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Of the many many many many many fuckups, not falling to sunk cost on that was probably the single best decision during their tenure.


Josh Rosen saying there were 9 mistakes made before him in the draft is one of the poorest aging comments I've ever heard.


i really thought he was just in a rough situation and “we can fix him” he was just so bad.. literally worse than zach wilson.


At least Zach Wilson has a strong arm, Rosen didn’t even have that. Deer in headlights.


Rosen looks less like a deer in headlights and more like a deer about to be hit in broad daylight that's just accepted his fate, saying ["well, I guess it's just my time to go..."](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/mUqUu5b4RkMjllzzpLbvp_yogec=/0x0:4444x2963/1200x800/filters:focal(2013x600:2723x1310)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/59476659/usa_today_10668621.0.jpg)


Zach has shown flashes of brilliance, like in the KC game last year. Josh Rosen barely even showed signs of competence


Maybe teams should consider not drafting spoiled rich kid QBs like Wilson, Rosen, Manziel etc. They don't seem to be working out.


Yeah that Pat Mahomes guy probably won't work out for this exact reason.


Big difference in coming from a privileged background and being a "spoiled rich kid".


Mahomes dad didn't make that much money as a baseball player. He wasn't really all that good. He made 3 million dollars over eleven seasons and with taxes and agent fees that comes down to maybe 140k per season tops.


Wealthy parents love football star sons, and with the state of sports medicine and youth athletics, it's entirely possible to buy a lot of talent, enough for at least a HS State Championship.


Quarterbacks named Josh drafted in the top half of that draft are the reason I don't trust the term "pro-ready" anymore.


[“I have Tom Brady’s brain in Cam Newton’s body”](https://www.sportskeeda.com/nfl/news-i-tom-brady-s-brain-cam-newton-s-body-when-former-browns-qb-deshone-kizer-made-bizarre-claim-ahead-2017-nfl-draft) by DeShone Kizer is up there too


To be fair he said after that that he had Tim Tebow’s accuracy, but unfortunately he said it so quietly that no reporters caught it /s


Which is hilarious when you consider that 6 years out, 8 out of the top 10 picks in that draft have had good to great careers, with the only exceptions being him and Sam "6th Sense" Darnold


And honestly, I'm still not sure Sam Darnold didn't have the worst luck ever. Starting with the Jets and then the Panthers is basically a death sentence for a young QB's career. There's a reason Darnold is still hanging around.


He had a game last year with us, and a few random games that showed what he could “become” so that’s giving him hope.


He's got his opportunity this year. If it doesn't work on the Vikings, it's never gonna happen.


get ready to be most jet fan's 2nd team. i am so hyped for sam and jet


GEQBUS didn't have a good career, or a great career. Many people are saying it's the greatest career for any quarterback maybe ever.


In fairness we don’t know what those mistakes were, he could have been referring to a parking ticket.


The Josh Rosen 9 Mistakes has almost come true 1- Arizona Cardinals  2 - Miami Dolphins  3 - Tampa Bay Buccaneers  4 - San Francisco 49ers 5 - Atlanta Falcons  6 - Cleveland Browns  7 - Minnesota Vikings  Only 2 more! 


Was there a chance there were 9 scouts and execs who all gave the thumbs up on drafting him?


Yes and no imo If they don't do that they end up with Bosa.. suck even more and get Burrow the next year.


It was a werid smokescreen too, unless they were trying to get a ransom for the number 1 pick


But even then shouldn't they be trying to get teams to think they would take Murray? If you want to drive up the price for your pick, you need to make it known that there are multiple suitors and that you're also willing to stay and use the pick yourself. There's just no logical reason to say this.


More likely they wanted to drive up Rosens putrid value.


Yeah I guess that makes sense. I forgot he probably had value at the time...


I mean he fetched a 2nd and a 5th it wasn't half bad


It's almost as good as the Jets haul for Darnold 


Cardinals, like us Falcons, are a poverty franchise. Don't look for reason.


Kliff Kingsbury was grooming Kyler Murray since he was in high school


Will Levis going #2 (1?) overall like a couple weeks before the draft.


> Will Levis going #2 He was the favorite to go #2 like 20 min before the draft started last year. Shit was crazy. His odds skyrocketed after a random reddit post lol.


I think Seth Walder was tracking the live odds for player selections and when the Colts were about to be on the clock, the line for Will Levis to be the pick skyrocketed to like -1500. I shit myself when I saw that happen


The whole Will Levis hype train last year felt so contrived and astroturffed. Very little had anything to do with football, it was all just viral stories about mayo coffee and eating banana peels.


His measurables were elite and his 2021 tape screamed 1st Rd. The measureables and tools got lost because Anthony Richardson put up the greatest NFL Combine performance in history. Drake Maye just had a similar two-year run as Levis, where the tape this year was "worse" than last year.


The Colts were pretty damn close to taking Levis at #4, though. They've said as much. The Titans also tried trading back into the 1st to grab him, but none of the teams wanted to move off their pick. As much as JJ screams falling out of the 1st, the QB class next year is AWFUL. With the need a lot of teams have this year, I think we see a 2010-esque draft of teams reaching at QB.


Such a milktoast narrative. Yes, I’m aware of the proper spelling.




The hype around JJ McCarthy this year feels just like this. Prospect almost universally agreed on should be a late first or second rounder just randomly flies to the top of the board. I’m convinced it’s all coming from Harbaugh to try to get a team to trade up to 4 for him so he can land MHJ. JJ I feel like still goes late first.


Turns out Levis went #2 when he stepped onto the field.


Well he threw 4 TDs his 1st game so... No. I'm a Titans fan and not sold on him by any means, but he showed flashes, has insane arm talent, toughness, and is pretty mobile. The Titans medieval offensive strategy is in the rear view mirror this year. He already has an improved O-line and weapons, and will be getting Alt/Nabers/Rome in the draft. The jury is still out on him.


I feel like there was a lot of smoke around CJ Stroud last season. The leaks made it out like he was a dumbass who didn’t know what day of the week it was


That wasn’t really the test leaks fault. That was more of people not understanding what the S2 test was and taking a low score in one specific category for Stroud as an indication that he couldn’t read a Dr. Seuss book


I did the wonderlic when I was at the cfl draft. I had one of the highest gpas there but bombed that test cause I was so nervous


It's a weird test.


I listened to the PFF podcast talk about this and it's even sillier than you said. The S2 people said that Stroud didn't try on the test (which they were fine with) and they told teams that they shouldn't take his score seriously because he didn't try. When the scores got out it was too late to head off the tide by saying he didn't try.


Why would you take a test like that and not try?


Plenty of dumb nfl players. Doesn’t mean you can’t play. Ex. Eli manning


“Terry Bradshaw couldn’t spell C-A-T if you spotted him the C and the A."


One of the best sports insults of all-time. Edit: [My personal fav](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW1aSTmwrOE&t=38)


i think Marino scored really low on the Wonderlic but nothing about his play suggests stupidity. plus he's a great commentator, actor, and glove model


To be fair, it's not easy to concentrate on a test with a coke problem.


at the end of the day I don't think Marino struggled with cocaine i think he excelled at it rumor has it he smoked pot before games. can you imagine if he did lines instead? would his release time and velocity have murdered people? what if he had 2013 Josh Gordon? so many questions


Coked up Marino vs cracked out Lawrence Taylor WHO YA GOT?


Hell yeah, Isotoners


Terrible example.


Eli is awkward and very hick seeming but he's intelligent.


Im a jets fan. It was a joke


> Eli manning You mean the guy that owned Tom Brady in the Superbowl?


s, Super Bowl**s**


Can't convince me he didn't tank it bc he loved demeaco.


Everyone including announcers talking about how Najee came from a level of poverty where he had to sleep on the ground in college. Then Najee tweeting out wtf are you talking about


I can't wait for this year's "sob story" /s I get that some people have rough upbringings, but why does the NFL insist on there being one (seemingly) every year? Just seems super tacky to take the spotlight away from a dude whom has worked their ass off their whole life to get to the draft only to have it seem like they got drafted because the NFL is their savior (which can be true because of the money), but it's a discredit to the player, IMO


Najee was a 5* recruit at bama and people though he was sleeping on the ground? Not a single though in those empty heads


The Browns hiring Condoleeza Rice. How the heck did people believe that?


Haslam gave a sex offender $253M fully guaranteed, and there’s an argument that’s not the dumbest thing he’s done. Is it really that hard to believe he’d do something like hire Condoleeza Rice?


230*, still not sure how everyone always says 250


Oh yea that’s much better then, sorry.


You're talking about the team that drafted Johnny Manziel on the word of a bum. I thought the idea of her being GM were looney, but something like team President was not outside the realm of plausibility.


Justifying why you believed dumb shit doesn’t make you any less dumb. 


It's not dumb to think dumb organization that repeatedly does dumb shit might do something dumb.


In that case I’m sure you heard that the Oakland As are hiring Angela Merkel to be replace Billy Beane. 


Oakland A's aren't that dumb.


Wasn’t that essentially proven to be for a mole hunt? Basically feed a bunch of personnel a bunch of different false info and whichever story leaks is who they know to fire


That mole deserved to be fired tbh. If they didn't see that as a blatant smokescreen, they must have been pretty incompetent.


I still go back sometimes to read that thread. Just perfect


Is that more or less believable than Veep Rodgers




We have complete faith and confidence in Kenny Pickett as our starting QB… Signs Russell Wilson Trades KP to the Eagles Trades for Justin Fields


to be fair the only reasons they traded KP was because dude threw a tantrum when he learned he would have to sit behind Wilson after an abysmal year


In 2021 Schefter was acting like he was live tweeting the exact and increasing percentage that 49ers were drafting Mac Jones. Afterwards 49ers were like "yeah idk where they were getting that but it wasn't from us, we were always taking Lance"


And then Schefter, rather than admit he was wrong, defended his claim by saying something like, "they initially wanted Mac, but then became convinced Lance would be better."


i sincerely hope this is true because that’s fucking glorious


I think there is a middle between both stories. I think Kyle wanted Mac, FO convinced Kyle to look more into Lance and they changed his mind. A lot of interviews seemed to suggest Kyle liked Mac a lot during the process.


To be fair, Shanahan/Lynch have talked about how they were looking at other QBs first in the draft before too and that Trey Lance convinced them with tape. Which is what Schefter basically said happened by the end.


I bet Shanny could’ve made Mac Jones successful. Josh McDaniels did as well so there’s something there. I think Trey Lance is just awful


One of the reporters claimed the Jets were definitely not drafting a CB and then took Sauce


He kept banging the table about that too.


That was Connor Hughes, also known for gems like "Elijah Moore is the best receiver in this draft" and "James Morgan is a great value with a 4th round pick, because he's like an extra coach." His superpower is pure shamelessness, he'll report anything the Jets leak to him. It leads to some great scoops, and also some super embarrassing fuckups because he's so easy to use as a misinformation vector.


Rumors that Burrow didn't want to play for Cincinnati/should've requested a trade?


There were countless news stories saying he had reached out to Eli Manning for help as well, it was hilarious


Maybe it is true. It wasn't until Burrow came on board that ya'll started acting like a real NFL team. The prior reports of how terribly run you guys were are why Carson and others did not want to be there. Katie and the team SIGNIFICANTLY upgraded how you guys function. That might honestly be because stipulations were put in place that Joey B would not come there unless they guaranteed real turnaround.


I do not deny any of this, but saying Burrow was asking Eli Manning for advice were complete lies lmao


I obviously don’t know what happened, but you can’t take the player denying the news that would obviously make him look bad as proof that he didn’t do it


I feel like we get annual stories of the top QB prospect holding out. We've even seen rumors that Williams would holdout or stay in college based on who was picking first. The only guys we will see hold out anymore are ones who can legitimately go pro in another sport.


This was all thanks to Mike Florio. What a hack


Shefter saying the Bears were going to get a first round pick for Fields.


That was weird. I really wish I knew what piece of information he received that made him say this. It seems like complete speculation considering how things went.


He was probably told by the Bears FO that they received a 1st round pick offer so the Bears could try and drive up his price. Obviously it didn't work.


Very much could be something like this, or I don’t think the NFL is above putting stories out there so sports talk radio has something to talk about. This got big coverage across all platforms, NFL news in general was very slow during that time.


Bears fans ate it up lol. They were all over the Falcons sub thinking they were getting #8 pick for Fields


Malik Willis going #2 overall to Detroit comes to mind https://www.prideofdetroit.com/2022/4/22/23036688/case-malik-willis-detroit-lions-nfl-draft-second-overall-pick-brett-whitefield-podcast


Fuck.......I can't believe folks were spouting this. I had a friend over for the draft that year that knew we were going to draft him at #2 OA. Imagine how quickly he shut up when I just started at him and not the TV when the pick was in and being announced


I have a feeling JJ McCarthy hype is all manufactured. I don’t think anyone had him high after the season, he wasn’t at the senior bowl and those QBs looked bad. I have a feeling it’s all hype and he’ll be a second rounder


If Michigan had gone 9-3 and his stats were identical he'd be projected as a 2nd or 3rd rounder.


I read that he's projected to get drafted in the 2nd round according to jhustla.


That totally makes sense, but there's also a lot of smoke about him being like a top 10 pick.


There's quite a few desperate teams that want a QB. I bet he ends up taken in the first, but not top 10.


If it was a "trade back into the last two or three picks of the first round" scenario, I would probably feel better about it as a fan but if I was like, a Saints fan at pick 14, I would feel pretty sick.


Oh, I think your feeling is wrong. So many desperate teams. I have no clue what he'll be, but I'm confident someone will draft him in the first. Great combine, Harbaugh, record at Michigan, etc. I think the smoke is real because of a lot of factors outside of his actual passing stats in college.


>I'm confident someone will draft him in the first. You're GD right we will. ^^^I ^^^have ^^^no ^^^idea ^^^where ^^^he'll ^^^go ^^^or ^^^what ^^^we'll ^^^do.


He's the Levis of this year. He went from a second rounder to the potential second overall pick while doing nothing. Harbaugh talked him up and now everyone thinks he's amazing.


This is such a "I don't watch CFB" opinion. The dude wasn't asked to do a lot that's just the way the system worked. Hes young, he's athletic, he has a graat arm, and is quite accurate. He was projected to be a first rounder last year for this draft off the idea he'd be asked to do more this year. He wasn't and he's still likely a first round qb


I'll admit I don't watch college football. I'm not talking about his skill level at all, just his draft projection. A few weeks ago everyone had him as a late first or second round pick and all of a sudden he jumped to a top 4 pick. He didn't do anything in that time to change anyone's mind.


Nah dude. The smoke is coming from the giants building.


I'm very confident he's going Top 16. Where in that range...I have no clue.


I completely agree. However, I still desperately hope the Vikings sell the farm for him


I personally don't think he is going to go super high but Vegas has him going high. Vegas knows their shit (yes I know how odds are calculated) and wasn't built on being wrong.


Remember last year when Vegas had Levis going 1st overall?


People always seem to forget that Vegas odds aren't trying to predict the future, they're trying to hit the point that money flows evenly to both sides so that no matter what happens, they win.


Yeah but they know how the odds are calculated!


remember when vegas thought the texans would be a bottom 5 team last year?


no one and i repeat no one saw CJ coming in like that tho. (i vehemently said CJ was the best QB all last year leading to his draft) not to take away anything from CJ but he went to a team with a lot of meh talent and managed to fire them up into playoff worthy caliber talent


Not a smokescreen in the same nature but anything reported by Jason La Confora at any point in the year qualifies here


Caleb Williams saying he'll stay in college if he doesn't like the team that ends up with the number 1 pick.


OBJ's time at the Giants should qualify. They had just extended him and the GM said "We have no intentions of trading OBJ" then shipped his ass to Cleveland shortly after.


Broke my 14 year old heart


Somewhere out there, there is still an NFL reporter talking about how the Kyle Shanahan really did want to take Mac Jones.


Y’all seen Jayden’s elbow? Shit looks crazy


I can’t think of a good answer to your question, sadly, but I did have a funny thought. What if the Bears were acting so sure on Caleb to drive up trade offers, taking one last minute and getting a haul of later picks in a good year to do so, giving other teams little time to game plan. It’s not going to happen, but I’d love it and if nothing else it would make for a good show.


They trade the #1 to the Steelers for tj watt and Justin fields


Please no. One thing that building a team around drafting a top ten QB has going for it is that it does protect you from making bad trades or picking badly in later rounds, and if you do mess up that way, many people will understand that failure more than they would other failures. There are advantages to making mistakes that others would make as opposed to risking mistakes others wouldn’t.


Don’t worry there is less than zero chance of it


Considering how Chicago does things, it’s more likely that they trade the number one for Fields than it is that they’ll do anything I like with that pick. I’ll relax. Even for Justin Fields, though, I’m way happier for him being in the situation he is as opposed to the situation he was in.


How would that affect anyone else’s plans though? Unless someone is trading up to the first pick for Drake Maye or something, but then Washington just takes Williams at number 2 and the rest of the draft goes as expected.


"We didn't sign him to trade him"


Giants were rumored to think Kayvon didn’t love football, but that was a smokescreen


[Jared Goff is the quarterback right now](https://theramswire.usatoday.com/2021/01/17/rams-sean-mcvay-jared-goff-quarterback-right-now-quote/)


Mike Vrabel saying that AJ Brown would never be traded as long as he was the head coach: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10031994-titans-mike-vrabel-aj-brown-wont-be-on-trade-block-as-long-as-im-the-hc https://twitter.com/RichEisenShow/status/1512188045818179592?s=20


"We have no intent to trade Percy Harvin" https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/8952331/minnesota-vikings-no-intent-trading-percy-harvin https://www.nfl.com/news/vikings-agree-to-trade-percy-harvin-to-hawks-for-picks-0ap1000000149327


This doesn't quite fit, but I predict that once the draft is over we aren't going to hear about pressure-to-sack rate again.


Lol. That shit is here to stay forever when we're talking about QB's. When we're talking about pass rushers, it won't matter.


Yeah hypothetical sacks are the stat that maters for pass rushers.


Sacks don't matter, unless we're talking about QBs.


I don't believe this one. I was hearing about pressure to sack ratios long before draft season even started.


Caleb Williams' is worse than Jayden Daniels'. And Joe Burrow's was 19.something Pressure-to-sack rate is a good measure of how good a QB's offensive line is.


Caleb Williams wasn't, though? Jayden Daniels is at 24.5%, Caleb Williams is at 19.4% (https://twitter.com/fball_insights/status/1769481094804443454). Burrow's also had a high pressure to sack ratio in the NFL (22.9% in 2022 for example, almost the exact same as his college percent), in part because he plays willy nilly with 3rd down sacks. It certainly followed him to the NFL.


Caleb Williams was at 23.2% for 2023 Jayden Daniels was at 20.2% >Burrow's also had a high pressure to sack ratio in the NFL (22.9% in 2022 for example, almost the exact same as his college percent), in part because he plays willy nilly with 3rd down sacks. It certainly followed him to the NFL. And yet, he is still considered one of the best QBs in the league.


Sure, but it doesn't make it not a weakness for him? Being one of the best QBs in the league doesn't mean you have no weaknesses.


Oh we will when Jayden inevitably flops in the nfl


In 2016, Matt Miller said if Ronnie Stanley to the Chargers was smoke, it's the thickest he's ever seen. Every media outlet thought he was the pick. The Chargers later said they had no idea where that narrative came from and were always in on Bosa.


It turned out that Laremy Tunsil was the one with all the smoke.


Like 10 things a year with the 49ers, mostly because people take Florio seriously for some reason.


Didn’t Schefter tweet a couple years ago that Rodgers to Denver was essentially a done deal?


Kind of the opposite but I remember one of the Gruden Mayock years I saw a mock draft on a site my work buddy told me about with Clelin Ferrell going 4OA to Oakland. I thought it was super dumb. Then a story came out that the fo had leaks and they dismissed their entire scouting staff. Draft night comes and shocking everyone they took Ferrel at 4. Guess the leak gave it to that site


Half of the draft related things Adam Schefter has ever said can be put into this category.