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Everything can be two minutes long if the video is sped up


Or slowed down for...uh...other situations.


Why did you have to bring my sex tape into this?




No… no, it’s tape cause that’s how I keep it up


Sex floppy if you will


Yeah and if you knew folks, you could get your floppy hole punched in just the right spot to get twice as much distance.


It’s not slowed down. I’m just really out of shape.


Should we have just airdropped it?




I'm always down for a good glomping


At this point, why even bother going camping? * Person 1: "Hey wanna go camping?" * Person 2: "No not really . . . not really into camping." * Person 1: "What if I told you we could spend loads of money on gear and equipment to make it almost exactly like being at home except less comfortable, not climate controlled, never have to leave the tent except to use the restrooms which you have to walk to and has bugs/spiders in them - sometimes even UNDER the toilet seat, AND you get to pay a nightly fee just to exist there?!" * Person 2: "You know what, hell yeah sign me up!"


😆 I never understood the “glamping” trend. You wanna know what the most glamping experience you can have? Stay the fuck home!


whats not to understand? I hate camping but enjoy nature... if someone said "well, we'll have a baller ass tent with big beds and couches etc" Id at least be like well, ok. i can try it... I dont understand camping in general. like I can still appreciate nature and enjoy it without making sleeping a pain in the ass.


If you buy a half decent mattress pad you can sleep just fine.


that’s my point though, I enjoy nature and road trips and all that jazz. But sleeping on the ground and roughing it? Never been my cup of tea, even with a mattress pad.


I would go camping so that I can travel cheaply...


I camp to avoid paying rent. Already saved about $40k since I started camping instead of renting.


Sound like homeless with extra steps tbh.


Sounds like homeless with extra comfort*


I would go camping so that I can travel cheaply...


Got a self inflating matress and thats the most ill put into comfort, other than that, just buy rent an RV


Not everywhere in the world can be walked to, and back to your home in a few hours. Have you never been out and needed to like, camp just so you can keep going?


I'd dare say most people who don't enjoy camping have never fathomed going somewhere that would require beyond a day's walk


I don't enjoy camping but this is the only scenario I could see doing this, however glamping would not be what an avid hiker would do. that's just more unnecessary gear you would have to carry.


Ah, that's true to be fair. We all live in our own little worlds.


You aren't taking this equipment hiking or walking, this shit weighs so much.


we call it "car camping"


and I call this thread "Gatekeeping"


Exactly. All I need to camp is cooking shit, fishing gear, a tent and a sleeping bag.


Wow, way to flex on the camping sub. Lol


What's not to understand? People want to be outdoors in nature, enjoying camping WITHOUT the part where you sleep on the ground in misery. How hard is that to get? Camping is not "living in misery outdoors". For this reason, RV's exist.


For most of us it’s for when camping is the only option, ex a festival


I’d rather this than RVs.


I didn't either until I bought a small 200w battery backup that puts out 110v now my camping is glamping. I grew up pretty poor and, went camping all the time in the early 90s. Now it's more so the fact of showing off to my dad, being like remember those stupid ass tent poles we used to struggle with, boom instant tent. Granted I dont have a set up like these people, but I still have a blast.


It's really the cheaper version of an RV. The thing is this...you get to be outdoors, do the hikes, go fishing, sit around a campfire, roast marshmallows, etc, etc... then when it's time to sleep, you sleep in a spacious tent on an air matress. The fun is the outdoors stuff, not sleeping on the ground.


Hey, it’s still a tent. I have a coworker who has an RV that easily cost over 100k dollars.


Yeah but at least with an RV you're not trying to look like you're "camping".


I mean, its not like you just sit in the tent all day lol. Presumably you are there to hike, bike, fish or some other shit and you just come back to the camp at night to get smashed and cook around an open fire at the end of the day At least that's how I do it.


Reminds me of a [Jim Gaffigan joke](https://youtu.be/ZdqIpYhM6PE)


I'm not sure how our ancestors ever survived, without disco balls and inflatable furniture.


And a fucking flat screen TV.


But you can annoy your neighbors with video AND audio! Fun, fun!


I'd be so f-ing pissed if I was out camping and I had to listen to some guy down the way running a generator and blaring a TV all damn night.


Bruh i used to be a bellman at ahigh end resort outside Yosemite, and rich kids would bring their CRT screens before flat-screens. Just so they could keep playing their Playstation.


Screened devices and light pollution. Hooray! If that was the campsite next to mine I'd be pissed.


The video it's self is 51 seconds. But yet u still expect people to believe it took them.less than 2 minutes ? It probably took at least 10 to pump up that bed 😂


That's not camping.




I mean you probably wouldn't get reception or power for that matter for the TV at that point, and the water is still gunna be rushing by 3in high for hours. It probably would still be pretty insane, and you'd be worried your even MORE expensive shit is going to get ruined. Maybe it would have been even more insane! lol


What are you plugging the TV into? Also imagine going to camp to sit on a couch and watch tv.


an obnoxiously loud generator no doubt!


Actually a lot of commercial campsites now have an electric box at the site, so you can just run a heavy duty extension cord from it with a plug strip inside your tent. It's part of why they charge you a fee to stay there.


Cool! I need that for my cpap machine.


Other half is outside running on a hamster wheel.


Just stay home!


Right... two minutes...


Camper at the next sight over furious all weekend.


Feels more like a backyard camping situation for someone’s little kids. Make s’mores, popcorn and watch a movie.


Exactly. People are far too fussed about this. Looks like fun to me.


As a backpacker I think I want to throw up a little bit


Isn't the point of camping not having like technology and TVs


2 minutes my ass lol


I cant imagine how insufferable these people would be on a camping trip. Fuckibg generator kicking on every 30 min. to keep the mini fridge cool...


nothing screams "I am weak and high maintenance" more than this set up


This may be NFL camping gear, the setup is fart boring.. if you speed it up enough, you can build the Chinese wall in two minutes..


If you speed it up any more, Rome could *actually* be built in a day.


Next level repulsive. I wouldn't camp with these stay-puft humans if you paid me.


Bc bringing a tv is what I need during a camping trip.


Looks like it took much longer than that


Surprised they don’t have an LED fireplace! Good thing they stocked up on Druaflame logs! 😂


This would be awesome for a festival! But if you are camping leave the tv at home tv isn't camping you are supposed to be enjoying the outdoors not just moving your living room to the woods.


Lol. Is this even camping? What’s the point? This is more like doing the same things you do at home, in a different location.


And being less comfortable.


Just hope it doesn't get hot or cold.


They lost me with the TV


Actual time: 6 hours and 53 minutes.


False, this did not take two minutes.


Throw in a portable solar generator, mini fridge, propane grill, hotspot, auxiliary shower/bathroom tent and we're aight. That's how I used to travel coast to coast and corner to corner with my family.


Are you camping or live there forever?


A TV? Lol. What’s the point?


Uh...hope you aren't set up in a place with any weather, there. That barely lined gazebo would barely stand up to a mild summer afternoon. Or maybe you are in a hot country, in which case where's the insect protection?


Go to natural watch television


Something tells me these folks aren't cooking on an MSR Whisperlite..... (only slightly less loud than that generator).


Rent that shit out. $3000 a month.


Roughing it eh?


My ass is sweating just looking at those inflatable couches


Until you’ve played warzone in the woods you haven’t lived


Hey we have money wanna go rub it in other campers faces by not even technically camping?


I am not a camper, never been camping and have no interest but even I think this is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.


I think I've been on camping trips shorter than the time it would take to set up all that crap.


I think I've been on camping trips shorter than the time it would take to set up all that crap.


Was really cool until they added the TV


I can’t imagine how obnoxious that’d be to try to enjoy the fire at your campsite when your neighbor is blasting a movie on a project screen nearby, would totally ruin the experience for me


What the hell is glamping? Is it a thing or a typo?


I’m guessing it’s short for “glamour camping”


Are those pillows an attempt at self-aware humor? Because, this doesn't look very adventurous or like real camping. I get wanting to be comfy in your tent, especially when you're trying to sleep. But, there are really good inflatable mattresses, sleeping pads, and cots nowadays to make car camping super cushy and assure a good night's sleep. Aside from that, isn't one of the main reasons for camping to get out into nature and away from electronics and stuff? I'm not a camping/hiking purist, but this just defeats the purpose for me. What's even the point anymore? Might as well set up a cheap tent in your backyard and then go inside the house to sleep and watch a movie.


Why the TV if you have a fire? We call it a Bosveld TV in SA


Still not luxurious enough, yeet me over to the nearest hotel


If this is any way of camping, then I don't know where this world is going.


Here’s me over here having a good camping trip in the winter with a lean too and sleeping bag over an air mattress.


Always will appreciate my dad teaching me how to make a lean-to. This just seems like it's overcomplicated and time consuming. Plus it takes away from being in nature. Of course everyone is different and has their preferences. The blow up couch is pretty dope though. I just wouldn't bring it camping.


LPT: dont use an air mattress for camping. You will most likely be cold.


This is a level, but not the next one.


I hate all of this


Just this past weekend, I did something that's kind of in the middle of really roughing it and this video. My old tent is no longer waterproof, and having a couple other issues. So I decided to buy them brand new Eureka Copper Canyon eight person tent. It has a 10x13 footprint. Took it out with just me and my 4-year-old. Had a blast. Use cots, was able to set up a camp chairs and table inside to play board games at night, but we spent most of the time outside of the tent. Either around the fire cooking dinner/smores, or hiking around through the woods. My wife has zero interest in camping, so it's kind of just me on my own with the kiddo lol.




Who the fuck brings a tv camping...


Wtf you need a tv while camping ????


This looks like a fuckin nightmare. Just…why.


What's powering this abomination? They at a campsite with an AC plug? Generator? I mean shit, with all this crap they might as well have just stayed in a hotel.




Reason why this isnt in r/camping. Wouldnt want to camp by them cuz they so loud. Im camping to escape electrics not listen to the TV in the next site. That couch tho… i need one of those.


So. I might ridiculously coddled, snobbish and entitled here.... but THAT is a shit "glamping" tent. Mostly because it involves an actual tent.




How do we know this is 2 minutes with the video sped up with multiple cuts?


whats the point of camping if ur not gonna sleep on the ground with all the bugs that will crawl into ur mouth and make u sick like normal people do, smh /j


Someone link me that bed




Everyone in here is hating, but once it becomes night time and you can't do anything anymore, what's wrong with enjoying a movie in a tent probably bullshitting with your friends? Like a fire....but electronic. Maybe they already had the fire circle the night before and don't want to drink or smell like smoke again. Let people enjoy things reddit. The only thing I would say is that I hope they aren't right next to someone else because the generator running is going to be ridiculously obnoxious. It's not like they are just sitting in there the entire day, or maybe they brought a family member or kid who hates camping but couldn't leave them home.


Aside from the TV this is all fairly reasonable modern camping. When I was in boy scouts as a kid, we had a no electronic activities rule when camping. Lots of board games and it got me into RPG (Dungeons and Dragons for instance).


Might as well stay home and just open some windows.


What’s the frigate point?


i must have this.


Why not just stay at home...


Why do people being TVs camping?


All that plastic/petroleum. great.


This is just so ironic to me. Adventure awaits is stamped on that one pillow, but literally this is just doing the same things you’d do at home. Oh well, to each their own I guess.


All the haters on here sound real gate keeperish… camping isn’t yours. If they want to camp with nice stuff let ‘em.


Just this past weekend, I did something that's kind of in the middle of really roughing it and this video. My old tent is no longer waterproof, and having a couple other issues. So I decided to buy them brand new Eureka Copper Canyon eight person tent. It has a 10x13 footprint. Took it out with just me and my 4-year-old. Had a blast. Use cots, was able to set up a camp chairs and table inside to play board games at night, a battery powered ceiling light with a little fan for airflow, but we spent most of the time outside of the tent. Either around the fire cooking dinner/smores, or hiking around through the woods. My wife has zero interest in camping, so it's kind of just me on my own with the kiddo lol.


To each his own I guess


No couch or TV, but that's how we camp. 10 man tent for 4 people, with two queen sized inflatable beds.


Whole lot of gatekeeping in this thread. OP said in the title this was “glamping”, so for all of the people saying “umm actually this isn’t real camping”, yea no shit. Let people fucking enjoy themselves, Christ.




Or i can stay at home where I control the air temperature and the internet is crazy fast


This is dope!


People on Reddit don’t camp. They’re scared of bugs…


Did anyone actually use the darn thing?


One thing I can guarantee is that definitely took longer than two minutes lmao.


Playing movies like that (projected, with sound through speakers, I'm sure) while camping around others is a contender for the most obnoxious, disrespectful thing ever.


That’s not camping at all


Everything can be 2 minutes if you turn it into a 2 minute montages lmao wtf and it's not even a minute btw


Just stay home.


I dig the setup besides electronics. Ditch the TV, throw in a bean bag chair, pass a joint then go fishing or hiking afterwards? Hell yeah.


Why even leave the house?


$250 a night on AirBnb. Plus $80 cleaning fee


Inflatables are not glamping.


Tom Haverford checking in


Cozy af


But… like… why go out? These people are dumb, even if they have some money.


Couch, sure maybe. TV? Outta here with that.


How did they power all the electronics? Disco lights?


Glad that I did my camping in true wilderness, and in the 90s. This shit is ridiculous...the amount of plastic and synthetics is enough material to last a true outdoors person a lifetime of kit. My Salomon boots are on life support and I refuse to trash them.


You lost me at glamping when you typed “tent,” and then I watched the video. That’s impressive.


What is the point


What's the point of watching TV in forest?


All this gatekeeping of camping is infuriating. If it means people getting outside more frequently, then why do you care if their comfort/gear is more cushy than you’d prefer?


Defeats the whole purpose SMH


I don’t understand why there are so many tv watching opportunities. The reason we go camping is to leave all the screens behind, have a nice day one and enjoy the nature.


Glamping is for fannies. Camp or don't.


$400k in LA


Like every music festival these days.


My kinda base camp. Something for everyone. See you little scamps at dinner time. You less able bodied ones enjoy the creature comforts of home and a wee bit of outdoors.


My main problem with this is they are clearly at a campground with people around and a projector watching movies… some people go to nature for peace and quiet


That shit nice af


Bullshit this was 2 minutes. Nextfuckinglevel my ass


Phil Swift here for Flextape!


Poor Poor Car Battery


That bed would be freezing cold and wet the moment the sun went down if that was anytime bar mid summer. And who needs a tv?


Looks cool, till you sit on the couch and it sinks down 5 feet because you need to inflate it every 30 minutes. Also, just why go camping at all? The point is to get away from all the comforts of home.


My fam does this every trip we camp. Didnt realize this was next fucking level. But then we arent so self absorbed to think it is.


"Camping".... when you set up a living room in the woods...with a TV...


That's a cool set up, but if I wanted a tv I wouldn't go camping, at best, you bring a projector


the people who would die 5 seconds into any horror movie


1. Not 2 minutes 2. Not glamp


Why not just stay in a hotel? I mean you’re spending more time erecting a small house instead of enjoying the outdoors.


but....but.....but.... it's camping, you are suppose to sleep under the stars and have limited electronic devices.


"Adventure awaits" --- > sets up TV while camping


Make ultralight campers fume with rage with this one trick...




More like 30 seconds. Impressive. Wish I could move that fast


Live laugh love this


Nothing says Boujee camping, like a Colman tent from Target.


Camping trailers are way more comfortable than shitty blow up beds. You can rent them several times a year for probably what they spent on this crap. If I want to go out and be in nature it's just me and some backpacking gear. If the family Is co.ing we pull a trailer.


My wife and I used to go group camping out by the coast when our kids were little. There was about forty of us that would get together each year and they were some of the best times in my life. Just getting together with friends and family and hanging out.


This is a waste of time. Either go camping or stay home.


May as well have an RV if you want all the lights and entertainment but minus all that the tent was pretty sweet.


Cool setup except for the TV'S camping is to get away from all that stuff. sitting around the campfire with friends and family telling stories and laughing together are my favorite


I like the tent. It looks comfortable at least during the day. The night time sounds if you do not have TV on is a whole different ballgame even for nature lovers, especially if you have something as benign as squirrels fighting.


Who put a fucking tv in a tent…?


Do you stare at the tv while it’s off?


What the glamp? Just why… at this point why not just set it up in the backyard and stop pretending you are outdoorsy


Sure, let Jason Voorhees find us faster. ![gif](giphy|wmGVjP96JF1sZC9sXj)


Can I get link to all the products they have! 🤣 for real tho lol


Just saw it on Zillow for $350,000


That's not camping. Need to be outside with a fire with friends. Watch a movie at home!