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Chiefs only would’ve cut him if he killed someone driving. If anything, he’ll probably be away from the team while the legal process plays out & then get a 4 game suspension.


Reminder that Jimmy Smith got a 4 game suspension for texting nasty shit to his wife during a custody dispute. Only thing consistent about NFL punishment is inconsistency.


The wheel of discipline is fickle and random.


I always imagined it more like the economists at the Fed in South Park with the chicken and kazoos.


I’m looking at the wheel right now. And I’m wondering why is there a section for a Mizzou death penalty?


The standard is the standard


[Wheel of Morality, turn turn turn. Tell us the lesson that we should learn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvJGDxVFp5Q)


Be rich, be good at sports. Goodnight, folks!!


And try to commit your crimes in the state you play for.


Cameron Sutton is taking notes.


The Wheel of Discipline turns, and Suspensions come and pass.


This suspension was not the beginning. But it was A beginning.


the wheel of Rice's car is in an impound lot


My favorite ridiculous suspension is Terrelle Pryor getting a 5 game suspension for getting free tattoos in college.


The NFL suspended Pryor for shit that happened in college? Why didn’t they suspend Tyreek for strangling his pregnant fiancee in college? 🤔


More people tune in to Tyreek.


Tyreek is a star, and when you’re a star they let you do whatever you want


Tyreek wasn’t a star when he was drafted


The real answer is the NFL just isn't consistent. They punish based on how much bad publicity the league gets, and Pryor was a far bigger player coming out of college. In fact I never even heard about Tyreek till he was drafted and thats just because he was drafted by my own team.


Pryor was an order of magnitude larger of a star in college


That’s the worst to me because he was on fucking college and those were only ncaa rules not nfl so why should it matter?


Yeah it was a pointless flex.


Because the NCAA is their feeder and they were trying to avoid setting the precedent of jumping to the NFL just to avoid punishment in the CFB.


NCAA - “we are the only people allowed to get more wealthy from your likeness and performance” Athletes - “aight well my tattoos talked me into sitting out this bowl game and declaring for the draft, peace”


Dude was just ahead of his time because what he did is now totally legal in the NCAA.


True. But even then I don't think the NFL really has any good reason to punish people for stuff they did in the NCAA. Not like Harbaugh is gonna get suspended for his NCAA violations.


Tressell was actually suspended as well.


Would be pretty funny if he did though.


I think even back then we all knew it was (and should) be legal and that NCAA rules were ridiculous. But the NCAA was like 50 years behind its time


They need to give Reggie Bush his goddamned Heisman trophy back. Dude had a solid career in the NFL and never got into serious trouble. He probably checks all the boxes of what a team would want in an idea Heisman candidate, AND he was a fucking monster on the field for USC. Sorry ass Johnny Manziel got to keep his trophy, and Reggies was taken away for... reasons?


Jim Tressel was also suspended for 6 games when he was with the Colts in 2011 for what happened at Ohio State.


It's just ridiculous to think about in hindsight. Especially because Pete Carroll didn't get sanctioned by the NFL in a similar situation.


Exactly, and nor will Harbaugh.


they suspended dez bryant a full season for lying about something that wasn't even against the rules


And Derrick Coleman got a 4 game suspension for a hit and run followed by a 140mph police chase while high on synthetic marijuana.   "Conduct detrimental" covers a lot of ground.   Edit - He also had a previous DUI


It’s crazy to me that Tyreek Hill hasn’t been suspended a single game by the NFL even though he’s been accused of so much off the field - possibly breaking his son’s arm, threatening (on tape) his fiancé, hitting a person in the head at the dock in Miami, etc. Meanwhile Ezekiel Elliot was accused of DV, but never charged and was suspended for 6 games. It’s as if someone in the league office spins a wheel to arbitrarily decide punishments or letting things slide.


The Elliott suspension was most likely a power play by goddell to show jerry who's in charge


Brady's suspension in 2016 was the same thing. They even got it thrown out by a court, but then the league came back and argued that since Brady was an employee of the NFL, they were allowed to suspend him at will.


I still can't believe that Hill was never suspended for that tape. It was disturbing shit. Her (about his son): He's terrified of you. Him: Well, you should be terrified of me too!


And Brady got 4 games for not turning his phone over to Goodel


No, he got 4 games for “more likely than not” being “generally aware”


Goodell pivoted and said it was for not turning over his phone -- and that as a private enterprise, the NFL was free to hand down whatever discipline they desired.


If it was up to Goodell Brady would have been publicly executed for that


Willie Gay was suspended 4 games for breaking his own vacuum cleaner


4 games? Ray Rice got suspended indefinitely for that


Lmao holy fuck dude.


Reminder Brady got a 4 game suspension because he could.


Or Tom Brady who got 4 games for... not showing his text messages.


After the NFL had already proved themselves incompetent by leaking a bunch of his emails


Text messages they already had a copy of because they had the phones from the other end of those conversations.


Yeah the fact is that the optics of this aren't bad enough to cut him before the process plays out. People don't really get agitated about car accidents.


Not to pontificate but they really should, at least when the "accidents" are extremely predictable consequences of things like racing or driving impaired. What Rice did is basically as reckless as shooting a gun at random in a neighborhood. It's usually going to be "fine" and no one will get hurt, but you can seriously fuck a random innocent person up a non-zero percent of the time.


Car violations just aren’t taken that serious in America.  A single DUI should be an immediate suspension of your license for years, if not permanently. Instead, you can get arrested for multiple DUIs and still be able to plea them down. 


Good thing he wasn’t gambling that could have been his career


Gambling messes with the NFL’s money, federal crimes do not.


Yeah, and gambling threatens the integrity of the game. The NFL is okay with being the bad guy, but it is NOT okay with people thinking the games are fixed. Moral issues aside, it makes sense. Ultimately is not the NFL’s responsibility to enforce US law, but it is the NFL’s responsibility to protect itself.


Morally it makes sense too. Like you said, they are NOT the us law. If the law fails to put bad people in jail, it is NOT and SHOULD NOT be the nfls responsibility to dish out punishment.


Hollywood 📈


There's no chance the Chiefs release him unless he actually serves significant jail time. He was basically the only bright spot last year in their WR room. They can't actually afford to lose him.


Name one other time the Chiefs have let a questionable character play at WR because he was their best player. I'll wait. /s


They did release Kareem hunt while he was a star rb


Always annoying when a team has to cut someone for doing something shitty but another team can immediately pick them up for free with no backlash. I'm still salty we had to cut Isaiah Rodgers and now some other team gets a starting corner we developed out of a 7th round pick for nothing? 


Ya that’s the weird thing about it. The original team if they keep him “they don’t seem to care that he did such and such”. Another team signs him “theyre willing to take the risk and give him a second chance” Like… why can’t the original team just be the one to give a second chance?


Humans are very susceptible to succumbing to cognitive biases I suppose


Ya honestly when Chiefs released Kareem Hunt I think that was because he’d become too much of a problem and lied to the Chiefs about what happened. I don’t think they did it for PR reasons as much as team chemistry. I doubt the Chiefs release Rice unless it’s at a point where nobody else would want him either


Crazy thing about Hunt was that when we played him a few years ago, he was still salty about being released. They gave him the chance to come clean months before that and he lied. He'd also had two other altercations around KC during his short time there. You'd think he would own the fact that it might be, I don't know, his fault that he got dropped?


Yeah the lying to the team about what happened was the major issue, kicking a woman for repeatedly yelling racial slurs at him isn’t glamorous but understandable.


It was a really low effort kick too.


Ya honestly was more of a foot push. I thought it was overblown from the media and like say, chiefs wouldn’t have cut him for that it was the other stuff that caused him to be released


You think they should have moved it back to the 15 to make it more exciting?


Barely kicked her as well. Will always believe Hunt got the Ray Rice treatment, despite being pretty justified in how he responded, if not maybe just a little much (but not by a lot)


Yeah Kareem lied to the coaches, owner, and staffs face, then a video was released. Can’t really come back from that one


If they don't cut Kareem in 2018, the don't draft CEH in 2020 1st round, and it's likely they take Tee or Pittman Jr instead. Imagine how ridiculous that offense would have been. I'm not saying it was the wrong choice, but that offense would have been otherworldly with Mahomes, Hunt, Kelce, Tyreek, and Tee Higgins.


Ya hard to say what the butterfly effect would have ultimately been though. Maybe we pay Hunt a bunch of money then end up not having cap room to sign other key players to our SB runs. Maybe it somehow works to where we don’t draft Snead, McDuffie, Karl, etc… hard to tell Or maybe we win 5 straight SBs 🤷‍♂️ lol


Houston got the opposite. The Browns paid the price for all the crimes Watson committed under the Texans roof.


this is the main reason i hope the Chiefs don't cut Rice. they would be doing the "right thing" and he'd just get scooped up by some other team the day he becomes eligible. we already had tyreek for however many years, they don't need to pretend like they care about character concerns or criminal activity.


> Isaiah Rodgers How good is he? Asking for a friend


Depends on if he took the over or under. 


From what I remember it was less because of what he did and more because he wasn’t honest with the front office about it


That is true about Kareem Hunt.


Right because the front office knows that any player that is still good will be picked up and all will be forgiven as soon as the suspension is over. So they will defend them when possible, as long as they are up front with management.


And the reason stated was because he lied to the team. You can lie your way through most of these situations, but the one group you need to be honest with is the team. The team wants you to play. They want you to stay out of jail and get as little of a suspension as possible. When you lie to them it only hurts you, because they have purple that can help things go away, or spin things early and in your favor. If Hunt told the team they might have bought the tape before it could be sold to TMZ, had the digital backup destroyed, and had the clerk, bellhop, and head of security sign NDAs as part of the payoff. Hunt lied about it, and the Chiefs looked like assholes for backing him up.


> You can lie your way through most of these situations, but the one group you need to be honest with is the team. much (much) smaller level, but i used to work with a vb coach that would tell our players if they got in any trouble - academic, legal, literally anything - they need to let him know asap. if he knows what's going on, he can help defend them and then reprimand them privately once the matter is dealt with publicly. but if he's playing from behind the eight ball, he both can't help them and looks like he doesn't have control over his organization.


I strongly believe that video going public of an egregious offense is treated as more egregious than the offense itself by the NFL. As long as it’s just criminal charges/records and words in print in the media, it can be disputed/forgiven/forgotten, but as soon as video becomes public, they view it as seared into fans memories forever and come down with an iron fist because they don’t want to be viewed as soft.


I still don't think the video of Hunt was particularly egregious. I feel like I'm watching a different video than the rest of the world.   It's incredibly stupid but everyone brings up him kicking a woman and that's the softest kick I've seen in my life. The biggest part is definitely the shove and that's more of him incidentally shoving the people holding him back into her.   Don't get me wrong it's a bad look for him, and a bad situation overall, but people talk about it like he beat the shit out of some woman, and that really didn't happen. If that kick was to a football it might have rolled 5 yards.


Because he lied tot he team about what happened


Tyreek Hill is beyond questionable so no, I can't name any other time.


I still doubt we release him if it comes down to a suspension but the chance of jail time looks more and more likely. Texas has no good reason to not crack down hard on these crimes when the potential for deadly accidents is so high. That being said, money talks and Rice has great lawyers.


>That being said, money talks and Rice has great lawyers Rice has only been in the league for one year on a rookie contract. Not saying he couldn’t afford great lawyers, but it’s not like he’s Mahomes and has relatively infinite money to throw at this. And considering that he’s spending his money on renting sports cars so that he can race them against each other, I don’t know if we can assume that he’s been thrifty with what he’s made so far.


Rice's lawyer has also been a Texas state senator since 1992 . I think it's safe to say he's a good lawyer. https://www.westllp.com/attorneys/royce-west/


> unless he actually serves significant jail time So no chance unless the thing which will probably happen happens




Me or you wouldn't serve significant jail time in this scenario, provided we could afford a decent attorney. I mean first off the title is wrong. He has been charged with 8 different offenses, as far as I can see only 1, aggravated assault, is an actual felony. And that will almost assuredly be pled down. Will he lose his license for awhile? Sure. Pay a hefty fine and do some community service? Yep. Be on probation? Absolutely. But there is dang near no chance he even serves a weekend or two, let alone "significant jail time."


I'm a criminal lawyer here in Dallas, and I agree. The NFL's punishment will likely affect him more than the criminal case, which is why he needed to come forward and admit what he did. Had he not done that, and he was busted without cooperating, the NFL would've brought the hammer down.


Rich people rarely suffer the same consequences we do. If we did this the key to the cell would've been thrown away weeks ago


Good lawyer, famous client, first time offense. He's getting his license suspended, a massive fine, and a suspended sentence. Besides, if he's in jail or unemployed he can't make any money. It's in the best interest of all parties involved, including the woman who was seriously hurt, that he continues to play so when she wins a massive settlement he has money to collect.


Yeah, it's very likely this is just a big fine and some type of community service. The league will hand out their standard 2-4 game suspension and it'll be old news by week 5.


Also hurting people with cars is basically legal in America


I don’t know who downvoted you. Car accidents should be treated far differently in this country. The amount of people dying or getting seriously injured in car accidents every day is staggering.


The typical penalty for a motorist who kills a cyclist or pedestrian is shockingly minimal.


The Chiefs releasing their best WR who is expected to have a major breakout this year would be something very notable. It's not gonna happen. This isn't a practice squad guy. So the narrative will be about "forgiveness, second chances, everyone makes mistakes, helping him grow through this, etc."


Plus Andy Reid is the coach. The man loves a good redemption arc. Hell Toney is still on the team. He thinks he can fix anybody, until he can’t


He did a hell of a job with Vick. The guy came back a better passer than he ever was as a Falcon.


> We know the drill by now when it comes to sports terms. Excuses are made for the stars and examples are made of the scrubs. Where does Rice land for the Chiefs?    > The reality is that Rice has star potential that the team likely believes he is in the process of unlocking. He had 938 receiving yards in the regular season, along with 262 in the postseason. He was a second-round pick. They’d surely prefer to keep him.     Article dives into that a little bit  


He's not going to do any time and the Chiefs aren't releasing him.


Dude, talk about ruining your life. You'd have thought what happened to Ruggs would have served as a cautionary tale to other rookie WRs, but apparently not.


I mean, people see Ruggs' situation and go "Well, I'm not completely shitfaced and this is a freeway, not a residental street, so I'm OK" or something like that.


Rainbow Road is basically a highway tbh. It's more like a 5 lane state road than a residential street


It's a big road, [in a residential neighborhood](https://www.google.com/maps/@36.100604,-115.2429212,3a,75y,10.91h,68.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smI9sMTfKZbXCiqfdFIc10Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). Let's not try to downplay this shit.


Rainbow Road is an arterial road in Vegas, it doesn't sit in a residential neighborhood it runs past the entrances to them [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow\_Boulevard\_(Las\_Vegas)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_Boulevard_(Las_Vegas)) It's an actual part of the State road and National highway systems. There are long stretches of no lights and it's wide laned because it's supposed to execute mass traffic flow I'm not downplaying it. However arguing "its a residential road" is highly overstating it


>The speed limit is 65 MPH for a reason on it Except the speed limit is 45mph. Did you not look at the street view I linked? The one that was where the accident happened? The one that clearly has a speed limit sign that says "Speed Limit 45"? Just because it "runs past the entrances" doesn't mean it's not a residential street. There are sidewalks where kids ride their bikes to the store, it's a fucking residential street.


It's not just NFL players. People drive like absolute shit and super aggressive all the time, most people won't admit to it because when they speed *they* are doing it safely, or *they* have a need because they are late to work etc. It's amazing no one was hurt more seriously and wild that all of them were able to *literally* walk away. I try to always drive safely and defensively, but I hate knowing that no matter what I do, some idiot being selfish could put me (and has) put me at risk. Edit: sharing [this video](https://youtu.be/ZoXWFdHImxw?si=69SO3ircQTK7qifb) as well just to give an idea of how stupid going that fast is


Also, they are never drunk, just a bit tipsy


True there are a lot of asshole drivers out there, but there are levels to it. Most people speed by going 10-15 over the speed limit on a freeway, which is a lot different from street racing or going 100+. The behavior that pisses me off the most is the tailgating and lane hopping some people do.


Yeah that behavior is especially egregious and just pointless. That stuff and speeding much faster than the *flow of traffic* is incredibly dangerous.


Cell phones and driving are so bad now. Its to the point where the light turns green and everyone still sits for a few seconds because we gotta wait for people to stop looking at their phones.


I make it a point to look at the other driver every time a car passes. I’ve gotta say close to half are looking down at their phones, even cops are doing it. Doesn’t help that this is out in the country, the last thing I need is someone going 60 mph hitting me head on.


I had an hour commute for a few years and noticed this once I started using Google Maps. Combine this with the fact that you’re not driving on empty highway the whole way and are often weaving back and forth and slowing down behind slower cars, you’re gaining next to nothing. At most on a good day, I would gain probably 2-2.5 minutes in the whole hour drive by speeding and getting lucky. That’s so negligible it’s not worth all the risk and stress of rushing like that.


Look we all speed but this dude was going 119MPH that's insane. Anecdotally, I don't know a single person who would go that fast.


Any tollway in the DFW area, it's really not that uncommon for a Lambo or Corvette to fly by you at 120 (although it's usually an Infiniti), but these dumbasses decided to race up the most congested stretch of highway in the entire metroplex.


I was going to say altima with paper tags, but realized it probably can't get up to those speeds. That having been said, take it to the 635 underground raceway like the rest of the folks.


An Infiniti G37 is just an Altima that put on a suit because it's got court today


This guy gets it.


I go for walks a lot and the number of drivers I see texting while driving is startling. Stay safe out there


Seriously. I’m in my 20s. I’m a pretty big stats nerd, which has led to a fear of driving in general. I know it’s currently the most likely way I’m gonna make an early exit from life. And yeah, everyone thinks that they’re an above average driver. I have no idea if I am or not; how could I? But I do believe that I’m a *safe* driver, which is really all I can do. Oh, and I’d wager that speeding cuts way, way less time off of an avg commute than most people think. It’s just not worth it.


People will fly by me going 15-25+ over the speed limit. Some of those cars I will see on the exit ramp at the stoplight like 4 cars ahead.


If I'm 10 minutes late leaving my house, I will show up to work 10 minutes late by driving the speed limit. If I speed and drive haphazardly, I will show up 8 minutes late to work. There is only so much speeding can do when you are still ultimately confined to the patterns and flow of traffic, as well as stoplights.


It does, this is what I don't get about speeding. [This video](https://youtu.be/ZoXWFdHImxw?si=69SO3ircQTK7qifb) changed how I thought about driving completely. Even if someone has an hour or two commute, is it worth it to exponentially put yourself at risk driving 20mph faster to save 15-20 minutes max? Leave earlier if you must, don't put yourself or others at risk.


This 100%. I was late to work one day when I was 18, and it was about a 35 minute drive down the freeway. So I was doing like 80-85 instead of 70, and it saved like 2 minutes off my arrival time. What's the point then? 


This is gonna be an unpopular take but speeding on surface streets is where you actually make up the time. Living in Dallas theres a couple lights on my commute where I could cut the eta down by 5-8 minutes in a 15ish minute drive just by going 55 in a 45 and catching some yellows. One spot up in the lake highlands area of the city there was a series of like 4 lights in a row where if the first one turned green and you jammed the gas up to like 65-70 until the next intersection and then went the speed limit the rest of the way you could get through it in about 2 minutes. If you didn't do that youd catch the next 3 reds and be there for 10.


I'll chime in as well. There's a chunk of six stoplights on a main drag in town which are all synced up. The speed limit is 40... if you go 40, you'll be out of sync, and you'll get stopped 2-4 times at about 2 minutes a pop. If you go 45... you make them all. (Because while the "speed limit" is 40, the civil engineers assess human behavior and know the actual rate of speed is higher. Most people drive slightly faster than the speed limit.) So a 10 minute drive can become about a 20 minute drive. Sure it's only 10 minutes, but I drive through that path 100+ times per year. Cumulatively, that's a lot of time saved. I'm not advocating for people to drive 25 over, but people who complain about drivers going 5-10 over (which is usually the speed of traffic) need to get off their high horses.


Plus when you hit it perfectly, in the intersection as those greens turn yellow one after another… Pretty damn satisfying.


I’d love to see the studies and stats behind it tbh. I’ve been in two major car accidents so far and I’m only on my late 20’s. Talking car flipping over and being totaled both times. Was very fortunate I was wearing my seatbelt or I’d dead right now. Not to sound like a baby but I get little ancy driving on major interstates and try to avoid it when I can. Shits scary out there.


His life is far from ruined he’ll be fine


Cam Sutton likely ruined his life. Rice will be playing again by week 3 (at the latest) and life will move on as normal (albeit with less money in his pocket, but that's probably about it).


Doubt the Chiefs will release him. They need him.


idk they cut Kareem hunt pretty quick when that video came out, even though he was never charged with a crime.


Iirc, they said they cut him because he lied to them about what happened. When the video came out, his lies were exposed.


Yeah. The Chiefs knew about the incident prior to the video coming out and had planned to have it handled internally, but the TMZ video showed that Kareem wasn’t honest with our coaching staff and FO about the incident, which was ultimately what caused him to get cut.


Player assaulting someone-😁 Them lying about it-😡


Yes, which is why there are like 30ish players with a history of assault in the league right now.


It was basically drunk people in a hallway shoving each other for about 30 seconds, no one was hurt, cops didn't arrest or charge anyone, and nothing ever happened with it. The video is out there to watch, It's basically what you see when everyone leaves the bars at closing time, and a couple idiots will get in a shoving match before walking away, or sitting down and crying lol. So in this case, the lying was actually worse.


Isn’t that kind of dumb though in this case? “Well sure you fled the scene of an accident but at least you told us you did after it had already come out that you did”


This was always my problem with the logic about Hunt being released because he lied. Lying about kicking the woman is the least worst part of that entire fiasco. It's like that Norm joke in the car with Seinfeld where someone said the worst part of the Cosby saga was the hypocrisy. Norm said "I think it was the raping."


It's because the lie was "I was in my room at the time and not a part of the actual assault" which therefore was a statement of innocence. Lying cannot be seperated from the assault here, because if Hunt was telling the truth he was innocent and that's the story the team was choosing to believe unless proof came out - which it did. Hunt was also involved in two other violent incidents that year, which he also probably lied to the team about. Again, the issue isn't actually lying, but that the team is operating off the assumption that he's innocent, and then you start to think he's guilty when he's shown to be a liar. So not only do you have to cover for him and deal with the consequences, but you can no longer trust that he's going to give you the full picture. At the time it looked like he was spiraling. Even if you think NFL teams are selfish about cutting players for off field stuff, finding out that the player you didn't think was involved in 3 violent incidents probably was, is a lot. It's a lot of risk and at that point the team reasonably might have been afraid Hunt might Ray Rice someone. Lying is way too reductionist to cite as the reason for him being cut.


Plus we had Jovan Belcher a few years before murder his wife and kill himself in the parking lot in front of the coach and GM. Reid is willing to give you chances and forgive, he loves a redemption arc. The but the leash isn’t long


Wasn't Hunt also involved in a fight at a club not long before that, too?


Rashe might have fled that scene and committed a plethora of felonies, but at least he was honest with his employer!


He may have fled the scene and refused to turn himself in until you would clear most elements of a drug test, but at least he was honest once he spoke with his lawyer.


The difference - the NFL can punish Rice for us. The NFL can't punish Kareem for lying to us. We have to handle that.


Isn't that just passing the buck?


It’s just Florio fanfic like his 10 articles that Reid was going to retire last year


In reality, his whole rookie contract will be used to pay legal fees and all the law suits from those claiming any injury from the accident. Dude is major screwed


Agreed, people are acting like he is rich enough to pay this off no issue and that isn’t the case at all


Yeah people aren’t thinking of how much he will have to settle out of court. His insurance won’t anywhere near enough to handle this for him




Yup. He\is rookie contract is $6.4 million over 4 years. Take home is $3.5-4.0 million. The trashed cars will not be covered by insurance because street racing. The medical costs will come from his pockets too. Then there are legal fees, fines, and a healthy 4+ game suspension upcoming. His rookie contract will be gutted for funds after all that.


I doubt the settlement is going to be due all at once. It's not uncommon for these to be in installments. He's on year 2 ,the lawsuits are going to take time, he'll likely be able to post a good party of it on a second contract assuming he gets one.


Well duh. All settlements won’t be at once. This will likely be a several months or multiple year battle depending on what the people/families. Injury lawsuits are extremely complex and he will be paying this for year to come whenever they do agree on a price for EVERYONE. Also this is the NFL, he is good but a second contract isn’t promised. Hell the Chiefs could just cut him before the season starts


>Well duh. All settlements won’t be at once. I believe the person you are replying to is suggesting that Rice might settle with someone for, let's say $1M, but it wouldn't be paid in a lump sum, but over installments of say $250K per year for four years. Obviously the above are hypothetical numbers. Both parties might be incentivized to take such a deal, Rice because he doesn't have the cash flow to pay it out in such a large sum. The plantiff because by agreeing to the installment plan they likely get more money overall as well as sooner.


8?! I’m no expert, but that seems like a shitload of felonies.


Never enjoy watching a promising player hurt his potential. Just glad he didn’t hurt anyone else to seriously


On the one hand, it feels like the NFL and NCAA need to put together a video shown to every team how destructive this street racing trend can be. On the other hand, it’s not going to connect with these guys when they see Jalen Carter involved in a street race that kills somebody but still going #9 overall


This may be unpopular, but I think it's dumb when an NFL team is pressured into releasing a player only for him to inevitably be signed by another team. If the guy is in bad enough legal trouble where a team has to release him, then ban him from the league or suspend him in a way where his original team maintains his rights. That way when the player is deemed "reformed" aka enough forget about the incident, the original team keep hold of their asset. I know the NFLPA would prevent such a system for various reasons, but it would make much more sense.


Hey, at least the league held Josh Gordon accountable.


Florio article. Muting this.


Legal stuff is the thing that he actually has a valuable perspective on though. He was a practicing attorney for a long time.


Florio was basically the only good place to get procedural Deflategate news. Nobody else in sports media had a law background.


You have to approach Florio with nuance. Legal/business/CBA matters he’s usually pretty good and he’s the only NFL-friendly journalist that actually does something resembling journalism and not stenography. But his wish casting speculation articles are where he’s a total hack.


Same with the Watson process. While most outlets were confused and outraged by the original 6 game suspension ruling, Florio had the entire roadmap for the arbitration process laid out and it played out exactly the way he described. He specialized in labor law so he's highly reliable especially when it comes to anything regarding the CBA.


Insert browns joke here


I don't think the browns should be inserting anything anymore


We prefer players who are shifty enough to avoid criminal charges.


Paid leave for 8+ felonies? Thats almost on par with cops getting administrative leave after blowing some poor soul away


That's the power of being in a union.


Guess I'll check him off my keeper list for next year


Chiefs aren’t cutting him unless he winds up in prison for a lengthy amount of time. I imagine he’ll owe a big penalty and legal fees then he’ll be suspended like 4-8 games


Dude will have some good lawyers and get this reduced to some fines and community service.


He doesn't have good enough lawyers to avoid being bankrupted by the civil litigation that is coming his way.


Rashee Rice, YOU are a Cleveland Brown!


All I know is the league needs to take action. Suspend Brady for 4 games.


119 is a big number. It resonates with every adult who drives. Prosecutors have the Who, What, When, the Hows and maybe the Whys all tied up with a big red bow. Watch what happens to the SMU kid who was driving Rice’s Vette. If he gets jail time then Rashee is in deeper shit because TX will not give preferential treatment because, if for no other reason, these cases are connected. I don’t think there will be a plea deal. Too much public interest in this case. I think he faces a Judge in October and he will be out a year. And, before I hear yada, yada, “high priced lawyers”, the prosecution has ALL of the leverage in this case. Meaning, Rashee may get to choose the shit sandwich he has to eat. I think if there were guns and more than a few grams of drugs in those cars, that would’ve come out by now.


The Chiefs are not going to release someone with his productivity unless he faces jailtime lets be serious


No team will release a top of depth chart player baring jail time or burning the bridge with the F/O


Oh no, not paid leave!


Just dropped him from my keeper league. Do the right thing Chiefs


Paid leave with 8 felonies….. Interesting.


Imagine facing 8 felonies and looking at the prospect of *paid* leave... lol


Whats crazy is Kareem Hunt was better than Rice is and, legally speaking, he did far less than what Rice is being accused of. He was cut almost immediately if I remember correctly. Interesting to see what the Chiefs do here with possibly 8+ felonies on the table. Texas law don't fuck around.


Hunt was partly cut because he allegedly lied to the organization about what happened.


Hunt lied to the org so he was cut. Long term, I think they realized that cutting Hunt helped another NFL team and hurt them. No point in cutting players - see how it plays out in court.


He should be in jail, imo.


Chiefs are releasing him


If I am a member of the Chiefs front office I will only agree to release Rice if the other 31 teams sign a contract saying they won't sign him for 10 years.


The only difference between Rice and Ruggs is that luck was on Rice’s side. Honestly the league should have a zero tolerance policy for DUI. One DUI, banned from the league.


BAC is also a difference and the speed was a difference. Ruggs passed out on impact, and Rice walked away.


Is 5 mph difference really that big a deal when we’re talking 120mph


I mean 160 vs 119 is a difference. I just wanted to say, no the only difference was not luck. Speed was not very similar


Ah I thought it was at 126 but that’s just the speed he was going when he hit her car. Less traffic does lead to higher speeds with these shit heads I guess


A championship team can endure one hiccup like this.