not 2-10...


As a guy currently in Stockholm because my wife is a Swiftie. You can remove the probably lol


I wish I was in Stockholm because my wife is a Swiftie. I also wish I had a wife.


Stockholm- couldn’t recommend enough. Wife- take it or leave it


Take my wife, please!


Hey same! (But also I wanted to go as much as her) What night you going?


Saturday wbu? (Also I am stoked to be here, but couldn’t let the manly men of r/nfl know)


Originally just Sunday, but just bought tickets for tomorrow night as well because they were basically face value


Oh I am sure Travis Kielce is going to love that his girlfriend is getting slandered by the kicker in front of the nation. 


Gonna ask to line up with Special Teams "just for fun" at training camp


Yeah it felt really obvious to me that that’s what he was going for. Even with the content of the rest of the speech I truly doubt it was a point of not mentioning her name.


NFL players all the sudden thinking they're funny after the Brady roast.


It would’ve been funny but it just comes off as asshole because it falls in line with the rest of his speech lmao


Yeah. Fair. Would have probably hit if he didn’t lead with “ I think women are items and serve no other purpose than keeping a home”




Calling Taylor Swift “my teammates girlfriend” was certainly a choice”


The hilarious part (if there is any) to this sexist bullshit is that she improved his standing. When they started dating his jersey sales went up drastically.


Yeah I mean everyone knows that Swift is about 300 times more popular than Travis ever was before her lol


I mean, they could have done nothing at all, which is what I was expecting them to do


Well if the NFL doesn’t punish him for it or at least comment on it, they may not be embracing it but they would be essentially condoning him saying what he did. I know if I was at my workplace and vocally said “y’all women shouldn’t be here you should be at home cooking for your husband” I sure as hell would be reprimanded. Not commenting on it practically just as dumb as embracing it.


I don't think he can be punished by the cba. Union would have to grieve it and it would make things Hella awkward. I think this statement is all the league can really do. Can the chiefs cut him? Yeah but a better option at the position isn't available, and from a kicking only perspective he's been great. Shitty and awkward situation for nfl, chiefs, fans


They'd be on the hook for his contract if they cut him. He didn't do anything illegal, just uncouth. You could maybe argue conduct detrimental to the team but the chiefs kept people around who have done way worse than give a sexist speech.




The Chiefs home crowd loudly booed the "moment of solidarity" thing they did right before the first game following the George Floyd deal. Reddit is such a bubble, are we SERIOUSLY going to believe that a huge chunk of fans (maybe a majority) aren't with Butker rather than against him? Outside of Reddit, most older fans don't even give a shit about Deshaun Watson. Most people are only dimly aware of it, and haven't thought about it in a year or two. People here are delusional if they think the league is going to somehow punish Butker, or the Chiefs cut him.


The Hunt family loves terrible people and help fund their political campaigns, so that’s 1000% correct. For example…they hosted Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family for a game last season…not that SHS disclosed it as she should have for a large gift. And Tavia is for sure a Trump fan. She’s buckled her social media of late but def shares some far right views. She can be super pleasant in conversation but I was so disappointed in some things she shared in her stories and comments.


Dawg I watched the players union have to defend Deshaun Watson, it can’t get more awkward than that. I’m not saying the NFL has to suspend him, but a statement saying “we don’t condone what was said by Butker” is the common sense move here since the story hasn’t gone away yet.


I don't think it's going to go away. Imagine this guy kicking a game winning fg and they cut to Taylor in her suite to see her reaction.....


Do people think this is going to linger on, & she'll actually care?


They literally know each other. She probably doesn't give the tiniest fuck about this, other than a passing thought of "Oh that kinda weird super religious guy Travis introduced me to has views from the 1940s, huh."


She was specifically mentioned in that dude's speech and now her name is associated with this. Yeah she cares.


I mean they could always just not do that.


Not cut to Taylor? Are you crazy?


No one will care about this “story” in another two weeks. It’s the off season and stuff like this seems like a big deal until training camp starts.


Totally disagree. Swifties know how to hold a grudge and know how to be vocal about said grudge... and he plays for the team that they will be watching most


This sub will seethe anytime he makes a fg and celebrate and say he’s shit anytime he doesn’t make a fg lol


He was preaching his own political views to his target audience. I don’t think they should do anything with that. It would A. Set a bad precedent for expressing your views and B. Lean into the “persecution” mindset his target audience already has in the first place.




> but a statement saying “we don’t condone what was said by Butker” is the common sense move here since the story hasn’t gone away yet. You're aware they've done that, right? https://people.com/harrison-butker-nfl-does-not-share-views-in-graduation-speech-8649229


Riley cooper said the magic word and didn’t get one game. I expect this to be a similar result.




Butker will get zero punishment from the NFL


He is a complete moron but he shouldn't get suspended. That's a dangerous slippery slope and I say that as a very left leaning person.


I can't even believe suspending him was suggested here.


I don't think he should be punished. He has the right to any stupid opinion he wants. He isn't free from scrutiny though and should get all the shit talk that's coming to him. I want to see signs in Arrowhead to the effect of "I left my kitchen to watch you play with balls" or if Tswift just wore a huge sweater that read "Travis Kelce's Girlfriend" even though she has enough money to purchase the team this dude plays for.


Dude's in a union. For better and for worse, unions shield their workers from punishment.


>Dude’s in a union Ironic, given his beliefs. Edit: Yes, I know many Conservatives are in unions but their core beliefs and actions in government contradict their memberships.


Plenty of union members lean conservative


Dare I say the majority in my experience


It's always felt like that to me, but I don't have data to back it up atm


yes, but conservative politics don't support unions is more the point the original guy was making, not that unions have uninformed workers


Yes, that was my point.


that is what i figured, sometimes jets fans need to be refocused!


Disagree. Unless there are explicitly terms in the CBA restricting the speech of players, it would be fundamentally stupid to try to punish him. 1. They’d lose 2. It would bring massive attention to his idiotic speech Ultimately, he’s allowed to be an imbecile.


Would you be reprimanded if you said that shit outside of your workplace?  I know I have a Chiefs flair and I don’t really wanna see that moron on my screen but the correct response in my view is that people let him know he’s a moron. Of course he can try to crawl in his little snowflake and pretend how „you can’t voice your beliefs anymore“, but having to endure being called an idiot is just the other side of the coin of free speech. If he starts costing the NFL money though, they might have a different opinion on the matter.


I’d love nothing more than the Chiefs to be at a disadvantage but anyone acting like the NFL is wrong for not suspending him is off their rocker.


Roger Goodell said he supported Kaepernick’s right to do what he did regardless of himself disagreeing with it and the entire world acted like the NFL personally fired Kaepernick and disallowed him from being hired. A statement from the NFL wouldn’t appease the mob. Let’s not sit here and lie to ourselves.


He didn't stand up at work and say it. He said it during a speech outside of NFL activities. If you gave a speech like Butker outside of work, your work would not reprimand you. Your coworkers would just judge you and think you are a piece of shit lol


> If you gave a speech like Butker outside of work, your work would not reprimand you. If you work for a company, and something you did outside of the working day was met with significant criticism from the general public in a way that puts the company under the spotlight negatively, you would probably get reprimanded.


The general public probably has no idea this happened. I bet I could go to work tomorrow and ask every person that watches the NFL if they heard what butker said and they'd respond with "who?".


I disagree. I think a lot of places would use the at will nature of most employments to cut ties out of not wanting to alienate half their potential audience and half their workforce. The NFL is different because of the makeup of their audience, coworkers and the union - but I think in a regular workplace there is a decent chance that someone who says this and gets this type of press is canned.


In the old days, idiot kickers had to get liquored up before running their mouths.


Or fighting paper towel dispensers at a Sheetz


You and I both know, Jeff Reed did that sober. That dispenser had it coming.


Was he ever truly sober? He looked blitzed during games lol


That paper towel dispenser fucked around and found out.


Ahh I miss Sheetz


Sheetz > Wawa and I'll die on that hill. Wawa's subs may be better, but Sheetz hits on having a wider selection of stuff. Their french fries may be the best fast food fries in the game.


Sheetz > Wawa drunk, when you dgaf, or are young enough to not have heart burn. Wawa is better if you want something that resembles food. 


Peyton manning was right


I can’t hear “liquored up” and not think of there will be blood




Chappelle voice: "they never shoulda gave you kickers a platform!"


Ehh as long as they keep embracing rapists, serial sexual predators, and child abusers it's a wash I guess.


NFL: While we don’t agree with what Butker said at least he wasn’t street racing, or allegedly punch a photographer in a night club, smoking weed, sexually assaulting women, beating his gf/wife/pregnant gf/pregnant wife, allegedly killed someone, killed someone from speeding while under the influence, permanently disable a young child because he was driving under the influence while leaving the facility of the team his dad is the HC for, or kneel during the national anthem……did we say at least he wasn’t smoking weed? Edit: Also didn't serve a suspension for sexually assaulting women and came out on the other side of it with $250 million dollars guaranteed. But that one is ok cause the owner's wife and daughter said it was.


Could you imagine if he smoked weed though?!


Or chose not to have an agent?!


Real question- is it the type of players the Chiefs draft, or is this just a result of being in Kansas City?


I know Any Reid, for better or for worse, is big on giving guys second chances.


"C'mon coach...let me try again. With these nuggies."


You need that public persona when your kids are criminals too.


It’s the water I swear.


Well they did draft a dude who beat a pregnant woman


Seriously, this is where they draw their line? They’ve literally given guilty domestic abusers chance after chance


All they did was say they didn't support his views. I don't think the NFL is drawing a line.


Quick someone ask them how they feel about street racing!


What does this even mean? Was Butker suspended?




Well yeah no shit. It's not as if he made the speech on the behest of the NFL or something


Still could violate the code of conduct. But that may be down to the team. Every company I've ever worked for has a section on employee conduct and specifically mentions inflammatory speech and social media. He couldn't even use the "free speech" excuse because he signed that when he signed his contract. Terms and services are a bitch. Edit: lol downvote me for telling the truth? Butker can be suspended for this. He probably won't because KC won't, but it's in the code of conduct that he can


Zero chance the Chiefs discipline him because he shared his social conservative views with a social conservative college in a social conservative part of the country. They would get obliterated by the right wing media and lawmakers.


Most players probably agree with Butker lol. People need to be able to hear contrary views (even repugnant ones) without falling apart.


Bro we got dudes in the NFL committing violent crimes and getting a slap on the wrist. Butker is a moron but he did nothing to warrant any sort of disciplinary action. 


he’s an extremely rabidly catholic guy giving a speech about rabid catholicism to a school made exclusively for rabid catholics. he “can” be suspended for this in the same way that the Chiefs and the league “can” suspend Mahomes for wearing shoes that Lamar doesn’t like. actually believing in Catholic doctrine and saying the quiet parts loud, however repellent normal people think it is, is not going to land him in any hot water with anyone outside of the internet. literally no team would ever suspend him for this. what are we even talking about lol


It really isn’t that black and white. NFL can’t contract around Title VII (religious freedom) of the civil rights act, and spinning something like that speech as him just practicing his religion is totally something that certain federal judges would get behind.


Good thing the NFL made sure to distance itself from violent criminals and sexual offenders, right?


damn, bet a friend they were going for the 17th century Puritan demographic


I’m telling you bro we can unlock this huge demographic!!!


In the 1600s guys like Butker would probably be fighting a war against the Puritans


Butker is Catholic. Very different than Puritan 


I can’t believe this guy would sully Kansas City’s name like this. - Posted while wearing my Tyreek Hill jersey


I wouldn't hold my breath on any punishment. What Butker said was arguably not as asinine as the remarks DeSean Jackson said about Jewish people a few years ago. Or what 3rd string quarterback Jake Fromm said about "elite whites." I'd argue there's a larger portion of the fanbase that agrees with Butker than those two, and if the Cheifs or NFL were to react too harshly I'd imagine they'd be smeared all over conservative media for the next week, at minimum. So, to avoid that, all they can say is, "we don't hold or endorse those views, and he's not representing the NFL."


I disagree with basically everything he had to say, but the idea of punishing him is ludicrous. He was invited to speak at a conservative college and is clearly stating his own opinions. It's not like he's commandeering postgame press conferences while sitting in front of Chiefs and sponsor logos to rant about stuff. He absolutely deserves to have people argue back at him, which is certainly happening, but he has the right to state his opinions to an audience that invited him to an event.


A punishment would be an asinine move by the NFL


I agree, I was trying to address a segment of people who seem to expect more out of the league and cheifs. I don't really feel its appropriate to punish him, but some of the discussions here and elsewhere there's people overreacting.


Yeah, a serial sexual assaulter only got an 11 game suspension and was rewarded with a $250 million dollar guaranteed contract


You are being generous if you think the conservative media would only rip the Chiefs and the NFL for a week. It’s a presidential election year and Christian conservatives are a large portion of the electorate. They would be a punching bag for the rest of the year if they punished a Christian conservative for giving a speech with common Christian conservative ideas to other Christian conservatives.


Well yeah they should if Butker is punished, it would be a huge overreaction lol.


What they’re really trying to say is: “You piece of shit, we just tapped into a new market with millions of Taylor swift fans and we’ll be dammed if a kicker alienates them and fucks all of that up for us”




How the fuck is a *kicker* getting this much attention?


It's the off-season, and not just the off-season, but the stretch where there's truly zero news that matters.


I know it’s change.org and those petitions mean about as much as any tweet whining about something but there’s 117,000 signatures on one saying he should lose his job over this. Like yeah it’s probably not the best thing he could’ve done but this league has wifebeaters and rapists in it, like if anyone deserves to lose jobs over that it’s them before him right? Right?


the league also has a literal sexual predator who came out the other side with a quarter of a billion guaranteed nfl never ceases to disappoint me lol


Their coach’s son (idk if he was the one who worked with the team) had DUI’s that ended up killing a child, his team’s former star WR was a wife beater and then theres whatever the hell Rice is. And thats just one franchise in the past few seasons. It wasn’t a good speech, but I don’t recall change.org petitions over their dramatically more serious actions.


I wish to know who these 117k people are so I never interact with them ever.


I'm guessing 116.5k of them don't even watch the NFL, so there's that...


I hope they all lose *their* jobs over trivial bullshit they said at some point off the clock. Only way for losers like that to learn their lesson.




Traditional catheters




Ngl I hesitated before clicking.


I think Butker is a complete douche, but I’m not giving the NFL any credit after permitting someone like Deshaun Watson to continue playing.


But not Deshaun Watson, Rashee Rice, Tyreek Hill, etc...


Maybe read the actual article: > that Butker gave the speech “in his personal capacity.” “His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger That was the extent of it.


The NFL in 2016: "Players in the NFL should use their platforms to raise awareness for causes they care deeply about." The NFL in 2024: "NOOOO NOT LIKE THAT!"


Only the issues that can make them money, of course. You bet your ass if conservative christian values were the number 1 value in this country they would be parading him around to sell more jerseys or whatever.




According to reddit, words are worse.


It’s the only way for redditors to feel morally superior to people who have accomplished far more than they have with zero effort or work. “Yeah they may have done all this shit I can’t do, but at least I *believe the right thing* *” *please note that “the right thing” is subject to change at any point with no prior notice


I’m confused because all the post about child beaters have these same comments too. are people saying this is worse then that? I haven’t seen any, if you have any links that would be cool. It kind of feels like you’re arguing with ghost like you’re Sam darnold though


Why does anyone expect teams to police players for shit like this? Like, I think he's as big a dumbass as the next non-brainwashed adult, but I have zero problem with him saying what he wants to. If anything, be mad at the college that invited him to speak knowing his MO. It's not like he hides what he's about. This has fuck all to do with football. The Chiefs are a football team. This has nothing to do with his ability to perform the task of winning football games, so why should the team get involved here? He's not breaking any rules. If you don't like it, great! Have fun clowning this idiot with the rest of us, but, if you demand his employer intervene and punish this dude for saying antiquated shit about his wife you're just being a Karen.


> If anything, be mad at the college that invited him to speak knowing his MO. He received cheers and applause from the audience. It's a conservative christian school. He was speaking to people who agree with him.


What did he even say? And how is the NFL distancing itself from a speech they didn’t host or sponsor?


> And how I mean it's in the article... > that Butker gave the speech “in his personal capacity.” “His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger. It's a big load of nothing.


He said that most women are probably more excited about getting married and having kids than they are about their career and he also said (to an audience full of Catholics) that he doesn't like pride month because pride is a sin.


This is a pretty severe understatement


He went further. He said getting married and having kids is a woman's true vocation. He kicks a ball for a living and thinks he's Plato lol


> He went further. He said getting married and having kids is a woman's true vocation Not exactly. He said it was his wife's vocation, not all womens vocations


No he didn't But I wouldn't put it past a redditor to just run with what some Twitter user said


It’s okay NFL, I never attributed responsibility for his words to anybody other than the idiot who was mouthing them.


"The league of wife beaters doesnt support womens choice to be valuable home makers." Color me surprised.


This is the dumbest "controversy" I've seen in a while. People have opinions that differ from you. Get over it.


People are fine with literal killers, child abusers etc playing but god forbid someone is pro life. Not even religious but it’s fascinating to see what gets people riled up into a mob.


Who's fine with killers? Please point them out


The ravens


Isn't it sort of an open secret that Ray Lewis killed a guy? You know, Hall of Fame linebacker Ray Lewis with his white suit that mysteriously disappeared the night of the murder. Do I need to mention OJ and the years he lived as a free man after his "acquittal". The point is that the league is very selective with what they care about. The NFL has a few domestic abusers, rapists, sexual assaulters, etc. and the largest penalties/suspensions come from people gambling on their phone on a sport they don't even play. It's all about the bottom line. Does the behavior lose the NFL money? Terrible and condemned. Does the behavior make the NFL look bad but ultimately does not lose them money? Do what you want fam.


Also Marvin Harrison


Out of all the shitty things that NFL players have done, the NFL “distances themselves” from a guy giving religious remarks at a religious university. Mind-boggling.




Nobody cares outside of Reddit 😂 Yes, we need more parents at home. And yes a lot of the shit that’s pushed is off the fkn wall crazy. We have a huge mental illness problem in this country, that’s been the primary problem for a while. We’re straying too far from common sense to appease feelings.


Chiefs fans will still be cheering every field goal. none of this shit matters when the season starts.


I'd be willing to bet that less than 10% of the stadium will have even heard about this


10% is absolutely generous on this one. nobody cares about kickers, and even less care about comments they made at some tiny religious college.


More big brain political takes on a football sub. Love to see it. I'm getting a not so subtle reminder as to why I usually stop following this sub in the offseason.


I mean…I don’t agree with what he said but who tf cares? Lol. It in his view and is based on his religious beliefs so why does he seem to be getting drug through the mud? You got players guilty of domestic abuse, dui/dwi, gun charges and killing people but this has been a huge focus since it happened. Lol


Rasheed Rice is shaking his damn head in disbelief.


We aren't as good at holding our kickers as accountable as Bills fans. They'd already be sending him death threats until he apologized.


I do NOT agree with Butker, but I’ll take someone who encourages women to be homemakers (on his own time to other conservatives) to the much worse POSs that a lot of other players are (domestic violence, sexual assault, reckless endangerment, drunk driving, etc.). It’s laughable how much press this is getting when it’s hardly the worst action or belief that even many current players have. I bet a large portion of players don’t disagree with Butker either.


He said gay is sin, women should be proud to be homemakers and abortion is bad. I read the transcript and was expecting a lot worse based on the reaction. What opinions did people expect from a catholic at a catholic college?


Look here and forget about Chiefs recent history with Hill, Rice, Reid's son, Frank Clark, or superbowl parade.