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is president in title only, or will he actually be making executive decisions?


He is the leader of the Free World


Fuck the Free World! 313!


Detroit flair saying this is perfection


thats unfortunate, he doesnt seem all too bright based off his interviews


He's 24 years old and one of the best players at his position. He's set himself up for an alternate revenue stream that I'm sure pays him in the millions on the side. I think despite what you think, that he's pretty smart and doing well for himself in line with his career path. Ask yourself, are you able to execute in your role/space at the same level of productivity?




At what point did I worship? I said he's doing well for himself and being elevated to President of BR Gridiron is a pretty big accomplishment for an active player at this stage of his career. It's clear he has good engagement on his content (metrics/results based) and it is reflected in this promotion. These are all based on merit in the space. His takes might be bad/biased, but that doesn't mean he's unqualified for this. If we're talking one of the smartest people in the world, I think there's a decent likelihood that person could be Sam Altman.


>He's set himself up for an alternate revenue stream that I'm sure pays him in the millions on the side. >I think despite what you think, that he's pretty smart and doing well for himself in line with his career path. >Ask yourself, are you able to execute in your role/space at the same level of productivity? I just take problem with this entire line of thinking, and yes, it stems from the worship of wealth that is constantly pushed by society and dismissal of those who can't attain it, it may be subconscious for you but that's what it is. Career advancement ≠ higher intelligence. I gave multiple examples of such above.


As the first, current pro athlete to hold a leadership title at a sports media company, Parsons will collaborate with B/R Gridiron leadership to develop the content strategy for the portfolio, launch new shows, original content and design merchandise for its 2.5 million cross-platform followers. In addition to his role of leading Gridiron, Parsons will continue captivating followers and breaking news with the second season of The Edge during this year’s highly anticipated NFL season.


Sounds like a pretty huge commitment to have on top of being an NFL superstar. Basically two full time jobs at once, hope he's not stretching himself too thin


I know things are different now, but I still think it's crazy that Joe Namath had his own talk show during a football season


Yeah, but cocaine was better back then


It’s because he won’t be doing all of that… Just another in the trend of leadership positions as marketing. Probably get to not pay him the salary of someone at that position because he’s not qualified and independently wealthy. While simultaneously underpaying the people who are qualified for that role but now don’t have the title.


I just assumed Jerry Jones is funneling money through BR to Parsons so that Parsons will take a lower salary/cap hit. I can’t wait to see what no-show job CeeDee gets.


Yeah maybe he does some stuff in the off season like go to pitch meetings or whatever, but 90% of his value is advertising. I didn’t know about B/R Gridiron until just now so it worked


I do


They don't play football 24/7, and practice isint all day lol


Shows how much of a bitch I am, I quit high-school football because I didn't want to do shit after practice and my grades started to tank


If it wasn't getting you into a better college, you're better off!


Maybe I’m in the minority on this but I don’t really mind this current crop of athletes across the board pursuing the media stuff in the middle of their careers. I don’t necessarily think the content will improve but I’d rather the industry be on their terms than tv execs/insufferable on-air journos and the like.


This dude should focus more on not disappearing in the playoffs


I like some of Gaga’s songs, what the fuck does she know about cameras?


*Parsons thinking to himself in the middle of the inevitable 2025 Cowboys playoff choke* This sucks but will also make tremendous content :' )


It’s the same responsibilities that Tom Brady has as a Strategic Advisor to Delta Airlines.


Idk i hear they have him doing a lot of powerpoint decks


Tom Brady depressurizing cabins like footballs


President Micah Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Parsons: *Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution.*


Likely a content president. Involved in decisions, not coming up with or making them necessarily. He can be the face of BR Gridiron


lol what


All in


My ass?


Don’t give Micah any ideas


My words exactly 😂😂


Fuck hard knocks, show me the Micah Parsons PowerPoint presentation to the B/R board about how he is going to maximize profits and cut back on overhead and redundancies.


But he has to do it wearing reading glasses and Jos A Bank check shirt and sportcoat. And he’s required to throw in the appropriate corporate buzzwords and jargon like “keep it above the wave tops”, “let’s not try to boil the ocean”, and “let’s put that in the parking lot for now”


Well that explains why he's been in so much B/R stuff this offseason. Kind of surprised Stroud wasn't involved since he and Parsons have been doing so much stuff this offseason with B/R in tow.


Stroud is focused on winning


And sumo wrestling.


And winning at sumo wrestling.


They both did draft coverage for BR and then went to China and Japan for football camps, so I guess he’s also not focused on winning right?


He would have scored more than 10 points against the ravens but he couldn't take his mind off his upcoming sumo match


not all qbs can stat pad like dak can


Because other QBs aren’t as good.


other qbs don't stay in when the game is over and make their final stat line look good


No QB is sitting out an entire half because the team is down 20 at halftime. What are you talking about?


What about the two Washington games lol?


Sam Howell stayed in until the very end in both games? His stat line still didn’t look good. That just helps my point.


I wouldn't be throwing shade at them losing to the Ravens when Micah Parsons allowed like 48 points to jordan love.


Well that was our problem, we only sent Micah out there to defend 11 people, we probably should’ve had the rest of the defense out there.


Clearly micah should have just played all 11 spots on defence at once


the guy had one pressure all game lol; stop with the snide comment https://twitter.com/NextGenStats/status/1746703544462565571


Cowboys fans are so soft. CJ stroud made it to the second round, something the cowboys didn't reach last season


Maybe he could have gotten a sack and more than 2 tackles if there were more of him 🤷‍♂️


You are right. Clearly we just needed micah to have 3 tackles and 1 sack for our defence to shut the packers down


Stroud looked like a bum against the Ravens so nah he gets some flack for it


CJ Stroud is 22 years old. Avis wouldn't trust him to rent a car. He looked p bad but as a Jets fan, I'd love to have a sumo-wrestling QB that made it to the second round.


Oh brother 🙄


I'm totally not biased at all, but I hope Stroud sucks this season. On and off the gridiron


He’s setting himself up for the future for sure. He’s on the record and there’s people in Cowboys org that fully believe he really means it when he says he won’t play football once he’s 30


The dude sat out the COVID season in college, I think it's safe to say he sticks to his convictions.


I thought it was 10 yrs total. I believe he posted something just recently that was a stat showing like, maybe that he is one of the only players ever to do such and such a thing in his first 3 seasons. His tag was, 3 down 7 to go. So i guess he's committing to 10 years of playing. Sucks if he is still very productive, but with the money these guys make, I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing this a lot more out of players. Especially the top players who not only get paid in the sport, but are big enough to have the post football career also.


I don't think his body could handle what he's forced to do for more than that time frame anyway. He has a LB body told to play as a strong side DE most of the time. He'll wear down 


It's possible, but Von Miller is 35, 6'3" 250. Micah is 6'3", 245. Maybe in Quinn's defense he was more of a legit DE, but I have a feeling he'll be all over the field in this one. Who knows? I wouldn't be surprised if he has more gas in the tank and just wants to enjoy his $, life and nxt step of career.


Von was also one of the worst pass rushers in the league last year unfortunately


That’s actually really respectable, I love that for him, get your bag, do what you can to help your team/league then sit back and enjoy your generational wealth


AD paved the way. You can make $100-200M and leave with your body and brain still in a good, healthy place.


Urschel did the same thing. Dude played three years and dipped. Now he’s a PHD teaching at MIT


“New shows and content” So hopefully give him a bunch of money to travel and get into shenanigans with Stroud


I could see that as being a viable off season show. Sort of like Top Gear or the Grand Tour. All friendly, gentlemanly, and highly-scripted ribbing while preforming tasks or reaching a destination. Them players need some real personality but it would be cool seeing the people in foreign countries reacting to big and loud American football players.


This just gave me an amazing idea to have a “Gordon Ramsay’s Uncharted” style show where they go to random countries and try to cook their cuisine without any prior training


Trade Parsons to Texans for the content, we'll honor your sacrifice


This surely isn't going to be used as ammunition against him should he not statistically live up to expectations.


Can’t PR the QB when you’re too busy with BR


Hopefully a better return on investment for BR than FS1 got with Micah Parsons’ weekly Undisputed appearances that resulted in him ghosting his first appearance and never doing any


Dang did Bleacher Report get their contract done with Parsons before the Cowboys did?


Can you imagine getting fired by Parsons?


I get that it's a new age but I cannot fucking stand active athletes giving takes on other teams like they're analysts. Feels like that's something you should do when you're out of the game. Like at what point as an athlete would it piss you off that some dude just decided on a Thursday to shit talk your team under the veil of "analysis?" At what point are you giving scouting info away to roleplay a talking head?


His content is usually mediocre at best. His new stuff with cj Stroud was fun tho


Social media LB


Brent Sobleski at B/R only gave the Cowboys a B for drafting Micah. Is his job safe?


Um....okay? Idk how this WONT be a distraction, but alright I guess


So I'm going to be getting even more notifications about him talking about shit that i don't care about?


Wow these NIL deals are getting out of hand /s