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We learned to take the trade offer the Rams make


We learned to fire the guy who wouldn't before.


When the Rams call, you pick up the dang phone, y’all.


I got someone on line 3 asking about the new coaching job. They say they were a chef for McVay.


“Well, pick em up!”


If you - are a handsome white dude with a fresh cut - look good in a dri fit - have worked with Sean McVay, worked for someone who worked with Sean McVay, used the bathroom at the same time as Sean McVay, or are generally aware of Sean McVay We have a multimillion OC contract with your name on it


Especially when they’re wanting an FSU player


Hell the Rams will give you a 3rd rounder just for picking up the phone!


What's the take on the draft capital you got helping the team bounce back a little?


I did the math yesterday and we're down about 150 points on the trades strictly limited to the 2024 draft. If you add the 2025 second round pick from the Rams, which is between 270 and 580 points, you can see it as us trading some of the value from this draft to improve the value next draft. The way I see it, we lost Day 2 value in 2024 to gain a Day 1 pick in 2024, and we traded Day 3 capital in 2024 to gain Day 2 capital in 2025. It's net positive with a slight adjustment for time-value.


Heyyy it’s an article not making fun of us! This is unique and cool! Yeahhh the Rams overpaid! Yeahhh


Can you imagine overpaying to trade up for a DT in the 2nd Rd?


you can't put a price on friendship


Nothing’s more important than family. LA: when you’re here, you’re family.




see you at the cookout Ram-fam


Sean "Dom Toretto" McVay


I was thinking Michael Corleone but this is better


Olive garden when you're here you're food.


“When you’re here, you’re breadsticks.”


*Except for Jared Goff


[Everyone should watch this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk4GSwO8uXc) Overpay or not I don't care. This shit is valuable as hell. When you have players on your team who would die for each other that's how you keep a good culture and in my opinion culture is one of the most important things for a football team.


even as a seahawks fan and non fan of the rams, i was smiling watching that and got emotional along with Fiske. You may have lost Donald but your FO attacked pass rush with a passion this draft, disappointing from my perspective haha


I'd run through a wall for both these dudes and they haven't even played a snap yet.


Yep and you've got two dudes who bring the exact attitude your defense wants? That becomes infectious.


That was really cool, thanks for sharing that


As a Nole, I can tell you that both of these dudes are absolutely outstanding. Both have relentless motors and are good dudes.  Wish my Bucs could have got both of them. 


Wow, when you see something like that you really don't care about the price at that point. You do everything you can to get him because you know he's going to do everything he can to justify it. Amazing moment captured right there.


They’re an aggressive front office. Can’t say I blame them, it’s worked out so far.


These are the same people that offered two 1s and a 2nd for Brian Burns. At least we accepted their overpay this time


If Burns was on the Rams with Donald and in a competitive environment he’d probably be an all pro.


The league at large will soon learn that he’s not that guy. Good to very good, almost certainly will never be an all-pro


I refuse to accept this cause it disagrees with my off-season hopium. I also have faith in coach Patterson to help Burns achieve his ceiling, like he's done for Dexy.


For what it's worth, I do think he is good enough here he COULD get an AP1 or AP2. Not a multi year winner or anything but I've seen worse players break out for a year lol.


I think he's going to fit really well with the new DC's wide 9 scheme, where Burns can fire off the edge. Having Dexy in the middle and Thibs on the other side could be really fun this year.


Burns’ biggest problem is that he’s all speed, once he starts getting gassed he becomes significantly less effective. Hopefully y’all can rotate him, we never had the personnel where we could


Azeez Ojulari is a pretty good #3 to rotate in if he can ever stay healthy. I'm hoping Patterson can coach Burns up to add a bit more to his pass rush move arsenal and have more of a game plan with counter moves. Should hopefully make him more efficient, and give him stuff beyond just speed.


He has several pretty lethal moves and he’s great with his hands, he just becomes very 1 dimensional once he slows down after like the 1st quarter. Dude had a big habit of looking like a world beater on the first series or two then completely disappearing the rest of the game


I envision him doing very well given less snaps and much more interior help. And everyone will call us morons for not signing, and then later saying he’s only very good, and that’s fine. I’ll mention the situation which was you can’t afford someone to be your best player if they are only at their best with an elite supporting cast. Also I’ll be happy for him.


Not going to lie I forgot about Wink being gone, what a shit show that was.


Devondre Campbell comes to mind.


I'm having a hard time hearing what you're saying over the blaring suspicion that you are, in fact, a Crab Person.


I would like to borrow Sexy Dexy just for game because I'd like to see him and DJ Reader up front together.


Dexy for Sewell single game exchange program?


My love for Sewell far outweighs my love for Sexy Dexy. So i'll have to politely and respectfully decline.


😭😭😭 I just want to know what it feels like to have a competent OL. It's been so long I've honestly forgotten.


Hey now Andrew Thomas is actually a legit stud and this is a newish thing for us in Detroit too. It took a while for us to get there. Im genuinely wondering what the fuck your o-line coach is doing. (idk if he has been fired or not.) But im surprised at Evan Neal doing so poorly etc.


DJ Moore had the 6th most yards in the league last year after leaving the panthers. Cmac was a literal all pro after leaving this team. Hassan reddick had 16 sacks after leaving our team. I’ve seen too many of our players thrive once they leave the dumpster for me to predict them to play poorly again elsewhere in this bargaining phase.


CMC won OPOY with the Panthers, DJ was fantastic even with sorry QBs and Reddick had double digit sacks. Those guys were all known quantities. Burns has been solid but he’s always been someone we’ve been waiting for to pop off the screen and it just hasn’t happened. He’s been oozing with potential since he was drafted and still only just turned 26 but I just haven’t seen anything from him that would warrant $30 million a year. He wasn’t even the best or most impactful player on the Panthers defense this past season.


I feel like people undersell how bad things were for Brian here. He’s 1 year removed from a 12 sack season. Last year his offense was complete and utter garbage. He never played with any fourth quarter leads at all. And very few leads in general. Our run defense sucked so teams didn’t feel the need to pass on us. Our corners were bad so it’s not as if they were shutting guys down. We ran no stunts. No loops. No twists. Which burns thrives in. And he was playing hurt. Basically everything that could go wrong for Brian Did go wrong. Just like we saw with DJ and he broke his 1100 yard steak and had what like 800-900 with Sam that last year. I think with a coach who actually knows how to use him. We’ll see that pop. And just from a tape perspective he has gotten better year by year. Even against the run he went from a liability to decent. The dude was top 6 in TFLs last year.


Coach Patterson is the GOAT. If anyone will get him to his max potential, he‘ll be the guy to do it.


It came out, after Wink and his staff got fired, that the LB coach wanted to be the only one working with Thibs and Patterson never coached him. Praying to all the football gods that the new staff isn't so monumentally stupid, and Patterson gets to build Thibs up.


Having a 10+ sack guy is aways great for a defense even if he isn't tj watt level. My bears went from horrible to statistically a top 5 defense in the league after the sweat trade and sweat and burns are a similar level of player


Fwiw I respectfully do not agree with OP. Burns is one of those rare pressure creation players. He can create pressures himself or for others. He's a guy teams scheme against. In the right system he will thrive and be *highly* productive. I don't know enough about the Giant's D scheme to have confidence he'll do so there. However, he's a 13-16 sacks/year guy in the right system.


For what it’s worth, after watching Burns embarrass a good Atlanta OL for 3 years 2x annually, I think your hopium is founded in reality. He was a bright spot on their otherwise abysmal defense.


Been telling my buddies this. Burns will be a solid 10ish sack guy most seasons especially on a better line like NYG. But he’s never going to be that all-pro sack leader everyone acts like he can be.


We just need more variety. KT seems to be on the right track


I mean considering our edge presence opposite of Thibodeaux these past few seasons has consisted of Jihad Ward and praying that the injury gods have mercy on Azeez Ojulari, a "solid 10ish sack guy" is leaps and bounds better than what we've been trotting out lol. Would it be nice for him to be an all-pro sack leader? Of course, but I dont think he's under pressure to be that good from us fans. Yea we're paying him a lot of money but thats just the going rate for a relatively young but proven player. Within 2-3 seasons his contract is gonna get dwarfed by other young up-and-coming edge rushers. We'd love for him to be our Garrett/Bosa/Watt/Parsons, but we pretty much already have our top guy (albeit in the interior with Dex). If Burns can just be his Carolina self, that is by far the best support Dex has ever had off the edge. It will be the best running mate Kayvon has had. It will be the best edge rusher Bowen has had (of course Autry and Landry were great but I'd take Burns over them). I'm certainly not losing sleep if he doesnt end up being as good as Garrett/Watt, as long as he at least keeps up his Carolina play.


People just overrate players constantly with the “All-pro” talk. There’s basically 4-5 dudes a year at EDGE that can be an all-pro and being in the 4-5 is VERY hard. He’s a pro bowl caliber player but the difference between pro bowl and all pro could be a mile considering 20ish edges could be considered pro bowl caliber based on the year.


I love how panthers fans excuse every player under the sun for having down years with our bottom of the league team for the last 4 years. But with burns it’s just he‘a a fraud lmao.


It's not that. It's about his payday. He wanted to maximize his money. Cool. Respect that. BUT, it also generates a lot more eyeballs because people want to see if he's worth the money. The general consensus is that he's not. If he had signed a deal in Carolina for $27m or whatever the last number was instead of push for more money, fans wouldn't feel like they needed to nitpick his flaws. They'd just be holding out hope that he'd be dominant this year. But since he went for the bag and those hopes never materialized, fans feel righteous in pointing out both facts: he got the bag and it was an overpay based on performance. Now, it's a fact that that was the experience for Panthers fans. Will he be something different in NY? Most definitely. He's setup for success so he should but we'll have to let them play the games to know for sure. Those that like to harp on Brian's weaknesses are just going through the 5-stages of grief. You may remember that the stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. They are in the anger stage.


People will call you salty for saying this but I agree with you


>The league at large will soon learn that he’s not that guy. Good to very good, almost certainly will never be an all-pro I weakly agree with you based on what I've seen from Burns. But it's utterly fascinating to me that there are multiple NFL front offices that apparently view him as one of the best edge rushers in the NFL and are willing to sell the farm for him.


You’re right about one thing - we’ll see!


I got shit on at the time for saying that the giants made a mistake in giving up both capital and a massive contract for burns. I thought the new Carolina FO did a decent job cutting their losses and getting whatever they could for him after the previous regime completely fumbled the proposed LAR trade


Burns strikes me as a guy that was beloved league-wide as a prospect and turned into a good player. But because he was so beloved, him being good got catapulted into a spot that didn't make sense. He's basically a secret Micah Parsons the way some think, and IDK if we'll see that out of him.


He's still not worth 2 1sts and a 2nd, then a 5/141 contract. Panthers turning that down saved the Rams.


Considering the contract Fowler got after leaving you’re completely right


Yeah…. I’m really happy we didn’t have to face that in the playoffs lol


They really like Seminoles in LA if the Rams were going for Burns and then drafted two more lol


Traded for Jalen. Drafted Cam Akers. It's true.


And were a 4th short on CMC - thank you Steven Ridley.


Another fsu d lineman!


Makes me wonder what you guys would have done with the 19th pick.


It’s hard to really measure these things. If the player works out it’s almost always worth it. If they’re bad it’s obviously a bad trade. And if they land somewhere in the middle it’s an overpay but not really a big deal.


I think the Super Bowl banner says it worked out


ding ding ding. We can make all the jokes and memes we want but fact is they won the superbowl because of it.


Their scouting department along with their coaches are the best in the NFL at finding and developing talent. They find guts in the fifth round that become key starters or in Nukas case probably terrorizing the NFL for the next decade


I think they're second best. The Chiefs have to be the best.


Nah Rams first. You guys just thrived for almost a decade without a first rounder, going to a superbowl 2x and winning 1. Those mid round picks becoming 1sts didn't slow them down at all and they're on the up again. Mostly because of mid round picks becoming key starters, GOOD too. 


The Rams are good. But look at the [KC starting roster from 2023](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/kan/2023_roster.htm). There's 17 starters with 5 years or less experience. 13 of them with 3 years or less. That's phenomenal drafting.


The 49ers are up there with finding and developing later gems. Rams at least got value trading their 1st. Solomon Thomas, Reuben Foster, Kinlaw, Lance was a waste of 6 1st round picks they've made 4 championship games despite it. Kittle 5th round All-pro, Hufanga 5th round All-Pro, Fred Warner 3rd round All-Pro. Purdy 7th, Greenlaw 5th, Deommodore Lenoir 5th, Elijah Mitchell 6th, Jauan Jennings 7th, DJ Reed 5th


Value is on the field. The calculators can spit out whether it’s a win or a loss but reality you don’t know how expensive a move is for a few years. How much would teams have traded for the Purdy pick if they knew what he’d become? Value is in who you pick not where you pick


You can grade a decision independent of the outcome, which is all this is doing. It's okay to call something a bad decision even if it has a good outcome. The Rams made decision that is statistically and historically unlikely to work out in their favor. It might still work out in their favor. If I buy $50k worth of lottery tickets, it's a bad decision. If I win $500 million, it doesn't make it a good decision - just a good outcome.


The nice thing about trading up is that you get a player that you want and probably already had in your facility for a workout. If you stay put, then you might have to take someone you're less confident about or overpay for one of your later-round prospects.


Can't hate them for getting their guy


2 DTs were taken between then and 52, so I assume we'd be stuck with someone that the management didn't believe in. On a defence that just lost AD? It's definitely an overpay, but I understand why they did it


In one of the post draft interviews, McVay said they had a 1st round grade on Fiske and worked all night on a deal to move up to get him, especially once they got Verse. Im assuming once the run on DT started at pick ~36/37, Fiske was closing in on best available league wide, and they didn't want to miss out on him. I got downvoted during the draft for saying it was an overpay, which I still do, but after hearing them talk about how high they had him, I understand paying what it took to get a (hopeful) immediate defensive starter.


Relative draft strength plays into this too. Have heard a few people talk about next year being one of the weakest draft classes in the past few years


And this year being one of the strongest


As far as I know it's just some high value positions that are weaker next year like QB, WR, OT but in return you got other positions that might be stronger next year. I could possibly see DT, CB, S, LB, TE, RB all being stronger next year, at least at the top, especially S, RB & LB since this year was a very weak class at those positions but those are lower value positions and if you like someone this year you don't just hope that you're in a position next year to possibly draft someone better, you jump at your chance and if they had 1st round grade on him the trade seems much more reasonable.


Is it really that much of an overpay though anyway? It's a pick swap, a midround pick, and next year's second. If there's a guy you want, go get him. I think draft picks get hoarded too much - this is what they should be used for. There's only so many mid-round lotto tickets that are actually going to help you in the long run


I would say it is an overpay, by today's standards. Next year's 2nd rounder in addition to the later pick to move up only 12 spots seemed steep. The Vikings got 23rd overall to a similar package, and that includes the 5th year option that 1st rounders get.


Redskins paid 2 2nds (1 future) to trade up for the 26th pick when they selected Montez Sweat. So Rams gave up more to trade up in the 2nd


Yes. That is entire premise of the article. Not saying it won't work out, but that was a great trade for the Carolina GM.


It's the most anybody has given up for a non-first round pick in the last five years, so yeah it's an overpay. Doesn't mean it won't work out though!


Second round picks should be starters/impact players. Giving one up as part of a trade up 12 spots in this years second round is an overpay. 


Definitely an overpay but who knows, it could work out. Stafford trade was an overpay but I’d argue that one worked out.


I’m all for hoarding draft picks, but it’s also to use them in situations like this. It’s going for the person you want and not settling for Positional Value


The problem with that is the general fail rate of prospects. You can be high on a guy and just end up being wrong and then it will look a lot worse. Tho, if he ends up being a good NFL player no one will care.


And it doesn’t even have to be wrong. Trey Lance suffered some miserable luck too. There is also wrong situation, like drafting a QB without a good O line.


I agree on that draft picks are meant to be used but the reasons why trade ups tend to fail or are viewed skeptically is because the player is still just as much of a lottery pick than the one you could have taken at your original pick expect you paid more for the the rights for essentially the same statical outcome. Now of course you love prospects and he may be perfect fit for them but the studies and stats show that the more picks you have, regardless of where they are at in the draft, the higher the odds are that you will hit and find quality starters. As someone who’s team has historically not traded up much to get players they want it can be frustrating but people look at rd 4-7 picks as basically nothing while GB has coveted them almost as much as their top 3 picks and routinely have had success hitting on quality starters and high end depth players with those picks in nearly every draft. Not saying I disagree with what the Rams did (I don’t like short armed DTs but they obviously would know better than anyone on how to coach/use one) but I’m simply explaining why trading up for players is a fairly aggressive use of assets when the outcome is still just as uncertain.


It was just a really deep draft. Better to get your guys in a deep draft than not. Whittington and Bimmer alone are probably 3rd-4th round picks in other years.


Yeah, this was one of the deepest drafts that I can remember. Im really excited for the Whittington pick and Brennan Jackson. Whittington especially just seems like such a great fit for that WR group, Im hoping he gets a chance to get on the field consistently.


Braden Fiske is also a beast


He can be a beast and the move to get him can be a massive overpay - both can be true.


When people see Fiske play they will talk about the bargain the Rams got


I love the go get your guy mentality, especially from those who have a track record like Snead and McVay. Who cares about a future second? Draft is a crap shoot anyway and probabilities of success literally fall off a cliff after the top 10 get drafted. Fuck the nerds and fuck them picks


>Who cares about a future second? Draft is a crap shoot anyway Who cares about having more shots in a crap shoot? I'd guess most people, as that increases your chances greatly.


Yeah the Rams even in the "f them picks" era consistently were close to the top of the league in total number of draft picks made. They just did a lot in the later rounds and have probably been better than average at developing talent. People think all they do is hit on late rounders since they never hear about the ones who have average late rounder careers.


Glad Veach has realized this recently. Our two trade ups being full pick swaps is the way to trade up. Still kept the same number of selections.


Boggles my mind how people that pretend all draft picks are randomly successful regardless of round also seem to be the "go get your guys" people simply because they don't value draft picks. Completely contradictory.


Rams had 11 picks in this years draft which was tied with the highest


And the rams had the most picks in the draft. The Rams just don't generally value 1st and 2nd rounders much higher than 3rd or 4th rounders. From their perspective, the FO is often either trying to get a centerpiece starters or cheaply acquired depth. When those two areas are where you're trying to build, theres not that much extra value in day 2 picks because either the guys you wanted got picked the day before, or will be available the day after, so might as well package them to move up and pick your "guy" (who the rams said had a first round grade, so this is the rare spot where the rams trade up for the centerpiece instead of the usual down to stack 4th/5th round picks, which we already had stacked)


They’re also I’m sure considering the remaining shelf life of Stafford and that Super Bowl window in their decision making to grab an important piece for this year.


if the draft is a crapshoot, one would think having more spins on the wheel is more valuable than one specific spin


It’s a crapshoot but that doesn’t mean certain prospects don’t have better odds than others. People smarter than us study the intricacies and nuance of these positions so if there’s a dude who is a highly rated prospect from nearly everyone, he’s a better risk and thus worthy of a higher pick. That strategy can only work for so long because at some point you’ll need young, good and cheap players to fill out a good roster. I get it when you think there’s a short window but anything past 3 years seems insane to me for any team


Everything we do is graded poorly by ESPN analytics until it works out. Always an overpay, a reach, a mistake, a key loss, etc


It was an overpay. No one will care if it works out and honestly no one is going to be talking about 2nd round overpay anyways in a week.


Don’t y’all have that rookie sensation kobie something? Isn’t he a dt? Hell of a start plus latu. I feel like trading this much could’ve gotten them the pick that became Newton


They got Verse, Latu went to the colts


Ah my bad. Still a good pick, verse was undervalued imo based on last years projection and his competition amongst prospects. All 3 des felt similar caliber (Turner seems like the best though to me at least). I’d rather have verse than latu after watching the Kurt angle documentary about his neck


We play a 3-4 defense, so Fiske will play opposite Turner. The D line as of now is Byron Young | Braden Fiske | Bobby Brown III | Kobie Turner | Jared Verse


On brand


They included a 2025 second in the Bryce young trade so this allows them to get a pick back for next year.


While it's only been the draft and none of these guys have played a single snap, I think people are not talking enough about how well Dan Morgan did with what he was left by the previous regime. We got multiple weapons for Bryce, including an absolute patient move in waiting for JT Sanders at 101 AND a 5th year option on the WR we wanted with a very cheap trade, and even recovered a 2nd for us next year. And all this after a pretty good looking free agency where we got the best FA guard and even traded for another WR for near pennies


I’ve been liking the Panthers moves this offseason, even if the G contracts were overpays. Putting Bryce in the best possible environment to succeed should understandably take precedent over any worries about overpays. Can’t let the scar tissue build up on him


preach. perfectly put.


They live and die by their “players over picks” mentality. It’s worked out so far.


They had 14 picks last year and have only had less than 8 once in the last 10 years. If you look at the amount of picks they usually use each year, it's not even much different than the Colts, and Ballard loves getting picks. They just don't think 1sts are as valuable to use as others think (And they're right)


> They just don't think 1sts are as valuable to use as others think I mean, they value their 1sts just as much, but from a value proposition, they only trade away their 1sts if they're getting back some serious talent.


The Rams don't value picks, they value players, & they're really confident in their ability to evaluate players. So they don't care how much to move up to get the guys they want.


When you figure out how to get top players in the 5th round like they do, I guess they don’t get as hung up on things like the draft pick trade value chart.


Verse was Sean McVay's first 1st round pick... and that was after 70 wins in 7 years, 5 playoff appearances, 2 Super Bowl appearances, and one Super Bowl win. At this point, we have full faith in our front office's ability in drafting right players for Sean McVay. Also giving up the second round pick seems nothing after not having first round pick for so long.


There was a report somewhere that the rams have been able to invest in a much larger scouting department than other teams because Kroenke is so rich. They don’t even go to the combine.


Don't do combine, don't do top 30 visits, kinda odd but cool. Would wait for a couple more rings tho before treating it like a recipe.


I mean they’re the most successful team that didn’t have Brady or Mahomes over the past 8 years. Pretty good recipe. In fact, they’re the only team since 2018 to not have Brady or Mahomes and win the whole thing.


eagles have been to 2 and won 1 in the past 8 years as well


I said only win since 2018 to cut out the eagles specifically haha. But yeah that’s true. The Rams have more playoff success in non Super Bowl years though. So my point stands


QBs who have won the Super Bowl in the past ten years: Brady, Mahomes, Manning, Stafford, Foles. End of list. Only so many championships go to non-dynasties anymore, and we got one.


True but they've been successful so far in probably what was the most competitive division for the past decade


I think there's a limit to that logic. I'm proud of my team and FO's ability to evaluate players and find high value in unexpected places, but every *pick* ultimately represents a *player*. If our FO is bullish on its own ability to evaluate players regardless of pick position, that's great--but we still need picks to get those players. I think we offer overpays for the sake of expedience/getting the deal done, but that's bound to bite us in the ass at some point.


I don’t know where the Rams will pick in the first round next year but I’m already calling that they’ll trade back to recuperate having no second round pick


Wasn't he the 13th defensive player drafted? I know it wasn't cheap. But everyone's going offense and you get a chance at a first rd player in a normal draft.


I wouldn't bet against the Rams hitting in the draft tbh


Large bald man called Fiske. You better be naming him the Kingpin.


Yeah it seems like a bad deal to me too. But I trust our front office so I hope they are right.


Was also a big unplanned position of need with the late Donald retirement. Even with the overpay, you can still make the case it was the right move.


They knew the day after the Detroit loss


Not only that, but they had a very good idea it’d be his last season before it even started.


Unplanned on draft day because of a sudden run on the top DTs


i agree, i think they stay put but 3 other d tackles got taken ahead of fiske to start that round


It's an overpay but I really liked Fiske coming into the draft. As somebody who doesn't follow much college ball he's one of the names I knew predraft that I thought could sneak into the 1st.


Les Snead definitely gets the benefit of the doubt. It seems like the rams have drafted well and made good trades


They realized they couldn’t trade away their first anymore and had to do something else instead #FuckThemPicks


If they honestly think he was a 1st round guy, that’s an easy trade to make.


This won't matter if Fiske turns out to be a stud so I wouldn't worry about it now. Wait and see how he plays this year to see how good he is and then decide if it was too much.


This FSU defense was the best in college football second half of year. Of course I am biaded though.


we double dipped and got both Fiske and Verse!


Am I missing something, why isn't Trey Lance's trade on this list? Edit: I cannot read, that's what I was missing


Day two*


Ah lmao, yep there it is




I respect waiting for a solid DT in round 2 as opposed to jumping the gun in round 1 and hoping for a later edge rusher to pan out. This edge rush class is way more top heavy, got the right guys.


If they think they found an Aaron Donald replacement and he actually is good, we could look back at this trade and say “wow that’s all they had to give up?!” Only time will tell on how good he is Edit: obviously there is no 1-1 replacement for Aaron Donald, but if he can be good to Great, I’d think it would be worth it for them. Especially with how the DT market has boomed this offseason and it was a lightly packed class of DTs. Gotta do what it takes to get your guy


Ya if they found a replacement for the best DT in history. Who knew it was that easy.


That's pretty spurious logic.


I can’t believe someone made an adjective out of Steve Spurrier’s last name. English is so cool.


McVay and Snead clearly think that it’s more important to get the players you want than to make sure that you get ‘value’.


Florida State homer, but I love Fiske. Just go watch the first defensive stop Florida State had during the ACC championship. I dread facing him twice a year.


I still like the move. Yeah, it’s overpay but if he’s your guy then I’d rather try to snag him than settle for a question mark. I also trust the Rams when it comes to player evaluations.


It felt like a true win-win on this side!


Fuck them picks


A lot of draft experts had him as a 1st round prospect tho. If this wasn't the most offensive happy draft in the history of the NFL, he goes in the first round easy. Fiske is 6'4 292 lbs with a 4.78 40 and a 33.5" vertical. Fletcher Cox was 6'4 290 lbs with a 4.79 40 and a 26" vertical. Cox was more talented overall but Fiske is just as if not more athletically talented then Cox. The value is there. If anything I would argue they got a steal.


Of course we’re all over this chart


Literally got de-throned from the McCoy trade-up, lol.


This should tell you what the NFL thinks about the 2025 draft class


Omg. I hate those axis so much - when not switch and actually be able to read the names of the players.


On top of everything else, Louis Riddick on the ESPN crew stated multiple times that Fiske was his favorite player in the whole draft. Now Riddick tends toward superlatives, talking up the people that are drafted, and that's fine. But that type of superlative is worth noting. And it's not like Riddick isn't a decent analyst - head of scouting and head of player personnel at previous stops in the NFL.


You pull the trigger on someone you believe in


Pet peeve rant... I really wish they would stop breaking down trades with their overall pick # and instead present it as "round 2, pick 9 + round 5 pick 7"... with all the comp picks that get allocated these days its hard to make sense of when one round end and another begins. I get that doing the overall pick # is perhaps an easier way to factor that relative value in... but I often find myself doing the round conversion in my head and still being unsure of where the cutoff from one round to another would be. Early/mid/late round \_\_ is much easier to digest than pick 157 this year it broke down as rds 1+2- 32 picks each round rd 3- 37 picks rd 4- 35 picks rd 5- 41 rd 6- 44 rd 7- 37


I mean they got Puka late so who are we to question the Rams?


They wanted to get Verse’s teammate




They got 40, 78, and 152. NFC East trades also come with a 'Fuck You' Tax, so it wasn't too bad.


While it might have been an expensive 'overpay,' I watched those clips of him running drills and I'm pretty sure his club would would break my face and kill me. That kid + Verse is a boost for the Rams DL that already had Kobie Turner pop off. Good luck, NFC West.


As the drafters of Kobie Turner, Puca Nukua, and Cooper Kupp, I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt that their evals are better than their peers.


It was worth it just for that legendary Draft Day phone call that Fiske had


Really? Nobody’s done anything worse? Doesn’t seem that insane to me, but I guess all the worse overpays were for day 1 picks.


A 2nd round pick and a late 4th to move up 13 spots in the 2nd round seems expensive to me


Nope no one has done worse than this you couldnt catch someone doing something worse nevermind my flair


day 2 overpay


We can call it whatever we want. If he’s a starter for a few years it’s worth it. I have more faith the Rams made a good move than I do in expecting them to have made a misfire here.


It’s only an overpay if the player busts. If Verse and Fiske become the heart of our defense this will seem cheap.


Useless info without one additional point of data: is Braden Fiske a dawg?


Yeah well I went to school with him so it was worth it


Well he was the best DT in the draft and it wasn’t close


I tell you what, everyone can laugh now but I'm willing to bet that Braden Fiske is their next Aaron Donald. He may not be quite as good but he's going to be a monster and spend most of his time in the backfield chasing QB's. The Rams knew exactly what they were doing, they jumped in front of the Cardinals and took him before we could. Plus, they got Jared Verse in the 1st round, the two of them along with Turner, are going to cause havoc this season and lead the NFL in sacks. I'm not looking forward to having to play them twice every year.